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Exchange City



  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited October 2013

    I've been very fortunate in that everyone in my life was thoughtful, concerned, helpful and loving from diagnosis to present. From immediate family to aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers and even folks I'd see at the store that I hadn't talked to since forever. I guess I kind of took it for granted. Big, gentle (((((((((HUGS))))))))) to all you ladies who struggle with an inadequate level of support on this journey. Never doubt that you are loved and prayed for by your online BC sisters :)

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Happy, happy. Just home from fill #5, 100 cc's this time. I'm up to 680 with no pain at all. Tonight I'll probably feel a bit achy but some Tylenol and a lidocaine patch on the skin above the TE will do the trick. I always feel it there and on the bottom ribs when I sit and the TE moves across them on fill days. But I get used to it quickly. By tomorrow I won't feel anything at all on the edges. Some people say it's painful from the beginning, but I'm still so numb from two surgeries, I don't feel anything except the very slight discomfort a few hours later.

    While they are doing the fill, they keep asking how I'm tolerating it. I don't feel the needle or anything else during the fills but apparently some people complain like hell and make the PS stop in mid-fill. I've had 180cc's, 240cc's, two at 80 cc's, and today's 100 cc's with no problem whatsoever. Not everybody goes through TE hell it seems.

    Best news: PS said I'm ready for the exchange. He will see next week if he needs to do one more fill, but it won't be much if any. I'll then wait a month before surgery. End of November he said. Yay! He is considering using a gummy 410 for the exchange and replacing the existing implant to match. My chest is very flat above my foobs, so I would welcome the slope. Apparently not everyone is a candidate for those kinds of implants, so just have to wait a week to find out if I am one. I asked about fat grafting and he said he would do it but not until after the exchange when my final shape settles. (Just long does that usually take?) There are several places that need filling in and he agreed. Those who've had fat they do that with a local in the office or in the operating room?

    Finally I mentioned that women on this thread talk about receiving a card with the implant or TE manufacturer and product details. Should I have gotten that? He said the info was in my records of course and he would be happy to give it to me, but he wasn't aware of a card to give to a patient.

    Does the manufacturer provide those cards or does your PS's office give their own?

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013


    I never got a card with TE info, but the cards I got for implants (with my first exchange and with my revision two days ago) are manufacturer cards. I got one card per surgery and on it are stickers with serial numbers for my left and right implants.

    Hope that made sense...still on pain meds. And prunes. ;-P

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Sandra, you are so lucky your expander's don't bother you. Mine are horrible. I feel them all the time. I feel like I have a band of very tight duct tape around my chest, and I think he put extra wide expander's in, because they go under my arm enough that there is some pain in my armpit around the edge of the expander, but they are not that far apart, maybe just a tiny bit to wide on cleavage, but he doesn't seemed concerned about that.

    I was also scheduled to get the gummy 410's, but after doing some reading I have asked for the Mentor gummies. I hear they are a wee bit softer than the Allergan 410's, and from looking at the picture forum they seem to have a bit more projection. If you have access to that site you might want to take a look, and see what you think.

    My surgery is scheduled for Dec 3. Maybe we will go through this together. We can sit here and compare our surgeries.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited October 2013

    Im up to 250 on one side, 350 on the other, 50cc fills at a time. Had 100 during bmx surgery. No pain or problems. I think Ill go one more then overfill for the ps is totally open to me being whatever size I want to be. He is right now thinking of 300 on left and a 450 on right, gummies. He can see that rounds probably wont be good for me- the te are sorta roundish and shape isnt good. So maybe 3 more appts of fills, then wait 2 months for exchange...but Ive been lucky with minimal to no pain from the expanders. I was terrified before surgery.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Aviva, I am jealous of you too. I don't understand why some people are miserable with the expanders and other's have no problem.

    What cup size were you, and what size are you aiming for after change? I am just curious. My surgeon was actually suggesting I go to a 520 Allergan 410 gummy, but I think that will be too big. I just want a B cup

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited October 2013

    Dulcigirl - Hope all went well on Tuesday :)  Take good care of yourself!!!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013

    I had all my reconstructive surgery in my PS's operating room which is part of his office in a sterile certified operating room and pre/post surgery area. With recovery room beds with warmed comforters (or for some a recliner)....IV sedation (rather than the riskier intubation & machines breathing for you)

    I will be having two more surgeries there too in Nov 18 and Dec 2 if I can kick this anemia in the A$$! See my PS next Friday, see MO/hemotologist Monday a.m. and my PCP in the afternoon on Monday.....I got one step in front of my PCP as she always sent me to a hemo doc, but I do need a cortisone injection in one of my hips....same as last year.

    I got my 2 Credit card type plastic cards when I had my exchange with the ID numbers on each card, I think they come in the box with the implant that the patient never sees.......Mentor gel implants have a 10 year guarantee and will pay for surgery if they fail and have to be exchanged.

    Dulcigirl.....didn't know you had a revision...get well....hope it all come out like you hope.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Thanks, girls!

    Long agonizing decision, but I had surgery Tuesday to swap to Allergan style 20 in 650cc's. My left side is very sore as my PS raised my IMF a little, but the symmetry is perfect and I think this size is much more "me." :-)

    Now just looking forward to healing up so I can learn if the reduced weight helps alleviate some of the discomfort I had. I know it will take time to settle in again. But, first impression? I LIKE THEM!!! They aren't bumping my arms on the sides. They aren't entering rooms two days before me. They don't need their own zip code......

    (Big cheesy grin.)

    Now I'll stop typing cuz I can't be trusted on these pain meds! Lol.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    So glad you are happy, Dulcigirl!!!! Rest, and recover!

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited October 2013

    Aviva and Sandra-

    Just want to mention so there is no confusion in speaking with your PS's the Allergan 410 Gummies are measured in grams(weight) opposed to cc's (liquid volume).

    Also as far as the TE card's I do know for a fact that Allergan does supply them and received them at time of discharge from hospital for my BMX and not from PS or his office.


    I am happy for you that you like your revision

    I too am curious how many of you had fat grafting at time of exchange? Im scheduled for mine of the 26th of Nov, and find myself getting quite anxious


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited October 2013

    Dulcigirl congrats on being more "you". I think we all just want to feel good and feel more ourselves. Rest.

    Di, hope the anemia goes away quickly.

    Sandra and Aviva, glad uour fills went well.

    Goldie. Its such an individual thing. I am sorry you are so uncomfortable. Ive had 100 fills every time. I actually only had one day after filling that was a bit of discomfort. UNTIL this last 100 fill. Owwwwie! Lasted almost a week of pain with movement. Two really bad days. One the day after only in my right foob. That is the one that was just sitting there for 18 months half filled. I just figured it was mad I woke it up. Then around day 4 after fill it felt better and my left side made itself known. Whats up with that? LOL I figured it was upset that it had to be leaned on with my cane! LOL. Finally on day 6 they both were just a bit sore. So next time ill get less on each. I should be around 750. Then repeat. Maybe ill try75. Then only 2 more fills to 900. I know they are on me now but I can still sleep. May be different next week. LOL and for me 3TTC x3. LOL (third times the charm, repeat, repeat!)

    Mainemom, Purple, Binc, Tina, Lori, Sweetnspecial, greencowgirl, mamasixtaz, and everyone else on the boards,

    To all Much Love!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013


    My PS would not do fat grafting at my exchange or my first revision I knew before exchange I would need a revision, he wanted to see if there were improvement at my revision and on one side there was, but on the other side I do need alloderm, and/or fat grafting or both.....he did try redraping my skin, but there is this dent ,when I look in the mirror I see a Z. The first angle at the top of the Z is deep and at the top of my cleavage. scoop neck or v necks for me....yet

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    I had alloderm and expander's put in at the same time. I wonder why more PS don't do that. It would seem to avoid a lot of problems later.

    Moon, thanks for the pep talk about the expander's. Dec 3rd can't come fast enough for me. I want them out. I actually had a dream last night that I would rather have nothing at all than have these things in another minute. I woke up scared.

    Catey, thanks for the explanation about the Allergan gummies. Now I am really confused though. If my PS wants to give me either 475, or 520. How big is that cc wise?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited October 2013

    goldie I too had alloderm put in with the expanders. Every set. All three. And I dont know about the rest of you but to me the alloderm hurts. Feels like a broken rib. I actually had to hold my hand over the rib and lift my foob up a bit to take a deep breath. But it does go away after about a week. I dont know if I need new alloderm with the new implants but at least I know what it is.

    Di I hope the revision does exactly what needs doing! Fill all your dents in one try.

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited October 2013

    Dulcigirl, congrats on your revision! I'm so glad to hear you love your results. It gives me hope for a similar outcome. How are you feeling today?

    Di, my PS doesn't like doing fat grafting at the time of exchange either, due to wanting to see how the breast looks after things settle. Though since I had rads, I kind of wish he had, to soften things up a bit.

    Does anyone know what kind of compression garment is worn after fat grafting? Wonder if some brands are more comfortable and if one should buy their own instead of using the one provided. How much time would be required off of work?

    I know I still have a few months before I have it done, but those are just a couple questions floating around my mind at 4:45 in the morning!

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Thanks, Andrea,

    I actually think the left IMF pain is gettng better! But I read my "journey" as written in the pic forum and was reminded that that area hurt for over a month the first time, so I'm ready to just deal with it. :-) Monday will be my first followup. I already know I won't be seeing my PS at this first one, but hopefully the tape can come off. I have to use paper tape due to reactions to adhesives. So far, so good!

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited October 2013

    I'm glad to hear the pain is getting better! I always hate the tape. It makes me feel itchy and irritated so hope your's comes off on Monday!

    Funny, I always think I should "like" posts, as if I was on Facebook!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013



  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited October 2013

    Hahahaha!!! Thanks for a good laugh! And I confess to being on FB too much!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited October 2013

    I was a 38 did before , saggy...thanks 70s no bra era! Im aiming for small..maybe a b, but not sure what that is...he says look at yourself in clothes and when you are the size you want say so...I think I'll do one more then the overfill...I think the shape difference from the the tomimplants I'll give a good but small size. That will be the 300on left he mentioned, will see if I need one more on the right.

    Catey, didn't know it was weight, thats interesting, I'll ask him..

    I have small bits of minor pain sometimes...not in front like skin stretching but outer edges of the the, I guess theyre doing the expanding to the sides also.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    I do the same thing. I look for the "like" button all the time. LOL

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013

    I thought I posted a question, but I don't see it:

    Has anyone had alloderm injections for grafting, I will ask my PS next Friday if that is what he was talking about previously, if he chose alloderm rather than fat grafting.....but then he added maybe both. I have heard that fat grafting sometimes doesn't "stick"/stay and it need repeat fat grafts.


  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited October 2013

    Di, I had alloderm placed when I had my BMX. At my exchange, the PS used strattice to add additional support, because my skin was so thin after rads. I asked him last week if he would be using alloderm or strattice when I have the fat grafting, and he said no. But it seems that each PS has his/her own ways of doing things. He did tell me that some of the fat is absorbed back into the body, but I guess exactly how much is an individualized thing.

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335
    edited October 2013


    Now WHAT are you gonna DO with all those old Huge Bras...ROFL!?



  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Weeeeeeellllllll......once I settle and figure out what my new size is I'm going to offer the best ones to a friend of mine who is naturally that size! Maybe I can use the rest for slingshots, planters, knee pads, or ear warmers.


    I did not actually have too many as I just hadn't fully decided. But I will miss my sports bra and my black lacy chantelle most. The chantelle was the least comfortable, but the most beautiful. I got it on ebay. Maybe I can find another....

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013
  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Di, that was interesting. I am going to pass it on.

  • Btrflysnshn
    Btrflysnshn Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2013

    Hi All,

    This is the first I've posted on this forum. I had my exchange surgery yesterday, 10.25.13. The implants look fine, but are way smaller than mine before BMX. The fun part of this is my implants are Allergan style 45 800cc, the largest silicone made. Wanted style 20 and not are why he didn't use them.

    I feel way too small. Like I might be a D if I'm lucky. I was a DD most of my life and a DDD for the past couple years. So I am quite concerned about this. I don't feel like me.

    My question is about fat grafting with implants. Is it possible? Can I get a good result? Is there other options for filling them in for more volume?

    Thank you for any input.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Btrfly, If those are the biggest implants available there wasn't much more he could do. I am glad you are feeling well the day after you exchange. That is awesome.

    As far as going bigger. I don't think it is possible with an implant, and I can't imagine your pec muscle, or your skin being able to take much more weight. I talked to my PS about fat grafting, not for bigger size, but to cover any possible rippling under skin, and to just give the breast a more natural look. He doesn't mind using grafting to soften edges of the implants, or fill in divots, etc. But to make the breast bigger he didn't feel it was perfected yet. But, there are PS that do it. Do a google search. There are plenty that claim they can give you a whole cup size.