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Exchange City



  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited May 2009


    I love it when I am home alone and can eat anything I want for a meal.....popcorn it is!!!!

    I think you are doing to much to soon...take it easy

    Has it not occured to you that the weight you are feeling is those 2 Big D's you are lugging around....LOL

    take care

  • cil326
    cil326 Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2009

    Hi ladies,

    Went to see my PS yesterday for pre-op, I want to share with you how she determined what size of implants she will use.  Currently, I'm filled to 300cc on left side and 350cc on right side.  I'm 5'0" and 102lbs., she asked if I like the current projections of the expanders.  I told her 'yes'.  She took a look at me & said she liked the position of my right breast, then measured the width & projection of it.  It's 12cm width and 5cm height (projection), she went to the wall where there's a chart of all the Natrelle's implants.  She ordered style 20, 400cc (11.9cm width) and 425cc (12cm width), and a sizer, she said she will bring all these to surgery, she'll put the implants in, sew me up, and pop me up to decide which size will look good because the asymmetry of my breasts (the right is smaller than left even with 50cc more).  Do all of these sound right? 

    She also order a Mirena support bra, when I asked bra or not, she said 'yes', because she likes to keep things where they should be, at least for a small framed person, to prevent sagging and ripplings.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    Karen... you're so sweet...

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies ~ I feel like I only got 1 week off and then back to super busy routine with 2 young kids. Things pile up and they have places they need to be, forms turned in to school etc. etc.  My DH is great, but I did too much today - so Deborah rest while you can and don't clean out the waterfall! Design shows with your sister sounds like so much more fun!

    I feel good physically and I am getting used to my new breasts.  They look better and better every day.  I have been wearing sport bras and they look smaller and when I put my new bra on with a T-shirt I used to wear that was tight I said to my husband " I can't wear this I look too big" ! Yikes that poor guy sometimes.  I think the other thing is that I've seen a change just in a week, so when they say drop and fluff I can see that happening a little bit.

    The best thing is that for someone who had such problems with expanders - I can't believe how comfortable these feel.  In fact, I don't even feel like I have implants in.  I'm so grateful for that.

    Deborah, In answer to your question, I don't feel like the fat grafting has made it heavy.  I don't think he put much in though.

    I hope everyone with healing problems finds some answers or finally starts to stay healed.

    My best to you all!


  • mom2b
    mom2b Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2009

    THANK YOU to everyone for helping me out with the TE/implant sizing. I decided on the Mentor HP Silicone 350cc's and am in the process of scheduling my exchange for September. I'm now at 370cc's and have 30cc's to go (My PS wants to expand me to 400cc's). My last expansion is scheduled for 6/4. My concern, however, is that I'm just now noticing light stretch marks on my skin. I started rubbing in Palmer's Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks 2x/day, but I'm worried and wondering if I should cancel my last expansion and go for the HP 325cc's instead. Has anyone else had the stretch mark dilemna? Also, after my last expansion, my TE's feel really heavy and cumbersome. Is this normal? At the end of my work day, my back aches from holding them up. I'm a big hiker and walker in general, but this last week, I've felt so uncomfortable during my walk. What have you guys done to deal with the back ache? And has anyone worn a bra when walking to relieve some of the pressure?

    Those were my questions, and this is my ventingSmile. I was so frustrated when my PS said we'd schedule my exchange for September. I'm so tired of this journey. I'm tired of sleeping in the recliner because my back hurts, I'm tired of feeling limited physically because my chest feels tight AND my back hurts, etc. Anyone else feel this way? And worst of all, I was going through in-vitro fertilization to try and get pregnant with our first (and probably only) child when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We have 15 frozen embryos waiting, and I just want this exchange to be over with (no revisions please!). I'm turning 42 on Saturday and feel like my biological clock is going to explode! Thanks for listening (better you guys than my husband who's at his wits end with me).

    WHIPPETMOM: Thank you for your TE/implant input. You have a great attitude, and I'm amazed at how giving you are from reading your posts. I hope you feel better. You can try magnesium for the constipation if you take pain killers. It worked wonders for me. P.S. I'm a Deborah too!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009


    I have no magic words... just a great big ((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • looper
    looper Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies!  My fat grafting is complete and went quite smoothly, mostly because I wasn't an emotional basket case as with the previous surgeries!

    Deborah, I know what you mean about the limited arm movement--I just pulled a door closed and said "OUCH!"  My DH came running, but I said it was just that pulling sensation, like you played way too much tennis today.  I just have a big ace bandage around my midsection, so no compression garment.  I did hear that the belly hurts more than the breast after this procedure, and it's certainly true.  I haven't removed the bandage from the breast completely yet, so haven't seen the total result yet, but I think my cleavage finally matches!

     My daughter's incision from her surgery is pretty badly infected, so we see her doc in the morning.  We're doing what we can for each other--I change her dressing and she reminds me of my med times.  I'm taking Vicodin, but the pain is not bad at all--may change to Tylenol so I don't have to deal with the constipation issue, although when that happened I used Miralax--worked like a charm!

    Elizabeth, everyone here will tell you that the exchange surgery is so much easier, physically and emotionally, than the mast.  Just makes you feel human again!


  • looper
    looper Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2009

    Mom2b~~I just read your post, and my heart goes out to you!  My mom had bc at your age, and although in those days they did radical masts on just about everyone, she never had a recurrance.  So sorry the timing in your case is just plain awful!

    Many of the ladies here said their expanders felt heavy, which I didn't notice much, but it sure felt fake!  Different for everyone, I guess.

    All my best to you, Suzie

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    Deborah (WMom) I highly recommend mag citrate--it tastes yucky--get the lemon kind, mix with 7 up and drink about 1/2 bottle, it will get things going again, then use Dulcolax twice a day.  I stopped taking meds for the same reason.  Sorry if this is impolite. If 1/2 bottle doesn't work within about 2-3 hours, drink the other half, don't plan on going anywhere.

    Deborah two---I had horrible back problems going back to work with my TE's I just made sure I got up every hour, and I'm one of the lucky ones, I still have the blessing of a  real office with walls and door, so I would stretch out on a yoga mat for a few minutes it really helped.  I also saw a PT who got me through extreme cording, mild LE, TE pain, etc.  Highly recommend it.  I know you want the exchange, but it really is important to wait you will get a better result.

    Happy Birthday, and soon you will be reacquainted with your embryos, and then you will be happily worrying about stretch marks, everywhere!

    Laura--Thanks, but I think we are all pretty sweet, and I know you are all amazing and I'm so grateful to all of you.  I'm the first of my cohort to get bc, I know older women--but they don't want to talk about it,  none of my close friends get it, they say they wish they had boobs like I do now--I really think they don't.  I try and educate.  They are wonderful and loving, but don't understand, and you all help with the isolation I feel sometimes.

    I've got to find my strength, in two weeks I go back to work, again, and my first day back is our annual site visit from the National Science Foundation.  Its huge.  I have to put on a power suit (I only wear it for DC folks, or when I'm in DC) and face a panel of 10 people defending the work I've done in the last 12 months and more than four of them I've been out. I'm hoping my Center Director will give my talk, not sure I'll be ready. It is a big deal, we have a 10 year 40 million dollar grant, and little old me sits on the Senior Mangagment Team and I'm also the Director of K-12 education. I have to do this when all I want to do is look at my new girls and enjoy the summer.  I love my job, but would rather be in Vegas with you all.  The good side is this summer I'm running two ocean science related summer camps and have some great high school interns coming--I love that part of it.

    Sorry about the rant.

    Thanks all!


  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    Karen ~ You put on that power suit and blow that panel away with your talk!  You are a strong and amazing woman and I think you already have that strength. But, rest up in the meantime.

    I also am the first of my friends going through BC and I am grateful that no one I know is going through this, but it can be isolating because as loving and wonderful as my friends and family are - they just don't get it sometimes.


  • sam59
    sam59 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies

    I was just reading what Cil326 wrote about her PS sitting her up after her exchanges are made, the PSs here don't do that (sit you up so they fall naturally) or he would have noticed that he was making a horrific mistake when he changed mine.

    Has any one seen the movie Valley of the Dolls, the person at the end shows his lover his breasts and he freaks out, well that is what mine looks like.

    I have phoned and I am waiting for an appointment to see him, I want this thing out and have him start all over with TE as he has cut off skin so my inplant sits high.  He said he would do a reduction on my good side and I am thinking NOT ON YOUR LIFE. So that I can have two freaky sides no way  

    It is nice to see that everyone (baring those pesky leaks) is progressing nicely after nine years I thought I was also.

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited May 2009

    Whippetmom, if you can, I'd wait for the mag citrate until you have a garment with a trap door.  Unless you can get the one you have on now down VERY quickly

  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2009

    mom2b, I am fully expanded to 450cc. My expanders are quite heavy. I won't even get oin a scale because I am sure they weigh 10 pounds each. I use heat for the backaches. I have one of those bean bag heating pads that go in the microwave.I use it all the time. I even bring it in the car with me and it really helps.

    This will make you chuckle. I was in my bathroom yesterday and I banged into the door with my expander. My husband asked me if I cracked the door!! (I also have stretchmarks that my PS isn't too concerned about)

  • Baxter
    Baxter Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Sandy - thanks for all the info. I feel so blissfully ignorant compared  the rest you. I t know very little about the dimensions or anything about my TE or my potential implants. I have a 350 TE in, and I'll getting a high profile Mentor implant. It's not that my PS isn't giving me the info, I just have so much confidence in him that I haven't asked detailed questions on the dimensions. I tried some sizes inside my bra and agreed to what I liked, but I don't know what cup size it tramslated into. That was the first time so I don't know what I'll benow.

    Peg - I hope they can do that with me, but my PS already said he ws going to make me smaller than he would have the first time. I have the same size TE in this time but he said he's not going to overfill as much as last time. It just sounds like 480 to now 380  cc's is going to make a big (or should I say small) difference!

    Yvonne- You sound sooo great! I hope I will be typing !!!!! when I finally get done. I think I get discouraged because with the infection and having to go through the TE process twice, I have been stuck in this painful reconstruction process a long time and it gets harder to believe one day I will be done and be happy with my foobs. I hope I will need to learn the happy dance!Canada....yikes! My husbands relatives live in Canada and they have a lot of horror stories about the healthcare. I know our system in the USA needs an overhaul, but I hope it doesn't come down to government run healthcare....our governement has done such a great job with everything else! (not)



  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited May 2009

    Jax and Elaine, my prayers are still with you through your problems.

    Yvonne, I've been following your progress and am SO thrilled for you!  You seem like such a kind, caring person.

    KEW, I hope you are getting better every day.

    Deborah, I hope you are feeling better.  Have you posted your pics yet?  Take it easy.

    Mom2be, I got a few stretchmarks since fills, I also have been using Palmer's since I started fills, but it's just a lot of stretching on fairly thin skin, you know?  I walk a lot, but have been wearing sports bras for support, on the advice of DeborahWink, and maybe this helps.  I've read that so many nerves are cut during MX, causing weird pains all over.  Hope your pain gets better.

    4greatkids, I have been banging into doorways and also people!  I don't feel a thing, but I get some funny looks!Laughing

      My exchange and oopherectomy are coming up next Tues, I'm getting a little nervous.  I pre-register today.  My PS said he is going to go in under my breast, not the same incision, and will give me a lift, but he might have to go smaller with the implant, which really bums me out.  But he will also give me nipples, which was a pleasant surprise!  I have not heard of this being done too much on the boards here, so I'll update after.

    Have a great, pain free weekend,


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited May 2009

    KMMD is right the mag citrate is what my doc calls a "pusher" I've had to use it three times since the surgery daily milk of mag did nothing, and I find senna to be more brutal than the mag citrate.  Only do the mag citrate if nothing else works and it is NOT a daily thing, just try and get things rolling and use other things to keep them rolling.  Sorry if this is distasteful, but all of us have used or will be using narcotics and the slowdown can be very dramatic for some--enough for people to avoid taking their pain meds.  I eat steel cut oats with ground flax seed every morning and about 600gm of veggies a day, I also drink a TON of water, and I'm still struggling three weeks out. It is a pain in the....


  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2009

     Yvonne!  Way to go!  I haven't been logging on, really busy right now at work and with family. I scanned though to read all of the posts,   I hope you are doing well.  I go for pre-op next Monday,  I am still scheduled for exchange surgery on 6-15-09.  I decided to take 2 weeks off of work.

     Thanks Sandy about the info on the Oncodx test.I was concerned when my surgeon stated I had IDC but the pathology stated DCIS.  Too many Dr's will make you nuts.  There is still some confusion over my dx, but I chose to go with the pathology report at the time of surgery that states DCIS, multifocal disease, high grade, with microinvasion, the bottom line thankfully was that it is still listed as DCIS, my oncologist is not concerned, proclaimed me as cured and I will see her next October. 

    Karen and Deborah and Mom2be, Elaine and Jax, thanks for taking the time to post, your story has so much power and information.  BTW I thought I was the only one that had problems with percocet!  I am going to get some Miralax or something before this next surgery.  I will be prepared Yell


  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2009

    Karen- Good Luck with wearing that power suit!!!  I know you will knock them flat with your presentation.  Hey after all this we've all gone through- whats a speech?  No problem!!!!

    Deborah- have fun with your sister- how blessed you are to have someone come and help you!!!  Don't do too much and I feel your pain- I too feel like I have wet cement bags in me and I am only at the TE stage!!!

    Candi- I am interested why you went through the TE stage twice?  I am getting ready to meet with my PS and another PS (for a second opinion) my PS wants to go in and either adjust or replace my current expanders.  They do not have the projection I want and I have a strange divot he wants to look at and my TE are too high.  Just curious what your issue's were that you had yours replaced and how long you waited for implants after the second pair was replaced?

    Take Care everyone!! :)


  • firstmate
    firstmate Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2009

    Laura--Still here, but I am just retruning from my vacation, so I had to catch up with pages and pages and pages of messages.

    Yvonne -  Congrats on your exchange.  Hope you continue to be happy with the results.

    Deborah - sorry you are not happy with your fat graft.  I was thinking that was my next option.  I still have an indentation above my one implant after two revisions.  I see the PS on Wednesday. 

    Elaine and Jax -- so sorry to hear about your incision issues.  Bummer!

    Linda - your pics look very good. 

    Sorry if I missed anyone else in my comments.  It is hard to catch up with this thread when you are gone for a while.

    Also, good luck to all those having surgery next week!


  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies! Wow you have all been so busy! I haven't caught up completely yet so...

    Jax, I am so sorry to read about your ongoing incision dilema, that sucks......I am sending hugs!

    I have a question, is anyone more nervous about nipple surgery than they were about exchange? I haven't scheduled my nips yet due to schedule and also just really nervous! Its one thing to be a little off on size etc with implants (mine have settled, thank goodness!), however if the nipples are wonky I think I may go off the deep end! Anyhoo, just wanted to see if anyone else was as paranoid about this as I amEmbarassed

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2009

    Hi Fairy...

    It's been a while since we've talked but my exchange was close to yours. I had my nipple consult yesterday and am having them done on June 15th. I'm nervous but then again not. I have been through so much that this seems very trivial. Maybe I should be more worried and maybe that will come as the date approaches but for now I am just very happy the year long jouney is coming to an end. PS told me projection is the biggest issue and he does go bigger because over time there is shrinkage and unfortunately there isn't a better solution. He also said he does his best to not overdo so I will not look like I am always cold :)

    Hoping for the best for all of us...


  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2009

    fairy49 - My fipples is scheduled for 6/17. I'm not nervous at all. I trust my PS totally. Can't wait. Just another step closer to being finished. I had my exchange in April and I'm very happy with the new girls.


  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited May 2009
    Thanks ladies! I do have a wonderful PS and my new foobies are lovely, I just worry about the nips for some reason because its hard to disguise should they be a little off!! AAAAHHH!! Surprised
  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited May 2009

    Karen - good luck in DC - you'll be great!

    (((((((((Deborahs - both of you! ))))))

    Had my 4th fill today - ps said 2-3 more to reach my 250cc expander volume.  I asked about overexpanding, and he said he didn't do it often, particularly if the skin is thin (like mine).  He also said he puts in larger implants than the expanders, so that made me feel better after all I've read here.  Thanks to all the info here I felt quite empowered!

    Cheri - heading your way TOMORROW -I cannot wait!  We'll stay with our old next door neighbors in Chesapeake, then head to OBX Sunday.  After these last five months, I think I deserve some beach time! Also, of course, looking forward to spending time with my sweet boys and hubby! Hoping for sunny skies............Smile  Hope you get your TE situation figured out!


  • Baxter
    Baxter Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2009

    Cheri - I had a Uni Mast. in October with TE. I was fully expanded to 480 cc's and my exchange was to be 12/29. On Christmas Eve I started feel badly...I chalked it up to some sort of TE pain. I had some red, but I thougth it was from using the heating pad. My incision and injection site were fine.When I went in for the expansion they discovered I had a staph infection and the TE had to be removed. I was devistated to say the least.

    My PS said I would have to wait 3 months before putting in a new TE and begin the entire process over again. I had this surgery 4/16. They put in 200 cc's at time of surgery and I am now 380 cc's. I'm pretty sure my PS doesn't want to expand me any more than the 380 this time around...that kind of bums me out. I figure...hey after all this I have paid my dues and deserve to be my intended size! But I have a great PS and trust he knows best. I hope to have my exchange sometime in July.

    Mom2b (Deborah) I don't know what to say, you have been through a lot. I know how you feel about the TE's. Having 3 months after my infection to think about gettinig the thing put back in after knowing how painful it was, just about did me in.

    I know how you feel about the journey. I have been in this reconstruction phase for so long that it's hard for me to keep my eyes on the end of the road...but I know it will come. I have been sleeping on my back since my mastectomy last October. I haven't had back pain, but most of the time I feel like I'm carrying a rolled up newspaper under my arm. My expander is also high, so it's challenging to find ways of keeping my TE from looking like I have a goiter!...never mind trying to haul up the other breast to make them even!

    I just want to tell you to hold on. It's no fun, I know, but I hope I can encourage you to can focus on the excitement of the next phase of life which will be joyous! This WILL be behind you someday. Then one day you can tell your child how he/she can overcome any obsticle in life because you know first hand that it can be done. Hold on sister...I'm praying God will shower you with strength and hope.


  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2009

    Candi- Yes a rolled up newspaper is the perfect verbage for how it feels!!!  I keep thinking my arm is getting bigger and I have lymphodema and then look in the mirror and know it is just this TE under my arm pit!!!  Eeeesh it is uncomfortable and I've always been a side sleeper! I did steel my husbands 100$ pillow and it is perfect for back sleeping.  I do miss sleeping on my side though.  Seems I always wake up every night around 1 then fall back asleep around 3.  I'm sure somewhere on this thread it tells what you went through but I couldn't find it.  I am so sorry!!  Man, just when I think my journey stinks- someone comes along with a much more difficult story than mine.  WOW!  I would have thought a staph infection would have shown up faster than that!  Did you ask your doctor about your pecs?  Will they recover OK?  I am afraid after having a readjustment?/new insertion my pecs won't be the same.   Maybe that's why he doesn't want to go bigger?

    Val-  So cool- I know you'll be busy visiting your old pals.  If you have time and want to get together. I would love it!  I am off the hanbury exit (the last one before the toll to nags head)  The weather is awesome! 

    Have a nice night and I will see you guys when I wake up at 1 am!!! :) 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    Just wondering.???

    Why can you not sleep on your side? I can understand the belly sleeping.. not to comfortable..but the side?

    My TE moves a lot on my non rads side so I can sleep on that side on my belly too..

    I cannot sleep on my belly on the rads side.. but I can sleep on my side on that side....

    Did I make sense????

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 2009

    Beautiful Ladies,

    I am off to bed.

    I will be out of town for 4 days. I probably will not be able to get online. I will have my blackberry.. so ..

    I just wanted to wish you a great weekend.. and I pray for all of you!

    Next weeks Exchanges.. GOOD LUCK and mucho prayers.. I cannot do anything to help.. but I want you to know.. I pray a LOT for you all.

    I will see you next week if not a little before...

    Blessings and Speedy recoveries!


  • wbuggie
    wbuggie Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2009

    Hi Kristin,

    I just responded to your PM as I have been off the board for a bit.  I must admit, I am now getting VERY nervous as you are the second revision I am hearing about from the same PS.  I am done with fills and scheduled for my exchange on 6/18.  Right now, my foobs are uneven and different sizes but I have been assured that it is due to the positioning of the TEs.  In reviewing paperwork that I just got... I discovered that my muscle tore during the initial fill and thus I had different TEs than originally planned.  This may not be so unusual but what I am dismayed about is the fact that in all my questioning.... I was never informed of any issues during my MX.  I am praying this is just worry for not as he has been adament that with the exchange, he is able to adjust the positioning to fix the "sizing" difference.  I am also being told that he can correct the indents I have above my right breast with lipo...once things have had a chance to settle into place. 

    Can anyone enlighten me as to any similar experience and if this is so uncommon?  I just feel I am giving so much trust and don't want to get blindsided.



  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited May 2009

    Just checking in on the posts and wishing all you gals with upcoming surgeries the best of luck and fast healing.

    Deborah - Take it easy and enjoy the time with your sister. The chores aren't going anywhere!

    Fairy - I'm sure when you finally decide to have your nip surgery everything will go well. Your PS has done a great job so far, no reason for him to let you down now....

    Still waiting for my MX/recon date in June. My PS had the nerve to go on vacation for 2 weeks! Oh well, at least he'll be well rested by the time he works on me. You ladies have been a wealth of information for me not to mention an inspiration. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found this site. You've really managed to take away the fear of this terrible disease and have showed me that this is doable and I thank  ALL of you for that. Hugs to everyone and sunny days ahead.
