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Exchange City



  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    LRGO2016 -- I'm right there with you. My exchange surgery is this Friday! It's weird to actually be excited about a surgery.

    My doctor told me probably 2 weeks off work but may be feeling good after 1 week. I will have drains b/c of Alloderm but hopefully for only 1 week. And no lifting more than 3-4 pounds for 6 weeks, I think.

    Good luck to all of us!

  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    Another question -- I ran into a friend in town who got her implants about 3 months ago. She said they were HEAVY and much heavier than her expanders or her real breasts. Is this common? She did say she was bigger than before so that could be it. I'm not looking forward to that!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    Maybe it's too early to tell, but mine don't feel heavier. Maybe cause my expanders were bigger and I had gotten used to that weight.

  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited August 2016

    I find it so strange that when I've asked my PS about restrictions both after TE placement and eventual exchange, they just tell me not to go crazy! I they don't give me a weight restriction or an activity restriction. Sometimes I think surgeons are in their own little bubble worlds!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2016

    Ringelle, for bmx and ex I had 5 lb for bmx for 6 weeks, 10 lbs for ex, and no lifting elbows above shoulders until rom exercises were added. That was clear. We also had a breast coordinator you saw before surgery and she gave you all sorts of important instructions. Thank goodness! I mean no one goes into a bmx before!!

    The old saying is true, ask a lof questions!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited August 2016

    I originally exchanged to implants with more ml/cc than the amount of breast tissue that was removed in my BMX. They felt cumbersome and heavy. My new ones are roughly equivalent to the amount of breast tissue removed and they don't feel heavy to me. Expanders are filled with saline, which is slightly lighter than silicone, but if you factor in the weight of the expander itself it would be very close or equal to a silicone implant of the same size.

  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    Thanks, everyone! I hope they aren't heavy. I'm small, and I would hate to have to deal with that now after never having to deal with it previously.

    Also, agreed, all doctors are different. I know my PS is EXTREMELY strict. He says absolutely no showers while drains are in place. And after my BMX he just kept saying, "I'll tell you when you can lift more than 5 lbs". It's kind of annoying, but he's a perfectionist, so I guess I'll take it to get great results. Also, I know now to take him with a grain of salt now. ;)

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 880
    edited August 2016

    Okay, now I feel like I missed an essential math class...TE size and size of breast tissue removed (which I had no clue of until I read the path report)....of course!  As someone who teaches math, perhaps this quantitative fact is more humorous to me that I have been so dumb/clueless...but I really never connected it until SpecialK's last post!

    For me I have been thinking of the TE as an alien being inside of me trying to push out, but not really having a lot of logic behind it!

    I go in later this morning for perhaps my last fill???  I am at 650 in a TE sized for 600-720.  I have heard lots of folks talk about overfilling saline implants, but I don't recall talk of overfilling TE' I expect to top off today at 700...or perhaps my PS will fill to the 720 max???

    Regardless, that is way below the 1000+ removed at wonder why the conversation is always "I'll never be able to make you as big as your natural side."

    Learn something new everyday.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited August 2016

    trmtab - TE are overfilled all the time, I originally had a 550cc TE and was filled to 650ccs. Because the largest size TE only goes to 800ccs (but can be overfilled to 960ccs), that is why your PS said what he did about matching your natural side. Also factor is that once you exchange you will most likely lose some degree of projection because you won't have a hard-backed TE pushing outward, but rather, a uniformly soft implant. If you want the largest silicone implant at 800ccs, or an overfilled saline one (which may look smaller than your currently filled TE right now) to try to get as close as possible to your remaining breast, you might want to discuss with your PS today about what size implant is planned and overfilling your TE.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 880
    edited August 2016

    Thanks SpecialK (also saw your post on the TE board, thanks there as well)

    When I asked about the eventual fill...he initially said as to fit an 800 smoothly! Previously he has talked about moving my current across the chest scar line down to the IMF so I would lose some currently stretched out skin below that line...

    From Whippetmom, she has said I would likely be in the 700 range, but perhaps more to try to better match the "native" side, so I guess I am with the range.

    Grateful I won't pop!

  • YoungBRCAgal
    YoungBRCAgal Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2016

    Hi y'all! So i just got scheduled for my exchange surgery on 8/29. I am incredibly nervous due to the whole...finality of the process. When I look at my body now, unpleased, I tell myself it's temporary because these ROCKS will be removed. I can't say that after the implants, you know? Anyway. My TEs are filled to 560-580cc. We decided on silicone today. They are ordering both round and anatomical to see how they look the day of. My fear is that if I get the anatomical (like I had always planned) they won't be as full looking as they are now with the TE. But I don't want to look all..."fake" or like a "Victoria's Secret model" (PS actually said that my very first consult referring to the rounds).

    Rockwell, it sounds like you're cc size is very similar. Are you pleased with the rounds in terms of fullness and natural-look? The feel? I'm DYING for squishy boobs again. How long did you keep your drains?

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2016


    I waffled between rounds and annatomicals throughout my fills. I had to decide 2 weeks before EX so my PS could order them. I was filled to 420cc. I decided on annatomicals and he put in 475cc Allergan 410 FF. I love them. They are more firm than the rounds and you can have drains it just depends on you. I didn't have drains because I didn't have a lot of fluid at BMX. You are obviously young, I am 62! So having bouncy squishy foobs didn't matter to me. It is a very personal decision. Good luck!


  • JCS28
    JCS28 Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2016

    Tomorrow is my exchange! I am pretty excited! Any last minute tips?

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2016

    Thanks everyone for the replies! "They will not feel like rocks"... THAT's what I needed to hear! Doing my happy dance now!

    I'm at 450 cc TEs, I prefer anatomical shape silicone for replacement. My pre-surgery PS appointment is next week. He will fill me in on all my options and what to expect. He uses drains after exchange and I anticipate having them for weeks like my BMX. Hate those things but they seem to work! Absolutely no showering while drains are in. My BMX drains were in for 5 weeks, and removed reluctantly. I had to be bound for a week to prevent seromas. Ugh, it was hard to breathe. Fat grafting will likely not happen until 6 + weeks after exc. And I've been warned we may need to repeat grafting to insure a good outcome. I'm hoping he takes all of stomach fat away! That would be an upside to all of this!

    So spanks after grafting, or similar 24/7.... surely can you shower?. ..

    How about this "no bra" concept? My PS PA's say wear a bra 24/7 with TE or Silicone. I'm really bummed by that recommendation - I HATE bras. Anyone get a good explanation of pros/cons of bra or no bra after?

    I'm actually excited to get exchange surgery. Looking forward to putting this phase behind me. My TE's sit wide on my chest (no cleavage), one is at least an inch higher than the other and my arms rub them when reaching forward. PA'S said PS will adjust the implants and alloderm to be balanced and achieve symmetrical position. Boy I hope so.

    Are your exc surgeries outpatient too? Mine is!.

    All the same weight restrictions after BMX will be in place.

    Strangest thing I've noticed since my BMX is That now I can "flex" my foobs! Gives me all sorts of possibilities on the dance floor in the future!


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited August 2016

    LRGO2016: your PS sounds a little more strict than mine, but they have their rules for good reasons.

    I had drains for about two weeks after exchange. It's really important for several reasons not to have fluid buildup, especially anatomical implants which can rotate.

    Similarly, bras are important during the healing process so that the implants will settle into the pockets. PS did extensive pocket work on both sides. I could feel my implants move when I tried to sleep on my sides. I kept a bra on 24/7 and did not sleep on my side for more than three months. After that, I slowly started trying to be on my side.

    Yes, my TEs rubbed against arms, which was annoying since I am a professional flutist. I had PS promise me that would be corrected in exchange. It was.

    My exchange was also done on an outpatient basis. Make sure you have a ride home. Restrictions were the same as BMX, although the recovery is generally faster. I did not have FG, but did have extensive pocket work.

    Yes, I can flex my breasts. It's rather weird, and it also happens when I have a shiver.

    I look at all of this pain and restrictions as investments in the new me. I'm willing to endure this now for my end goal: reasonably nice looking breasts that won't have a 60-87% chance of developing cancer in my lifetime.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2016

    LRGO2016, I have annatomicals and didn't have drains but was told it was a possibility. I only had drains in for a week with bmx. I don't have a lot of fluid so probably determined that. BUT, being wrapped for a week and wearing a sports bra, no wires, 24/7 for at least 6 weeks was a requirement! I wore one for much longer. I still wear one everyday and just about 2 months ago I stopped sleeping in one. I am 18 months post EX. I wear bralettes now. Love them! I didn't require any fat grafting. My TEs were filled to 420cc and he used 475cc implants.

    Follow your dr instructions! Remember, just because you can doesn't mean you should!

    Blessings, Robin

  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited August 2016

    hi, I am scheduled for my exchange surgery next Tuesday at 10am😳. I will also be getting a fat transfer from my abdomen. I am getting saline which I don't think most people go for these days but I'm happy about it. I'm also going with round. I have a slight build and only needed three fillings for get to a 32c. I don't actually know how many CCs of saline are in there?I hope my implants look good and that the fat transfer fills out the sidesnicely. Nervous about recovery.

  • OrcaPorkka
    OrcaPorkka Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2016

    Hi all!

    I saw this site when I was first diagnosed but I have never registered or posted until today. I feel very lucky that during my first ever mammogram they were able to detect the DCIS. Very ironically, a neighbor and friend had been diagnosed with Stage 1 just 5 weeks before me so I have had someone to talk and commiserate with.

    I had a BMX, skin sparing, with TE on July 21. They removed 677g of tissue on my left (non cancerous) breast and 767g of tissues and tumors from my right. I had 600cc Natrelle TE put in, along with Alloderm to hold things in place. They were able to fill me to 420cc during the initial surgery.

    So now I am 4 weeks (have had two films - now at 540cc) out and need to decide what implants to have put in. I am 5'8" and 170 pounds. We have narrowed it down to the Natrelle 410 FX at 560cc or the Mentor MH 620cc. My PS says she has had less rippling with the Natrelle and I think I am okay with the 6.5 projection vs the Mentor 6.9 if it means less rippling. :) I don't have a date yet for the exchange, but my PS says 2 months from last fill.

    Thoughts between the 2? And thanks for just being here y'all

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,785
    edited August 2016

    Welcome OrcaPorkka! We're sorry you have to be here, but glad you found this supportive group of people! We hope you find the information you need and we can all help you make the best decisions along with your medical team. If you have questions for us, please let us know, we're here for you!


    The Mods

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited August 2016

    Welcome OrcaPorkka! You are currently on Exchange City. This is a good thread here for preparing for Exchange surgery.

    You will probably be able to get more detailed answers about sizing on Breast Implant 101. This is Whippetmom's helpful board that will get you pointed in the right direction on sizes and types. Please follow the instructions on the very first post in the thread.

    Another good thread is TEs: A Beginner's Primer. Here you can ask questions during the expansion process.

    As you find your way among the threads, be sure to use the Favorites feature so you can find your favorite followed topics more easily.

    Best wishes to you, Mominator

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    SanFranKitty- hope all goes well next Tuesday. I am 2 weeks out and also had fat grafting. So far so good.

    Orca- we are similar in size. I had 600 hp mentor placed. My ps didn't mention higher risk of rippling, I wonder when that typically happens if it's going to.

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited August 2016

    Hey BethL, how did you feel after exchange and grafting?

    I'm more nervous about discomfort from lypo and drains than the exchange itself. Any lessons or recommendations you (or other post exchange ladies out there) can share about recovery in the first two weeks post op would be appreciated.

    I get two weeks off then back to work, Spanks-bound for 8 weeks.

    Orka, welcome to the site. Lots of great people in here. Hope you find these threads helpful. This is my first "rodeo" so to speak, so it's all new to me. I'm stumbling through the journey with lots of good help from ladies in here. Good luck with your journey.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2016

    lrgo- doing ok. Lipo really was fine. My chest feels cold. I guess that's an effect of the silicone? Don't like that. I have 600 cc mentor hp and am a little disappointed. I'm trying not to be, guess I should be grateful. Hoping things adjust a little. I think I'm still swollen cause when I wear the surgical bra for too long, I get weird indentions. And tonight I was certain I was getting a uniboob. Actually I'm not convinced I'm not. Hoping its swelling still.

    I've been dealing with pretty bad nausea for 2 weeks. Some days it's fine,others not so much. Ugh. Headed to the beach tomorrow with my boys for a week. I see the surgeon when I get back to remove the last of my sutures and hope my stomach feels better. On my fmla paper he put me out for 6 weeks. They aporoved it but if I stay home too much longer I'll go nuts. Gonna ask him to clear me when I go for the next appt.

    I did not have drains, guess some do and some don't. Spanx is very doable. Haven't been told what my restrictions are other than no lifting more than 10 pounds. Compared to bmx-much easier. You'll do great. Sorry if I sound like a downer....just one of those nights. Nothing some sand and saltwater can't fix

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited August 2016

    Beth , I AM SORRY

    I also HAD Mentor 600cc and lived unhappy with them, until they were replaced....I always considered them flattened bagels, that wanted to lived under my arms!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited August 2016

    Mominator, I probably looked at this site when I was having my exchange back in December, 2013 but today have scanned through. You seem to be on top of things here so please let me know if this is the right site for me or are there others?

    My history is below but I had my exchange Dec. 6, 2013. I also had an augment on normal side. Within several months I started to develop cords from the axilla under the pectoral muscle but also near the lumpectomy scar which was unfortunately in the way when I had my mx. My lump was close to the armpit. I have never had cording down my arm but it has been twinned and very hard and visible for over 2 years now, despite much physio and massage (breast cancer trained MT). She was able to soften a worse cord from above though it is now back and creating pain in my shoulder. I have been on a waitlist for a revision for about 16 months. Last week I found a new lump lower midline but got into PS yesterday and he says the implant and contracture is creating what seems like a lump. He has ordered an ultrasound to reassure me. Also I go higher up the wait list as it is now medically needed not just for aesthetics. Still likely end of year as not enough OR time or nurses here in Vancouver. I am curious to know if others have experienced anything similar. I talked to my PS about getting rid of the implants as it seems possible to me that scar tissue and and the cording connective tissue may come back. He is encouraging about giving it one more try.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited August 2016

    marianelizabeth, I appreciate your kind words, but you really give me too much credit. I'm only on top of things that I know: genetic testing, prophylactic surgery, and implant reconstruction.

    I did not have any cording issues, so I do not feel qualified to make any suggestions about treatment for you. We are in Exchange City thread, so some people here may help.

    Also, you could post on TEs: A Beginner's Primer and TE Trouble threads. I think those threads may have more people with cording issues.

    If you don't get any response on these three threads, you could start a new thread/topic in Breast reconstruction that addresses your specific question. Try to word the title with your specific question: "Looking for advice on cording issues" or "Could implant and contracture cause cording issues?" or however you best want to ask your question.

    Best wishes to you, Mominator

    PS Be sure to favorite the thread(s) where you post your questions so that you will see the answers.

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited August 2016

    I had my exchange surgery in April. For the past two days I have had pain on my right side on the outside of my boob. Not sure what it could be. Has anyone experienced this?

  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited August 2016

    Thnak you Beth! I hope your recovery is fast and easy

  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2016


    Hello ladies,

    I had a bi lateral in March and started reconstruction with the placement of TEs at the same time.. Like many of you, I had to wait for the completion of chemo before my PS would do the exchange. I finished the chemo route on July 12th and had my exchange surgery just last Tuesday, 16th of August. My question for all of you that have been through the exchange process, when did the tightness subside? I guess I expected it with the TEs and dealt with it but did not expect the tightness I am feeling with the implants. I am only at 550 CC which is super small compared to my natural breast. From a DD cup to a C. I am ok with that. I just don't what to have to deal with the dreaded tightness. I do have an extensive incision of both sides from have the dog ears removed as well as the implant placement. Any feedback would be appreciated.

  • Alex276
    Alex276 Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2016

    I have my exchange on Monday too and having lipo under my arms for my bat wings. I told a friend who is a nurse at a different breast surgeons office that I was having lipo under my arms. She was concerned about the lipo damaging my remaining lymph nodes. Has anyone heard of this