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Exchange City



  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    Divecat so are you saying that the pectoral muscles may not shrink or eat up the implants if the exchange happens qujicker rather than slower?  I can see how that can happen.  Would love to hear what whippetmom thinks or if anyhone else who has had a fast exchange or direct to implant.


    Were you the same size after the exchange or did you go bigger or smaller?  Wondering how the direct to implant affects size?

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    Good luck today Julie!  Sweet andspecial I am from Michigan too.  But from the Detroit area!  would love to meet up with people from Michigan!

  • sarahjane7374
    sarahjane7374 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2014

    I was about 6 weeks between final fill and exchange.  I did experience some drop and fluff - they seemed to settle into a more natural position and soften up a bit over a few months.  I'm about 10 months out now, and they've been pretty much the same for the last 6 months or so.

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    Julie let us know how it goes and what size they used :-)  What are your measurements anyways?  The usual :-)  Height, weight, ribcage, etc. 


    Thinking about you!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited August 2014


    I did not have an exchange, my surgery was mastectomy with immediate placement of implants (the direct to implant you are asking about). In direct to implant what size implant they can put in in that case depends on the tissue flaps left after the mastectomy, and their health. I was a 30E before surgery (ribcage 29", height 5'4", weight around 118 lbs). My PS removed 371g from one side and 446g from other side, and put in 435cc high projection smooth round silicone implants (Allergan Natrelle Inspira's). I still need to wear a 30E bra, though my breasts are now shallower than my natural breasts were so I have to wear bras with shallower cups. Since they are shallower and firmer than my natural breasts, they do look a bit smaller.

    I am not exactly sure what you mean by shrink or eat up the implants, I assume you mean "make them seem smaller", but in that case it would be just the opposite...when your pectorals are still tighter early on with direct to implant or a fast exchange, you may have a lot more drop and fluff to do as your pectorals are tigher. If you delay, you may not have as much drop and fluff after exchange as your pectorals are already loosened and relaxed from time with the TEs so the implants can be closer to their final position almost right away. In my case, I had NO pre-stretching of the pectorals...the mastectomy was done and final implants put in right away, so it took time for my pectorals to loosen. Either way, barring complications, your pectorals should relax and loosen in time, it just may be that most of this happens before exchange, or after.

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    iwannaseeyoubebrave did your PS recommend you overfill?  I am still thinking about diong that, I am 25 over what i originally liked but now I am where I love.  So debating on going in for another 25 just to be sure.  I should have never gotten the 25 removed but it was so uncomfortable and I was afraid of stretching the skin too much.  Can't win can you!  LOL  I have a 350 that was filled to a 475 with 25 removed a few days later so am at a 450.  I love this size.  But still wondering if it will be enough to keep. Whippetmom says I am fine as long as they use at least a 500 and they are ordering 450, 500 and 550.  He did not measure me or anything this whole time just visual so I am tryign to trust him. 

    I so badly want to call the office to get the 25 in that they took out but that will really make me seem nuts too!  My exchnage is in 13 days so not sure if it will make a difference.  I just hear so many more women saying they overexplanded and it worked out great compared to women who say they didn't once they were at the size they were.  I am bigger than I was so should it really matter!  LOL  If I had not joined this forum I would have stopped at the last one or where I am now and not worried about it so maybe I should just do that.  Maybe he will just cram the 550 in me!  I have looked for a website to show what size that is as far as volume so I can fill up a plastic bag with water just to see how much but I cant find it!  Rambling here!

    Thanks Divecat.  That is exactly what I was asking.  I just don't know how he will cram the same size implant i need in me to get teh results i have now.  Maybe if i was stretched more he could but the nurse said 25 cc doesn't make a huge difference in that.  I guess I can't imagein him going 100 over putting the 550 in but maybe he can. In my nutty head it makes it easier to put a 550 in a 475 than in a 450.  Should I go get another 25 cc fill so I am bigger than i want to be?

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited August 2014

    I know whippetmom has told you NOT to get more fills. I am inclined to agree with her as she does know her stuff. Unlike the TEs, the implants will mold to your ribcage and are a lot more pliable. There is no real need to be overfilled, especially for 25ccs. 

    As I said, I had 371g of tissue removed from one side and a 435cc implant put in, things turned out just fine. It took longer to drop and fluff than my other side (where 446g was removed and the skin pocket started off looser) but it DID drop and things worked out fine on both sides.

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    With the extra 25 i had it fileld up the sides more than anything.  So maybe by diong that it was streching the sides, it also projected much more.  I see so since they are softer can cram more in there and overtime the skin can stretch due to that?  is that waht you mean by being more pliable? Y es she is right, I just want what I want after all I have been through.  But also happy this is all i had to do.  I have the numbers at home how much was removed. Maybe I should see how that translates into CCs and cmopare it to the size of the implant? 


  • iwannaseeyoubebrave
    iwannaseeyoubebrave Member Posts: 67
    edited August 2014

    Babyo, My PS didn't recommend over filling.  She just said she would stop when I'm happy with my size, knowing that I would be filled to at least 550cc. It was my choice to go 50cc over.  She didn't encourage or discourage me for the extra 50cc.  

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited August 2014

    babyo:  500cc translates into about 2 cups.  There are all sorts of cc to ounces calculators out there if you want to google it :)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2014

    Babyo. If Whippetmom and your PS are in agreement relax. You will have to trust your PS. 25 cc is not very much difference.  Is she's taking in different sizes she will put in the best ones for your body to give you what you want. Try not to drive yourself crazy. And once you have the exchange,  you will have to wait and see how they turn out like everybody else. So take a deep breath and relax. 

    Much love

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    How oculd it be two cups?  That's not that much!  Im looking at a 20 oz bottle of water and that is 2.5 cups.  I guess when it's an implant it's different. LOL

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Moon your right.  I need to just try to let it go.  I have a way of becoming fixated on one thing :-(

  • 3littlebirds
    3littlebirds Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2014

    Good luck today, Julie! You are filled to exactly what I am right now, and I think we will end up with the same style implants. My goal is to be a lot smaller than I was, which was about a 38D. I told my PS I just wanted to be big enough to fill out my skin. I love not having to wear a bra! I have a bigger frame than you. I am 5'11", 165lb with a 35" ribcage. My exchange is Oct.3.

    baby020, I've been following your posts. Relax and trust your PS. Try not to overthink it. My husband (an engineer) always says, "Too much analysis leads to paralysis!" :)

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited August 2014

    We in IT say that too.  Sometimes it's hard to get projects started because there's just too much analysis paralysis.  Babyo - you really do need to relax and trust at some point.  Whippetmom really knows what she's talking about and has helped countless women on this site with their implant selections and concerns.  Your PS does this stuff for a living and would not intentionally steer you wrong.  Like Moon said, if Whippetmom AND your PS are in agreement you're really in a good spot right now.  And, this is not necessarily a 'one and done' surgery.  If after several months you find the implants are just too large or small, or you don't have enough cleavage, or too much cleavage, or you have annoying divots or ripples or side boobage or any number of things - you can have it fixed.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Member Posts: 215
    edited August 2014

    I concur with these ladies.  Stop when you are satisfied with the size of your TE's. 

    Divecat- thanks for your input.  I really think we might be onto something here with the early exchange drop and fluff theory :)

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited August 2014

    Hello Ladies. I'm about to doze off so this is a cut and paste from what I wrote on the picture forum. Sorry!

    I had a super awesome surgery day!!! It took about 90 minutes but she had a lot to do! She biopsied my bump, fixed my dent (it looks like it anyway),put them closer together, and worked on my armpit fat triangle. Right before surgery, she said I's probably end up with 450 or 500, and that the 550 probably wouldn't fit. She knew I wanted her to squeeze in the largest amount possible that fit and looked good. Well, I woke up with 550s!!! :D

    After surgery, we even went out to eat. I feel some soreness and tightness (she said I would since she squeezed in 550s), but I feel really great! I am sleepy though and I am about to nap. I'll post pictures soon in the next day or two! I get to shower tomorrow. I woke up with steri strips, gauze, and a light surgical bra. Interesting, I also have gauze rolled up in the middle to prevent my foobs from getting too close together. I never heard of that. They are about an inch apart now instead of 2. Honestly, I have only peeked a little. OK I'm starting to doze while I type this. I'm very happy today.

    Here is a picture of how great I felt when I woke up. I got the ear patch and the anesthesiologist hooked me up with other stuff to prevent nausea. It all worked. Take care, everyone, and I will catch up on your posts when I'm more awake :-)


  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165
    edited August 2014

    Awwww!!  I'm so, so happy for you!  Congratulations and I hope you continue to feel great!  Big, gentle hugs to you!

  • bethq
    bethq Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2014

    So very happy for you!!! Rest well!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2014

    Happy for you. Heal well. 

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2014

    congrats Julie! You look great 

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2014

    I am so glad you had a great surgery day!! Thought of you this morning, glad it went so well.  

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited August 2014

    Congrats Julie!

  • iwannaseeyoubebrave
    iwannaseeyoubebrave Member Posts: 67
    edited August 2014

    Yay Julie!  I'm so happy you feel good and we're able to get the size you shooting for.  You look great! 

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    so is fluff something that doesn't happen to everyone? Excited to see Julie's fluff lol that sounds dirty! ;) lol

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    I want mine to fluff so I should name mine fluffy and stuffy lol

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    my exchange date is August 21 so add that to  the long list :)

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited August 2014

    Ally and Ninany are up on Monday, and Iwanna on the 13th!  I wish you the same easy time I have had.

    Babyo, I share an office at work with a gal and a guy and we joke about everything.  Months ago they nicknamed my TEs Bertha and Tameka.  Last week, my male coworker said, "When you come back. there will be 5 of us!" Happy 

  • babyo20
    babyo20 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2014

    that's funny! It's nice to have a sense if humor about these things :) lol

    For those who say that their implant is smaller than their TE is this only when TE is exchanged with an implant of the same volume? For example if a TE is filled to 400 and replaced with a 450 will the implant still be smaller than the TE in most cases or will it be the same as the TE cause if the extra volume?   Provably is dependent on a little of things but wondering if there is a correlation. 

  • simplelife2
    simplelife2 Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2014

    Julie, thinking of you and hoping your recovery keeps going well. Welcome to the squishy side!! There's nothing like being soft again!! Rest lots. Hugs to you. 

    I'm heading into my revision to fix dog ears and deep crease on Wednesday. He will used the extra skin he takes off to graft nipples! I'm excited, but nervous about being put out again.......but need to get this done, then tattooing in December. Feels like there is an end in site:)   Will be on lift restrictions again for a while, but can go back to work in a week!  prayers needed. 

    Thank you all. Love and hugs:)     wouldn't make it without all of you!!!!! Even though I don't get here as often since I went back to work full time, I still think of all of you a lot!! (Working three 12-14 hour days, and I'm SO tired when I get home I pretty much just crash)