Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Darolyn, that's a thread of BC sisters who went to Vegas Sept 09 and are planning to go again so if you want to meet up just follow them.  They plan a new thread under the 'getting together' area but you can get a feel for the ladies who went and will probably go again. 

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2010

    Jo, so sorry about the sciattica, I had problems for years, was a waitress and everytime my nurses shoes wore out I went to the chiropracter and bought new shoes, thank God when I stopped the physical work it was over ( 20 years now),I always called it the toothache in my ass!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Welcome to the "Pod Squad" Daylily! Lots of love, laughter and caring here. Well oh great and wise pods, spent all day yesterday in the ER trying to "get back on my feet" after my first Chemo. Lessons, lessons-the ER could not get a hold of my onc. This morning, my toenails turned black and I have esophagitis and am running a fever. When my onc's nurse finally called this afternoon (have not been able to get ahold of him since Thursday when I had my first treatment) I was told to "eat ice chips" and basically that I would get over all of this soon. SO, thanks to the ladies who have really pushed me to get a new onc. You are my angels and my heros. If you all had not continued to push me, I would have thought that my onc's treatment (or nontreatment) of me was normal and would not have known my symptoms to be "abnormal." The nurse finally admitted that some people do get "black fingernails and toenails and lose them"...gee, that might have been important info up  front. So PODS unite, and make a declaration, that we are all worth the best of care under all circumstances. That issue should be a given, but it is not-YET! Still sick as a rat and working for admit to hospital because something is truly wrong or went wrong during my first chemo. Again, thanks to all of you for pushing me to understand that my symptoms are not normal, nor is my ex-onc. LOL and BIG HUGS, Melissa J.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2010

    Susan -- loved your comment about the toothache in your ass!  I know exactly what it feels like too!

    I haven't been around for a little while -- had my implant removed/replaced on December 2 because of capsular contracture and the new implant is softer, but it looks awful.  Such is life.  My back, legs and neck are driving me crazy now -- pain and muscle spasms.  If it's not one thing it's another!

    We got 2 Bengal kittens just before Thanksgiving and they are so much fun.  They are also much more active and agile than any kittens I've ever met before -- they keep us on our toes.  

    Take care.  I'll try to catch up on posts this week.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010

    Bonnie -- Bengals are beautiful cats and quite smart.  They will be fantastic and I'm sure you will get lots of wonderful comments from people who meet them.

    Still Verticle -- I can't figure where in the world I was not to realize you were having such a time of it in your first chemo and that your Onc. got lost somewhere.  I am glad you are moving on to someone whom you should be able to count on being there for you -- You are having quite a time and ice chips and this too shall pass.  That may be so ---- but it needs to pass with the support, care, consideration and direction of your oncology team.  Hopefully you will end up with someone who can make themselves readily available when they are needed -- period. 

    Ok....since I missed a lot I will not go to my corner and keep my mouth shut but you keep pushing till yours needs or met and HANDLED to your satisfaction.

    I have to run but I am thinking about all of you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Hey Jackie, I have been doing my Q&A's in the PM mode and also getting a lot of info and giving a lot on another thread(Chemo, bef, dur aft).Didn't want to burden folks with my stuff because we are all going thru lots of stuff and was truly unsure if I was supposed to "suck it up" and tough it out. But have been so very ill since first chemo and my now ex-onc finally contacted me via his nurse, today-five days after 1st chemo. I have been hugging the toilet and the bed w/no help from onc team(no one on call over the weekend or holiday) and tho my onc told me he was an admitting doc, come to find out today when I asked for hospital admit, his nurse says he does not have admit privileges! I told her I needed to be reassessed-3 week wait. HMMM. Just been a very tough few days-major and constant motion sickness and dry heaving constantly and that was the easy part. LOL, MJ

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    My my, my Isabella!  You have such a busy day, Ha!  Puts the rest of us to shame!  Geez!  I think no matter what you say to your Husband,  he ain't a gonna take them there pills!   My DH is exactly the same!  Somehow, they think they worked hard for that pain, & they can take it, & it is their duty to make sure everyone else within shouting distance knows their pain, and can just put up with "their pain!"   I KNOW how hard it is to try & "resume" a level of comfort, once the pills have worn off....It isn't worth waiting to see if you can "skip" just one pill!  It has to be so miserable for you & the dogs, to be around this....Can't you just throw him on the floor again, & make sure the dogs are close, & remind him of what he is missing?  Might make him "sthu"!  Ha!  Geez, you do a wonderful job of keeping your great sense of humor!

    And I too, can hardly wait for Spring!  I already received 2 mostly gorgeous catalogs from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and Johnny's seeds!  The first one is great...You can order it online!  I always start my tomatoes from seed...takes a lot of work & patience, but those "homegrown tomatoes" are so worth it.

    And Daylily....I am just 72, & I am on Tamoxifen!  Been on it for 2 weeks now, & no side effects so far!  If you are either pre or post menopausal, & your ER & PR are positive, you can take it.  I had the Mammo-Site Radiation, & then started the Tamoxifen.   Every one of us on this site are different....You can "look back" on each page, & read lots of great experiences & advice, just by hitting "previous" on each thread! 

    My Oncotype score was 20...the low end of Intermediate, so I am not going to do chemo...might also have something to do with my age...Wink  My hearts go out to you brave women who are going through this right now....and yes, it is worth it to think this is one more tool to fight our BC!

    Love you gals!  Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010
    Hi Oh mighty, mighty Pods!  It's me, Jeannettes9565....I changed my user name too!   And my God Melissa J.... I have been thinking of you!  I can't imagine that you are "Still Vertical" after all that you are going through!   Just hopefully you will accidentally find someone that cares about you as much as we do!    And I am going to see a "new" Oncologist also.....I just want to feel like I am "not just another patient"....and I want someone who will listen...YOU, my dear girl, really need someone to step up & take charge of your situation....And I know you are trying....& hopefully, soon, things will just get better!  xoxoxo Jeannette
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Yes Still Verticle, we are all here for you and will listen to your rants, questions, complaints, etc. - actually it's what we do best because we support one another.  You, however, cannot change your name because we want you to remain upright (after you get rid of that onc).

    Will be thinking about you.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2010

    Hi Patoo from Central NJ, Belated birthday wishes.  I must be following you on these sites.

    Having post traumatic stress, just got back from primary dr. who gave me an anti-depressent. Maybe now I will try and become somewhat "Normal" again.

    I enjoy reading everyone's posts.

    Have a great day.



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2010

    Hi Pam!! A few days late but thank you for the warm welcome. Yeah, this is an elite club. Members are terrific gals. I enjoy reading the posts of everyone.

    Everyone have a great day!!

    Hugs, Ronna

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Daylily - day lilies are one of my favorite flowers too.   So sorry you had to join our little club but you could not be in better company!

    Okay - I am completely confused about who's who anymore!

    Jo - thanks for the update on Spar - I was hoping it was finally healing - poor thing!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    Hello all you golden pods.  I am ok.  going to the city today to get a bone stimulator which is suppose to help the bone heal.  Praying this finally works if not it will be surgery which requires 8 more weeks bedrest.  Have missed you all very much.  got a wonderful phone call from our Patoo last night which cheered me greatly. 

    Stillvertical, you never have to suck it up or put on your big girl panties here, you can rant and rave and just be yourself.  We are the mighty mighty pods and we stick together.

    Welcome ronna and all the others that are coming here to post. 

    Getting ready to go so will be back probably tomorrow.  Love you ladies.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Spar - its so good to see you!  I am still struggling with this stupid diabetic foot ulcer so I know what you mean!  Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Love you!

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    JO This is Dar,  Nice to read someone is so close.  We have a place on Lake Erie in Sandusky that we  go to every weekend in the summer.  Maybe we could get together.  I have a mastectomy and what ever follows coming up but I know I am going to be ok just from these post inspiring me.  Hugs to all

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    My friends- A Hearty Hello, not many problems for me just now- some cording on both sides that my LE therapist is teaching me how to resolve. all is good.

     STILV- THIS is the place to vent- AND we CARE ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES- BITCH like crazy, We can take it and the ONC STAFF NEEDS TO HEAR IT TO- I find faxing a detailed letter of discrepancies works well as it is written and they hate to "document" poor service - but if it is requested to be in your chart it becomes a legal document- they hate that!! tee hee

    to the Sciatic ladies - sounds mental but I know it  truely is a "toothache in the ass" SO sorry any one has suffered with it but I reserve the right to laugh when Isabella describes DH rolling in dog pee-so glad to hear that he doesn't need the pills- Isabella save THEM  for you!

    Kathleen and Spar- so sorry you dear ones must deal with the DM factors- they are not fair and I wish I could fix you up - but alas I can not. Maybe we can cheer you up by sticking around.

    Yes Jo I have noticed many missing ladies and many new ladies- we are becoming a BIG POD! Welcome to you all, newbies and returnies! LOVE HUGS KISSES AND CALENDER SHOTS TO YOU ALL!

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2010

    Good morning from rainy Oregon...

    Jackie -- our Bengal kittens are gorgeous and smart and super soft.  Everyone who visits love the way they look!  They are smart and sweet and, so far, the most interactive cats we've ever had. 

    I'm sorry for all of the problems so many of you/us are experiencing, but this is a great place to visit just to be reminded that we are a tough bunch of resilient women!

    My low back and legs have been hurting for over a week and yesterday the neck and left shoulder joined in, so I'll be seeing my PC later today.  I've had back and neck problems for years and now the muscles, joints and nerves from neck to ankles are making me wish I could inhabit another body and leave this one to rest until it gets better.  Pain is so exhausting!  I don't think the pain is cancer related, but the doctor will likely order another MRI to be sure it is the same old bad discs, stenosis, bone spurs, etc.  My medication options are slim because all the NSAIDS make me sick and I can't have any more steroid injections due to a bad reaction last time.  Maybe the doc will have something new or different to offer me -- I hope so.

     Have a great day.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Good morning gals.

    Spar...I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the bone stimulator does the trick for you.  You've had enough bed rest to last you for years! 

    My son's first job was in Elyria, Ohio.  We found him a nice apartment in Sheffield Lake, right on Lake Erie.  It was a gorgeous area.  I might even consider that area myself but I don't like your winter weather any better than I like my Illinois weather!  Still, that area is much more scenic than our "cornfield" surroundings.  LOL

    The freezing rain has hit this area.  I bowled this morning (pretty badly but I did show up) and the roads weren't too bad but the parking lots were treacherous.  I had some errands that I'd planned on running but quickly decided that they weren't really that important so I just came on home and am staying in the rest of the day and evening.  I think I'll head for the kitchen and make up a pot of chili.  It seems like that kind of a day.

    Hugs to all of you.


    Good luck to you gals who are seeing or searching for new oncs.  Our onc is so important to us and it feels so good when you get a good one!

    Welcome Ronna and Daylily...........this is a good place to hang out!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2010

    Morning all

    Hope all is going well especially with those who have just joined us here, its a great place to be. Today have to take my sister to have her mammogram and tomorrow I see the Breast surgeon as it is 3 years since my mast.

    Hate sciatica, it can be really nasty. Get it occasionally but like others have problems with arthritis - rheumatoid which is a bother. Have recently had a bad flare, maybe its the humidity or probably just the stress of having DH in hospital.

    He is recovering well from his heart surgery but there have been times when murder has been on my mind.He has got very irrational at times - know it is post op but still not called for.

    My computer tells me it is going to restart in a few minutes so had better get this posted or I will lose it. Had trouble with the main computer yesterday as I had tried to alter some settings and got it all wrong which is a bit surprising as I am resonably computer literate but had to promise DSiL that I will never try that again or go into the area I managed to get to again. Anyway he sorted this one out as well - the CD / DVD drive wasn't working.

    Have a great day


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Hello Alyson.....I know what you mean....when my Husband came home after his pace-maker surgery, he would just lose it....over NOTHING!    I almost ran out the door several times, because they become so irrational!    Thank god THAT gets better! 

    And StillVerticle...are you alright?  Let us know what is going on.....It's probably a given that some of these "Pods" have gone through what you are going through!   And it's true, it's like talking to "hundreds of Doctors" on this site, instead of listening to just one....

    Alyson......mmmmmmmm, that pot of chili sounds so good!  Is it a secret recipe?  Do you add canned beans, or "real beans?"  or do you even add beans?   Wouldn't it be fun if we all just showed up on your door-step about dinner time? 

    Okay girls....have a fun day!  Jeannette

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2010

    Hi Jeanette. Not me with the chilli beans - a bit hot for that at present. Would love it though if any of you turned up for dinner.Probably at prenent it would be a BBQ and salad. I hate cooking when it is hot.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    It's Ritajean making the chili and if my husband hears about it he will definitely be at her door.  He loves chili.  I like beans in it but he always says I add too many. Sounds yummy.  We'll be there about 6:00 PM. :-)


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    OMG Pods, the pix are wonderful-thanks so much for the shares. Old friend David ( long lost hippie like me) came over today with turkey soup and doggie clippers. He doesn't care how I look so I got the "BZZZZ" cut-Senead O'conner, I am not! Sat on the deck and got to look across the Albermarle Sound to the Continent of the USA. What a sight! I am able to be verticle for about three hours today and then CRASH-on the bed and out like a light. Woke up and David had "buzzed" my Springer Spaniels as well. Now that we have no hair, we are all curled up in my bed under a big "bankie". Going to doc tomorrow for assessment and IV fluids, etc. Trying so hard to get the TC chemo out of my system but it is a b#tch. The minute ya' think it is gone and you're OK, it circles back and pops up with some other awful new symptom. Blessings to all especially those dealing with multi-problems like diabetes and sciatica (((Big Hugs))) MJ

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    You need a knitted cap and sweaters for the spaniels.  It's too cold for you guys to be bare headed!  But thoughtful of them to share the buzz cut in support of you :-)  Hope this gets easier.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    have to laugh about naked spaniels, can't even imagine how "bare" they look.  My DH is already saying after 2 days that I can't keep all the puppies. Daxies, trying to get my daughter to take one, they are the sweetest, cutest things.

    Did get the bone stimulator and just finished getting stimulated.  You can imagine the jokes DH has had with that.  You just attach it one time a day for 20 minutes and it is self timed so it is very simple but DH has to hook me up because I can't reach it.  Was told that 87% of people using this is healed so we will see.

    Also got to go to Los Dos Amigos in Norman for lunch and it was so wonderful.  Loved it.

    Feeling more chipper, have started exercising my one leg and my arms trying to build up some strength.    Hope all has a God blessed evening.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Spar... have I missed that you've had a litter of Daxies ?? What have you got ?? What colour ??  I hope the bone stimulator works for you.

    Alyson , I know just what you mean about murder on your mind, I think hardly a week goes by here that I don't think that way ! My DH is a trial....and then some.  I often wonder how I came to deserve him !! I seem to live in a state of permanent aaarrrrggghh wondering what will happen next.

    He never had any children of his own, so has never had to understand the dynamics of family life, and that I will always be there for my children and g/children, should they need me.  He gets on well enough with my two children, but they've both said to me they don't know how I put up with him !!!! I just do... I suppose there are worse things ...I have just got used to this always riding along on a crisis that needn't be. I was just in with my puppies tonight, all nice and quiet, trying to feed a sickly puppy, when in he bellows, upsetting the mother of the puppies, making another dog bark, all to tell me he is taking his bl**dy laxatives at 8 times the strength he should be !! I got him a chocolate type laxative, that has to be broken into squares. Each big square of chocolate breaks into eight smaller squares, he'd been scoffing whole big squares at a time !!!!  ( HE doesn't need to read instructions !!)  As he's been taking them 4 or 5 days , and he's still standing I don't think they're gonna kill him now !! I can't stand over a man of 63 to make sure he takes the correct dose !! This would have waited until I got back into the main house, but no, he has to come rushing up, thru 4 rooms to get to me, just to tell me this bit of non info. As I usually throw at him when he starts to panic about his health, which is usually every hour on the hour ! If men had to have babies.......

    Been getting ready for my neurosurgeons appointment tomorrow, I had forgotten the trousers I wanted to wear were to be taken up...well, no I hadn't forgotten, DH and his siatica crisis took my mind off the ball all w/ have been TRYING to sew. I was stopped twice by DH coming to ask me where his tablets were  (no idea, you had them last) and, where his prescription was (same answer as before! )  I hate getting broken off when I am sewing, and usually try and do anything intricate while DH is out . I keep threatening to rent a room somewhere  where I can sew in peace, so I can't get involved in these daily nuclear alerts. I am hoping the Amytriptelline (sp) will start and relax him....I should have thought of this tablet years ago, and popped one into his food each day !!!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2010 can rant here and we know...but...I think you really need to be evaluated and helped medically..sending hugs...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Hey SoCal, I am headed for new medical eval tomorrow and full assessment. And Isobella, you are NOT giving your DH ex-lax are you??! Get him a bottle of manganise citrate (comes in a green bottle) then lock him in the bath room for a day. To be fair to David, my Springers are not completely denuded and thank God because tonight, I am dropping Chemo gas bombs that could level a small country. We are all cozy in bed and the blanket "puffing up"is the only witness to me foul deed-except that the pups abandoned the bed and ran to the door (rubbing their little eyes). They know someone needs to go pottie but they are not sure who and the Alpha female (that be me) would never do anything so dastardly to the pack! I would run away from myself but at this rate I'd trip and bash my head on something. Lastly, a bone stimulator??? There are no words! Sleep tight all, MJ

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2010

    Beautiful pic... SoCal, you do take wonderful photos!

    Hello to all the pods, and I'm so happy to be among the most wonderful pods in the world! Thanks! I've never been a pod before. Also, on that Calendar, I cracked up all by my self. What terrific stress relief it is to laugh. I admit I have images of everyones ideas. SoCal can take all the shots and we find a printer, easy!!

    The past two weeks have been so mind-boggling, I can hardly relate the events without tears. Drama to the max. DD has separated from her dh (only not dear anymore). He has been bulls*itting us for 4+ years and it all caught up to him. (Lying, stealing, verbally abusing her). She realized that he has been a drug user the whole time. She was so naive, she loved him so much, we all do -did-, it's crazy hard to know how to deal with him as his demeanor is remorseful and he can cry alligator tears. But frankly, we can't believe anything he says anymore. I tried so hard to trust him. He left. But not before pawning his wedding ring and all her good jewelry. To be alone and get clean (he says). She asked me to take her to the courthouse and has all the legal papers she needs to file for whatever she decides to file. Separation, the big D. Idk what she's going to choose. She is gaining strength to deal from her online girls and I'm coming here to vent. Been with her and my 10 mo. old grandd every day, either babysitting so dd can go to classes, or been supporting her.  It's what I do. I'm so grateful that I'm here to do it for her. .. We are supposing that she will be moving in with us. We've been married 35 years this Aug. haven't had others living with us in 7, 8 years. 

    I invested so much in their marriage. Trying to help them make it work. Never knew this young man was using coke. Never EVER imagined that, I'm so disappointed in him now. He was supposed to grow up, man up, to being a Dad. And a husband. Instead, he's Peter Pan and can't be trusted to even babysit his own daughter. The last time he did, he put her in the jumper, let her chew on a wooden clothespin, the kind with the metal spring, while he took a shower.

    Sorry, I'll quit about that.  in other DD drama, the first one is 29 now. Has gotten Two DUI's in 2009 and I will be going to state court with her tomorrow. This one has a missing card from her deck, you know what I mean? She's so pretty and funny. Shes talented, artistic and has sold her work. She is a fun time to be with and laughs so wonderfully. But she can't seem to get her act together. She lives with my mother (whos 80). Hangs out with the unachievers that are not supporting their bastard children. true. sad but true. And she thought she was going to court tomorrow by herself!!!!!!!!. with TWO Dui's and she couldn't ever reach her court appointed atty. Don't know if he'll be there tomorrow or not, never heard her version of the second charge.

    HOLY COW!  What is happening to the younger generation? My DS moved to a state where it's legal to grow medical MJ... far, far away from here. I miss him so much. And his dog.

    In the other while, add me to the diabetes, sciatica, cervical fusion group. Constant pain, wake up to it, live all day in pain, group. I'm going for some cheese to go with all this whine. Everyone have a good night. Sorry I whine so much. it's just that so much CHALLENGING STUFF is going on around and inside me.

    Spar, I'm SO glad you are feeling better and getting out.  StillVertical, I'm thinking about you, that bad onc will pay for his negligence. Wishing for a kind, caregiving medical team to be there when you go. Good luck, we are all surrounding you with the bright white light of love so that only the most intelligent and humane doctors will see you and begin caring for you TOMORROW. Go in EXPECTING the BEST.

    Thanks for being here.   ~Connie