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Exchange City



  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2017

    Thank you for the update Shoregirl, so happy you had a successful exchange. See my PS tomorrow for my 12 week follow up. I have TCX 800 and it is already starting to sag some... thought it was just me, so "happy" to hear you say the same. For me the sag isn't as troublesome as I still have my natural right side and it does have a sag ;-) so this makes me more even. I can basically look okay in a bra and so plan to wait until 6-9 months to decide about additional surgery.

    Take care these next few days and then you will be good to go! TT

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2017

    Sitti, Scrafgal, Irwells, and TT.....thank you for your prayers!! I do feel so blessed to have found this ps. She is 2-3 yrs younger than my daughter! And gorgeous, could be a model. But she is also very humble and sweet. Boy, I wrote a BOOK last night on this thread, all medicated up lol!! But seriously, today I do feel a bit more sore at the lipo sites but all in all a lot less pain than I was expecting. Ps said I can do another round of fg later. She said I could have it done in her office. Has anyone here had fg in an office setting instead of OR?

    One benefit I absolutely love with this boobs are nice and warm now because she covered the implants w/fat. No more icy, clammy implants. Mine are pre-pec. I don't know if sub pec has the same issue of implants feeling cold. So I do recommend asking if your ps will put fat over the surface of your implants if the cold bothers you.

    Sitti, I had a male ps at first, and he, like yours had great bedside manner. But I detected a bit of arrogance and he was kind of dismissive toward me. When I told him my implant had turned over backwards he glossed over it, said it just looks different because swelling was going down. Wanted me to "watch it" for 6 weeks. Then he said he would only put fat along the upper and medial edges of the implants. I tell you, having the fat placed over the entire pre pec implant makes such a difference! Way more natural looking and as I said nice and warm. If you and your ps are not on the same page, don't hesitate to look for another more forward thinking ps. At the end of the day, it's our bodies The ps work for us and if they can't/won't do a procedure you want because they don't know how they shouldn't have a problem with you looking for one who does it.

    TT and Lynae, how did it go at the dr today?


  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited December 2017

    Heather I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well. We shall chat soon, I’m still torn about what to do

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2017

    Shoregirl I am so happy for you! That is wonderful news!! So glad you are doing well and your PS sounds amazing!! I wish i had a woman and sometimes think about switching!!

    So I saw my PS & he looked at my breast and felt the area on the side of the breast under the armpit and said it looked and felt fine and that they are still settling and it takes months and not to worry they look I told him my right one feels fine and i do not notice any movement at all inside but my left I feel alot of movement with the implant and it hurts a bit on the side of my breast under the arm and feels hard & he replied that is normal.

    Sooo my question to you ladies is it normal? Did you all feel movement in your chest from implants especially when bending down or trying to lay towards your side or even just walking and raising an arm some? Maybe my right one has already settled in which is why I feel nothing & he is right but sometimes he dismisses my concerns. He wants me to come back Dec 28 to do my nipples.

    I also need ideas on a good support bra with zipper in front...he did say I need more support to push them to the middle more. I have tried kohls, walmart & target front zipper sports bras and all horrible foe me. I am prob a 38-40 C cup.

    Let me know your thoughts ladies....I am so glad I have yall & we all are going through this together!!

    Again so happy for you Shoregir!!! :-)

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2017

    Shoregirl, so glad it went well! Your PS sounds great!

    Lynae, I don't have the sensations you describe. But I always have a bra on, except when showering-not sure if that matters.

    Here are the zip-front bras I bought which are pretty comfy:

    However, my PS said exactly what yours said--I need to get more of a "Push-up" type bra that pushes them towards the middle. He said not an underwire, but something that pushes them towards the middle, so that the pocket (in the middle area of chest) doesn't close up before healing. He suggested going to Nordstrom for a bra fitting. I wish I hadn't already used up my insurance referral for a bra/Nordstrom fitting, but the one I bought earlier through that was a post-surgical camisole which I no longer need. So, back to Nordstrom I go, this weekend!

    Also, he told me that after 6 weeks I can start doing things like yoga and pushups!! He said I should start slowly and build up. I was glad to hear this, but it's also inconsistent with what the nurses in the group told me which is no weight > 15 lbs until 3 months! I wish they woudl just give a consistent message; it's hard to know what to do. I think I will be cautious and go slowly, although I need to start taking the garbage bins out to the curb b/c my husband travels so much.

    Happy almost Friday everyone.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited December 2017

    Lynae - standard wisdom is that healing is 3-6 months. You are just 30 days out. It's so hard to be patient, but I would walk away from the mirror. I'd also wait at least another month or two before nipples.

    Since you're in Houston, the Nordstroms at the Galleria has bra fitters who are trained especially for breast cancer patients. They will set up an appointment for you ahead of time. I had a very good experience there. I just had to remember not to buy a bunch of bras since my shape was still changing.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited December 2017

    lynae, yes, Minustwo is right. You need to wait. You already experienced the outcome of doing too much. Listen to your body. Both Minus and I have the 410 anatomical implants so what we experience is slightly different but the instructions to limit what you lift is the same. I wore a bra 24/7 for almost a year because it felt better with support.

    Take it easy and let your body heal.

    Blessings, Robin

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited December 2017

    Just left PS office for my 12 week post op...officially released from any further follow up appointments from the Sept exchange surgery...yeah!!!

    The nurse assistant was weird when I was brought back to the room..."so you asked to be seen by the doctor?" given my problems at exchange I am really glad not to have to go back there...I was like, no the doctor asked me to come in for a post op follow up!

    I still have a spot the size of a quarter of lingering "bruise" really old dehydrated bruise that my body is taking its own sweet time to reabsorb! Very faint dark spot but given I am a very fair Irish decent person, you can see it. PS said even if it does leave a permanent "stain" it is where I would be placing a nipple, so it would be covered up...not that he would be performing that procedure, but I have kept my own council on that!

    I look okay in a bra, 38D which works for my 5'8" 190 lb frame, although without a bra, the implant and my native R breast are in opposite corners of the ring!

    Happy December! TT

  • xxxgggyyy
    xxxgggyyy Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2017

    Hello - I'm new here. I'm researching whether to have a textured tear drop shape implant (which would match my native breast better), or a smooth round one. My PS told me of the very tiny risks associated with textured implants, but the statistics seem to be so tiny that I'm inclined not to worry. Am I being naïve?

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2017

    Thank you ladies! I am feeling so much better w/this post-op recovery than I did for my exchange in April. I get a sharp twinge of pain in my side where ps took fat if I move wrong. Question.....of those that had lipo to the flanks or abdomen, did your belly swell like its bloated? Mine is so bloated I can't suck it in. I now have a pot belly lol. I don't know if its from the lipo or the anesthesia, but I didn't have a bloated belly after my other surgeries so I am thinking it is from lipo.

    Lynae, I definitely had issues with my implant sliding toward the middle when laying on my side. They never moved toward my armpit, just toward center and of course, flipping over backwards. When I bent over, I could feel them hanging off my chest. If you feel like your ps is dismissing your concerns and they are valid, maybe you could get a 2nd opinion? As for bras, I was going to suggest Nordstom as well. But I would wait till your swelling is gone.

    Minute, I would be inclined to heed the nurses advice, they are more about healing where the surgeon is all about well, surgery. And listen to your body. Maybe start w/physical therapy that is geared toward breast reconstruction.

    TT, congrats on being released!! Woo hoo!!! Have you tried Arnica for the bruise? Also bromelain/quecertain supplements are good for healing bruises. Or just do like I do and eat pineapple a couple times a day every day!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited December 2017

    XGY x3, I have the textured teardrop Allergan 410 gummies. I wouldn’t worry, they are very safe. And if you follow your PS post op care, they will adhere to your pocket and not rotate. They are more static than the smooth rounds, but I am very happy with mine. PM me anytime


  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited December 2017

    The current stats are that about 1 in 4000 will develop ALCL. Seeing as I have an autoimmune disease that only 300 people in the US have, I did not like those statistics. I had my 410's and the capsules removed and replaced with smooth rounds. You of course will likely be fine, and only you can decide if you want to take that tiny chance.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited December 2017

    XXX - I also have Allergan 410 anatomical, textured implants. I got them in 2011 when they were only available on a research trial basis before full FDA approval. I've been very happy with them. My PS is the head of plastic surgery at a major medical center & one of the early experts. He does not feel I will have a problem.

    I've seen quite a bit of conversation on BCO about washing the cavity with Betadyne before implanting and supposedly that further lessens the chance of infection. You don't indicate where you are located or if you are at a major medical center. Anatomical implants require a surgeon with lots of experience since the pocket has to be precise. Maybe your doc meets those criteria.

  • xxxgggyyy
    xxxgggyyy Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2017

    Thank you Robinbless and MinusTwo for your info.

    MinusTwo: yes, I’m at one of the finest facilities in the world.

    This has all been quite a shock to me, but I’m getting through it well

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2017

    re zip up bras, I got a nice cotton one at JC penny, and also at

  • Dafne
    Dafne Member Posts: 35
    edited December 2017

    Girls, please keep me in your prayers. Monday morning I'll go for my pre-operation tests and Friday is exchange date.

    Also, thank you all for thoughts and prayers and words of encouragement. I thought a lot about postponing the surgery for later next year, but to be honest the thought just adds to anxiety and frustration. Also, and I don't remember if I mentioned it in any of my previous posts, my ps had a rough time himself earlier on September, as he got diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo surgery, thankfully no chemo or radiation. Last time we talked he told me his family is now pressuring him to retire. He is not old enough to retire, but certainly he can afford it (financially speaking), and he said he's not ready yet but he is giving it some serious thought. I would hate to see him go and have to deal with a new surgeon I won't even know. It might be sound silly to let that possibility freak me out, I know any other surgeon can perform my exchange surgery and all, but it's just too much emotionally and psychologically. I can't stand losing another thing that makes me feel somehow comfortable and safe if you know what I mean.

    There are no real developments on the apartment issue yet, but the real estate agent will come next week to take photos of it so she can upload them. We also talked about the possibility of renewing our contract for just one year, but under the mutual understanding that whenever he finds a buyer we'll have to go in a month's notice. I didn't get a positive yes, but he didn't sound negative either. In any case, Christmas time is not that great for selling properties, so I guess I'm winning some time here.

    Some bc sisters here asked me in pm why I'm not getting any financial support and benefits.

    There is some sort of financial aid for cancer patients and survivors here in Greece, but not everybody gets it. Someone has to make the application (and pay for it), gather all the medical papers and reports and biopsies and all and go through a medical board where you get evaluated. During evaluation time they check your papers and all and they also examine you physically. I have applied for the test and went through the evaluation session. I lost count of how many times I've raised my blouse and show my tits back when I had them, and after the surgeries, but it was the first time I felt so humiliated while I was in front of the medical board. Them sitting behind a long desk, me sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, a guy doc next to me showing and pointing and touching. I can't even describe the feeling and putting into words. They saw the scars and all, they agreed with the diagnosis of mild lymphedema and frozen shoulder syndrome on my right side, and sent me home to wait for the results. A couple of months later I got a paper stating my application was rejected. For them I was "cured", since I had the mastectomy. A friend doctor of mine who takes part in those boards regularly, told me it was a long shot and they might have accept it in the case i had NOT performed the mastectomy, but was in pre-surgery chemo.

    Lyphedema and frozen shoulder, the fact that I can't raise or rotate my arm, that I can't get dressed, wash hair, perform everyday activities, lift weights, the fact that I can't type easily anymore, and surely not as fast as before and I'm unable to keep up with the demands and deadlines of my previous work as a translator did not add up for much. Not the fact that my husband is now working part time due to severe economical crisis in Greece. I told them all that, although they answered me that it was irrelevant with my medical case. Yes, I know those info were irrelevant, but I just had to let them know. Well, either way, this did not work.

    Some bc sisters on a facebook group I'm a long time member, advised me to start a crowdfunding page with the hope to raise some money towards the new apartment cost and the moving process. I didn't even know what a crowdfunding thing was. Either way, with their help I found quite a few relevant sites and I spend a couple of nights reading on it, so I could understand how this thing works.

    At the end I set up a personal campaign, explaining how things are, and sending the url to any close friend I have and some facebook friends I know way back, in short anyone I thought I could trust with it.

    I don't hope for much with this campaign, and it's not like I m a socialite having a bunch of followers on facebook and social media, but I had to give it a shot, I don't have anything to lose.

    That's all for now, girls, please keep me in your prayers. All the best to all of you. I'll update with how my exchange surgery went when I can.


  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2017

    Daphne, you are in my prayers! You are right, Christmas around the corner is probably going to give you some time w/the apartment issue. And I definitely understand not wanting to find a new ps at this point. The medical board sounds terrible!! The silver lining in this is that its exchange surgery and not the mastectomy. You should bounce back and recover much quicker. God bless you, give you perfect peace, a solution to the dilemma and quick healing.

    Hugs, Shoregirl

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited December 2017

    Ladies! There's nothing like work to make the days fly by! I've been trying to follow three different threads here, and it was getting out of control:)

    So, after my fantastic Thanksgiving, I started working and it is going well so far. I am feeling more energy each day, and I am finally sleeping well more consistently. I think that it just takes time, from all the chemo. I am a few days past 3 months from my last dose. I am working out consistently, although my PS still won't let me do Pilates. I am doing cardio on my Elliptical and walking. That is probably helping with sleep, mood and everything else.

    XXXGGGYYY...Welcome! I have smooth implants so I can't be of any help regarding textured implants, but it sounds like the right ladies have responded to your question.

    Dafne, the road has been rough but I am glad that you finally have a surgery date this Friday! One day at a time! I think that you are correct in thinking that the holiday will buy you more time. It is the season for miracles!

    Lynae, I am glad that you PS thinks that all is well. I have not had the same sensations that you are describing, but I am sure that everyone is different. My PS told me to start massaging my implant to hasten the softening and dropping. I think that the massages are working. Meanwhile, I second MinusTwo's sentiments about getting fitted at Nordstrom. I got fitted and NEVER would have known my true size without a measurement. Believe it or not it was quite crowded in the fitting room so I guess that I am happy that it seemed that all of the women there were different sizes--no need to compete for my size in any single style:) When I need to wear a zip up sport bra, I have some champions that I bought at Target. For now, they seem to do the job.

    Shoregirl, I had fat grafting from my thighs, so no bloating but major bruising. The bruising seems all but gone now! I am 4.5 weeks from surgery and I can honestly say that this is the first time since my MX/TE surgery in early February that I am not constantly aware of something in my chest. I am no longer getting any evening swelling that I had just after the surgery. So, things are good right now.

    I hope that everyone continues to move along well!

  • Dafne
    Dafne Member Posts: 35
    edited December 2017

    Well, guess who's having her surgery postponed once again.

    Yep, that would be me.

    Yesterday went for my pre-operative tests and when I met ps he told me confidentially that last 3 weeks exchange surgery patients come off with high fever that's been lasting for days, making them keep the ladies for at least 10 days each. They had a board meeting and discussed about it, they think it's some kind of bacteria in the operating room environment and he is not willing to let me go with the surgery at this point. I don't know how they will deal with the bacteria thing, I guess they will shut down the operating room for a couple of days and disinfect it somehow, but he wants to be sure. He left the choice to me, saying if it's urgent for you to go and do it now I will do it, but I don't want you to risk it for no reason.

    I decided not to.

    So we ll see what happens after new year. Maybe it's for the best. Don't know anymore.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited December 2017


    So sorry to hear about this!!!  Although it is awful to think about the women who've been hospitalized, I think that it is a blessing that they found out about the potential for the bacteria prior to your surgery. Understanding how much you really wanted to move forward, given your circumstances, I still would have made the same decision that you made, if I were in your shoes. Take a deep breath and try to feel relieved that your doctor might have spared you from more misery later.

    Try to have a blessed holiday season and look forward to the new year and health surgery!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited December 2017

    Hey, guys:

    Quick question. What are the post-mastectomy bras insurance covers called for the PS to write a prescription? Mine did not know what to write and I can't recall what it's called. I'm about set to go (three months post Exchange) in next month or so. Heading to Nordstrom based on lovely advice here!

    THANKS. And happy holidays everyone!

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2017

    We set the date! March 29. That is the Thursday before Good Friday and that gives me Spring Break week to recover. I’m nervous but excited to get this done. I am hoping to be able to enjoy my break and hope the surgery goes well and recovery isn’t too bad. I meet with my PS in Feb to talk about implants, so I am soaking in everything you all are talking about. I have tons of questions for him.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited December 2017

    Glad to hear It, TaRenee!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2017

    Dafne, while disappointing to have to endure another delay, I agree with Scrafgal that it is such a blessing you were warned and spared the chance of a bacterial infection.

    TaRenee, congrats on setting a date!!

    Eastcoast, I am interested in the info re insurance coverage for Nordstom bra as well. There may be another thread we could find the info.

    I had my one week post op yesterday, drains removed. What a relief! I am def still sore from the fg but my energy is great and I am healing well.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited December 2017

    This "Bra's 101" thread is not particularly active but has lots of good information about bra choices. Somewhere in this thread is the billing code for insurance that your doc needs to list on the prescription. I'm not good at computer searches, but someone that is could likely find it here. I know I have an old script somewhere and will try to track it down.

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2017

    Thank you all for your input. I definitely need to check Nordstrom's out and they have one in the Woodlands Mall close to my home. I did find a pretty good 18 hour Playtex bra that snaps in front that I like as well. I had to try on 10 of them to find one that fit ha. Apparently I am a B cup or maybe a bit smaller then the C I wanted as well haha...we will see what Nordstrom says when I go get fitted. I used to be a D cup. My PS just does not seem to listen to me and my gut tells me to get another opinion. I still have this hard almost lump like area on the side of my breast where I think something is not quite right and it bothers me. He said it is fine and still "settling". It is not the appearance at all that concerns me - I understand that will continue to change. It is how it feels in that area that bothers me. Again, he just said "oh it is fine, just give it time". My other side feels fine and pretty I do not think all is fine. I changed my health benefits for 2018 where I can go to any PS so I may just do that in January. He told me again that I need to schedule my nipple recon for Dec 28th...I do feel that is too soon? Thoughts? He said the areola tattoo comes later. I may postpone that as well if I change PS. My PS does good work BUT I need someone who will "listen" and seem to be interested in how I am feeling and what I want. Right?

    Dafne, I am soooo sorry to hear about your delay. Wow that is so scary about the bacteria possibly causing all of those problems. As scrafgal said it may be a blessing you did not go in there for your surgery. Hugs & prayers for you :)

    Scrafgal-I am so happy for you. Man you sound like you are doing and I are on the same time line pretty much but I definitely still feel something in my breast - especially the side with the issue ha. My other one feels pretty good, just tight but no biggy. If my left one would just do the same I would be okay. All of my swelling and bruising is gone from my fat grafting in my hips..they definitely look a bit better as well. I am just taking it one day at a time. I am still getting out and enjoying life to the fullest. We had a wonderful time in Canada playing in the snow with my 9 year old son. We leave this weekend for a quick trip for my husband to graduate with his doctorate in GA and then driving to Orlando to go to Universal Studios to see it all decorated for Christmas. My son loves Harry Potter and my husband and I feel like big kids too when we go. It will be fun :)

    Happy Holidays ladies...hugs to you all :)

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited December 2017


    I am not trying to alarm you, at all, when I say that I think that you should get a second opinion on your concerns. I just think that we all have enough to worry about, in general, so if we can alleviate some of that stress with a second opinion, why not?  I love my entire medical team, but I ask A LOT of questions--always have!  I told them, upfront, that while I trust them, it is my tendency to do my own research and to be sure that all aspects of my care have been considered.  I literally told one that while I feel that I am getting the very best care available, I feel that no one cares more about my life than me.  No one thinks about my health and body more than me.  So, for that reason, I will continue to ask questions, remind them of the specifics of my case and in general, remain proactive and engaged in my own care.  Each of my doctors responded well to this declaration.  So, in the end, getting a second opinion does not signal lack of trust in your doctor.  Any great doctor will simply see this as a sign that you are an engaged patient.

    Sorry if that sounded preachy. I just think that, at times, the greatness of our medical teams can intimidate us from seeking second opinions. Things get overlooked and mistakes happen, even at the best institutions.  Again, not trying to scare you.  I just want to encourage you to get the second opinion.  If everything really is fine, the it would not be a waste of time.  It would make you feel SO MUCH better, right?

    Have fun in GA and FL!  I can't wait for my vacation in New Mexico during the week of Christmas and through New Year's Day!  I return on Jan 1 and then start teaching the very next day....I want every last minute of vacation!

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2017

    Thanks Scrafgal- I agree 100%. Has your PS scheduled your nipple recon yet or are you having it soon? Just curious what all the other PS out there are saying as far as the timeline for doing that.

    I know you are ready for your vacation coming up! I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute of it!!! I will say for me after being diagnosed, I definitely take more time to really stop and enjoy myself when on vacation more so than ever! Life is so precious and we have to enjoy every moment :) Have a WONDERFUL time!!!

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited December 2017


    My PS has recommended that we wait a few months, until the implant settles, before making any additional moves.  If I need a revision of any sort, he sees that as the next step. Mostly, this is because I had a unilateral mastectomy.  So, getting things aligned is more challenging.  The nipple needs to be done last, after all shifting is presumed over, or else the nipples won't be aligned. My next appointment with my PS is in mid-March.  At that point, we'll know whether I need a revision and, if so, will schedule that for May or June.  With a bilateral MX, it might not matter as much.  However, I would think that it might still be better to have the implants settled first.  I've often heard that 6 months is about the average time to wait.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited December 2017

    Oh...and I decided that I am going to have the nipple tattoo done vs. nipple reconstruction....