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Exchange City



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    Cheri:  Referable to the exchange surgery and IV insertion: You can get your IV inserted in your foot....just ask the lab tech to numb the area really good...

  • DENRulzBC
    DENRulzBC Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2009

    DENISE - Hope things go well for you today.

    CHERI - My VA sister, glad to see you!

    I had the unveiling this morning, took the bandages and the sexy surgical bra off. YIPEE!  Now I just have to wear a sports bra for 3 weeks, and start massaging on Friday.  I think I'm happy with the size, they do look a little flat - I think I now know what you mean about hamburger buns.  When I have the bra on they look pretty normal.  PS said it will take a few months for them to settle, is this the "drop and fluff" you guys talk about?   I don't know if mine are totally under the muscle or partially, I did have the Alloderm.  I am ECSTATIC that they are soft - ADIOS "boobs of steel".  I guess now I just watch and see what happens.  I think ps used the 325cc's.  I'm going to try to post pics in a couple of weeks. They're much bigger than I was before so WOOHOO for that!! Hope you all are having a good week.  I'm amazed at how much goes on here when you don't read for a day, you are all so good at keeping up.  HUGS, Dawn

  • swest
    swest Member Posts: 140
    edited August 2009

    Glad you like the girls Dawn!

    GOOD LUCK 4greatkids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    Deborah- I have a funny story about my foot!!!!  The night I was in the hospital for my bi lateral - a nurse came in to draw blood.  My husband and I were blown away- she just got to her room and is recovering from surgery and they took blood before surgery what on earth do you need blood for??? He asked- the nurse said- one of the students who were in the room got stuck by a needle and it is hospital procedure!  WHAT???!!!  You already know she is not HIV positive- nor hep positive- honestly there is no way you are sticking her in her arms as she is a lymphadema risk- he says- a resident (male about 25) then comes in and says they are going to get blood - it is hospital protocol and they have to get it.  I finally come out of my pain med coma and say- can you take it from another artery? The nurse tried my foot- nothing- tried again- nothing- called another nurse- nothing- called another nurse nothing- no one could get blood from my foot- they could get in the artery but could only get a couple of drops of blood each time.  The 25 year old big headed resident then comes in and says he will have to put in an order to get it from my groin!!!  (mind you this is the first night I am recovering from surgery and dealing with being boobless) I started hyperventilating and crying and throwing a fit!!!  I demanded for him to call my BS and I wasn't going to do anything until I spoke with her.  He came back in and sheepishly said your BS said she will take the blood in the morning that you need to rest!!! So I don't know if they can IV my foot- perhaps my veins are too small there? The next morning she took it out of where my IV was with no problems.

    Dawn- yay!!!  I am so very happy for you to have your steel out- I can NOT wait!!! BTW I am going to a different hospital this time :) 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009


    Great go girl!!!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    Cheri - Horrors!  Hospital protocol??? I don't know about your foot either then....I just know it hurt like a son-of-a-gun when she put it in my foot and later, someone asked me if she gave me a numbing agent first and I said uhhh....NOOOO!  That would have been NICE!!! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    Dawn:  We are thrilled for you and cannot wait to see photos!  Take them now so that you can compare them a week or two weeks from today to see how they have changed.

  • DENRulzBC
    DENRulzBC Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2009

    WHIPPETMOM - I'll have my dh take some pics tonight and then again next week, hopefully I can figure out how to post them or I'll be calling out for help again!! Thanks!  HUGS, Dawn

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited August 2009

    gibby - congrats on the new exchange date!  That's my b-day, so it's bound to be a great day - LOL!!

    Dawn - so happy for you!  Since we're similar in band size (at least I think I remember that) I'm interested to see how things turn out for you.  Please do post pics when you can.

    Cheri and whippetmom - the feet - yuck!!  Brings back memories of when I was hospitalized with preterm labor and on mag sulfate so they had to check blood levels every 6 hours.  They threatened to start on my feet since they were running out of veins in my arms....thankfully didn't get to that point!  Cheri- did your ps tell you why the overnight stay when most exchanges are outpatient?  Does he have a lot of pocket work to do?  Doesn't sound like much fun.....

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    VAL- Yes- he said he has a lot of pocket work to do - I switched PS's in the middle of my saline injection phase- so apparently the other guy didn't do as well as my current PS wants it to be.  Maybe he is concerned about what's going on in there since he didn't do the initial mastectomy and he wants me to be his last patient of the day (he only does 3) in case it takes longer than he can estimate.  

    Deborah- I have plenty of horror stories from that day!!!  You would cringe!!! The hospital was awful and when I switched PS's- I asked him if he practice out of that hospital and he said- no way I hate that hospital!!! DUH!  Wish I had known that it was subpar- I had my baby there 14 years ago and had a beautiful experience with that- great staff- all the way around- so I wanted to go there?!?!  I have my hospital 2 week prep with a PA at my PS office- I will ask her what she thinks they will do?!  I have read the neck artery is not good because it is easy to get infected?  I don't know that foot is an option and I hear behind the knee (the back of the leg) is very painful!!!  I guess maybe it is worth the risk of lymphadema?  My PS said to get a lymphnode massage- so I called the PT's office and there are no appts available until the Monday of my surgery! (my surgery is Friday) and then after my surgery- so hopefully that will help?!

  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2009

    Laideis, I am amazed to say that I am home already. I got there at 12:15 and my surgery started at about 1:30. The whole thing took 45 minutes. Other than my throat hurting a little when I woke up, I feel really good. I can't believe that I was in the door and out in less than 4 hours. It's hard to say how things look, but he said I can shower tomorrow. At this point, I don't care. I made it through without nausea, and the bricks are gone!! I'll update you all later. Thank you for all of your prayer and well wishes.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009

    That is wonderful news glad no nausea....I had a sore throat for several days last week.....take care

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited August 2009

    Cheri - you might check with your one of your docs - bs, ps, onc - about the lymphedema situation.  My onc told me that because I only had the sentinel nodes removed, blood draws and even blood pressure readings could be done on that side. Every dr. prob has his/her own opinion about that, but it might be worth a check just for peace of mind.

    Yippee, Denise!!

  • malleme
    malleme Member Posts: 164
    edited August 2009

    I am thrilled my bricks are out. My surgery was bumped so I only waited til 3pm.  I was afraid I would get a headache but just nausea.  I was home last night by 6:30pm, NO DRains and textured saline implants.  He do have to fix the pocket on the left side, but   I think I look ok from what I can tell. First time I actually threw up after a surgery( hours later) but the PS said to keep up on the Pain meds and I am doing fine. Just very tired from no real  sleep. Did someone mention HOt Flashes --All night long and all day long.  Thanks all for getting me thru this, I'll read later.

    LOve to all and thanks so much for your good vibes

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009

    OMG Denise- I can NOT believe you are home so soon!!!  How wonderful!!!

    VAL- I had 3 on one side and 5 on the other and from every doc I have spoken too it doesn't matter if it is one or 20 you are still at risk!!!  The blood pressure on the leg is easy for them...IV's and blood work- I don't know about that!!!!  I will let you guys know after I meet with the hospital PA for my hospital work up pre surgery thing!!!  

    Malleme- yay!!! Congrats! 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2009


    great to hear from you....great that you do not have PS believes in those

    yes, HOT FLASHES galore!!!

    take care and get some real sleep

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Wonderful to hear Denise and Malleme!

    Let us know more tomorrow...

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited August 2009

    sounds like a lot of ladies are happy which is a good thing

    exchange surgeries are usually easy surgeries so I hope it goes well for everyone

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2009

    Gibby - I am so happy for you my dear!!

    Yvonne - You are back?!? We have missed you! Welcome back!! I haven't seen Linda's pictures yet, but I bet she looks great w/ nips!!

    Dawn - Yippee and congratulations! I am glad you are so soft. You will love your new implants I am sure! And you are right, I can't begin to catch up if I miss even two days on this thread.

    Malleme and 4Greatkids - Congratulations. I am so glad your procedures are behind you!!

  • Baxter
    Baxter Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2009

    Gibby- September 4th eh?....A Labor Day lift...yipee!

    Malleme -congrats on hiting the finish line! flashes...vomiting.....I don't think too many of us will ever feel like breaking out in song with "I Enjoy Being A Girl!"

    Denise - good for you!...quick job...what is that commercial...."in by 10 out by 4." Isn't it great when you can shed the "Mighty Isis" super hero breast plates? Sometimes  those TE's make you feel a like a volvo getting ready for a crash test!


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited August 2009

    Ok, I want to welcome back Yvonne, but I can't find her welcome back, look forward to your terrific sense of humor.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited August 2009

    Oh Candi...don't blame it on the Volvo!  I think that TE's are more like Packards or 59' wing-tipped Buicks or Lincoln Continental Towncars....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    ok... just a statement before I turn in.... for all ladies who still have TE.

    I had no idea that silicone implants ( as I have not felt saline) would feel this REAL???!!!???

    I thought fake boobs/implants would feel at least a little fake. NOPE.. I am constantly amazed at how these things feel just like my old boobs... WOW.

    I just wanted to put that out there....

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited August 2009

    I told everyone the TEs felt like two Volkswagen bugs parked on my chest, I found that they got that description pretty well.

    Question, I think it was Laura saying she might buy a bra with an underwire.  It has crossed my mind as well.  My PS says we shouldn't because the wires could poke us.  I think I'd toss a bra when it got to the place the wires were coming out, so what are some other reasons you've heard?

    Also, I've been coughing a lot for about 2 months, and I'm exhausted all the time--just had a ton of blood work done and it all came back normal.  I have an appt. with my onc in early Sept.  I try not to panic about stuff, should I wait, or try and see him earlier--off topic I know, but I trust you ladies. I'm kind of paralyzed, because it moved to my mom's lungs first.  When is a cough a cough, or has that changed forever?


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Karen.. I bought an underwire push up today at Kohls.... I am livin' on the

    We all know the fear of mets. Women, like you.. know that fear more so I think. You lost your mother to this beast. ( again, I am sorry)

    Is you cough producing a little phlegm (sp)? I have a friend who is in treatment with lung cancer ( not BC mets).. and I know her signs. If you let us know what the cough is like...

    Also.. if your blood work is ok.. then your white count is not high.. which would show an issue.. right?

    And yes sweety, it has changed forever , for all of us, but somehow we will learn to deal...

    I would call your Onco to see if he wants you earlier with this cough.  This is sinus season.. I have been coughing for awhile too... this little annoying cough.. for me. it is drainage.

    I am sorry you have this heavy on your heart. We beat cancer... but it seems to linger.

    God Bless!

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited August 2009

    ((Karen))  Love the picture of the infinity rings. 

    ((Deborah))  TE's are ninja turtles, what people must think who give us a hug and run into the ninja's.  The TE's remind me of the hard plastic nipsy cups that you use to cover your nipples and catch leaks when breast feeding.  If only you could remove the TE's like you could the nipsy cups! 

    Cheri,   You have the right to refuse any treatment, the hospital "procedure" does not over ride your rights to refuse a treatment.   I got so ticked at reading your story, I wish I was there in the room.  I can't believe this numbnuts bully of a resident did this to you.  He needs to be clobbered by some tethered TE's as a form of enlightenment by some BC warriors.  Glad you got a different PS and hospital

    Dawn,  great news, I am so glad that you are happy with the outcome, I was hoping that you would be happy.

      Denise and Malleme glad to know it was all good for you and that it all went well. 


  • greytmom_17
    greytmom_17 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2009

    I refer to mine TE as the overinflated football in my chest.  When the ps's scheduler asked when I wanted to schedule surgery, I told her as soon after I was cleared as possible.  I just want this thing out!  Congrats ladies on being happy so far.  Can't wait to join you.

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited August 2009


    Thank you for your note.  I am going to call the onc today, it is more of a dry cough, but you are right, it is sinus season.  I guess I'm very grateful for being here, but really p'od, that everything has changed, my trust in my body, all my girl parts are either changed or removed, there is financial stress and uncertanity, I'm exhausted, feeling trapped in a very stressful job, but too scared too change it because of insurance--everything has changed, yet everyone expects me to be the same.  I keep hoping for my body to adapt and I'll have more energy again, and that all the other things will begin to appear as smaller concerns.  I feel like bc has trapped me.  Well thanks for lisitening to my rant.

    Thanks, Laura, for being understanding about my mom, she took her last breath in my arms--we were alone together in the hospital.  It was an honor to be there with her, but she was only 58.  I guess I suffer from boob greed, love the girls, and  life greed, I'd like to be married again, to feel some sense of safety and security, to love and be loved, and to know my grandchildren.

    You know, maybe I'll just go buy and underwire today...and live on the wild side!

    Thanks, ladies.



  • ktn
    ktn Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2009

    Hi! I had posted on the Aug. board but want to second the positive exchange comments here. I had my expander exchange last Fri 8/7. I had radiation to both sides so had to wait 6 months after radiation ended for surgery. I had nodes removed from both sides but have had iv's in left arm since without problem. They took BP's in ankle in surgery. I had iv sedation so was asleep but no tube in my throat. I did have nausea issues the first day but none after. I had vicodin the first 3 days then have only needed advil. My PS wants me off work for 2 weeks but I can see where people can go back after one if they don't lift (I can't lift more than 10 lbs for 4 weeks). It is a hassle sleeping on my back again (for 2 weeks) and wearing a sports bra 24/7 for 4 weeks....The expanders were so hard I never wore a bra for months. BUT....the new implants are sooo soft and right away I could breathe easier. My back doesn't hurt like it used to either. I also have great range of motion with my arms- nothing like after the mast. I had gotten so nervous before surgery but am so relieved at the results. I had been expanded to 575cc and had implants mentor high profile 650cc placed. I had been told the profile will never be like real breasts but they look good. I am thankful to these boards for the info I got about implants. I think it helped me explain what I wanted to the PS. I told him I wanted to be bigger than the expanders, not smaller. I think I would have been disappointed if I hadn't  spoke up. I had been a 36/38 DD before so this is a change for me but I am happy. The best part is having this surgery behind me!!! I found out that they do the nipple and tatoos at this ambulatory care part of the hospital. The nurse said they have a whole table with ink colors for tatoos! That will all be down the road. Good luck to those having surgery soon!

  • ktn
    ktn Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2009

    Karen- It sounds like you have been through so much in a short time. Give yourself time to rest and heal. I had to comment on the cough. I notice a dry cough in the am and everytime I cough I wonder....has it spread??? It is still allergy time and many coworkers have the same thing. It is hard not to be nervous but I think it takes time to trust our bodies again!  Hugs to you...