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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited January 2011

    Bama - I have been taking Biotene 500 mg daily since I first lost my hair.  My hair did go through a few ratty looking stages and I will admit when it was really short the curls were cute but I have really missed seeing 'me' in the mirror.  I had one stage of hair growth that I would refer to as ostrich hair days, little fluffs of 'something'  not quite hair more like stringy fuzz that sparsely covered my head and another phase where it was literally all the colors it could be (gray, white, brown, black and blond). I ran into a girlfriend at home depot during this stage and she said my hair kinda resembled a hamster/gerbil/mouse... Good thing I like her or I would have been offended. 

    Laurie - I don't think my LE arms can handle the flat iron on my own but my kids have volunteered to help me. My DH too! 

    Seaside - Thank you, I was pretty pleased with my new do and it really does show in the photo.  I used to pay for curls, but that was in the 80's and it was hip Laughing  Now that I have virgin hair I would hate to damage it with chemicals so I am trying to avoid using any chemicals.  Thankfully my color came back nice and a consistent color.   

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    I was one of the "big hair" girls in the 80's.... Gotta love it!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011

    Seaside: I'm from the South. We've had big hair since the beginning of time :)

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited January 2011

    LOL...I'm a Jersey girl and we've had 'big hair' also forever.


  • Dutchy
    Dutchy Member Posts: 172
    edited January 2011

    Michelle, you look beautiful. I really like the color of your hair and the style is great too. 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    My kids look back at pictures of me from the 80's and ask "who's that?"

    God I had such an abundance of hair then... Wish I had just a bit of it back now! 

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited January 2011


    How much snow? I heard the Island got hammered today!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Don't want to be a downer but, wanted to stop to say a special prayer for ALL of the people in Arizona  who lost their lives (and were injured) to yet another sense-less shooting!!

    May those who have passed, rest in peace, and those who are struggling to heal, have an angel watching over them!

    Special prayers for that beautiful little nine year old, Christina-Taylor who was born Sept 11, 2001 ( a day we will all remember forever) and lost her life on Saturday...

    My prayers go up tonight for all who lost a loved one, for those struggling to recover, and the people who love them!  May God grant you strength and healing!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited January 2011



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    We didn't get it too bad.... Least not for here... I'm going to say about 5 inches!

    I will say I am feeling about like the Tin Man on the Wizard of OZ after shoveling though!  Hoping for NO MORE tonight into tomorrow because I have to drive my daughter back to school in the AM...

    We are supposed to get some more lake effect stuff tonight but, it's supposed to stay WEST of where I am.

    As you can tell from my post above, I watched the president's broadcast from AZ and was sitting there with tears running down my face!! It's just so awful to begin with but, to hear the individual stories was more than I could bear!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Are things thawing a bit down south?? I hope so!!! 

    We had our snow last night and the schools were on a 2-hour delay today.  The road crews did swoop in today and get things cleared out so by noon or so we were in good shape!  Looking for some more tonight but, hoping it stays to the west as I have to travel tomorrow! 

    What a strange winter this has been so far...

  • Dutchy
    Dutchy Member Posts: 172
    edited January 2011

    Jennifer and Jan and my other find lady friends, My prayers go out to all of those in Arizona.  It is just so sad about the little girl and all of the rest. 

    Jennifer, Please be careful driving your daughter to school in that crazy weather all of you are having.  I am really grateful for our weather out here the past couple of days as it has been sun shining and feeling great,  I wish I could send some your way. 

    I have been dealing with insomnia the past couple of nights and have been awake since 2am.  Today is going to be challenging.  I plan to go work out on the treadmill in a bit and see if I can get some addrenalin flowing through my body.

    I have been having trouble with staying quit and know it is because I am dreading my son going to jail on Wednesday next week.  As I have said he deserves to go because he was driving drunk and should not have been in a car.  I am grateful he did not get in an accident or worse kill someone but I still do not like to see him go.  I will have to tell his daughter and her mother and hope it does not change there mind about moving here from Texas.  But if they do it might be what is best for her at this time.

    I do really well with stopping all day when I am working but once I get home I want one terribly and have been giving in although I am smoking ultra lights now.  I have been using my straw but it just doesn't work when I get home.

    My caseload at work is well over 100 and the time limits they are putting on us are not easy to meet.  They say they are trying to improve things for us...but I really do not see it.  All I see is higher caseloads and more pressure to get services into place and the program manager that we are suppose to get them in place with is always out ill or on vacation.  The paper work on my desk keeps piling up and never enough time to get to it,  Oh well I guess that is todays social work.

    Thanks for letting me bitch...

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047
    edited January 2011

    Dutchy- A big hug to you- please don't be hard on yourself for smoking.  My heart breaks for you in all that you are going through.  Never mind cancer, surgery and all the anxiety that goes with it, the worry you must have for your son and what will happen with your grand daughter must be immense.  Take each day and moment as it comes and please come here to vent, I have found all of you so helpful.  I know I never mind listening either.  Has there been any word as to when your next surgery is?

  • onward
    onward Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2011

    I have been lurking on this thread for a while. I had a blm on July 29 and started chemo in September. My last chemo day is Feb 2 and than on to radiation. I had 20 nodes involved which along with my 9cm lobular carcinoma puts me at a stage IIIc. You would think that would be enough to make me quit. Nope. In fact I find the smoking calms my stomach. But, it's time. I began 9 days ago with the patch. However I cant sleep with the stupid things on due to dreams so I still start my morning with smoking and put the patch on by 8am and as soon as I take it off at nine, I have a couple more. I realize how dumb this is. I have tried the chemicals before, but am still taking so many meds, I just dont want to begin another....So I will be watching this more closely and hoping for some tips. My Dear Husband smokes. And in a bind, I can always find where he has hid them. Good news is that I will have a few weeks break from him because he has some trips planed for work and I am getting out of town and looking for some sun so hopefullly a few weeks without seeing him smoke will get me started. Have a great not smoking day. Onward

  • Linda603
    Linda603 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2011

    Onward:  I too used the patch and had weird dreams at night.  I eventually started just putting it on as soon as I woke up, and took it off as I was getting into bed.  The dreams stopped, and it didn't allow me enough "awake" time without the patch to grab a smoke.   Keep up the good work, you're on the right track.


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011

    Seaside: Yes, we are getting back to normal. The snow is still around since it hasn't gotten above freezing all week, but they've done a good job of clearing the roads and we can get out and go. Tomorrow is a heat wave - it's supposed to go up to 40, so that will help too.

    All: Hang in there. Two things I know for sure: 1) Smoking doesn't help anything. 2) Beating up on yourself for smoking doesn't help anything either!

    Regroup and try, try again. I don't even remember how many times I've quit smoking. IMO, every hour without a cig is good, so if you stay smoke free 23 hours a day and smoke a couple of cigs in that other hour, it's got to be better than where we were as regular smokers.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    I'm with Bama. 23 hours smoke free is way better than where we all were.

  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2011

    I'm still here, still smoke free since the night before my surgery (9/28/10) but having a really tough day after chemo # 4 of 6.  It's day 2 after AC and between the acid reflux, nausea, fatigue from the anti-nausea meds, and eye twitches I'm ready to scream...or smoke or both.  Thanks to my DH who doesn't leave packs around the house and thanks to the anti-nausea meds that I can't operate heavy machinery (the car) so I can't go buy a pack!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2011

    I am still at 5 cigarettes a day and have 10 left in my last pack, I've had 2 already today and am getting a little panicy (if that's a word).  I have been using the e cig like crazy.  My daughter already finished her last pack and bought another, I'm trying not to think that I'll do the same, grrrrrrrr this is hard .  Been cleaning house, have nephew in from Atlanta.  Drinking lots of water, going to the grocery store to get healthy snacks, veggies and such. My nephew is a chef and will be making us a 4course meal for us today, last time it was luscious.  Nicotine is definately an addiction, all I'm thinking of.  Karen

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    CAL and KAREN - big (((HUGS)))) to you both. It is the hardest thing I ever did. I quit many times, the prio time being Dec 2004 until 2006. What a dolt. I know I am one puff and gone so I simply cannot be a casual smoker like some of my friends. I quit 7 months ago and I have to say, this time seems different to me. I think I am realizing my mortality and I am happy to be a non smoker now. No more freezing my a$$ off to go outside to smoke. How nice. And I smell GOOD!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Made it to my daughter's college, got her moved back in, took her out to lunch and drove back without hitting any really bad weather.  Hit a few areas of snow on the way up but, nothing on the road so that was good.

    I am sorry to hear that your son is going to jail.  You had talked about it before Christmas and then I hadn't heard anything since.  I was hoping that maybe it all somehow was resolved!  I don't care how old our children get, it always breaks your heart when they fall.  Scraped knees when they are little and bigger stuff later on.  You mentioned earlier that you and your granddaughter's Mom have a good relationship.  I REALLY hope that she is understanding and that her plans to move back to CA stay the same!

    You have a lot on your plate right now so try not to be so hard on yourself!  I think everyone who quits/is trying to quit has a time during the day that is especially hard.  Mine was the late afternoon/early evening so that's when I would use the treadmill.  Exercise helped a LOT! 

     I imagine though, after being buried at work ALL day, that is probably the LAST thing you feel like doing.  Maybe find something that is relaxing that you can do during that time.  Something where you really couldn't smoke while doing it.  I guess I could have smoked on the treadmill but, it would have been difficult! 

    In the meantime, know that I am thinking of you, sister!

    Vent anytime you want!  That's what we're here for!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    Welcome onward!!!

    I'm an ILC girl, as well, and so is jan508 so you're in good company!

    As far as fear being a big motivator for quitting, in my case, NOPE! I think I was more afraid of giving up the cigarettes that I was of having cancer.  That's how crazy this whole smoking thing is! 

    I also smoked to calm my nerves.  Ironically, I feel I am MUCH more calm now that I have quit than I was when I smoked.  My husband agrees!

    First off, while the ultimate goal is to quit, you're off to a good start just smoking a couple in the morning and a couple at night while you figure out what the best way to go about quitting is for YOU.  Kind of trying it on for size to see how it feels... As we have said before quitting is not an event it is a process.  You have begun the process.. Congrats!

    Not sure how far you've gone back in this thread but, there are a lot of really good tips here!

    Welcome aboard and post when you need to!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    So glad that you posted!  We hadn't heard from you in awhile and I was hoping all was well.

    Sorry to hear that chemo has been rough!  Hope the remaining 2 go smoothly and with minimal side-effects.

    I've said it before but I think it bears repeating.. You ladies who are quitting smoking while going through active treatment deserve all the credit (and applause) in the world!!  I imagine that is really tough to do and a true testament to your inner strength!  My hat is off to you all!!  

    I posted a roll call of the ladies who post here regularly with their quit date.  Let me know if you would like your name and date added when I update it.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Yes, nicotine is one of THE most addicting drugs there is! 

    When  I was cutting way back on smoking, cigarettes occupied a HUGE part of my day.  I would only allow myself 10 per day (before everyone laughs, it was WAY down from my 1 1/2 - 2  SO all day long the mental conversation was.... "Gee, I want a cigarette... should I have it now? hmmm, if i smoke now I may run out before evening.  do something else... but, i really want one now... but if I have one now it takes away from when I really like to smoke in the evening... oh, I don't know...ok... go smoke... and REPLAY this 9 more times during the day."    I was either smoking or thinking about smoking all day.

    Same thing when I first quit.  Seemed like that was ALL I thought (which is normal) about BUT, after a bit, I noticed that I thought about smoking less and less until now, if I think about it is a passing thought that maybe occupies 2 seconds of my day. 

    If you ask anyone who has quit for a longer period of time, I'm sure they will answer the same.  It may pop into your head from time to time but, most days YOU JUST DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!! 

    Just so you know.... I would have called anyone a LIAR that would have told me this in the beginning but,  it really is true.

    I hope you enjoy that 4-course meal!!!! I'm sure it will be fabulous!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited January 2011

    To all the newbies:

    Welcome!  You have come to the right place for support and encouragement. Someone is always here to help you get through a crave....this is doable and you will do it!!

    dutchy: I hope all works out well for your family.

    Jennifer: Glad you made it to the college and back and your trip was uneventful.

    Yes, onward: I'm an ILC and a DCIS girl. I wanted to quit for a long time and this actually gave me the 'permission' to do so.  I refused to buy any as of the day of my DX and I actually quit the day of my surgery.  Never looked back!  Don't misunderstand me I get cravings and really strong ones at that but I find a way to work through them.

    Went to PS today got another fill and whew, I have no idea where he puts all this saline!  One for fill I think then my 'girls' will be born.  Whoo HOO


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Gals, just my OP but I know if I take a puff I am doomed. So I can never do it again. That's how I am.  Many of my friends are casual smokers. Not me. One puff and I am done. Won't happen.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    You are so right... I moved my daughter back into her dorm today and HOLY COW was it cold... All I could think about was how glad I was that I didn't have to be out in that smoking... Smelling good is a perk too!!  Not to mention the saved CASH!!

    Funny that you mentioned the smell.  My son used to get soooo mad because all of his friend's parents thought he smoked because he smelled like smoke.  He then had to explain it wasn't HIM it was ME.  I know it really bothered him.

    You are ALMOST to your bon voyage date!!! You must be getting excited!

    Edited to add: and YOU are SOOOO right.  In my book, the words casual and smoker don't even occupy the same page!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Good news on one more fill! 

    Any idea on when the girls' Birthday will be?  You must be so ready to have those expanders OUT!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited January 2011


    I'm 'hoping' one fmore fill! I don't know where they are putting all this salt water!!! I could be a bouy in the ocean.

    Not sure of the 'due date' but I'll be sure to let you know.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011

    Did I tell ya'll I called my PS today to schedule my stage 2 surgery (get TEs out and implants in) and he can't do it until March 30? I was so upset. I had no idea I'd have to wait that long after being given the go ahead for surgery by my onc. I was going to get my port out at the same time, but I guess now I'll schedule that separately...IF the other surgeon can get to that!