Exchange City
Sandra I wish I could have taken those classes with my husband. I am not much of a dancer but he is hopeless!0 -
Yes took a shower after my unveiling it felt so good!! As for the new girls they look like they are too small and flat but I know thete is what some call a drop and fluff, so we will see. My daughter came over and we did some Christmas shopping and for the rest of the night Im recliner bound!
Jenn, I see you don't follow directions well either LOL0 -
Just popping in from lurkdom to thank all of you who have been through an exchange recently and reported back. My exchange is soon. I'm 25% scared and 75% glad to be getting these rocks off my chest, but hearing the good reports back is sure helping with the scared part. Best wishes for quick healing to everyone!0 -
catey, I bet that shower felt great! Which implants did you get? Not gummies, right? You got rounds? Because they will drop and fluff. Gummies, I heard they are what they are going to be.0 -
Yes I did get the Allergan smooth round style 20 in 550cc round. Ps also brought into the OR style 45 550cc. and the 20 and 45 in 500cc. I sure hope they fluff. Have my post-op apt Monday and in the mean time Im wearing a very soft no wire bra for a bit of support.0 -
Catey, do you like they way they look in a bra, or under clothes? 550cc should be around a full C, I believe? Do you think they look smaller than that? Are they still higher than you would like, or are they in a good position?
From what I understand they will do a lot of changing over the next couple of months.0 -
we kind of decided on gummy 300...I asked if he was bringing others in and he said no, he will order that size. He knows I want to stay small so I guess he's confident with that... But seems like he could have maybe one more to try.0 -
catey, I am still trying to "accept" my new boobs too. It is definitely smaller than TE and I think I am a little disappointed because I got accustomed to it a little larger, just didn't want it so high up. My hubby keeps telling me it looks fine but now I feel I should have listened to my PS and gone up a little in size. Oh well, it's not bad but I just have to reprogram how I think about myself again. I know when they did the overfill on the TE I thought it was too big.
So the image I have of myself went from too big naturally to flatter than a pancake after bmx. Now yeah got TE in and getting bigger, ok now, stop the fills - I like this size. Oh no an overfill? Now I'm too big. 5 months of too big and you know what, it's not bad just don't want larger. Finally, new implants in and oh this is it? Oh, It's a little smaller than I thought it would be.
I'm sure a lot of you can relate to the crazy emotions we have during this time!0 -
rlo5 - you should PM mykidsmom so she can get your exchange date listed at the top of this thread. That way even if all you do is lurk (lol) we can all still be thinking of you as you approach your big day .
0 -
Mely, you are so right!
Such a rollercoaster!!0 -
In my opinion the exchange was a lot more emotional vs the bmx who would of thought that? But hang in there those emotions WILL change when your implants to and I guarantee they will = )0 -
You have explained my emotional roller coaster exactly back and forth about being to big/too small!!0 -
Hi all,
I am now 2 weeks post-exchange, so wanted to provide a quick recap! I found the exchange surgery to be pretty easy to handle after the UMX with SNB, and was even able to run my 5k turkey trot 13 days after my surgery!
My whole process has gone very quickly -- diagnosis in July of this year, UMX on 8/30 with immediate placement of TE. I started my TE fills about 2-3 weeks post-surgery and went for 4 consecutive weeks with about 40cc fills per week (I'm only an A-cup post-kids, so didn't have much expanding to do!). Shortly after my second-to-last fill, and 6 weeks after my umx, I ran my first half marathon (with the approval of my PS and a really good front-zip sports bra!). Then had my exchange to a Mentor MemoryShape (medium height/moderate profile) 155cc implant on 11/15.
All-told, from the mammogram that detected my "something suspicious," to my exchange surgery, it was 5 months. I say this knowing that it is not such a quick process for many, and my heart goes out to all of you who are dealing with this, and whose ordeals will be significantly longer. I am truly fortunate that my cancer was caught when it was, especially since I fall into the "extremely dense" breast tissue category (I'm 43), and my radiologist was able to detect something amiss on a standard mammogram.
I am so happy to have the TE gone, and the permanent implant is SO much softer and more natural looking than the TE. For the last few weeks that I had my TE in, while I was just waiting for my exchange, I hardly noticed it anymore, but was amazed every time I'd put my hand over it and feel how hard it was! The TE also looked very top-heavy (seems to be a complaint of many here), and felt really bubbly on the sides where it protruded from beneath the chest muscle. I don't see or feel either of these issues with the implant, which will hopefully still soften more, and drop a bit more in the coming weeks/months, though I know it will never be a perfect match with my remaining natural breast. Since I have a teardrop-shaped implant, my PS told me to press my palm into the top of the implant a couple of times a day, to encourage it to soften and slope a bit more like my natural breast. Verdict is still out on whether I'll bother with any sort of nipple recon...
Strength and good health to you all!0 -
Thanks for the good report! So glad everything went smoothly for you and you recovered so quickly.0 -
Thank you so much for sharing. I am about having my exchange in 10 days and it was very comforting to read your take on the exchange. I am soooo looking forward to getting rid of the rocks LOL bring on the squishy. I will be getting the high profile mentor memory gels and I keep having a recurring nightmare that they will be like the memory foam mattress ROFL and if you squish them they will keep a hand print.... I know they won't but it makes me chuckle have a wonderful evening everyone.
Cathy0 -
Oh for crying out loud! This thread dropped off my favorite list! I'm 6 pages behind. Ug! Sorry.0 -
my revision #2 is scheduled tomorrow @ 6:45am.....fat grafting & nips......there may be a glitch, because Medicare says any sugery starting Dec 1 must be in an out patient surgical clinic rather than the plastic surgeon's own surgical suite with his own team of nurses, docs, PS said I was okay because they had an exception from Medicare (which I am not sure WHO and if it is in writing......if not, I will put this part of surgery off) and only have the surgery I prepaid, which is my cosmetic surgery part 2, a mini brow lift (drooping brows) and lower eye lift ....the foobs, I WAS HOPING I WOULD BE DONE!!!!! ( YES "yelling")
Di0 -
So, Congrats to Maillotjaune, Catey, Jenn, Meli , DiMarie! Glad to see you made it to the squishy side!
And Sandra, Goldie, Di and Marianne will be praying for all of you this week.
The rest of us here are getting closer all the time. On one of the back pages I was catching up on you were talking about anesthesia. I have had the bad vomiting and even (watch out TMI!!! LOL) the big D in Recovery. The worst was with the gas. When they just used IV I did so much better.
As to PS instructions not sure what I'll get this time.
Di so sorry you have to worry about all this mow. Hope you find out what you need to do.
If I missed your surgery so sorry! I knew something was missing but I couldn't think what it was.
Much love.0 -
Moonflower- Be sure to ask for the patch that goes behind the ear, scopolpine spelling ??? motion sickness patch you put it behind your ear the day before surgery and can keep it on for a few days afterwards its slow releasing and helps also with pain med nausea, in addition ask anesthesiologist for something in your IV0 -
Just stopping in to say, "hi." Checking in to make sure everybody is still doing well. Glad to see that is the case. I cleaned most of the day so I won't have to worry about the house for a week, or two after exchange. I wonder when we are allowed to push a vacuum again?
Anyway, getting excited and nervous!!!0 -
I'm not sure. I was told no vacuuming for a while. I'm assuming at least until my off work order ends. I was suppose to be off for 3 weeks but he said I could go back sooner if I wanted. I've been feeling good so I asked to go back earlier and he released me to go back but with job modification of no moving arms past shoulders. Well, heck that's half my day. Might as well be off and look at my dirty carpets.0 -
Mely, you can't lift arms past shoulders? Gosh, I wonder if that will be a rule for me too? How the heck will I blow dry my hair...lmaooooo?0 -
I try not to but sometimes I do. There are times when I reach for something and feel a pain and realize that I probably shouldn't be doing that. I can get myself dressed and groomed and do most day to day things, it's the reaching and stretching out that I shouldn't be doing. Like putting a plate away that's too high for me.0 -
Thanks, Mely. Got it!0 -
goldie...if you bend your head down you can still legally blow dry. And use a curling iron.
After my recent revision exchange I was told no pushing, pulling, or lifting over 10 pounds for 4 weeks. It was tough...but they're worth it. Lol.0 -
Hey Moon, I wondered where you were. Won't be long for you now. You WILL get to the finish line this time.
Mine is Friday a.m. and I've gone from insomnia (fixed by Ambien) to nightmares. Bummer. I am dreading this surgery just as much as I am glad to be rid of the TE.
I bought all the ingredients for my holiday baking and will do that today and tomorrow. Thank goodness I have a separate will be full by the time I'm finished. Wednesday is my 65th birthday. I'll be going to lunch and a Christmas concert with a friend and then in the evening, my husband and I will go downtown to the lovely San Antonio Riverwalk. It's beautiful anytime, but just magical at Christmas with lights everywhere and boats full of choral groups singing Christmas carols. We'll take a boat ride and have dinner. Maybe listen to some jazz at one of the clubs. The weather is great this week. A few days ago we had our first freeze. Today it will be 80. That's south Texas weather for you! Another freeze and maybe an ice storm is predicted for the weekend.
Thursday I'll wrap Christmas presents and mail boxes & Christmas cards Then it's off to the hospital to get a PICC line put in again (it's like a chemo port, but inside your upper arm) & get pre-surgery bloodwork before coming back home for the night. It's only been a month since I got the darn PICC out after surgery #1 and #2 & the iron infusion. It's time to put it back in already? I have a love/hate relationship with it. Hopefully there will be no sign of an infection and I won't have to have it long. It's a pain in the neck to have to keep it waterproof for showers, flushed, and get sterile dressing changes every week. But it's much better than having nurses try and fail to put in an IV or try over & over to draw blood with regular vein sticks. Never works and I'm in no mood to become a human pin cushion like the first time. (25 unproductive sticks, including my feet, before the doc ordered the PICC line.) If not for the fear of another infection, I could go with a regular IV just for the couple days in the hospital. The PICC line team would put it in using ultrasound...very cool. Maybe next time. There's still a fat grafting surgery to look forward (?) too.
My bag is packed. If my heart behaves itself during surgery this time, they may let me go the next day. It was circling the drain twice during the 8 hr BMX/recon but caused no trouble in the much shorter surgery #2. At least the anesthesiologists are prepared and if you are going to have trouble, the operating room is the place to be. Because of my weird history (code blue x 4), I get the senior anesthesiologist and usually have some junior people watching...and hoping they will see something exciting, I'm sure. Let's hope they are disappointed Friday. LOL.0 -
Oh Sandra I hope it a VERY boring sx!!! I have been having weird dreams too. Oh well it is what it is. LOL. You try to calm down and get a some quiet sleep, ok? Much love0 -
Good luck Sandra. I am going for my exchange also on the 6th. I've been very lucky so far and I pass some of that luck over to you. My surgery should be easy compared to my BMX in September (which wasn't bad - was home the following day; drains out in a week). My ps said I should be going home after the surgery but can stay the night if I want. I am sleeping ok , but am having nightmares. Good luck to all with surgeries this week (including me)!0 -
Good luck to all with surgeries this week. May your sleep be restful and restoring, your worries be few and far between and your recovery painfree and uneventful (I'm missing the angel emoticon right about now!).0 -
Sandra, I will be thinking of you as I go under on Friday for my exchange, same for you MBlizzy. But Sandra you are making sure to stay busy all week it seems. Christmas baking too~~not me as would just eat it all. I am going to finish a baby quilt by Friday though maybe not the quilting. Baby shower is the 18th so deadline time. I got all the blocks done yesterday and will put on borders today and hopefully Wed./Thursday will get the layers together. Sandra I don't have all the issues you have though I have had one heart stop while under but that was long ago. I did take a long time to stop with the n/v and low BP during mx and will tell anesthetist that. But I am so looking forward to getting this over and done with and my only concern is getting bumped which could happen.0