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  • Monique, I have a dog..I got her at the end of chemo so I would have a demanding 'personal trainer'. I had not had a dog for nearly 15 years and she is such a joy that I am half-way through my walk/run before I notice how crap my feet are! We go on a track through the bush and it is just beautiful. I bought some 'Fell running' shoes (for rough track running) but I think they may be exacerbating my problem as they are not...springy!...enough. Please do not think that I am fighting-fit! I am 12 months into recovery from a complete loss of healthEmbarassedand have a long way to go! Some days the pain is very bad, but yes, I do ignore it. Between my dog going nuts about a walk and me knowing that it will help, I manage to leave the house! And I have found that if I really puff and sweat (the hot flashes help lol!) the pain is greatly reduced. I wore myself out building a chook-house recently, and was surprised how much better my joints were. Strange, I know. Should be the other way around! XXX
  • Lories
    Lories Posts: 23

    Hi Kerry,can you please translate 'chook-house'??

    I should ask my buddy who is a Canuck now living in Canberra, but I am curious.  Maybe I will build one in Alaska.  :)

    I am only a few days into Femera, still recovering from rads fatique and have really noticed the exercise helps my energy.  thx.  Lori

  • Alyson
    Alyson Posts: 3,737

    We in NZ know what a chook house is. Would love to have one but you are not allowed to keep hens(chickens) in the city. Kerry what type of hens do you have?

    Nearly did myself in with my walk yesterday and by evening was so sore was unable to move as all joints were so painful, (not sure if it's SE's or the rheumatoid arthritis)so went to bed early. Had only a short walk today but don't feel too bad.


  • A chook-house is the building you keep your chickens (chooks) in. When I finished building it I thought I would mow the grass. I got the lawn-mower out and seriously did not have the strength to pull the cord-start. It was amazing. I slept well that night! I have just got my chooks and am loving them. I've got 2 really pretty bantams from our school ag department, 3 very young Light Sussex and one 12 month old silver-lace Wyandotte. She is very pretty and thinks she's the rooster out there. No eggs from her though..I think she's stopping for winter. Backyard chooks are all the rage here in Australia. Canny businessmen in the cities have try-then-buy offers, and chook hireLaughingStay strong, girls. XXX

  • Going to get my prescription for Femara today.  Hopefully the se's are tolerable.  Not a whole lot of obtions out there for us.  Keep your fingers and toes(if they don't hurt too much) crossed for me.  I am very optimistic that this will work.  Have a wonderful weekend Ladies - Carolyn

  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Posts: 131

    I started Femara the end of January 2009 and have minor joint pain - my doc added a baby aspirin each day and I also take Glucosamine and add some cherry juice daily - side effects have been minimal so far- minor joint pain and some hot flashes- but ai also had a hysterecotmy in January 2009.

     Not experiencing the forgetfulness like I did during and right after chemo- I am six months post chemo currently


  • Lories
    Lories Posts: 23

    ahh, chooks!  of course.  One of our neighbors has roosters that run all over the road, but I keep worrying that a bear will get them.  :)

  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Posts: 68

    Is anyone having shoulder, neck and back pain with the femara?

  • cp418
    cp418 Posts: 359

    I started to have progressively worsening pain on Femara.  The symptoms started about 7-8 months on the drug and then got worse over time - - winter months were the worse.  After 22 months, I was diagnosed with osteopenia in my back and hips.  I did get a Zometa infusion in February and do feel better but I don't know if due to the better weather or Zometa.  I take Calcium with Magnesium and lots of Vitamin D.  I suppose between my oophorectomy plus Femara it really knocked my estrogen levels out so then I got the bone issues.

  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701

    If it takes me 7-8 month for pain side effects I will be very happy. Meaning that the longer it takes to get them the better. I have been on Femara for a week and I'm holding my breath especially when after 6 month on Aromasin I had to go off because of the bad pain in my hands. Could hardly do my job which is working with my hands.


  • harpo
    harpo Posts: 2

    I have been taking Femara for a year now, experiencing some stiffness, mainly getting up after sitting for a long time. My onc suggested drinking a glass of tonic water (with quinine) every day and I think it really helps joint pain. I also try and walk 30 minutes to an hour every day and as a musician move my fingers and hands constantly. If I take a few days off practicing I notice a big difference--movement really helps.  My main complaint is insomnia--and hot flashes--I can usually fall asleep, but rarely stay  asleep. I take calcium, vitamin D and Boniva-- and just started on Neurontin yesterday--I hate taking all these drugs, but it beats the alternative! 

  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701

    I had the same sleep problem. Since 'Melatonin ' 3mgI have no problem.

  • Artsee, I would kill for sleep. How is the melatonin sold? Do I need a prescription?  Girls, I ran out of glucosamine (have I posted this already?? Oh well..y'all understand) and plunged into foot/hand pain. After a week back on it I'm feeling much better. I am, however, taking paracetamol before bed. The twinges etc keep me awake and I am so over it!! Grrrrr Can someone tell the hot flashes eventually go away? Or is this wishful thinking? XXX

  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701

    kerry....Melatonin is sold over the counter. There is 1 mg and 3mg bottles. My Onco told me to get the 3mg.Again I say it worked for me and I've been a none sleeper for YEARS. Never wanted to do the 'sleeping pills'. As far as hot flashes go, I never had them badly just light flushes but they went away after going off of Aromasin.

    Have a good day, Artsee

  • Alyson
    Alyson Posts: 3,737

    I have come on for a little moan. My feet are so sore and swollen its difficult to walk and my other joints are really bad, however I have to keep going. We had carpet laid throughout the house yesterday and now I have to return things to where they belong so there will be a lot of walking.

    Kerry for me the hot flushes tend to sneak up when not expected, though they are not as bad I think.

    Must get moving


  • Alyson, that is shite. You won't enjoy your new carpet half as much with the sore feet. Do you use the glucosamine? I take one 1000mg tablet in the am and one in the pm. The hormone guru recommends it in his literature, which is interesting because these oncologists are not always so hot on complementary therapies. Speaking of hot..I don't have air-con in my car and on these hot days my hot flashes turn into prickly heat! I"M having a little moan!LaughingArtsee, I'm tracking down the melatonin tomorrow. Thank-you! You may have saved my sanity, my marriage and my professional integrity!
  • SQK
    SQK Posts: 23

    Anyone else have swollen knuckles?  I've been on femara since last July, but just noticed about 6 weeks ago that I could no longer get my rings over my knuckles.  Kerry_lamb -- I wonder if glucosamine might help with this?

    Artsee--thanks for the melatonin tip.  I had picked some up a while ago for the staying-asleep problem, but didn't have much success.  However, I think I got the lower dose.  I'll try the 3mg.

    Sue K.

  • Sue, I'm not sure. I haven't been able to wear my rings since chemo, due to the 8kg chemo-bonusEmbarassedI'm actually going to try my rings on again tomorrow..I really want to wear them, and my ring-finger looks ok...I don't want to make myself all sad! I must correct tablets are glucosamine & chondroitin(?) and I believe they are better than the straight glucosamine. No pain much (except on rising) for the last 5 days....touch wood! I am taking 2 x paracetamol at night, and thanks to the girls' advice here have ordered Calms Forte and melatonin for sleep (or lack thereof!.. I don't know what I'd do without this forum. I'd be at the GP's every five minutes!LaughingXXX 
  • LizM
    LizM Posts: 46

    Just got my results back from ultra-sensitive estradiol test I asked my gyn to order for me.  I don't really understand the clinical significance of the results and neither do my doctors but it gives me peace of mind to have it done to ensure the estrogen is low in my body.  I am happy to report that Femara is definately doing the trick because my results came back as < 2 pg, which is really low and means I have virtually no estrogen in my body.  The range said equal to or less than 10 pg is postmenopausal but I have read other tests where the range is less than 20 pg to be considered postmenopausal.  FEMARA is definately a very powerful drug and from my research seems to lower estrogen the most.  When I was taking Arimidex my levels were 9 and 7 pg.

  • GoldenGirls
    GoldenGirls Posts: 121


    My mom has been on it for just over a year now and her only side effects seem to be the odd bout of sore legs and some vaginal dryness. She started to notice her symptoms almost right away. Myabe the 5 years of Tamoxifen first set her up for an easier ride??

  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701

    Hi all..Perhaps I should tell you that I have a cup of chamomile tea along with my melatonin pill.

    Maybethat might help you as well Sue. All i know it's a gull darn ritual over here.Undecided

    I always had bad joint pain on Aromasin so when I went on Femara my Onco also prescribed a drug call Gabapentine for pain. I don't have any so far althoughI'm sure it will take a while but The pill also (I read on the web) keeps you from having hot flashes. What great news. I have NOT had a one and I know that those are almost an instant happening.

    Be well, Artsee

  • harpo
    harpo Posts: 2


     My knuckles became very swollen a few weeks after starting on Femara--I finally gave in and had my rings all re-sized so I can take them on and off without tearing my skin!

    I have been on Neurontin (Gapupentin) for about a week now--still getting used to the "martini" effect, but sleeping better with less hot flashes.

    Four years to go......


  • Tried my rings on chance. I cannot believe how much too small they are. So it's a re-size job, and the wedding band will be really tricky. This pisses me off more than anything else..funny isn't it? I can do the inch-long chemo-curl, the 8kg chemo-bonus, the achey-breaky everything, the 'WATCH OUT!!!!' hot flashes and the insomnia but my rings not fitting? Well that's just shiteCryHappy to report though that the glucosamine and chondroitin is doing the job with the killer-joints, especially the balls of my feet, and my hands have not gone to sleep once for the last 5 nights. Touch wood..oh touch wood!! Stay strong, girls. XXX
  • SQK
    SQK Posts: 23

    My knuckles seem to swell overnight and it's first thing in the morning when the rings are most snug.  Then over the course of the day, the swelling subsides some and I can almost get them over my knuckle by late afternoon.  I guess I should just go ahead and get them resized.  I know what you mean really stinks.  Undecided

    Artsee--I checked my melatonin bottle and it is the 3mg dose pill.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be strong enough to keep me asleep.  The chamomile tea sounds wonderful but I'm pretty sure that would have me up emptying my bladder at about 3am.  Actually I think it's body temperature fluctuations that are waking me up because it seems like right after I awaken, I get a hot flash.  Then I have trouble getting back to sleep. 

    Harpo -- Did you notice an improvement in your sleep right away when you started the neurontin?  Is that something you stay on long-term, or just until you teach yourself a better sleep pattern?


    Sue K.

  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701

    Sue..take two of them babies. Just to see if it'll work. There are a couple of people that said they take 10 mg of melatonin. Seems a little high but at least it's not a real drug. Why do you have to have the room completely dark for it to work?? I should ask 'Vivre' she keeps saying this.

    Good luck and pleasant dreams. How's the bladder ? Doing good? Mines gone, thank goodness.


  • Lories
    Lories Posts: 23

    Re- sleep aids

    Hi all, when I first met my rads onc I noted that I was having trouble sleeping, back then I think it was for worry.  He suggested taking a benadryl before bed.  Benadryl is not habit forming like some sleep aids. 

    I think my Femara is starting to kick in - today is the beginning of my third week and last night I was sooo wide awake.  So I gave up and popped a benadryl last night and slept well. 

    Kerry Lamb - have you tried to drink a lot of water?  That may help some for your swollen knuckles, I know it sounds odd, but drinking a lot of water seems to help out a lot of things.

    cheers!  Lori

  • SQK
    SQK Posts: 23

    Hi Artsee -- OK...I'll try taking 2 or 3 of the 3mg Melatonin supplements to see if that helps.  I'll let ya know. My bedroom is dark except for a little light thrown by the alarm clocks on each side of the bed.  That's an interesting point though...could that little bit of light make a difference? bladder irritation has also subsided.  I'm not 100% sure, but it did seem to improve when I nix'ed the caffeine.

    Take care,

    Sue K.  Smile

  • Reneepals
    Reneepals Posts: 64

    I just wanted to pass some info on about pain relief for joints while taking Femara. I was dx'd with Rheumatoid arthritis about 5 years ago, it never flared or bothered me, but evidentally Femara will bring on the joint pain caused by this.

     I was talking with my Onc last Friday and told her that, I was taking the Vicoden that she prescribed for me on the weekends, but really did not want to take something that strong during the week. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory called Diclofenal, I wanted Mobic, but she said this was metabolized diferently than the Mobic. So hopefully it works! Maybe it can help other people with joint pain from Femara, after all it is an anti-inflammatory.

  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Posts: 68

    Still wondering if anyone out there has terrible back and neck pain on the Femara?  

    I have been on this pill for about a month and a half and am freaking out because about a week ago I started having the worst pains imaginable!  I wonder if it helps to switch pills. 

  • I had some pain when I first started Femara in 10/07 but this has decreased to almost nothing. I read recently that women who have side effects like joint pain, night sweats, and hot flashes from Femara and other hormonal treatments also seem to show more benefit from them. If there's a way to manage the pain without quitting the drug it might be worthwhile.

    I was lucky not to have unbearable side effects. Knowing that side effects could indicate that I was having a good response to the drug made me kind of enjoy my pain. I also have had arthritis for a long time and have had some sports injuries- I think maybe this desensitized me a little to the pains from the Femara- but again, it wasn't unbearable.

     Sleep can still be a problem for me. I take melatonin, currently 6 mg, and sometimes Xanax. People can become dependent on this drug but it's less common than some might think. A recent study showed that most patients prescribed Xanax do not develop abuse or dependence and actually DECREASE their use of this medication over time.

    Benedryl works great for some people. I don't use it because it can make me hyper rather than sleepy. Often kids have this reaction but I have it sometimes too.

    Best wishes to all of you doing hormonal treatment. It's been so good for me and so good to hear the recent positive reports on the benefits of Femara.