Exchange City
ok.. looks like I am getting Mentor and not allergan. would you still say the size of 550cc or 600?
thanks again and again and again
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Just remembered wabiwoman's question about how does one do downward dog w/o hurting your pecs...the answer is you don't, at least not for many many weeks after surgery!! That's one of the poses that fully stretches your pecs and puts a huge weight load on your arms/chest at the same time. Think instead about all standing poses that include various arm stretches w/o being weight bearing. An article that summarizes the arm variations I've been doing and is similar to what my yoga teacher recommended is here: (2nd & 3rd paragraphs). For anyone who hasn't done yoga before I recommend you learn these w/guidance from an experienced teacher if you can find one because you can hurt yourself if you do things badly or sloppily.
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sunnyhou: Mentor HPs will be fine. I went over your numbers again. Your TEs are 13.0 cm wide with a projection of 5.6 at maximum fill. They are expanded beyond the max fill which adds to projection and height - not width. This is to achieve additional tissue expansion which is either needed due to thin skin flaps or the PS likes to overexpand to get a natural droop or "ptosis." You at least need implants as wide, if not a little wider than your TEs. This is why she gave you that style of TE - as they are nearly always chosen based on WIDTH. So you would at least need a 500 cc high profile implant to meet the 13.0 cm width critera. The Mentor HP 500 cc's would be 13.2 cm wide by 5.3 cm projection. 550 cc's would be better, at 13.6 cm wide by 5.5 cm projection. Anything smaller than 500 cc's would be narrower than the pocket she created with the TEs. So present this information.....the comparison in dimensions between the TEs and the proposed implant sizes above. I am afraid that 600 cc's might be pushing it for your PS...0
Hi all,
I am definitely getting the nervous jitters due to my upcoming exchange on 2/19. This will be my 6th invasive procedure in less than a year (including colonoscopy and endoscopy) and the 5th time that I will be put under. Am trying to be brave, but come on, sometimes it feels like too much.
Kimberly and Grakenmom, best wishes to you as your exchange dates come up.
Geena, I'm happy to hear that you sound good, even after this last thyroid surgery. I am a total scarf lover and wear one every day - scarves will look lovely on you as you heal. You are an absolutely amazing woman, and your courage gives me strength.
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cs7777 - thank you for the yoga advice. I started doing "yoga tuneup" a couple of weeks ago at my PT's suggestion, and it has been going really well. I'm doing downward dog with no problem, but I guess I'll have to take a break from all yoga for a while after the exchange surgery. Thanks for the tip about neing careful with activities/poses that are both stretching and weight bearing.
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And one more amusing post, if the site will let me....yesterday I asked my DH to help me find pictures of nice breasts that we can bring to the PS next week for my pre-op. My PS told me to bring in photos of breasts that I like and I don't like. Well, my DH was HAPPY to help me with my research, and he eagerly searched for something like "best celebrity breasts." He and I agreed on the best "B" breasts (Jennifer Aniston, Katie Holmes and a few others). I left his study, and he compiled all of the photos together and printed them off for me. Then he came into the kitchen, all dizzy and complaining of red spots behind his eyes. Looking at all those online breasts really did him in. Poor guy.
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Hi Kristen!
I think I am getting nervous about my exchange too. I have all my pre-op stuff on Monday ( hosp & PS) and have a list of 25 questions and items to go over. Until now, I have been a work in progress, the next step hopefully will be the final result. This is my 5th procedure in less than a year also. Nips and tattoos are still on the agenda for this summer.
So many posts tell how disappointed people are with the exchange. I hope I am satisfied with my results. I love my PS but think it's time I let him step off the pedestal I have put him on. I don't want him to break a leg if he falls off!
Have a good weekend!
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Hope all are pleased with their upcoming exchanges. Music..Kristen.. Mine is not till the 17th of March. I am confident that my PS will do a good job. Hope I am not being naive. This will be my eighth proceedure under general anesthesia in little over a year. For one who used to be terrified of doctors, hospitals etc ..all this has become run of the ill. I guess I have become a much stronger women as so many of us have.
Have a great weekend.
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Music & Kristen ~
Hugs go out to you! This is all new & scary when you don't know what to expect! I was soo ready to move on to the next step (exchange) & now I look back & think "wow" that was a cinch! We are all different & some of our stories may seem discouraging but not at all made to frighten you. Every day I am feeling FANTASTIC, LOVING MY NEW "GIRLS", & accepting what is becoming my NEW ME! Sure there's some concerns...some "tweeking" that needs to be done...but the fact that I am physically/emotionally feeling like myself again is what motivates me to look forward! I hope you find inner peace because that is what it is all about!
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Hi everyone
I've been in a pity party fog for a few days feeling uncomfortable (TEs hard as a rock and lots of pressure,,,,you all know excatly what I mean unfortunately) and also feeling like my exchange surgery is a long time from now.... so I am just now catching up on all the pages of comments and updates
to all the upcoming exchanges: I am thinking of you all and hoping for a great result. I know how scary it is to have yet another surgery and plus the results are so long awaited!
Jean: so sorry about things getting difficult with your Mom....I am thinking of you and pray for you both.
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Since I'm a uni-MX, does it make sense to ask you all for input re: volume/style of implant or should I just leave it up to the PS to match my other as best as possible, which was my plan before finding this forum? I'm an A-cup on the healthy side, and just want to match (no surg for that side). We're planning on using the gummy bears (Allergan 410 cohesive silicone).
FYI I'm ht 5'7.5", wt 127, ribcage 30.5"; my TE is 133MV-14 filled to 500cc (14 cm wide, 13 cm height). My PS has the "overfill the TE" philosophy, and this 500cc is most definitely larger than my healthy breast (you'd think I had the mx on the other side!!). Any guidance for me, or just leave to PS?
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Kristinka ~ Are you in San Diego? A good friend who also uses my PS said he told her and her husband to bring in pictures of breasts that they liked. Needless to say he wasn't looking at Celebrity Breasts online . . . . He took in a file folder of Do's & Don'ts to the next appt. Hysterical!!!
Her breasts came out perfect! Saw her a couple of weeks ago and we were comparing cleavage and scars. This BC thing makes women do crazy things!!! Ha!
Take care, Colleen
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cs7777: It sounds as though your PS is trying to get sufficient skin expansion so that you will have a natural droop to the breast with a smaller implant, but not knowing what you look like, it is difficult to tell where he is going with this method of expansion. You can always email me photos.
Yes, what your PS has in mind for you is key, but you don't have to just "leave it to the PS." I think you have even more reason to ask what he intends to do for you. Here is the thing also about the anatomical gummy implants: The pocket is created with the style and volume of the 410 in mind. It is more crucial with the anatomicals that the pocket is created with the end result in mind. So what does he have in mind re: the end result? Is he going to take sizers for the various styles of the Allergan 410 into the OR? Does he know which style he is focusing on and what volume range? If he gives you this information, we can look at the dimensions of the various styles and give you a better idea of what to expect. Ask him WHY he feels the 410 will work better for you than a standard silicone round. Just good to know his reasoning in this regard. You might want to be open to augmenting the healthy breast in order to gain better symmetry....You may not need to cross this bridge...but it is good to be open...
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Kristen: "If the site will let me??" You obviously have not been to the MOJO thread! LOL!0
I PM'd you. I had a single MX as well. If you have any questions I would love to answer them if I can. Being a unilateral is a bit more of a challenge but it works out in the end.
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Grakenmom - Both Yoga and Pilates will be helpful for you. It's great for strength and flexibility. I've been doing mostly Pilates for almost 5 yrs and I swear by it. I have done Yoga in the past and am actually trying to do more of it again (since Mx). Do get an OK from your PS though as there are some of the exercises you may need to avoid until you are fully healed. MY PS and I go round and round about which I can and cannot do (mostly to do with the pecs). I know when I have my exchange I will have to lay low for a while. Not happy about it, but haven't any choice. Have a good one. Chris0
I started doing yoga again 3 weeks after my revision surgery. My ps thought the stretching would be good but advised not to do exercises that you bear weight on your chest. I also have right shoulder issues, isn't that funny we all have the same shoulder locking up? I had more work done to the right side so perhaps that is why. I also have alot of tightness from my arm to my boob so the yoga helps release some of that. I use a vcr tape that I have had for years called Power Yoga Fusion.
Deen, my ps told me that you don't see a difference in anything less than 30 cc's. I am wondering if 50 cc's will be enough to give you relief? You haven't been comfortable since your exchange. I didn't want a third surgery but am so glad I had a revision.
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CAROLYN... SO GREAT TO SEE YOU FACE SWEET LADY!... I will read your PM's soon.. I am really pooped and off to sleep.. but saw you here and had to say.. WELCOME home!.. Peace!0
I'm back! Had my exchange on Thursday and I'm sorry to say it was tough. In hospital at 6:30am, 2 1/2 hour surgery under general and left hospital at 5pm. I'm still pretty out of it, lots of chest pain yesterday, had to up the percocet. So as not to scare some of you, I did have revision of pocket work done also, still related I think to old encapsulared implant. BUT!! It looks great, even with swelling I can tell I'm going to be happy, have 460 allergen style 45. PS said I am very symetrical (please stay that way!!). I'm in a surgical bra 24/7 for next 10 days. I'll remove the bandage tomorrow for the big reveal!
I was told to take it easy for first few days, and that's pretty easy to do! Each day is better, yesterday I couldn't type and look at me now:) Will let you know tomorrow after bandages come off!
Thank you so much for the good thoughts! I was so ridiculously anxious till morning of surgery, then I must say I was excited! Another step!
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Zowee zow zow! Can't keep up!!!!
Lots of thoughts and feelings swirling around on this thread - it's so great.
cs7777 - Thanks for the info on downward dog pose. I know right now I certainly can't do that, but need to be able to in my future. When I decided upon implants I was very straight with my PS that I needed to be able to be as active as I was before or I'd rather not have implants. She said I would be able to return to my normal exercise after all is healed. I hope so!
Kristinka and Crusader1 - I've been getting Dandelion tea and drinking it post surgery to help cleanse my liver after anesthesia. A number of us have had repeated surgeries in a short amount of time and I hate knowing all those chemicals keep having at my body. Of course with any herb, do your research and make sure it's OK for you.
Kimberly - I hope my story with the exchange hasn't put any fear in you!!! Even though I know the cosmetic outcome for me will need a revision, it is STILL soooooo much better than the TE's!!! A million times over!
fairportlady - Hang in! It's going to be better. I don't know how long you've had to wait for exchange thus far, but I'm sure it's just a blip in time in the grand scheme of ones life. Still, I KNOW when the TE's are in, time moves VERY sloooooowly....
Katey - Sooo glad you're feeling good! Hurrah! Another step in the process is behind you!
Questions: How soon did some of you start massaging your foobs after surgery? What have any of you done to lessen the appearance of scars - vitamin E?
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Katey: I just recommended the Style 45 in 460 ccs to someone yesterday and so I cannot wait to see your photos! You MUST post them!0
cs7777, Kristinka, reeltchr - thanks so much for the info on yoga & pilates, I'll need to do some more research on instructors in my area - hopefully I'll be able to get into it, and it will be of great benefit. CS, thanks also for the tips from your PT. I just rec'd my script to go to PT, but am trying to find one close by that's in-network for ins. Ortho wants me to be in good shape prior to exchange surgery (and more PT, etc), so I need to work really hard for the next two weeks!!
Katey - congrats, and happy to hear your news!
Labby - hope you are well. Sending positive thoughts & energy your way!
Best to all - xo, E
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Katey --- how wonderful! Sorry it was harder than you had thought but so excited for you to have fab boobs
Geena -- how are YOU feeling? You so sweetly posted notes to all but didn't let us know how you are. Hope you are doing well.
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Deb and Dani, thanks for your feedback. This has been a hard decision for me. I like the size of mine now, I just didn't like how low and heavy they are. Going smaller and higher will probably be just what I need. I forgot to mention that the new PS said I have "irish" skin, and unfortunately it stretches easier. Oh well, more of those bad genes in my life:).
Hope everyone is feeling better today and please take it easy!
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Hi Deen--I looked at your pictures again last night and you look great, but I understand that you need to do what feels right in your body. I like the heaviness of the 800cc, somehow it makes me feel secure. However, being of Mulligan extraction, I too have delicate skin. As I've mentioned before I could use a lift, but am fearful of how that will impact my natural nipples. The step off on my left side has become worse, but strangely my right side has kind of improved on its own--I don't get how that works. I am not as brave as everyone else has been and I'm dragging my feet before a revision.
Your new PS sounds terrific and I'm sure you will be thrilled with your results. Our Irish genes are good! There is a great book called "How the Irish Saved Civilization." It tells of Irish history that almost nobody knows about. Check it out!
Geena--I agree with Lilah. Please let us know how you are doing.
Jean--Thinking of you.
Deborah--I looked at your pics again last night and I had forgotten how well the fat grafting went for you on the second round. Is it holding? You look amazing.
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Dani and other shoulder suffers. I was nearly disabled from Sept of last year to December with RIGHTshould pain. I have done no upper body work since Sept, until this past week. I had to have bone scans and mri because of it, they found bursitis, arthritis, and tendonopathy. I find it amazing so many of us had/are having problems with the same shoulder. I got a Tens device from the PT which helped with the pain greatly.
I have been working on the Pilate's reformer all this time, but not engaging my upper body until this week, and I began lifting low weights again.
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Firni, sent you a PM also since I have similar stats to you and sunnyhou and am in the TE fill process. deekaay0
Karen....Fat grafts holding at about 75% improvement. They have passed the 3 month mark so we can expect what is remaining to be on permanent hold now. The step-off defect in the left breast is greatly improved. I looked at my post-exchange photos today in comparison and it is significant. I might go in for a third round of FG next year....shhhhh....but don't tell my family....I would also like a revision of one of my drain site scars which has keloided and is quite sensitive...
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whippetmom: Thanks for the input re my uni-implant & gummy bears. I don't have answers to all your Q's but will take them with me for my PS appt Feb 24. I can clarify a few things though. My goal with my PS all along has been to get as good a match as possible to my healthy breast w/o surgery to that side. It would be easier for him if I let him modify it too, but I just don't want surgery anywhere it's not medically necessary. Maybe in a few yrs when that one's saggier, but not now. This is one of those personal things and it's just the way I feel. Re the gummy bear, he said from the beginning it's a good choice for me shape-wise and he's had good results with it w/others (one of whom I saw before I started), and I liked the cohesive property & shape too, so I said yes. I can only assume he created the pocket and selected the TE to that end. The TE ended up too high though, so he plans to revise the pocket during the exchange, which will partially negate the original pocket-planning anyway. What's that saying about the best laid plans??? More after my appt on the 24th (exchange in early Mar!), and I'll send you some pics if I can figure out how to do that.
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Geena..Hope you are feeling okay. You give such good advice to so many, including me.
Yes ladies this recon is a journey to many and a snap to others. But we all see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just some tunnels are a bit longer.
Stay strong.