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Exchange City



  • KatRNagain92
    KatRNagain92 Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2010

    WoW, thanks for the link Firni....those results from your PS look amazing!  I'm so encouraged :)

    My PS doesn't have a lot of before and after pictures.  A lot more gals going up in a size though instead of down.  That's what I'm going to do...downsize. 


  • DreamCatcher
    DreamCatcher Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    I only have 2 more fills left. My PS is doing 100cc's each time. Then he said I will go to his office for a consult to talk about the final implants. But he did say when I first consulted with him, before my mastectomy that I will never have to wear a bra again ?? So I guess I should ask him which type is best just in case I feel like wearing one. I can not wait to have an exchange date as I want the TE's out now !!

  • samiam
    samiam Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2010

    Welcome to all the new folks to this thread.  It has been extremely helpful to me.  I had my exchange on January 25 and got nips at the same time.  My PS overexpanded (600 cc expander to 690) and then put in a 650 cc implant. 

    Francine - congrats on getting your exchange date.  I too had TE setbacks with infection and between removal/replacement/re-expansion 18 months elapsed from my initial surgery to exchange.  It is sweeeeeet to have finally gotten to this point.

    Firni/Daisy6, my nips are a week old and have the "black crusties" as well.  Thanks for mentioning the silvadene.  I used that previously as a "retractor" injury healed. I think it really sped up that healing process.  I believe I will try it on my nips.  I am struggling to find the right nipple protector.  I wore thick foam squares for a week and then my PS moved me to "fluffy gauze".  It doesnt seem to be doing the trick as my poor nipples are getting squished.  I'm going shopping at lunch today to look for innovative solutions. 

    Good luck to all of you with upcoming surgeries!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited February 2010

    Good morning, ladies - and a special welcome to our newbies here at EC!!

    Well, I had my first post-op appt with ps (had a left revision/exchange last week for those of you who are new) yesterday afternoon.  Interestingly, when the nurse greeted me, she commented, "It was tougher this time, wasn't it?"  I asked how she knew, and she said that nearly everyone who has a revision where the pocket space is "reworked" reports significantly more pain than with the original exchange.  That made me feel much less weird.  My ps removed the dressing - no easy feat with all that foam tape from my neck to the middle of my ribcage - and he had me look in the mirror.....I nearly cried.....absolutely perfect!!!  He was able to open the pocket a bit more medially, then he used permanent sutures on everything he could stitch on the lateral aspect.  He said he didn't find anything "wrong" in the pocket - just "reworked the space."  He did put in a new implant on that side - apparently the protocol is such that re-using them is not desired.  Unlike after my initial exchange when he left them in place for a few weeks, he removed the foam tape "underwire" he created outlining the IMF.  I asked why, and he said to speed the drop of the new implant to match the other side.  Honestly, I couldn't be more pleased with my results!

    My body actually behaved this time, so he was also able to remove the drain - YIPPEEEE!!  The bad part is that my ps put me back into my ultra-tight underwire bra, and the wire is directly over the hole where the drain was......all I can say is OUCH!  Oh, well....I'm already taking vicodin.....  I'm still on completely restricted left arm movement for another week or two - he wants absolutely nothing to potentially stress those pocket sutures.  At least I have one arm that I can use unlike after my bmx and the original exchange!

    So.....if you're considering a revision......I say go for it.....despite the pain, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited February 2010
    aj - I just PM'd you names and phone numbers of two Dallas ps's......   Good luck!
  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2010

    Val, I'm so glad after all you have been thru that you have beautiful results!

    Crap tho, I knew I was right to fear this pocket revision.  Well, if it works, I'll be thrilled!!  I was told no driving for about 10 days, sounds like you might have a little longer restriction?

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2010

    Anyone have any resources for a bra that evens out a noticeably uneven chest?  My implant side is higher and shows no signs of dropping -- I'm 9 weeks out from second exchange.  -bonnie

  • kbram
    kbram Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    Katey....good luck tomorrow on your exchange surgery!  And yes, the goggles came off this morning and everything looks great!!  I am so relieved.  I still have to wear the goggles, but not stuck to my body, just inside my bra.  This is for another couple of weeks and then I can go without them.  My dr said nothing about any creams or ointments, so there is nothing I need to do except protect them.  I go back in six weeks and we will talk about tats.  As long as the fat grafting on the port site holds, I won't need any more surgery!!  I think seven surgeries in 16 months is enough!!  I can honestly say I am almost at the end.  It is really a wonderful feeling that I hope everyone can soon enjoy themselves. PS used swim goggles for the nipple protectors.  This really has worked well and if you are now wearing a bra, they can fit inside.  Try it and let me know how it works for you.

    Buddy and glad your are feeling well.  Hope that continues.......

    Hugs, Kathy

  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2010

    Thanks Kathy!  I think those goggles are ingenious!!  and if you don't have one yet, wait till someone in the future asks you if you have a tattoo! (I get that on those silly online questionaires friends send)  I love to shock and answer yes, but of course not mention where;)

  • kbram
    kbram Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    No Katey, I don't have a tattoo yet, but I will in a few months!!  Can't wait to "complete the picture" and be done with it all.  Here's to finishing!!

    Hugs, Kathy

  • MooreTennis
    MooreTennis Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2010

    Nips scheduled for 3/2/10 - yea! Almost done.

  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2010

    Kathy, I realize that, I meant on another body part!

    Yay Denise, you are almost there!!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    Radiation doctor told me today that I had the most UNUSUAL perfect reconstruction. He said I really got lucky. YEAH! He said my surgeon was amazing in his technique (???) and education for me.... OK... good for me..whaooooooooooooooo


    I have been told by ALL my nurse friends and one... yes 1 doctor friend that Fibromyalgia is a.... if you will.... MADE UP disease. That is is in the MIND. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I have always shared these views.. as a friend of mine ( Admin in the school district) was dx with this about 6 yrs back.. and she cannot walk anymore... and ALSO cannot get Disability ... because they dx her with Fibro... and no one RECOGNIZES this in Missouri.. ( so far)...  AND my friend is very... umm.... WHINY...( I tell her this all the sooooooooooo????? WHo knows...

    Guess what they ( rads onco and med onco) think I have... yes.. FIBRO???????????????

    I am seeing an Rhemotologist (sp)Monday... OMGOSH.... at this point.. I feel like a "mental" case.

    Do any of you know of someone with this... ? Can you give me any insight into it. I will not take Lyrica as my Rads doc told me today they will want to put me on if it is Fibro. HOW do they test for this. I was under the impression... they test for everything... and when they find NOTHING... they label it Fibro....:( :(.... any advice sistah's?

  • Grakenmom
    Grakenmom Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2010

    WOOHOO VAL! Congrats and so happy to hear your good news!

    Estepp - sorry I have no advice to give, but sorry to hear you're in pain. Hope you find out something soon. xo, E

  • Adnerb
    Adnerb Member Posts: 727
    edited February 2010

    I will ask all those questions when I see him again.  Thanks for worrying about me.  I guess I thought that all this time he was joking around with me.  He used to say I was going to be a cross between Carmen Elektra and Dolly Parton, and I would just laugh along.

     On the other hand -

    Right now I am at 540 cc's and I still don't see much projection.  It is spreading around my chest area in the shape of a football.  I noticed today that my lower pole is a little fuller.

    My PS talks a lot about projection.  It seems to be very important to the artist in him.  I think that he will stop if it starts to look bad, or if I start to hurt. I feel tight today, but I have yet to hurt, and I seem to have a lot of skin left to stretch.  Yesterday he had to ask me again where my radiated side was.  Then he pulled on the skin on that side and commented on how good it is stretching.

    He talked about possible pocket revisions and forming/reforming IF's.  He described how he might have to form a lower IF for the rads side.  I guess he would need my skin (and muscle) to be overstretched for those plans to materialize. 

    I have looked at hundreds of before and after photos in his office.  99% of them looked very good.  None of the ladies who were reconstructed looked oversized.  I still think he knows what he is doing, but I will ask the questions anyway, and report to you good ladies afterwards.  I see him on the 23rd.  Like I said, my fills are very slow and infrequent. 

    I'm actually kind of worried about the 500 cc implants.  I have 540 cc's now in my TE's and they are not projecting.  If I wanted to look like I did before, I'd have to add pads to my bra.

    I guess my original breasts may have been bigger than I thought, but I wore smaller bras.  I wore 34 C's, but when I look back, I may have been more comfortable with 32 D's.  My breasts started out from under my arm, and ended up close together in the middle.

    I will make sure to tell him I don't want to end up with extremely long incisions, or too many ripples as a result of the over stretching.  I will also warn him that when I start to hurt, I will ask him to stop, whether he likes it or not.

    Thanks, ladies.  Take care...


  • Angel40
    Angel40 Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2010


    No blood work or documentation test can be done for fibro. But rheumatologist is the best start. The doctor has to check some trigger points.  I saw a rheumatologist last year and she said it is not fibro. Next month I will see a different rheumatologist to get some answers.

    Did you go for massage yet?

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Brenda -- I'm sure your PS knows what he is doing.  You should just ask him to explain, for your own peace of mind.  I was thinking today that maybe the extra skin is to have more to work with (i.e., he will cut and shape more freely).  Who knows?  I don't like to think too much about what gets cut or not, to be honest, while I'm out!

    Val -- wooohooooo!  It always makes me so happy when someone can report being delighted.  You so deserve that.  It's funny, though, how some PS's WANT you to wear an underwire while others (mine for example) say NO underwire (she worries about me getting poked by a rampant wire and not feeling it -- I say that is overkill, personally, but she is the boss of me right now).

    Laura -- I am SO sorry to hear that you are in such pain and that they think it's Fibro.  My uncle and an aunt (from a different side of the family) both have been diagnosed with it.  My aunt seems to function fine (not sure if she takes Lyrica or not but I can ask if you want).  My uncle can't work and can't get disability because, you are right, it is not a recognized disease.  Kinda like Epstein-Barr, which some also say isn't a real disease.  I hate that.  If a person is in pain, they are in pain.  Period.  Hope something can be done for your pain regardless of it's cause.


  • wabiwoman
    wabiwoman Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2010

    Val - I'm thrilled for you.  I guess with pain there's gain, in this case.  I'm also jealous your PS is taking so much time with you.  Spending time with you in front of the mirror?  I can't imagine that with my PS who I think is good, but I think short on time.

    My first post op was with the PA who did nothing (cause sutures weren't ready to come out yet) and today, due to a scheduling misshap, I saw the medical assistant who took out my sutures but had no info or anything to offer re the sides of my breasts (nor should she - I should have been booked with the PA or doc.)  I am scheduled to see the doc herself in 4 weeks and I'll ask her about revisions, which I am clear I will need.  You know I think she taped me up so much, to keep my new pockets intact and implants medial - that scar tissue formed around the tape itself - I do think that is what these crevices are about.  Anyway, I do not think the indentations will come out on their own - but no point in pushing to see the PS before 4 weeks - I want her to see me when I'm more healed and then maybe book me for the next step, if applicable. 

    Letting go, letting go, letting go.

    Having my thyroid out tomorrow - another horizontal scar.  I'm going to do a big connect the scars tattoo (I also have horizontal scars for appendectomy and knee reconstruction!)


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Aw Geena good luck with surgery tomorrow -- hope it isn't too painful or difficult.  Sorry the PS was too busy to (or for whatever reason didn't) see you.  That's disappointing.  I have a PS like that.  Some times when I see her she is very focused and takes time with me; other times, like this week when I had to wait almost 3 hours just for a fill, she is like a gust of wind (I actually told them to tell her not to bother and just had my fill with the nurse and left).  Some people are just better time managers, I guess.

    Hope the crevices improve and that the OVERALL effect of the recent surgery grows on you (as it were).  There is at least THAT.   It will get better (even if you do end up having revision).


  • kbram
    kbram Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2010

    Katey, I know what you meant!! 

    Laura, my heart goes out to you!!  Having BC and now this, somehow it is just unfair!!  I have no words of wisdom for you, just know I am thinking about you and hope you get some relief soon.  NOT FAIR!!!!!

    Hugs, Kathy

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    On the bra front -- I read about this brand of bra in Oprah Magazine while sitting in a waiting room today... this looks like a great alternative to the racer back type sports bra.  I may buy one ... will let you know my review if I get it.  In the meantime, I thought others might like to check it out.  From and it's called the Ta Ta Tamer (so I kinda think I have to get it :)  -- here's the link:

    Diagnosis: 6/2/2009, IDC, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 1/17 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2+

  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Brenda ~ I don't think Dr. P will mess up your soon-to-be perfect foobs!!  I am seeing him next week and will threaten his life.  Ha!!!

    This is the first week that mine feel like they are a part of me.  They used to feel like an attachment if that makes sense.  Maybe I have dropped and fluffed!?!?!?!?

    Maui was great and they didn't fall into my armpits one time!!! 

    Laura, I FINALLY colored my hair!!

    Take care,

    Colleen (totally suntanned and sorry to be back at work)

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited February 2010

    Val,  aren't you just delighted?  It sounds like everything worked out and truly, it is a beautiful day!  You deserve it Girl.  I am so happy for you.  JUDY

  • Delilahbear
    Delilahbear Member Posts: 206
    edited February 2010


    This may sound a bit far fetched to take care of your new nipples, but I got tired of the gauze coils I had to make and then PS gave me some Eucerin lotion to keep on them to keep them moist, but I did not like the fact that they flattened with my bra. I bought disposable nursing pads. The have room in the front to protect the nipples and are relatively thin and unobtrusive, even under tees. I also switched from the lotion to Bio-Oil and with the nursing pads, the new areola and nipples finally healed and are kept a bit moist and my bra stays clean as well.  Just a thought. I usually use the pads for a day or two and change them. I have a set in my "night bra" and then another set in my "day" bra.

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies - A quick stop in to add a couple of new dates. Please be sure to PM me, I am a bit crazy these days.

    Laura - I don't know anyone w/ fibromyalgia, but I definitely think it is REAL and NOT JUST IN YOUR HEAD sista! I am so sorry you are dealing w/ this too. I am sending a warm comforter to wrap you in this evening!

    Best wishes to everyone having surgery or healing from surgery! - Jean

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2010


    Thanks for putting me on the list. yes Geena it  feels great.

    Last night I was laying with my husband and he said my expanded breast hurt him . WE both laughed. But as you all know these boobs are rock solid.

    Good luck to all nearing their date.

    I know this has been a journey for many of us.



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2010

    LILAH:  That Lululemon "Ta Ta Tamer" bra is great!  This one on eBay shows how the cups separate and contain the implants...

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    Colleen.. GREAT! I bet you look like a  million bucks!!!!

    Val... HAPPY HAPPY for you ! SUPER excited!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Judy.. great to see you post...

    Angel.... what are the preasure points?

    JEAN... are you coming to Vegas this year??????????????????? ~wink~ I hope so..

    Buddy48 .. I hope you are doing well

    Katie... GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! are a sweety .. cheerleader type... I can tell!!!..... LOVE THAT about you!.. Keep strong.... :)

    Deb... again, thank you for the education on this thread

    Genna.... I HATE you are going through this... be careful... denting rads breast is normal.. it will dent in... mine does is my top ( no bra) is tight... but it does back after about an hour... Genna... I am not the "know all" but I can tell you.. the more times you cut on the skinof a rads breast... the more you risk failure. This is another thing to think of when it comes to nips... PM me anyime. I don't talk about this much openly.. but will talk in DETAIL in PM's... and I tell ALL the ladies this who had rads or need them.... the SKIN is very, very different. Bless you!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited February 2010

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE anything by soon as I don't have to wear underwires that bra will be mine!

    ((((LAURA)))))) .......... and it absolutely is real!!!

    (((((JEAN))))))......hang in there with all the craziness....hoping your mom is doing better.....

    Katey - 10 days should be fine for ps is just being extra careful this time.... Good luck tomorrow!! (and don't fear it too much.....I think plenty of EC girls have had a much easier time than I have....just like with the exchange.....everyone's different)

    Geena - we'll be thinking of you tomorrow, girl!  I think you might be surprised about your tape indentions.....I'll bet they'll settle out.  That tape is brutal, isn't it?  It sure does keep everything in place, though. Four weeks seems a long time to wait to see the ps, though. After my exchange, I was in every week - or less for the first couple weeks - for the first month so he could monitor things. You might consider pushing for an earlier appt if that's an option.....

    Lilah and Geena - I know I'm soooooo lucky to be happy with my ps - I'm just sorry that we ALL don't seem to be. If only there were a rule that only ps's TRULY committed to reconstruction AND who are phenomenally skilled  could advertise as "reconstructive surgeons!"  As for the doc versus PA versus RN situation, my ps is in solo practice with no PA, just an RN; she does quite a bit - like suture removal and a lot of his "cosmetic" stuff, I think - but never anything like fills.  I also have a (probably stupid) personal rule to not go to a doctor who could turf me to a PA...maybe that comes from being married to a doc....

    Thanks, Judy - I'm doing the "happy dance".......just VERY gently with no bouncing....LOL fair making us jealous of your suntan! son used to say the same thing when we hugged - "Mom, your boobs hurt..."

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    MooreTennis...(hehe Denise)... I CANNOT wait to see those nips... AWESOME! Final stages coming soon...:)...

    Is your hair still.." kissed by the sun" or is it going more blond? :) I have been thinking about your color the most..hoping it is not going to light OR brassy...:) Let me know...