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Exchange City



  • warrior
    warrior Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2009

    I seem to be the only person that was told to wear UNDERWIRE bras.  He said that it will help to "shape" them and bring them to where they are supposed to be.  Are underwire bras normally supposed to be a bad thing for the new boobs? hmmmm

  • mooma
    mooma Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2009

    Oh, you girls with this fluffing thing are making me nervous!!!  My exchange is Monday and I am more nervous about it than I ever expected to be!  I hate these expanders but sometimes I wear one of those front closure sports bras from Walmart and I actually look really good!  Now hearing about the 'pancake' dilemma.....oh my!!

  • mooma
    mooma Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2009

    Moore Tennis....I just read your post about the dance.  I am a fan also and saw it.  My husband and I both sat there and cried throughout the whole dance.  I told him, to me that represents him catching me holding me and carrying me through this devastating journey.  He lost a loved one when he was much younger, in a tragic car accident and became a nurse after that.  He has such a big heart and I am very blessed to have found such a man.  For those of you who didn't get to see it you can see it on you tube.  It's a 'have to see'.....but get your tissue ready!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    OK... NOW I have to go watch the dance......

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2009

    MooreTennis - I didn't see the dancing show, but it sounds VERY touching!

    Deborah - Thanks - I knew I could count on you!

    Drop and Fluff sounds nice, but I don't think it is going to happen w/me. My PS tells me that I am too active. But that's okay, I don't mind hamburger buns. They are bigger and perkerier than the real me!

    KEW - Move?!? As if you haven't been through enough this year! I am sorry. I will be thinking of you. And yes, you HAVE NOT had a vacation!! Hugs my dear!

    Patty (Pmellon) - My PS did not have me wear the surgical bra very long, no more than a week. And even when I did the bra she uses is soft and elastic, so I am sorry to say that I haven't had any of the issues you are discussing. But I suggest you call your PS to ask about it, the symptoms do not sound normal.

    Jan1 - Sounds like our PS's are of similar minds. My favorite "bra" is an elastic thing from EMS that is wicking and soft and w/o any metal or other parts. Before my implants they did nothing to create shape, w/ the implants I don't need anything to create shape. So that's fine w/ me!

    Lynn (greytmom_17) - I am so happy for you! I am doing the happy dance! End of September it will be!!!

    Laura (Estepp) - Unfortunately my PS told me that my implants will stay tight and not bounce. She says it is because I am active and have tight pectoral muscles. Not what I had hoped for, but I am okay w/ it. I imagine yours are achy because you just had your surgery, that will certainly get better. Mine do not bother me these days at all.

    Bobbi - I loved your massaging quote. Sometimes I find myself massaging when I am walking my dog on the bike path. Sure hope there are no spies lingering there. Whatever will they think!

    SimoneJ - I am so sorry about your expander experience. Do you have confidence in your PS? Did he/she come recommended? If so, then all will most likely work out for the best. My expanders were not particularly nice looking or comfortable.

    Mooma - Do you know the link to watch the Dancing with Stars program you are all discussing?

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    THank Jean... :)..

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009
  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    Laura, before my exchange, my PS told me I'd have nice jiggle.  I'm still waiting for that.  Even a shimmy only moves my shoulders.  I actually feel almost as firm as the expanders.  I don't know if that will change or not.  It could be coz of the smaller size?

    Mykidsmom and Bobbi, the visual of you walking on the bike path and driving around while massaging is just too funny. 

    Thanks Deborah and Laura and (sorry I don't remember) someone else in regard to the undissolved suture.  I hope that's all it is.  I just had a UA and a bunch of blood work for the surgery and nothing points to infection.  I hope that's all it is.

  • misty123
    misty123 Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2009

    dani42 - thanks for the feedback on our implants, I can't believe we are the only two on the board with these implants.

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2009

    Here's a link to the Breast Cancer Dance :

    It's very moving so get the kleenex ready.


  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2009

    Kew- Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with moving. Moving can be so stressful especially when you have to keep a house clean with a bunch of kids messing it up. I hope that it goes smoothly for you.

    pmellon- Is it possible that the bra band has some laxex to it and that you may be allergic to it?

    whippetmom- That VS Angels bra is so pretty. I think I'll look into treating myself to one of those. I don't know why my 19 year old daughter has all the pretty bras in the house and I have none? After all of this, I need to have pretty bras, too!!

    Greytmom17- Congrats on getting your exchange date. I got mine this week too, and it felt so good to write it on the calendar.

    Firni- I hope that the hole turns out to be just a stitch. You said that your new bra size is a 38 B. What size did you measure under your braline? I guess I have a wide back. Mine measures a 33.5 so my PS says that HP implants are out of the question. I'm going to call him tomorrow and ask if I can have the moderate plus at least. I don't want hamburger buns. I hate hamburgers!!!

    I had an interesting trip to the gynocologist for my routine check up. He came into the room and asked me if I had any medical changes in the past year that he should know about? I said, "you mean besides having breast cancer and a bilateral mastectomy. " His face almost fell on the ground. I guess my BS never bothered to send him any reports. Needless to say, he apologized a million times and planned on making a call to my surfeons office.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited July 2009

    Mine do not jiggle when I am walking, jumping or any kind of movement like that  but I can make them jiggle using my hand.  I can make them really move around a lot....

    I also massage while driving down the road.  Thought I was the only one.

    4greatkids,  My gyno (who I have been seeing for 22 years)  knew I was having  the bi-lat MX because I went to see him before my surgery in April '08 and when I saw him again in Feb '09 for my pap smear, he came in the room and said "how you doing" and I said pretty good considering the year I have had and he said "whats been going on" (wanted to scream) and I reminded him that I had a bi-lat mx.  Now I am really thinking of changing to a female gyno especially since I am into menopause.....

    just watched the dance-----beautiful

  • mooma
    mooma Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2009

     Link to So You Think You Can Dance....about BC

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited July 2009

    mooretennis, as I was driving to my doc appointment I called a running friend who's wife has BC.  He was telling me about the show.  Sorry to say also he shared things don't look good for his wife.  He said the docs didn't say 6 months but that's the impression he son just saw me type this and asked what it meant.  He didn't realize a person could die from breast cancer.  oh what a day I have mamo went well but the gal that didn my MRI made a few mistake.  1st she said I didn't have to remove metal below my waist so I kept my belt on and phone in pocket.  Right when they started the test I could feel something weird where my phone was.  They stopped the test and I took those things off.  Next issues with my iv, they weren't sure if the dye went in.  I told the gal I thought I felt it on the outside of my arm and once I saw the towel I knew for sure it happend.  They had me wait while sometone looked them over.  Luckly while I was waiting I found out from another nurse that is married to someone in my home town told me you can't get dye twice in a 24 hour period.  So if there is I chance I had it I better not do it.  They said the main radiologist will to a look at the results tomorrow.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited July 2009

    Linda, I am cracking up right now over your post.  "I can make them really move around a lot."  You are going to have to demonstrate how you do that for us in Las Vegas.  Maybe at the Meet and Greet Friday evening?

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    4greatkids, my bra band size is 32.5.  I use the middle hooks on the bra.  I do have HP implants.  I'm sure Deborah or Sandy can tell you about HP and chest dimensions.  I don't really know.  I do know my PS told me he wouldn't consider anything but HP for me.

    I get really frustrated with the doctors not knowing anything about me when I see them.  I don't really expect them to remember everything, but at least look at the chart a few minutes before coming into the exam room.  My onc asked my if I scheduled my annual mammogram yet.  He's the one who encouraged me to do the Bilat. MX.  My PCP took me off Welbutrine for my hot flashes a month ago coz it interacts with Tamoxifen.  Yesterday he said that after my surgery, he'd like me to try Welbutrine to help control my hot flashes.  My GYN didn't know about my cancer either.  When she saw my hair, or lack of hair, she said, well, it looks like there's been a few things going on.  She seems to be the sharpest one in my team.

    Sandy, it's a good thing someone there was paying attention.  I'm sorry about your friend's wife.  That is really hard. 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited July 2009

    Sandy.. what a day.... sorry... sounds like it was not fun... It is sad when our kids realize we could die from BC.. I am not sure mine know that yet...

    I suppose I will have to start massaging my new boobs next week... why again do we do this?

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2009

    ((Lynn))  I am so happy for you, you are so close to this big change that does make such a difference. 

    ((Firni))  how come the revision?  I can't remember why, so forgive me, I have CRS.  I had the stitch thing too and hope that your problem is easily remedied. 

    ((Deborah))  I nearly choked, but you nailed it again with the dancing boobies and the scooping thing, when you answered Lisa810.   I was trying to tell my DH about this weird thing and now I could show and describe it.  Of course I was laughing at your description so I had to play show and tell!  Deborah, My one and only Victoria's Secret bra was the Angels wireless.  It is pretty and it fit!

    ((Laura)) sounds like you are doing well and I say put the bra on see how it looks, even it you only have it on for a few minutes.  I say have a bra therapy moment!

    ((Lisa810))   Thank you,  I couldn't figure out how to describe the flex the pecs and get the scooping thing that Deborah put a name to. I am glad that you brought the subject up.  Thanks for the  name of the Warners bras that fit me the best,  "Elements of Bliss"  This bra fits the wider shaped foob and there isn't a   "reserve tip " that some other bras leave you with. 


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited July 2009

    I came here to report that I had my NP at my oncologist's office look at my "thin spots" which apparently were blister like.  I pulled my shirt up to show her, looked over to say something to my kids (who where with me) and she popped the one.  Jeez I was not happy about that and she said "oh it's fine it's clear fluid".  This all happened on yesterday well when I changed my shirt this morning I was fine but this evening the blister she popped was oozing (sorry about the details) and now there is a small hole on the incision line where the blister was.  Has anyone had this ??  I am calling my PS first thing in the morning. 

  • sherry7
    sherry7 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2009

    Then think two more fills, I had one more fill and after a year and half it is gone, wish I had had another.  Good luck.  Wish God was my well, Sherry

  • pmellon
    pmellon Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2009

    Firni and Mooma- Good luck with your procedures on Monday!

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2009

    Jan, my right implant has not dropped into the pocket like the left one has.  I have nothing in the lower pole.   PS thinks there's a lot of scar tissue in there so he's is going to get rid of the scar tissue and open up the pocket on the outside and below the breast to let that implant fall into place better.  I do have some pictures on the picture forum.  I accidentally deleted the photos at the beginning of the post, but the pictures farther down are still there.  Also, BS left the nipple on the right side.  However, he took off the bottom part of the aereola so the nipple points down and it is placed very low.  PS is going to take that nipple off and just make two new ones later in fall.

    Laura, I agree with Jan.  Try some bras on.  You won't hurt the new girls if you don't leave anything on too long.  

    Lisa, thanks for bringing up the Elements of Bliss bra by Warner.  It's agonizing trying to find a bra with a shallower, rounder cup that is also wide. 

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited July 2009

    Hi Everyone!!!!!  I am happy to say- I have a surgery date for my exchange! It is August 28th!  Can you add me to the list please???  I am about as happy as I could possibly be to do this!!! yippeee I can't wait to get these uncomfortable TE's out of me!!!

  • misty123
    misty123 Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2009

    YEAH !!!! cheri2- missed you and so happy to see you have a date....

    Hi Ladies, what vitamins are good/bad before surgery ?

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited July 2009

    Just watched the video - so moving...

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2009

    ((Firni))  Thanks for explaining, wow it sounds like there are several procedures happening, you will be in my thoughts that they are able to do all of the procedures so that you get the breasts looking similar on Monday.  Keep us posted, same with ((Mooma)) let us know how your surgery went and that you are doing well.  I am going to e-mail my PS to get my pictures so you can see the progresson from diagnosis to last week. 

    ((Jaimieh))  Holy cow!  This numbnuts PS didn't explain what the problem was before "solving" the problem by popping a blister?  The procedure may have been correct, but the PS should have explained what was going to be done and had your understanding before doing anything.  I think they used to call it bedside manner. Fill us in on the follow up appointment if you don't mind, you are in good thoughts!

    ((Cheri2))   Yippee a date for surgery, only 5 weeks away and this is awesome!  I am happy for you.

    ((Laura))  How are your eyes doing?  The pain with that?   This is on my list of things to have done, so if you don't mind sharing!  Did you put the bra on yet?  Innocent


  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2009

    Hi all,

    Just wondering what you as have been told as far as how long you have to wait between exchange surgery and nipple reconstruction/tatooing? My PS told me 3-4 months minimum. I have my exchange in about two weeks and I want ( need) to have the nipples done during this calandar year so I don't have to start that insurance deductable thing all over again. I think that I have read that some of you girls got your nipples done at the same time as the exchange. What is the thinking behind all of this?

  • malleme
    malleme Member Posts: 164
    edited July 2009


    Keep catching up on all the post.  Getting nervous about my upcoming eschange surgery, I can not stand the TE's.

    Oh can my surgery info be updated on the list it is now Aug 11th.

    My PS yesterday did another fill in my left leaking expander and I go back on Mon to see how much it's leaked again, They are back to iffy surgery but I told him just do the surgery for the implant on the 11th.

    My PS has never mentioned size, shape nothing of what my implants will be. I have my next appointment on the 4th. I am quesssing I should just demand some answers. 

    Although I don't post often you are all in my thoughts.


  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited July 2009

    Welcome back, Cheri2 - I've been thinking about you and wondering if everything's going well.  Sounds like it is!

    Yesterday I had a strange experience.  I went for a bone density scan recommended by my onc (related to the addition of zeledronic acid to tamoxifen in premenoapusal women study).  This was at an imaging center I'd never been to before.  I waited awhile in the main waiting room, then was ushered to the back "women's" area.  When the nurse handed me a gown and told me to change, I suddenly felt like I was starting to have a panic attack (though I've never had one before) - rapid heart beat, sudden chill, generalized anxiety.   It was almost like a "flashback" to when I had my  biopsy.  I went to the dressing room and did my old Lamaze breathing, and I felt better pretty quickly.  I certainly wasn't nervous about the scan, so after analyzing the situation, my conclusion is that the atmosphere of the place was just too similar to the women's center where I had my I got my dx.  Weird, huh? Anybody else ever experience something similar? This week was my 6-mo bmx anniversary, and I have been a bit of an emotional wreck this week, so maybe that's why.  Who knows...........

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited July 2009

    Greatkids - I had to wait 4 months from exchange to nipple recon so you should be able to make it this year.  The tattooing is another matter because I had 4 sessions - 2 weeks apart and starting a month after the recon.  Just finished that up 2 weeks ago.

    Malle - you need to talk about size, shape, procedure with your PS.  They should be doing this with you without your asking but get the info you need so you can do your research.  Good luck.