Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    When I was little, back in the 1950s I used to spend the summers with relatives in Indiana. We spent many nights at traveling tent revivals where the sick were healed and the lame walked and people were overcome by the spirit and talked in tongues.  It makes up some of my earliest memories. Anyone see the movie "Leap of Faith?" Just like that. All the wonderful old hymns that I know,,, Rock of Ages, I Come to the Garden Alone... I learned those summers. My nuclear family was episcopalian and we sang staid, solemn, boring stuff :-)  If I have orange juice and a  cookie now it transports me back to the basement meeting hall of that fundamentalist church. 

    So, while I am not "into" that form of religion, it holds a dear place in my heart and conjures up all kind of emotions.  All kind of people of different faiths have asked me if they could pray for me since my BC diagnosis and I embrace them all. I don't know who is right so feel like it is good to cover all possibilities. My husband (who is more conservative than an episcopalian?... a presbyterian!) thinks I am nuts. But I want someone putting in a good word for me with God and I can't be sure who has His ear.

    Gosh, I will miss Melissa! I love to read her posts, and Isabella's stories! I just finished a Rosamund Pilcher book, Winter Solstice, and I thought "I know someone who is living that life... Isabella!" Her posts are like a book... maybe All Creatures Great and Small.

    Here I am in mundane Florida.  OH OH OH... the whales are here! I was driving up A1A a couple days ago and saw cars scattered all over the roadside, where you are NOT supposed to park. So stopped to look.  Sure enough, not far out, there was a big tail and a glimpse of a back. So I've got to hustle up there and get my calendar girl picture taken. :-)

    Blessings on all of us.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Gees Jeanette, no wonder I was sent to the Dairy Queen so many times back in the day! OMG, your poor girls! "just part of being married like making gravy and cleaning house?!!" That was the bird and the bees talk? That is hysterical. And the only thing happening since I was exorcized and "satan was cast out of my body" is that my computor crashed to the turn of about 300 in repairs!

    Jackie, you story about your Mom brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful and incredibly spiritual. And yeah, I caught My Mom and Dad once when I was about five and jumped in the middle of the bed because I thought my Dad was killing my mother. After that, they locked their bedrom door.

    Isabella, I am having trouble caring for my two English Springer spaniels. Truly I DO NOT KNOW HOW YOU DO IT ALL. You are something!

     Pam, WOW, what a world traveling the revival tents! My Dad hated his brother and I was never allowed to officially go to a revival, but my uncle did manage to sneak me out to a few. Boy, did he ever catch the Holy Fire! Sometimes it happened in our living room when he was visiting and Mom would throw him out. He was an itinerant old geezer. And oh my, the whales. I fished off of Hatteras two winters ago in an light tackle ocean boat and this huge pod of whales engulfed us in their journey. My GOD, it was an out of body experience. They would roll so close to the gunnels of the boat that I could touch them. The they would "blow"and soak us. One youngster kept by the boat and he would roll up and look at us with one great big eye-it was like he knew every last secret in the universe! These were mostly young males and they stayed with us all day because the Rockfish were running thick! There had to be 100 of them.

    Melissa-if you get this, I got a trojan virus through one of the BC.ORG links and it crashed my computor. I notified the tech at BC.ORG (we have traced it to a URL linked with "Photobucket"). I would love to know about your computor escapade.

    Big HUGS and lots of love to all of us PODS! SV

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    Seeing the whales like you did is wonderful.  Seeing them from A1A, even though we are about 10' above the ocean level, leaves a lot to be desired. But it is thrilling to get a glimpse and know we are their nursery.

    DD and I were in New Hampshire a few years ago. She wanted to go out on a whale watch cruise. Four hours out, very choppy, so we had to take dramamine. We could hardly stay awake! Finally came upon a small group but not a good view. Then four hours back, more choppy and more mal de mer :-(  I figured they were the same "right" whales we see at home for free!

    I've heard seeing the killer whales is fabulous but DH says he is through traveling. Guess I'll have to see them at Sea World.  :-)


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    Good evening Pods  Read the post and there are some touching stories here.  Our pastor speaks in tongues, not very often but sometimes and he always explains later what he said.  It is always a good message.  I got to go to church last night for the first time in ages and it happened to be a night he spoke in tongues.  I am still getting use to it.  I don't like to be the center of attention but he had DH bring me to the front and prayed for healing of the bone.

    Sending all of you hugs and love.  Sherry

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    I am wishing his prayers are answered for you!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    Oh Lordy, now I feel awful. I do not want to diminish anyone's healing experiences AND who knows, maybe something miraculous did happen (like what were these hill folk doing on the Outer Banks and finding ME anyway?). Whatever experience, I wish that all prayers and all healings in any form are answered. We need all the help we can get. Embarassed SV -- AND all PODS, maybe look at coming out to the Outer Banks for a group hug and a whale watching tour!! :))))
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Spar, I join with Pam in wishing and hoping that the prayers for you are answered.  You are over-due for healing vibes! 

    I'm about packed.  We leave on Wednesday and I'm so ready to get away from the snow and cold.  Keep your fingers crossed that the roads in Illinois will be clear enough that we can take off on time and head toward Pam's "mundane Florida!"   LOL

    I've enjoyed reading about your spiritual encounters.   I do believe in miracles.......they just come packed in strange packages sometimes!

    Everyone have a great Tuesday!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    I too will miss Melissa and hope she is able to "find" a computer soon so as to get back with us.

    Yes, yes, yes, Pam and everyone do accept all prayers from anyone ----  as is said -- all roads lead to Rome and God does not care what religious persuasion is used to come to him.  As long as it is not a strange cult who develops a taste for Kool-Aid --- but seriously, the majority of the present day religions are fine as such.  We do not go to Church here where we live but we do have a minister in California who sends sermons to us on tape .  Our church is the great outdoors with bees humming, and deer meandering in the field, and a slight breeze full of honeysuckle and we are in the best chapel there ever could be.  A lot of people feel more comfortable  with pews full of friends and neighbors and that too is wonderful.  I do miss some of the of my most favorite " How Great Thou Are " and I did grow up with some of the older gospel music and miss it.....but we also love our outdoor meadow church.

    Rita....have a wonderful time my friend.

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010
    StillVerticle - What a wonderful story about the gft from the woman. Very touching. I know that you will treasure it and glad to hear that your father was moved by it  too. Special. Have a good one - Chris
  • DaylilyFan
    DaylilyFan Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2010

    Still Verticle and ChevyBoy (I'd like to hear the story behind that handle):  You two made my day!

    At the post-op checkup, my surgeon scheduled my one-year followup with him right after my next screening mammogram and I am dreading it already.  I figure that since I now have a "history," they are going to squish and pull to a fare thee well! Wink

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    Don't know where in the state you are going. Farther south than us would certainly be warmer. Good news is the storm system has moved off and the whole state is clear and sunny. A little on the cool side but compared to Illinois... a veritable sauna :-)

    Hope you have a really great trip. Will you be on line? Keep in touch!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Interesting about the Photobucket problem.  I tried to load it on one of my computers ( the one before this one ) and never managed to do anything -- didn't go in correctly.  Probably a good thing for me -- but my old computer became quite full.  I had my Realtors license then and had to put the Multiple Listing Service on my computer about three different times.  Was to the point I had so little space I could not even defrag bit the bullet and got one of those little compact pc's and had a lot more space on it than my old one.  Not selling real estate anymore so this pc should last for a long, long time. 

    Had a dusting of snow overnight.  It is a fond farewell to the 50 degree temps. we had for a day and a half and back to winter.  At least we have some sun which will help soothe the loss of warmth for me.  Just hope the wind that was howling last night remains quiet today.  That had a real nip and bite when we were outside last evening. 

    Hope you all will have a wonderful day.  I loved your verse/poem Jo.  Thinking about copying and pasting and putting it on the wall by my computer desk. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Dearest PODS, I woke up feeling so depressed this AM. So I sat and truly took the time to read all posts from the PODS. Lordy, what a mighty group of women we are!!!!!

    Isabella, I am so sorry about your cows and I so wish I could "microwave" myself to your farm and stomp about the barn with you checking on the cows and other critters. Let alone tramp about after DH, unfixing all of his fixing of things! The "barn" has always been a place where I am most comfortable and my retreat when I was a child and needed a "safe place to be." I showed horses for an old friend when I was a youngster (Morgan Horses) and I would spend the season with Judy baling hay 'the old, by-hands way" with hay hooks pulling bales out of the chute and stacking them on the flatbed being pulled by the tractor. The hay stack would get so high that I could not reach the chute-but what days we had!!!!

    JO, thank you so much for sharing such an absolutely beautiful prayer. It will be copied and put on my computor!! Daylily, can you get a digital Mammo done? What a difference as I have experience both. I think one reason I have BC is that I remember the old "boobs en plate" method and I refused to have another mammo (like 15 years passed) until they invented something different. My great loss-but the digital was a breeze and I was only exposed to this newfangled stuff after I was diagnosed!

    To all travelling PODS, have a wonderful trip and I cannot wait to read about your escapades-so keep a journal!!

    Need to go out in the frigid-like 20 degrees on the island today- and get food for my poor pups-I tried to cheat and feed them bread and gravy last night cause I am out of dog food. My one springer has to eat a special blend for skin allergies and it is a pain to go get it. Anyway, the bread and gravy did not go over well (they are so spoiled). So, as an amends, the pack leader and Alpha female (that be me) will have to take them to the butcher shop and get great knuckle bones for them to chew on today. Love to all and have a wonderful day! Kiss SV

  • DaylilyFan
    DaylilyFan Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2010

    Still Verticle:  Do you mean a digital mammogram or an MRI?  My gyno thought I might now be a candidate for screening via MRI but the surgeon said no.  Mammos here are digital but still the same plate compression, just better images (like high def TV I suppose).

    Isabella:  Sure hope things are looking up for you! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Hey Daylily, I am sure I was told it was a Mammogram. I have had a million MRI's but I could be wrong. They put my breast between two soft thick and comfy plastic plates then did a very slight squeeze of the plates to flatten out and hold my breast still. I was standing up, like in the old days. The plates are see-through and the tech did each breast seperately. I was stunned and I am sure I asked her if that was the Mammo-oh I remember-she said yes. I described the old method and told her that was why I had not had a mammo in 20 years after the first and only one-that I could not and would not be put in that kind of pain, again. She said, yeah, "we finally realized that mammo tech does no good if noone will get them" because of the pain and trauma the old ones caused. ERRGH, hope that is the right info. I could be totally wrong because I am so out of the loop on on this new fangled stuff. If I am wrong, someone let me know. (((Hugs))))SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Hello mighty Pods!  I loved the story about the whales!  Wow!  Where was that?  Maybe on a page back? Okay, I found it....that was magical, reading about them!   That was beautiful, anyway!  And StillVerticle!  You make me laugh so much!  You thought your Dad was killing your Mom!  Wink Embarassed Surprised  So FUNNY!!!!!!!!!! 

    And DayLilly ...... "Chevyboy" is because we USED to have a '57 Chevy!  We had it forEVER!  My Husband converted it from an automatic into a stick....We loved it!  He always worked on it, chromed everything he could, just made it beautiful!  He finally got tired of working on it, put it on blocks & it SAT there for years.....Finally sold it to his Nephew!  That thing scared the bejoozies out of us!  He drove it so fast we "fish-tailed" down the highway!  It was no-fault of the car itself, but of said Husband!  Undecided...So I was glad when we got old enough to not "play" like that anymore.

    But DURING that time, our Daughters thought we needed something to take their places....They were moving out on their own....So we found ourselves in the throes of this darling little tiny breathing thing in my Daughters coat....a baby Australian Shepherd Shelty mix!  So I figured if we were going to keep this little hair-ball, my Husband would want to name "him"....So he became Chevyboy!  We loved him every minute of his 14 years.....So sad when it comes time to say good-by!  But I keep him in my heart, with all his pictures & little reminders! 

    THEN the same DAUGHTERS thought we might need another one, to "keep us home more!"  they brought home a teeny-tiny little puff of fur called a Sheltie!  Lacee Jayne is 6 years old now, & she is our "other" Daughter!    And easier to raise, ha!  So what was I saying?

    That's awful about Photobucket!  Was it a virus or something like that?  Was it a Trojan?  How did it make your computer crash?  Damn!  I try & be so careful about other sites, but you just never know! 

    And I am still baffled about Mammograms vs whatever it was you said!  You mean something digital?  I have to look this up!

    Okay mighty pods!  I love you!  Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010
    Hey Gals!  I just googled photobucket virus...and seems like there are a lot of people being infected with some sort of virus!   Even WITH a virus program, they are having a LOT of problems with this site, and any site that directs you there.....Jeannette
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Hi ladies....we had beautiful sun today and it quickly wiped out the thin dusting of snow we got overnight.  I'm sure we will more than likely have rain or snow in the next few days.  In winter I am not found of rain -- it turns to sleet and ice to easy to suit me.  I'd as soon it go ahead and snow as I can deal with that easier all way round. 

    As far as virus and all computer geek who will come out to the house and work on my computer if need be says that basically no virus protection is 100 per-cent.  Eventually **something** will get you.  I think he is probably right -- but I am fairly illiterate on the computer since I learned very do not do many provocative things or put much for extra programs or sites on.....all I have on here extra is a game site ( Kongregate ) where I play Mah-Jong ?sp? a whole lot.  So far, so good.  I also use the virus protection that goes with my subscription to Charter.Net.  I just have this idea that anyone having so many subscribers would use a really top-notch virus protection.  Before that we used AVG -- both the paid and un-paid versions and basically never had a glitch. 

    I have digital Mammo's.  It is done the old fashioned way -- and I let them run it down as tight as they want to put it.  If that is what I have to do to allow them to see anything bad....I say go for it.  I don't consider it much of a price if it saves my life. 

    Hope you all had a glorious wonderful day.

    Hugs and love, Jackie

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2010

    Thank goodness things are quiet here this week so far. I'm drowning in the drama. Stupid son-in-law has left my DD, he's been away from that house for 2 weeks now, and out of town for about 5 days. Blissfully quiet days without crying and screaming and name calling. It's so sad, watching this little family that I've invested so much in, fall apart. But I've let her know that we will help and support her all we can.

    HELLO to the Right Whales! We see them here, off the coast of GA too, it's very cool that we are home to their breeding grounds in our winter. They garner a great deal of respect. Damn Right!

    I took the baby in a stroller for a walk this morning, it was fine going one way but coming back the wind was insane. I had to turn the stroller and walk it backwards to keep the wind out of the baby's face. But the sun was shining like crazy. And I think we reached 60 today.

    It's funny, the things people say about the weather, someone north of here, said, Just wait, it will change. They say that here too. it does. Tonight it's going down to 32.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    DEAR PODS! I so need support right now. I feel like such a wimp for asking BUT, I got in the shower to get ready to go to a meeting tonight and "it" happened! The beautiful head of hair I had fell out in gobs in the bathtub. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN A HAT, WIG TURBAN OR ANYTHING YET! So, I took the dog clippers and simply shaved my head. Now I am a BALD POD-I would like to write "eagle" but I am so freakin' OLD. ERRRGH! Boy are people going to be surprised when I turn up at a 10AM meeting I have tomorrow because I am going to let my freak flag fly. I ran outside in the dark to feel the wind on my bald head. First time in over 50 years that my scalp has seen the moon and the stars. I cannot wait for it to see the sun!

    Jackie, thanks so much for clarifying on the digital Mammograms. I have been poked and proded so much with machines I have never seen before I cannot tell what is what. So sorry to give the wrong info on the digital mam. So, what the heck was it that I had?

    Connie, so sorry about the family drama. I worry because you need to keep the focus on you and your healing!!! I know it must be hard, but DD is an adult now-easy to say.Frown

    Absolutely gorgeous day today as we have come out of the deep freeze on the Outer Banks.It was about 50 degrees with sun out and a warm west wind blowing off the mainland. The dogs and I had a ball. I took my 'big girl' tricycle out for a spin down the lane to the beach. We had a 'bluefish blitz" so fierce that they ran tons of baitfish, including sea trout up onto the beach. It was like Wild Kingdom day at low tide. And I and pups had the beach all to ourselves!

    Jeanette, I love the '57 Chevy story-didn't Eric Clapton write a song about them..."I get off on '57 Chevys, I get off on (something) guitars.... (ok gals, drag the memory banks and fill in the rest of the song).

    Got a big dose of gratitude tonight as my church is hosting "Night for the Homeless" tonight. We made the folks a wonderful home-made meal and stuffed everyone. The churches host this event in the cold months so noone is left outside. A huge group is sleeping at the church tonight. I just feel so very greatful to have my warm bed and pups by my side!!! Good grief, enuf from me. I think this is Good night to all PODS and sweet dreams! SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Connie...I am so sorry that this is happening just because it is causing so much pain for all involved.   It sounds like just so much drivel to say that maybe this is going on now because something far better will come along.  So often things are so upsetting and hurtful and seems like lives are over-turned for what  -- but if there wasn't some ugliness somewhere we would not recognize real beauty when we found it.  Just hoping that saying something better may be waiting somewhere in the wings doesn't just sound like my idea of a band-aid.  I truly believe we all have our personal dessert periods and this is one of your DD's. 

    Though difficult I'm sure soon if not already,  your DD will be so appreciate knowing she has you to help with some balance while she sets about restoring some positive energy to her and your grandchild's lifes.  You never see rainbows until after the rain -- hope the waiting for something better is not too long. 

    Cold here too....I just keep hoping for lots of sun.  I feel much more energetic and inspired no matter what is going on.  Stay well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Still Verticle....I am so sorry about the hair.  I did not realize you were "that close" to its demise.  Most of the oncology infusion centers/hospitals put on a Look Good - Feel Great seminar ( won't help you right at the moment ) and they usually give you a free make-up kit ( several companies donate make-up ) with about $200.00 worth in it.  Also, they have free wigs to try on and you are welcome to keep them if you like the style, color and fit.  They help you accentuate what you do have to make up for what you don't.  At my seminar I could not believe how many "good looking" bald ladies there were. 

    This is just something to keep in mind.  I think I'm saying -- don't be afraid to wear make-up and if you use scarfs to tie on ( I really liked them ) using dangling earrings always seems to give an added lift as for the most part -- most people realize that you have a "hair" problem but you will be so "attractive" that they will not focus on that as much as your "elegance".  Tying the scarf is a bit of an art....and also some of the companies that sell hats etc. also sell a little cotton type beanie that tends to help scarfs to not slip and slide on your head.  They are also good for under your wig.  You can google for web-sites that sell wigs for chemo patients etc.  Telephone book might provide an outlet that might be around where you live. 

    This too shall pass as they say.  The hair was one of the hardest parts for me.  I am not and never was a "looker" and being bald made it much more noticeable I thought.  Again though I did see it as a necessary part to being willing to save my own life, and knew it would soon take second fidde while I learned the best method of getting through my chemo txs, it was still a shock and often a mite un-comfortable.  The proof is in the pudding.....I'd do it without a second thought tomorrow all over again if I had too.  Maybe a little kicking and  screaming but I'd do it because it would beat the pants off the alternative.

    I am wishing you well. 

    Many hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Geez you guys!!!!!!  There are just no words to express how much respect & admiration I have for you all!  Melissa, SV.... just going through that wretch of a time you had with chemo, & them almost causing your demise, SHOULD have been enough!   And to lose your hair?  Damn!  I've heard where that almost always happens...but to see it, has to be just the worst!  

    I myself, even thought of buying a wig, just because I just don't feel like doing my hair every morning, but I don't have one yet!  We used to wear them a LOT, years ago, Ha!  I styled wigs, hair-pieces, & wore them all!!  9 miles high, with barrel curls!  I was a sight!  Wink  And what the hell, at my age, I can do anything....Right?  And make-up?  Like my Mom said, the older I get, the more make-up I need, & the less good it does!  I remember one time, she accidentally used a  red lip-liner pencil for her brows....I said "Mom....are your brows bleeding?".....She just laughed, & put her glasses on!  Older Pods need make-up....What the hey, it only takes about 3 extra hours getting ready!  (just kidding!)   I have to cover the mirrors if I run around here without my war paint! 

    But I'm sorry Melissa.....another warm hug for you my friend! 

    And are such jerks sometimes!  And they cause so much heart-ache for EVERYone in the family!  I'm just glad you are there for your Daughter, especially! are so right...about Mammograms....It found my cancer, and if that's the only way they can find it, I'm all for it.  I know it's a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't cause any cancer!  My SIL just "quit" having mammograms....even after she had a lumpectomy & the MammoSite device type of Radiation....She said "they lost her records" therefore she wasn't going to do it anymore!   Oh well, to each his own!  And she won't do Tamoxifen either!  Because she says she is trying "holistic" ways to cure her!  What a ding-bat!  Man, I'll do almost everything I can to fight this.... like ALL of you gals!   Have a fun day mighty pods!  Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    The Black Bra(as told by a woman)

    I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends.
    One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been
    married for 20+ years..

    We were chatting about our relationships and decided
    to amaze our men by greeting them at the door
    wearing a black bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes.
    We agreed to meet in a few days to exchange notes.

    here's how it all went.

    My engaged friend
    The other night when my boyfriend came over he
    found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask.
    He saw me and said, 'You are the woman of my dreams.
    I love you..' Then we made passionate love all nightlong.  

     The mistress: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was
    wearing a raincoat, under it only the black bra, heels and
    mask over my eyes.. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but he started to tremble and we had wild sex all night  

    Then I had to share my story:
    When my husband came home I was wearing the black bra,
    black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes.
    When he came in the door and saw me he said.   "What's for dinner, Batman"

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010



  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Wow - I was off this thread for a couple of days and had to spend an hour catching up!

    First - Isabella you are the woman.  I don't know how you do it!  So sorry about your cows.  I do love cows - I think they are beautiful.

    Connie - sometimes life just throws you a curve ball - I am glad your DD has you but as others have said - please, please take care of yourself.

    Jo - loved that poem  - I too will print it - its good to remember things happen in God's time, not our time.

    Melissa - you are going to be sorely missed - hurry up and get that computer up and running.

    SV - you are a hoot!

    Jeannette - I have always been afraid to put on too much make up just because the shock of seeing my "naked" face would be that much worse!  Now I put on lipstick and call it a day.

    BTW - I bought some catnip for Oliver and all he wants is that darn cat nip - I put it in a sealed container in the pantry and everytime I open the pantry door he is right there!

    A few light-hearted moments:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010


    someone knows me.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Good morning everyone.  How does Wednesday get here so soon?  I haven't a thing done here at my house.  May be a long work day here.  Not as nippy out as I thought it would be, but not going to have very good weather  -- some snow flurries that easily could turn to rain as it warms.  Rain is the last thing I want.  Oh well....we get what we get. 

    I'm not too good in the make-up department at all.  My vision is very poor without my glasses so I do fairly minimal make-up.  Did a bit more during chemo -- w/o eyebrows I had to draw some on ( learned how to do this at LookGood--Feel Great ) and using cover-up first helped there as well.  I did use it most of the time then but since have gotten to where I basically only now do some eyebrow, lipstick and small amt. of cheek blush.  I tried using a magnifying mirror but didn't like it. One of these days though since I am not getting any younger. 

    Fortunate part for me is that though my eyebrows are sparse now....the underarm hair never came back -- was wishing I would have the same luck on the legs but did not happen. 

    How funny Kathleen.  All my cats guard my pantry door as well after I have favored them with a little catnip.  I grew it in a container in the yard for them for fun, but easier to buy it in the flaked form ---  I put it on their scratching posts.  Anyone who has cats -- catnip grows easily but in a pot is best because it spreads easily and your yard will be full before you know it. 

    Oh spring -- I will be so happy when you arrive in a couple months. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Yeah, Oliver is a hoot.  The first time I bought him a catnip toy (a mouse with a velcro pocket and a "teabag" of catnip the dog took it away from him and ate the catnip, bag and all.  This time I wouldn't let her near him because she will take it away from him.  I also have to hide spearmint or peppermint gum from him.  Since catnip is a member of the mint family, he is obsessed with getting anything like mint; sometimes to the point of going up to your mouth and trying to get your gum.  If  you don't get his food out quickly enough or you don't get up quick enough to feed him when he feels he needs to eat, he starts pushing stuff off the edges of furniture until you do get his food.  It drives my sister crazy!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    Maxine is my fav  cartoon character, she is a hoot.

    Being bald can be liberating, I usually wore hats and scarves and earring.  I hardly ever wear make up anymore but sure look better with it since my eyelashes are blond.

    Hope Melissa finds a computer soon, am missing that woman.

    Hoping Rita is having a good safe trip

    I am going through drama too with the breakup of son's relationship.  It is hard on everyone.

    Posted some pictures of my new family members on the mountain thread.

    000_1242.jpg Chee Chee sleeping picture by spark56_photo

    Here is Chee Chee sleeping with DH

    000_1243.jpg Bone stimulator picture by spark56_photo

    Here is me being stimulated. LOL

    000_1240.jpg That look picture by spark56_photo

    Here is Chee Chee giving me that what do you think your doing look

    Love all you pods.  Have a great day.