Exchange City
Hi all,
Well, I'm up from my nap and I must say I do feel better, although the soreness from the lipo has kicked in. I've discovered something that I have not seen addressed here before. My PS uses divided goggles taped down over the nipples as a protector. These are clear and I can see the nips and they look pretty good. The thing I am concerned about is there is a liquid pool of blood at the bottom of the goggles that sloshes around if I move or lay down. I guess this is the equilivant of a bloody dressing except for the fact that it is liquid and not absorbed by a dressing. Is this harmful to the nipple area? I do not go back for a post op until next week and the post op instructions say to contact the office if there is an excessive amount of blood. Should I call the office? I'm not sure I want this to go until next week.
Deb, I'm not sure how many cc's were taken out for the fat grafting but if I can remember I'll ask next week when I go back. And, I hope to post some pics when all is cleared up.
Val, I sure hope things go smoothly with you tomorrow. I know you, like all of us, will be glad to have it behind you.
Thanks again for all the good wishes from an amazing group of women!!
Hugs, Kathy
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Geena & Julie - thank you for your kind words. I think I may check that thread out that was suggested.
Sun - I had 4 drains with the bilat but at the exchange I only had one and that was because fluid had been building up around the TE for a week or more before the exchange. The drain was only in for a week. My PS allowed me to shower with the drains and my son came up with the idea of tying them to a string around my neck so I didn't drop them in the shower.
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Kathy -- my rule of thumb: when in doubt, call the PS's office. Better to be a nudge than to NOT call when you should. It's probably fine but why wonder? The goggles are original!
Geena -- I don't think I had realized you've had BC three times til now. My heart goes out to you to have to go through this so many times. Let's hope the third time's the charm! And I hope you are not blaming yourself for the BC. If THEY have no idea what causes it, why should WE blame ourselves for anything? I wish I'd lived as clean a life as you, but I who knows if it would have changed my outcome? I've gone around and around myself with the blame arrow and have been rather creative: my favorite thing to blame, because my brother also developed bladder cancer this year, is the rock pile we played on as children My brother will be fine btw... they got it early... all I can say is: my poor mom! No cancer at all in my family on either side except a grandfathre (a heavy smoker of unfiltered camels all of his life) who also had bladder cancer (which is not what killed him).
Val -- good luck tomorrow!!!!
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Oh Kathy - I am so sorry the pec stretching is so painful. You must be in great shape! LOL! Honestly, call the PS to see what he can give you. It should not hurt that much! Gentle hugs dear friend!!!
Added some new dates to the list. Congratulations to all of you w/ upcoming exchanges or nips. - Jean
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Lilah - I have had BC three times, but always caught early and never had to have chemo. Surgeries yes, radiation yes, chemo NEVER. For that I am extremely, extremely grateful!
Kathy - Listen to the ladies here - slower fills, less cc's with each fills, warm showers, slow stretches, pain meds if you need them.
I spent too much at Barnes and Nobles tonight - brought my gift certificate from a friend and forgot to use it! Spent my cash! Geesh... I wouldn't have GONE unless I had the certificate. I can't even blame chemo brain!!!
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Fairportlady, my first two fills really hurt! I was shocked and unprepared for the pain. I thought it was only going to be intense pressure, tight, etc. Sleeping was the worst, but what helped me the most was sleeping in an upright or semi-upright position. If you have a recliner, that would do it. For me, I added pillows upright against the headboard and was able to sleep. It sounds bad, but it really wasn't. At least I could sleep for most of the night. Lying down was out of the question, due to pain for two days. Then things started to ease up.
The good news I have for you is that fill 3 and 4 were uncomfortable, but very little pain. I hope this will be your experience, too. I take ibuprophen (800mg. every 8 hrs.) and can take tylenol in between if needed. Also, this week at fill 4 my nurse gave me Skelaxin, muscle relaxer, since I had a spasm during the fill. This one is pretty mild, I take a whole one when I'm home and a half one during the work day. I wish I would have had it for the first two fills. Good luck, hope you find a way to reduce that pain and as others have said, slowing the cc's can definitely help. deekaay
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Geena -- that is amazing and so lucky to skip chemo!
LOL at forgetting to use the Gift Certificate (Sorry but that sounds like something I would do!)
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thanks ladies Good advice....especially about taking it slow, which is the hardest for me to do: I keep thinking the more I get the sooner the exchange will be. But as has been pointed out, this isnt a race.Up till now I have had a sister from out of town staying with me, but she leaves next tuesday right before my fill appointment. This means I am going to have to live alone again and manage all this myself. I am taking flexeril which is helping: I have had it all along but my PS said I could increase the dose. Also very encouraging that for some of you there was a difference between the first 2 fills and the rest!!!! Jean: I am in good shape LOL...ironically the 2 weeks before my BMx I really pushed it with lifting thinking I wont be able to exercise for a while after! Turns out that was the WRONG thing to do!
thanks again, Kathy
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Do you know what the PS did to reduce the size? I have one that is too wide and projects too much. Were you able to drive yourself afterwards? Thanks for any info.
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Thinking of you today Val! And best to everyone else having surgery this week!
Having read so much over 20 years nutritionally about what affects estrogen/progesterone levels, I've learned to do everything in moderation. It seems as tho something is praised one day and a year later shown to be dangerous. Try the Go Lean Crunch in the purple box, no flaxseed added, and I thing it tastes better:)
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Val - best of luck, praying for your successful surgery, speedy recovery and being even!
And best to everyone with surgeries and procedures this week - happy outcomes!
Thanks for the info on soy/flax - I did find & read the threads in Nutrition forum. Still trying to reduce soy intake to absolute minimum.
Health and happiness, xo, E
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Thanks for all the input on my drain question. This thread is a great resource as I prepare mentally for the expansion/exchange part of the process. I'm a planner, so seeing the variables ahead helps me feel less like I'm spiraling out of control. Even the illusion of control is comforting to me as I emerge from this insane period of time into whatever the new normal will bring.
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I am waiting for her to send me some Doctors in Dallas that her friends are seeing. Your a sweetheart! Thanks, aj
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Sunsnow, that's what makes this forum so valuable -- information and real, first hand experience!
It's far less stressful for most of us when we know what to expect,and know what questions to ask.
Frustratingly, it's next to impossible to get throughout information about any phase of treatment/reconstruction from the medical profession. I remember getting 15-20 books from the nurse navigator and they all had the SAME exact text and SAME exact illustrations! I realize that everyone's situation is unique, but this forum proves that we also have an incredible amount in common.
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VAL........good luck today with plenty of healing thoughts.
No wonder I've been in pain and so sore. I got in the shower for the first time this morning and I found two more places where things were done. Under one foob was a place that appeared to have fat grafting done (not sure but will ask next week) and on each arm on the upper part there were two band-aids and when I pulled them off there were little holes and on one a popped blister. Not too sure what this is all about but I will definitely ask!! There does not appear to be any additional blood in the goggles so I guess I'm ok. My daughter who is a nurse said to evaluate it this morning and if significant additional blood, to call the PS office. Boy, can I say how good it felt to shower!!
It is a beautiful sunny day here in Georgia, although cold. Things are really looking up and I feel pretty good today. I hope everyone has a pain free day!!
Hugs, Kathy
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Hi Ladies,
I am had my BL MS Dec. 16th. I am due to get my 2nd fill tomorrow. My PS told me since I got lucky and don't need Chemo or Rad.. that he may try 100cc's and see how I do ?? I am only at 100cc's now. He is talking about stopping at 400cc's. I am not sure how big that will be. I do not want to go bigger than before as I am an avid motorcycle drag racer and I don't want to worry about breaking one ?? But I don't want to be to small either. So how do I know if that is enough ? If from what you all are saying is true, that they are different from the TE ?? I am going once a week for fills, so I figure I will be done by late Feb, 1st week in March. So I'm thinking sometime late April or May for the exchange. Not sure what type of implant I want as my PS said I won't go into his office to decide until he finishes filling up my TE ? But reading all of your posts is very helpful ^_^
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ajones: CHECK YOUR PRIVATE MESSAGES! Val sent you a PM and her cell number!
Val: I have you in my thoughts and prayers today!
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Dreamcatcher, go to Breast Implant sizing 101, and read what whippetmom has written, she has helped so many of us with sizing. Getting 100cc's every week might be a little painful, I got 60 every other week and did okay except at nite I'm sore.
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okay, will do ^_^ Thanks Katey. And yeah 100cc's does make me nervous. Going to see what he is going to do tomorrow.
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Hi all,
I think I may have a little problem. I'm about 6 weeks post exchange and suddenly got pretty bad pains in 1 side. Trouble with lifting the arm up and sometimes taking a deep breath. Saw PS today and he said that foob is little swollen, not red but cool things feel good on it. He gave me antibiotic Yea, and to call if it gets worse. Great. Even after 6 weeks from exchange?
PS This side is an old rad side. Are they more prone to infection?
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Perhaps we need a thread with a list of Great PS's that we come across and where they are located? I know that I was referred to my new ps by 4GreatKids and it felt like Angels were at work. I am soooo grateful!
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Oh Janet - I am so sorry. I pray that it is nothing or at the very least that you caught it in time w/ the antibiotics. I do know some women have had issues develop well after the exchange, but it certainly is not the norm. I can't help you w/ whether it is more common w/ rads. I am sending healtly vibes your way!!
Dani - What a great idea. But I wonder whether that's okay w/ facilitators. I am not sure what's allowed. You may want to check w/ them.
Lea - We are exactly one year apart. I had my BMx on 12/16/08. I had fills approximately every two weeks of around 60-75 cc's each and my exchange was mid April. My final implants were 400 cc's and I am a small C. Works for me! Best wishes!
I guess we aren't going to hear from Laura for a while since she will be busy entertaining her slumber party friends this weekend!
Take care everyone!
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Talked with my PS today regarding what kind of implants they will be using and they use Mentor. Can you give me an idea of what size I should use. I will be setting up a return appt. to determine if I should get more fills. Here is all my info: 5'6, 152lbs, 32 in rib cage, I have the same TE as you but mine are 13.5' while yours were 13. I am currently filled to 500 cc's. Thanks!
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Mehere: It would be the same size in Mentor. They would be Mentor high profile 600 cc's....Mentor has catalog number, not style numbers....0
Mary - The PS just cut part of the nipple off with a scaplel, after he had injected it with Lidocaine. Then he put in a few stitches. I was able to drive, as I had not had any narcotics or sedatives and did not have any arm movement limitations. The only limitations were to keep it dry and not to workout for a few days. It is healing well and so far has good symmetry with the other side. It was a very simple, short procedure.
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Janet, I really hope that everything clears up quickly and your pain goes away. Good for you for acting quickly and getting on the antibiotic.
I'm also wishing the best for all of you ladies who had surgery this week. May you heal rapidly and be pleased with your results.
My exchange surgery date might have been moved from Feb 26 to Feb 19. I'll confirm tomorrow, but I'm cautiously optimistic. I don't have any more fills left and I can't get comfortable with these TEs. What a rollercoaster of emotions and physical sensations we are all on!
And Deborah, thank you for your wonderful implant advice! I can't wait to meet with the PS again - I think we are all on the same page (you, me and the PS), so that gives me hope.
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TaTa's in Kansas City starts before noon tomorrow... so....... I wanted to say.. take care of eachother and I will be back here Sunday night to check in... There will be 6 of us..:)... of the original Vegas Ta Tas.... the sisterhood... Those who wanted so bad to come.. but airfare was too high... or you were traveling with business..... etc... YOU WILL BE MISSED...
Keep us in your thoughts... and if you had all been able to come.. I would have made the room for my girls!
The TaTa Sisterhood is a real strong bond... I have NEVER seen anything like it.. EVER!...
The 2nds anual Vegas trip is in the making... so find that thread here..... We are a large team of sisters... yes we sure are...
DANI.. YES... I agree.. there needs to be a thread of good PS for ladies coming after us.
I WILL BE STARTING a Thread here within a few weeks... It will be a very helpful thread... I will let you know more about it soon....
Ladies... I wish you are come be with us this weekend.... Wish us luck! LOL
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Janet -- sorry to hear about your infection... hopefully the antibiotics will fix you up in no time!
Laura -- you are such a sweetheart! Have a wonderful slumber weekend And oh I do love Las Vegas... so maybe I will meet all of you there! Looking forward to hearing the details.
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Janet, hopefully the pain goes away soon. The radiated skin and tissues just aren't normal!
To the Ta Ta Sisters in Kansas City -- have fun!!!
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Firstmate....thanks for the info....I can't decide if I want to do anything about it or just let it be. You do make me lean towards getting it done if it is that simple. Will you be getting it tatooed?
If so, how long do you have to wait?