Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    JO, I almost know how you feel.  My sons had a pediatrician who was older than dirt when they were young but I was still upset when I called the office and found out he had retired the year before.  I loved that man.  If he's still alive he would probably be about 140 now.  At least when you're upset you keep your sense of humor.  Can they attach a kind of seat belt to the wheelchair?  I sense that could be a regular thing for nursing home residents.

    Crunchy worms - Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    Night all.

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010

    Ladies - Thanks for the warm welcome. This thread is something else. I have been laughing so d****d hard, but that is the best medicine we all could use given the circumstances. A little more about I wrote earlier I am in the process of reconstruction and having exchange surgery in early March. I started Femara on the 1st and so far I am doing fine. I occasionally get flushes (especially while @ the computer reading posts written by mature women), but I'm coping. Well, it is getting late and I should try to go to sleep. I'm not a good sleeper, some nights are better than others. Have a good night ladies.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    Hey JO, yeah the laws governing "restraints" are very strict and very ridiculous in many cases. I worked geriatric care for a long time and "in the day" patients were simply left in chairs by lazy CNA's. Use of restraints, even like a belt is mandated by federal law. Even if he was in restraint, he could only be in one for :15 minutes, depending on his condition AND it takes a DR order each :15 to keep restraints on. Does he have a large wheel chair? An option is to put a "Pummel" in between his legs to keep him from sliding forward. We dealt with this with Mom and it was awful. I am so sorry you are having to go thru this. Part of being in this age group is that we have invalid parents to care for while trying to do our own cancer treatment. We women of the "sandwich" generation have enormous life stressors on us as care for kids and parents falls on our shoulders. Very important to carve out time for ourselves to be quiet and to heal!! Easier said than done. Have you met with "patient rep or patient advocate at the facility." Important to have a clear plan which everyone understands and implements for the care of your Dad. He is a fall risk and that must, by law, be address appropriately in his treatment plan. LOL, SV Chris, I have no shame after cancer, so hope I did not offend with the discovery that some of my "bodpod" parts are still working just fine. I just wish I would get a heads up so my brain can join the parteee!!! I mean that is a major release of endorphines which has to be healthy for this depressed pod and it must burn calories-tee hee-wicked, I know. Patoo, just put your hands over you ears and go "la, la, la" so you are not "influenced" by the more mature and mentally challenged PODS. Embarassed SV
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Wow !!!! Jo.  Since he knows you so well, do you think your ( now going to be former ) Dr. can recommend someone else.  A little hard I'm sure, but knowing how your 'mind' operates.  Also thinking one of the Dr.'s nurses may know someone that might fit.  It is rather like your own parent though -- no one else could ever really fill in..  I so do remember your speaking about this with such feeling I was ready to move next door to you so I could use that Dr. too.  It is a rare thing I think.

    I also think the people who do illogical things ( new wheel chair law ) have no common sense and they are certainly far from having anyone in THAT situation. It seems that many of our senior citizens need an entire staff to see to their well-being and SAFETY and those who never tire of fighting for others who are treated un-justly and in-humanely -- never see that a life is saved or gross injuries avoided.  Probably have never worked at a care facility either.  Some day we will get much better in those facilities and it will NOT be due to these kinds of laws.  It will be because we have learned to love enough to honor the lives of those who need us. 

    Ok -- nuff' of that but we already have more laws than we know what to do with and long ago forgot I think that it is usually the 'simple' answers that give the most help.  Just like medicines there are side effects with these laws that hurt as much as they help.  .

    I think I need to go to bed has been a long week for me.  See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Hey Jackie and Jo,Having worked in a nursing home with under paid and under trained staff and too many patients, I can tell you that I have seen more harm done to patients with "restraints in a wheelchair, "than not. The realities of most facilities is sickening to me, unless you are really wealthy! Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and the patient ends up the worse for it. Good Lord, sorry to sound so argumentative. My second career was as a geriatric caregiver. Start advocating now for excellent care because many of us will be there in 20 years. Jackie, sorry you had such a tough week and hope you are OK. Sending love and prayers. SV

  • DaylilyFan
    DaylilyFan Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2010

    Oh, lordy, I sympathize with the doctor search!  Our PCP was a great diagnostician AND my DH liked and trusted him (we followed him a practice 20 miles away) but he was offered a dept. head position at our children's hospital so we could hardly follow him there!  He did recommend a couple of docs near our home but they weren't accepting new patients.  I gave up on the doctor my podiatrist recommended as the best internist in the city because the office was so disorganized (paperwork, referrals, phone messages all got screwed up).  Then I tried a "youngster" who was very caring but I have doubts about pushing benedryl as a sleeping pill.  I'm now seeing another young guy with sports medicine expertise because I'm at the age when I pull things at the drop of a hat.  DH has been seeing a middle-age guy who doesn't pressure him to loose weight or get a flu shot, so they get along great!  Aren't men funny?

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    I am so sorry that JO is going through this.  I am not much for doctors under any circumstances but thank goodness my sister is a physician in our county and knows all the good ones who have also been extremely nice.  My PCP recommended nby my sister is a chauvenist but knows his medicine and pressures me about weight all the time.

    As an aside, I had a friend who was shall we say large.  She said every doctor she has ever gone to has told her she needs to lose weight - now she going to a new doctor and when he/she asks how are you doing, she replies "well, I just lost 90 pounds!"  All he/she can say is keep it up.

    JO - sorry to hear about your dad.  I don't know anything helpful to tell you.  I do know when I was in the hospital and the rehab/nursing home falling was a big no-no.  They did just about anything to keep you from falling.  I hope he is okay and they can do something about keeping him put.

    Isabella - my goodness you do have your hands full.  I, personally, like to call in professionals rather than have a relative fix anything.  The professional knows exactly what to do and has all the right tools to do it - much cleaner, faster, and trustworthy!  Good luck Sweetie.  P.S. Glad DH had the poop party!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Good Morning Kathleen!  I must have caught it from you!  Wink I too, was so dizzy when I woke up, but it is better now!    There is nothing worse than "spinning" around when you try & stay verticle!  I made it outdoors once, sat down on my step & just "lost it"  in my garden!   It just makes you sick to your stomach!  You at least keep your sense of humor!  Just keep those little something "zine" pills..for when you feel that way....I know....Meclazine!   It takes a minute for them to work, but they help!  It's good to know your Sister knew what caused it....I never do!   And NO.....don't bend might do a "face plant" among the critters! 

    Isabella!  You finally came out to play!  Glad your DH has had at least some relief!  I actually didn't think he could do it on his own!  I mean with out some professional help!     Your escapades are priceless!  And I hate when our Husbands think they can "fix" everything in this universe (or our world) that needs "fixin!"   My DH got sort of "blown" backwards in his folks basement years ago, trying to light their furnace....!  I didn't even knock any sense into him!  I wasn't married to him yet, I just watched in horror, seeing his blackened face & singed hair!   I should have seen a premonition there, of things to come!    I married him anyway.  Wink  SOMEtimes he will read "directions".....that means I try & read them to him...which means if he will just walk away, & leave me alone, I will finish it.  I have put together beds, desks, TV stands, cabinets...installed TV's, modems, computers, programmed telephones, VCR's, & even my Ipod!  I am woman!  Hah!  But HE can tear down an engine, & put the whole car back together again!  He has always been the best mechanic in the world, & so patient!    So glad you saved the chickens lives!  Wiring can be so dangerous! 

    Still Verticle.....You are sooooooo funny!  When these things "happen" they are just so joyous, we have to share them with the world, Ha, ha!  Too funny!  Maybe you cold double up on whatever it was to cause this, & be better prepared next time....!  Could it be that this is sort of like a female Viagra or something??  Geez, we just gotta laugh sometimes!  xoxoxo Jeannette

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Jeanette - you are so right!  A couple times I almost lost it just getting to the bathroom.  Sorry I gave it to you!  It wasn't so much the room spinning (of course, I never moved my head) as having no balance.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    Jeanette, Oh My Lord, too funny. Have to laugh or cry!! Yeah for Meclazine. I have a bottle full. I have to take it the night before so I am "balanced" when I wake up. Good gried, my brain is truly waking up because I am becoming a "Know it all" again. Docs gave me a patch to put behind my ear this week. That is the ticket for me. Took away motion sickness and nausea for past two days. Truly, I have been like this since CHEMO. And Jo, again, my heart is with you. My living on an island in a very isolated place makes the task of simply finding a doc, let alone one you trust and feel comfortable with, nearly impossible. Fortunately, the docs come to us (finally from Chapel Hill and Duke) one day a week. What a circus with all of us packed in the same doctor's office. The difficult task for me, is that with the multiple illness I (we) have, I often end up smarter than the doc, at least about my stuff. I have to have a doc that is ok with me saying often, like "Ok, just do what I tell you to do." One advantage of getting old, I suppose. Tongue out I am becoming a Board Hog and so sorry. It feels good to finally be able to rub two brain cells together. I have great friends coming down from VA today-yipee, I need girl energy in the worst way. SHOPPING might be on the list of things to do! I need to start looking for hats because I am close to the going bald mark. Local friend Barbara and I have decided to have a "hair pulling party." Have no idea how that will go, but BC has become epidemic on the Outer Banks and instead of being known for "The Lost Colony", we will be known for the Bald colony..There are no hats here at all here for this up and coming bald eagle. SV
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Still V --  I worked in nursing homes for several years until I just couldn't stand it any longer.  You are of course, right.  Their is under-staffing, un-trained help, and just as worse, those who don't give a darn at all about trying to make someones' life better or easier....and only come to life when they are reaching out their hand to the paymaster.  It is a sad fact of life that the people that made our world end up suffering so many of the in-dignities found in so many of the care facilities. 

    I still say when we learn to love others as much as we love ourselves things will change and it will be for the better -- obviously it is a difficult thing to learn ( this is one of the reasons I help feral and abused animals so much now ) but I'll never lose hope that it is coming in the next 30 years or so.  I think we are headed for a better world in general.  We have gone through a lot of phases but love and spirituality are making it back.  I know my spirituality is back and I'm sure I'm not alone. 

    BTY -- you all have cheered me up so.  And as for a couple of you -- We need Jay Leno and WHY ???? 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Jeanette - I had no idea so many people had vertigo.  I have had it all my life and I hate it.  Misery loves company though.  I'm sorry anyone else has to have it but its good not to be alone.

    Jackie - I hope you're right and the world learns that love is the way - not war.  And you are right, most nursing homes are not what you would want for your loved ones.  It is often bad pay and bad training and individuals who do not understand English.  It is hard to communicate.  My Grandmother was in one that she wound up having rashes from the diapers she wore because they weren't changed often enough.  The staff was, however, very friendly to the families.  She was moved to another nursing home run by the Methodists and she was kept clean and well taken care of but they had little time to make nice with the family - which was fine with me.

    You girls cheer me up too!  Love ya!

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010
    Jo - I can empathize with your dilemma regarding your father. I had a MIL who was in a nursing situation. She was sitting in a wheelchair, no support, no one with her, the rest of the story is not nice. Good for you though for keeping on top of things for your Dad. His quality of life is important. Hang in there! Best to you - Chris
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    BetterdaysOK PODS! It has taken three of us genius women to figure out how to get my photo onto this page and I don't know if I can do it again. This is me catching my first sailfish. In better days-precancer-and hope to be back doing this soon. YIPEE SV
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2010

    Hey PODS,

    Only you and maybe my cousin, Kim will understand this unusual post from me...

    I went to the county pool today, alone, for the first time. I felt I needed to swim to prevent or help divert LE and to help my back and just give me some "me" time, so in the water I went with a large group of 3rd graders having a birthday party. I just stayed closer to the deep end, going slowly from one end to the other.


    I was tired and clock watching, had only been in 15 min but it felt like 2 hours and I said that out loud (cause I do that). There was this HUGE, not particularly well kept looking man, although he looked clean, he had long stringy hair, not pulled back and a beard and he was very obese. Anyway, he heard me say that (about being tired) and he began to talk an it was like I was listening to the same voice that my deceased best friend used to talk in, not bible thumping, but very spiritual. It was a surreal conversation that spoke words I SERIOUSLY NEEDED TO HEAR, you know what I mean? Like when we are in need and there is Divine Intervention? I know you have all had those moments, but this was particularly odd and real. He spoke like he'd known me forever.. even to say, "Shut UP", "Quit talking" and "LISTEN". He knew how to help me (as if he really KNEW) with my personal development issue and with dealing with my kids and their problems. Ultimately, his message was to "Let go and Let God". But the way it was delivered was so right-on that I knew he was just a messenger, whether he knew it or not and I'm pretty sure he did. It was a downright earthshaking personal experience, and I was in the pool for an entire hour without paying any attention to the clock. I could have stayed there all afternoon, listening and learning, but I was reallly hungry and began to fell kinda sick. Either the message hit me that hard, or I had to eat, I said so and he walked me out of the pool but not before giving me the most warm and loving hug I think I've EVER had.  I left, dressed and stopped by my fav quicky hamburger place, where me and this server-gal have been 'weird' lunch friends for about 6 or 7 years now, hoping to see her and she came out to chat. She told me that she had been concerned about her job, but she had decided to let it go to God and not worry about it. I grabbed my face and she thought I was laughing (cause I usually do), but the tears overflowed and I told her my big guy in the pool story and she got tears, we hugged and she went back to work and I ate my plain burger.  ... almost ready to leave, she came back and said, I know that dude! I've been thinking about what you said, and I KNOW HIM...He's really big and this and that.. that matched the man I'd encountered. She said he works at the place where I worked for 18 years, He's a professor.... She said, he comes by here, I KNOW it's the same guy. And I did too. We hugged again and I came home to look up some of the advice he'd suggested, and I will continue to digest what I learned about myself and how maybe my version of support for my kids is not what they REALLY NEED, and if I really want the best for them, I have to let them make the decisions.

    Whew. that was most bizarre.     ~Connie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Connie....that was beautiful!  He must have been there at that time, for you......I got chills reading your post...Sometimes, people come into our lives, either for a "reason, a season or a lifetime!"   You can figure it out....Just feel fortunate that this happened to you!  It sounds like for whatever reason, your hearts or souls connected....

    When my Mom went to Al-Anon, she learned to "Let Go & Let God".....I did this too, when my Husband & I separated after 50 years....I prayed with this church helper one day, crying the whole time, & she was so calm...........I felt so connected to her & God...and if you "listen" to your heart, & "things" that happen around you, you will find peace!   I hope you meet him again.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    Wow Connie, what a profound experience and I am so glad you were open to it to "get it." You gave me goosebumps (in a good way).I had those experiences so I absolutley believe you met something of the divine. It is amazing how those messages come. Let's me know that I am connected to the universe in ways that I cannot even imagine-and it is all for the good! Good on ya", Innocent SV
  • SallyZap
    SallyZap Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2010

     I am newto this thread thing and don't know if this is where I begin. I am 61 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.   Having BC was not on my list of things to do in life and I have to say I am pissed.

     What has helped and has hindered the BC process is that an old love ( he was the love of my life but circumstances got in the way and we parted ways) came back into my life after 26 years through facebook.  I have been married  for those 26 years.  We met for lunch shortly after my lumpectomy and it was like time had not past.  He was so surprised that I was not fat and ugly by now ( I have no pictures on my sites) and the flattery did me wonders.  Needless to say we keep in touch and I am reassing my life.

     I am not sure this is the time to turn over the apple cart but it sure is good for the ego. We are getting ready for our 3rd lunch together and now my hair is falling out!  I have a wig ready for styling but can't bring myself to cut my hair and get the wig.  

    I am just babbling because I only have one friend I can talk to about this and don't want to burden her too much. 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Connie....I think you did meet a very special person.  We are having a breast cancer journey...but we are also on a journey on this earth......and we were never meant to be alone.  Every person has a guide -- whether you are aware of them or not.  I know mine is around when an answer pops into my head about something -- especially if it is something I basically don't know anything about.  There are also angels that are around you at all times -- all times.  And then there are these people -- almost everyone I think has met one or more in their "journey".  When you get around them you just feel you have walked right into a safe haven.  I met one of these people while I was having some very scary issues -- racing pulse, pounding heart, weakness etc.  Every time I got around this person all of that disappeared -- immediately.  These people have the absolute good fortune to be in touch with their soul -- they are living in the now -- and all they ever live is just right now -- un-encumbered by yesterday and having absolutely no need to concern themselves with tomorrow or even ten minutes from now.  These people often cross our path when we are most in need -- contact with them tends to get us grounded again.  This is something I try to work on --

    to leave yesterday behind and let every second REALLY be a new moment of time because life is much harder when we get stuck making out decisions from what has happened before.  Before is time that is already done....but we try to keep using it to base decisions on and what we are going to do next week etc.  I do believe to live to the fullest....we have to live for the time that is because now is all we really have for sure. 

    It is once again late.  See you all tomorrow and love to all of you along with

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    SallyZap.....welcome and it is just why we are here.  This is a trip no one meant to take and for the most part it is much easier for those who share this disease to relate and help others along the way. 

    Hair -- that's a biggie.  No one wants to lose it....but, you have a HUGE reason why you want to get and stay well --- so a wig for a few months, and then you can become you again.  Hang in there.  We will help you all we can.  Others will come soon to say hi.  Have a wonderful evening.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Sally, although we would have preferred to have met in some other forum.  But it is, what it is.  You are in the right place because we also are trying to figure out what to be but I think that is reserved for people 85+ so settle in and fake being grown like the rest of us.

    We are here for you any time you want to babble, rant, vent, throw punches.  Not sure if you meant you were married for 26 years and are now not, or if you still are.  And, does this old flame know about your BC or have you not told him yet.   Perhaps it's none of our business and you just wanted to get it out.  In any case we are here to offer support on this journey whenever you need it.

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010
    Connie - Bizzare--absolutely not! I think it was divine and I can tell that you appreciated the whole experience. Interesting, since having BC we tend to reflect more intently on what is said, what happens and how it affects us. I think it is profound and certainly something to consider. Let go and let God. Best to you - Chris
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010

    StillVerticle - Really like the pic. The sailfish reminds me of one my BIL had. He was a fisherman too. Of course, his fish was  sailing on the wall, but I still remember it. Wonder whatever happened to it. One day soon,  you will be back out on the  water pulling in more fish. Have a good one! Chris

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Sally, welcome! My rule of thumb taught ot me by a very wise woman is: if something turns my life upside down (like getting a diagnosis of BC) I need to wait one year before I make a decision on anything new, let alone making major changes and stepping out with other men. I was told my focus needed to be on me and my healing and I do not need drama or chaos in my life (I am addicted to it) but when I chose to engage in it, it sidetracks me from the real issues I am facing. And I sabatage my own healing process. Just a thought. SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Just stopping by to say hi before I get to work in a few.  We have been treated ( through some really gray -- as in in rain clouds ) to some beautiful warm sunshine this morning so far.  Rain was occurring in St. Louis - about an hour and ten minutes or so due west of us and it could make it here, but won't last.  Afterward our 50 degree temps will drop back to the more normal for this time of year 30's.  Going to hate that.  The wind blew and it poured down last night -- one way or other this time of year is always pretty wet for us.  We also have an extremely high water table so it does not take much to get us mushy. 

    Hope you are all going to have a beautiful Sunday.  Thoughts and prays to all of you as always.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    Hey all Great and Wise PODS! Well, what a day I have had. I am running on two cylinders, better than none, and I was able to get to church for the first time today since Chemo. I needed to go for me but also to support my 84 year old Dad. He is a very quiet man (shy) and he came down a sat on my couch yesterday. He kept fidgeting like a 12 year old. I knew he had something important on his mind and eventually asked him. He rejoined the choir after over a year (had to quit to care for Mom) and was set to sing in two services today. He went and did this behind my back!!! He asked if I could come and support him. OMG, I have never seen my Dad so cute. So got my ass out of bed and drove (1st time since chemo) to church (beautiful church on the Albemarle sound) and got a ton of spiritual gifts and support from my community of Duck. It is desperately needed and I felt so good getting lots of love from people I love. Suzanne T. is a famous author and she is also a 35 year BC survivor. She is close to 90 years old now and doing great. I am having lunch with her to pick her brain on how she did it! I will pass on any jewels. Then a little, very old woman came over to me with her daughters in tow. They are visiting and obvious NC hillfolk! My Uncle was a "holy roller tent preacher." She puts her hands on my head and says she needs to cast out SATAN because he is the root of my cancer. I know what is coming and I am trapped because I am too feeble to run away. So, she and her daughters circle me and I figure I can just stand there-BUT, she started "speaking in tongues." SurprisedON NO! Then she really caught the fire and began yelling in tongues. This is the worst thing to happen in a Methodist church!!!! So she is shouting in tongues and I started to laugh. One of those laughs where I am trying so hard to stifle it and pretend I am crying instead. The daughters thought I had caught the Holy Fire and they all started speaking in tongues (mind you I have never seen these folks before) and we are standing right by the altar. Good grief, me thinks, I am not doing the next chemo because I am going to be struck by lightening. I kept tying to compose myself because I was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking like a bowl of jelly-bad 4 me as this is a sign of the HOLY Fire coming on someone. It never ended-so we had a "tent revival" in the church and I hope to God that noone saw it or knew what was happening in my little corner of the world. I was finally able to make my escape and a friend cornered me for a chat. LT family friends who are so sweet. She handed me an envelope with something in it and said to open it when I got home. I could not believe it the present, she gave me. It is a heavy silver medallion with the most beautiful angel embossed on it. The note from my friend read, "Your Mom gave this to me a decade ago when I was very ill. I feel like it needs to come back to you." OMG, I just burst into tears. A piece of my Mom and how much she helped others came back to me today. WOW, what a blessing! I shared it with my Dad and he was so affected by it. For those who don't know my story, my Mom passed April 13, 2009 after a long illness. She was on hospice in the end and it has just been such a hard year on all of us. This was truly a gift. The angel is sitting on my computor to remind me that even in the worst of times, all is well and HP has a plan for all of us and I believe that each one of us is the "apple of His eye." Lots of love and prayers to all of the PODS!Innocent PS, I am taking the time to reread my posts, oh lordy, I do not know whether to delete half of them of not. I am over a week out of a devastating chemo, and think that my brain is working to some degree now-ERRRGH, rereading my posts-so embarrasing! But I am working on making "reality my friend" whether I am a blithering idot or not and whether I know it or not.Love you all PODS, KissSV
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Have had a quite busy w/end here. We had to call the vet out to a young cow who had pneumonia.(Stupid new rules now. We cannot just ring the vet up and ask that he puts bottles of drugs out for us, he has to come in person, costing us a small fortune for his visit) He was here fairly quickly, even tho' he is an hours drive away, gave us our drugs, confirming my diagnosis of pneumonia. We always get a spate of pneumonia as the weather changes, so are always walking thru' the cows watching, as things happen so fast, and they can be dead in hours.

    DH and I have differing ideas about keeping draughts away from the cows. At the first sign of a wind, or frost , DH starts hauling big tarpaulin sheets up at all entrances, to keep the cows 'nice and warm', and just as fast as he hauls them up I cut them down !! You really have to see this to believe it ! ( and hear DH in full spate giving me a telling off !!) I am a real BIG believer in fresh air, I hate to think of all the bugs swirling around above the steaming cows, and unable to get away, creating a fantastic place for pneumonia to start up. The cows get a type of pneumonia that goes from one to the other, and is carried in the air when they start to cough....just as swine 'flu is passed from one to another. So its essential to have a good flow of air above the cows to shift on the bugs.

    DH had just been round with his tarpaulins yesterday morning, BEFORE I had had time to get back outside. The vet walked in, and the first thing he said when he saw all DHs tarpaulins strung up was 'get that lot taken down, you're asking for trouble' Thank You Mr Vet !!!!  This morning the young cow was dead, and 2 more are starting with it....this could get very expensive. DH and I are stepping up our 'patrols' I moan when I have to come out of a nice warm house to go walk thru' the yards of cows, but its actually one of my favorite jobs. Takes no effort, and I love being up close to the cows. Its just that I cannot climb over gates no more ! I do try, but only when no one is watching, because  it ain't a pretty sight. Gone are the days when I would jump up and cartwheel into the cows, well gone ,about 25 years gone !!!

    We have been so busy that it was 9.30 tonight when we came in the house, thats from 9.30 this morning, and me a pensioner and supposed to be retired, and a Sunday as well ! DH was stinking of diesel (his tractor won't start) and I was stinking of cows. Thinking back 25 years ago we would have both jumped into the shower together after the day we've just had, and not just to shower !!!!! Those days have gone as well now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Years ago DH and I were having a double bath, when DD walked in. We didn't hear her 'til she was outside the bathroom door, which was open, and there was nowhere to go....I have NEVER been so embarassed in all my life ...OMG...I am curling my toes now just thinking about it ! Old people over 40 having a double bath ! I often think 'did DD tell anyone?'  

    In between my patrols I have been trying to tidy up our packing station. Its a disgrace, and we have a visitation from the People Who Grant Us a Licence to run a packing station in 2 weeks. It is DHs domain, I steer clear, unless he gets short of time then I will help out. Everywhere seems to be covered in broken eggs and ankle deep in old boxes, I really don't know where to start its so bad. DH isn't hot on cleaning, but by the look of this little lot he won't have a packing station soon. I resent having to dig it out for him every year, he just throws everything on the floor, and there it festers until I shout at him, or we have a visitation. This year I am walking about hunched up and in pain, my slipped discs are playing up, and I really don't want to do it, I just want to get back inside and sit down by the fire with my dogs.

    My dogs have missed me today, just had a quick sight of me now and then as I've been in and out. There are 3 Daxies piled up on my feet as I am typing, as if they don't want me to get up and go again.....but I have to go off again for my last trip, its midnight, so will be off to bed soon IF I don't find trouble outside. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Oh SV.....You are hysterical...!!!!!  First, don't ever apologize for your previous posts....They might help someone else, having to go through the same thing, & coming out of it as good as you have!  Just leave them!  And how Sweet your Dad is!  How cute!  But for the rest..........  My Dear, just don't go back for my "cleansing!"  Ha, ha!  It's a wonder you didn't pee your pants!  I wonder what they would have called that little display of your 'treatment!"   I have seen things like that on TV, but never been caught in the middle of it!      If you are confronted by said "healers" ever again I  would make a quick exit, or fall over in a dead faint!   We know they mean well, but one must not lose oneself in fits of overzealous laughing frenzy whilst being "exorcised"...Ha!  So do you feel better?......Just kidding....

    What a beautiful gift, the guardian angel....!  I know you knew your Mom was watching over you.  Sometimes when something like that hits us, you just gotta stand still, look up to the heavens, & feel your Mom with you.  I know "they" are with us, we just have to take time to understand & always be ready....for these "guardian angels!"'

    Isabella.....and I knew when I saw a post from you, that I must be ready for anything!  I'm so sorry about your cows....and what you & DH are going through!  What a JOB taking care of all of your critters!  I can't imagine!  Man, I commend you for being so responsible & compassionate & just DOING all you do!  Lordy Lordy!  YOU ARE WOMAN!  And THEN some!  You are doing the jobs of young "whippersnappers"  like in their 20's or something! 

    I remember one time, driving somewhere with our 2 little girls in the back seat, probably about 5 & 7....And the subject came up about "making babies"....The oldest one was learning about this in school....She had the general process down, about how it happens, but she was under the impression that you only did this to make babies....She then asked, "Do you mean you STILL do it?"  And I swear to God, I tried soooooooooo hard to not laugh, but I just said, "Well sure honey, it's just part of being married, like making gravy & cleaning house!"   I can't imagine what her little mind thought about that, but we quickly went on to other important things to talk about....Ha!  This was our "girl talk"....But we DID used to send them to Dairy Queen when we wanted a little time to ourselves....Ha! 

    Girls, I love reading about your escapades.....What would we do without you!  You just make our lives so fun when we read about you!  Love you! xooxoxo Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Morning ladies.....oh my StillV.  Loved reading your post but just sat in wonder coming to the part about the angel.  We truly are never alone and so often the greatest need is filled -- in some way.  I think I may have mentioned that a few months after my mother passed away ( and after I had been missing her quite a lot ) I was baking a cake -- and one of the last things she was teaching me was how to cut a two layer cake into fours.  I was getting so frustrated and something told me to turn around  ---  there stood my Mom. She did not say anything...but the corners of her mouth were turned up in the little patient smile she always gave when she had to re-do a lesson for my sister or myself.  I became pretty much ok with her passing then -- knowing that only her physical presence was gone. 

    I deeply believe  ( as in your case ) that we are given gifts.  Not everyone needs them, but some of us with broken hearts heal almost instantly when they come.  How really amazing that it came at a time when you were there unselfishly for your Dad.  And yes --- I read/feel all sorts of things into this because if we allow it, it can happen.  We can open our hearts and souls to wonderful and wondrous things. 

    Have to say....the rest was pretty amusing.  I have a friend who speaks in tongues but she is very low-key about it.  I also recall her husband talking about visiting somewhere ( like the Grand Canyon or something equally impressive ) and it was near twilight and he had an epiphany.  He was in this beautiful canyon area -- no one else around, and even with all the disabilities he had found himself dancing around and "realized" that he was seeing himself after his demise and that he would be "well" again as the Lord promised.  This is not the type of man who would own up or repeat this experience to others as such.  I'm sure lots would be skeptical about much of this, but I still say -- if we are open enough many gifts from somewhere " out there " are possible and happen all the time.  When your gift comes you will never be quite the same.

    Isabella....I am so sorry about the cows.  You are indeed as Jeanette says quite a woman and an extremely hard worker.  Hope the next few days get your herd all well and no more problems.  If so it certainly will be due to your vigilance.  I am tired just reading your escapades and I just got up this morning. 

    Hmmm, I recall finding out my parents "did" things and my thoughts about his were not very good.  In my slightly too young mind....I was sure they were the only "people" I knew that behaved in this depraved somewhat heathen manner.  Isn't it nice when you find out later on how normal they really were/are. 

    Well, got a big day sort of....hopefully better planned than yesterday.  I'll be checking in later.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    computer Kaput-broken- down hard- I will be off the boards for a while.

    Hugs and Love, Melissa