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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    You really have a lot on your plate right now!  I don't think it sounds awful at all that you are mad that you have to quit smoking!  You like smoking and right now I'm sure it feels like just one more thing that you have to deal with that you'd rather not.

    You mentioned that you have to quit.  Are you referring to having to quit for your surgery or is it more like have to quit because it's time?  One thing that has been suggested before is to count up how long you need to be smoke free before and after you surgery and just try to be smoke free for that number of days.  Then after that, remaining smoke-free or going back to smoking is up for negotiation.

    I would also maybe go back through this thread a ways, if you haven't already.  Lots of really good tips. 

     I can't help too much on Chantix other than to say my doctor has had really good success with his patients that have used it.  I did cold turkey but had the prescription for Chantix as my "plan B" if I couldn't do it. VJ's work book had all kinds of different quit smoking aids that may be helpful (some I had never even heard of).

    Quitting smoking is hard but once you've done it, and you look back, you will SO glad you did.

    Post anytime you need to!! The ladies here are in all stages of quitting and really help each other!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    Welcome aboard sunangel27,

    You have really come to the right place!  Wanting to quit is really a HUGE first step!

    I think you will find the ladies here to be very caring and supportive of each other!  I know I did find when I first quit, that support and accountability helped tremendously.  Even just being able to vent to others that knew exactly what it was like to quit smoking (the rest of my family, while supportive, have never smoked).

    Hope you fly through rads!!  Funny, how each doctor is a bit different in how the do things.  I completed rads before starting the Tamoxifen. 

    Hope to hear more from you soon!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    Hope you're doing OK sweetaerobabe.  Last we heard you were feeling under the weather.

    Get that DVR set... Idol starts Wednesday!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    (((( Dutchy )))))!!

    Was just thinking about you this morning and hoping that things were as OK as they can be, given the circumstances.

    Thinking of you often!


  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2011

    Thank you so much Dutchy!! It isn't gonna be easy, but I HAVE to do it for ME!!    (and on top of everything else!!) I found out this morning the oncologist set me up for a Pulmery Function Test!! I got there for my appt to have the MRI and the Pul nurse called and said they had their patient!! meaning me! The appts; got set up at the same time, well, the postponed the PFT until Friday, cause I was already undressed and ready for the MRI.   GOT thru that!! GEEZE!! That thing is loud!! They put music on but couldn't hear it when that machine was going off....sounded like an alarm...

     I will quit, I know I will....   Good to meet you! And I will keep you in my thoughts!

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2011

    Thank you so much Seaside!   I know I can do this, I just have to do it.... and stay free!!! :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2011

       got through yesterday without a cigarette, evening hrs. were tough.  But I made up my mind that I am stronger than that itty bitty cig.  Have been drinking lots of water, tea and juice, up twice last night to go to the bathroom, usuallyy would have grabbed a cig. then but used my ecig and marched myself off to bed.  OK today - wish I knitted to keep my hands busy, getting a little weary of housework when cravings start, today will try reading and music in the computer room - that's a no smoking room.  Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    THAT IS FANTASTIC!!!  You are on your way!  

    Lots of fluids is good.  Remember to eat/ drink juice frequently and regularly to keep your blood sugar stable (falling blood sugar feels a heck of a lot like, I need to smoke).  Make sure to get as much rest as you can.  I found, since the evenings were tough for me, turning in early helped since, I didn't crave cigarettes when I was sleeping.  I really didn't feel up to it the first few days of my quit but, exercise does help too!

    Very Proud of you!!!

    Edited to add: You are right!  You are stronger than the cigarette!  You have had SUCH an important shift in the way you are thinking.  I found, for me, once I made up my mind that I WAS GOING to quit no matter what, the rest just kind of followed!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011


    These are the house servers.

    These are the beach servers.

    O2B said she was bringing the food so this will hold us until the caterers arrive!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited January 2011

    Happy Anniversary Jen!!!!!

    The food is on its way, unfortunately I can not copy and paste at work, but will post after work Laughing 

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047
    edited January 2011

    Happy Anniversary Jen!!  Congratulations on a job very well done :)

    I had my first post op appt today with my PS and everything looks good.  The nips are pink and "took" and the implants look good too.  I have a bumpy rash from wearing the tape and gauze for a week but am so excited to have it off and be able to take a shower today!!  The PS was very happy with how things looked, yay!!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited January 2011

    Laurie - congrat's on your recon I am so happy to hear you are pleased with your results!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Laurie, CONGRATS!! It is so nice to have it done!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Ladies and WOW!!! Barbara, you have been VERY busy interviewing I see!! Nice selection!

    This was my e-mail from this morning:

    Your  Quit Date is: Monday, January 18, 2010 at 11:01:00 AM
    Time Smoke-Free: 364 days, 19 hours, 44 minutes and 30 seconds
    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 7296
    Lifetime Saved: 1 month, 25 days, 17 hours
    Money Saved: $3,504.00

    I just really can't believe those numbers!!!  I think I have some shopping to do with some of that money!!

    Still hard to believe that I did it!!  I must say, I am very proud of this accomplishment!


    No rush on the food... I'll just grab one of those drinks, have a seat on the beach and enjoy the.... ummm... company!!! Innocent


    Glad all is healing up nicely!!!  I know that first shower I was able to take felt soooooo good!  Enjoy!!!

  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Member Posts: 522
    edited January 2011

    Laurie- I did not quit for my BMX and my PS says that's why I couldn't get rid of the infection in my TE. 

    Seaside- When I say I have to quit, it's bc I am afraid to got through having the TE put back in just to get another infection.  I know quitting smoking lowers that risk.  Plus, it just seems counter-productive to get a BMX and do chemo, but continue smoking. 

    VJ- I will email you and try your workbook.  Thanks so much. 

    The irony of this whole thing is while I sit here and write about not smoking, I have been smoking a cigarette.  Addiction is a powerful thing.

    Thanks again to all of you for your adivce.  I think I will try the Chantix.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Getting VJ's workbook is an excellent start!!

    Her first couple of chapters focus on how to get ready to quit both physically and mentally.  I think once you get a plan in place, wanting to quit will be much easier for you.

     Right before I quit I read a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. While I really wouldn't agree with the title in that it was not easy, it took every reason we have for smoking and one-by-one showed how false those reasons were.  It also explained the addiction (and yes, that word always made me cringe) in a way I was ready to hear. He said in the book to keep smoking until you have finished reading it, so I must admit, my plan was to read VEEEERRRYYY slowly... By the time I got to the end I was actually excited to try. 

    It all starts with believing that you can do this (and you CAN) and getting a plan in place to have the best chance for success.  

    I think it will be a bit easier for you with the information and exercises in the workbook!

    Lot's of people just starting out here, so you really came along at a good time!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2011

    Day 3 here.  My grandkids keep checking in with me to make sure I don't smoke.  The house is starting to smell better, I have cleaned every surface that hasn't walked away from me, the icky brown on some of my pictures was gross.  I am drinking sweeted tea so I don't feel like hunger is a cigarette craving.  Reading and listening to music helps too, since the den is a no smoking area. Have been reading back pages of this site, that is helpful too.  I'm a fledgling non-smoker!  Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    YOU GO!!!!!

    Good for your grandkids for keeping you on the straight and narrow!  My kids both were the ones who REALLY wanted me to quit, and had for a long time!  I could literally see the wariness in my son's eyes when he would get home from school and ask "did you smoke today?".    I think he was afraid to believe that I would really quit! After awhile, he quit asking. 

     I have done a lot of things in my life that I am very proud of but, this was the first thing I did that BOTH of my children said how proud they were of me for doing! Sometimes children will lead the way!

    I cleaned my house top to bottom, too!  I really could not believe how much smoke film was on the windows.

    I agree, sometimes when the going got tough, I read and re-read both a book I had bought and the pages from this thread!!

    So HAPPY to hear that you have 3 days under your belt!! Things will gradually get better this week and then will rapidly improve over the next couple of weeks!!

    We're all pulling for you!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    WHERE ARE YOU???? Hope all is OK with you!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2011

    We all have to quit. If they could figure out a way that smoking wouldn't kill us and/or cause all the problems it causes, I'd be smoking in a heartbeat. Yes, I wanted to quit. But, honestly, I'd love to still smoke. So don't feel like you are alone. I think the anger at having to quit is normal. You may be surprised at how soon you will be excited about being an ex-smoker. I loved to smoke, but I love being quit more!

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited January 2011

    Seaside, CONGRATULATIONS on the 1 year mark, so proud to know you. What are you gonna' do with all that loot saved ??????

    And o2behealthy, Barb, Ladyinbama, and all the new ladies joining us, congrats on your milestones, big and small.

    I too am wondering where is Jan ?????

    I am still not smoking, and getting a clean house in the bargain, yuk, the yellowish, brownish film on everything is gross, I loved to smoke too, but love not smoking alot more. For sure if I ever slip it will be outside in the back of the garage (like a criminal) I do miss smoking at times, but not bad enough to start again as of yet.

    My husband and his cigars do not seem to bother me, he does not smoke them around me anyway, his pc room seems to be the only place he smokes them now, never in the car or the living room anymore, and he mentioned maybe it was time for him to stop his mail order delivery of the cigars and join me in being smokeless, YEAH, that is great as long as he wants to quit, and is not quitting because of me.

    I am still using the inhaler, am down to 2 cartridges a day, but also use 2 lozengers daily, seems to be a good mix for me as I get out it this bad habit, cravings are less than before, I think I am about 44 days smokefree, I haven't checked my quitnet e-mail for a while, and will lose my post if I check right now, but my quit date was Dec. 3rd, 2010.

    I plan to use the nicotrol inhaler and the lozenges for quite a bit longer, I discussed this with my Doc and we came up with 90 days total, cutting down on both aids until I don't use them by the 90 days from quit date. Don't know if that makes sense, lol.

    dsgirl, proud non-smoker.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    dsgirl... SO proud to know you as well!!!

    44 days!!! Great... great... great!!!! AND your husband maybe getting to the point of wanting to quit... BONUS!!

    Jan quit and then her husband followed suit!  Hope the same is true for you! 

    I hear you on the "can't believe the smoke film everywhere".  My son used to be soooo mad that all of his friends parents thought he smoked because his clothes smelled like smoke.  But it was from me.  Never could smell it before but can definitely smell smoke on people now.  Just kind of a strange aside, I really don't mind the smell of fresh smoke but stale smoke does smell kind of bad!

    As for the money.... I may buy myself a new set of walking shoes in the short term, some to pay off some bills and a bit for some kind of small get away for my husband and I this summer! 

    You're doing SO well!  Keep doing what you're doing! 

  • sweetaerobabe
    sweetaerobabe Member Posts: 230
    edited January 2011

    Hey seaside, Im still here, still occasionally slipping unfortunately.But also still trying.

    Im ready for IDOL, got a reminder in my phone and been watching all the late night shows this week with Steven. He's on Jimmy Fallon tonight, Letterman last night and Leno last week. I'm OD'ing on ST! lol.

  • sweetaerobabe
    sweetaerobabe Member Posts: 230
    edited January 2011
    BTW, I started walking on the treadmill today. I did 1 mile. I know, it's not alot, but I never exercise. I would like to get into a healthy frame of mind. I know some of us mentioned working out so I figured I would mention it. Smile
  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047
    edited January 2011

    Idol tonight right?

  • MnHoundage
    MnHoundage Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2011
    I had my last cigarette on December 21, 2010. 29 days ago. For the most part I don't miss it one bit. I had to change a lot of routines. No smoking in the car (so got a new car Sealed) no more smoking in the house.  It hasn't been that long and the cravings hit me like a brick wall some days. I am so happy to have found this group of super supportive people! I just keep telling myself to remember what it was like the first time I could actually play basketball with my students without the fear of my lungs exploding! Having people around me who don't condem (you know..."you've had cancer and you smoke?!?") is going to be such an uplifting thing for me!
  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    Yep!!! 8:00 on Fox for us East Coasters!!  I think it's a 2-parter... Part 1 tonight and part 2 tomorrow!! 


    Glad to hear you are feeling OK!  One mile is doing well, ESPECIALLY since you are not through with chemo!  Be gentle to yourself! 

    Exercise really did and still does help me.  Mostly because you do feel so good and healthy after you're done and don't feel like erasing that good feeling by doing something unhealthy!!

    I have been trying to do 45 minutes daily on the treadmill but, on days that it snows (which, wow, does that feel like constantly) my shoveling is my work-out!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited January 2011

    Jen Oh Jen:

    I've been traveling and could not get on website with Company computer to wish you HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!

    I'm sorry I missed your party....Yell I hope you and everyone behaved!!!

    Talk soon when I get home on Friday


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011

    Welcome MnHoundage!

    29 days is fantastic!!!

    It WILL get better from here!  Sometimes those cravings do hit you right out of the blue, usually when you are doing something for the first time (or two) that you used to do while smoking!  They do pass!

    I lived for 5 years in Rochester, MN and I MUST SAY... for you to smoke outside, in the winter, THAT'S dedication!! I say it's cold here in NY but, we've got NOTHING on the weather in the mid-west!!

    Glad to have you here...  

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2011


    No worries... The servers said they can stay till the week-end!! I'll try not to consume all of the tropical drinks by!!

    Just glad to hear you are OK... Was getting a bit worried!