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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145
    edited April 2011
    Sweet my rads office will only recommend Lansinoh, it is a 100% lanolin cream.  I was able to find it at CVS for $9 on sale for the 2 oz tube.  The dr says the tube will last through my treatments.  I've had 8 treatments and so far I have no effects other than my left hand that I apply the cream with is verrrry soft.  It is very goopy and I put an old t-shirt on for about an hour while it is absorbed.  My dr doesn't tattoo, only permanent marker, so it is difficult to try and lube up around the marks but everyday the techs check and replace as necessary.  I shower in the morning with white Dove soap and use no products before treatment.  Once I return home I use Tom's of Maine deodorant and apply my cream.  Mind you my treatments are at 1:30 in the afternoon and I have not gone back to work since my surgery so I don't really have any other committments in my life other than healing.
  • sweetaerobabe
    sweetaerobabe Member Posts: 230
    edited April 2011

    Thank you for all the advice. I forgot to ask for samples, but I do believe I have a sample of aquafor laying around.

  • sarahlou1967
    sarahlou1967 Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2011

    You have got to keep going with this, when I found out I had breast cancer the very next day I gave up smoking that was about 6-7 weeks ago I was previously a 10 a day smoker for 30 years, so if I can do it you can do it, we have to throw everything we got at this hideous disease and if that includes giving up smoking so be it. Too be honest with you I feel so bad about smoking for so long I cant even stand to look at my old crutch nicotine, I read the book by Alan Carr "Easy way to give up smoking" everytime I wanted to light up I just picked up the book and read a bit more until the craving had disappeared, honest I could not of done it without Alan Carrs Book, its a must.

    Good luck

    Sarah Sweet xxx 

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011

    Thanks sarahsweety and congratulations on your own quit!!

    I also used Alan's book, and agree 100% that it really helped me.  I didn't really want to quit but by the time I finished his book, for the first time, I really thought I could do it!  Reading and re-reading certain sections when the going was tough in those early days helped me too!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    Was thinking of you today... Did your treatment go a little better?  I hope so...

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2011

    Hello all,

    I am 4 1/2 days without nicotine (golf clap,) after a 14 years of smoking and then 10 years of addiction to Nicorette gum and lozenges. Yes, quit smoking in 1999 then found I could infuse nicotine at my convenience! I was horrified when my PS told me I would have to quit when we first met in 10/09. I quit "cold turkey" and made it for 8 months...through chemo and rads then...I just lost my will. 

     So, I messed up big time and did not "re-quit" prior to my exchange surgery last week. It had been 9 months since I picked it back up.  I had to call my PS and turn myself almost cancelled, no lipo for fat transfer (although I must say, I would not have wanted any additional pain.) So clearly, I am willing to risk my health, my healing, and pay for this nicotine when money is tight.  

    so I would LOVE support to "stay quit." I think I would like some nipples in the future, and I am going to use them as my inspiration for now. The other motivator is not spending money on this anymore. whatever it takes, right?

    has anyone else fallen under the spell of the nicorette products?

    well, thanks for listening to my story, and I truly hope to get some support here.


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2011

    squidwitch - ahhh the nicotine products...I too was devastated when my PS said quiting smoking is great but you  have to be off ALL NICOTINE for surgery  - WTH!!!!  I was quiting smoking during one of the most frightening and stress full times in my life and I culdn't even chew nicotine gum!!

    What I did was chewed my gum and when it started losing flavor, i added a piece of doublement gum.  When that lost flavor I took out the existing wad and tossed half of wad and added another piece of Doublement... this way I could say to myself I still had 'some' nicotine.   I keep that up with my one piece of nicotine gum for a week... I also blew bubbles, which really does mimic the inhale/exhale motions of smoking plus helped with the hand mouth addiction. 

    Welcome to our little group of quitters!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011

    Welcome squidwitch42!!!

    I remember you!  You were one of the first people to post following the death of my dog last summer.  Your post was so thoughtful and, at a time when I was just devastated, I can't tell you how much that post meant to me!

    Congrats on your exchange AND your 4 1/2 days without nicotine!  No need for the golf clap (although my DH is watching golf right now so that made me laugh) that is cause for STADIUM applause!!

    You will be so amazed at how fast the money adds up!  Not sure how much the Nicotine gum is (although I think it was kind of pricey) but, I know, here in NY the price of cigarettes is just ridiculous.  I quit over a year ago and, while I haven't run my numbers in awhile, last time I did, my savings were over $4000.00!

    I am sure you will find all of the ladies here to be just awesome!!  So happy you've joined us! Look forward to hearing more from you soon!! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited April 2011

    I got my quitnet anniversary email today, 8 months, 4854 cigarettes NOT smoked, and $850 saved. Woo hoo! Hard to believe it has been that long. And there are still times I think I'd like a cigarette, but it does pass. All you new non-smokers hang in there!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    Glad to hear from you!  8 MONTHS and approaching 5000 cigarettes not smoked!  Can you believe it??!

    How are you healing up?  Good I hope!

    Thinking of you!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited April 2011

    Bama, good for you. Squidwitch, hang in there. We are here to help!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited April 2011

    Seaside: Healing good, thanks. I got my staples out Friday, and they ok'd me doing a few more things. I can drive for short distances, hooray! I hate being stuck at home and not even able to run to the grocery store for something.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2011

    Thank you Thank you for your support. (((awww Seaside )))

    Yes, the Nicorette gum/lozenges are quite expensive. I don't think there is much difference in the end. My guess would be around 4,000.00 a year, and believe me, I need every penny. I have been trying to feel better about myself in all areas, and each box could equal a nice sundress, two skirts....and I was getting really upset with myself when I found myself up at the counter again.

    I am now afraid of the dreaded weight gain...and had surgery last week, so I can't exercise the extra stress away right now. I ate an entire can of chocolate covered almonds last night. So that needs to come back under control too.

    one trick I have is to "smoke" Twizzlers :) It has a little open tube down the middle, and I have a fake cigarette that I wave around...when I quit smoking in 1999, I had to re-learn how to drive without smoking, and basically stopped talking on the phone.

    I go see my PS tomorrow, so at least I can tell her one week without nic.

    how is everyone else doing? any suggestions for not substituting food? oh, when I did this after my mastectomy, I found Peelu brand gum from the natural food store best replicated the texture and thickness of nic gum. I could not find the original flavor the other week, so the inside of my mouth has been over pepperminted and cinnamoned.  Where is the old Vanilla Gum? Licorice gum? wouldn't it be great if they had Neapolitan flavor?

    Thanks again, it certainly helps to know I am not white knuckling this alone...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited April 2011

    Squid, try 'smoking' carrot and celery sticks. That worked for me and kept the weight down.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited April 2011

    Some other ideas of things to "smoke": cinnamon sticks, licorice root, a pen (take the ink part out), cut a straw the size of a cigarette, coffee stirrers, or you can use almost anything that will mimic the hand to mouth motion (especially effective when you are doing other things that are "automatic" such as driving where you're not thinking about what you're doing) raisins (one at a time-hand to mouth), cherrios, sipping water from a water bottle, sunflower seeds (unsalted, again one at a time).

    Suqid---You can tell your PS that the half life of nicotine is 2 to 4 hours,  so if you've made it a week, the nicotine is out of your system. Zyban helps with weight gain, if you can take it.

    Have a joyous day, VJ 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    Bama, congratulations, 8 mos. is fantastic, I think I am creeping up on 3 mos., unreal.  Squid, I used the straw cut to cig. length, really helped.  Did have the weight gain so the next thread I am joining is the E-Lab project.  I find it very helpful to be accountable to a group. And Seaside is in it, so double support.  I was away for the weekend with 5 women I had taught with in 1969-1979, not a smoker in the group, I was the last holdout.  I did have my fake cig in my hand a lot, so in company eatting and drinking wine is a definite trigger, only had 1 glass of wine on Sat. and one on Sun., so not to bad. It was great fun, also got to have coffee with a friend from the Western New York thread and that was just fantastic.  Felt like two old friends with a gazillion things in common.  The whole group is getting together soon. All I do is rave about all the wonderful cyber friends I have made.  BCO really rocks!  Hugs Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    Come on over to the E-LAB thread!  Lots of great support there!  You can join a team if you are willing to share your weight OR be on TEAM Flock if you would rather keep that private! 

    I must admit, the first time I posted my weight and saw it in writing I just about cried... Seems like I have been up and down weight-wise BUT being accountable over there, I know has served to increase the amount of exercise I normally would have done!  Just checked my calendar and I am 3 months from a vacation we have planned to the beach!  That has been my incentive to get my act together and LOSE this weight!

    So GLAD to hear that you had a good time on your week-end getaway!  Always good to re-connect with old (and new) friends!

    O2B is over there, too!  So you'll be in good company!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    How'd your visit with your PS go yesterday?  I hope well!

    I would suspect that you are feeling actual physical withdrawal from the Nicotine BUT, having dealt already with the psychological withdrawal already, I would think, that the discomfort you are feeling would be short-lived.  Having not done that, I could be terribly wrong!

    As far as help on avoiding the weight gain, I do think exercise (when you are up to it) helped tremendously!  Also, I found it wasn't so much the eating that was a problem but, more WHAT I was eating!  Crunching on vegetables was good for me... the chips, not so much...LOL

    For me, I figured I would get the smoking under control and THEN address the weight afterward.  That's where I am now!  Just got off the treadmill! 

    Hang  in there!

    PS.  I love black licorice and remember the old BlackJack gum!  There is a place not to far from me that specializes in 'nostalgic candy' (oh lord, am I really that old?) that carries it!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2011

    I know I will cry when I actually have to list my weight, but best to get started, between the AI and stopping smoking, I have put on 35 lbs., that's just plain ridiculous.  I will ask to join the hummingbirds, that's the one you and O2b are on?  See you there tomorrow.  I too remember the Blackjack gum, are you talking about the store called Viddlers?  That store is about 40 min. from here and has all the old candies.  Off to mammo and US tomorrow at 2:00, wonder what my blood pressure will be then, I feel relatively calm now, usually starting scanxiety by now!  Karen

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2011

    Yay Karen!!! Come on over.  I really need to get back on the wagon...I had hit an all time E LAB low just before my Vegas trip and now I am right back were I started - UGHHHHHH Yell  I have been making really bad food choices so it is back to the drawing board (after I finish this bag of Limon chips Laughing)  I have one more big birthday/family reunion and then I am back on the wagon starting Sunday!

    Seaside - I almost posted on the AI thread for you to stop following me and then I realized "wait a minute I dont't post on this thread, I only follow it..."  DUHHHH!   I am a dork!    So happy to hear aboutyour B9 results!!!

  • msmpatty
    msmpatty Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2011

    Hi Ladies...I thought I would stop by to say that after being a smoker for nearly 40 years...I quit three weeks ago after one session of hypnosis.  It's a miracle!   I was so afraid it was going to be sooo hard to quit, but I walked out of the session convinced I was now a non-smoker and I am.  I do not think about cigarettes, I do not crave cigarettes, in fact I hardly even remember that I used to be a smoker. 

    The jury is still out on the weight gain.  The guy told me I wouldn't gain weight, but we'll see. Good luck everyone!


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    Just in case I don't get on tomorrow, best of luck tomorrow on your mammo and U/S!  I know it is so stressful but, once it's over you will feel so happy!

    Meece is the head E-LAB'er over there!  I think what she has been doing is assigning people to a team as they come aboard but, I'm sure, if you posted or PM'd her that you'd, specifically, like to be on the Hummingbirds she will accomodate you, if possible!

    No matter where you end up all of the ladies there are really nice and support each other regardless of what team we are on!  Look forward to having you join us!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    There does seem to be a group of us that keep losing/gaining the same few pounds over and over!!!

    We are going to get past this... Starting this week!!

    Edited to add: You know you are always welcome on the AI thread as well!!Smile

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    Congrats and WELCOME!!!  WOW.... You are through the very hardest weeks and still going strong!! Fabulous!! 

    Look forward to hearing from you!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2011

    msmpatty - Good for You! I tried Hypno and it did not work for me, but then the lady I saw said she never encountered are more stubborn or conflicted subconscious before...

    seaside -  I hate those stubborn lbs that keep popping back up - I don't have a lot to say on the 'AI' thread so I'll just keep stalking you over there and on the 'what's for dinner' thread Laughing

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    Feel free to stalk away... I'm always a fan of, the more the merrier!

    I've been away myself from the "What's for Dinner" thread!  Just got back into posting there today!  DO check in once in awhile!  You always have good recipes to share!!!  Of course, now that I read this post, maybe I have gotten to the bottom of my lack of weight loss!  Everyone has such good recipes to post...LOL

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited April 2011

    Hi ladies:

    Sorry I haven't been here in awhile but I've been crazy busy.  Healing well now and felling much better. I have a PS appointment next week so we'll see where we are at that time. 

    Glancing back on the thread it looks like all are doing well...welcome to the newbies and Congratulations to the past quitters.  I have alot of reading to catch up on here.

    I can't believe that I am only one week away from a 7 month quit....WOW!!! It's been quite a whirlwind the past 7-8 months.  Geez....

    Lady glad you are healing well and getting back into driving, etc.  Just don't you be going picking up things.


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited April 2011

    ...i am back...i simply have to quit...i hate it....i will do it-with your help-thanks

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited April 2011


    It IS really hard to believe how much time has gone by since we 'met' here, how much has happened and what we have accomplished during that time!  Almost 7 months!!!! That is just beyond great!!! How are the "twins" doing?  I hope they are doing well and that you are happy!!


    Welcome back!!!  Yes, you can do it!  We all will be here to support you!!

    Welcome Aboard!    

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited April 2011

    Patty, how great that hypnosis worked for you!

    {{{ANNETTE}}} you can do it girl. Try googling auricular therapy and see if there is anyone near you doing it. It really worked for me. I walked out and never touched a cig and was completely unaddicted to nicotine. The habit patterns didn't bother me, either. It will be 11 months for me on 5/2.