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  • dventi
    dventi Member Posts: 100

    @Terre.. Thanks.. yes same for me... kind of sour taste in mouth on and off. Thanks for sanity check!

    Also having dental checkup... I believe the chemo has weakened my teeth too.

    Anyone else feel their teeth have been compromised since chemo?

  • dventi
    dventi Member Posts: 100

    @Terre.. Thanks.. yes same for me... kind of sour taste in mouth on and off. Thanks for sanity check!

    Also having dental checkup... I believe the chemo has weakened my teeth too.

    Anyone else feel their teeth have been compromised since chemo?

    Thanks again!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    yes, me too.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    No odd tastes for me, and no other side effects, either.
  • gingerstx
    gingerstx Member Posts: 32

    During my first months on Femara, there was change in the way some things tasted to me.  It only affected a few things, but since one was my favorite kind of wine, I did notice it.  I avoided those things (switched wines :^) and after a while realized that they no longer tasted "off."   Now I can eat anything!

  • pgc091
    pgc091 Member Posts: 7

    thanks for your reply. i mentioned to my cardiologist about vertigo he said was dizziness. 

    i have decided since i cant go anywhere that i need to walk any distance unless i can sit quickly to try eliminating some meds. i have been taking 200 mg labetalol in AM with 2.5 mg amlodpine; then 200 mg labetalol at night. i take 2,5 letrozole at nite with labetalol. i stopped amlodipine 2 days ago and feel much better. my bp before i quit was in the 70's /40's. today & yesterday has been120's/80's. i am ned metasis breast cancer stage iv. i am looking at the quality of life now while i can.

  • beachgirl12
    beachgirl12 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I am 61, was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months ago. It's stage 1A with 1.1. cm with clear margins, no lymph nodes affected. I had a mastectomy as I didn't want to go through radiation treatment. I am HR  postive. Tried Arimidex for 5 weeks. It was okay until about a month into it. Then I got a lot of muscle and joint pain, some depression. I quit it as I didn't want to live 5 years with those side effects. I am now on Femara, this is second day. Can anyone tell me about this AI? I exercise a lot, eat healthy food and don't smoe or drink. I'm looking for someone out there who has gone through this. Thanks!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    beachgirl, I was on Femara from Nov 09-Nov '14. 55 when I started, 60 when I ended. I was lucky. I didn't have a lot of the horrific S/E that some people experience. My biggest problem initially was fatigue; I switched to taking it at night about 6 wks in and that took care of that. Over the 5 yrs I had transitory aches, pains, but they seemed to ebb & flow mostly the 1st year or 2 and then leveled out to a reality I could live with. Since I've been off, the only real thing I've noticed is I don't seem to be sleeping as soundly as before. Go figure! I'm still waiting for the weight gain to melt away (guess I better beef up the proactiveness of that wish list) but I don't feel that I have as much joint pain.

    The gals on this thread should come along soon and fill you in on some things to look out for. Keep in mind that folks that DON'T have a lot of symptoms typically don't come here. it's people having troubles that want to pick brains, etc.

    Best of luck on your journey.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Beachgirl, I echo what Eph said.  I am 67 and finished five years of Femara this past August.  Most of the side effects came and went although some level of joint pain seemed to stay. I only know that now it isn't there - it wasn't enough to stop me from doing the things that make me happy. Had I exercised as you do, things might have been even better.  I always meant to . .  . but I was busy with grandchildren, playing bridge, friends and some travelling.

    When there were side effects that annoyed me, I weighed whether a recurrence of breast cancer might have been even more annoying. Yes it would, and now I can say that if it does return (and this was my second time), I have done all that has been offered to prevent that.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887

    I've been on Femara for just 3.5 months, so can't speak to the long term. However, I've had no real issues. My hair may be a bit drier (but then, that could be seasonal) and when I get down it's a darker state than before Femara but that doesn't hit too often.

    I exercise a lot and have had no additional joint pains or stiffness. I take the pill at night just in case there's any wooziness or whatever.

    I know from follow up testing that it's quite effective for my particular cancer and am very happy to have Femara available. If all cancer treatments were this tolerable the world would be a much better place, at least in my opinion! I hope you have a very good experience with it, too, BeachGirl.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    Beachgirl, are you on a statin? I found that taking the statin and femara at different times of the day greatly decreased my joint and muscle pain.

  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699 far no problems for me. I am doing yoga and walking as a precautionary measure since muscle and joint pain seem to be the most common SE's. I've been on it about 2 months.

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Been on femara about two years. Same SE that others have indicated. Joint pain, stiffness, some weight gain, hot flashes initially, but all very doable and seem to have leveled off in the past six months. Beats the alternative, in my opinion.

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337

    Same here, Kkuziel! Two years and I'm progression free. :)

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234

    Femara is working for me. I can tolerate the side effects which some days are worse than others. Could be related to weather changes

  • pgc091
    pgc091 Member Posts: 7

    Hi everyone. Hope evrryone had nice valentine day. I came on this afternoon. to ask if anyone else had pain in all joints whrn on femars. I have been on femara 2 years for osteoprous (?. I have not had any unbearable pain until today, every joint hurts today. But reading the other blog it helps me to walk the walk.

    thanks everyone, hope you have a good evening.

  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319


    You've been on Femara/letrozole for 2 yrs "FOR osteoporosis"? I have never heard of it being used " for osteoporosis" but it can contribute to developing osteoporosis.

    I have been on Femara (was not available as the generic letrozole when I started it) and then since, several different letrozole manufacturers with no issues at all. (Total of 5 yrs.). No 'aches and pains' that could be attributed to it. Do I have some 'aches and pains' - sure but then at 68 that's to be expected from being as active (and had as many sports injuries throughout my life).

  • pgc091
    pgc091 Member Posts: 7

    sorry , i am on letrozole for stage iv BC. I meant fosamax. i had them confused. thanks

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    No worries! Haven't ever used Fosamax, so can't comment on that issue.
  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319

    I'm on generic Fosamax too. Was already osteopenia before IBC and TXs and am osteoporosis now (expected thanks to family) so on generic Fosamax.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    I am just finishing up three years with Letrozole and I have to admit my joint pain is getting progressively worse. It is still doable and I will fight hard to finish my last two years. I also have nausea from time to time which is a pain but taking gravol suppositories enables me to eat

  • kittysister
    kittysister Member Posts: 88

    I have just started Femara. I already have arthritis in hips and knees, so time will tell on how well I do with it. My aunt has been on it for years and has done very well. But we're all different and what works for one might not work for another. I am guessing (new at this), all hormonal therapy can effect the bones?  

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I don't know about all hormonal therapies affecting the bones, but certainly Femara can. Like many others, I took calcium and Vitamin D to mitigate the effects.


  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    I believe tamoxifen is more likely to benefit bone health than otherwise bit is not generally as effective as the AIs. There have been studies demonstrating that regular exercise relieves joint pain associated with the drugs. I have a number of less than intact joints and some pre-existing osteopenia but Femara has not exacerbated the situation so far. I hope it works outsell for you, too, KittySister.
  • kittysister
    kittysister Member Posts: 88

    Thank you both. I already take D3, but might add in calcium. So much to learn.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887

    Kitty, you'll probably get the best results combining Vit. D3, calcium and magnesium. This is the combination my GI recommended. I believe the calcium and magnesium have a synergistic effect. (It can also help with restless legs, hot flashes and muscle tension.)

    Yes, there is SO much to learn! Good luck to you.

  • kittysister
    kittysister Member Posts: 88

    Thanks, Hopeful. Sounds like an added bonus on the other problems too. :)

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    Kittysister, I suggest you check with one of your Drs. and have them test your blood level. I have had trouble with low levels for + years and now take 10,000 iu a day. Last blood check in Nov. level was up to 50 (normal level)


  • kittysister
    kittysister Member Posts: 88

    That's good, Vicks. I'll be sure and ask about that.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485

    I just started Femara today after trying the other AIs. Hope it works for me without SE like the others. Tell me your experience. Thanks R