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Exchange City



  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Thank You Ladies for your responses ~ All of your experiences help in my journey, so thank you for sharing.

    Jean ~ Happy Anniversary! I hope the redness is just a minor irritation and I will be sending healing vibes your way.

    Elaine ~ You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Deborah ~ Best wishes for wonderful results tomorrow!

    Happy Memorial Day to everyone.


  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2009

    jan I'm pretty sure they don't do the onco type test with DCIS because it's a noninvasive cancer.  The only do it with invasive cancer. 

    Well ladies I just put in 53 miles with my teammate and now going to take a dip in the pool

    I hopoe everyone is havig a great long weekend

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited May 2009

    Jan1:  Why don't you go into the dr with an idea of what you want, rather than see what he wants to do.  You can get an idea here, and save yourself some time...

    Just a thought, JUDY

  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited May 2009

    Jean, Happy Anniversary!

    Elaine, prayers for you in healing up.

    Deborah, hope your revision goes great.

    KEW, hope you're feeling better.

    Hope everyone has a great week,


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    Hi girls!

    I have been home from Texas about 2 hours and have been reading all your posts.. so much going on...I am sorry for those of you hurting and/or struggling with any part of our Te to implant route.. God Bless you!

    Jax... thank you for sharing the pictures.. what a day..

    Jean... a beautiful day for you and dh and your family. The lasting marriage of parents teaches so much to the children.. hugs...

    Val.. OH MY.. I wish you would have gotten the note sooner.. we left around 11 today..:(... It would have been nice to see you too!

    I had a wonderful, wonderful time with Diana and her family and friends. Both Todd and I did. We ate terrible.. ( which is like but not me... ).. we laughed a lot.. we rode the HUGE water slides... we got a little Vit. D in the sun.. we had a few good cocktails.. I did not wear my wig, as Di does not wear one.. ( I looked ridiculous...but she is beautiful).. and now.. we are settled in home... I am in my recliner with my kitty cat , Oliver, and my laptop. Son is with a friend doing something to his car... dh is relaxing with a music video..and I am happy to see all your posts here...:)

    I will admit.. I am pretty sad.. I hate the distance between us.. miles that is...

    Anyway.. I can write all the mushy stuff on

    Ladies.. Take care of you!

    Give somebody a HUGE hug before bed tonight..:)


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    5/26 - Deborah - Lipo revision surgery

    5/27 - Shelly326 - Exchange to 400 and 200 cc implants

    5/27 - Looper - Revision and fat grafting

    Such good luck to you all this week!

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Hey Laura...I was just going to pop in here and give you a holler! Wondering if you were back yet!! Welcome home!!!  I wish your pic was bigger cause I can't see it very well.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    No way will I make it bigger.. I look too ridiculous without my wig...ROFLOL...

    EDITED to add...:

    AND my real hair is TOO dark.. eeekkkkk...

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    From what I can see it looks wonderful!!!  You look like a brunette beauty!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited May 2009

    Enlarge it, enlarge it, enlarge it!

    Laura, your hair looks adorable.  I saw it on your website when Todd first cut it before chemo and it looked so cute. 

    Thank you everyone for the well-wishes!  I'm off to get things ready and get to bed.  Need to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m.

    Nighty night....


  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Good luck again Deborah!!  Praying for you tomorrow!!!

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2009

    Deb good luck an Laura glad to see your back home safe.  I just noticed Tracey did put me in the room with Deb, Laura and Linda.  We are going to have an awesome time.  Well time to order my t-shirt.

    if anybody else wants to order a t-shirt here's the site and discount code:

    the shirts are 50% off thru Tuesday

    What I have read is that they run kinda on the small side

    20% off code good thru 5/31:


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009

    Welcome to our VEGAS room Sandy....we will have a blast

    Laura is beautiful!!!!!  I saw the pic of her and Di on Facebook and it is a lot bigger than the avatar...

    Thinking about everyone who is having procedures done today:  Deborah, Shelly and Looper

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    Ladies - Linda has a link that is a video that may help cc if anyone's interested.

    Laura - Great picture from what I can see. You are one lovely lady (in so many ways).

    Sandy - Another active weekend, you must be stronger than anything w/ all that you do. I may have to hang around your room in Vegas! Perhaps you will rub off on me!!

    Deborah, Shelly and Looper - Best wishes today ladies!!

    Well... my red area did not magically go away over night. I have a puffy red area on the edge of my incision. THis one is a little different than the one I got w/ my TE. I don't know what it is or why I have it, but I WILL be calling the PS today. Hopefully it is a "slipped stitch" or something easy like that.

    Have a great day ladies!

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2009

    OK Deborah, Shelly and Looper- Hope you all are doing great after your surgeries!

    Whippetmom:  I know your results are going to be fantastic!!! I spoke to my PS and since I am only at 3.5cm and 4cm projection after 500 cc's he wants to do outpatient surgery now and flip the implants (they are very high at the top and low on the bottom- he thinks this will work better and give me a better projection and I told him to fill it 50cc's more on each side just to be sure.He said he can put a larger size in if I want but we made an appt. for next week (pre op appt. to talk about all this)  This will also give him time to look at the divot I have and figure out what is going on with it and try and fix it if he can.

    He said he could do it next week but I am going to FL June 12 and didn't want it to interfere with all that.  So, I will do it when I get back.   I am a bit bummed to go through yet another surgery but felt like it would have either been now or after my implant was in- so I would rather it be now!

  • DENRulzBC
    DENRulzBC Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2009

    Hi Everyone,

     Just wanted to say that I hope everyone who had or has procedures this week is doing well.  I'm a little late in my wishes as I had a treatment last Thursday and have had a bumpy few days.  I'm thinking of you all and saying my prayers for a fast recovery.  Hope to hear how you're all doing soon!Kiss


  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2009

    Hi all,

    I went for a fill today and I'm now I'm at 450cc. I was so thrilled when my PS said this is your last fill!!.I thought that I was going to have to go back at least once more. My exchange will be in firat week of August. Yahoo!!!!!

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited May 2009


    Thanks for posting my surgery.  I had nipple sparring surgery and my ps said I didn't need to wear a bra if I didn't want to.  So I was going outside to work in my garden and it was so hot.  I tried putting on a top without a bra and the the nips were popping.  I don't feel them but they seem to always be popping.  So the bra had to go back on. They didn't always pop before the surgery so I don't know what happened there. 


    I have to agree that your daughter looks just like you, beautiful!  I am glad to see that you are experiencing some joy in this ordeal.  Wishing you continued healing.

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2009

    Good news, my red sore area IS a slipped stitch. So far not infected. She will surgically remove it if it does not resolve on its own, but she thinks it will resove itself. I am pleased!

    Denrulzbc - I am so sorry that you had some bumps in the road, I hope you are feeling better now.

    Dani - Whm... I wonder why that is? Is that always the case w/ nipple sparing surgery? I know it can be the results of fipples, but didn't expect it for your situation. At least you can put on a bra to reduce the "popping."

    4greatkids - Congratulations, you are getting closer to your exchange! 

    Have a great evening ladies. And for our surgical sisters, let us know how things went! We were thinking of you today!

  • DENRulzBC
    DENRulzBC Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2009


     Saw your note about the slipped stitch.  I also have a stitch (mine is from my TEs) that my PS has been watching, she said it's the stitch for the Alloderm (spelling?), she said those take longer to dissolve.  I saw her today and next week she is going to go in and redo it.  It has not popped through or become infected but she is afraid that it may pop out and my times to get it taken care of are limited because of my chemo tx, I have only a small window when she can do it.  It has been poking at my skin for a while.  Hope you continue to do well and thanks for the well wishes, I'm feeling better today and 1/2 through the 4AC & 4T, and they tell me no more Neupagen shots, so I'm on the upswing and looking forward to recon the end of summer.  Hugs!


  • georganne
    georganne Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2009


    I am thrilled for you.  Your family is beautiful!!!!

    Karen - Love, prayers and hugs to you.

    I'm remembering you in prayers too.  Deborah, Shelly, and Looper,

    I hope you are resting comfortably and wake up beautiful!!!!

    I am praying for each of you wonderful ladies.  We're all going to be better and get through this stronger. Georganne

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2009

    Jean I'm glad to hear everything turned out ok : - )

  • Baxter
    Baxter Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2009

    Hey Ladies,

    Just wanted to get your thoughts. I had my TE replaced on 4/16 after it was removed because of my December infection. I was fully expanded to 480 cc's when I got the infection. I have had 3 expansions since surgery and am now 380 cc's.

    My PS said he wasn't going to expand me as much as last time so this may be it. I'm a little disappointed....if I'm going through all this I was hoping to be the original size he intended. He is also doing a lift and smaller implant on the healthy side.

    Thing is, I feel as big as last time and frankly I'm having a lot of pain with this last expansion. You know...feels like it's going under my arm pit. He used Alloderm this time which I think has helped. But probably with the scar tissue from the infection, things had to be different this time around.

    I know everyone is different, but is 380 really small? The implant is normally smaller than the expander right? They don't translate cc's into cup size, so I have no idea what to expect.

    Also, can those who have had unilateral mastectomy with implant on the healthy side give me an idea of what to expect?....How did it feel? Where you happy with the result? Was it difficult and painful having both sides operated on? I'm a little nervous about having surgery on the "good" side as well. I know it needs to be done, but I kind of feel like I'm tempting fate by having my healthy breast cut in to.

    So tell me girls.....what do you think?


  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2009

    Candi have you been to the pix forum

    I had a lift and small implant done on my healthy side when I had my 2nd exchange (didn't like my 1st implant)

    I'm glad I did it and have no regrets.  Yes the lift did give me some pain but nothing like the mastectomy.  It was just at the base of my breast that hurt a little.

    If you feel as big as last time that's a good thing.  He should be able to make you close to what you are right now.  Your implant might actually have more cc than your TE.  TE have a thicker shell and also have the space for the port.  If you tell us the style and size of your TE we can help figure out the dim and tell you some implants that should be close to those dim.  You can't just look at cc.  That's a mistake some of us or I should say our PS have made.

    What Cup size are you right now with 360cc.  Your PS should be able to get you real close to that same size if you like your size now. 

    getting the exchange should be a breeze.  The lift will be a little more painful but so worth it in the long run.  Good luck Candi

    Oh I should add on the pix forum I just go by SandySunshine since that's how I always sign my name.  So don't look for Rockwell_girl because you won't find her unless if there is 2 of us (oh that's scary lol)

    let me know and I can bumb my thread up on the pix forum if your able to get to that

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Shelly326 & Looper ~ Surgery date says 5/27, which is tomorrow, but just in case it was today - you will both be in my thoughts and prayers today and tomorrow. Wishing you fast recoveries.

    Candi ~ I just had my exchange . I was expanded to 400cc and he put in 500cc. So they can put in a bigger implant. I had bilateral.


  • digger
    digger Member Posts: 74
    edited May 2009

    For those post-exchange, I had a quick question.  I'm about 10 weeks out from the exchange with a gummy bear implant.  About 3 weeks ago, I felt a small lump, felt like a swollen lymph node, about a half-inch above the implant.  Now, I feel 4 or 5 all along the outer rim of the implant (so, they're between the top of my implant and under my collarbone).  I'm fairly certain they're swollen lymph nodes, but could they also be scar tissue?  I'm wondering if my body is rejecting the implant as a foreign body, hence the swollen nodes?

    I called the breast surgeon and the plastic surgeon this morning, since ignoring these lumps didn't seem to be helping, and I'm starting with seeing the PS tomorrow morning then figuring out what's next.  

    But, I'm kind of freaking out tonight....has anyone else had this happen? 

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited May 2009

    Digger I didn't have that happen but it is best to have it checked out.  Even if they say they think it's nothing.  Have them do a biopy just be be on the safe side so you know for sure.  I hope everything turns out ok.  As you said it could be scar tissue so try and relax, although I know it's easier said than done.

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited May 2009

    Jean - SSOOOOOOO glad to hear that it is only a stitch and not anything worse.

    Well....GUESS what I did today???? GOT MY EXCHANGE DONE!!!!!

    Ya HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was on standby for today and didn't expect to get called but I did.  I'm so pumped (and drugged LOL)!  I am absolutely loving it because it is so close to matching Saggy Aggy that I am just gobsmacked about it!!  I hope and pray that not one little thing changes because it looks FREAKING AMAZING!!!! Okay...I'll quit yelling now!  I was in by 9, had the surgery by 11:30 and shopping at the drug store by 3:30!!  Feeling pretty good considering but the PS puts a local anesthetic in the site that lasts for about 12 hours so I know this euphoria is only temporary. 

    Gotta fly my DH is giving me the gears because I've been talking on the phone for 3 hours and he says it is nap can be so bossy!Wink

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    Yvonne.. I am so happy for you !! Girl.. your patients in Canada... I cannot imagine a waiting list... or being on call... Lord have Mercy... I pray you keep on lovin' the new boobie!

    Jean... here's to the stitch going away on its own sister!

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009

    OH Yvonne!!!!!!!   prayers have been answered.........I am sooooo happy for you

    Jean, so thankful that it was a not fear