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Exchange City



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2014

    Love your message DulciGirl  Winking

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited April 2014

    Love that DulciGirl.......the part about Keep your chin what my PS told me when I had my neck liftted....

    so so true...always sneaking a peak "down there"....since implants/revisions

    .hasn't been part of my life for a LONG when my real breast seemed to bud and grow overnight, when I was 10 years old.....having C cups by 12 years old.

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    Dulcigirl - love it! Can't wait to be hugging my squishy unicorn foobs end of next week!

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2014

    hips, good luck to you today! Thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. Hoping all goes well and a speedy recovery!

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited April 2014

    Mine look better and feel better everyday. I'd stop now if that "wedge" of skin under my arm was gone.  I find myself peeking when I'm laying around. Oh, and I am laying around more. It has helped to not overdo it!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    hpjz - Good luck today!  We're all in your pocket on this!  Please let us know how it went when you're able...

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited April 2014

    Thanks for all the well wishes ladies!  I got home around 3:00 p.m. today and am feeling pretty good!   I have no drains and no major pain or side effects thus far.   Also, from what I have seen, my new "girls" don't look too bad.  (I think some here have had theirs wrapped up but mine aren't). 

    My pre-surgery supplement routine seems to have helped me a lot again.  I found the recommendation on a plastic surgeon's website before my double mast. and I have had great results from them so far.  I really think the Arnica Montana works wonders on bruising and the Bromelain helps keep swelling down because I have had little of either after both surgeries. Like I said before, I also really believe in the power of a positive attitude! Winking

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    YAY hjpz!  Welcome to Squish City!  Loopy  Now practice the mantra and take it easy!  It sounds like that will be the hardest part of all of this for you...ThumbsUp

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited April 2014

    Thanks AZ!  Yup  you guessed it - rest is hard for me -  but I am forcing myself to do so because I want NO complications if possible.  I have been on the couch since I got home today catching up on all my tv shows and my hubby is off again with me tomorrow so I plan to make him do everything - hey might as well milk it I figure!  I have no real restrictions except to take it easy for the first few days and also not to lift any heavy objects. I am also not to wear any underwire bras which is awesome to me because I hate them.  I was directed to wear a camisole or sports bra most of the time, which is no biggie because I have been wear my sports bras most of the time since my first surgery because it was more comfortable for me for some reason. 

     p.s. my PS called me at home a little bit ago to check - I thought that was super nice.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014


    I'm so impressed that your PS called to check on you. Smile Glad you are doing well and doing NOTHING.

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    sounds like it went well hjpz. Can you share your pre-op supplements. I am scheduled for next Friday. So far I am taking general multivitamins and lysine (protein). I take magnesium when needed for the muscle cramps. I have never heard of Arnica or Bromelain. 

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited April 2014

    Sure Previvor! I found this info on reputable PS websites just FYI. 

    START 2 weeks BEFORE until 2 weeks AFTER surgery (Strongly Recommended)

    • Take a Multivitamin tablet daily. Most multivitamins contain some
      form of vitamin E, however this is acceptable to take prior to surgery.
      We do ask that you refrain from taking additional vitamin E.
    • Take Vitamin A – 8,000-10,000 units, twice a day. This has
      well-documented beneficial effects on surgical healing and will also
      fuel your immune system.
    • Take Vitamin C – 1,000 mg., twice a day. This is essential for
      collagen synthesis, which is part of normal wound healing. Your need for
      Vitamin C will increase after surgery.
    • Take Bromelain – 1,000 mg., twice a day. (Pineapple enzyme – from a
      health food store) This helps to relieve the swelling associated with

      2 Days Before Surgery


    • Take every 8 hours as directed and continue for 10 days.
    • Continue taking Bromelain as directed every 12 hours between meals.
      This anti-inflammatory promotes healing. As an alternative, eat fresh
  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited April 2014

    Thanks for the positive comments ladies!  Just about to start taking it easy day 2!

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    Please be sure to check with your PS before taking ANYTHING in the weeks prior to surgery.  I just had a revision surgery last week and had orders to STOP all vitamins, herbals, etc, including fish oil, vitamin E, vitamin C, and a list of others.  So many of these can cause an increase in bleeding and other complications.  Glad your recovery is going well hipz!

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    thanks hjpz! Will check with surgeon Bayoubabe. Don't want surgery cancelled at last minute!

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited April 2014

    I told my PS about my vitamins so always agree to check with them as well.  I stopped my Fish Oil before surgery and know you are not supposed to take Vit. E beforehand but both my Dr. and the hospital staff were good with me taking Vit A, C, and D. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited April 2014

    Congrats hipz and welcome to the squishy side - YAY!!!!!  Now - do as all your sister doctors order and veg out as long as you can!  (walking is allowed, of course) Winking

    Previvor - at my pre-surgery visit10 days in advance the only thing they made me quit taking completely a week before surgery was ibuprofen because it thins the blood.  All my other stuff was fine so I guess they don't have any blood thinning effect or anything (had to stop everything by midnight the night before of course).  I take Calcium/D, B complex, antihistamine, Ambien, melatonin, and arimidex daily.  Hope you have a smooth surgery and incredible results!

  • MyraVH
    MyraVH Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2014

    hi everyone,

    anybody here who doesn't wear bra to support new breast implants? is it ok to not wear one? i find the elastics irritating specially towards the side. during my 1 week post-op visit with my PS, he said i can wear regular bra now. but i forgot to ask if not wearing one is ok. thoughts?

  • foreverchanged
    foreverchanged Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2014

    Depends on your PS, some do recommend bra for certain amount of time after exchange surgery, others don't.  I was told to wear sports bra all the time for 6 weeks after initial exchange, 4 weeks after surgery to replace ruptured implant and currently for 4 weeks after surgery for capsular contracture repair to right side and fat grafting to both sides.  Best to call your PS office and ask.

  • Curlylx
    Curlylx Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2014

    Had my exchange surgery yesterday.  Everything went very well.  I am just a bit sore, especially my abdomen where the PS liposuctioned some belly fat to put up top.  Right now I resemble a Suma wrestler.  Looking forward to the big reveal at the May 7th post-op appointment.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,423
    edited May 2014

    Antioxidants - I was told to quit taking Vitimins A, C & E for the entire treatment cycle - including chemo, surgery & radiation.  As stated - they "fuel your immune system".  My MO and RO were adamant that they didn't want these vitamins fueling cell growth while they were trying to KILL cells.  It makes sense so your not causing your immune system to fight off the cancer drugs.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited May 2014

    Curlylx - Welcome to the Squishie Side!  Now rest, take it easy, and drink plenty of fluids to flush away that anesthesia!  ThumbsUp

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Curlylx!  

    MyraVH- my PS told me to wear a sports bra or camisole all the time (except the shower of course!)  -- if you don't like your bra you may want to check whether your PS is ok with you wearing a camisole instead. Best of luck!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited May 2014

    MyraVH, my plastic surgeon said there was no need to wear a bra unless I was doing something that would make the new implants (or TE's) running. In that case, I should wear a sports bra. Other docs disagree and have their patients in tight bras 24/7 after the exchange or even ace bandages for weeks. I asked my PS if there were any studies or published info about the pros/cons of bras and he said no. There is no proof that for a normal situation, a bra makes a difference one way or the other. It's just the preference of the PS and the patient. He said if I felt better in a bra, I should wear long as it wasn't an underwire. (Other PS insist on nothing but underwires.) Just like virtually EVERY other aspect of breast reconstruction, plastic surgeons disagree about what is best in every situation. That's ok but I wish they would not present their opinions as irrefutable fact. It drives us all crazy and when we read how other do things, it makes us wonder and perhaps mistrust.

    Of course, if your surgery is not the normal situation, there may be a good reason why a bra would help. If the pocket the PS created for the TE/implant is even a little too big, the implant can rotate out of place. Some implants are more likely to rotate than others. Perhaps in those situations, a bra helps. I don't know.

  • Juneyb
    Juneyb Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2014

    hi myraVH,

    I'm two weeks post exchange with mentor tear drop shape silicone implants, at my  one week post op visit my PS said I could wear a bra or not it would be my decision it wouldn't matter to him. He suggested if I choose to wear a bra not to get anything to expensive because it will take 4 to 6 months for the final result. I of course have tried my B cup bras on but I have a lot of swelling which seems to be subsiding  slowly although they fit, but because of swelling are uncomfortable so I'm choosing not to wear a bra. I wish you a happy and healthy recovery. 


  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    sandra - I agree with you about all Dr.'s having their own opinion!  Due to this, I always research everything at reputable websites so I can talk with my Dr.(s) about my findings and do what is best for me.  My hope for all survivors out there is that they take charge of their own bodies and question things when necessary (politely of course).  Doctors are only human too.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited May 2014

    p.s. I am happy that so far my implants are not "cold" so far.  They are just as warm as my expanders were.  I hope it stays that way *crosses fingers*

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited May 2014

    Since I was one of those "plastic" and bleached blondes of the early 80s, my PS then made me wear a soft surgical bra even in the shower and no underwires for months, he might have told me to never wear one. I went from a B to a D. Slut.

    Anyway, this time, it's nothing like the other. BC makes sure of that. But my PS says he doesn't care just as long as it's not tight and no underwire. I figured out that tightness thing real quick. I did buy a bra a size larger but I don't feel comfortable in it so I just wear the w-beater tshirts for women. We should call them boob beater t-shirts.

    I don't know what you guys mean by a cold implant? Do they sometimes go cold?  Do you ever have a wild stitch just show up along a scar?

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited May 2014

    lostboob - What we mean by cold foob is cold to the touch (like when your arm brushes across your foob or you touch it with your hand).  We don't mean that they're cold from the inside, just on the surface.  

    And yes, every once in a while one of those pesky 'dissolvable' stitches will work its way to the surface.  They call that a spitting suture which means that your body is merely rejecting the foreign object. Just keep it clean to prevent infection, and it shouldn't be a problem.  I had about three that did that after my BMX... 


  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited May 2014

    Lostboob--Love your sense of humor!  I too had the spitting suture after my BMX.  It is very common.