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  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    Kathc, copy and paste this link to see the information I am quoting. This article states that the FDC allows generic pharma companies to vary the active ingredient between 85% to 125% of the brand name....which means you could be getting less than or more than 2.5mg of letrozole and that it could contribute to side effects as much as fillers might. This was posted a couple of pages back in this thread. I try not to believe everything I read, but this was disturbing. Edited.....the article states that the amount of drug absorbed in the blood stream can vary between 85% and 125%...I'm not a pharmacist so not sure if that is as disturbing as how I interpreted the amount of active ingredient.


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Actually, what it says is "According to FDA guidelines, generics are required to reach maximum blood concentrations that are between 80% and 125% of the levels achieved by brand-name drugs. Suppose that you switch to a generic that delivers medication at the low end of the range. You may find your symptoms aren't as well-controlled as they used to be. If the drug is at the high end, you'll be more likely to have side effects"

    Blood concentration levels above or below the brand name. That is how much of it gets into your blood stream. I copied and pasted that directly from the page you said. Further more, a little bit later, another one of the bullet points said , "• Fillers. The active ingredients in generic and brand-name drugs are the same, but the extra ingredients—such as binding agents, preservatives and pill coatings—may be different. These ingredients are supposed to be inert. But new research suggests that they may affect how drugs dissolve or how they're absorbed by the body. The active ingredients in generic and bran named drugs are the same etc,..

    Myself, I am more worried about all the fake drugs that are out there, there have even been instances where there was fake chemo given to many people. I did hear it on one of the new channels the other day, I don't know which newstation it was, since the remote was in HIS hands, about what a huge problem that is becoming, where, besides some of them not having the required amout of the drug, in some cases it actually will have dangerous toxins in them.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    It probably means in any case, that the difference between them that the FDA does allow, means that it is effective at the lower blood concentration level (85), and not dangerous at the higher (125) peak plasma level.

    Anyway, I still hate it.

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234

    Been on Femara about 9 months and have had no pain and minimal hot flashes. Now as of yesterday and today I have aching in my shoulders and neck and lower back. Is this caused by the Femara or could it be a reaction to weather changes (cold and wet) and my body's sensitivity to it? If this pain is caused by Femara, I can understand why many women discontinue it. If caused by Femara, do the pains ever leave? Reading the leaflet that comes with this drug does not answer my questions.

  • flaviarose
    flaviarose Member Posts: 249

    Hello All,

    Sorry to jump in without reading the previous 212 pages, but I was wondering if anyone had any information. I've heard that aromatase inhibitors don't work as well in people who are overweight. I am overweight. I am taking arimidex. I have heard that Femara is stronger than arimidex and better for overweight people. Does anyone know anything about this? thanks in advance.

  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319
    • Don't know anything about weight issues. I've been on Femara/letrozole for almost 5 years. I'm 5'6" and between 118-123 any day. Weight was never mentioned to me.
  • fizzdon52
    fizzdon52 Member Posts: 382

    I've never heard of the weight connection either. I know AI's are supposed to be better for people with ILC but never heard of the weight thing???

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    honeybair - Femara can definitely cause pain in the shoulders, neck, and lower back.  From my experience the aches were at their worst at 9 months.  It was also my knees.  I was so crippled up I had to use a cane to walk.  Onco said the pain would get better as my body adjusted.  He said to give it a few more months.  He was right. At 12 months the pain was much improved.  I started taking fish oil (4 grams a day) for the joint pain and that may have helped too.  I've been on femara now for 2 years 7 months and the aches and pains come and go, but have never been as bad as the 7 to 9 month time had been.  My onco told me to take more ibuprofen.  Exercise helps too. 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    flaviarose - I'm overweight, too.  Onco didn't specify why he chose femara, but I will certainly ask him.  I see him next week.

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234

    GrandmaV, I am at the 9 month time frame. I just cannot believe how much pain this drug causes and how sudden the onset of it. I did exercise my arms and shoulders which helped with the pain and stiffness in my neck. I also walk around 30 minutes each day but I am going to add some dancing around with the music of Jerry Lee Lewis each day as well. Thanks for coming to my aid. I had no idea that pain could come after taking Femara for a while because I have done so well on it. I used to take high dose fish oil before the cancer treatment and never had aches and pains. I need to find a soy free brand. What do you take?

  • flaviarose
    flaviarose Member Posts: 249

    Here are some articles on aromatase inhibitors and obesity:

    I'm doing to talk to my doc when I see him in January.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887

    Honeybair, you might consider trying glucosamine as well as fish oil (works for some people, others not) and also try using a heating pad around your shoulders/neck when you're sitting. I use one a lot in cold weather for issues with degenerating discs, and it really feels great.

    You might try using a fitness band and doing some long, slow stretches and maybe ask for a referral to a physical therapist to get some targeted assistance.

    I hope all this passes off quickly for you - I know that the colder weather doesn't help any of our joints or aches!

  • tessy
    tessy Member Posts: 38

    Fish oil, glucosamine chondroiten, turmeric and baby aspirin are all anti-inflammatory and help with the joint pain. I am also starting with some essential oils to help with decreasing joint pain and just overall health benefits. Anyone else used essential oils?

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    honeybair, "Doctor's best" DHA 500 from Calamari (squid) - has no soy.  I get it from Swanson's vitamins.  Dancing is a fun way to get exercise.  I've been trying belly dancing.  So fun.  I look ridiculous, but I love it.  There are lots of beginner videos on utube.  

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    flaviarose thanks for the info. 

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887

    Please be careful with the baby aspirin and check with your MDs. Believe it or not, it CAN cause really nasty gastro-intestinal bleeding which can be life-threatening. This is NOT theoretical. I speak from experience, unfortunately.

    There are lots of benefits to it, including possible reduction of risk of recurrence - you just have to be careful with it and make sure your care providers are aware of the usage.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Hi ladies.  Been out for awhile.  So, unfortunately, I found out that I've got two issues that were causing my dizziness.  First, I'm anemic, not sure why yet, but the dr is putting me on an iron supplement.

    Second, and much more problematic, I was diagnosed with multiple, bi-lateral pulmonary embolisms.  They (my GP and MO) seem to be assuming they were caused by the letrozole.  I'm currently getting two shots a day (by hubby) of fragmin (man is that stuff expensive - the co-pay is $100.)  There are no plans at this time to put me on permanent blood thinners such as Warfarin even though this is my third episode with blood clots as each episode had a known cause.  I'm seeing my MO week after next and we're going to discuss next steps. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    gg: sorry to hear that. Hope that your next step discussion yields fruit you can really use.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Thanks, Eph.  Me too.  :)  How are you doing since going off this stuff?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    So far no real big difference. I initially thought I was sleeping better even though I didn't think I was sleeping poorly, but I've had 2 nights of insomnia this week so not certain. Tomorrow is 1 month from my last pill. I don't feel like I am "snacking" as much, which is good.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239

    GG- sorry to hear about the recurrence of PEs Dang! Praying they hop outta there and cause trouble someplace else.

    Regarding letrozole/Femara and obesity, I was told I am on Femara rather than others since I was menopausal already.

    Obesity increases risk of breast cancer x4. I had lost weight before finding out I had bc (ironically) and since starting Femara had gained 16 or so lbs and lost 2 and a half lbs so far and determined to get the rest off. Fat tissue houses a weak form of estrogen, estradiol, so letting myself gain weight back isn't such a hot idea for me given I was estrogen positive. I am not sure Femara is truly the culprit, it does seem to stimulate my appetite but when I use my fitness pal app and stick to the calories I need to I can rein it in some! ;)

    This journey isn't for wimps. We are all navigating the best we can, that is for sure.

    Hugs to you all.


  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234

    Thanks to all of you for your helpful advice. Am having a better week this week, but still too much pain if I sleep in my bed, so I sleep in my good old Lazy Boy recliner. Already on baby aspirin but will begin fish oil again. It worked wonders in the past but I got off it last year during chemo, etc.

    GG, so sorry about your clotting issues. I had to go on Xarelto for a year because of that. The troubles we have to endure, but at least we are all still here.

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565

    Cindy, I agree that if you stick to calories you can lose but I do think it has increased my appetite!!!!

  • TheNannie
    TheNannie Member Posts: 4

    I have been taking Letrozole for 1 1/2 years and have many aches and pains, plus sleeping problems. I asked my Doc today if I can stop taking the medicine for awhile and he said one month, so I stopped today, to see what aches and pains go away and what is left, that may be from something else like a hernia I seem to have developed after DIEP surgery seven months ago. I believe the Dr is good, but maybe I exercised too hard or to much grocery carrying, etc..., to soon. Anyway who has facts on what statistics there are on breast cancer. Coming back, if I stop?. I am over 62 and my bones hurt and I cant sleep at night! I'm tired alot and wake up feeling awful!

    Really, one is suppose to loose weight and exercise. How can one do that when they feel they are falling apart??? Who out there can help with their own experiences. I was reading a post and someone was saying they had enough Femara (Letrozole), and they knew women that got radiation and surgery and nothing else, and are still ok after 15 years. Whomever that person is, I hope you see my post and comment. Maybe a strict diet and exercise and certain supplements and a homeopathic Dr or the like has advise. Help and facts needed here. Oh, I almost forgot that same person said maybe not everyone needs to take the estrogen blocker because it depends on individual circumstances; like what stage, how big, diet, etc.....


  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Nannie, I know others will be along who know more than I do.  I don't think there are any statistics for stopping femara early.  It's up to each person to decide what's best for them.  There are threads on this site for those who want to go the natural route.  The thing is to keep your estrogen level low.  My tumor was 97% estrogen driven so I feel I need to stay on it and try to manage the side effects.  There are many factors to consider, but only you can make the right decision for you.  We all know how serious this disease is, so no need to remind you of that.  What works for one person may not for another, so I hope you find the information you need. 

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    Nannie, we are similar ages. Are you on a statin? I was taking my femara and statin at the same time and found it caused a lot of muscle and joint pain. I stopped the statin for 2 weeks and the pain went away. So I started taking the femara in the morning and the statin at night. The pain went away. Just something to think about.

  • TheNannie
    TheNannie Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for responding GrandmaV

    My Estrogen was 98% or higher too!

    One of the things I think about is all the new research lately said exercise and diet help keep a person healthy, and cancer is less likely to come back. Being on Letrozole, I feel tired and have many aches and pains which makes it hard to workout and stick to my diet because I'm less active. So one of the dilemmas are which is worse little exercise and a unhealthy diet or the Letrozole? Do you know where I can find the homeopathic help? Or any research on the percent or odds of survival if not taking this pill everyday. Thanks


  • TheNannie
    TheNannie Member Posts: 4

    hello Savgigi,

    Thanks for responding.....

    What is statin? Letrozole was the only pill I took,


  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337

    Hi TheNannie,

    A statin is a cholesterol lowering drug.

    I'm a Stage IV person - it's definitely not fun and not where you want to be. There are threads here for people who want to try the natural route. I'm not against it, but I know it doesn't work for everyone. From what I've read, there are different forms/formulations of Letrozole - they have different fillers. And the fillers can cause side effects; several people have noted that they felt much worse when their generic brand was switched. So the first thing I would do is check with my oncologist to see if I could try another brand. Also, there are several on the Stage IV boards who were on Femara and switched to a different AI because of side effects. I wouldn't stop taking it without trying some other AI options first. That said, it's your choice.

    Good luck!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Nannie, I find that exercising helps with the side effects. Ditto for a healthy diet. Diet is a matter of habit. Switching to a new habit is difficult, but once you are used to eating a certain way you tend to stick with it. Lots of veggies, whole grains only (no noodles, white rice, white bread etc), some fatty fish, meat, eggs and dairy in moderation or not at all.

    As far as exercise, simple walking is fine. Even if you walk 15 minutes after each meal, it WILL make a difference. I find that it takes 10-15 minutes of walking for the joint pain to diminish.