Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    oh you girls"Murder She Wrote", when I lived near a large lake that had lots of rental houseboats for rent and many people who lived there a long time had their own Houseboat- well one of the other nurses was married to a trerrible  drunk- we couldn't figure why she remained with him- no fun, no money NO looks- and she would mutter what a heel he was. We were working night, in a 25 bed hospital which meant nothing to do but gab. A plan was born... It went like this ; she was to plan a houseboat outing- take plenty of liquor- strong stuff, no beer and serve him at his pleasure. She was also to take lots of red string licorice. Then late at night, after a certain person was passed out- the plan was to unzip his Willie zipper, let Willie peter out, roll him up in the liquorice and roll him into the lake, We figured the fish and water would make the liquorice disappear and the 400 ft deep lake would take care of the rest- and it would appear as if he had walked in his drunkenness off the side of the boat as he was relieving himself  of course a word of this was never spoken and the guy still walks the streets-she is STILL married to him- I swear!

    there is a bed time laugh for you-- Love ya and DON"T HURT YOUR DH'S!!!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    Oh StillVerticle I had forgotten that delightful side effect of chemo - near the end it ticked me off that I didn't even smell like me! I'm here to report that you will return to your usual whatever it is. So enjoyed your rendition of it!

    SoCalLisa - what a great photo - are we invited to that tea party? The chocolate cake is mighty tempting and is that sunshine outside the window?

    Connie07 and Isabella - what dramas you live! You make me grateful for my single state and for my children.

    Tonight I saw the new Michael Moore movie about capitalism - quite an eye opener that ought to be seen by all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ronna and welcome.  Gosh gals.....If Isabella's Dh continues to take that much Exlax at once we are sure to KNOW here in the states when the big and I do mean big event occurs.  I hope she is not too close.

    Spar...the odds on that stimulator sound fairly good.  Here's hoping and praying for you to be counted in that 87 per cent. 

    Rita -- we are getting drizzle and heavy tulie fog here.  Interesting as southern Illinois normally does not get tulie fogs.  That is what you expect up on the big Grapevine highway around Bakersville, Calif.  You could count me in for the chili but it's too late.  It is nearly bed time for me.  Have to go get the morning coffee filled and timer set for early a.m.

    Pods...try to be good ok.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • DaylilyFan
    DaylilyFan Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2010

    Hi, pods, the photos are great! 

    Dealing with my insurance company is a full-time job and the only hair color I'm not allergic to has been discontinued, but I just read "Mennonite in a Little Black Dress" to get some laughs and a little perspective on things.  Highly recommended!  (Yes, I am truly thankful that I still have hair and insurance and even the DH and the cat.) 

    I also appreciate my hospital setting aside parking spots for the rads patients, but I do not appreciate walking past the smokers in the parking garage!  The whole bloody campus is supposed to be a non-smoking area.... 

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2010

    Mine will take the time to turn on his computer and bring up the file to find a phone number instead of looking at the phone book

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Oh Isabella!   I just know when I see something from you, I am in for a laugh!  You just brighten my day!  First, how are your puppies?  You "paint" an entertaining "picture" of your Husbands foibles & idiosyncracies  Ha!  (I don't think that is the right spelling)...  He has SURELY been helped by that massive dose of whatever it was he took!!!!!!  Man O Man!  If you didn't have him to look after, just WHAT would you do?  He is more care & worry than your puppies, Ha!  Wink  I can laugh, because I know the same when you give them directions for ANYthing, it's just a given that THEY won't read them, that WE have to read them to them!  And it doesn't matter what they say, they will do whatever they want to anyway!   My Husband was in the throes of  trying to take one of those "Eden-pure" Heaters apart, because it quit throwing out "heat"....Well, after 7 thousand screws & parts, there it was....all naked, & just sitting there on the table...We plugged it in, saw which "bulbs" weren't heating no problem, just take out THOSE bulbs & order more.... BUT NOOOOOOOOOO.....he unplugged it, took out the wrong bulbs, & just gave up!  I told him, (as softly as I could)  "but those were the wrong bulbs...those were the only 2 that worked!)    Damn, I hate when I am right...and he hates it even worse!  I quickly made an exit out into the freezing cold, so I wouldn't have to hear his 'wrath"  at that realization!  So what was left of the "heater" was taken out to the dumpster, in many pieces of course, & I never said another word about it.  Neither did he....Geez, sometimes he tries so hard, but things just always don't go right!  Mostly it's that....  But you love them so much, that all problems just "go away"...Ha! 

    Oh man, I see I missed a whole "page"....I love to read about you gals!  xoxoxo Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Connie....I just read your post...........I'm so sorry about your DD..s!  I know....we are always there for them....we just have to be....But DRUGS are just turning our lives up-side down!  This affects every one of us, in some way!  Until the user "really" comes clean, there is just no hope.  Man, I watched this for 3 years with our Neighbor...I wrote about this awhile back, but 3 years ago when they moved in, "Grandma" bought the house...."Daughter" eventually moved in with her "little girl"....Started "selling" drugs from her bedroom window!  We watched all this going on!  "Grandma" finally kicked her out...fought for custody of her 5 year old "Grand-daughter" ....but she was also on "pain" meds, & who knows what else!  "Grand-daughter's" Daddy was in prison, & now her Mother was just out on the streets!   And HER little 3 year old son went to live with the GREAT Grandmother!!!!!   We grew to love the little girl....THEN "Grandmas" Son, the Realtor, "accidentally" overdosed!   THEN "Daughter" was wanted by Police, & couldn't be found. THEN they "lost" the house...quit paying on it...but somehow "moved" back in while it was empty!  Our "little girl" was back!  I was sooo happy!  Then "Grandma" took her own life!   I tell you, I have just NO sympathy for drug users!  They tear lives apart....& even hurt ME, just because I loved our little Tracey.... I heard she is staying with her "Auntie"....& I don't know where.  I only hope someday, she will "find" us again...maybe when she is older...because she spent so much of her time here, "playing" with us & playing games on this computer, & taking home lots of candy & cookies & presents!  

    Sorry just hurts to read what others are going through....Thanks for letting us b*** about it......Jeannette

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Good Morning oh great and wise PODS! Connie, so sorry for your suffering from the drug induced antics of an "ex-DH." I am a recovering alcoholic/addict with 21 years sober. The disease is "cunning baffling and powerful" and thrives on co-dependants. Denial is not a river in Egypt. OK I am on the edge of my seat wanting to know how the "Ex-Lax experiment went with the DH of Isobella. BTY, (not to change the subject) what is up with that name in the UK. My first ancestor over on the boat (Tom and Isobella Sharpe) from Scotland before 1700 to colonial Maryland and then NC, and it is the most "different name" in the ancestry tree. Just a brain teaser-haven't had coffee yet and Ellen is on at 9am and I am supposed to go for med eval today. It is the last thing I want to do because my brain is finally waking from the chemo coma and all it appears to want to do is talk to itself. Yes, I lost the gist of this note on the first sentence. Hope all PODS have the most glorious day! To infinity and beyond. Good Grief! Melissa J.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Good morning gals!

    The chili was wonderful and will be even better today!  Just like us, it ages well!  LOL  How I wish we were all closer.  I'd have you all over for lunch and I'm sure that nobody would leave until the early evening hours because we'd still be chatting away!'s so good to see you a bit more perky!  I really hope the bone stimulation works.  It sounds like you have a good plan in place now.

    Jackie...we still have the ice on the side roads, sidewalks, and parking lots.  The main roads seem to be ice-free.  Be careful if you have to be out in that fog.  I think I'm going to venture into town a little later and get those errands run today.

    Pam, have the temps gone up much this past week in FL?  I leave this next Wednesday and I can't wait.  We are driving down this year so hopefully we will be able to get out of IL and the treacherous road area on Wednesday and arrive on Thursday.   

    Although several of my friends have had to deal with drug issues with their kids, I was lucky.  My son never got involved with them.  My heart goes out to those of you who are dealing with these issues.  The peer pressure is so strong these days and so hard to combat.  Hugs to all of you!'s on to working around the house and some ironing this morning before I head into town. 

    Everyone have a good day!


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Isabella I did hear a BIG BOOM last night - just wondering if it was DH? He will blow up if he continues.

    Connie- and StilV  I am a recovering co-dependent!  My dad was the 1st in a line of many that I "helped"- Now I am minding my own business. My Baby sister got the gene and leads a life that worries us but we stay out and just see her as she allows.

    Rita I bet you are counting the days to our departure-  I would be.

    Spar- I believe in the bone stimulator and in your health- YOU will get better, it's that darn DM but just keep repeating the Marta "I am healthy" < Glad you are a little perkier!

    DayLily- my insurance company told me they would pay for the rt but not the left- the Friday before surgery- Itook down names and titles as I know one day I may need them. What a system! I did not change my plans for my BMX and am happy that I got it all done at once.

    Got to go give shots to new Firefighters- Love filled , painless day wishes to you all!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Hi there. For those of you who asked, yes, it was Ex lax I got for DH, and would you just believe NOTHING extra has moved in 5 days, everything normal, its as if he isn't taking the stuff. He must be cast iron inside. I haven't taken it in years, but I know when I did it most certainly worked for me. This stuff has been around forever over here, I remember my grandmother using it , must be 50 years ago now !

    Have had my appointment with neurosurgeon today, he was trying to get me to have epidural and cortisone shots....but when I said to him " I will if  it repair the damage to my spine" he backed off. They will try anything to save cash here ! Thank goodness for Google...I don't think they like you to tell them their job, but I'm certainly not being fobbed off with cortisone jabs, only to go on and have an op. further down the line.....I want it over and done with if it has to be.

    I now join a discuss what type of op. they will do, then another queue to await surgery, so I'm not holding my breath, I could be another 6-9 months at least left in this state. Why on earth they couldn't have discussed my options re. surgery today, put me on an operating list, and moved I don't know. Maybe I will give them Ex lax to shift them along !!!!

    DH has been the perfect DH today, driving me to hospital, coming in to Drs with me, asking a few pertinent questions...lets just forget he shut the car door on my  coat, and marched infront of me into the hospital forgetting I was right behind him, so the door slammed shut almost on my nose !!! Lets just forget he let me pay for lunch, and wouldn't stop when I saw a shop I wanted to call at, I live with this all the time, thats just him !!!! I was dreading he would hijack my appointment, and start asking questions about how to deal with his siatica !!! I daren't tell him not to do this, as sure as eggs is eggs if I'd put the idea into his head, he would have done. I just had to sit there quietly willing him NOT to open his trap !!!!

    I am just going to have a nice quiet evening now, well I hope I am, anything could happen yet. It has been a really lovely springlike day here, just the day for a walk to enjoy the sun, that is, if I could walk far enough to enjoy things. I have snowdrop and crocus bulbs just beginning to poke their heads above the lawn, a sure sign spring is coming.

    Oh, spoke too soon, smoke is beginning to smell the place out, will have to shut a few windows...DH is having a fire now !!! smells of plastic... DH will just not listen about NO fires. Ozone layer and all that. Not on his radar. A law unto himself !!!!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    SV - 21 years - way to go!!!  I had my niece, alcohol and drug addict, come live with me back around 1998 to get her out of her drug-ridden neighborhood in NY.  She was doing pretty well - got a job, learned how to drive and got a car.  She lived with me for about 2 years and would occasionally have an unexplained sickness that landed her in the hospital.  Finally a llght bulb went on when at yet anotther ER visit and upon questioning she told me she was HIV positive.  She actually had full-blown AIDS.  I hit the roof only because I felt she should have shared that info.  I had 2 children at home and she wasn't the neatest/cleanest person.  Details about AIDS was sketchy back then and so I felt she put us all at risk because of her sloppy hygiene.  But we survived.  A year after that she moved to VA, got a job and apartment but then started getting sick.  Came back to NJ to hospice; outlived it, nursing homes; outlived them and then got her own apartment in NY but is in and out of the hospital - at present time in with a brain infection and other complications.  Docs said 2-years but she's a 20 year AIDS survivor so we're thinking she may beat this as well. 

    SV is right, addiction is extremely powerful and the only way not to get caught up is to never start.

    Fortunately I raised 2 sons and I know one has tried MJ but as far as I know (he doesn't live with me like the other) he has stayed away from any other drugs. It's only by the grace of God.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    Goodevening, so glad to be swimming along with this great group of pods.

    I too have had drugs in the family recently with grandson, heroin, but he is out of rehab and doing outpatient rehab.  My DS long time relationship broke up so him and my grandson are moving this week.  No matter what they are our kids our grandkids and we will support them.  It is so hard to see them go through this.  My dad died from alcoholism, my brother died from alcoholism, me and my mom didn't get any of those genes that need to use.  Thank you Lord.

    I didn't have a liter of daxies, but I got 1 silver dapple female, named her chee chee, 2 tan and black female named them precious and gizmo.  We already had the adult male Chico.  I love them all, they are so cute to watch play.

    DH is building a stone path wide enough for the wheel chair so I will get to go to church Sunday, am very excited. He built a very strong rails down the stairs and I can get down them now using me arms to hold my weight and coming back up I use my knees and since he can't push me through the mud he decided to build a wheel chair road all the way to the car.  It looks really nice and I think it is going to work.

    Isabella, you may have to give DH a dose of castor oil, that is what my grandmother did to all of us or stick a ducolox suppository up his butt.

    I really can't complain about my sweet husband, he has taken very good care of me this past months of bedrest.  He does the bone stimulator and cleans it.  He cooks, takes care of the yard, animals, and house.  He is kind and considerate.  He is forgetful sometimes though.  He is a Godly man, he has his bible study in the mornings every morning and sometimes comes ask me if he can give me a lesson.

    Here is wishing everyone gets to enjoy their day and do what they enjoy tomorrow.  Love all you lovely ladies.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    OK, Isabella, any chance that your DH is "Impacted?" This is serious if nothing is moving yet. When was last BM? Has he a history of this? I am beginning to get worried. Close friend drop dead from impaction that he did not know he had. Don't mean to scare anyone...BUT! He is moving around enough and taking enough "laxatives" to sink a tiny island. You should have heard, "Thar she blows!" by now I would think. UndecidedSV
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    How about putting wheat germ in everything he eats.  He doesn't even have to know it's there, just mix it in.

    Spar, I'm jealous becaust I love Bible studies.  Always discover something new.

    Nighty night all my 'Pods'.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Dearest Pods, I had a tough day in trying to get another medical assessment. Found out some things about my cancer that I do not want to know and have questions about. No plan of action yet as I am still to ill (they had to put two bags IV and antibiotic in today) to even know what is going on. Got IV'd in a roomfull of very ill folks. Woman next to me had BC and now it is in her bones-despite early chemo-UGGH! Think it is time to take up a new sport, like paragliding! Feel better tonight after terrible bout of the "runs" this eve. Docs and me plan to meet next week when I am doing better. Good night and sleep tight, Wise Pods. SV

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010

    Hello Ladies, Found this thread last night. What a hoot! You ladies are just my kind of people. StillVerticle, you are quite a talented lady- have you ever done some stand-up comedy? Sorry to hear that you had a tough day, but I know it will get better. I was diagnosed in Oct, had a Mx in Dec, in the process of reconstruction. I am still vain enough to want some new perky boobs. At the moment,I have one tall and one short. In Mar I'm scheduled to remedy that situation and then I will officially have a new pair of foobs. Look forward to getting to know all of you. Good night.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    Glad to meet you Chris, welcome to the pod.

    Isabella, SV is right, if he is impacted it need to be dug out.  I can't tell you how many I have had to dig out as a nurse.  He can get it done at the dr. office or you can do it, just use a rubber glove and some lubricant, put 2 fingers straight in and then curve them around the stool and pull out.  Keep on until you can't feel anymore stool.  Then he should be able to go, if not he probably needs an xray to see what is going on.  It really can be dangerous.

    SV I will be so glad when you get your plan of action in place.  Hey I do the adventurous stuff too, it usually turns into a disaster as you can tell by my snowmobiling experience.  Same kind of thing happened with whitewater rafting, soon as we hit Class IV rapids I got thrown out of the boat and nearly drowned.

    But when I get well we are going to try scuba diving and parachuting. LOL  Maybe thats why God is making me take a LONG time to heal.  On our to do list is to ride donkeys in Arizona to pan for gold.  We made a to do list before we retired and have done some of it. We have been canoeing down rivers, several different ones, we dug for diamons in the arkansas diamond fields. 

    This Pod is getting sleepy so see you guys tomorrow

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2010

    Spar you might as well add bungy-jumping to your list and black water cave rafting, not that I have done either.

    Isabella, I hope your DH is not like my DD as a little girl, she wouldn't go for anything up to 10 days then she would be in it up to her armpits or it would form a very large pool around her!! Serious it can be very dangerous and he probably should see someone about it.

    Its been quite a day. Mammo this morning which was fine but weren't able to compare it with pervios as I have changed radiologists. Saw BS who is so delighted with progress. And now have returned from 45min walk. Will watch some tennis for Australia after dinner which I now have to make.

    Welcome Chris, we are all slightly mad here but have a great deal of fun.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Hey sounds like your hubby is a real "keeper."  Isn't it nice to have somebody who can help you so much?  Smile

    Alyson...I'm jealous of your walk.  I love to walk and usually go about 3 miles a day when the weather is good.  Today I would be sliding 3 miles on the ice (or probably the seat of my pants.) so it not an option!  Last year I walked in the Mall in the winter but I have to drive into town for that.  By the time I get there, walk, do anything else I should do while in town, and get back home, it usually takes a couple of hours out of my day so I haven't gotten motivated to that yet this year.  Oh yes!  Congrats on the good mammo!  YEA!!!!

    Stillverticle........Hope those antibiotics get you right back in shape!  Hugs to you!

    Well, I'm off to officially start my day.  I have to tackle the icy roads to get into town for my hair appointment (heaven forbid I miss that) and to pick up my Arimidex (which I'm too afraid to go without) so I'd better get off here and into the action mode.

    Everyone have a good day!


    Welcome to our little section of the world Chris.  I think you'll enjoy it here!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2010

    Welcome, TGIF, hugs, good thoughts, aww shucks as needed, and prayers for only good things.   I am reading the posts, but not adding much from this part of the world.   Boring is good.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Morning Gals!  Isabella, have you been blown off the face of the earth?  Haven't heard from you in awhile, & just concerned!  I had thought of that myself, that maybe something IS seriously wrong with your husband!  And the other Pods picked up on it too!   

     And you adventurous gals make my little hum-drum life look meek & tame, ha!  The most daring thing I did once, was go "tubing" down an ice mountain 6 months out of back surgery!  Maybe not so much "daring" as stupid?  Undecided  But I was with the family, AND my Grand-sons, were doing it, so I thought I 'had" to!  Man, it was soooooo much fun!  Nearly froze to death, but something I'll always remember!    And yes,   leftyAKNancy, boring is good!  Jeannette

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010
    OMG, Spar, you JUST have to take me along on you "to do" list. I have already been donkey-panning for gold in AZ; I worked harder than the bloody ass did with little to show for it. I had an old "pan'r" trying to teach me to "sift to the black sand where the gold is." Me- "yeah, yeah, blah blah black sand, OK, Can we go shopping now?" I do some paragliding off of Jockey's ridge here on the OBX and am trying to get back into my girlie figure to do some water-paragliding (chutes). It is becoming a huge sport on the Outer Banks around Hatteras. I windsurf a fair amount too. And Chris, yippe skippee another Tarheel gal!! Welcome to the Pods! And you go girl and get those perky new boobs. Mine used to be perky but they are hanging somewhere around my butt now-I simply have lost track of them. OK great Pods, the board has been very quiet!!! Where is everyone? Alyson, horray for your mammo results! I just got soooo bummed out sitting in a room yesterday with all these really sick chemo patients who are far more advanced in cancer than I am (Oh I just so do NOT want to be part of this club-miniwhine). And up all night with the "runs." So greatful to be sober, one day at a time. Long talk with another sober friend in VA last night-thinking "wouldn't it be great to have just ONE bottle of wine", then again, I never HAD just one bottle of wine. In fact, there is not enough wine in the world to "fix" anything I have going on. ERRRGH, David taking me to an AA meeting tomorrow and I need it!!! Just got to get me some "gratitude"!!! Need to crash on the couch with pups-it is so cold and rainy today with nor'easter in full blow.I do not geel guilty about being lazy. ALyson with your 45 minute walks-pooh on you!! Big Hugs to all PODS Tongue out SV
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited January 2010

    Morning Pod friends,

    S. Verticle.....all this not so nice weather can get to you.  I need sun and plenty of it this time of year and we are grayer than gray.  Rain all day yesterday or heavy mist if not rain.  Mud and more mud.  At least we don't have Rita's freezing ice and I count that as a blessing.  Hope we keep enough warmth for it not to happen here. 

    Isabella -- we are all holding our breath -- not good in the long run, so hope to hear from ya soon. 

    Chris -- this is a fantastic place -- just what the Dr. ordered -- good answers to questions, a lot of hand holding and reassurances and lots of smiles, giggles and laughter.  Welcome aboard. 

    Jeanette...lots of us keep our feet on the ground or...if your like me, your lucky to just keep moving forward w/o toppling over.  That is plenty of excitement for me.  Some day when I slow down --  maybe I will do some fun things --- right now just keeping half way up everyday takes all of my attention and efforts -- but I don't mind.  Just glad to be ABLE again. 

    Nancy -- boring is mighty good -- think of the alternative we could have had.

    Gotta run.

    Hugs, Jackie

    Hi to Sis, Melissa, Jo and everyone....thinking of you always.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    SV, your my kind of gal. LOL  So many fun things to do.  I have been kind of scared of bungee jumping afraid I will come back and hit the side of the bridge and smash myself.

    Alyson, really great on a good mammo. I wish I could just walk to the bathroom.  45 minutes would be a miracle.

    Rita, the picture you planted in my head of walking (sliding on your butt) 3 miles in the ice is cracking me up.  You would have to be so dedicated to do that.

    Today my phone has been full of drama,  my sons girlfriend called crying because he is moving out but he told her 4 months ago that one of them had to go.  It is heart breaking to see people go through breakups.  Will be glad when its all done and both have different places to live and get settled.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day.  hugs and love to all the pods.

    Isabella and JO come on out to play. 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Good govenor - missing one day and spent an hour catching up - or better, being amused!

    Isabella - I think you had best get DH to a doctor!

    Allow me to jooin the arthritis, spinal stenosis, etc. group.  Pain is a pain in the butt.  I hope everyone can get some relief - pain just gets on your nerves!

    Still Verticle - 21 years is a long time  - good for you!

    Spar - so hope leg is healing.  It has been a long haul.

    Alyson - way to go on mammo!  Congratulations!

    Connie - my heart just goes out to you.  It just never stops.

    Now my little story - Thursday at 3 a.m. I awoke to go pee and couldn't stand!  I was so dizzy and unbalanced I could not walk.  I staggered to the bathroom and staggered back to bed.  When my sister got home from work at 9:00 a.m. I called to her to tell her what was going on - she brought me some anti-vertigo medication, announvced it was Labyrinthitis (basically vertigo) from the viral infection that had been in my chest that was now in the middle ear affecting my balance.  Today it is better in that I got downstairs and could feed myself - walking with a four-footed cane to keep my balance.  Good thing, if left to her, I would have starved to death.  She is a brillant doctor but a lousy caretaker.  For example, today she didn't get up until 11 a.m. so I hobbled downstairs to feed myself and the cat (who was dancing on my head by this time!).  Also her dogs needed to be left out.  She got up, played on the computer (I guess she decided if I was well enough to come downstairs I was well enough!) then went to a late lunch with friends.  The lunch was at 1:30, it is 7:30 here and she is not yet back.  That meant I had to feed the dogs and believe me, bending over to put their food dishes down was harrowing to say the least.

    I am so glad that I can do for myself - thank you Lord!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    For those of you were are waiting for news, DH has 'gone'. I am so pleased, as I am sure he will be, just all happened normally, no big 'boom', just a non event !!! I fear the boom may yet come !! I aren't getting involved with any fiddling about should the need arise, all he can expect from me is a lift to ER !!!  I don't think my heart could stand the fuss he would make if I tried to do anything, but he will be sweetness and light to the little nurses !

    Did a monster food shop today, and am now paying for it, all that lifting and carrying. I somehow have gotten out of the routine of having my shopping delivered, had a disagreement with the shop that has been delivering for years, just before Christmas. I must find another firm. Trouble is they were about the best for deli, fresh fruit and veg. so I miss them.....but....I will not crawl back ! They sent me a  £20 evoucher as a Christmas gift.  I did my big Christmas shop, tried 3 times to cash the evoucher at the end of my shop, but just couldn't do it.  I emailed them.  They emailed back  'have you pressed enter'. I was mad, did they think I was a 5 yr old. Emailed again 'yes, I did press enter, could you please just knock the voucher off my bill?'  ' No, sorry, and you're out of time anyway now, evoucher is void' I cancelled my big Christmas shop, all £300 worth of it !  I see they have sent me another evoucher today, haven't opened email yet, but won't be going back just yet.

    Nearly didn't have any electric tonight. DH again !!! He had a fuse in the hen house, came dashing in panicking as usual. I don't know anything about scares I just keep out of things. Up to me and I would have called an electrician, but DH said no-one would come out 'at this time' 4.15pm ??...of course they would ! So DH was dashing between the hen house and the house. As fast as the lights fused outside he was 'pulling a trip' whatever this means, inside the house, and switching it back on, galloping about 500yds, and as soon as he got outside the lights fused again. It was pure farce, I had all on to keep my face straight, as DH was really losing it ...I was getting it in my ear for 'not helping'  but the only help I ever give with electrics is to call a professional !

    In the end he gave up, and came inside telling me he'd 'left it for the night, but I can see where it is, it keeps sparking up on a wooden beam '. I threw a fit then, and told him to switch all off before he barbequed 1000 hens. I could just envisage the whole lot going up in the early hours of the morning, and all those hens roasting ! So all is in darkness now outside, but at least the hens are safe. I think DH thought it would just go on sparking away until morning....he never sees what might be, thinks it will never happen to us. We have actually had 2 farm fires in 30 years living here, no causes were ever found, so I always wonder if electric was at fault then.

    We have had a spate of dumping on our farm drive. It is quite isolated, so we never know who is around after dark. A week ago 2 small bedside chests appeared, then the next day a matching bedhead, and a bag of rubbish. Tuesday night brought a vacuum cleaner, and last night a flippin' cooker has arrived, it looks a real mess. I must admit I went up and kicked the first 2 lots down the ditch, so they wouldn't be seen, 'til I could be bothered to go pick them up, but I will have to call the refuse dept. now for the amount there is to shift now. I could have smashed up the wooden things for firewood, but a vac and a cooker ?  Besides the dumping may not have stopped yet...someone having a good clearout ! 2 years ago we found a dead dog, a boxer, just thrown in the ditch. I brought him home and buried him....there are some lovely people about . 

    I am just off for my shower now. Its clean sheets...I just love clean sheets, all nice and crisp, and actually ironed. Just HAVE to iron my sheets ! If ever I was to win the lottery ( which I won't, because I have never played!!) I will have clean sheets on my bed every night, made up by my maid., of course !!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    OMG, I can just imagine Isabella with "rubber gloves and lubed up to the elbows" trying to get near the rear end of her DH. Better luck with the cows! Spar, I, too have "done emergency impaction" treatment on geriatric patients in hospital-believe me, do not want to go there! Hey to Chris, Jeanette, Nancy and Jackie. And Kathlene, all great doctors are "narcissicists." That is why you want them in your corner when the chips are down-they would rather die than make a mistake in their work. As caretakers, I would say get a dog but it appears you are already borrowing some. Poor thing, I am so sorry about the vertigo sick on top of other sick. Nothing worse than gettting up in the night/day and immediately falling over. OK gals, This shall be spoken of once and never again by me (at least I don't think so-SO, truth or dare) I found a great side effect of the Chemo Coma. I awoke in the middle of the night having the most thunderous big "O". It has been like a least a decade. And I was by myself!!! Having this fantastic dream and YEEHAAAA!! Thing is that it has been so long I did not recognize it as an "O" and thought I had to pee. Jumped out of bed fell over the dogs, made it to the toide, only to discover that other parts of my "podbod" appeared to be having a party without me. You know it is really bad when ya' have to do a full systems check (pee, poop, breath) to figure out what is going on. Pardon if I have offended but hey, if Chemo does that, I'LL take it!!Embarassed and my bad, as I am getting confused over

    two threads-women 40-60 and older women. I need a "pie chart" to try to keep track of just the PODS. Nappy Time, again! Wink Be up in a few hours love and hugs to all PODS, SV OHH-HOPE FOR HAITI is ON!

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2010
    StillVerticle - Shame on you! I still have tears running down my cheeks. How am I going to be my prim and proper self with you describing your big "O"? It's taken me 10 min just to be able to sit up straight enough so that I could write this post. Laughing Hope it was good!  Chris