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  • treeskier
    treeskier Member Posts: 21

    Boy, Bev, you said it. Before I saw a medical oncologist, after surgery and rads, I thought I was good to go. I HAD bc for a month... I was triumphant. Seeing two top MOs humbled me. They really put you into the world of "you will always have this threat hanging over you."

    Good to hear you are doing okay with Femara. I start next week. Do you have anything to add to the earlier discussion in this thread about how to treat the joint pain? Is anything helping?

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61

    Hi all,

    So glad for those of you who can take the generic and for $23 are geting it as Cosco!.  I was on femara since last Sept and then  this July received the generic.  In two weeks I was totaly crippled - such pain in joints I couldn't believe t.  So after a month of that, I went back on the brand Femara (rather than a generic) and in less than a week the severe pain was gone.

    Although the generic has the same core ingredient, it does have different buffers and fillers.  My body said "no way" to the generic.  So, if the SEs are worse, go back to the brand....or, if there is more than one manufacturer of the generic - try another.

    Hugs to all my sisters!


  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701 that is very interesting. I'm thinking I have gotten worse since the three weeks I started the generic. I must call Costco and see how much they charge for Femara. anybody know? Thanks for the info....we learn a lot here.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    artsee-the costco here said "Femara", not generic is $528 per/30 pills (that's without an insurance Rx cost applied) 

  • goldiebelle
    goldiebelle Member Posts: 7

    Hi ladies

    I have been on the generic femera for 3 weeks and no problems so far. I lost my insurance while I was in a treatment and no way can I afford the brand name. Has anyone on the generic not had any problems? My fingers do hurt when I wake up it it goes away .

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    O.K. so Costco charges $528.00 for Femara and Letrozole is $22.49? Go figure......

    It's beyond my figuration capabilities.

  • dkerler
    dkerler Member Posts: 41

    I've been on the generic Femara since June and at first I had more than usual stiffness and pain but now I'm fine. I'm sticking with the generic at least until the next problem arises.

  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42

    I've been on the generic for 2 months and the only side effect I have is a few bouts of diarrhea in the morning (I take it at night). I'm working really hard to help this problem with probiotics, fiber and a chinese tea from my accupunturist. I'm making some headway, thank goodness. I really don't want to switch to arimadex and risk any other nasty SE's. Even with the "runs" I feel fortunate that's the only problem. Never was on the original Femara so can't compare, but it makes me wonder if it has to do with the fillers in the generic vs. the original. But I'm not going to spend $500/mo to find out.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    My SE are definitely more noticeable than they were on Femara, but I can't afford the real stuff, so generic it is.  My doctor keeps saying, "You can switch.  You can switch"  My response is what is happening now is a known entity, switching brings in the possibilty of other, more intense things.  Unless this becomes tooooo hard to handle, I'm just gonna deal with it & hope for the best. 

  • goldiebelle
    goldiebelle Member Posts: 7

    Thanks ladies.  I hope the achy fingers are all i have to deal with.  No way could I afford the brand name.

  • goldiebelle
    goldiebelle Member Posts: 7

    Ladies that are taking the generic. what manufactor does your drug come from.  I hear from the other Femara board that it makes a difference.  Mine comes from Teva.  I am going to tell my pharmacy to only use the drugs from Teva.  Hopefully that helps.  Check out the Femera Vs generic board.  one lady postd some good info on the generic

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    How do I get to the Femara vs generic board???

  • goldiebelle
    goldiebelle Member Posts: 7

    Sorry Artsee it is the femara gone generic board

  • thankful4life
    thankful4life Member Posts: 18

    I am currently in the middle of a 6-week break from femara (generic.) after just a few days being off it I started feeling so much better! I dread going back on another aromatase inhibitor in 3 weeks.

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    I just started my generic yesterday.  When I filled the script I asked my pharmacy plan what the name brand would cost. My responsibility would be $1000 for a thre month supply verses $7 for the generic.  They did tell me that if I had problems with the generic my MO could send in an appeal and I could get the name brand for the generic copay once I proved I couldn't tolerate the cheaper one.  Hoping for the best on the generic.  How long before the aches and stiffness starts?  I already have DJD in neck and shoulder.

  • grandmarose
    grandmarose Member Posts: 12

    Has anyone else experienced more sever hot flashes the longer they're on Femara?

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229

    Saf, Thursday night I actually cried the pain in my wrist and fingers were so bad. Called the onc and he took me off femera. Next month I am starting with a new onc so I dont know if they will be changing the drug or giving me something new. Ive been on it for 3.5 months. Within 48 hours, I can now lift my left leg again. Havent been able to do that since June. Hoping the hand pain ends as quickly.

    Grandma rose, I havent had hot flashes as much as flushes and I thought I was done with that 5 years ago when I went thru menepause.

    Good luck ladies.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    Grandmarose... yes, I think they come the longer you're on it. I am just having them again off and on the last 5 month.

    Does anyone ever this gerneric form as GOOD and powerful as Femara? I mean has it been tested long enough?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    The generic Femara is more then likely "as good" as the brand as far as the efficacy goes..........but the SE's, in a generic can happen, even though you have no problems when on the brand, and are switched to the is a known fact.............all things are not equal..........fillers and other components (that do not effect efficacy) but  can cause SE's. when taken.

    I have Aetna insurance............through the warehouse I get Femara brand, for $90.00 for a 3 month supply..............the generic would be $60.00 for 3 feeling is since I have minimal SE's on the brand.............................I will just pay the extra $30.00 and stick with what is working, and giving me less problems......

    I have just one problem our 2012 Formulary which just came in the mail Femara is not one of the the drugs....................I called.........they said ........Medicare has to approve Femara for formulary in order to be able to get it.................

    I was unaware that Medicare dictated which drugs goes on the Formulary for Aetna.......according to the Rep........she said ...........if Medicare does not approve Femara for formulary, no insurance company will be allowing patients to get it.....................did anyone else ever hear of in other words...............if Medicare does not approve Femara for 2012 as a Formulary covered drug.....cancer patiens will not be able to get Femara through their isurance.........keep in mind this is only Medicare..............

    would be interested to see if anyone else was told this..........................although all drugs have not been given approval yet....................there may still be other added, including will be a wait and see.....................we should know by Oct. 15th..............

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Wanted to clarify the getting my Femara in a 3 month supply[ it is it is $90.00 for 1 months, but I get 3 months which is $270.00 for 3 months................thought I might have confused everyone.............however $90.00 is still a lot cheaper then some of the ladies have been is $90.00 a month for Brand............................$60.00 for generic.................I will stick with the Brand.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Hi Ducky *wave*  I've been workiing at my new home computer job and haven't been on in a while.. The Onc put me on the generic femara last week - no headache like with arimidex but today I kept getting a kink in my foot when I walked and my knees have been bugging me... Do you all think that is from the femara or a combination with my new computer work?? I have an "ergonomic" workstation and been very careful about my posture and taking breaks... I want the femara to work and don't want to blame it for my aches... I am still walking 3 times a week to keep myself moving... just not sure...

    I start this job full time next week... just been working 20 hours a week for the last 3 weeks..

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Gma........I have only taken the Brand name drug, but I have heard a several people who were on the Brand, before the generic came out, and had 0 to mild SE's, but when they went on the generic (because it ws less expensive) they began to experience problems................

    I think the only way someone with that experience would have to stop the generic, go back to the Brand name, and see if things change.........................many go to the generic for a cost savings...............I won't do that..........I would rather pay the extra and remain as I am....I have a few aches, but I always had aches..............I just have to decide if they are a little more then before Femara...............I have arthritis, so it is difficult to tell.

    Many women complain about hot far none of that for me.

    I doubt the chair, or being in front of the computer is causing you knee, or foot pain.........ask your MO if he has any samples of Femara, and use that till you run out of samples, and see if you notice a change.............if you do, the generic, could be the problem.........glad you don't have the headache like with Arimidex............

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    I have to say...three weeks on the generic and I don't have any more joint issues than I had with Femara. For me $564.00 vs $22.49 is worth the se's.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    My Brand Femara cost me $280.00 every 3 months............I'm doing well on it so far, so my feeling is I'm staying on the Brand...........not worth taking the change, just to save $90.00...............I worked for a Pharma Co. for 15 years.  Both my daughters have 30 years with the same company............I was in Research, so I know that generics are not exactly the same as Brand..........Only the "Core" has to be the same.................other components in the drug can cause SE that the Brand doesn't.

    However if the generic works for all means take it, or stay with it if your on it without for me........I will remain on the Brand..........

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    As long as it dose it's cancer trick. That's what's important. And I'd hope through testing they have found that it works just as well.....with some s/e's maybe?

  • arsb
    arsb Member Posts: 1

    I"m sorry to hear that some of you are experiencing such difficulty with the side effects! I have been on Femara for about 2 years now.  I think I am doing okay! :)  I take it at night to off-set tiredness and do have occasional hot flashes (was worse at first -- but has imporved dramatically.  The hair on my head is thick but I have noted less hair on my legs and arms -- I didn't realize Femara was supposed to cause hair thinning so I had attributed it to chemo and it just never growing back much. I I experience low back pain but I had that before I ever started the meds! 

    I took Zometa and now take Exgevia to help with bones.  I also take Omega 3's, Clucosamine, Vitamin D, and Calcium.  I plan also to start on Miatake D-Fraction.

    Best of all, I am stable!! :)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Congrats Amanda!  Love to hear the positive side of me hope.

  • Padiddle
    Padiddle Member Posts: 139

    Just stopped by to share that FEMARA stopped working for me.  I've had progression.  I've been on FEMARA 17 months now.  Now it's onto Megace.  I had no horrible side effects on the FEMARA, so I'm kind of bummed that it's not working for me.  Guess it's just time to try the next AI.  Jean

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701 did you find out it wasn't working for you? I would like to know the sighns.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yes Padiddle, what was done to determine Femara wasn't working?