Exchange City
budrfligal13 - It's not the first post in this thread, but the first post in the thread to which I gave a link. Here it is again. If the link below isn't active just cut and paste into the address bar and hit enter. Otherwise, do a search as Moon suggested. The thread is called "Access to the Picture Forum".
Hope that works!
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thanks Tina And Moon.
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Thanks!! My kids are 11, 9, 7 and 4. They try to be helpful but sometimes the bickering gets to me and I just want to be left alone, lol
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Yes!! It's very hard to nap (or rest even) when people are three feet away fighting over Legos. Maybe schedule lots of play dates? Are they all in school? (Or will school be out by then?)
Do you guys have a nearby support network (family, neighbors, church or social / sports clubs?). Most everyone wants to help, they often just don't know how. Ask a friend to set up a lotsa helping hands calendar (or something similar) so people will know exactly what kind of help you need and when. And so you're not having to keep track of it and call people. We've scheduled everything from meals to grocery shopping trips to people coming over for an hour to fold laundry on ours. It's been such a blessing!
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I don't have young children, but I agree wholeheartedly with McKatherine. Many (most/all?) of us have a natural urge to take care of others before ourselves and don't want to impose. However, I found that my friends and loved ones felt pretty helpless and seemed genuinely excited to be given a specific task to help out. It was really hard for me to do and I didn't do it often, but friends always seemed very happy to run easy and quick errands like picking up a prescription or a ride to a short appointment while I was recuperating and unable to drive. One friend even said, "Thanks for telling me what you needed. It feels so much better to do something useful than to bring you food you might not need or like."
So, I say if someone asks more than once if they can do something to help - give them a job!
Best wishes!
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Having exchange on 6/2/14
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I had no rippling with my first set of implants, Allergan Natrelle Style 20 silicone 800 cc rounds. The right one stayed in over three months but the left one was lost due to an infection in the nearby axillary soft tissue. I got a TE on the left instead, Allergan Style 133MX 700 cc, and had no rippling with it. It was expanded to 740 cc's, then I went in for the exchange. BOTH sides were changed at that time to Allergan Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone Implants, Style FF 740 cc's. (Gummy Bears) Rippling occurred on my problem left side within a couple of weeks. The right side had no rippling then and still doesn't five months later. Obviously the pocket on the left had been damaged in the infection months before. I had another surgery on the left side six weeks ago to do more repairs to the axillary and pocket. The left gummy bear was replaced with an identical one. I've had no rippling at all so the operation fixed the problem.
I do not find much of a difference in "squishiness" between gummy bears and silicone rounds. My husband says they feel like the breasts of a 20 year old - firm but not hard. They are NOTHING like the TE's...not rock hard and certainly not as big. Even though my TE and the new implants were exactly the same 740 cc's, the implants look close to half the size. Permanent implants conform to the shape of your ribs and chest so they don't stick out as much. They are not cone shaped like a natural breast but rather like mounds. Some people say they resemble hamburger buns at first. (They do settle in and smooth out a bit in 6-8 weeks.) Mine are the biggest you can get but only project out 2.4 inches towards the bottom. In a minimizing style stretchy bra, which is flatter, I wear a 38 C. I'm 5'6". The same implants on a petite woman will look larger. If I lost 30 lbs, they would look larger too. If you get rounds, you can get a bigger implant - I think they go up to 940 or 960 - but that's only about 9 or 10 more tablespoons spread out over the whole implant. You'll get a little more projection.
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Thanks ladies,
Ya a lot of people say let me know if u need anything but it's hard sometimes to say, ya can u watch my kids for a bit or do this that or the other thing.... Sometimes I feel like they think they should say that but hope u don't come back w something for them to actually do lol. Oh well, my parents and sisters are very helpful and we have a good babysitter- of course I have to pay her.... It all works out somehow lol
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Anyone have any tips for shaving/razoring your underarm hair in the "notch" are right next to your implant? I have a heck of a time getting that part hair free!
p.s. I am only 1 week post exchange but so far haven't noticed a huge difference in the feel of the implant versus the TE's. They still feel way harder than I expected and I still feel a pulling on my pec muscles. I am just going with it and having faith that things will improve with time. I have just heard about this "instant relief" people feel when the TE's are gone and I am just not feeling it myself. Oh well!
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Hey ladies! 6 more days til my exchange to squishyland! I am so happy/anxious to be done with this step! My peck muscles seem to be getting harder than relaxing!!
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Hjpz sorry squishies didn't help you quickly. It is of course quite individual. Do you know if your PS did a lot of pocket work? That could impact how you feel. Also the swelling is still there add g to the tight feeling. I hope things go better for you soon. But in the meantime be sure you are not overdoing it. Now is the time to relax as much as possible and allow yourself to heal.
Meremere, hang in there. Hopefully you will be better soon.
Much love
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Hjpz - so sorry! I just realized I've been typing your name as hipz rather than hjpz!!! Anyway, what moonflwr said. Some ladies have instant relief, some still feel that tightness and iron bra feeling for a while. Remember that your pecs have been cut again to pull out the TEs and put the implants in and then sutured together again. There's a lot of healing to do internally and your pecs need some time to relax.....again. Do take it very easy even though you may feel great. It's way too easy to overdo it at this stage. As far as the underarm shaving.....I pretty much had full range of motion after the exchange so shaving was not a problem. I guess I would say try placing your hand/forearm in different positions (back of head, top of head, straight up, whatever you can try) to get as much flatness as possible. Do you have a DH who could try to do it for you?
Mommy - if someone asks what they can do to help but hope you don't take them up on it then they should just stay away. That being said.......make a list of things you might need help with. Driving you here and there (I was forbidden to drive for two full weeks), pushing a grocery cart, carrying and putting away the groceries, laundry, anything that would require you to use your upper body for weight bearing purposes. And take those folks up on their offers and trust that they're sincere .
mere-mere - exchange will be here before you know it! Enjoy the anticipation!
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hi Hjpz,
I'm three weeks post exchange and still feel the iron bra thing. I the same as you did not feel the big relief others experience. At my one week post op when my Dr. came into the room I asked him if he forgot to bring the implants in to surgery with him, lol, he then explained that he did have to do a lot of pocket work and I would be sore for quite a while, and he is right still swollen and still hurt, but am managing with Tylenol mostly at bed time. I am seeing some improvement it is just taking time, hope you start to see improvement soon, take care and rest well.
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I am 6 WEEKS post exchange....and still feeling that 'iron bra' feeling..., although I admit that sometimes it is maybe just a tiny smidge better. I saw my PS a few days ago. He didn't seem surprised to hear that I was feeling that way. I did NOT have any pocketwork that I know of. He did say that the peak of scar formation is about 6 weeks, or 6-8 weeks, so I just needed to be patient. I would normally be freaking out because I am starting to feel a lot of anxiety that this might never go away. I cannot imagine. PS has been amazing, and so very honest with me. We've been together for 6 months. I am going to trust him. I hope he's right :-)
I am not happy to hear others are feeling this way, but I am somewhat relieved to hear that I am not the only one! I am going to PT, but she has been so busy trying to deal with the lymphedema I'm dealing with that there hasn't been a ton of time to do myofascial release (or other therapy) for the tightness.
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my BMX was miserable of course, but I did pretty well. off pain meds that first week. Mainly because they gave me very weird lucid nightmares. Unfortunately, I did not have anyone to help with things such as groceries and laundry, so I guess it will be the same with the exchange, although I anticipate it being a lot easier than the MX. I used to kick the laundry bag down the basement steps and drag it back up again, lol. Groceries weren't easy either but I managed.
The past two days I have had an uncomfortable feeling, like I'm going to rip open every time I sneeze. I wake up in the middle of the night in pain. I called PS and she said to take 600mg Motrin. Well I took 400 and absolutely no relief. They are not quick to offer the Valium, and I feel like a junky asking. But I think I may need it as I'm almost filled to the gills. Also, my PS filled me very slowly, each week. It's been 5 months now and we are still going to achieve a "C". I hope the exchange is in late July. Well there goes my birthday plans!!! My luck, the exchange will be ON my birthday. Oh well, next year will be better!!!
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Moon flower & Sweet&Special - thanks for your encouragement! I am hanging in there and having faith but it is nice to hear I am not alone in my iron bra feeling! I was hoping not to be the only one I saw my PS yesterday and he said the feeling would go away as everything heals. He is super happy with my outcome and healing - he said I am "such an easy client", so I will take that as a compliment! My new implants will form around my pec muscles and after that happens everything should be great. I did have some pocket work on the left side where I was radiated. The skin is also VERY thin on that side so there is a minor amount of rippling on the outside but so far both of my new ladies look great to be honest! I was expecting them to be flat like some others have mentioned but they are quite the opposite On a positive note, because my skin is so thin on one side my PS is worried about nipples so is going to look into 3D tattoos for me (it is new around here) - that is what I wanted to do anyway after looking into things so I am super excited about it!! I am super glad I have not had the pain a lot of other ladies have had. I only took pain meds for around 2 days and have not taken anything pain related for a week now. I also got off pain meds relatively quickly after my bi-lateral mastectomy. I do think my pre-vitamin/supplement regime did help and my PS even wants me to bring him the info to my next appointment so I he can research it and recommend to other patients. I love open minded doctors!
Juneyb- Love your comment to your PS about the exchange! I felt like saying that yesterday to mine!
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budrfligal- please hang in there! So sorry you did not have any help after your first surgery. That is horrible. I did a lot of pre-planning before mine - got easy to eat items, etc... but I did need my hubby to carry my laundry and drive me to my first few appointments. I am not sure what your situation is - and if you are like me you are not good with asking for help - but I know there are people out there from churches or BC support groups who would help you if you need it. I will say I rebounded a lot quicker after the second surgery so hopefully you will too (although I know I still need to take it easy due to internal stiches so please remember that too!)
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p.s. Sorry to hog this thread today but I wanted to let you all know that I keep telling my PS about this website and he finally told me to write it down so he can tell his other patients about it who need support. I seriously love him!
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Hipz--I purchase a mirror with a suction cup that I attach to my shower wall. I found it at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Since I have no feeling in my right armpit, the mirror really helps me to see what I am shaving (rub some soap on the mirror just before you use it to eliminate the fog/steam). Be very careful because any cuts in that area could lead to infection which could trigger lymphedema if you have had lymph nodes removed. I have heard that some women only use an electric razor in the armpits post-BMX with lymph node dissection. In the very early stages after my BMX, I could barely straighten my arm enough to make the armpit flat to shave and had my DH help me. After some PT and stretching exercises, I was able to regain the range of motion and my armpit flattened out somewhat when extending my arm over my head.
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Hipz, No need to feel bad. I'll do fine. If I made it through the BMX very well, then I think the exchange will be a breeze....
My biggest problem will probably be wanting to do too much. I am addicted to Spin class, so I might have withdrawals for a few weeks...
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For any of you veterans out there - does there ever get to a point when you don't feel your pecs. I am two years out and if I think about it I can feel them. It doesn't hurt, and I can certainly live with it, but I was wondering if that feeling ever goes away. Thanks ladies!
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budrflygal - my exchange WAS on my birthday! When my PS told me it would be early August I thought what a great birthday present - trade in the rocks of Gibraltar for squishies! Good way to end that part of the journey.
hjps - any time. I was like you - kept reading about hamburger buns but I did not have that at all. Mine were nice and shapely right from the start. I sometimes wonder if it has anything to do with the length of time between final fill and exchange. Mine was almost exactly 4 months, so I think my pecs and skin had plenty of time to become accustomed to the volume and didn't really need to adjust any further. Maybe, maybe not, that's just my own logic talking. Glad you're doing well!
farmerlucy - I'm not conscious of my pecs all the time but yes, when I consciously think about them I still realize how differently they feel than they used to when flexing. I just consider it my new normal and don't hyper-focus on it. The majority of the time I'm pretty much unaware.
BEEYAYOOTIFUL day here in West Michigan. Overcast but around 80 degrees!!! Had the sunroof open and all four windows down at lunchtime for the first time since last fall - YAY!!
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Sweet...come on over to the east side!! Sunny and gorgeous!!!
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Shaving - Whether you have had lymph nodes taken or not, you are now always at risk for lymphadema - even 20+ years out. One of the big no-no's is shaving with a razor - ever again. You are at risk just getting pricked by a rose thorn heaven's sake. Please put them away & get an electric razor. Yes, I know they don't give a close a shave, but if you check some of the LE threads on this site you will definitely want to start taking some precautions. Docs just don't talk about LE or know too much either, so you need to be proactive.
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I didn't shave for about a year after my first surgery 12 years ago but went back to it after awhile and am very careful. It has been 11 years or so of shaving again and I had no issues. I have been using an electric razor since my second surgery but it doesn't work the best IMO. Either way with the electric razor or a real razor I can not reach the very crook of my underarm because my implant kind of shields it. Maybe I will just have to look into laser treatments or something!
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Sweet and Special - I too waited a little over 4 months from my last fill before the exchange. You might be onto something??
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I wax but don't have to do it often. I asked my LE therapist and she said that's just fine. I did get the pro wax from Sally's. Not the crappy stuff from the drug store. She did also say shaving was ok, but I get what you are talking about also Minus!
I have been trying to keep up with you girls while I was serving my sentence waiting after my infection and fin removal. Good news! After many consults and ideas and doctors we have a starting point!
Operation Build-a-Boob begins on May 21! I am on my PS's calendar in PEN! Starting with fat grafting. He is going to relocate some real estate to a better neighborhood! About 400-500cc of it.
Not sure when I last stopped in here but after my removal for Valentine's Day I got to have a drain installed for St Patty's Day! Left that sucker in 3 weeks. Incision healed nicely and as soon as we pulled it, boom, instant mini boob? Well anyhow PS found that tidbit out when I saw him last week and first reaction was to drain it. By the end of the appointment he decided it makes a nice natural tissue expander! Doesnt feel like fluid but not scar tissue either, so don't know. My PS is once again stumped!
So I see you girls having and getting ready for exchanges!! WooHoo!! And I think about when I first saw you here, etc.. And the I think, my gosh that went fast, they just started..... I hope it feels that way for you too. I just can't believe how fast time is flying though.
Hope you all are gearing up for a great weekend!
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Hi all. Today I had a fill and she scheduled my exchange for 7/25. We still will do 3 more fills then it's a 6 week break before exchange. I've read a few of you waited up to 4 months for the exchange. Now I'm wondering if 6 weeks is enough. Also, my PS said we will have a pre-op appointment where she will take measurements. But when I asked her about when we discuss shape, size, profile, etc, she said to decide on saline or silicone and gave me a Mentor booklet that I am to read and sign the informed consent. Well I'd like to know if the silicone gels are better!!!! I feel like I'm going into this blind. I mean, she will show me options and discuss them right??? Maybe she figures we have time for that, but I want to know because I'd like to go to the sizing 101 thread for advice. But she barely gave me any information!!!
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Bud, you can get info on Sizing 101 without your implant info. Read the header there. You need to provide the specifics of your TEs and several other things. And no, not all PSs feel the need to discuss the details with their patients. You must ask, ask, ask. Some do, some don't.
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My PS requires a minimum 3-4 month wait between last fill and exchange. I trusted him to know what was best for me on that front. I worked with Whippetmom to help determine implant size and that's what we went with, but the timing was PS's requirements. My TEs didn't cause me discomfort, though, so it wasn't difficult for me to wait patiently for the exchange.