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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Hi gals! ITFR - good for you!!! You can do it! Jancie, you too! If you were gonna relapse, you had a lot of reasons but you hung tough. O2B, big {{{HUGS}}} for you!

    We can all do it! Yesterday was FIVE months for me! Woo Hoo!!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    5 Months!!! Fantastic!  Did you ever expect to see  a number followed by MONTHS rather than, at least in the very beginning, minutes and hours?  I know I did NOT!

    Congrats!  And keep GOING!


  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010


    Congrats on 5 months...I'm counting days (44) but I guess I can now safely say 1 month and 14 days :)


    I think we move during the day and 'think' we go far but we do not. I need to get a pedometor. I'll have to go to the sporting goods store for one.


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    I did buy a pedometer at my local sporting goods store for both my daughter and me a couple of years ago.  The ones we bought were terribly inacurate!  As my daughter said... What is the use in wearing it if you don't know if 1 step is registering as 0 or 10!  Guess I couldn't argue!

    The ones that we wound up buying and have been very happy with were the Omron-HJ112 purchased through Amazon for less that $25.00 .  So far it seems to be very accurate!  From what I have seen you don't even gain those "thousand steps by riding in the car" that other pedometers do register! 

    Of course, because I HAVE been trying to increase my steps, THAT could be a draw-back and might have worked in my!  BUT seriously.. It has been a good pedometer for us!

    Actually, I think we all agreed early on that you count your time however it feels best TO YOU.  I know that, in the beginning,  I took great comfort in using a very small time increment (read that minutes) that I was counting so that the amount of time that had passed was large! I have now moved to months!  Who would have thought??!

    The thing to keep in mind is it doesn't matter HOW we count it,  what matters is that WE'RE DOING IT!!

    So glad to be in the same boat with all of you ladies and SO HAPPY that you all are doing well!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited November 2010

    12 weeks and 1 day, so that's 3 months? Months do sound better! Congrats Barbara on 5 months. One day we'll be able to say 3 years or 5 years.

    Hang in there everybody. We can do this!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    {{{TEAM HUG}}}}}}} We can do it!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010


  • Dutchy
    Dutchy Member Posts: 172
    edited August 2013

    Jennifer, so glad you are doing so well with your walking.  I walk about 3 times a week with a housemate but I need to walk much more.  I can not wait until I can hike again.  I do not see why I can not and may call my friend to go this weekend.  I also like the idea of getting a pedometer.

    To all my sisters KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK BECAUSE WE ARE DOING IT.   {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}


  • Linda603
    Linda603 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2010

    Hi Everyone.  I'm on day 2 without a smoke.  This morning was bad, I went out and purchased nicotine patches.  It's now early afternoon, and the patch seems to have taken the edge off.  Damnit, I'm going to do this!!!!!  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited November 2010
    Welcome Linda. Yes, you can do this. Use the patches and whatever else will help you get through the rough patches without a smoke. I used patches and the prescription drug Wellbutrin. I've been smoke free for 3 months. This thread is a great place for tips and encouragement. Hang in there!
  • Linda603
    Linda603 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2010

    LadyinBama:  thanks for the support.  This weekend will be a big test.  Going out with friends and some of them are smokers.  I'll wear the patch and chew gum...whatever it takes!  I'm so glad I found this thread!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    Welcome!   Glad you have decided to join us! 

    Not sure if you have read back on some of the prior posts, but I did cold turkey.  I really felt pretty crappy for the first 3 days.  Basically like I had the flu.  I was also a very heavy smoker for many years so that may not be everyone's experience.

    During those first few days, I didn't think I was going to be able to do it but EVERYONE said it would improve by day 5 if I could just hold on.  I went on faith!  Kept telling myself if they were wrong and I could honestly say it wasn't any better, I would start smoking again and find a different way to quit.  Just had to give it 5 days.

    Much to my surprise, they were RIGHT and it got gradually better over the next couple days.  I quit on a Monday and by Saturday, my husband and I were able to go out without fear of my killing someone (well, maybe not AS much  Wasn't all the way better but LOTS better.  Then over the next couple weeks, things improved rapidly and dramatically!!

    One thing I wished I had known was that you really do need to drink lots of fluids and eat small frequent meals in the beginning to keep your blood sugar level fairly constant.  When we smoke nicotine causes stored sugars to be released into your blood when your blood sugar levels drop.  When you stop smoking it takes a few days for your body to remember how to do that on it's own.  Seems many of the my early withdrawal symptoms may have been really symptoms of low blood sugar.  Also, you may feel more tired for awhile, try to rest when you can.  Being tired really feels a lot like "I want to smoke".

    I know some of the girls here did the patch, some have had great success with Chantix, some have gone cold turkey and Barbara had great success with auricular stimulation which really sounds interesting.  Important thing is to find what works FOR YOU and if one thing doesn't work try another!

    I'm sure some of the others will be along soon!

    Best of luck to you and hope to hear more from you soon!

    You CAN do this and I couldn't think of a nicer bunch of women to 'have along for the ride'!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010


    Welcome! You have come to the right place for support.  These gals are Fabulous!

    I quit the day of my surgery...I really didn't feel all that great for the first week or two so I didn't even want to smoke. I guess my surgery was a blessing in disguise. I quit on 9/20 and did it cold turkey too.

    I've been walking and eating (uh oh)...but I feel so much better.

    Everyone is right - once you get past the first week or so it does get easier!!!

    Best of luck to you - I know you will succeed. How can you not with the support you are getting from here!

    Post often - it will help.


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010

    Ok Ladies, it's been kind of quiet lately!

    Everyone doing all right?


    Haven't heard from you in awhile.  You had A LOT of stressful stuff going on when we last heard from you.  Been thinking about you lately. You still hanging in there?


    Hopefully you are now on day 4 and things will start to get a bit easier for you!


    Let us know how things are going!  The first weekend after quitting can be a rough one!  Hope all is well! 

    To all the rest of you wonderful ladies,

    Hope you are having a GREAT week-end!  Been really cold here in the Northeast for the last week or so.  I'm afraid winter (shudder) is on it's way!


  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010

    Hi Jennifer:

    Thanks for the roll call.  Things are good here in NC.  Chilly this morning for my walk but warmed up later in the day. Would have been really nice if the wind didn't blow.

    Having kind of a depression about my tissue expanders...getting anxious to be filled but have to wait until the 18th at least.  I'll get through it though!

    Have a great weekend


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    Glad to hear you are doing well!  Good for you on getting out there to walk.  Was windy here as well and I wimped out! Opted for the treadmill instead!  I do really like doing my walking outside when I can but, it just felt so darn cold! 

    It really DOES stink to have had a set-back on your progress and to have to wait (I just do NOT do that well, AT ALL!).  But, hopefully, that delay will mean that your results will be absolutely everything that you have hoped for!

    Our fellow stop-smoking friend, Dutchy, waited 10 years for her reconstruction, had to fight the insurance company like crazy to get the operation she wanted done by the surgeon she wanted, had it done and, I think she would say, WORTH ALL OF IT!!  Dutchy, sorry for "outing you" but, as I told you before, I think your strength will be a real inspiration for others!

    I hope that you are continuing to heal well, that time will pass quickly to your first fill, and, this time, there will be NO turning back!

    Hang in there, Girl!!


  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010

    Thanks Jennifer

    Dutchey!  Kudos to you for sticking with your resolve!  I'm very proud of you and jealous of your patience. I told my PS I am not a patient patient.  I think I can move things along I think...I'm going to ask the PS if his work will look perfect :):)...that should get him going, ya think?

    So, I'm hoping for my first real fill on 11/18....can't wait!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited November 2010

    Dutchy, Wow, ten years?? How could the insurance company deny coverage? Isn't it a federal law that you must pay for reconstruction after BC? Maybe it wasn't the law 10 years ago. In Alabama, we also have a symmetry law, so if you have a single MX, they also have to pay to lift, reduce, whatever the other one to match. I had BMX with cancer in just one breast, but they have to cover both.

    I get to restart my chemo tomorrow after more than a month of delays because of infection, hospitalizations, etc. I am NOT patient either and am so ready to get going again. I had hoped to be staring down my last treatment by now.

  • PiscesMoon
    PiscesMoon Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2010

    hi ladies.  Smile  i've been reading this thread and decided to jump in.  i smoked all through treatment, surgery, etc.  now i'm looking to quit.  it's quite stressing just talking about quiting.  it's almost like dieting - when you decide to cut something out of your daily intake it makes you want to go out and eat a ton of it 'one last time.'  so here i am, willing to give it a try.  the thing that concerns me most is any weight gain that might happen.  i know that good diet and excercise can keep that down but i'm not there yet (other than taking tons of stairs at work).  so i'm doing two things at once - cutting down on the smoking and cutting down on my calorie intake.  i was in the process of losing weight when i got diagnosed (almost a year ago, holy moley where does the time go) so now i have to get back in the saddle.  i guess i can post once a week?  or do you do it every day?  any 'rules' on this thread?  Laughing


  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010


    Welcome! You have come to the right place for support and encouragement for you smoking quit. These women are wonderful and will keep you on the straight and narrow!  Cool

    I was lucky enough to quit the day of my surgery and never looked back (9/20) but I needed some encouragement and support and found it right here!!!

    Whatever it takes...I'm sure others will be along with some suggestions and advise.

    I found that walking and just trying to change your behavior really works well. Instead of that coffee and cigarette in the morning try emptying the dishwasher instead of going outside for a smoke. I was sick after surgery so I really didn't want them and after the first week the physical cravings seem to have passed and I had to deal with the psychological. Like I said, I was very lucky in my quit. But I still come here daily for support...

    Best of luck!


  • PiscesMoon
    PiscesMoon Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2010

    jan - thank you!!  i already do smoke outside (hubby doesn't smoke - long story there).  i think what will help is me not smoking while driving.  new rule - NO SMOKING IN THE CAR! lol  i think that's what i'll concentrate on this week.  also, i'm going to try and keep track of how many ciggs i smoke and when i want one i'm going to ask myself why.  it sounds weird but it really helped me when i was deep in the throes of compulsive eating.  i would stop and ask why i wanted to eat - was i stressed, hungry, bored, the food was just there and looked good, etc.  then i could ask myself do i want to eat?  can i put it off for a while?  it took a while but eventually i was able to stop most of my compulsive eating and start eating when my stomach would really growl, which is amazing 'cause it only really growls once or twice a day.  lol  so maybe i'll be able to apply these techinques to stopping smoking?  i'll give it a shot!


  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010

    That's a great plan.  Trying one thing at a time is good too.  No smoking in the car, no cigarette after dinner, maybe baby steps will work great for you.

    Good luck!

    Like I said I'm sure others will be along to help.

    If there is anything I can do just hollar!


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    Didn't mean to suggest that Dutchy's insurance denied her coverage for 10 years! 

    She had her initial surgery 10 years ago and chose this year to have her reconstruction done, which, you are right, by law, if your insurance company covers mastectomy it MUST cover reconstruction (including surgery on the other breast to obtain symmetry)  BUT her insurance company sure gave her a rough time as to WHICH surgery she could have and WHERE she could have it done! 

    I will let Dutchy elaborate further on her story IF she wants to, BUT, between YOU and ME...let me tell you.... She kicked @ss against the insurance company!!  She is truly an inspiration to me in showing that YOU are the best advocate for YOU!!!

    I am so happy that you are able to get on with the last phase of your treatment.  Hope you sail through it with VERY FEW side-effects!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2010

    gosh darn - I can't keep up with everyone!  Linda - how is it going for you?  Pisces - you can post as often as you like.  When it gets rough for me I post like crazy - you will see 3 posts in a row from me so no rules at all.  It is ok to be here even if you don't have a quit date - the fact that you are here is encouraging to you that you are thinking about quitting and looking for advice.

    Tomorrow I will hit one month!!!  ok, I admit - I am counting 30 days in a month - not 31 - LOL  I have never gone this long without sneaking a smoke or a puff at some point in time.

    I am hanging in there - yes....rough times for sure.  Saw my GP last week for the first time since I broke my arm into pieces.  I broke my arm 2 days after I met the guy for the first time.  I made my husband go with me because I am having such pain issues and this doctor instead of wanting to help me the first time, was doing his best to 'wean" me off the pain meds.  I ripped him a new one and told him that I don't give a crap about quantity of life, I may not be around  in 10 years for all I know  - what is important to me is quality of life and I am not going to live in chronic pain the rest of my life.  The lortabs weren't working so he agreed finally to take me off the lortabs, put me on morphine and refer me to a pain management clinic.  halleluhah or or however you spell it, I have lived in chronic pain for almost 2 years now and I am getting tired of it.  And you wonder how I have managed to not start smoking again?  I have no clue - just figured I have gotten this far that there is no need to start up again.

    Ok, the bed is calling to me - ya'll have a great night!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010



    I know weight gain is a big concern for many who are trying to quit smoking and, to be honest, there may be some gain. 

     When I went for my first doctor's appointment after quitting I had gained 10 lbs and was feeling bad about that.  My doctor said, that she was not in the least concerned about that gain and in order for weight gain to even approach the damage I was doing by smoking I would have to gain 100 lbs.  What she said was deal with stopping smoking first with whatever means necessary and, once you have that down, deal with the weight, if needed.

    I have dealt with the smoking aspect and have just started walking to begin to take off the weight gain.   

    Would LOVE to have some company in my "losing weight after quitting smoking" efforts! 

    Our fellow sister, VJSL8, is a smoking cessation counselor and has, graciously, offered to provide a copy of the workbook that she uses for her workshops, free of charge, to the ladies here.  LOTS of really great information for people just starting out.  If you would like a copy, send her an e-mail at VJSL8@CS.COM.  Just let her know you are looking for the PDF from her stop smoking workshop.

    Absolutely NO rules here on when or how often you post!! The only requirement, as far as I'm concerned, is an honest desire to stop smoking.  As we have said in the past,  we hope that this thread will be for people who have already stopped smoking, those that are just beginning and those who have just begun to entertain the thought!! This has been, and I hope will remain, a totally judgement-free zone where we all support each other!

    Hope to hear more from you soon!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2010


    I knew you'd be along and know 'just what to say'....


    I didn't have VJ's email...good thing you did.


  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited November 2010

    Thank you for your kind comments about my workbook. I am a former smoker who has been helping smokers quit for the past 20 years. I have nothing to sell, no ulterior motives, I just want to help my fellow BC sisters in your quest to be healthy by becoming smoke free. Just send my your email address. My email is VJSL8@CS.COM. Have a joyous day. VJ

    PS: I will be in Ogden, Layton, Roosevelt and Vernal this week (Nov. 9-11) doing free one hour workshops--if you live in any of these areas and want to attend, just let me know and I'll send you the details. And in Beaumont, Highland, San Diego, Yucaipa, Palm Springs and Blythe the follwoing week (Nov. 16-18).

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    Thanks for the kind words!  I think we ALL do a GREAT job here of encouraging each other! 

    Hope all is well in NC!


    PS. Still cold here today but that dang wind died down so really didn't feel as bad!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2010


    YAY!!!! 30 DAYS!!! You count that HOWEVER you want to (and yes, some months have 30 days so, perfectly legit!!!!)

     If 1 month sounds good to you, call it that!  If 30 days sounds better, do it that way!!! Just, KEEP DOING IT!  I am thinking of you and pulling for you EVERY day!

    I hear ya on hitting the bed early!  The time change this weekend, while I really liked that extra hour in bed this morning, is kind of feeling like... geez, will this day never end, tonight... lol.

    Glad to hear that you are on track to get your pain under control!  I think, once that happens, everything else will fall into place!

    Hang in there! 


  • Linda603
    Linda603 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2010

    You ladies are great!  I made it through the weekend without a smoke!  The only time I really wanted one was after a big meal on Saturday night.  I'm drinking lots of water and a friend told me to snack on red grapes.  So far so good!  I'm still using the patch, but I take it off at bedtime.  I'm really going to do it this time...really!!