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  • Azura
    Azura Member Posts: 11

    No chemo for my mum just Femara right now but her weight loss for me is alarming. 

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    Dear Olga, I had my first infusion of Zometa last Thursday. For one day I felt fine, then it hit me. I was very sick from mid-afternoon yesterday until this a.m. with flu-like SEs. Last night was really bad. Seems to be dissapating now, though. I have been on Aromasin for 2 1/2 weeks. No SEs whatsoever. Maybe this is too soon to get them though. My doc also gave me an arsenal of drugs to counteract SEs if and when I get them. Haven't taken anything yet.

    On edit, I have a theory about ALs  too. I had no SEs from natural menopause and never took hormone replacements. I wonder if women who breeze through menopause also do well on ALs. 

    Best wishes!


  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    azura, I know when my mom was really weak eggs were something she could always tolerate. She also drank lots of insure we tried to make sure she had 3 per day. For her breakfast was the best meal of the day, I think she just had a bit more energy in the morning. It funny she had always loved tea, but stopped drinking it a few months before we found she had BC. What she said was she had lost the taste for it, but I just wonder if it was the cancer affecting her food choices.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    yorkiemom, The SE's for me didn't really set in till about the 3 month mark other than hot flashes. I will say  though I also sailed through natural menopause, not so much so with the AL's. By the way is that pic. of your Yorkie? They are such cute animals.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    Hi kira, yep that's my baby! Hoping that the SEs are mild. I know I will probably have some. 

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    For me the depression is the worst. I can handle the hot flashes. I just wish my Onc. had warmed me that the lack of estrogen can cause depression. It took some very caring people to make me aware of what was happening.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    My MO a script for depression, but as I mentioned so far I have no SEs. I will definitely take the med if I need it though. Glad you got the help you needed and that you have caring others in your life. That helps soooo much.  I agree with you, hot flashes no bigee.   

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    I don't have any meds for the depression yet. I really dislike taking another drug. I'm trying to use other more natural methods. For one getting more sun to naturally raise my d levels. I've been doing some research into natural ways to raise our serotonin and am implementing some of them. At least now I'm aware of it and am looking for the symptoms. If I need to I will call the Dr., but it does make me angry he didn't warn me nor did he ask about it.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    The doctor should have definitely told you about the risk for depression and all potential SEs. There are several herbal anti-depressants, but you have to be careful about drug interactions with those. I'm on a low dose of Lipitor and can't take them. I also am trying to get in the sun more. Irritating that we get different warnings. For years I've covered my face with sunscreen to prevent skin cancer. Now I hear I need more sun!

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    I am lucky in that I live in Florida, so can get out in the sun all year long. You are right though we've really been trained not to. I can lay on our Lani daily, just need to think about it. I may try one of the herbal anti-depressants. From what I can see I'm not on anything they would react too. I come from a family that embraces natural healing, so that route appeals to me.

    The only LE's they talked about were hot flashes and joint pain. I've solved the joint pain by eating mostly gluten free. Hot flashes are a pain in the neck but I just dress in layers.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Another thing I've found that helps with the joint pain is curcumin and ginger.  Gluten free definitely helps, too!!  I was thinking that the SE's had died away, but then ran out of curcumin and I started walking like I was 90 again.  :)  So visited the health store today and got some more.  :)  Next week I'm adding glucosamine to the mix.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Curcumin I new was good for us, but had ni idea about joint pain. Do you take suppliments, or do you use the spice on food?

  • DocBabs
    DocBabs Member Posts: 54

    Not everyone has SE's from any of these drugs. Most do but there are a few lucky one and then you may have only one or two of them. I statred Arimidex in July and I stopped taking it 4 days ago when I realized that I could not button a shirt because my fingers and hands were in so much pain. The tops of my feet are killing me and as someone else said, I have numbness of my hands and fingers off and on all day and night. I cannot live like this so i have decided to take a break and see if things improve. What good is it living 5 more years and feeling like you'd rather be dead because of all the joint pain.The only thing that doesn't hurt me are my 2 artificial hips and my artificial shoulder.QOL is so much more important  to me .Hell, I've already outlived my mother by 7 years!!

    If my joint pains go away I think this will be the end of Arimidex for me.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Kira, I take supplements - both curcumin and ginger - will start glucosamine soon as well.  (I only add one new thing at a time so as not to mess with myself too much)

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Curcumin has really helped with my joints on Femara, too.  Boswellin also.

    Thus far I've declined the anti-depressants my onc has offered me. BC has left me with PTSD that flares from time to time and I have been told ADs sometimes make PTSD symptoms worse. Umm, no thank you. 

    But I reached a point where I knew I had to do something to lift my spirits -- a mets diagnosis, an oophorectomy and Femara all at once really pitched me into a valley. I wanted to exhaust natural options before filling the AD script. So I've just kept studying my options and tweaking my supplement regimen until I found an herbal cocktail that actually makes a difference -- for me

    Before I try anything new, I always check the herb databases at several reputable cancer websites, including Sloan-Kettering, MD Anderson, Livestrong, NoSurrender, etc. Then I run it by my ND.

    All that said...

    Since I had adrenal exhaustion from a PTSD flare, I had started taking an herbal blend called Adrenal Health from Gaia. Within a week or two, I felt a little better. Encouraged, I kept studying and tinkering. Now, months later, I am taking higher doses of the main herbs in that formula separately. I take Rhodiola rosea before breakfast, then Holy Basil and Ashwagandha before dinner. The three together seem to keep my neurotransmitters twinkling a bit brighter. (Rhodiola is energizing at low doses but slightly sedating at higher doses, so I had to tinker with it a bit to find a dose that gave me energy and brightened my outlook. Too much and I go the other direction.)

    I also felt better after my ND told me to change the form of B12 I was taking from the cyanocobalamin form to methylcobalamin, which is more easily metabolized by the body.

    I wouldn't want anyone to take this as advice; it's just what has helped me. YMMV.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    You guys are the best. I will run the suggestion by my Dr. before beginning, but really don't see how curcumin could cause trouble. I am aleady on D supppliment along with E per Dr.'s suggestion. On another thread they were talking about Brassica Tea created by John Hopkins. I have ordered some and will drink it instead of plan green tea.

  • Azura
    Azura Member Posts: 11

    she can't drink ensure I tried it also and today was quite sick on it. I wish I could get it into her but she can't tolerate it, she can barely stand and she is starting to say too weak to stand at all. her hands are swollen yes they said Edema. I am trained in Lymphatic drainage but, I know it can do more harm than good. She is eating though and yesterday she had, cornflakes with honey, salmon salad fresh with  extra virgin olive oil a little neat on it. she is very much into milkshakes. she is also drinking lots and lots of water on Femara but, she is frustrated. To sit up in bed she leans on her elbows all the time and I think it's causing her hands to swell. Issue is what to use to prop her up at what extra cost.... she cna't get downstairs since she was so weak the hand rail on the stair shad to be fixed she was sitting on the landing and had to lift her into bed. She is around the 6 stone mark and 5'5 I need any advice as she is saying will call an ambulance soon this week...I am worried if she goes in she...won't come out...God I'm scared.Cry

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Azura- I am so sorry you and your mom are going through this. I do think you need a good dr/nutritionist to help you and maybe the hospital will provide that?

    I am wondering about your comment about lymphatic does it do more harm than good?

  • Azura
    Azura Member Posts: 11

    I will look into the Drs see if can get help but with it being New Year it's difficult as people deserve a break. 
    acute infectious inflamtory ilnesses in development/fever
    serious circulatory conditions thrombosis phlebitis
    major cardiac problems angina etc
    acute anuresus abscense of urination
    malignant ailments saccrom active cancer leukemia.
    it is the theory that it can cause the condition to spread quicker also the skin can bruise during massage. Pressure could cause a reaction in blood sugar levels with diabetes must be monitored. Can be dangerous in low blood pressure as blood pressure drops while laying down. 
    I honestly don't like to do it if someone does have cancer as I have always been cocnerned it causes cells to multiply. I no longer practice it. been a while now...
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Azure if your mom is into milkshakes try adding some good quality protein powder. As for propping her up use pillows......... First one across the bed the second at an angle across the end of the first and the third the other end of the first creating a V the fourth straight over that V and making a support for theback shoulders and neck. When placing patient against pillows make sure their bottom is well settled into the V. You can if necessary use more pillows. I used to use this configuration when I was caring for bed ridden patients.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    Yorkie mom...I have a little Lucy..York. They are the sweetest dog we have had yet. Why are you on Zometa?

    My s/e from Ai's never happened till three month down the line.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    Hi artsee, I totally agree about yorkies! Couldn't ask for a sweeter more adorable companion! I don't know all the factors that went into my MOs decision to put me on Zometa. I am 63 and had 2 positive nodes, although they were micromets. MO felt Zometa would protect me in case any stray cells got into my bones. I'm over the SEs now. I feel so fortunate to live in an era that has such wonderful life-saving treatments for bc! Next, bring on the cure!!


  • Azura
    Azura Member Posts: 11

    Thanks will try the V shape for her as she gets really uncomfortable laying. I have done as you say and sent for some whey protein a organic one I am hoping it's a good brand called Pink Sun they grass feed the animals

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Azura.....I couldn't drink ensure instead they gave me the juice version of it.

    good Luck 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    This is the one

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Azura, let me know how your mom gets on and if the pillows work for her.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    Yorkiemom...You are fortunate because your DX is pretty low key. Mine was grade 3 and my Dr. never mentioned the drug to me. I take it you had chemo right?

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    attsee, I haven't had chemo. Based on my profile, including the low Oncotype score, docs do not believe I would benefit from it. In fact, I would statistically be worse off if I got it. Grade 3 is another beast. I think that usually gets chemo, even with no node involvement.

  • Azura
    Azura Member Posts: 11

    Pillows worked, p.s mums eating today but gone mad on bagels with cheese and apricots both together? eww then gluten free bread with olive butter and apricot jam --I bought Monne Maman one natural and she won't stop eating the stuff lol! probably high in sugar but she said u can try me on other foods but that's all I want. So, thus stubborn muled mum got own way and is now sleeping happy after her apricot madness :PSealed Ensure juice? that looks interesting thanks for the tip! P.s got some whey powder now need to figure out how much to use. P.s does Femara cause hands to swell I saw side effects on the site. she has a few of them! chets wheezy fatigue emotional and hands swollen.

    can't get Ensure enlive in UK-- is the an alternative juice of it anywhere in UK? thanks

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    How about this one (I didn't try this)

    Does your mother like yogurt. You can make home made shakes using yogurt instead of milk.

    If you're interested PM me.