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Exchange City



  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited August 2016

    BethL - thinking of you and hope all went well today

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited August 2016

    Hi JCS,

    I had silicone implants put in. I didn't have to have any fat grafting with mine. I was off work a total of 10 days (7 work days) and I probably could have went back sooner because I have a desk job. The exchange surgery for me was the easiest part of this whole journey and it feels so good to get those expanders out! Good luck

  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    Thanks, mvspaulding! That is helpful. I have a mostly desk job too, so I hope it won't be too bad.

    Followup for anyone who has had fat grafting as well -- can you compare it to either a C-section or laproscopic oophorectomy? I've had both and am hoping it's not as bad as either of those.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited August 2016

    JCS28 - I have had fat grafting done four times. The degree of pain is directly associated to the quantity of fat harvested. I have had C-sections and an abdominal hyst/ooph and FG pain was different for me in that it hurt when I got up or down, but did not hurt once I was up and moving or laying or sitting. I found that wearing compression on the donor site helped also, but did smart a bit when putting the garment on or taking it off. If you have the fat taken from the abdomen I would suggest using a compression garment with a snap crotch - much more comfortable than pulling it off each time you need to use the bathroom! After a few days, to a week or so, it felt like I had done too many sit-ups and the more intense discomfort on rising or sitting was gone, even with the largest volume FG.

  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    Thanks, SpecialK! That is really helpful. Yes, they told me I would be wearing Spanx for 6 weeks. That's great advice about the snap crotch. I'll go look for them online right now. I am staying small (A, small B cup) and I'm fairly thin, so hopefully it won't be too much. I'm hoping for the best!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    exchange went well yesterday. My expanders were 670 and I told him they were too big. So he put in 600cc silicone and lots of fat grafting. Said anything smaller in the pockets that was expanded so much might float a little. Glad he didn't go smaller! They seem so small in comparisonbut I'm happier than I was with the bricks in.

    I saw ps today and my chest is very red so I'm now on bactrim. He thinks it's just from the grafting so I'm not too worried. My chest doesn't hurt that bad, just upper pecs which both have sutures (assuming that's where he went in for the grafting). He said he inhected me with nesprel? I could have that wrong but it's an anesthetic that lasts for up to 3 days. It must be working. I hurt only where he didn't put it. Belly is sore. From what I can find there are 4 spots where he took the fat. One of the sites leaked a lot but is better now. I've got my spanx on!

    I can't wait to see the results after the bruising and swelling go away! Was nice not to wake up with a chest spasms.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited August 2016

    jCS28 - yes, learned about the snap thing the hard way, lol! I always try to pass along that nugget of info!

    Beth - the drug is Exparel, a long acting local. Glad things went well and you are relatively comfy. It can take a while for the donor site swelling to subside - it continues to change for severa months

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    thank you special! I googled it and didn't realize it's bupivicaine. Didn't realize it could be given like that. When I had my bmx, they put it in my epidural and I was great until the catheter fell out. Certainly didn't last long then.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited August 2016

    Glad to see you back, BethL. I hope your recovery continues smoothly.

    JCS28: 1-3 weeks out of work, sounds about right, depending on your work. Do you have a desk job, a nurse, a teacher? It's a similar recovery to the BMX: you don't want to be raising your arms a lot or lifting weights. Although the recovery is usually faster, I had a lot of pocket work, so I was as sore as the BMX, but I still healed more quickly than BMX. I didn't have FG, so we'll let SpecialK speak there.

    Just curious, JCS, when you mentioned: "Followup for anyone who has had fat grafting as well -- can you compare it to either a C-section or laproscopic oophorectomy? I've had both and am hoping it's not as bad as either of those." So, was your laproscopic oophorectomy as bad as a C-sec? I'm so sorry if it was.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    I've had laprascopic oopherectomy and I think they (FG compare. But neither was near be as bad as a c-section.

  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited August 2016

    BethL - so happy to hear all went well with your exchange! I hope you are continuing to recover well.

  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    Mominator -- oh goodness, no. I was only out of work for 1 week with the laproscopic ovary removal. I was really back to normal by about 10 days. I only had one done. The pain was a little different than the C-section (a little higher), but it healed so much more quickly. I needed the full 6 weeks for both C-sections.

    Thanks for the advice. Yes, I have a mostly desk job and can take it easy and even work part days if I need to. I'm going to plan for 2 weeks off work but hope to come back after 1 or 1.5. I am having surgery on a Friday, so hopefully that full week with 2 weekends will get me far into the recovery. But my doctor said it's the fat grafting from the abdomen that will be the most sore. UGH.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2016

    Ok ladies, I need to know if anyone is willing to PM me a picture of their nipple recon. I am going to my PS to get all the facts and to help me decide whether to do it. Also let me know if you would recommend it. Thank you.


  • Czechmate47
    Czechmate47 Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2016

    I had nipple reconstruction a week ago and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how realistic they made my reconstructed breasts appear....for some reason I hadn't expected it to make such a difference as I was fairly content with everything before. They seem to be a perfect size so I'm a little worried they will flatten too much as they heal because they didn't start out as swollen or big as they had warned me they would be. They gave me some rings made out of coban to place over them under my bra so nothing rubs on them but I'm worried my bra might be a smidge snug and pressing on the rings a bit too much (seems to leave a slight indent on one side)....although they wanted the bra snug enough that it would hold the rings in place. They said I only needed to do this for 2 weeks...

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2016
    Hi everyone! My exchange surgery has been scheduled for Nov. 26. I had my last fill a couple of weeks ago but I'm going to California in early Sept. to see my son and then to Brazil for a conference in October so decided to wait until traveling was finished before having the surgery. Right now I'm a bit lopsided with my left TE about an inch higher on my chest than my right side. My left nipple also had to be removed post-MX due to close margins, but the right side looks almost normal. If they both looked like righty, I'd keep them and just skip the exchange surgery, lol.
  • Suzanne50
    Suzanne50 Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2016

    Hi Ladies - I haven't been here in awhile - had my exchange surgery on March 8th and I am going back for corrective surgery in November. My mast. side is higher and smaller than my other side. Part of my issue is I had radiation that left a lot of scar tissue. So that side is very stiff and hard. Not at all what I expected but not much I can do about it. So PS is going to give me a lift on the other side and take out some of the saline in the small implant that he put in to give me a more "even look".

    I did find a great local place that sells bras for mastectomy patients - thankfully! So with my new bras I look perfectly even and normal. But without I am definitely lopsided. I am disappointed but it could be worse. Hopefully corrective surgery will be an easier recover than exchange since it is only the one side. I found the mast./radiation side took a lot longer to heal.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    I have a history of getting nauseous with general anesthesia. Because of that, they load me with zofran and place a patch behind my ear. Usually works. It's been 3 days since exchange and I woke up today not being able to keep anything down. Ugh. I don't know if I've caught something or if this is from the surgery. It's miserable!

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited August 2016

    BethL, I feel for you! When I had surgery in June I think my PS said the patch was good for 3 days. Maybe the patch med has worn off and that's why you feel sick. Better that than an illness. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Czechmate47
    Czechmate47 Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2016

    I'm not certain but I think I've heard that leaving the patch on longer than 3 days can actually make you feel ill...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited August 2016

    BethL - call your surgeon and ask them to call you in some oral Zofran to your pharmacy - if it worked for you after surgery, it should calm your nausea now regardless of the cause. Beware though - it can cause a wicked headache.

    The Scopolamine patch is a 72 hour med, it should be removed at that point. While the patch is on you should not touch it and then touch your eyes, you can have blurred vision afterward, but it usually resolves relatively quickly.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    thank you. I had zofran here and took it. The patch I took off the following morning because of the headache I got from it. Never have I done this 3 days out. The exprel I got is supposed to last 3 days, I wonder if that wearing off is messing with me. I did just manage to eat some yogurt. Fingers crossed.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited August 2016

    BethL - do you think the headache was from the Scopolamine or the Zofran? If you got the Zofran IV you may have gotten a larger dose, and they may have given you more during surgery. I read both my surgical and anesthesiology reports from my most recent surgery in May and even though I expressly asked not to have Zofran, they gave it to me after I was asleep. Twice. It doesn't work for me and gives me the awful headache. Maybe try a BRAT (bananas rice apple toast) diet, that helped me during chemo.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    I assumed the headache was from the patch. Either way 24 hrs after surgery I'm usually past the nausea, so when I woke up Wednesday with a pounding headache...I took it off. I hadn't taken any zofran until this morning. Pill, and now just took a sublingual I found from my surgery in June. I'm sure they gave me some in surgery because I do get so sick.

    I was feeling pretty good until yesterday afternoon. My body feels sick, not viral or anything....just ill. Ps started me on bactrim Wednesday because my chest looked red. Maybe that's doing it?

    I don't know...I just hope it stops. I hate feeling sick to my stomach.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited August 2016

    It's probably the Bactrim making you queasy and ill feeling but let your doctor know if you get worse.

  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited August 2016

    BethL - been thinking of you! I hope you are feeling better. I have had 3-4 days of not feeling well and an elevated temp (not fever) went to the clinic yesterday for reassurance. Everything is fine but it sucks not feeling well on top of everything else.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    better today, just feel blah. I have a suture in near the top of my pecs, almost in arm pits but on the front....does that make sense? Assuming it was from the fg? It's hurts! Anyway, I think things are looking good, swollen and very bruised. I pushed on one (just a little)... What a difference!!

    Ringelle- glad you're ok. We will get through this

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited August 2016

    BethL, check the instructions, or ask your pharmacist about taking bactrim with or without food. Also, some antibiotics are not to be taken within two hours of certain antacids (tums or mylanta) or certain foods (dairy). Pharmacist would know better than PS in this case.

    I found some antibiotics made me nauseous, and it helps to take them with some gentle food (toast, crackers). I once had to take an antibiotic with Diet Coke (we were traveling). I was so nauseous! I made sure to have plain water and crackers available after that.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. HUGS, Madelyn

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2016

    just joining this thread Ladies.

    I have Exchange scheduled for August 26 and am trying to prepare. I'm hoping some of you can coach me a bit on what to expect. Cant wait to get TE's removed. Have had them at full status for two months and am ready for softer and more natural feeling and shaped implants. I call them my coconuts!

    My exchange surgery is outpatient and I'm expecting:

    Drains, two weeks off work, no arm movement like at BMX, no weight over 5 lbs. 6 weeks before weight lifting and ROM exercise begins again.

    Have not met with PS yet to see when he plans to fat graft. But have been warned it may take multiple sessions of lyposuction and grafting to achieve good results.

    Can anyone tell me about the lyposuction process and recovery? I hear it is more painful than the BMX... gheeze...

    Also, where do we get appropriate compression garmets, and how long must they be worn after lypo? How tight must they be?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    Lrgi2016- I had my exchange last Tuesday, with fat grafting. While it's not been easy, it is way better than the bmx and te placement surgery with alloderm, (not even close for me). I was told no lifting more than 10 pounds. They never told me not to lift my arms but I try not to. Doesn't hurt to lift them like it did with bmx, which makes it hard to remember. I don't do well with anesthesia but the actually surgery isn't bad. I have spanx on 24/7 for the fat grafting donor sites. Still manageable. Was driving 2 days later, although just to grocery store where they had my order ready and in my car without me ever leaving the drivers seat. Love that place!

    You will be so happy to get those things out. I also called mine a coconut bra!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    oh and I have no drains! Not sure if this is common, but my is doesn't use them for this surgery.