Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
I've been having some issues lately, nothing related to my breast cancer, just getting old and falling apart. After a bout of constipation my bladder has fallen against my vaginal wall which is putting pressure on my ureter and making it difficult to pass my urine. Then Sunday I started having greenish colored vaginal discharge which the Dr thinks could be from a pelvic abscess, possibly related to my diverticuli. I'm having an abdominal/pelvic CT scan this morning to see what's going on.
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Puffin, in your pocket for your test. Hoping for an easy fix and that you feel better sooner rather than later!
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Ugh, DC has had over two weeks in the 90s with more to come
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Kath, I feel for you. It used to be a swamp, so I can feel the humidity. Stay cool.
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In your pocket for your tests, Puffin.
Seeing the ocular oncologist tomorrow. He will likely start (after doing the retinal exam) with an ultrasound--to see if the dome-shaped "blob" is vascularized. If not, it's likely either scar tissue or something congenital that nobody had noticed before because there had been no reason to look anywhere in my retinas except the fundi. If it is vascularized, then an MRI would be next--they generally don't biopsy eye tumors because there are hallmarks visible by sophisticated imaging.
Today is the last nice summer day we'll have for quite a while. Hot & stormy tomorrow, tropically steamy from Thursday till whenever. Ugh.
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Ironic to think the nation’s capital was built on a swamp. Not only that, topography wise, we are like a soup bowl with downtown being the bottom of the bowl.
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Our weather has been off, 11 days over 90. Yesterday the area was hit with some bad storms, heavy downpours, that missed my house entirely.
I went to the dermatologist and on my way home I could see lightening w dark gray skies. I zoomed home hoping to miss it and I did, it just never hit my neighborhood. I was able to mow the front lawn and half of the back, before I called it quits due to humidity. Partner finished the rest.
Dermatologist said the spot I was worried about is nothing, kertinosis I think, probably from years ago. Said he was glad I came in rather than ignore it. I was glad nothing had to be removed or burnt off!
Puffin - good luck w CT scan. Sandy - hope all goes well too. IllinoisLady - still got you on my mind, tomorrow is your big day.
Three tree guys are showing up for estimates today between 9-11. I had set the alarm for 8:20, but I woke just after 6. Fear of oversleeping, I only had 4.5 hours of sleep and should get more. Who knows. I can always nap later if I'm tired.
Have a great day ladies!
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Puffin, good luck with that.
It is 78 this morning and going to 91. Some rain chances. I am planning to meet up with one of my friends for a nice visit.
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Life is an exercise in the development of feeling. When we repress feelings, we become sour and judgmental. When we live awash in great feeling over small things, we become jaded long before we have even begun to enjoy. When feelings are in balance they sweeten long days and great distances with gratitude and hope. -Joan Chittister, Seeing with Our Souls
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Puffin, wishing you well and good fortune with tests, and any treatments you may need. May it all work out just fine.
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Jackie - I think your surgery is tomorrow? Hope everything goes well. In your pocket!!!
Puffin - let us know.
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Puffin, Sandy, Illinoislady, in your pockets!!!
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Thanks, ladies! Seems we'll all need pants or shorts with ample pockets these days.
Sad to say that the ocular oncologist to whom my retinologist referred me and I saw today is 99% sure it's ocular melanoma. Going to have a whirlwind of scans to determine whether it's spread (not likely, but never say never), then if it's confirmed to still be "encapsulated," have a needle biopsy to determine "class" and brachytherapy at the same time. The "plaque" (a little gold cap with radioactive seeds) goes in on a Mon. and is removed the following Fri. If all goes as planned, 5-yr chance of remaining tumor-free is 95% (knock wood). He says that a cancer patient has a 25% chance of developing a second (primary) cancer w/in 5 yrs. of first cancer dx. Most likely due to an undetermined genetic mutation for which there is as of yet no test. Wish I had been warned at the outset--wish we'd all been warned.
Sigh. It is what it is. But that stupid "floater" in the other eye, which sent me to the retinologist in the first place, may well have saved my life. Knock wood.
Now on pins & needles--my 25-y.o. niece/god-daughter in VA got severe hives and a low fever last night after eating a homemade carrot-granola muffin. Urgent care refused to test her today, saying the hives are definitely allergic. Waiting to hear back from my sister, who may have taken her elsewhere for a test, since she never had a food allergy before. My niece swears she never went anywhere but to "work" at her dad's (closed) store or to buy groceries, wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer.
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Sandy, so glad it has been caught early and is probably still encapsulated.
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((((Sandy ))))
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Sandy, BUMMER!!! Taking up residence in your pocket as you move through this. Please keep in touch and feel free to PM me if I can lend an ear or help in some way.
illinoisLady, same for you!
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Thinking of the too long list of you who are dealing with too many non-cancer issues. Some days I really think growing older is a bitch. One of the downsides of living in a "active adult" community is that we all first get less active and then fall apart together. Went to a drive-by birthday party for a 90 year old friend in April and suspect I'll be going to her drive-by funeral in the not too distant future. Her daughter just called Hospice.
Heard on the news the other night that over 30 percent of us know someone personally with Covid and 8% have family members who are infected. The recent outbreaks here are freaking all of us out. Are you feeling more comfortable with Bob's routine now Sandy? Obviously, the heat didn't do much to kill the virus!
Even though we lived in the DC area twice (Oxon Hill and Arlington) this is the first time I have thought of the District as a soup bowl. LOL
Enlarging my pocket.
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Thanks, everyone! (Tiny chance it's benign--if the needle biopsy comes back benign, I imagine they'd remove the seeded plaque earlier. No illusions, though--hoping it's a low-"class," analogous to "grade," tumor).
When my sis in Arlington got married on a steamy summer weekend, she handed out a handy guide for out-of-town guests: titled "Welcome to America's Schvitz Bath!"
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Illinois lady loved the quote today. Thank you. Yes here in DC we are on something like day 21 of record heat. And humidity almost always comes alongside. So "soup" is an apt analogy.
Today DH and I actually went to a mostly outdoor outlet mall. Both of our walking shoes were in sorry shape and we were desperatefor replacements. My mask was drenched when we got home after this brief trip.😷🥵
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(((Jackie))) Thoughts and prayers are with you for your procedure. It will be crowded in your strong and know that soon this will be behind you.
I had 8 days of "rolling visits" with overlaps from my 3 daughters and 7 grandkids. Only one stayed with me one night. My daughter from DC was not looking forward to going back to the 90 degree weather. We spent many days and evenings here at the beach where it dropped to the 70s in the late afternoons.
Sandy, I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. The treatment sounds very promising, however. I do wonder why some people get multiple unrelated cancers...myself being one of them. You are right about that annoying floater...probably helped you catch this sooner. I hope your niece is doing OK.
Puffin, I have recently been told that "getting old is not for the faint-hearted". Whether it's ourselves or dear friends, it is not easy to go through these years. I wish you all the best in resolving these issues that are interrupting your peace of mind right now,
Yesterday was a beautiful day here...warm, big clouds and a breeze. I did not get outside today as I finished up my taxes and eFiled. I'm glad it's done.
Taco, be safe and stay well! It's too hot to go out anyway. It's true that many of us know someone who has the virus or who has lost a loved one. I was shocked to hear my first cousin in Maryland went to the ER and lost his struggle one day later. It's very bad in the US right now. The northeast is doing well; but it's only a matter of time if people are not careful. My sister-in-law just returned to NY from her winter home in AZ. She and the AZ neighbors had pot luck dinners on her deck every night. She is quarantining far OK.Baby parakeets sound wonderful! I hope they thrive.
Stay cool, everyone.0 -
A thankful heart is the greatest virtue.
- Cicero0 -
IllinoisLady, I do enjoy your quotes each day. Some are deep, some are soul searching, some wise, some pleasant. some warm and fuzzy.
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I am in the process of getting full dentures. The remaining teeth in my upper jaw will be pulled sometime next month. One of them has a very long root, going into a sinus. I already have sinus headaches and a bit of conductive hearing loss on that side. I am hoping that getting that tooth pulled will give me an improvement in those problems, but it is also possible that that tooth root will break off in the sinus, and those problems will get worse, necessitating further surgery. As you know, I already have moderate to severe hearing loss, so any improvement in my left ear is welcome. And any further loss has to be prevented whenever possible.
Other than that, the usual crises and joys. My book club has switched formats. We will now be doing independent research into various topics, and returning and reporting. Most of us are significantly into retirement age, and have bought into the internet. Should be interesting.
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Sandy - Sorry to hear of your ocular diagnosis. In your pocket & hoping for a positive outcome. Thanks for the warning - This info is "new" to me as well.
For one of my SILs (same age as me), the risk of other cancers has definitely played out. She had BC w/Mastectomy in April 2016 & chemo treatments for over a year. Had vulvar cancer in 2018 w/surgery (clitorodectomy) & radiation. Just diagnosed with a 2nd vulvar cancer for which she needs radiation & chemo to hopefully shrink prior to surgery. This is really atrocious to think about.
My aching gums from numbing injections for a root canal done yesterday pale in comparison to what some others are going through.
Paraphrasing IllinoisLady, for all those undergoing health related treatment of one sort or another: wishing you well and good fortune with tests, and any treatments you may need. May it all work out just fine.
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Will be praying for your SIL. Yes, indeed atrocious.
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Praying for your SIL as well. IMHO, MOs owe us a duty the first time we are diagnosed with cancer to warn us of the 25% 5-yr risk of a second unrelated primary tumor!
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Sandy - I'm at a loss for words. It is in fact a good thing to find it early. And enlightening that we have a 25% chance of another cancer within 5 years. Prayers.
Celia - my heart goes out to your SIL. MCBaker - I'm hoping they can get that tooth out w/o any further surgery. IllinoisLady - I'm hoping you're recuperating comfortably.
I'll repeat what was said earlier, keep wearing big "pockets" to keep us with you all.
Frivolous info, only 1 tree guy showed up. 2 quotes out of 4 companies, chose lower price. As long as he can provide his insurance certificate, the job is his.
Treat yourselves well, we deserve it. HUGS
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Good morning, Ladies. It is hot and sunny with rain chances in the afternoon. It is the usual Summer weather pattern. Laundry is my goal for today.
With all that is going on with some of us, I think Cargo pants need to come back in style. (I might still have a pair.) Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
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Jackie - Illinois Lady, here are good wishes and positive thoughts for your recovery. I hope you are able to be home soon. You are missed!
It's a cloudy, cooler, but humid day on Long Island. Yesterday was perfect. I need today to catch up on chores, I guess.
Secondary cancers are just awful. I agree that we should have been advised of these risks. Even with breast cancer, 5 years is no "cure" or guarantee. Too many have had recurrences well after 5 years.
I try not to dwell on the likelihood that my cancer will return. I have decided that while I feel well, I will live well. And it helps.Make the most of today - stay safe, be well, and find joy in something big or small.
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Petite - my DH loves cargo shorts!!!!