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Exchange City



  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited April 2017

    Ihad my nipple reconstruction and fat grafting yesterday. I'm still having some bleeding, which the nurse said was normal. I had to wash the surgical bra and replace the gauze that was covering the shields. I'm supposed to start applying ointment tomorrow. Is the problem on your radiated side? It's my prophylactic side that's bleeding.

    I hope everything turns out okay. Keep us posted!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited April 2017

    So, how long does it take to see what the end result of your implants will be? I am still wearing a sports bra 24/7. He wants me to switch to a supportive underwire after I see him next month. My surgery was 4 weeks ago today. My left (cancer/rads side) looks awful. It is still mishapen like the TE and rather pancaked and still swollen in places. The right is wanting to drift to the right toward my pit which makes me terribly unhappy. I want a little cleavage and I don't want to have to wear a bra, especially an underwire the rest of my life.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited April 2017

    Molly - It can take 3-6 months until your new implants "settle". I know it's hard, but all through this thread the best advice is just step away from the mirror. You can always have a revision down the road if you are truly still disappointed with the result once all the swelling inflammation is gone & your body grows to accept the implant placement.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited April 2017

    Thank you, Minus Two. I know I read somewhere it's about two months but you know after being in TE's for so long I just want something close to normal.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited April 2017

    Molly, my revision for CC was almost five weeks ago. I'm still wearing a sports type support bra. Mine are starting to settle, i.e., drop and fluff a bit. They were very close together in the front right after the surgery and now are drifting apart some. Give yours time. Best wishes.


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2017

    Molly, I know it's been a long road for you, and not so long for me. But as women who have lost parts of our bodies it is only natural to want the best possible results after what we have endured. The lengthy journey is hard, but we are blessed to have sisters who have gone before us to encourage and guide us! You have been so patient and helpful to others here, I just wanted to let you know I am rooting for you, praying for you, for the continued patience and peace as you recover from your exchange.

    I'm going for my exchange Tuesday, April 25. I thank you for voicing your concerns and Minus2Two & Scottiemom1, thank you for your response to Molly. I can't imagine how lost I would be without all these wonderful ladies, my sister's I never had as the only girl with 11 brothers!!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited April 2017

    Shoregirl, I will be in your pocket for Tuesday. I am very excited for you. I want to thank all of you for your encouraging posts. I just needed to get through a couple days of being discouraged. Shoregirl, you are right. It's been such a long journey and I did so well not missing my breasts until it hit me that this stage is permanent. This is going to be me for a long time. In the scheme of things it shouldn't be a big deal but some days I don't recognize my own body. You are all so wonderful.

  • heartfull
    heartfull Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    Hi all, getting ready for my exchange this Friday! So happy! Just one problem, my insurance has refused to pay for the fat grafting. Tried an appeal, but it was turned down. Has anyone had the exchange without the fat grafting?

  • candles1
    candles1 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2017
    heartfull, did the insurance company say why the fat grafting was denied? I'm looking into fat grafting myself since my implants have didn't occur to me that the procedure might not be covered. Is it commonly declined??
  • heartfull
    heartfull Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    My insurance is Medical Mutual. They seem to be one of the few that decline the procedure. They are calling the procedure "experimental." I think over insurance companies are on board with the importance and do cover it. I hope your insurance company covers it for you. I'm just worried about getting the exchange and how it will look without the fat there a lot of rippling for you?

  • candles1
    candles1 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2017
    Heartfull, I had a one step, direct-to-implant reconstruction over the muscle. One side does have visible rippling at the top (so, yes, visible in low cut attire). I could live with it, but I'd prefer to try to fix it. Over the muscle implants are more likely to ripple, although I highly recommend the procedure overall if that's what you are doing.

    Maybe you won't ripple at all...fingers crossed. My PS would not have done the fat grafting right away in any event. I was told that it's better to wait for the swelling to subside so you can see all the areas that need it (if any). In my case, I initially thought the rippling was so tiny that I'd ignore it. Now, two months later, the rippling is indeed deeper and more widespread than originally appeared. So, maybe there's a benefit to waiting anyway? Do you've have the opportunity to switch to another insurer in a few months' time?
  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited April 2017

    Heartfull, I didn't have fat grafting with my original exchange, I had it over a year later with nipple reconstruction. But it was covered by my health insurance.

  • heartfull
    heartfull Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    leslienva and candles1, thank you both for your information. It sounds like it will be alright to wait and get the fat grafting later if needed. It really does make sense to wait and see how things settle in. I also thought it would be great to switch insurance if possible, but not for a year or so. Maybe before that time my current insurance will see the importance of the fat grafting for women! :) Either way I am soo excited about getting the implants put in on Friday! I hear the surgery is easier than the original BMX. What do you guys think? Did you have to wear a bra immediately after the surgery? Thank you again for your information and support! :)

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited April 2017

    Heartful. . .I had both my EX and my revision for CC done without fat grafting. I did have lipowithout fat grafting with original EX and insurance covered that. New PS said no fat grafting needed when I asked about it this time and he was right.

    Best wishes for getting your squishies on Friday. FYI I am still in a sports bra 5 weeks out from revision. That depends on PS I think.


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2017

    Its official, exchange surgery 11:25a.m tomorrow along with "dog ear revisions." I will have drains. Any other ladies have drains with exchange? I'm guessing it's because of the dog ears, not sure though. My PS is bringing a range of sizes from 400cc to 475cc in the Inspira smooth round high profile and ultra high profile. I have to trust his judgement. I will be a little smaller than my natural 36D -DD, but I'm ok with that. I just don't want them too far apart!

    I will report back when able!!! Yay!!!!

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited April 2017

    Heartful, the exchange was a lot easier than the mastectomy. I had drains, but they were only for about a week. My PS felt drains help with healing.I did wake up in a surgical bra but could switch to a sports bra after a few days. Some women don't even need fat grafting. I had a "dent" under my collar bone that I wanted filled, which is why I opted for the grafting later.

    Good luck on Friday! I'm sure you'll do great!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited April 2017

    It's been 1 year 3 months since my exchange. Overall, I am very happy. I have some areas of "volume loss" as my BS calls it, and some rippling as well. But since I look fine in my clothes, I am hesitant for any more surgery.

    However, in the last few weeks I have noticed that I can feel the top of my implant poking up from under the muscle at the top of my left breast. It is uncomfortable.

    This is the Natrelle 410 implant.


    I made an appointment for next to discuss options.
    Has anyone had their implant move?

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited April 2017

    Shoregirl: I had drains both with BMX and EX. That is standard procedure for my PS.

    Best wishes for your EX tomorrow. I'll be in your pocket as well.


  • heartfull
    heartfull Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    Leslienva ,scottiemom11 thank you for the information and good wishes! I am so happy to know that the grafting can be done later! I'm glad to know that the surgery will be easier! :) I think I better check into a sports bra! All of your good wishes mean so much! Thank you!! :)

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2017

    mominator, heartful, shoregirl, it has been over 2 years since ex. I also have the Natrelle 410. I didn't have fat grafting and don't expect to need it. Mine have not moved. I woke up in surgical bra and ace bandage. Had that for a week, no drains. After that sports bra 24/7 for at least 6 weeks. I wore one for over a year. I love them and with my professional 3D nipples, they are complete! It takes quite a while for them to look good and feel like they are not foreign objects. Be patient and srep away from the mirror. Blessings, Robin

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2017

    Mominator, I have had my 410's since last June. I recently had it confirmed that Righty rotated 30 degrees. That, along with other issues including rippling, has prompted me to seek a revision and switch to smooth rounds.

    Hope you get your issue resolved quickly and easily... and to your satisfaction!


  • heartfull
    heartfull Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    robinblessed54, thank you for the good information! I am also thinking about the 3D nipple (I only need one as nipple sparing on one breast). It sounds like your surgery went great and hopefully ours will too! Do you have any recommendations for a good sports bra?

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2017

    I'm sort of in the same boat. Very petite, under 100 lbs, and not looking for larger breast implants. I'm barely a A now, so being a full A would be fine, but when I met with a PS, he said he didn't even have an implant close to that size that I could see. If you come across any info, would you share? And I'll do the same.

  • eemaxx
    eemaxx Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2017

    Hi everyone, I just got home from the hospital after my exchange surgery this morning and all went well. The Dr went with Natrelle implants and they already feel better than the tissue expanders! I am only having a little pain at the incisions, but no muscle pain. This is SO much better than the double mastectomy pain (which felt like an elephant sitting on my chest). I am wearing the cute pink bra with the hooks on it for the drain on each side. Dr. said drains will probably come out on Monday. Hooray! So to everyone awaiting your exchange, it is definitely much easier! I took a Percocet before I left the hospital and will take one before bed. I also have an antibiotic to take since I have drains. Glad to be done!

  • heartfull
    heartfull Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2017

    eemaxx, so glad that you took the time to write this! My exchange is Friday and I am happy to hear how yours went! I bet it is hard to imagine how different it feels to have the expanders out since we sort of get used to a level of uncomfortable! LOL! Sending you big hugs and thanks for your update! Take care and rest up! :)

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited April 2017

    Welcome to the squishy side eemaxx! Good news, my left implant is finally softening up!

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited April 2017

    eemaxx....I'm glad it went so well! Thanks for posting. My exchange is 3 weeks from today and your post made me smile and gave me a little more patience.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2017

    heartfelt, sorry I didn't address the bra question. I found that the Fruit of the loom front hook bra was the most comfortable. I got them in a two pack at Wal Mart. Very inexpensive. I am very happy with my implants and definitely easier than the BMX. I took 2 weeks off but could have gone back in 1. Follow your PS instructions to the "T". It will pay off and you will get good results. I forget if you mentioned it or not, but what kind of implants are you getting? Take care and best of luck.


  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited April 2017

    Hearfull, I think I used the Fruit of the Loom front hook bras and also the Jockey zip up bras. My PS recommended the Genie front zip bra but I bought two and both of them broke the first or second time I used them! The zippers weren't very sturdy.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2017

    Hi ladies! I copied and pasted this from another thread as various people wanted to hear my experience. Surgery went well, ended up not using drains, THANK GOD!!! Funny thing was, the day of my BMX I was barely nervous. But when I got to preop for the exchange I had major butterflies!! I was so nervous!! The nurse said it was PTSD, remembering the BMX and how hard it was.

    My new boobs look really good though!! Smaller than TEs, which were 475cc. My Inspira smooth rounds are 470cc. I had him move them a little bit closer together. He raised them up a little bit too. I'm probably a C cup, not sure as I am wearing a compression bra. The bandages have not come off yet. PS said I can take a shower after 48 hours which is today. I may take one tonight or wait till tomorrow morning.

    Now we must remember everyone is DIFFERENT, and some people tolerate things better than others. That being said, I Had a LOT of post op pain!! More than I expected! Everyone told me ahead of time that this was a piece of cake compared to the BMX. That being said I didn't think I would need as powerful a pain killer as I did following BMX. I requested Percocet instead of Dilaudid for the exchange. That proved to a BAD idea!! 10 mg percocet, I took two of them along with Valium 5mg and I might as well have taken a sugar pill!! Did NOTHING for the pain so I didn't sleep the 1st night.

    I called the doctor the next morning and they wrote me a prescription for Dilaudid which I filled and got relief, but still very SORE. I almost feel like I should have stayed in the hospital a day or 2. Remember, I spent 4 days in the hospital after my BMX instead of the expected 1 night.

    The implants are definitely softer but I can't really tell too much as it so fresh and raw, I don't want to push on them. It's a stinging, burning, aching and throbbing pain. My sternum hurts because he had to loosen the stitches to bring them closer together. And strangely my ribs hurt too! My incisions are along the IMF but extend past my armpit to get rid of the "dogears". Now that it's been 48 hours I would say the pain is localized to the IMF incisions and the sideboob. Sternum pain has eased up.

    I asked my PS again prior to the surgery about nipple reconstruction. He was adamant that I would be wasting my time and going through extra pain and recovery needlessly as they would flatten out in a year.

    He said Vinny charges $1000 per nipple for 3D tattoos and It's a six-month waiting period and when you go, instead of Vinny doing it, his daughter does it. I don't know, I guess I'll just have the PS do my 3D tats. I will ask to see pictures of their work. If I get them and can't stand it, I will save up for Vinny.

    I have time to think about it. I would love to find pictures of gals that had nip recon over a year ago and see how they look after a year has gone by. Maybe my PS is wrong and the nips may shrink some but at least have a little "bump". If any one knows of women who have had nip recon and are pleased with the results after a year please let me know!!