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Exchange City



  • SissiAngel
    SissiAngel Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2016


    This is the right attitude!!!

    I hope everything works out for the best for all of us, we deserve it!!!


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2016

    Sissiangel, I am thinking of doing nipple recon. I already have tattoos, but thinking of going for the recon. How do you like your outcome? Could you send me a picture via PM? What method did your PS use?

    Thanks, Robin

  • SissiAngel
    SissiAngel Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2016

    Hi Robin!

    Unfortunately, I cannot help you with this. My reconstruction, up to this point, concerns only the areola and not the nipple. I am explaining what I mean:

    Because I had a radical modified mastectomy on the left breast, there was nothing left there as you can imagine. When I decided to have a prophylactic nipple/skin sparing mastectomy on the right breast, at the time of reconstruction, and because the areola of my right breast was very big, my PS said that he would cut a piece of the areola and would transplant it on my left breast. It wasn't 100% certain that this would work, there was some danger that the transplant could not be supplied by blood, but he said that he couldn't just throw away my areola, it would be a pitty. Fortunately, it worked and now I have what I would have, had I made an areola tattoo but with an actual areola skin. So, the next step, should I decide to take it, is to implant, where the nipple should be, a very small piece of silicon or a small piece of cartilage from my own body (nose, ear, etc.). This way, he says, there are better chances to succeed than with local skin flaps. But I am not deciding anything yet. For the time being, I will let things settle down, lose all the weight I gained from chemos and hormonal therapy and maybe in a year or two, I will have a corrective surgery with fat grafting on the left and the nipple reconstruction.

    I am thinking about posting photos on the picture forum, but I haven't yet found the time to do it, being a single mom of a 12-year-old, having a full-time job and studying for a postgraduate degree... Ah, there is life after cancer!!!

    I will let you know once I post them.

    Love to all!!!

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited July 2016

    I went to my PS last week. Although I have had zero problems with my exchange it looks like I will have another minor operation. I have a significant amount of side boob, that is the only way I can explain it, lol. So my PS suggested that we can do some liposuction on both sides and inject the fat into the area above my implants on both breasts. I am a little hollow at the top. I told her I would do it, I am just going to wait until after summer is over.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2016

    I'm really happy with my fat grafting results;) It was pretty painful because of the liposuction involved, but really has softened the overall look. Took a good 6 months to really see the final outcome though. I bet you'll be happy with the results.

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited July 2016

    Kingster, How long did it take you to recover from fat grafting? How long before you got back to normal activities? I don't want to be laid up for another several months.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited July 2016

    bikefam - just in case kingster doesn't see your question - I have had FG four times - for differing reasons. Pain is relative to how much fat they harvest, and from how many different areas. With the largest quantity harvest, which was a significant amount, I had pain when moving, not resting, for about a week. I did drive after several days and I did not require pain meds beyond Tylenol. By the second week I was sore like after a long session at the gym.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2016

    I am scheduled for exchange in 2 weeks...after 8 long months. I have vertical scars that have spread a little. A few visits ago he said he would use the same incision for the swap and revise the scar a little. Correct me if I'm wrong but won't that mean even less projection if he's pulling the edges of the incision closer? I have scars under my breastsfrom previous reconstruction efforts after lumpectomy several years ago. Do you think he can use those instead?

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited July 2016

    Hey bikefam, I went back to work after 2 weeks, but could have went back a little sooner. I was still sore, but was able to do everything. I massaged my abdomen for at least 3 months though trying to work out the "ropes" and to make sure my abs weren't lumpy. I have enough of that naturally, lol;) The ropes were from those tunnels made by the fat cannulas. I wore shapewear for at least 12 weeks or so even though ps said it wasn't necessary. I only leaked for 1 day. Worse amount of bruising I have ever had in my life which was a little unnerving. Still glad I did it though. Looks much better with it for sure.

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited July 2016

    Thanks, SpecialK and kingster. I will be talking to my PS in September and decide if I want to do anything.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited July 2016

    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    I've not posted in a while, but I'm so happy to see everyone doing so well.

    Carla, yes, protect your investment by wearing bras. I still felt a lot of movement of my anatomicals even at 3 months. I have been wearing my bras continuously. Only recently I have felt less movement. My PS had to do a lot of pocket work, so that may be why there was so much motion.

    mvspauling: sorry to hear about the side boob. I think it's wise to enjoy your summer and do the next steps in the fall. You will be more recovered by then as well.

    kingster: I'm glad you're happy with you FG results. My PS has suggested FG for me, but I'm not ready to do any more surgery for a while. I still have a lot of my "co-insurance" to pay. That was a shock.

    BethL: yeah for your exchange. It's been a long wait for you. I think if PS pulls in your incisions, you will lose very little projection. I think the nearby skin will stretch. PS may need to use those incisions because they are closer to your implants.

    Best wishes to all,


  • lclark1959
    lclark1959 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2016

    I had my exchange 7/11 and it was a lot easier then the the bi-lateral surgery. 750 cc smooth ultra high profile memory gel implants! Sounds impressive but I also have to wear a bra for at least a month and "drop and fluff" could take several months I'm told. I also have an issue on my right side, my PS said it's scar tissue but it feels like part of the implant is there. This is the side they took lymph nodes from so is that why there is scar tissue? Also radiation probably didn't help as he said it was very tight like he thought it would be. My left side feels great but the right side feels like I need to start over again with PT. It's only been 9 days so maybe I need more time?

  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2016

    I am scheduled for exchange surgery on August 17, 2016. My PS offered fat grafting as an option to restore a raised area to my nipples (I had nipple-sparing surgery), but I am worried about the result lasting. I read that the fat can flatten/distortover time. Perhaps it is wishful thinking, but with gummy bear implants, I hope I have a chance of avoiding another surgery! Should I just skip the fat grafting? Has anyone gone many years without problems?

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2016

    Seattle, I have had my gimmies for 16 months. I didn't have fat Grafting but I also didn't get to keep my nipples. But my results are amazing! No FG needed. I would wait and see what kind of results you get.


  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2016

    Thank you, Robinblessed. I appreciate you answering me. Do you know of anyone who had fat grafting just to raise their spared nipple area? I am afraid to do it based on a little I have read, and having another area that needs healing from the site where the fat is taken, although I was told only 5cc would be needed

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2016

    Seattle, you might want to check out the fat grafting thread. You might find someone who has had this experience. Definitely many on this board who have done fat grafting. My PS prefers to do fat grafting after exchange so he can see how things settle. If you are hesitant to do it t your exchange, perhaps wait and see how things look a few months later. From all I've read, fat grafting is a really good way to handle dents, divots, ripples etc.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited July 2016

    seattle - you should barely feel the removal of 5ccs of fat if that is all that is needed - I have had hundreds of ccs removed at a time without much soreness - 5ccs might feel just a tiny bit sore for a few days. I have no experience with raising a spared nipple to offer, have you seen any photos from your PS to see before and after?.

  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2016

    Thank you, Marketingmom. Will check it out.

  • mye
    mye Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2016

    Hi, I had my exchange surgery this week from TEs to Natrelle Anatomical gel implants 370cc both sides. Before going in, my breast cancer (right) side was bigger but higher than the other side. Now, a few days after surgery the right/cancer side looks l a cup smaller!) than the right/non cancer side! It looks really off. I'm trying to brush it off as after surgery swelling, but I'm worried. Is it possible that my PS would make such a big mistake?

    I should probably also mention that before surgery my PS and I had decided to go with Inspira Round silicone filled implants, because I didn't want drains and I wanted the least amount of "surgery". However during surgery my PS made a judgement call to go with anatomicals based on how the sizers looked. The rounds left too much room etc and the PS would have had to do a lot more pocket work. The anatomicals fit just right she said and didn't need drains.

    I really hope I don't need more corrective surgery.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited July 2016

    mye, I hear your worry, and I'm sorry things don't look even right now.

    There are so many variables to consider. Your PS made a judgment call, and I would expect for a very good reason. Express your concerns at your next appointment. She may explain why the sides don't look even and what happens next.

    My PS made a judgment call as well during my exchange surgery. He put a 50 cc larger implant in the right than the left.

    He explained that he had to remove more tissue from both breasts. There was a layer of fat that was becoming necrotic. He removed 50 cc more from right than from left, thus the right needed a larger implant to look even.

    (((HUGS))) Moninator

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited July 2016

    Hi ladies,

    I've been reading some of the posts on this thread recently, even though I'm not at this point yet. I have expanders in and am getting fills. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I have learned SO much from all of you and I appreciate those willing to share their experiences.

    Have a good weekend!

  • mye
    mye Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2016

    Thanks Mominator. I don't mind so much that I ended up with different implants than decided, but I really hope they will start looking more even. I will keep you posted on what my PS says when I see her next week. So do yours look more even because of your PS's judgement call to add cc on one side?

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2016

    hi mye, I am a socal girl too! Where in socal are you?

    I have annatomicals as well. I was expanded to 420cc and have 475cc on each side. Mine are even but have had them for 16 months. It takes awhile for them to feel like they are part of you. I have the tattoos but thinking of having nipple recon.

    Try to step away from the mirror. But do as momenator ssid, make your concerns be known to your PS.

    Best wishes, Robin

  • mye
    mye Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2016

    Hi Robin, thanks for the feedback. I will take your advice to step away from the mirror. I didn't think I would be so concerned about how they looked. I didn't mind how off the TEs were, but I guess I knew they were temporary. I'm in Altadena.

  • Heidishorizons
    Heidishorizons Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2016

    Hello to everyone!

    My bilateral was 10 weeks ago (approx.) where my PS placed Alloderm and the TE's. I am approaching my last one or two TE fills, so now I am trying to decide on how long I would like to allow them to just sit and rest and allow the pockets to heal. My PS normally likes to allow them to rest for 2 months. When I was interviewing surgeons I found that some waited 2 months, some 3-4 months, and some want 6 months after the final fill. I am thinking of letting mine rest for 3 months which would be 6 months after my mastectomy. Looking at this forum it appears that most women seem to have the exchange done at 4 to 6 months after the mastectomy. I guess I am looking for opinions on how you all feel about how long you waited to exchange affecting the outcome of your exchange look and feel with your implants. Does allowing more time seem to produce a better outcome? And, do you all think that the size of the TE's and implants plays a role in that time frame, such as, larger TE's need more time to heal before exchange?

    Thank you so much for the advice! I am so happy that I have this amazing resource with all of you wonderful women.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited July 2016

    Mye, I do think mine do look more even because of my PS's decision to use a bigger implant on one side. After BMX, they looked about even with the TEs filled to the same amounts. Of course, I did not see how they looked after he removed the additional tissue. I just saw the end result.

    Now they are almost identical. Both PS and I think that leftie may be slightly bigger than rightie.

    Incidentally, before my BMX, rightie hung down much lower than leftie, was almost a cup size bigger in volume than leftie. BS removed more tissue from that side, and PS removed more skin.

    Medicine, especially surgery, is both art and science. I think my PS excels in both, and I'm sure your PS does as well. Talk with yours, and best wishes.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited July 2016

    Welcome Heidi!

    My BMX was 11/11/15, TEs were filled to 420 cc during surgery. I was happy with that volume right away.

    PS did first fill of 60 cc on 12/8/15. I didn't want a fill, since I was already happy with the volume, but PS says he always does one fill more to make sure the pockets were big enough. He thought I wanted to go bigger and wanted to give me a chance to think about it. On 1/5/16 we made the decision to go ahead with exchange.

    My exchange surgery was 1/18/16, which was just 6 weeks after my last full, and 10 weeks after BMX. There was a lot of pocket work done (see my post above). I wore my surgical bras 23/7 (only off for a shower).

    Even at three months, the implants felt like they were moving when I lay on my sides. I felt that was because of the extensive pocket work. It's now six months post exchange, and the implants feel more stable.

    There are so many factors, ask your PS what is recommended for you.

    Best wishes

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2016


    My surgery was September 2014, last fill December 2014, EX March 2015, 6 months from EX.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2016

    Surgery was March 11, expanders placed and fully filled to 450 cc's. Exchange was June 10 and 595 cc implants were placed. Glad all was done fast!

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2016

    I have a question about post BMX with TE. My BMX was 4/19/16 TE 750 cc. Only had 1 fill after surgery to get to that amount. I think the fill was 150 cc's. I have what looks like side boobs of fat. Now it looks like fat underneath the bottom has pushed outward especially on my left ADH side. I am supposed to have TE with 800 cc's done in late August or early September. Does this fat roll at the bottom seem normal? It is not painfull. I was told liposuction would be done. Has anyone else had this side boob and fat roll problem