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  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Oh joy. I've read of women having rotator cuff injuries due to Femara,and I think I joined them. I haven't done a darn bit of upper body exercise since last Thursday evening, and this morning I woke up with tremendous shoulder pain that I strongly suspect is rotator cuff.

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    My mail order pharmacy just sent me my next 90-day refill for Femara and it is now generic.  They still charged me $80 for the 90 day supply.  The $10 deal with the Femara coupon is still the better deal.

  • Kessala
    Kessala Member Posts: 91

    My mail order pharmacy (Medco) just sent me my next 90 day refill for Femara and it's now generic (pink tablets manufactured by Mylan).  My co-pay was $247.49!  For GENERIC! 

    Whoa!   What a rip off....


  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Kessala.... my mail order pharmacy is also MEDCO.  They charged me $80 for 90 day supply of generic. I'd check with them.

  • Kessala
    Kessala Member Posts: 91

    Thanks for the tip Joan.  I just got off the phone with a customer service person at Medco. 

    I explained the differences in our pricing for 90 days worth of generic Femara.  I was told Medco's pricing isn't based on the fact you and I take identical medications but rather it's based on our individual medication insurance coverage.

    In other words your insurance allows you to make a much smaller co-pay while my insurance does not.

    When you mentioned you also used Medco the first thing I thought was I'll bet the pricing is based on our insurance plans.  Sure enough.


  • gingerstx
    gingerstx Member Posts: 32

    Called my mail order pharmacy, Prescription Solutions and found out that the generic would be the same price as Femara, $118 for 3 months and because I have AARP Supplement insurance, I can't use the Femara coupon,  Once I reach the Medicaire gap, the 3 months Femara will be $1200 while the Lorazepan would be $1400 because it's in their higher tier!  Go figure!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    HI girls, it's a while since I posted on here but I just thought I'd drop in and see how everyone is doing.  I've been on Femara for about eight months now and still no SE's that I can idenify so I'm assuming none at all.  I just hope that it is actually working but I'm feeling fine so I guess I can presume that it is.  I read what you girls pay for your medication and I'm appalled.....full price in Australia is $175 but it is covered by the Goverment PBS so we pay $33.50 and if you are on a Disability Pension like am,  the cost is $5.40 per month.  I know this because in Aus. the pharmacy by law has to print the full cost on the box.
  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    This generic Femara pricing is NUTS!

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Just a thought... but was just thinking that my local storefront pharmacy (OSCO) agrees to match Walmart pricing on any generic prescription.  That makes one of my drugs only $4 when my co-pay would be $10.  So.... maybe it wouldn't hurt to see what they charge for it at WallyWorld.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    Interesting!  I didn't realize Femara now has a generic.  I haven't had to fill mine for a while.

    Chrissy, it's great that you haven't noticed SEs yet!  Hope it continues, and it's working.  Enjoy!

    Still planning that trip to the U.S.?  It's so much fun to plan a trip.  As I said before, you're welcome to swing by Colorado if it works for you!


  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    i called medco back and this time they told me the generic femara was copay 28.00 but cost toward my part d was 1246.00 and the femara was 1458.00 with copay of 90.00. they call this generic. a few days ago i called they said it was 10.00 copay 120.00 toward my part d some one dont know what they are doing there. i then talked to one of there pharmaist.I can get generic arimidex for 90 days 28.00 and 20.00 toward my part d. i  ask what was the difference from femara and arimidex he said they had same effects on breast cancer and i said 1000.00  in pay well i am changing to arimidex asap my onc said that was fine i dont see how they can have such a price difference in different drug co.

  • gingerstx
    gingerstx Member Posts: 32

    Armed and ready!  Picked up my first Femara prescription which I'll start this evening.  I've already begun taking  my multi-vitamin, Calcium, vitamin D 1000 mg, glucosamine condroitin, and vitamin C regimen to counteract the side effects.  Am I missing anything?

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97

    Thanks for the reminder of glucosamine condroitin!  Good luck Ginger!  

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    gingerstix: sounds like you are ready to me.

  • Teal3Pink1
    Teal3Pink1 Member Posts: 57

    Gingerstx:  First one down the hatch! How did it go?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Gingerstx, hope all goes well for you with the Femara!

    Lane, I would love to swing by Colorado as you put just need to speak to my travel planner to see if it's a go.  I'll keep you informed.

  • gingerstx
    gingerstx Member Posts: 32

    Thanks for the support!  I woke up with a headache but don't know if that's due to the Femara or the stress of getting reorganized now that I'm back home after more than 2 months.   At my age (almost 68) you never know!  I'll see how it goes. 

  • mom2westies
    mom2westies Member Posts: 18

    Hopefully you will have no side effects. I was 70 when I began Femara 8 months ago and although I feel my age since radiation and Femara I have to honestyly say that I don't think Femara has added any significant problems. I began it with arthritis problems with my  bqck which I still have. I've found that if I can immediately begin my daily activities I do not notice minor discomforts. I'd rather suffer from Femara than breast cancer. Good luck !


  • gingerstx
    gingerstx Member Posts: 32

    Happy Mother's Day all!  Glad to report that I woke up headache-free, so my day has been great! 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Just did my mailing refill and confirmed that the Femara refill will be the generic.  My copay for the refill will be $20.00 for the three months.  I am so glad.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Yup generic Femara is here.  I picked up my prescription tonight and it was generic - there was a note attached to tell "the patient" that generic was substituted and in reality it cost me more than I have been paying as it was $15 and with the discount coupon that I have on file I was paying $10 for Femara but this is good news for those who don't have coverage at least now there is a low cost alternate.

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    I  called  my pharmacy and they told me that the generic femara still cost $1245.00 but my copay is 28. the original cost $1455.00.but i will still fall in doughnut hole in sept. the generic is still to expensive

  • dkerler
    dkerler Member Posts: 41

    Nana, That doesn't sound right. I'll bet the person you talked to didn't understand what you were saying. The price you were quoted I think is for the brand name Femara not the generic. I think the generic is around $465 without any insurance for 30 pills, granted that is still not cheap. On my plan the generic is tier 1 so it is the cheapest co-pay for me. Of course I could be totally wrong about this. I would question your pharmacy again. I hope it works out for you.

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656

    gee none of that sounds right to me.  A 30 day supply of Femara was $465 here.  My copay was $30 but I was using the Femara coupon and getting it for $10.  I don't plan on switching to generic till my coupon runs out.

    My newest side effect.  My finger joints hurt to even touch them.  ugggggggg to that little gold pill that hopefully is saving my life.

  • jbaudit
    jbaudit Member Posts: 1


    Anyone here on Medicare? Wifes Medicare drug company (AARP-United Healthcare)) told us generic for Femara is not approved and  the medicare drug plan recepients in  the donut hole will pay $262 per month.

    Does anyone know if we can use the coupon mentioned in the blogs from Novartis while she is in the donut hole or is there any OTHER possibility to cut this price down?

    Wife is doing fairly well on drug- Mood changes and depression are most prevalant so some good news about the pricing would certainly be welcome.

      Ladies,please dont misunderstand, My heart truly  brakes when I read these stories about the patients who have  horrible side effects and I say a prayer for you all and hope with time that gets better.

    God bless you


  • gingerstx
    gingerstx Member Posts: 32

     jbaudit :  I'm on Medicare, have the same insurance company, and was told the same thing.  I'd printed the Femara coupon and then read on it that it could not be used if you have insurance, Medicare, or whatever.  However, there was no mention of "if your insurance doesn't cover this" so if I were you I'd contact Novartis and find out what they say about being able to use it if you're in the gap.

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656

    My interpretation would be that if you are using it to cover a "deductible" type thing then no.  I would think if you would just use it to cover the Femara as if you had no insurance then there shouldn't be a problem. 

    So print the coupon and go get it filled and tell them not to use your insurance for this one.  You have up to $800 and or 1 year before it is no good.  If your current pharmacy gives you in problems take it to another one and don't tell them you have medicare.

  • jjjsjames
    jjjsjames Member Posts: 24

    That $10 coupon expires on 6/15/2011.  It covers up to $800 of your out of pocket expense, co-insurance or whatever, but "Prescription Discount Card is not valid for prescriptions for which payment may be made in whole or in part under federal or state healthcare programs, including but not limited to, Medicare or Medicaid, or for residents in MA."   It seems that Generic will be the way to go after June 16th.

  • gauleyeagle
    gauleyeagle Member Posts: 24

    It is with a sad heart and soul that I post tonight.  I was cancer free for a few months!!!  Which is good but I was diagnosed again last month.  Same general area; just another lymph node.  So technically, I have failed the femara test!!!  I am having to go thru radiation treatments now (31).  Have had 12 treatments and aside from having excruciating pain caused by scar tissue at the surgery site last time (cannot raise my left arm nor reach back with arm), not having any trouble.  I am one tough person; but this pain was just too much for me to stand.  Doctor put me on morphine and oxycodone.   To any of you ladies who have had radiation, please let me know your side  effects if you had any.  I can really tell that I am a lot older than the first round with cancer-back in 1994.  Aside from dr. appts. and chemo dates, I only missed 1 day of work.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    gauleyeagle, so sorry to hear this news.  I hope that you are able to power through once again now that you have some pain relief on board.  For me, radiation was so much easier than chemo.  I ended up being pretty crispy by the end but my main side effect was fatigue.  I am assuming that you are no longer taking Femara; "just another lymph node" is still a shock to your system I am sure.  Here's to a fast recovery!