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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2014

    I have emotional days like that too sweetie and lately have had my share. We will be blue together. I really believe this winter is contributing big time since it is endless for us (I live in neighboring CT!) and it is hard to be cheery with this gloomy freezing weather. Cheer up! Spring is coming and we will feel better despite all of the bullshit going on around us. HUGE HUGS and SMOOCHES xoxoxo

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2014

    LisaMarie and April , I live in neighbouring ONT and I also feel your pain about winter .... really, it has been the coldest winter in 20 years.  I just got a call from our propane supplier to tell me they would not be renewing their contract with us.  I got propane from them at the start of the winter for  54 cents a litre and now is is 1.59 a litre.  They are going to give me a discount - 1.29 cents a litre.  That means when I have to fill up I will be paying double the bill - my last fill up was over 1,000 litres for $748 - can you imagine what it will be now.  Really, old man winter, you need to move on.  Now for smoking ladies ..... I too have been having the urge but my dh would kill me.  But last night I was watching A&E and a commerical came on about smoking.  It was one of the most powerful ads that I have ever seen and the impact was huge.  It was about a young girl who like most of us started smoking at a young age.  She had big moments in her life, i.e., graduation, job, marriage and cigarettes were with her every milestone.  Even to the end, the effects of smoking was with her.  She developed lung cancer and couldn't talk .... had one of the machine to help her.  So sad, she passed at the age of 53.  I tell you, this was so emotional for me as I could connect with her.  I tell you, I never want to pick up another smoke again .... I now worried about the after affects of smoking for years.  So, think about this if you want to pick up a smoke.  LisaMarie, as April said "you are strong".  Kick those cobwebs to the curb and enjoy life.  We are all in each other's pockets, and I couldn't have asked for a better group!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2014

    MinusTwo ... you are also a trooper .... I don't know how you stay still for those rads ..... 20 minutes.  I must have been one lucky chick .... I knew how to lay exactly and they asked me if I practised at night.  The trick was that I wore the same pants for all of the treatments.  They repositioned me only a few times.  So, I'm in your pocket MinusTwo .... how far along now are you on the treatments .... are you over the hump?

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2014

    It's been a long time since I've written here.  You CAN do this.  It's been since mid-January 2012 that I last smoked, courtesy of Chantix.  This time I can stand the smell at all.  Don't get me wrong, at times I get cravings.  But I pull through it.  Be well and remember - if at least for today I will not smoke. 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    Hey GalSal - nice to see you checking in over here.  We love to hear about success stories.  I too used Chantix to quit and I swear by it.

    Judi - wow, what a commercial.  Yup - that's me - a smoke in hand for all the important occasions of life.  I should add - unless my parents were there.  Smoking was the elephant in the room.  They surely knew I smoked, I knew they knew, etc, but we never talked about it & I never smoked in front of them.  Somehow in my mind it was a respect thing, but it always felt like sneaking like a teen-ager.  Mind you - this was still true when they were in their 90s and I was in my 60s - and I'm trying to make an excuse to go outside in the rain & find a bush to hide behind to have a smoke.  Sounds funny, but all of you smokers will appreciate the urgency of MUST HAVE a smoke.  In an ironic twist, I quit 4 months after the last parent died.

    Rads really isn't bad compared to chemo.  I slept 12 hours straight last night and I'm managing to keep the fatigue at bay with lots of rest time-outs.  I just finished week 2 and I only have to do 5 weeks - and no boosts - so I'm getting there.

    It's 75 here today but going down to 35 again Tuesday.  Weird weather.  Hope all of you are OK in the new eastern storms.  Judi - your propane story is unreal.

    LisaMarie - hope the weekend will bring some good 'free' time - even if more snow.  Be sure to treat yourself to little pleasures - sleeping in, reading a book, window shopping.  I bought myself two daffodils in the grocery store Friday - just because - and they make me happy every time I glance at them.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2014

    Now I really have a reason to stay quit! My son just called to tell me he and his soon to be wife (wedding was already planned for April 12th) are expecting! My first grandchild! I am so thrilled and happy. Can't wait. Baby is due in October which is my favorite month of the year. YAY!!

    Judi,  feel your pain on the price of heating your home. We just filled our oil tank and it was...wait for it...wait for it. 1,244.66! YUP, you read that right. It has been so cold, we have had to fill it every 6 weeks this winter! YIKES!

    Ok, gotta run and call my bestie and tell her the news about the baby. So happy!! Happy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    April - great news about your upcoming grandchild.  You're right - another good reason to say...

    Just for today, I will not smoke!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    Yeah April , I am so happy for you . It is the best feeling in the world to have a grandchild. I now have two... I love them both so very much ... 2 girls .. My Brianna is 3 going to be 4 in the summer . My youngest is Isabella and she is 8 months old. Congrats on such great news . 

     Judi , I know the winter has paid a toll on all of us financially as far as heating is concerned . I also think I saw that commercial .. or maybe a similar one . It is so damm hard to look at .. but now I know that hopefully I have decreased and continue to decrease those chances for myself .. And yes we have the best group in town... haha 

    Galsal.. woo hoo I missed ya have not seen you in a very long time .I am also a chantix quitter ... it works wonders I say .. I also cannot stand the smell it is so damm gross.. My Bf smokes in the bathroom a lot and it is so bad the smell... it is very hard for me craving a lot especially when I am having a really emotional, stressfull,crazy day .. I am going to call my MD tomorrow to see if he can increase my dosage of wellbutrin ... I feel like I am loosing control...I hate to let the stress take me back to smoking .. I feel like I am so weak when it comes to stress and upset ... I am so sad all the time ... funny thing coming here and reading put a big smile on my face .. I am glad to have this place to come ...

    Minus Two .. wow the weather by you is really crazy ... I would hate to have a 75 degeree day to have it change to 35 .. wow that would really get me down in the dumps... well I hope whatever snow they say we are getting ... hurry's up and gets out of here . I want to see flowers and birds and take long walks on the beach .. I also enjoy having fresh flowers around to smell and look at .. even if it is cold outside .. it's been a while since I grabbed a bunch to take home from the grocery store ... 

    Last night and into tonight has been really hard for me ... I keep crying and cant stop ... but just knowing I can come here and get smiles is so worth it .. glad I logged in to you ladies tonight .. Big Big Hugs ...sending my Love to you all across the miles ... 



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Lisa Marie, huge hugs from Canada. I've had those days when I can't stop crying. They piss me off!! Here I am, thinking I'm this strong person who can face anything and the next thing you know I'm a watering bucket.

    I don't know what set you off, and to be honest, it doesn't matter because if you're sad, you're sad.

    Just know we're here for you. Want to hear a really bad joke? Yesterday at work they gave me a drug test. It came back negative. Now I'm going to have to have a really serious talk with my dealer. Sorry, I heard it on the radio and it made me chuckle, hope it did the same for you. 


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    Red - here's a worse one...

    A retired gentleman who was a chemical engineer decided to keep his skills up to date and now spends his time processing beer & whiskey into urine.  (sorry if that's TMI)

    LisaMarie - am I remembering right - this is YOUR house?  If that's true, tell the BF that he CAN NOT smoke in the house.  Sorry - it's the garage or his car.  No need to have that temptation on top of everything else.  Have you started thinking about a dress for the wedding?

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2014


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    So here's the toss-up question:

    Is it easier to hang tough during the week when everyone's at work & busy w/everyday stuff?

    Or easier to not smoke over the weekend when you don't have the work & everyday stress?

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2014

    For me, tougher at work cause a few of my co-workers still smoke and I miss going down with them (although not in the winter!!) so when I see them getting ready for break, I get a twang of wishing I could too...home is a smoke free zone and always was so do not miss the freezing garage. Now that hubby quit too, much easier at home.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    Red that is so cute and so is yours minus two, Oh and the house is his .. boo hoo.. cannot tell him what to do .. and that sucks... I made a huge mistake moving in here with him... some days he can be so loving and he will melt my heart .. then other days a total asshole ... Sorry for the language .. like today he just called me and says just calling to say hello and tell you I miss you and wish i could come home .. and the other day he told me how proud he was of me for not smoking ... 

     Anyhow .. feeling a bit better .. I took my CDL test yesterday and failed ... that kinda made me sad .. but I will study more and go take it again ... It is to drive an ambulette and transfer patients back and forth to appointments...

     The wedding dress .. are you asking if I have decided on my dress or my daughters dress...When I went to NC we went to get her dress.. and we found it .. I am almost done paying it off for her .. that was one gift to her . I bought the dress. As for me , I have not begun to look yet .. Hope everyone has a great day ...

     I went to my doctor yesterday had to get blood work done finally for my thyroid medicine and he increased my wellbutrin .. so hoping it makes me feel a bit better , I think a lot of my sadness has to do with all this cold and snow ... waiting for spring and outdoors and planting .. 



    P.s my My daughter and granddaughter and I are going to the circus tomorrow , My mom bought us tickets ... sooo excited 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    I read something interesting about straws.  I started using straws during chemo when everything I tried to drink was horrible - even water.  And I've kept using them under the theory that the cokes or other drinks don't "bathe" my teeth with sugar as much this way.  So... a 'beauty' article said sucking on straws causes the same fine lines around the mouth that smoking does.  Hmmmm.  First thought - at this point after smoking 40 years, who cares.  Second thought - maybe that's why I'm enjoying using the straws so much - oral gratification.  Check it out.

    Oh LisaMarie - the circus.  Wow what fun.  Let us know how the Wellbutrin works.  I'm sure winter increases sadness but remember you're still grieving for your aunt too.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2014

    Sucking on the cigarette to cause wrinkles is an old theory. Actually what causes them is that the skin is oxygen deprived. Carbon monoxide in smoke binds to red blood cells faster than oxygen, so the body thinks it's not getting enough oxygen (anybody's doctor ever told them they have thick blood? --body's way of compensating is to make more red blood cells). Without enough oxygen, the body metes out oxygen to the important places and the skin is not one of them. It is the lack of circulation that causes the skin to look ashen and eventually causes wrinkles. But once you stop the color comes back because of the blood supply. It takes about 3 weeks for the body to realize that it is getting enough oxygen and for the blood to thin out to where it should be.  

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    VJ - thanks for the technical explanation.  I do think that sucking on a straw might give some temporary satisfaction.  Oh well - at least my teeth are happy.

    I never noticed before on your tag line that you've been cancer free for 22+ years.  Wow - that's amazing.  My current goal is another 10 years.  Maybe I should aim higher.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2014

    I was one month shy of reaching 23 years when I had my recurrence in 2010. I had gotten to the point where I really never thought about breast cancer anymore but now I know I am never safe from it. 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    Hi ladies , The circus was fun .. my granddaughter had a blast .. we laughed and smiled so much .. then we went to fidays and had lunch ... and I found out my daughter cancelled her wedding .. it just never ends .. I have now basically paid off her dress and I guess loose that money ,.. money that I dont have to begin with .... UGH ... well I am trying to stay positive ... as my blood pressure was high at the doctor office .. and I guess it has to do with all the stress .. as far as bills and everything ... Today I am going to smile and say screw the world ... hahaha 

    xoxoxox have a great day ladies ...


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    LisaMarie - can she still return the dress or was it altered?  If not - let's hope she stays the same size for any future events.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    Minus Two, I have not called the bridal shop yet to see about getting my money back.. and thank god we did not have any alterations done to the dress .. Hoping today is a great day .. and yes we turned the clocks ahead so im tired this morning ... xoxoxoHugs 


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone .. hoping everyone is doing well ... quiet this week .. hugs xoxoxox


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited March 2014

    lisamarie - It depends on the store's return policy of course but I bet you can take it back since it hasn't been altered. Bummer cancelling the wedding....

    VJSL8 - I am so sorry about your recurrence. Dang we will never have a comfort zone it seems. I remember the college girls basketball coach who had a similar thing happen to her and I believe it had been as long as it has for you. So since you had chemo and RADS before what are they going to do now for treatment or since it has been so long it doesn't matter? Diane

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Diane ... the store still has the dress since I was paying it off . I only had 95 dollars left to pay .. so maybe they will reimburse me ... Hugs 


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    Hi ladies - cold front going through again.  It might get below 40 tonight.  I know, I know - don't all shoot me at once.  Most of our flowering trees are blooming, I've been weeding the garden, and it's almost time to fertilize the grass.  Sorry it looks like some of you are getting hit with winter again.  I bought a bunch of carnations at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago for $3 and they're still blooming.  The best harbinger of spring yet!!

    One more week of radiation.  My skin is really itching & burning but no blisters yet.  Hope I'll avoid that.  I decided i deserve a treat after being in continuous treatment since April 2013.  I've booked a two night jaunt to Galveston Island in April - only 1-1/2 hour drive.  I'll see West Side Story at the 1894 Grand Opera House on a Sunday afternoon and then walk the beaches Monday.  I can hardly wait to see the ocean even if it is only the Gulf.

    Judi - hope you are doing well.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2014

    Sorry about the dress for you ms 40 degrees, harumph! It was 14 on my way to work this morning and snowing! But...the sun is out and it is up in the 20's now so all in all a decent day.

    No cigs. Take no prisoners. We are NONSMOKERS~! (ok, at least for today, right?)

    Am coming up on my one year anniversary next month. I cannot believe it!

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2014

    Edwards750-- treatment for my recurrence was a bi-lateral mastectomy. My oncologist wanted to do chemo but my PET scan was clear, my tumor markers were clear and I had such a bad reaction the first time that I just knew I would be part of the 1% that would have a severe reaction-so I declined to do chemo (Also I couldn't afford it, just had a $9000 deductible for surgery and chemo would have started in January--so another $9000---(I am so thankful for Obamacares, my deductible is now $2200, with a lower monthly payment and lower co-pays)

    I was on arimidex for one year but I had such bad side effects that I discontinued that. 

    I no longer see an oncologist because mine won't take my insurance anymore (blue cross PPO-through Obamacares but he will only take HMO's and blue shield PPO through Obamacares and none of my other doctors take blue shield). I have my GP run tumor markers once a year but I don't plan on doing anything else unless I have symptoms. 

    I believe that I had a very slow growing type that would have to grow quite large for it to travel anywhere. Many women have smaller tumors than I did and have had it spread. I think I'm one of the lucky ones. If it ever does come back for a 3rd time, I would only treat it if it is local, because cancer treatment has ruined too much of my time already and I choose quality of life over quantity. I always reserve the right to change my mind in the future but for right now I'm just done with cancer.

    Thanks for asking.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited March 2014

    April - wow, one year.  I remember when you were still just talking about quitting. Hope you're scheduling a righteous party!!

    Just for today I will not smoke.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    April .. wooo hooo that has gone by so fast .. and one day .. I will be able to say that as well .. Yeah blah with the cold weather .. it was so cold and snowing here yesterday as well .. today we are supposed to get to 40's .. but its in the 20's now .. I bought some tulips the other day at the grocery store just to have in the house so I can think spring is here .. it makes me smile ... still going to the gym and not smoking and still looking for work .. I did however see a hot dog truck for sale .. they are very popular here on Long Island ... I called but no call back yet .. we shall see .. not that I have the money to buy it .. it's just a thought ... I hope everyone has a great friday and weekend ... 

    Judi where are you . I miss you ..

    Minus two .. I am so happy that you are about done with the treatment . I hope you enjoy the mini trip you have planned .. it sounds lovely to me ...hugs 



  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2014

    wow its been days and noone has been here .. i hope everyone is okay ... 
