Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2018

    hey, everyone! Lisa, thanks for the welcome! I am with Minus, make a Dr appt hopefully just a cyst that burst! One of my daughters had one, very painful with bleeding!

    Carol, how was your weekend? Hope you enjoyed it and were able to relax. You are at the worst part, hurry up and wait!

    Well, so far I have been able to resist any cravings/desire to smoke! Who knew I had so many triggers!!! I quit taking the Chantrix about a week ago as my mood was going to the dark place! I have been on an antidepressant for depression for 20 yrs so was keeping an eye out for any sign of of downward trend! Not going there again😁 I am thankful that the Chantrix got me where I am in regards to not smoking!! Mood has improved and cravings are the same as when on it, usually in the evening are the worst times!

    I have 6 children and 15 grandchildren, I am blessed! I live on my own, I was married 22 yrs, have been divorced for 24 yrs. I babysit/watch grandkids thru the week 3 to 4 days a week. Today I have the 3 boys❤️ Today I choose not to smoke

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2018

    Minus , I went to gyno , they did US and found fibroid .. but she also said they are making me an appointment for the endometrial biopsy . my mom had same issue and it was cancer .. she had radical hysterectomy with chemo and radiation .. so guess i wait for that next appointment ... yes its so hard being here and doing everything for mom ,but I wouldn't change a thing .. yes the boyfriend is still here too ..he can be a real pain but I started to tell him like it is .. and for the most part he shuts up !!! yes mom still smokes .. she will never stop .. she cant breathe and it's so far gone that quitting now wont do a thing for her ... I am struggling everyday but i'm ok ... one day at a time .... miss ya all



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    LisaMarie - Thanks for the update. Hoping it's just fibroid tumors like mine and not anything more serious.

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2018

    LisaMarie, I too have fibroids and I understand they are extremely common but good your doctors are proactive and being thorough. Keep us posted.

    My mother has been visiting me much this summer and I enjoy caring for her so I understand how you feel about being able to give back to your mom. I too am still smoking and my attempts to quit or at least cut down always result yet another fail. I get so disgusted with myself. If I can't do it for myself at least do it for my family?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    NotBroken - so glad to see your post. You know better than to entertain the 'guilts'. Don't beat yourself up. Try again when you're ready. There will come a time when everything falls into place and it's your turn. In the mean time, we love you anyway!!!

    I have a friend who just quit at 75 two or three years after her DH died. She started by saying no smoking in her new car a year ago. Then she had the house repainted and said no smoking in the house. It really pissed off her grown children, who all smoke, but she made it stick. They go out to the patio in the 100+ degree Houston 'sauna'. When I'd meet her for lunch, we always found a bench to visit after eating where she could smoke. But finally after she'd eliminated most locations & changed her habits enough, she made up her mind, took Chantix, and hasn't looked back. (well that's not true...we always look back, but...)

  • Avefenix
    Avefenix Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2018

    Dear Minus two and all,

    It has been a while, thank you for your support and kindness.

    With all the waiting for gene results, options of tratments and so on, I just was so nervous that just kept smoking, fortunately there were no need of chimio, nor radio, and I have resumed my normal life and working on trying to digest all this episode. It is so nice to count on people that just went through the same.

    The recovering from the last surgery was so slow and unconfortable, and the PS kept blaming the cigarret in every visit...

    Now it comes a new surgery: prophylactic mastectomy in the other side, so I really do not want to go through all the same again, so I have finally decided to quit.

    I started Chantix today, I am reading the VJs book again and starting to change habits, my quiting day is 07.31. My smoker doughter promised to quit too, but I have to make it, even if she does not.

    Please wish me luck!


  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 775
    edited July 2018

    Today is it for me.  Cold turkey, in my opinion it's mind over matter, I only need to get thru this week with the withdraw and cravings as this is my last hurdle.  I've been trying since Dec. and although I cut back to less than 5 per day I found that if I purchased a pack I would smoke more so now that I am out totally I feel I can do it since I've been practicing-lol.

    1-Not buying any.  Since my surgery Jan 31 I have bought maybe 5 packs.  I practiced going into stores without getting them and it has worked most of the time!  I practiced driving in my car with no cigarettes available.  Then, going into the store, coming back out, and driving back with none.

    2-Practiced every morning waking up and telling myself that I am a non-smoker.  A lot of days  I was able to forgo the morning smoke with my coffee and could go all thru my work day (there are only a few folks here that even know I smoke)-but I would finally give in once  I got home.  Since I also scaled back on the wine, not having a drink helps me not want a cigarette in the evening.

    3-Although my husband smokes, I have told myself I hate his brand and as he has cut back some on his own this should help me.  I can however only control myself.  I can't blame him for my smoking, and eventually I hope he will resort to going outside!  This is a challenge.  We did just receive news of a good friend who was just diagnosed with lung cancer, another incentive.

    4-Really not blaming the smoking on giving me cancer,  however, getting more oxygen in my body is a good thing, more exercise is a good thing (cancer cells don't like these things), and the eventual bone loss due to both my age and the hormone blocker has pushed me enough to want to do this for good.  I also want to tell the nurses and all the doctors to please mark this day down on my record!!!

    I realize there are still triggers here, but again, if I can make it a week, I can make it for the rest of my lifetime.

    Bless you all, good luck!  

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    Hooray for you CTM. We will all be routing for you. Sounds like you've got your ducks in a row - except for your DH. If he doesn't choose to quit, maybe he will at least respect you enough to start smoking outside TODAY to match your quit date. Good luck girl.

    Avefenix - 7/31 is coming up. Are you still planning that as your quit date?

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 775
    edited July 2018

    Hurdle #3-husband who smokes biggest and hardest to get over.  Ok so I've had 2 since that post.  Both made me sick.  I had to get up early this morning (4:30am) and take my step father in-law to dialysis.  When I returned and drank another coffee I had one.  Oh boy.  Need to figure some work arounds for days I'm getting up way early and having too much coffee, and also a way to stay married!!  LOL

    Baby steps to the new normal, if I try to do it all at once I fail.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    ctm - two things worked for me in the morning. I finally had to give up sitting down with a morning cup of coffee for awhile. That meant not reading the morning paper first thing either. The other thing was walking. Every time I wanted a smoke I pushed myself out the front door and walked around the block. Sometimes that was at 6am and sometimes at midnight. I wasn't an "exercise" person, but it did help. Anyway can you go back to bed & take a nap?

    Not sure how to help with # 3. Is there any way you can talk him into smoking outside for at least this first month? Tell him you need his help to success? Flatter & Whine. Beg & Plead. (I know, I know - we should be above that but whatever works in this crisis) If LisaMarie sees this, she can surely relate. When she was quitting, her boyfriend insisted on smoking right in their bedroom and blowing the smoke her way. Can't think of anything more sadistic.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 775
    edited July 2018

    Thanks -2.  Walking does help.  That's what I do during the day- lots.  On this last hurdle I just have to get through the 2-3 min. cravings and seeing a cigarette within my reach.  I bought another flavor tea-Rose I will try that tonight.

    On the dialysis run days, if I end up doing it next week,  I'll try drinking water instead and back to bed when I return.  All other mornings I am handling ok with just 1 coffee and my regular ritual of getting ready for work at my regular time.

    Appreciate the ideas and support, thanks again.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    CTM - I am the last person to tell you to toss all your smokes. I still had 4 in my freezer after a year. BUT, I didn't leave them were I could see them. I put them in a drawer that was rarely used, or in my guest room night table. Somehow having to get up & go find them helped me to give it a pass.

    Hang in there...

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2018

    Hi everyone , welcome to all the new ladies .. I didnt have time to read through all the posts so I will be back .. just a quick update and I promise I will be back. The doc couldn't do the biopsy because he could not get to my uterus .. he also says he cannot try a d&c because he can't get to the uterus . I am to schedule surgery to have my uterus and ovaries removed ... he said no later than September ... becaus ehe does not want to wait and he cant understand how I am bleeding because the uterus is so tight and folds in ... so Im a bit scared ... and now I have just strated my new job at the hospital and I am worried about what to say as the recovery time is 3 weeks .. I love you all .. and I will come back and read and chime in ....



  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2018

    LisaMarie, I don't understand. Does your doctor have any thoughts on what is causing this? I was having abdominal cramps and the doctors did not know if it was gynecological or IBS but it was discussed that perhaps I too would need the uterus removed and then they also take the fallopian and the ovaries at the same time. They said because I had natural childbirth they could do the removal vaginally so the recovery would be quite easy. Fortunately the cramping subsided after many months and so I did not need the surgery. let us know when you know more.

    Best of luck to you girls that are struggling thru the quit.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    Oh goodness LisaMarie, what an ordeal. But I'm glad you're moving ahead. My uterus was 'tipped' and they couldn't do much through the vagina with me either. I had a laproscopic biposy through my navel where they insert a tiny camera & look around & snip some samples. Apparently my fibroids were really obvious & when confirmed, I had a full-on incision at the bikini line for my hysterectomy.

    Is there any way your Mom can help you that first week? I know you can't lift for 3 weeks, but after the first week you should be mostly mobile. It makes sense that you can't work because there is always lifting & bending in a hospital. Hopefully your supervisor will understand. I know if you take FLMA they have to hold your job - or give you a similar job when you return. You may not get paid, but all company policies are a bit different.

    CTM - thinking of you as you spend this weekend trying not to smoke in all the places that you habitually smoked. Hope you don't think I was criticizing your DH. Of course he has every right to smoke, but it would be fantastic if he could support you by smoking outside until you're over the worst parts.

    BTW - my ex-DH never smoked. I quit one time for 2 years, but we had to go out with his boss & wife one night and she was smoking. That was in the days when everyone smoked everywhere. I really wasn't tempted, but he kept urging me to just have a one or two to make her comfortable (?) or so she wouldn't feel alone (?). Guess what - yup, I bummed for a week and finally bought a pack. That's how I learned I can't even "just have one".

  • Avefenix
    Avefenix Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2018

    Hi Minustwo,

    I am getting cold feet about the date... 2 days now. I was on vacation last week and forgot my chantix, so I started today again.

    I think pushing the date more means pushing it forever, sometime I need to do the big step anyway, don’t you think?! 😱



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    AF - I can't begin to tell you how many of us have set a date & tried, but just weren't ready. I quit at least 4 times before I quit for good. Only you can know if you're ready to make the commitment - but it never hurts to try. Even if you have to try again. It is definitely a mental commitment & you have to psych yourself up for it. Figure out which habits you have to change (like morning coffee) so you don't trigger desire. Make sure you have substitutes when the yearning gets too bad. I raced out of my house and walked around the block (or sometimes two) when I couldn't stand it any longer. By the time I got back, I'd adjusted my mind.

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2018

    Hi everyone! I am still smoke free! I went on annual vacation/camping in cabin with my kids, grandkids and ex husband. We have individual cabins with common dining room/kitchen, no AC. But a good sized swimming pool for everyone to enjoy. I have to admit there were a few times if I had access to cigarettes, I would have smoked!!!! Luckily, it was at a state park and quite a distance to get any! I am home now and have tried to keep myself busy unpacking, laundry etc. I have to say without the chantix it is harder to keep my mind off them. Ugh!!!!!! Trying to stay strong!

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 775
    edited July 2018

    Hi everyone.  Well, I didn't do too good on Sat. and did a bit better on Sunday and now back to work routine, I don't smoke here and I don't smoke in the car anymore.  So yes being home and if I have access to a smoke via the husband it's gonna happen.  I can only try each day.  I'm afraid to try Chantix but maybe Wellbutrin? I see my GP in Oct.  If I don't have a handle on it by then I think I will ask for it.

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2018

    Ctm, I can truthfully say I wouldn't have been able to quit without chantix. Don't be afraid to try it, it really helps with the desire to smoke and cigarettes taste like crap. Everyone is different regarding side effects of any medication. I am seriously thinking to start taking it again. I just took .5 mg once a day and it helped just at that low dose, I have a sensitivity to most drugs.

  • HoneyBeaw
    HoneyBeaw Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2018


    I continue to struggle daily, Im high one day thinking yes I can do this and the next I fall flat on my face. I never though something could control me like this , course never dreamed I would end up with BC either . IM just going to keep pushing and trying ever day until I whip this demon.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited July 2018

    Honey - good to see you. sorry to hear you're still struggling. But glad to hear that you ARE still trying. One day at a time. 'JUST FOR TODAY I WILL NOT SMOKE'.

    ctm - I could never have quit w/o Chantix either. But I too never moved on to the heavier doses. I did have some crazy dreams, but I really believe those were caused by the withdrawal symptoms (my body missing the nicotine & chemicals in the smokes) and not the addition of Chantix.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 775
    edited July 2018

    Thanks -2.  I wouldn't be so afraid with a lower dose.  I guess they make different doses, or did you cut a 1mg pill?

    HoneyBeaw- can't believe there's another out there like me.  One day doing great, and next day not so much.  I too just try to do as best as I can because if we beat yourself up about it, we're going to fail..  That's why I may have to resort to an aide if Can't stop by next Dr. appt.

    Hang in there!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited August 2018

    ctm - best I can remember, I just kept on taking the starter dose (.05) and didn't increase to two pills a day. That gave me 11 days instead of 7. I guess you could always cut the 1mg pill in half if you want to continue at the reduced dose. I can't remember if I just took the 1.0 or cut it in half, but I do know I never took anything twice a day.

    The Chantix web site has 3 suggested ways to quit: 1) fixed; 2) gradual; and 3) flexible.

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2018

    ctm, after I used all of the .5 pills, I cut the 1mg in half. I took it once a day with breakfast or lunch if I didn't eat breakfast that morning.

    Minus, I have been telling myself that all day! Just for today I will not smoke!! It worked!

  • belleeast
    belleeast Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2018

    Hi everyone, how is everyone doing ? I searched my freezer today for cigarettes, I could have swore I had a partial PK in there!! So, still smoke free! I am too exhausted to get dressed and go uptown to get any!! I watched 3 grandsons this week-3 days. Today after they left, I went outside and worked in the yard for an hour. I was hot, sweaty and exhausted afterwards. I wanted a cig so bad! Took my shower and decided it wasn't worth the effort. Trying to stay strong!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited August 2018

    Belle - good for you. I agree - hard, hot, sweaty exercise - including garden work - is certainly distracting. And I too would have been too tired to go out after a shower.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited August 2018

    I was lying in my bed last night reading the June/July AARP magazine. What to my surprise is a GREAT article featuring our very own VJ. How generous that you shared your cancer finance experiences so others could better understand the minefield. This is a very informative article about how cancer care can destroy not only your body, but your daily budget and suck up all your money and spit you out the other end after the treatments. And what a gorgeous picture VJ.

    For those of you who don't know VJ yet, she teaches classes on smoking cessation and has also written a book with tried & true tips to quit. She has graciously offered on this thread to forward a copy to anyone on BCO who sends her a PM.

    Once again - 'Kudos' VJ. It's a winner.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited August 2018

    Thanks MinusTwo!

    I found it so ironic that this article came out now -- while I am dealing with another health issue where I can't work. It's just not cancer this time but Epstein Barr Virus. Good news is that I've dropped 30 pounds with no effort. From the BMI scale, I've gone from obese to overweight and I'm sliding into "normal".

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited August 2018

    Oh VJ - for heaven's sake. I had to look up EBV and it sounds like you are likely miserable. And I understand it hangs on awhile. But yes, the weight loss is a bonus for putting up with the sore throat & the fatigue. The timing is certainly ironic but it was a well done article.

    Hope you are far enough into the desert that you aren't facing wildfire dangers. I do know your high temperatures can be dreadful. Well Houston's been in the 100s the last couple of weeks (but humidity like a sauna) and I'm sure LisaMarie has worse in Las Vegas.

    OK Lisa Marie - time to check in. Did you go for a second opinion? Is your surgery scheduled? Worrying about you.