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  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Is depression one of the SE's of Femara. It seems I'm getting so depressed lately. The other day my DD was over for dinner and was concerned about me. I guess it has been creaping up, and just was aware how bad it had gotten.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    kira, depression is SE of cancer!  Probably of Femara too.  Talk with your doc-there are preventative measures you can do.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633


    you do have to ask for generics as they love to charge you for the more expensive one, or charge your insurance.  The effective ingredient is the same so no reason not to go for the less expensive.

    Yes, I ache every day since starting Femara last September.  I have a love hate relationship with it.  I love that it hopefully keeps any bc cells in my body from thriving and killing me yet I hate how sluggish and achey it makes me feel. When I get out of bed during the night I have to hold on to furniture to walk to the bathroom and it's the same in the morning.  Going down the stairs I have to hold the handrail and by the time I get coffee, it starts to lessen up, but never quite goes away.  Walking on the treadmill daily really helps - so try gentle walking?  And yes, the joint aching is a very known, very frequent side effect.  There are also drugs, like osteoease, which sooth some of the discomfort and is not a pain pill but more of an anti-inflammatory.  Ask you dr!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kira, anything that depresses our estrogen will make us depressed........our bodies were never designed to function well with out it.  Unfortunately we have to choose which is the worse evil no estrogen or BC.  One good thing though, there are plenty of meds available to us to help make these SE's bareable.  Please have a talk with you doc and I'm sure he/she will prescribe something for you.  Good luck!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    I guess I'll have to talk to him. I really hate the thought of taking another pill. It just seems BC is the gift that keeps on giving.

  • Monty
    Monty Member Posts: 146

    Well the results are in for my thyroid function test, my thyroid is overactive which surprised me as i was expecting for them to say underactive because of the fatigue issues I have been experiencing.  The doctor wants me to get re-tested in 2 months before deciding whether we need to do anything or not as she wants to make sure it is not thyroiditis which is a temporary thing. Personally I do not think it is.  I remember feeling exactly this way prior to my BC diagnosis and starting treatment.  My thought is that maybe chemo sorted it out without us realizing, not that I am saying it s cancer related just that the meds kicked it's ass too without us knowing my thyroid was even an issue.  Anyway I now have to wait another 6 weeks (it's 2 weeks already since the last test) - my TSH levels had dropped further from the 1st test to the last so we have to wait and see if it drops more or not. 

    Well at least I know what I am working with now I guess.

  • Mybails
    Mybails Member Posts: 5

    I was reading a lot of the posts and noticed that the folks taking more Vitamin D seemed to talk less of the joint pain and hand and wrist problems.  Since my onc had recommended at least 2000 units I decided to check out whether making it 3000 would help.  Well hello!  YES!  Definite improvement on the pain in the night in the hands and wrists and less stiff feet in the morning.  I even nit6iced that my shoulders have a little more mobility.  I think I may add another 1000 to see if I can end most of it totally.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Mybails, have you had your D levels checked?  Why I ask is, vitamin D is one of the vitamins that you can overdose on which brings with it it's own problems.  Before upping your dose, get it checked more as a safe guard but also to know just what your levels are.

    Kira, I used to be one of those people who never even took a headache pill to one who now takes a handfull morning and night.  My grandsons call my pills 'first course' as there are so many.  You will get used to the extra ones.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Has anyone just took zometa infusion once a year

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Nanna, nice to see you.  I don't do Zometa at all so I can't help you on that but if you try doing a search on BCO I'm sure you will find some information to help.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nanna, I did a search for you and this is what I found.........

    What is the current opinion on taking Zometa twice a year to prevent a recurrence and increase bone density? Is it harmful?

    Answer -Eric Winer, M.D.: There was a large study reported at San Antonio using the drug Zometa, albeit more frequently than twice a year, to prevent bone metastasis. That study, unlike previous studies, did not suggest that Zometa helps prevent bone metastasis or other metastasis. At the moment, other than in very specific situations, most medical oncologists would not recommend the use of Zometa to prevent metastatic disease. It is a drug that can be used to prevent bone loss related to osteoporosis, but that would only involve a once-a-year dose.

    Hope this is helpful.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Thanks chrissy b for the info

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Making my  mammogram ultra sound appointment. It will be a year on July 6th. Have a visit with the BS on the 8th, so need these tests done locally before that date so the info can be faxed to him. Needless to say I am nervous.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    (((((((Kira))))))   just keep thinking all will be well!  We are with you and sending positive thoughts as well.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • hmh23
    hmh23 Member Posts: 50

    artsee;  I went with the generic Femara this month.  It is available and is oh so cheap!!!  My prescription  is called LETROZOLE.  It is available and has been for a few months now.  I'm a bit concerned that your pharmacist is trying to make some money off of you.  Heather

    PS.  Hate to be so direct but you should not have paid for Femara with Letrozole available.

  • cd1234
    cd1234 Member Posts: 40

    Hi Everyone,

    Have any of you ever "accidentally" taken two Femara in one day? I did, and I felt REALLY bad! Just and FYI...

     Take care,

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    cdean1971, Yes I did, and so agree. I had the worst hot flashes I had ever had. It wasn't nice.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Oh heaven help me!  The hot flashes are bad enough without the thought of taking 2 femara in one day!  Some days the flashes just overwhelm me and I have to shower and change clothes.  At night I often get up once or twice and change my sleepwear.  I dislike Femara but dislike cancer even more so will soldier on..........

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    justagirl, You really don't want the SE's of taking 2. I also have hot flashes that keep me up all night. I teacher, and it's funny, the kids look at me as if I have 2 eyes. I take the sweater off, I put it on over and over all day long. Not a pritty sight. Well 2 times that for that 1 day. yikes.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Justagirl, if your hot flashes are really getting to you, talk to your doc he can prescribe something that will allieviate those symptoms somewhat.  Good luck.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633


    I did ask my GP and my oncologist if there was anything they could prescribe to lessen the hot flashes and they both said no.  They both said that usually in 6 months to a year my body will adapt....well it's been 9 months..............   Like kira1234 said, it's on and off all day with the sweater, and I can deal with that, but not sleeping for more than 2 hours without waking up in a cold sweat is getting tiresome. Since it's winter here, being in bed with damp hair and damp pajamas gives me the chills and I can't go back to sleep unless I get up, change and towel-dry my hair.  It's amazing that my husband still sleeps in the same bed with me.  I am a nightmare.

    Chrissyb, your little grandbaby (yes?) with you in your photo is so precious.  As my son is only 17, I know I have years to go to be able to experience the joy of grandchildren.  My dog thinks she is a human, so I guess in a way I have a little baby, but 25 kg!

    Good night Chrissy ---

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    My Dr's suggestion for the hot flashes was to up my vitamin D. Now I know vitamin D is very importand  but helping hot flashes?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Justagirl, I'm an Aussie too.....there is an antidepresant that does help with the flushes but I know the Aussie docs aren't admitting that the flushes can be controlled somewhat.....duh!........I just  wish we could give them to the men for a week and then they wouldn't be able to get their prescription pads out quick enough!!!  There are some things in the natural line maybe if you go and see a naturapath or a chinese medicine practitioner or even a holistic practitioner they should be able to alleviate those symptoms.  I must admit that this is the first winter in three that I've actually worn a jumper.....maybe mine are evening out!

    The little one with me in my avatar is my niece and yes she is precious!  My youngest grandchild is 12 and the eldest is 15...I have four, all boys and I love them to bits but that also is why Evie is so precious.  My little dog is not sure what she is........we say she has an identity crisis going on.......sometimes she thinks she's a cat, others human and then sometimes she thinks she's a that's what I call confusion!

    Take care.  Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77

    Justagirl I take Effexor 37.5 mg for hot flashes!!!  Works great!!!  Its a low dose antidepressant. I actually got the prescription from my onc. I've been taking it since shortly after my dx in Nov. 08 Hope this helps and your onc will prescribe. salty

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Chrissy and saltykm,

    Thank you - I'll check with my doctors!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Justagirl, there's an herbal remedy called Black Cohash that is awesome for hot flashes. I took it to reduce heavy periods and when I went through menopause. Never had a flash! Hope you can find some and feel better soon!

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633


    Never heard of Black Cohash but sure will look into it.  My GP said like after a year my body will be used to not having the estrogen and progesterone and settle down.  I will believe it when it happens.

    Thank you!

  • slousha
    slousha Member Posts: 181

    Hi girls,

    Root from black cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa - is known to moderate hot flashes in the menopause. Still some MO in Europe consider not to allow it for women healing cancer  with AI-"Because it may act like the hormone estrogen in the body, black cohosh could interfere with hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptives.Black cohosh may interfere with the effectiveness of the chemotherapy drug cisplatin."

    Who should know? ( I dared not to take it)


    Usha .

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    I've been having terrible pain in my hips, knees, shins and ankles for the last 2 wks. and haven't been able to sleep. This morning when I got off the couch to go to rads, my feet were hurting so badly, I could hardly walk. When I got to rads, I asked the dr. what he thought was causing it. He kept saying, "Eees not raadiation." Same thing his stand-in said while he was on vacation. So I called my onc when I got home and talked to the nurse. She didn't even hear all the symptoms before she said they'd had hundreds of complaints about the joint pain and Femara. She's going to talk to the onc tomorrow and she said he would probably take me off Femara and put me on something else if possible. In the meantime, she told me to stop taking it. I hope I have the answers at last. I need some zzzzzz's!Cry The nurse also told me to double my calcium and vitamin D intake. Is she hinting that Femara may have turned my osteopenia into osteoporosis? I'm not going to ask when this is ever gonna end because I'm beginning to think it doesn't!
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Rohanna, taking extra Vit. D does help some what with the bone pain of the AI's.  Hope you get some relief quick smart!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy