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Exchange City



  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2009

    I have the pink t-shirt that states "Yes, they're fake.  The last pair I had almost killed me"  I will be wearing that home after my exchange next Monday. 

    You can get the t-shirts like this at

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    Hello Sistas!  ~

    I am feeling MARVELOUS!!!  It is an incredible feeling to have the TE out!!!  My augmented side feels equally good.  PS did place a Q-pump on my healthy side...that is probably why I feel SOO good this morning.  She said I would feel discomfort from the augment more than the exchange so she decided to put the Q-pump in...I'm good with that!  Smile

    Alitman & Geneskirt ~ I am happy that it went well for both of you!!!  I did not go into surgery until nearly 4pm!!!  It was suppose to be at 2:30!  Needless to say, I was hungry & had a headache (probably lack of my caffene).  The OR was busier than expected...the nurses said usually this time of the year (Thanksgiving) it is quiet but not yesterday!!!  I think everyone else wanted to recoup over the holidays too!!!   This softness is wonderful girls!!!  What a difference from the TE!!!! 

    Carolyn2008 & Annie216 ~ Praying that your exchanges go well for you today!  Think happy thougts!  This is awesome!

    Blessedby4 ~ It is disappointing to hear your date changed but I truly believe if this was not meant to be...then it was not meant to be...God is so wonderful in this way.  HE knew this was not the time for you & that HE only is looking out for you...for us!!

    Geneskirt ~ I found cute stuff on with all kinds BC items!  I ordered a       T-shirt . I also found a Beanie Babies all in pink/pink ribbons  that I will give to my caregivers at my dr's office.  This is the only website I found with this type of Beanie Babies supporting BC.  Very cute!!!

    Lilah ~ You will do fine.  Just let God do his work!  Praying for you to be patient & calm.

    Johnson7599 ~ WELCOME to the EC!!!  When I hopped on board I had the same concerns.  This is a great source for information and most of all support!!!  I just had the exchange & the implants FEEL splendid!

    Angel40 ~ Actually I have been pretty open about my condition.  The only women who ask about the size (cc) are the ones that had the cosmetic augmentation.  The rest just want to know more about my BC journey not my size.

    Again....God Bless You Sistas for all yuor support and kind words!!!

    HUGS, HUGS, & more HUGS!!!


  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited November 2009

    I have 1,300 cc in each TE and am having my exchange Dec 16th to 1,200 cc saline implants. I have had 300 cc put in in less than a month and am in severe pain needless to say. This morning I woke to find a pinkish purply area on my right breast. I think it's just bruising from over expansion, but will have to keep an eye on it for any signs of infection. God forbid that happens at this stage of the game. Good luck to all that are having or have had there exchanges, I know I can't wait! :)

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    By the way...what is capsular contraction again???


  • geneskirt
    geneskirt Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2009

    AlitmAN and Nedeza;

    I have a taped/gauze 'bra' on.  Were you instructed to wear compression, sports, or underwire bra?  I am waiting on instruction from my PS office today.... apparently he is in surgery all day.  Just curious. Also, can anyone tell me why my lower ribs feel so sore?  My upper ab's feel incredibly sore as well.  Strange location. Otherwise, I feel NO pain from incision or pec muscles being incised again. ?  Not logical to me....just curious.  Is'nt the softness W O N D E R F U L :)

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    Geneskirt ~

    I posted to you on another thread.  I was told by my post op nurse this morning  to wear a sports bra (front closure) for now...not too snug.  I have the hosp.'s surgical bra on right now.  I do not have any bandaging aside from gauzes placed over my incisions. I see my PS next week for post op.  Oh...I did pick up some nice sports bra from JCPenneys.  I tried on all kinds & found this one to be the most comfortable.  It is called Underscore (their brand) & comes in diff. sizes not just sm.,med.,lg.  Instead, it comes in 34's, 36's, etc.  My augmented side feels more sore along the lower ribs.  Otherwise, I feel like I had a good "workout" at the gym.

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2009

    Follow-up to mammogram question - I called my oncologist and he said that he would like to limit my follow-ups to a breast exam by him. No mammo. That makes more sense to me. Thanks for all the comments ladies.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    Mykidsmom ~

    I've been so excited about this outcome that I did not get a chance to comment on your concerns about mammo.  Since I had a unilat. my MX surgeon said I do not need a mammo on my MX side but, of course, I will need to continue with my augmented side regularly.


  • typhoon55
    typhoon55 Member Posts: 48
    edited November 2009

    This is a quote from someone else here

    "No mammograms as there is no mammo."   My drs said no mammograms just MRIs if needed.


  • wabiwoman
    wabiwoman Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2009

    Hi beauties,

    Just a message of gratitude this Thanksgiving for all of you, your precious presence in my life and the lives of others travelling this daunting journey.

    I feel blessed.

    Thank you Exhange City Gals!


  • JustmeAlicia
    JustmeAlicia Member Posts: 629
    edited November 2009

    I was told by my surgeon no mammo's she will feel me up every 6 months.  MRI's possibly to make sure implants are not leaking once I have foobies ~ (Hopefully March 2010)

    Happy Thanksgiving girls ! 

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited November 2009

    Exchange City is near the top of my list of things I am grateful for this holiday eve...ladies you have been a God send...thanks for all you are and do! Could not have asked for a better group of fellow sojourners...God is good!  With special thanks to Mykidsmom, Estepp and Whippetmom.... this year would have been so much more difficult for me if it had not been for the constant encouragement, knowledge and support you and this thread has provided.

    Ta-ta sisters rock! 

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    God Bless!

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

    Here's a definition for capsular contracture for you Nedeza--- "Scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the implant, which tightens or squeezes the implant. There are four grades of capsular contracture ranging from grade I (breast is normally soft and looks natural) to grade IV (breast is hard, painful, and looks abnormal)."  My CC is high grade 3 and it is very firm, uncomfortable and looks strange.

    I had a mammo on my natural side in Sept. and the onc checked the implant side last week -- I guess that's going to be my protocol every year.

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    BonnieK ~ Thanks!

    Angel10 ~ I ditto your remark about the EC & all the threads that has brought us together as one.  If anything...I need to thank you for directing me to EC from the beginning & all the advices & insight you have given me. This Thanksgiving is definitely a holiday to be so very grateful for!


  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009

    Just wanted to say that EC is one of the things in my recent life I'm most thankful for!!

     I've missed you all!  It's been a crazy last week or so - 17-yr old son had a car accident turning left onto our street....other guy thought he was a racecar driver so when he swerved around my son, he ran on the curb, hit a streetlight, and flipped his car.  Thank God everyone was absolutely fine...though I must say driving up to see the firetrucks and EMTs was not a feeling I want to revisit.....  Now I'm sick - a cold and laryngitis - for the first time in probably 5 years!  Honestly, despite my dh bringing home every childhood germ known to man, I remain healthy.....except for the bc, of course....LOL......  I've been popping zinc and drinking Airborne.....I have only two weeks before my revision and nips....and I have no intention of missing it!

    We're heading to the country with my dh's side of the family for Thanksgiving.....always an interesting event!  No internet out there, so I'll check back in with y'all when we return.

    Wishing you all a Thanksgiving full of family, food, and friends!

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving Sisters!  I've been lurking because I'm super busy with school/work and shoulder pain.  I am thankful that my 2nd lung scan came back exactly as the first 3 nodules, right lung, still about 2mm.  Rescan in 9 months!  I'm thrilled.  I'm thankful that my PT is sending me home with an electric stim device that really helps with my shoulder pain.  I'm thankful to the amazing doctors I've had this year, for my spectacular sons, my brave and reliable friends. I'm not thankful that my PT kept referring to my ooph as my "decision to prematurely age"Yell myself, and that my shoulder can be a result of quickly depleted estrogen, nor was I thankful when she told me, when I asked about redeveloping my arm muscles and overall body tone--arms are getting a little saggy, she replied, "Well you've seen old women, they lose muscle tone because they have no estrogen, so there isn't much you can do." I asked her if I should put my PS on speed dial, instead of hitting herLaughing. I am thankful I won't have to work with this PT too much longer as I find her tactless.  I'll be 50 in April, I look better since my dx and I've lost weight, just getting squishy from not as much exercise as before. It is hard with work/school/single parenting--I get tired and my shoulder has been painful since Sept.  pain is tiring.

    I'm so glad that the exchanges this week seem to have gone well. Allison, thrilled you had the outcome you did!

    Laugh of the day.  I got a letter yesterday from the hospital where I was diagnosed and had all my surgeries saying I was due for a mammogram,  based on last year's findings. Did they think I went all year with cancer in me? I called them and told them they should pay more attention to what happens.  I laughed about it, but I could see how it would be hurtful for some women.  Jean--Onc/PS say MRI every 2 years, and I've chosen a day every month where I feel myself up, all the way to the collar bone, arm pits, and  the inner part of my arms to my elbows.

     I'm thank for all of you.  I've learned so much from so many of you.  You all inspire me and I love how we care for each other.  I hope all of you find many things to be thankful for tomorrow.  You are all beautiful, brave, and caring women and I'm so proud to be a Ta Ta Sister.  I could not be where I am today if it wasn't for this amazing group of women, thank you all.


  • blessedby4
    blessedby4 Member Posts: 117
    edited November 2009

    So glad for all of you who had your exchanges this week.  You all sound so excited and loving the feeling of a more natural you!  Makes me sad that mine has been canceled but am trying to remember that I will be where you are one day soon. 

    val61: So glad to hear your son was not hurt.  Can imagine what your heart must have felt like when you saw all the commotion.  Something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  I am suffering from the same thing, a cold and laryngitis and have not had this in years and of course the week I was suppose to have my exchange I get sick.  Ugh!   Hope your feeling better soon and at least it shouldn't interfere with your upcoming surgery.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! 

  • Tinkerbell99
    Tinkerbell99 Member Posts: 193
    edited November 2009

    ok ladies what is ooph ? is this a hysterectomy? i had 1 in June & i am not 50 yet & it was the best decision i made!! I luv not having my period!!! no cramps no nada!! what is this KAREN abt depleted estrogen? I never heard of having shoulder pain b/c of it..u should also try ice on it & alternate w/ heat. i have a herniated disk in my neck & ice really helps as well as  the electric stim machine..use a heat pack over it it make is feel good & plez hit ur PS 4r me 2!!!

    Happy Thanksgivingall!!

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    Hi ladies ~

    I posted my latest pics on the forum.  It is 24 hrs. after the exchange.  I have a pain pump on my healthy augmented breast.  I have just a little sensation on this nipple...I am hoping this is only temporary & that I get back the sensatiion.

    Taking Vicodin round the clock & icing it occasionally.

    I pray everyone is recovering well.  Take care ladies!


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited November 2009

    Hi Shoshi--An ooph is short for bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy --- it is when a woman has her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed.  I also had a hysterectomy, but having a hysterectomy doesn't always mean that one has an ooph.  I had it all out except my cervix.  The drop in estrogen is due to having my ovaries removed--it is referred to as surgical menopause, some people call it traumatic menopause. I was pre-menopausal, but haven't found the experience to be traumatic.  The reason shoulder problems increase at menopause is because the body tissues are less plump since there is little or no estrogen, it puts all joints at risk, but shoulders work extra hard and move in many directions so they are kind of a weak link.  Like hot flashes, shoulder problems decline as time goes by.  I am also on Tamoxifen to block any estrogen my body may make from my fat--not that I am fat, or any estrogen I might ingest. I hope this helps. I wanted to  wait to take an AI, that is why I'm still on Tamoxifen.

    Oh, I have been using ice--I have bursitis, and tendopathy that is moving down from my shoulder into my bicep and elbow, and a tiny tear in my rotator cuff.  My PCP offered me a steroid shot today, but I want to try the machine for awhile--I feel like I've had so many things injected in me in the last 6 weeks because of all the scans, I'd like to avoid anything else if I can. 


  • don23
    don23 Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2009
    I would like to wish all you ladies on this site a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I am so thankful I found this site and for all your inspirational stories. It has definitely helped me get through all of this with some sanity. Thank you ladies!
  • VolleyGirl
    VolleyGirl Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2009

    Lilah - Thanks for the nice comments about my posts. Someone on EC said they take notes while reading so that is what I do. I find it hard to remember everyone's names, diagnoses, where they are in their process and their real names and this seems to help.

    Geneskirt - I LOVE the saying on the t-shirt and I think I will order one. Also, my PS said to wear the surgical bra day and night for 2 weeks and then just during the day for 2 weeks. Tonight is the first night without. I'M FREE!!

    WabiWoman - I want to second your Thanksgiving message. You put it very nicely. 

    I feel very thankful for each of you on EC. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of my EC sisters!  I am so thankful for each and every one of you.  My life has been enriched by knowing you and coming here to share in the journey....I love the roll I have been able to play in your lives!!! 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009
    johnson:  Welcome to EC!  You will be greatly relieved with the transition from tissue expanders to implants.  Some of us are stomach sleepers and were able to return to that sleeping position after the exchange.  Some plastic surgeons share the thought that stomach sleeping on implants is akin to what happens during displacement exercises - and that it can help avoid capsular contracture.  I have never found any studies to this effect, but it certainly seems possible....
  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009


    This is exactly how I feel about trying to remember everyone and where she is during her process.  Writing down names & info about each one of you has helped...I think I've been having a lot of Tamoxifin moments!

  • Peggio
    Peggio Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you beautiful women.  I have been feeling very thankful lately - I have so many blessings in my life.  Last year at this time I was in bed recovering from my BMX that I had Nov.18.  It's amazing how much different your life can look in a year!  I also feel that the painful parts of this journey have been lessened by being on this site.  I thankfully don't know anyone who has gone through a BMX before my surgery so being able to come here has really helped me. I hold each of you in my heart.

    Love ~ Peg

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited November 2009

    Peg--I had my BMX on Nov. 17th.  A good friend of mine came from California to stay with us and care for the boys and I.  I ordered Thanksgiving dinner from a great store in town.  On the Wed. before Thanksgiving 9 days after surgery we went to pick up the meal.  I was so fragile, in shock from dx, in shock from surgery--I remember feeling very vulnerable that day in the store, and scared. Today I was in there shopping and saw people picking up their meals, and I thought "Oh, my, I have come so far this year." I stood there and enjoyed the people, the noise, and I felt strong.   All the junk of the last couple of months aside, my new normal is beginning to make sense to me, and I hope it is for everyone else.

    We've all come so far this year.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    I have missed so much here this week, and I want to apologize. My Salon is so busy during the Holidays, I have little time to breathe. I think of you all so much, even when I cannot be here.

    I have prayed for you exchanges this week... at Mass last Sunday.. as I knew how this week would be for me. I prayed on my knees for you all!

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving! You all have been so dear to me. I am SO thankful for this site and this thread. This time last year,.. today.. I finished 5 months of Chemo... WAHOOOOOO... One year later... I just finished all treatment.. WOW.... THANK YOU for being there for me!


  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited November 2009

    Nedeza & Gene - I spoke with the Dr office today just to check in and find out how long I have to wear what I can only describe as an ill-fitting 80's tube top.  I will only need to wear it til Monday but I can remove it for showering and washing it.  My ribs also hurt a bit - but I have more pain in my back - nothing I can't live with but I know it is there.  I have no stitches on the outside and no bandaging.  I was told to keep ice on the girls for 48 hours.  Tomorrow I am going to take a really good look-see at my new self.  So far I have only peeked. 


  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332
    edited November 2009

    I'm curious as to how many of you who have already had your exchanges had radiation therapy? My radiated side, even post exchange, is very tight and doesn't feel much different than when I had the TE. My PS said to massage, massage, massage to keep it from getting worse. I had 6 surgeries this year prior to my exchange and just couldn't face doing the lat dorsi procedure she recommended.