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Exchange City



  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Jean--Thanks for the suggestions.  I'll give them a try.

    Ladies of the Week:

    Deborah---Can't wait to hear how everything turns out!  Thanks, too, for all you do for us!

    Shelly326--Things will feel so much better with TEs out!

    Looper--Looking forward to hear your experiences as this procedure is ahead for many of us!

    Ladies--May your PS have a brilliant day and may all of you wake up thrilled with your results and heal quickly.  Don't forget to let us know how you are doing!

    Laura--That really was a lovely post.



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Jean/kmmd/Karen - You guys just bless the socks off of me!

    Laura....what about Sandy?  I do not see where she posted.  Where is she?  Is she on some Extreme Adventure or something?  I am exhausted just thinking about doing some of the things she does.  Like riding a bike in the middle of winter in Iowa.  Insane stuff!

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Deborah - Dr. Hammond's work looks amazing!  I would love a final result like that.  The upper pole fullness issue really scares me.  I think it is a great look if you've had a bmx but if you're trying to match a foob to an original droopy boob that round baseball look isn't the answer. 

    KEW - I hear you!  I had more than a couple of tearful trips trying on bras after my mx.  I finally went to a a place that specializes in surgical/mastecomy bras and was really happy with the final result.  I didn't have a lot of choices but the bras I got fit wonderfully and don't have that little empty spot where the nipple should go.  The one I got is padded and hides a lot more than I thought it would. Even when I was wearing a dressing you couldn't notice under a tighter t-shirt.

    Jax - Congratulations on ditching JP!!! on!  Isn't that just the greatest feeling to be healed up finally!  I am so excited for you, I've got tears in my eyes!!! Enjoy your daughter's first communion and make sure to post pictures.  We went to my niece's first communion a couple of years ago and I was kind of sad that she didn't wear the traditional little white dress.  I remembering loving my "little bride" look when I received my first many years ago!!! LOL

    Praying for you Deborah -  I think your pictures are amazing now so I just can't imagine how wonderful you will look by this time tomorrow!!  Check back soon and let us know how you feel!

    Good luck too to Shelly and Looper!! Wishing you softness Shelly and good results this time around Looper!!

    Can't wait to hear from you again Laura - we are living vicariously through your posts!

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Hello Ladies,

    I haven't posted about how I feel about the exchange yet because I have mixed feelings.  I don't love them and I don't hate them - they're okay.  I guess I was hoping for more than okay.  The good news is that they feel so soft and natural.  I had such a hard time with the expanders that even though I had pain from pocket revisions, they really feel comfortable.  They also feel like my own breasts and I know not many women feel that way.

    But.....after all the obsessing I did on size I feel like they are not as big as I would like.  He was going to use the style 20 475cc and actually used the 500cc.  It's wider with less projection and It's the projection that I wish I had.  He took three sizes in and used the biggest size and when I look at them from an aesthetic point of view they look really nice.  I think my ribs were pushed in by the expanders and they swallowed the implants.  I am 5ft 6in and 115 lbs so you would think the 500 cc would give me a c cup but it's more like a b. The fat grafting gives the upper pole a nice full and gradual slope.

    I guess what I'm hoping is that they will "drop and fluff" a bit.  Does that really happen? I look very natural, but I guess I wanted a little vavoom.


  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited May 2009

    Laura - I did PM you as I'm VERY close!  Hope you're having a fab time!  Sorry about this humidity...


  • pmellon
    pmellon Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2009

    Whippetmom - Thank you so much for your input.  I have been over on the picture site and saw your photos and you make a convincing case for a D.  You look fabulous!  I think I will  call my PS this week to see if we can take a little of my fill out or at least make sure we are on the same page.  Just seems that I feel too big with the last overfill and then to hear implant sizes that are larger than that number is scary. 

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies--I posted this on another thread, but want to ask here as well.  How do we "fluff" if we are wearing sports bras, or something else that applies pressure 24/7 for at least 6 weeks?


    Yvonne---Thanks for sharing your story, maybe I will try a different store.  How are things going?  Have they given you a date?

    Peg--I think we all go through some of what you are feeling.  I do love how I look, but as each day passes I see the step-down more, and the double fold glares at me.  I am now looking forward to revisions in the fall.  I went out alone today and people watched.  Really, boob watched, big women, small women, young and old. and I had to accept that I will never look like they do, but I do look great for what I've been through and the revisions will help.  I think we need to shoot for what we want, but also love our bodies for what they've been through and continue to go through for us. 


    In the last couple of weeks my former mother in law passed, she was like a mom to me since my mom died in 1986, and yesterday morning my uncle passed, and someone else I know is now in hospice because of leukemia she was diagnosed the same week I was and has two kids.  I want to appreciate what I have, but I still want to be happy with how I look. I pray that doesn't sound vain or selfish. I think it is natural for us to want to feel content in our bodies since so much has been done to them since dx.



  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Hi Karen ~ I'm so sorry to hear of all the sorrows of the last couple weeks for you.  I know sometimes it really puts things in perspective for me. 

    I think having such a big change in my body will take awhile to get used to.  I had nipple sparing so I am done - no revisions. I don't even feel like I need them and I actually feel really grateful for how I feel physically.  I just thought I would look different.  And having read other womens experiences, I may look different in the weeks to come.



  • cil326
    cil326 Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2009

    To the ladies who had exchange surgery,

    What kind of pre-op tests did you have to do before the surgery?  I have scheduled a pre-op appointment on 5/22 for the 6/4 surgery date, but the office postponed the appointment to 5/27 due to emergency operation that my PS had to perform, one week before surgery.  I wonder if there is any test I need to do and if I have enough time, because I'm due back to work on 6/14 and don't want to postpone the surgery.


  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    They really just checked blood pressure and that kind of thing.  They mainly don't want you to take aspirin or Motrin 2 weeks before surgery.  I would call the office and check with them if there is anything you should or shouldn't be doing 2 weeks before.

    Best wishes ~ Peg

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2009

    Hi Cil, most of my pre-op appts have consisted of going over the procedure and answering any questions I may have.  The doctor will tell you about the risks then you need to sign the consent forms.  :-)  You will be just fine!!!  All of my pre op appts have been scheduled 1 week before surgery.

    Except this next is a last minute surgery and I go in this Tuesday.  My ps will take out my new implants and perform a trap flap and then put in new BIGGER implants.  I will have new boob skin and he will take away my back fat yay!  He will get rid of my old nips which didn't do too well with the nipple sparing surgery.  This is another BIG surgery, but I'm up for it!  My celulitis is better, no more fevers, but my boob is getting hard.  He told me it is just fluid build up.  Whew!

    Good luck to all who have surgeries this week I will keep you all on my prayer list!!!

    I don't post much over here, but I do read and I am with you all! 

    HUGS! JazzyJ

  • cil326
    cil326 Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2009

    Thanks, Peg!  eventhough this is the one surgery that I'm looking forward to, I still feel kind of bit scared.

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2009

    Hey ladies.....I haven't read the new posts yet......but will catch up as soon as I post the pic of my daughter's first communion that I said I would post.......she had a great day.......and looked like an Angel!

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2009

    WHAT A DOLL!!!  Plus she looks just like her beautiful mommy!!!

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2009

    and here's one with her daddy!

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited May 2009

    Hi Jax! She is just beautiful! she looks just like you! :)

    Lorraine ox

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    What a doll!  Thanks for sharing such a happy time with all of us!


  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Hi Karen - no date yet but I'm still on standby most Tuesday and Fridays. It is a pain prepping for surgery twice a week but I'm confident it will be worthwhile in the end.  At least my legs and underarms are always shaved!! LOLI'm so sorry for all your losses...that is just too much to bear in such a short time.  Praying for you to help you deal with this. I know that we all have such high hopes for the perfect foobs and I know that I am crazily obsessed over all boobs now!  It truly is an obsession because I can't stop checking out everybody that passes me by.

    Peg - I'm sad that you aren't loving your new foobs...Frown I hope time makes the difference and they fluff a bit and you get more projection.

    Jazzy - I posted you on the Ta Ta thread but just wanted to wish you the best again!!!

    Jax - What a beauty!!! She is just a doll and looks so happy on her big day! I'm glad to see that she wore the traditional white dress for her communion.  In some parishes things are getting so laid back that the girls are wearing anything they like.  I am an old soul and love the traditional white dress.  I have pictures of my first communion and remember how proud I was that day.

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Good to see your smiling face Lorraine!!  You've been keeping so busy we don't see/hear much from you!  Hope the brides aren't making you crazy!

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2009

    hi ladies

    I'm just scimming over the post

    Deb I think Laura read on my facebook that Wed night I got out for 40 miles on my bike and Sat I got out for 50 miles with my really good friend Rebecca.  In the morning I hope to join my teammates to put some more good miles in.  We have a challenge out at work to see how many miles we can get in though June 26.  If I do the TOMRV June 13 & 14 I should really rack up some miles.  I think that ride is a little under 200 miles.

    KEW did you try victoria sectrets IPEX bra.  It';s the one that doesn't have a wire in

    I really like the way they fit me

    Jax your daughter is so cute

    My baby girl turned 16 today

    the years just go by too fast

    well I better get some rest if I plan to get up at 6:30

    almost forgot to say Jazzy I sure hopoe everything goes well with you (((HUG)))

    and with everybody getting surgery and fluffing or what ever we are all hoping for

    maybe even some MOJO   LOL ; - )

  • oncRN
    oncRN Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2009

    Jax, your daughter is just BEAUTIFUL, just like mommy!  Life is so wonderful...and we are all so blessed.  Thanks for sharing your joy!

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    (((Karen))) I am so sorry for your recent losses. Hugs my dear.

    Peggio - I too am wondering about whether and if my new implants will ever fluff. Right now they are still tight as anything, and it's been more than five weeks. A little softness would be appreciated!

    Cil - I didn't have anything special in the way of pre-op testing before my exchange. For me the surgery was relatively mild. Hope this helps.

    Jaz - Your daughter is beautiful and the picture with her father is lovely. What a special day for you all!

    Sandy - My dh and I went mountain biking in the Adirondaks yesterday. We only rode about 8 miles in total, but it went up about 1,000 feet and then back down again. Whew. I was totally exhausted. But it did feel good to use my body again after two surgeries in four months!

    Ladies - Today is a very special day. My dh and I have been married 29 years. And, yes, the years go by so quickly. Sometimes I wish I could reach out and hold them still for a change. On a little downer note, I have an area of pinkness and pain on the edge of my incision. I am not too worried yet, it doesn't look awful. But I am glad that I can call my PS tomorrow if it gets any worse.

    Happy Memorial Day all!

  • smmr
    smmr Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone!!  I haven't been on for quite a while, so will have to take time to catch up with how everyone is doing.  In the meantime, I have a question for those that have already had their exchanges.  I am 5 1/2 weeks post exchange and I am still sore in the front part of the armpit area.  Every bra I put on is uncomfortable there.  Some dresses or tops are even painful if they fit snugly.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Peg - I too was unhappy with my implants at first.  I don't know if I have just gotten used to them or if they have really fluffed, but now I'm glad I didn't go any bigger.  I had 450 and 500 cc implants.  My first thought after the exchange was major disappointment, but I'm happy with them now.  I don't look like a D but due to the width of the implant that is what I am. In fact if you were to guess my size, you wouldn't guess me any bigger than a B. My band size is 34 and it's really hard finding 34D bras.  Victoria Secret has started getting my business!!  I miss being able to buy a cheaper bra at Walmart or Target. I hope you are happier with your results as time goes on.  I think it takes a little adjustment to go from expanders that are so "out there" to more natural looking breasts!!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2009

    Hi, I was told by both PS and onc, to wait six weeks at least after chemo for any and all procedures, even dental.


    oops: DV8Q, as i understood it, the restrictions are 6 weeks, no exceptions, but if it isn't heavy stuff.  Your PS may be OK with barrista work.  I would absolutely ask!!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2009

    oh, and Vinogal, what a precious little doll of a daughter you have....she does look just like mommy...........beautiful!!!

  • Bukki
    Bukki Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2009

    hello ladies....just trying to catch up on all the news.

    Sorry some of you are having trouble finding bras......just be glad you aren't trying to find 44 B size....LOL....I am not having any luck,  so bought C cup size and have "pleated"'s ok under loose clothes and just wear stretch camis under tee shirts.....but I did ask for smaller foobs. I was a DDD/F before and knew I was tired of lugging those girls around so I got 800 cc silicone implants.......well actually only have one right the right foob has been removed twice from complications.I am now waiting for chance for next one. Which is not looking like incision was heasling perfectly for 17 days and I noticed small spot Saturday night that is opening and getting red.......why do all these things happen on weekend????? Keep your fingrts crossed it heals PS is at loss why this happens except he says my skin is thin. I do not have any diabetes or hypertension so??????

    (((((((((Jax))))))))))   glad you got your drain out and your little princess pictures are wonderful........hope your family enjoyed her special day and may God always walk with her and keep her in His love.

     Hope everyone had great weekend......Elaine 

  • Bukki
    Bukki Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2009

    Good luck to all the ladies having procedures this week.....(((((((HUGS))))))) and prayers to all......Elaine

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Just a small comment on the "projection" issue...

    For those of us who have not had a nipple sparing and have the lateral/linear incisions across the middle of our breasts, there may be a way to get a little more projection and apex out the breast a little.  My PS told me she could take a tuck in the skin at the outer edges of the incision line.  If you already have your implants, take the skin between your fingers at this area and pinch.  You can see somewhat that the projection increases when you do this and addresses that envelope corner at the outer edge of the breast.  It also pushes the implant into the upper pole and reduces the rippling.  My PS gave me this option, but I did not want to lose any skin at this juncture and wanted to try the fat grafting first.  Just a thought to throw out there.  

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2009

    JAX, what a little doll, thanks for posting the picture, there is a life besides BC and you have a beautiful family!

    Karen, Glad to know you are hanging in there,  I am so sorry for your losses.  I have just been lurking when I can.  I am starting to get a little nervous about the exchange in 3 weeks.  I do the pre-op appointment next Monday.  I will find out what style and type of implant that he is thinking of putting in, then ask Deborah and Sandy for their help and opinion.  

    Elaine, Prayers that this heals up and that this is just a fluke.  Prayers that you heal up with out further issues!   

    Deborah and Sandy.  I saw my original surgeon last week and got some clarification.  My dx was DCIS, but it was high grade with comedo necrosis with multiple areas in the breast. That is why I was not a candidate for lumpectomy and radiation. Because of the high grade and multiple sites, I was at risk for IDC and already had microinvasion.  The surgeon wanted to reassure me that I did the right thing with the mastectomy vs. the lumpectomy. Thanks for the encouragement to go get the additional information I needed.  I will ask the onc about the the Oncodx test when I see her in October.  


  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Happy Anniversary Jean!! It is a great accomplishment to make it to your 29th year!! There should be a prize! LOL  Just kidding, I know that our great dh's are the prize (don't tell my dh that...he needs to think that I'm the prize!!!LOL)  We celebrated our 30th last year and I have to say that I kind of like him more now than I did then!!

    ((((((((((((Elaine))))))))))))))))  Why indeed does this keep happening????? GrRRRRRRR Not fair!!