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Exchange City



  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009


    36-38 felt so good because it was so loose you could not feel it around your body....quack quack

    Did you get fitted by a pro? 

    Went to see my PS this morning and he wants me to start a light upward massage to keep the pocket open and to start massaging lotion on my scar lines to help healing and to loosen up that skin glue....he is very happy (he smiled)  No lifting weights yet but I can start walking....I mentioned again that I want to see a PT to help me stretch out these LD muscles, he said we would talk when I am healed I go back to see him in 4 weeks....He expects it to fall into place in a couple of months but he said that we would get the nipps done before the end of the year and I said "We better" I am not gonna do another out of pocket next year.....I will settle for tattooing.....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Oh Yay!  Three nippleless women in a room together.  What are the odds of that?

  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2009

    Jean - you can add me to the list again. Fibbles on June 17th. Thank you for taking the time to update list.


  • georganne
    georganne Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2009


    I am so sorry about you losing your dad!!!! I pray he's in heaven, happy and fully healthy again. 


    I too was frightened about having an implant under the pec muscle, but in my case it worked out.  I will remember to put you on my daily prayer list.  I'm certain that God's helping me!! I am wearing TEs fully expanded to 650cc and I can say that with each expansion, I was sore / tight, but it susided. My lat muscles hurt when I first started expansions, but that too subsided.  I had my last fill 1 week ago and am waiting for my exchange June 26th.  It's normal to be afraid, but you ask good questions. The threads here as well as these wonderful ladies are great resources.  Have you researched your doctor and are you comfortable with her / him?  When is your surgery?  Hugs and prayers to you!!!! 

    Bukki - I will  continue to remember you too. I know those drains burn, pull, and ache. Hopefully they'll come out soon.  


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Annie:  I am sorry to hear about you losing your father.  It is one of those milestones in our lives which we wish never had to happen.  I know you are grieving.  My heart goes out to you....

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited May 2009

    Laura - I can relate.... I wore a 36 bra for ages - and my ribcage is only 28!  Sometimes comfort is key.................

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Karenp =

    FIBBLES is when your fake nipples are not telling the truth about something.  Otherwise, they are just plain old FIPPLES!  LOL!!!

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009


    I read Karenp62 post but did not pick up on the fibbles.....that is a good one!!!

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009


    I nearly busted open my stomach reading what you wrote-holding my stomach laugh, ouch laugh, ouch, etc.  Thank you for best, though most controlled laugh I've had in ages!


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009


    I'm sorry for the loss of your father.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Deborah and Linda--thanks for the info on "no underwire," and for the shopping tip.  I'm looking forward to shopping SOON.


  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited May 2009

    WhippetMom - Thanks so much for the information on how to measure. I have to call my PS tomorrow and see when he can coordinate the surgery with my BS. I'm so excited! After speaking with him yesterday I'm positive that I want to have BM and recon. I researched him on the internet and he scored a 4.9 out of 5 so it has set my mind at ease somewhat. Actually, while I was sitting on the examination table and he was checking my breasts, he pointed to my tummy and said while we're at it I can take care of that too! Not sure what he meant by that but I'm hoping there's a free-bee tummy tuck somewhere in the

    I'm going to do the calculations for breast implant size this evening and let you know what I come up with. Right now I have to get  going and make dinner - I've been outside planting flowers all day and lost track of time, Hubby must be starving! (he hasn't figured out where the fridge is

    Rockwell - I haven't had surgery yet but want to get an idea of how to size the implants so I don't wake up looking like Dolly Parton! 


  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    Annie - I lost my father almost five years ago and still miss him. They are pretty special in our lives. My heart grieves for you!

    Deborah - I expect there will be a few rooms of fipple-less women in LV!! :)

    Karen - We will be happy to add your date. I am jealous. Congratulations!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Terri:  You know, you are in Canada and so you have access to the true gummy bears - the Allergan 410's.  You might want to talk to your PS about these as well.  They are anatomically shaped cohesive gel implants which many women here in the US are just waiting with baited breath to be approved for widespread use.  While many plastic surgeons here in the U.S. feel that the 410's [and eventually Mentor's equivalent] will be "all the rage" and will be the "standard" in the industry, the jury is still out for many of us.  There are a number on these boards who just LOVE their 410's and a smaller majority who had them switched out for the standard silicone gel implants.  But you have the option and I just wanted to apprise you of this as you do your research.


  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    (((((((((((((((Annie)))))))))))))))))))))) Praying for you and your is hard to lose a loved one to Alzheimer's.  I lost my grandma and I always felt that I didn't get a chance to say all that I needed to say to her...I said the things I wanted but I know she wasn't understanding them.  Very hard and my heart goes out to you.

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Annie - I didn't answer your question!  I don't think Aggy pulls down my TE because I believe it is glued to the underside of my armpit and can't go anywhere!!! 

    Well I had quite a weird couple of days.  I am on a cancellation list for my exchange (the waiting list is 9 - 12 months long) and I was called yesterday and asked to stand by for today.  I was so excited and started hoping and praying that I'd be done by this time today.  I did the pre-admission thing and they all felt that my chances were pretty good for today.  Here is the scoop:  My PS books the OR for 10 hours for certain radical head/neck surgeries.  The patient needs to spend time in the Intensive Care Unit after the surgery.  If there is no bed open in the ICU the surgery is cancelled.  Yesterday there was only one bed open and they didn't think it would be open today, so I was called to be waiting in the wings.  So....last night I do the big shave and prep the whole body thing, as God only knows who will be checking me out while I'm having my little sleep!  LOL (Just paranoia I know!!)   Today I'm at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. and waiting to be admitted.  My DH sits beside this older couple and the wife starts talking to him.  The whole time I'm saying this little mini prayer...please let it be today, please let it be today... The wife says that her husband is coming for a 10 hour surgery and tells my dh the PS's name...well I know you can guess by now that this is the guy that needs to be bumped for me to get my surgery today...the wife says that they live about 3 hours from the city and had to come in last night...her husband has very aggressive cancer in his mouth, jaw,neck and lymph nodes. The tumor has doubled in size in the last two weeks...she explains that they are going to be staying in the cancer lodge as they have no where else to stay and that her husband will need extensive therapy to be able to eat, swallow etc.  Then...rads, chemo...etc.  Well I turn to my husband and say "We need to change what we are praying for" and he says "I already did honey".  So we pray hard that this poor man can get his surgery today as he truly needs it a million more times than I need my foob changed out.   God once again answered the prayers that needed answering and the man should be in recovery by now.  My heart has been heavy all day thinking about that poor couple and hoping all turns out well for them.  And...I'm back on the cancellation list...I told my DH not to make friends with people in the waiting room anymore as I don't think I can take deal with knowing that some poor soul has been cancelled when I can't even imagine how much they must be needing to be there. 

  • jezzy234
    jezzy234 Member Posts: 127
    edited May 2009

    Hi.  I am new to the exchange city list.  I will get a soft cushy foob and an implant on July 8.  I was so excited to get an okay to exchange, I forgot to ask how long recup time is.  I know hospital stay is one or two days, but after that?????

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Yvonne--I'm so sorry that you came so close, but love the beautiful souls you and your husband are.  I hope things work out for that gentleman and his wife.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will be soon for you.



  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Yvonne ~ That story touched my heart so much. I hope you get your exchange soon, but what you did today shows your true beauty.

    jrgolomb ~  My exchange is scheduled for next week, but it is an outpatient procedure.

    Annie ~ My prayers are with you and your family.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    YVONNE.. what a touching story.. I wish it was no that way in canada.. for you all...

    being from the US.. If they told me I had to wait 9 months.. I would have a flipin' heart attack!

    Heck NO.. I will wait not more that a month.. after that.. you have to deal with me.. LOL

    I am sorry Canada's that way with your health care... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Annie.. I hope you are doing ok today friend!

  • lifegoeson
    lifegoeson Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2009

    Hello everyone,

    I thought I'd join in this thread since I didn't start posting in time to be in the "March Surgeries" thread.  This time I am well in advance, lol.  I had my bilateral mastectomy with LD flap and TEs on 3/10/09.  My exchange surgery is scheduled for 8/17/09.  We are waiting a while to allow the incision on my back to fully heal.  It did not heal well, and the scarring there looks bad, so along with my exchange surgery in August, my PS will do a scar revision on the back insision on the right side.

    I have a 400 cc expander, which was filled to 250 during the surgery, and after a few fills of 50 cc each, it is now filled to 400.  My PS says he can overfill it a bit if I want to be bigger, and I'm currently thinking about that. I'm sort of surprised by the bra sizes people say they are, because I'm 5'3'', 130 pounds, with a very small frame, and even at 400, I'm between a C and a D cup.  It seems most people who are Ds have a lot more in their expanders.  I guess everyone is different. 

     Anyhow, add me to the list for 8/17/09, exchange surgery and scar revision. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    YVONNE - Oh bless you!  May God richly bestow all good things upon you and your husband! Wonderful story!

    jrgolomb and lifegoeson- Welcome to EC!  We will get your dates posted shortly!

  • lifegoeson
    lifegoeson Member Posts: 57
    edited May 2009

    And Yvonne, I just read your story...very touching. 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009


    I thought I was reading a story in Guidepost magazine!!!

    You are such a dear.....send that story into Guidepost.....its just the kind they are looking for....

    Luv ya sista

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    Yvonee - I knew you were a wonderful, caring, loving woman, but this story certainly confirms it. What a selfless thing to do and post. I have to love you for it! Your turn MUST come soon. Love to you and your husband!

    Linda - I agree w/ the Guidepost stories! She should certainly submit it!

    Lifegoeson - We are about the same size. I had TE's filled to 370cc and 400cc which were exchanged for style 20 400 cc silicone implants. I am a solid C cup and would not want to be any bigger. Best wishes for your upcoming exchange.

    Ladies - One question. I continue to be very pleased with the softness and comfort of my implants, but I don't think they have changed since they were put in four weeks ago. When do I expect "fluffing?" Also, when can I start doing arm exercises? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    Yvonne ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • skippyrcis
    skippyrcis Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2009

    jrgolomb, My exchange was 5 days ago.  I felt good after two days. It is hard being careful not to move around too much because there is no pain.  They feel great.  Soft.  Good luck to you!  I even felt so great after waking up from the anesthesia that we went out to lunch when we left the hospital. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Jean - Start exercising those arms girl!  I don't think I ever doctor never said not to exercise after the exchange so I just waited a week and then resumed with stretching and lifting arm weights.  I have to be able to lift a 32 pound toddler!!!  I had to get strength back RAPIDO!

  • Believe1
    Believe1 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2009

    KEW, My PS told me that  nearly our first visit.  With the bi-lateral mast. we lost most of our feeling and not wearing an under-wire is more of a safety precaution.  If for some reason it ever became detached it could poke you, doing damage and you wouldn't feel it to know.  That is why he told me to stay away from any under-wire bra.  Now, I wouldn't think we would even need one with implants. I also heard that as time goes on we could regain more feeling, I am still to new out to where I have none.  Hope this helped a little, and remember every PS is different, I am finding that out the more I read this board.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2009

    Hi sweeties, thank you so much for all the support, it is so very kind.  THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU.

    Yvonne, that is the most beautiful will get your exchange when you are meant to, and you will just have done such a beautiful thing for that couple.   You are a kind and lovely human being.  thank you for that uplifting story today.

    Everybody, I have a vertical lat flap with a "pooch" of swelling at the base that cuts directly into my bra strap, so Laura, being the same height as you, with the same big boobs, I have the same issue.  I have to wear a 38 and I put a bra extender into that!! My PS will fix it when I go to have revisions, whenever that happens, most likely in the fall, as I was told I had to take a break from surgeries for now.  In a Walcoal bra tho, most things are extremely well concealed. 

    Love you all, thinking of you all everyday, tho during this nutty time, I may not be on much, I will be back, i promise.

