Exchange City
Was originally scheduled for exchange near my birthday last year but had to reschedule to Valentine's Day. (So I wrote a poem for my PS. Lol.) Hoping for nipples for my next birthday!0 -
Sandra, you and your husband are cracking me up with the Oldie's music. It's what I listen on Pandora Radio when I walk. If I have a good song to listen to I can keep going. Sometimes I want to finsish the whole song, and I will walk a little further to hear it till the end.
I am having my exchange 5 days after my bday. I guess I should request they put my name on the list too. With all of us "wishing and hoping" I know we are all going to be just fine. Can't wait to see my cleavage!!!!0 -
Oh boy - I've been bad. So busy at work, never even reported my exchange date (11/7). I did want to mention a couple of things from the experience. I typically wake up with nausea from anesthesia. So I ask the anesthesiologist for some meds to combat that. Found out with this surgery, if I hydrate as much as possible before the surgery, that will help as well. Even had the doc dial up the iv to hydrate me more just before surgery. Not one moment of nausea! I had the meds before my BMX and had the nausea. I had the meds AND hydrated before the exchange, and not one problem - hydrate as much as you can before the midnight cut-off!
Also, I do not feel like I was well prepared for this surgery by my PS or his assistant. I think the world of them, but I did not know about the fat graft required to fill and make a gradual slope from the shoulders - until he started marking me up with a pen before surgery! They took the fat through my belly button. If I had know that was going to happen I assure you I would not have worn jeans to the hospital that day :0) The fat graft spot does hurt still as well, and do have to stick with baggy sweats for a few days.
I guess the important point here, is to make sure your PS explains everything he/she is going to do, so you are prepared.
Hope this helps someone else's experience.0 -
Thanks Boatingirl. Im scheduled for my exchange on the 26th and Ive heard a number of ladies mention fat grafting. Would love to now what percentage of women have the fat grafting at time of exchange. Kinda hoping I do have it as I have a few indents per se with my TES and would love to get some of the fat from my belly/luv handles/hips sucked out.0 -
Boatingirl, thanks for the info. How do you compare the exchange to the BMX? I'm one of those who wants to know exactly what to expect so please do share details. Interesting about hydrating helping with nausea. I'll try ANYTHING. I suffer with post op nausea & vomiting (PONV) for usually 2 days after surgery. It's the worst part for me of any surgery. I have the pain tolerance of an elephant, but the nausea just kills me.
After the BMX & immediate reconstruction with implants, I didn't have much pain but the PONV was bad. Because I wasn't moving or breathing deeply, the bottom of my lungs started to collapse. I had also developed an infection on one side and had a fever, so it was a memorable week for all the wrong reasons. Two weeks later when I went back to surgery to remove one implant plus necrotic muscle & tissue, the anesthesiologist said she would try a different approach. I had what she called a local. She used no gases which are known to contribute to PONV. She said I might regain consciousness during surgery, but wouldn't feel pain. (I did wake momentarily, noticed how bright the big light overhead was) and promptly went out again. Afterward was MUCH better but I'm always looking for tips on how to get through the first two days without ANY nausea. I'll be going back to surgery Dec. 6th for the exchange and will definitely try your hydrating tip. Thanks!0 -
Sandra, they can add anti nausea meds to your anesthesia. I had that for my bronchoscopy a couple of months ago, and had absolutely no issues with nausea, or after effects. I really think it depends on the anesthesiologist, because after my bmx, and my second little surgery to clean up some dead skin along my incision I had nausea.0 -
Exchange surgery was a cake walk!! I took about 3 pain pills within the first 2 days and returned to work in 6 days. AND I was able to dress myself before I went home, my DH was ready to pull my sweatshirt over my head as I was getting ready to go home and I said "I got it" LOL.. No worries ladies you all will be amazed how well you do. I am 11 days out and they are starting to soften up.0 -
You can also have them put a little anti- nausea patch behind your ear (like a little round band-aid). It goes on prior to surgery and comes off about two days later. These have been a miracle for me to ward off the nausea. I would be lost without these and ask for one every surgery!0 -
Hats off for the nausea patch. It's a lifesaver. Also push to talk to anesthesia ahead of time. I met the team in the pre-op area & got them to change the gas to one that causes less problems. The last surgery I refused the Versed in Pre-op. I was awake talking to the anesthesia docs when they wheeled me into the operating room so had no Versed after-effects.0 -
I too have ponv. Yuc. But you get to add the wonderful big D to mine SEs! Poor Po nurses. Both ends were keeping them busy when I got my new TE. When I had to go back in, I had the anesthesiologist I had for previous surges and had no problem. She also gave me no gas. I did not wake up. Felt good. The time before when she had me she also gave me a patch. But the second to stitch up the vessel was very short. Less than a half hour. I don't know who I'll have next but I'll try to remember to ask for no gas. I will have a big revision on the right with the exchange. He'll take out my side book age on this op. So it will be more than just the exchange. Not looking forward to that. Won't be able to use my cane too much. Will have to use the lift part of my recliner just to get out of a chair. Now I'm getting scared. Better stop thinking to night. Much love to all.0 -
Sandra and the others with PONV - I am so sorry! I do get nauseous but nothing like what you have experienced. At the hospital I was at, for both surgeries I was able to talk to the anesth. before surgery. Which was good, because even though I mentioned my need to control nausea in my pre-op interviews, the anesths. seemed like they were hearing it for the first time. I honestly do not know the difference between the two anesth's approaches. I just know that the second one was more successful and I hydrated better. I do wonder if the approaches were different though, as I did wake up after surgery in the operating room with the second one.
I believe someone has said it before - every exchange surgery post-op experience is different. I had more work done on my left side, and it is sore. I had less work done on my right side, and it's fine. The spot for the fat graft is sore as typically anything done on your stomach tends to be sore longer. My guess on the use of fat grafts for exchanges really depends on whether after the implant is in place, whether the slope from the shoulder to the implant is gradual. Probably depends on your body and the size of the implant.0 -
I'm 6 days out from my exchange and am so relieved at the difference from the expanders! Ahhh.
I am, however, kinda bummed because I feel like my foobs are smaller than I anticipated. I am still in a compression bra 24/7 though so maybe that plays a part?
Do the foobs get bigger as the swelling goes down or smaller?
I also feel like the majority of the fullness is more on my sides than in front. It's weird.0 -
Hi All,
I have three questions:
(1) do you stop Arimidex (or any hormonal treatment) before the transfer surgery?
(2) did you have a choice of implant? Where I go (academic center) the surgeon decides what's best for patient.
(3) are there any must-read posts on this thread you recommend? I started a fee weeks ago but quickly quit.
Tentative surgery date is Friday 13 December. I feel I should be reading but not sure where to start.
Thanks, Nisa0 -
Moon, I'm starting to get a little worried about getting another infection. (OK, a lot worried.) Have you read anything about what we can do as patients to guard against it? Since you hold the world record for complications, I figure if anyone knows, you will. I scrubbed the night before and the morning of surgery with the antibacterial infused sponge they gave me so I know I didn't bring the infection with me. I told my PS last week about your idea of bringing Lysol to the OR and we all laughed. Maybe it's not funny...maybe it IS something to think about.0 -
My PS says he wants to wait about 2 -3 months after the exchange to do the fat grafting. I'd love to have it along with the exchange so I could put an end to these surgeries, but he says the implants will need time to settle. Then he will be able to tell where I need the fat grafts.
For those of you who've had fat grafting...can you explain how you felt afterwards? Restrictions? Anyone had a problem afterwards? I'm guessing that's what fat necrosis is. I've heard of it but would like to know more. How do you know if you have it?0 -
NisaVilla, each of us is so individual and clearly so are our surgeons. I did have a choice and my PS thought I wanted round ones but when I realized I really had not gone in educated I saw him again this week and we went through pros and cons and what my skin was like (since I had radiation) and what the real breast he is doing an augment on, is like. We then agreed that for me, the Allergan 410 tear drop type) should work. I have not been told to stop my anastrolzole but will ask when they call for the pre op discussion. I have read this thread and the gummy one. Above, Sandra says her surgeon plans the fat grafting later while I am having it at time of Dec. 6. My PS did use Alloderm when I had my mx and T/E placement in March.0 -
Sandra, I am worried about another infection as well. I take two showers. One the night before using hibiclens. Even my hair. Take another one before getting dressed in clothes straight out of the dryer. Use a sheet over my clothes if I am sitting down so if cats jump on me I am protected from their dirty little feet. I use a clean sheet every day when I am sitting. I also use it to cover my sleeping chair when I am not in it for the same reason. I only sit on that one chair because I can't get out of any other right away because of my knees. So i sleep in the lift chair and use the lift feature until I can pull myself out of a chair by my arms. This time I will have much more extensive on my right so won't be able to use that arm at all. My cane will have to be on my left for a while. Even though it will be exchanged too there shouldn't be too much pocket work. My husband does the litter box til I am healed with all in incisions closed. Until I can take showers again I use the hibiclens around the skin near to the incisions. Alcohol wipes around any drain on on the tubes. So i have a hard time knowing how I get the dang infections!!!! LOL as a matter of fact, my P'S was so proud he told me about how many times he rinsed me and the TES to be extra careful so I wouldn't get infected this time. He takes it as a challenge!
Nissa, each surgeon is so different. Do what yours tells you to do. Mine uses alloderm and boy I know that cause it hurts like a broken rib for me. But that's just me. He doesn't usually allow showers til the drains are out.
I didn't have too many choices because I have large implants and a pacemaker so silicon is out. And the size i need there's only one style. I hope they are similar or close to what they look like now. But more comfortable though!!!! LOL.
Much love.0 -
Nisa - I did not have to discontinue Arimidex for exchange surgery. Your surgeon should give you a list of meds and supplements to stop several weeks prior to surgery. These are usually the same ones as before any surgery - aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, herbal supplements, etc.....anything that potentially thins the blood and affects clotting.
Each plastic surgeon is different. Some really prefer one brand and/or type of implants and some are experienced in many different types. It's possible that you haven't discussed choices because that's just the way your particular PS works rather than the fact that you are at a teaching institution. The most important thing is good communication and to make sure he/she know what your expectations are. Most will bring several different styles and sizes of implants into the exchange surgery and decide in the OR which works best. Since you can't be in on the conversation then it's really helpful for you and your PS to be on the same page regarding your hopes for size, etc. well prior to surgery so they know which implants to have on hand. If you're interested, there is a great thread here called Breast Implant Sizing 101 where there is a wealth of info right in the header of the thread. You have a right to ask questions
Best wishes!
0 -
Hello there - I have done fat grafting 3 times now. My PS always took fat from the belly area. I had total IV anesthesia (no general) so that was great. Not a big deal, actually, you feel a little burning/have some swelling in the donor area, then you feel great! You do have to wear a girdle-type thang though for a few days (I got away with control-top pantyhose). The foob looks super, fat grafting can really combat the ripple effect.
I hope all goes well!0 -
Thanks Anne. Good to know. So, your surgeon laid down fat over your implant?0 -
Well surgery is 2 weeks from tomorrow and the anxiety is starting to build up, hoping all goes well, I just want to get this over with. I find that I am unable to concentrate or get motivated to do anything right now and Im frustrated0 -
Catey----->good luck! (I know it is early, but next Monday is a surgery day for me.)
I know I am in prep mode, as I will be out of service for quite a while with two surgeries only two weeks apart.
I have 1 surgery in 1 week....but this time it is NOT my foobs, then surgery is in 3 weeks from today with fat transfer and nips....then (praying) I will be done with foobs except for the tatoos.
Bone marrow aspiration and biobsy in January....will this ever be done......?
AnneEM--------->my PS used IV sedation in his own office surgical suite.....all my surgeries with him have been under IV sedation....sooooooo much easier than general anethesia/intubation....easy wake up.
Di0 -
Anne, how long was your recovery time after the fat grafting? It sounds like only a few days? Does your stomach look any different now?0 -
Catey and Di, I know where you are at right now. Mind racing, spinning your wheels, expending tons or energy, but nothing is getting done. Perfectly normal! Both of you are going to do great!!! We all are. It's our turn for the happy ending!!!! Dec is the month of good outcomes!!!!0 -
BIG lifesaver for me to put an end to PONV is the scopolamine patch used for motion sickness. It goes behind the ear the evening before surgery and is by prescription only. It has worked WONDERS for me for my last 3 surgeries. Waking up without a tinge of nausea is wonderful!!!! Try it, it works! It lasts for 3 days so I leave it on even after getting home to help with any possible nausea that could arise.0
Wow....I always have those in my cabinet, as we cruise a lot, sometimes on the spur of the moment (or used to before cancer) so I always have them on hand....never thought of using them, but I am lucky as I rarely feel nausea after surgery.
SCOP patch works!!!!!!....
I was on a SMALL cruise ship in the Pacific last 2 days of a 21 day cruise and we hit a storm....the closer to home we got, the worse it got....our deck furniture was banging around, our last evening's dinner the captain ordered everyone to their cabin, and to secure everything, I had my patch on, but the bed was on a 45 degree angle and we were holding on the mattress for dear life and then I heard crashing in our bathroom, crawled to the bathroom and all our bathroom stuff was every where floating in Listermint mouth wash...put me over the top.....I gagged...many times....but did not get glad my patch worked....when our ship finally turned into a Straight...the waters calmed, and so did my nerves!
Di0 -
Catey itll be great! Did you have your preop appointment and how did it go? Did you find out more from him about the procedure or his plans? I see him today for what should be a check up to say Im done, then maybe get on the schedule! I'm encouraged by other ladies who seem to say the exchange surgery is so much better than the bmx. So thats good. Im hoping to have no/minimal drains, too.0 -
Those of you who are gearing up for your surgeries are probably experiencing a lot of anxiety. I sure did and ended up either not sleeping, sleeping 2 hours and waking up, or having nightmares when I slept. On the surface I was handling everything fairly calmly, but it sure did show up at night!
My PS came to my rescue with Ambien. I had never taken anything like that before and heard it was addictive, but he told me to take it no more than 3 times a week. I slept through the night, no nightmares, and woke refreshed. It's so important not to be worn down before surgery and he told me it was necessary to get plenty of sleep in the two weeks before surgery. After the first week I didn't need the Ambien anymore. It had stopped the sleep/wake/nightmare cycle.
I'll be taking it again with no reservations if the problem comes up again. I'm still 3 12 weeks from my exchange and sleeping like a baby.0 -
Sandra - I'm jealous. I tried Ambien a few months ago and it had no effect whatsoever on my sleep. I slept just as badly as ever .0 -
I take sertraline (zoloft) to help with hot flashes, but it gives me super vivid dreams all night. Not sure its worth it for the trade off of maybe 25% fewer flashes. Im up several times a night, and my brain is so vividly recalling the last dream I had, its hard to fall back asleep.0