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Exchange City



  • Mely19
    Mely19 Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2013

    Lol, I'm 2 days post surgery and I still found myself doing the same thing today as I was watching tv. Glad to know I wasn't the only one!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    other than not able to sleep last night ,I have to sleep sitting up, to keep BP and heart rate in the normal range,I am feeling okay....something is always hurting.....lower jaw line....then...throat area....then ears....then neck from ears down. sutures from my ears into my hairline in the back of my head is the only place that does not, nor has not hurt. My ear canals even hurt from time to time...found lots of old blood in them.....sutures all around my ears, sutures into my hair above my ears and in the back of skull in my hair....he did not shave any of my hair...very happy about neck....turkey gobbler went running for the hills and left my neck.....jowls are now at the sides of my mouth due to the marking pen and what PS told able to shower wash hair and sutures....bruises are begining to show up in spots on my face.....yesterday it was my, yellow and purple.....lumps and bumps come and go....MA will take out sutures on MONDAY and I will see PS on Wed.....and next surgery is the following pain pills


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    I have a question Di. How can you have another surgery when your face is all bruised? How are they going to give you anesthesia? You are way braver than me. Keep us posted.

    The PS clinic I go to has lots of PS's that specialize in different things. I love watching the women coming to see their docs after an elective surgery. OMG...they look awful. They always look away out of embarrassment I guess, and I want to say, "hey, I won't recognize you when you heal, don't worry." The are so swollen around their eyes, and cheeks. And, a lot of them have those chin straps on, and one women had all that, and drains. like she had a mx, but maybe she had tummy tuck. I don't feel sorry for them, they chose this, but they don't look to happy.

  • RCF22291
    RCF22291 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2013


    I had my exchange a month ago, everything went fine and then this week my left side (cancer/radiated side) opened up and the implant came fully out. I had surgery the next day and had another implant put in. PS believes the loss was caused by capsule contracture. Anybody have experience with this? I have a 50/50 chance that we'll be able to save the left side..if not ill have to move skin/tissue from my back.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    Goldie,I have had ALL my reconstructive & plastic surgeries under IV anesthesia, in a vein in my arm....just like a dental extraction, under anesthesia in the PS surgical suite...4 PS in the practice....operating on different facelift was long...from 7:30- 5pm....I was awaken several times for PS to have me move my face, smile, grimace, and when I had a hot flash. :-)☆☆☆..went home about 45min after surgery....with drains by my ears...under my helmet bandage.....alert....had my hair washed twice before surgery and after surgery....I have been wearing the strap under my chin around the sides of my face, too....the top of my head with a strap across my forehead and across the back of my head.....the doc lets me go in the back door, by ringing a bell.

    I look forward to finish my f⊙⊙b reconstruction lipo/fat grafting, nipples....⊙⊙......and then the completion of my facial surgery which is a mini brow lift, possibly into previous suture lines (laproscopically...sp?) lower eye lift, and work on lower tear big deal if I have i will make more..MORE BRUISES......especially black eyes.....then I will be done.

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited November 2013

    Katie, I think you should go with the 45's you will be happy with them, I trusted my PS to "fit" me with whichever size he thought looked best. I have 700 cc's which sounds like alot but doesn't look to large in my opinion I would say I am a C plus. As for post surgery I did not have anything but small bandages (gauze) at my incision lines and was told I couldn't lift over 6 lbs. for 2 weeks. I am now 3 1/2 weeks post op and I can now sleep on my side and/or tummy!! It has been a LooooooooooonnG 4 months sleeping on my back. Feeling a 'lil back to normal

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    Wow, Di. That sounds like a lot. I just know for me, and my bmx I had a tube down my throat to help me breath, and even during my hysterectomy I had the tube down my throat.

    How are you feeling?

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited November 2013

    Just to clarify about the tube down your throat during surgery....if you have general anesthesia, you probably had the "tube". Most people have no idea that it even happened to them in surgery!. It's only because the anesthesia is so deep that you may not oxygenate yourself well. I have not heard of people waking up with the tube (I am an RN) would be very rare. No worries about that part!

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    mnmbeck, if they don't intubate you then it's not general anesthesia? Just curious because I am having my exchange in a few weeks, and I would rather not have a general.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    my PS and I am sure a nurse could tell you when you are have general anesthesia/intubation you are at greater risk than if you. have IV SEDATION....and I can tell you you do not have that drug stupor post surgery, you are instantly awake when IV sedation is stopped.....during my recent facelift I was told by the anesthetist becase he was not at my head/airway .....only when they were numbing below my chin, and my cheeks I would be put "deeply " in my IV sedation.....the rest of my surgery, I may be aware of the docs/nurses and talking but wouldn't care....2 times during my surgery they lighten it enough so I could answer a question.....what's. wrong...I was kicking the blaket off and I said HOT!!!!(HOT FLASH) and to follow directions to sit up, swing my legs around and look at my PS face to face and make the faces he was making at me...smiling...grimacing...then he told me to lie back down (felt. no pain).....remember nurse saying there was blood on the floor to someone and she was going to wash my hair and I would be done soon....must hav been lightening up the IV.....WHEN DONE I got off the operating table and into a wheelchair to go to my recovery bed for a few min. before I went home.

  • Trina25
    Trina25 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2013

    I was reading Sandra4611 posts and I agree It is so much differences between what surgeons tell you. It's good to be able to fully trust your doctor and take their recommendations but I also believe you know your body better than anyone and these surgeons want the best for their patients but every case is different and there is always wiggle room. I also read a post that restricted driving to 2 weeks that to me sounds excessive. My biggest concern was taking my daughter to school. I had exchange on Friday and wondered if I could resume taking her Monday. To be on the safe side I arranged pick up/drop off by a cab like service. Luckily I arranged the service because the car broke down before my exchange so that Monday she had a way to school. But I kno I could have drove her myself starting that Monday 3 days post exchange. Her school is a straight shot wit out many turns and is 7 miles away. I was told I could drive while off pain meds n when a sharp turn could be done effectively. So I said all that to say its good at times to be able to compare recommendations and information from other surgeons. There is a site called, you can view other questions asked by individuals or ask questions yourself. They will be answered by plastic surgeons. So this is a way to get different answers by multiple plastic surgeons that you can compare with what your plastic surgeon is saying. You can also view pictures of procedures and start/ read blogs by women sharing their stories. I have asked several questions prior to seeing my surgeon or after and compared that to other surgeons . You can upload pics with your questions so the plastic surgeons can get a better idea. Of course you see your plastic surgeon in person and you are able to get an exam so that is clearly an advantage but getting other opinions opens up the door for communication with your plastic surgeon. The site is worth checking out, it isn't specifically for breast cancer but it's easy to navigate and see the issue that relate such as the reconstruction process .

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited November 2013

    I was the one (or at least one of the ones) with a 2-week driving restriction after exchange. I really felt great after the exchange and it was hard to follow the restrictions because of that. And I didn't follow the restrictions perfectly I assure you! I haven't seen it for a while, but I think it was on this thread that I've read many times 'Just because you can doesn't mean you should'. Your muscles have been cut again to remove the TEs and place the implants and there is internal healing going on that takes weeks to be fully complete. I know every single one of the thousands of breast reconstruction plastic surgeons out there has a slightly different take on things, and my PS is certainly a rather unique and quirky man but I have total faith in the reasons for his particular aftercare instructions. He has explained the physiology of scar maturation process to me a couple of times now so I do understand the reasons for the 6-week time frame. I tend to be a rather conservative, patient person and I guess fortunately for me my PS happens to be conservative and deliberate also.

    That being said, this is just another example of those situations we've been discussing where it's a 'my PS said this' and 'her PS said that' so which one is right? We just each have to have faith in our surgeons and their practices.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited November 2013

    S&S, I totally agree with you about the driving restrictions. My PS said 2 weeks, and prior to surgery, I was thinking that it was a bit excessive. However, as it turns out she was correct. For one thing, I was still taking meds (I was on muscle relaxers, Flexeril, and I can't remember which pain med, but I think I was still on them after 2 weeks and couldn't drive with them). The other reason is more subjective: I tried to drive but realized because of the work to the chest and all its pain, I have to admit I could not turn sufficiently around to look over my left shoulder at my blind spot. I'm not comfortable driving and not being able to check out the driver's side blind spot because every once in a while a crazy motorcycle driver (or other driver) will sneak along my left side. I'm glad she's on the conservative side.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430
    edited November 2013

    Di - I don't agree about IV Sedation. When I finally wake up, I am just as groggy & out of it as when I'm intubated. Drugs effect all of us differently.

    RE: driving - I always thought much of the restriction was to protect yourself. If you were in an accident it would not be pretty to have stitches torn out and recently healing wounds damaged.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited November 2013

    Yeah Maddy, me too. I'm typically a 'better safe than sorry' kind of person so I didn't have any real problem with following the restrictions fairly closely.

  • myers421
    myers421 Member Posts: 145
    edited November 2013

    I was driving 5 days after post exchange LOL.. soooooooooo different our PS's are..

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited November 2013

    I just kept thinking how amazingly unhappy I would be if my airbag went off, driving too soon Shocked

    After lx I drove about 5 days later, wasnt a great idea, but I had no choice that day. After bmx didnt drive for about 10 days and even tho it was only a few miles, I knew I had pushed it a little. Waited another maybe 5 days to try again. Also a short distance.

  • Trina25
    Trina25 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2013

    I stopped meds after the second day and took them only to try n stay asleep cause I find times where I jus can not stay sleep. I know how you feel on the outside isn't the same as the actual internal things going on but I didn't have pain/tightness in my new boobs , just the soreness from my stomach cause of fat grafts. I am a single mother so I had to insure my child got to school and back. My seven year old daughter , you can't just put her in the cab alone and wish for the best. And I did the math of riding along with her and back home, not fisable at all. So you have to do what you have too. Idefinitely wouldn't have tried pushing myself either but every thing worked out.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited November 2013

    hey, Trina, please understand I'm not putting down your experiences, just stating mine. I fortunately had the luxury to do things more leisurely this time around. The first time was totally different, DD was almost 3, DS was 14 so I had to be available for them. That's a huge reason why I wouldn't even consider recon at that time. Also, I had to help downsize/pack/move and organize a major move for my parents around exchange and revision during this past year. My dad has said several times it just wouldn't have happened otherwise, but I had to do what needed to be done. My PS really wasn't happy with me, she would have preferred me taking it much easier but she is kind and compassionate so there weren't any lectures. I did get told and "the look" to tell me to be careful, not overdo and rest when I can. (Note: I'm sure I overdid things, I keep telling myself that's why it's taking so long for me to heal completely.)

  • Mely19
    Mely19 Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2013

    hi guys, I have taken the bandages off and seen the new girls.

    Catey, I am happy with my size, not too big or too small on my frame but I'm sure I could go a little larger and still look nice. It was just my preference to not be too large. Cancer side is a little higher than non but I'm hoping that settles down in time. But so far so good.

    After reading all the above posts, I have to keep reminding myself to slow it down. I feel okay and started doing more but I know I shouldn't. It is so hard though to take it easy when there is so much to do.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    Yeah, Mely

    You sound great and so do your new boobs. I am sure the higher side will drop. When do you have follow up appt with your PS? I am just about a week away from my exchange. Can't wait!!!!!

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited November 2013

    Could swear I posted last night when I got home from surgery, but cant find it anywhere, but was quite loopy, LOL

    Well ladies I am officially on the squishy side!!! Surgery went well this is what my PS told my DH while I was still in postop recovery


    no driving (??? need to call PS office today to find out for how long and if I will need a ride for follow up appointment on Monday)

    No lifting over 6lbs

    No showering until bandage/tube top removed

    Keep gauze bandages on til Friday/ do not remove steri strips

    Perscriptions for Hydrocodone and Keflex

    Only discomfort/pain is in the area of my sternum where he released a little more muscle to move implants closer to give me more cleavage.

    My final implant was allergan smooth round style 20 in 550cc. I was hoping for the style 45 for just a bit more projection but PS decides which one looks the best at time of surgery, and I know he had to clean up the BMX scar a bit.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited November 2013

    catey - whoo hoo!!!!!  Congratulations on a successful crossover to the squishy side!  Your minor pain and aftercare instructions sound very similar to mine.  Rest and heal and take care of those new girls!  Don't overdo things this week, k?

  • Jtapp9
    Jtapp9 Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2013

    WTG Catey!!!! NO turkey lifting! :)

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited November 2013

    Not planning on doing any of the cooking Thanksgiving, its all my husbands assignment including the cleanup, so lets just say it might be fairly interesting!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited November 2013

    Congrats Catey!!! Im happy for you and glad youre feeling pretty well. Did it go alot easier than bmx? How do you feel today? Happy for you.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Catey for the info post op. 9 more sleeps until mine. I got a call from my PS office yesterday and at first went "oh no cancelled!" but it was a change of venue from an ambulatory surgical center to UBC hospital where I had my mx. The only issue there is that sometimes patients are bumped due to urgent cancer cases but she assured me it will not happen. I bought two support bras from a wonderful shop called "compassionate beauty" in Calgary where I visited on the weekend. Now to get our house in order as I am on my own as husband and youngest son are now crossing the Atlantic on our catamaran~~they left the Canaries on Sunday. Older son comes home a week after surgery from university and we fly Christmas Day to meet the boat in Barbados~~hoping surgery goes well of course.

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited November 2013

    Marianne I hope you have someone to drive you to hospital and back and stay with you for the first 24 hous

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited November 2013

    Catey I do as the wife of another crew member on our boat is on her own and will pick me up and spend the weekend. We also have another young nurse friend who will come by and check on me. I just need to get off my computer and get a few things done! And go to a yoga class!

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    I am glad it is over Catey!!!! You sound good. shower till Friday? Or, until you see PS on Monday? Either way, I hate that. So, you haven't really been able to see your results because of bandages? That must be making you crazy, it would me. At least no drains. Rest, sleep, enjoy Thanksgiving. Keep us posted. So glad you have little pain.