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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    Well, I tested out of isolation, HK came back in (her DH is staying put in the hospital) and I got back out into the world (KN95 masked, of course). Bad news is that Bob's "food poisoning" did turn out to be COVID (he tested tonight out of pangs of conscience--positive w/in the first 3 minutes). I drove to a 24-hr pharmacy at midnight to get his Paxlovid. And obviously I told my HK not to come in (though she arrived today after he left for work and left hours before he came home--and we masked around each other, so she'll be fine as long as she stays away till he's negative). So now another solid week of being a cat-servant, plus now a caregiver/chief cook/bottle washer. At least all our laundry got done and the litterboxes are clean. And this time we'll sleep in different rooms--he poo-poohed the idea last week. Fool me once... (Yeah, I have some immunity now, but what if his is a different subvariant)?

    Definitely didn't catch it from me--the incubation period would have been way too long. I'm sure he caught it at a meal break (Oak Lawn eatery full of unmasked libertarians) Sat., because the time frame from his exposure to test was exactly the same as mine was last week: 36 hrs from exposure to onset of symptoms, and another 12 to positive test. Meanwhile, he says he otherwise feels fine and definitely has an appetite.

    So there goes that precious endocrinologist appt. tomorrow, unless they either set up a tele-visit or confirm my negative test and let me come in fully masked. Will call in the morning and see if we can do either FaceTime or Doximity. If need be, I can go get a blood draw, but I think my records & DEXAScan should suffice.

    Gordy & Leslie are both out of isolation (and Leslie is back in the classroom). My BFF feels well enough to test out of isolation, but her DH has been bedridden the past 4 days. His Paxlovid never kicked in. I fear his early Parkinson's may have put him at greater risk, especially since he hadn't yet gotten the bivalent booster,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    Hope our California sisters are okay--Caryn in San Jose, Sloan in Bakersfield.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319
    edited January 2023

    Jackie, Thank you.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327
    edited January 2023

    Sandy, bummer that Bob has Covid. I wonder if the two of you caught the new variant that is very transmissible. Would have to look up the name since it isn't easy to remember.

    DH had an ultrasound on his kidneys yesterday afternoon at the urologist's office and his kidneys are good. Big relief. He goes back next week for more tests.

    Petite, I dread experiencing what you are going through. Hugs.

    Our high temperature is forecast to be close to 80 today and then in a couple of days we will plunge down to freezing. Too much up and down.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited January 2023

    Sending you a virtual hug petite. I hope you’ve seen the dentist Cindy and are feeling better. Sandy - glad you’re feeling better, but am sorry to hear that Bob now has Covid. Glad your family is out of isolation. Poor HK sure has her hands full with her DH. Mavericksmom - glad you got a good report from your orthopedic doctor. Carole - glad DH is feeling better and he got a good report on his kidneys. Illinois - got a chuckle out of your description calling your town a 10 minute town. We joke about being able to get anywhere in our city within 15-20 minutes, depending on if the train is coming through or you hit the lights just right. Betrayal - hope you are well on your journey. Have a safe trip. How are you feeling McBaker? I hope those on the west coast are safe from the rains.

    Had my first of the year PCP appointment. I usually have a list I’ve been having some fatigue in the afternoon. She suggested eating protein in the morning rather than carbs. I usually have cereal and a banana for breakfast. Guess I need to change it up. Got some blood work, since my liver enzymes were high last test. Just making sure that they’re back to normal, assuming the cause was the medrol pack I was ion for my back pain.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    Real courage is a bold adventure in walking forward without looking back. With courage you welcome each new experience as an opportunity to exercise your positive energy in a productive, purposeful direction. You are not afraid of what you do not know; you become eager to learn it. You do not hesitate to extend your efforts into unfamiliar areas because unfamiliar does not mean unfriendly. Real courage is an exercise in facing the truth and allowing it to change your life for the better even when that requires loosening the shackles of habit and responding to old situations in new ways. -Renee Okon

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    Oops, I'm on the next page and notorious for forgetting things. It does sound like almost all of you but maybe Sandy's Dh are doing pretty good now. We will be in the 60's this afternoon so I sure can't say anything is not well here.

    Dh is having some issues again. He had to take his computer in as Outlook wasn't letting him access his mailbox anymore. He also needed to reset his HULU and somehow managed to mess that up. Started to think he may be getting confused when he feels any pressure to come up with an answer that is too quick for him or something. Knock on wood -- I've used my Outlook for years although I did have to buy a one-time upgrade when Microsoft stop servicing it. Don't know for sure then what his issue is but would not surprise me if he does a complete eraser and re-install. Not sure what might happen to software you put in on a one-time basis. As to HULU, who knows. When something happens to my t.v. I just call them and have them do the re-start on their end. Both Dh and I have had issues when we try, and it also involves using computers which is another issue since my computer is in a different room. I think he tried to re-set himself and he was told he would have to call back the next day -- and we have NEVER had to call back the next day. Sigh !!! I think I'll have to start helping him out and as mentioned here before I'm definitely lost in the electronics world.

    We will have to make our pilgrimage to Walmart in a while. If you listen, you'll hear another sigh. I was tired yesterday so I put it off, but we will be short on supper foods if we don't go.

    Hoping you all stay well and thinking of MC and Puffin at the moment.


  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2023

    Sandy - Bob went to work after testing positive - or did I misread that.

    I wonder if there is anywhere where weather is "as expected." We got the CA rain over the holidays but it seems to be going north of us now. Certainly feeling sorry for those folks that are being flooded out.

    Ken had his echo this morning to check the size of his aortic aneurysm. He isn't supposed to see the cardiologist until mid-Feb. and I am taking no call until then as a good sign that it hasn't gotten worse. It's scary though. I definitely see myself in the impending "widows group."

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,351
    edited January 2023

    Endodontist today. Boy they get younger and younger, I told him I could be his mom. But anyway, they did a CBCT of my lower teeth. Seems I have bone growth into the tooth, it happens but they don’t know why - bone cells get in. I questioned Fosamax but he said nothing written, no papers he’s read on it. One of the 4 teeth had a root canal but the CBCT showed an additional root in the tooth still there. The long and short of it is the tooth can’t be saved with a root canal. So Aspen crazy as I thought they were, was pretty much on the money with it needing an extraction but for a different reason. I now have to schedule an appointment with an oral surgeon. Referral to a woman in Naples, I’ll call tomorrow. Stressful day. Fosamax will be a factor. The last weekly pill I took was in mid October.

    A funny part was it took a while to get there. Our GPS took us off the highway early by 5 miles (big accident & backup on highway) and we wove down to it and got there as planned. Parked out front, went right in and signed in on a sheet before sitting. Times goes by, no one looking at the list. The sitting area was kind of shabby but who knows. My phone rings, it’s the endo office… I say I’m in the waiting room. She said check to see if it’s the right place. I get up and go to the sign in sheet area, no one near it, I ask: is this the Endodontists? No, it’s 2 doors down. We jump up, and out the door we go. Two doors down, 2 receptionists greet me at a stacked stone reception area. Nice leather chairs, impeccable in comparison to where we were. As I fill out paperwork my partner looks around and says, this is more like it, I worried what we were getting you into at the other place. Everything in there was state of the art technology. The CBCT blew my mind how 3D it’s visual was. I said to the tech setting up the results - look how cool is that!? Then I said you see it everyday, but I’ve never seen it before. It was truly wild. Every view you could imagine for $250. Looking out of my mouth, into my mouth, down at my teeth, up from below.

    Enough of teeth. Sandy sorry to hear Bob caught covid but you thought he would. Your HK has her hands full. Taco, we’ll take all the good signs, and no call is one of them. It’s late and I’m pulling a blank and can’t page back. Petite becoming a widow, others recognizing this could be in their near futures saddened me. My heart goes out to you all

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    Bob's feeling good--chief complaint (besides boredom, of course) is the weird chalky taste from the Paxlovid. It affects everyone differently: my sister described it as metallic, but for me it was bitter (as it was a few times when starting a new medication). HK's DH got dialysis today--hoping they can keep him in, but hospitals are needing beds more than ever (Loyola Maywood, connected to the Hines VA, is approaching ICU capacity) so her mini-respite might end prematurely unless the social worker can arrange some in-home care (preferably at night) pending admission to neurogastric inpatient rehab.

    What we caught was definitely XBB, likely XBB.1.5. Short incubation period from exposure to onset of symptoms (<36 hrs) to positive test (12 hrs.). Paxlovid definitely is kicking in, though, and I tested negative already and am "back out in the world." My BFF's DH rapid-re-tested neg, for COVID, and PCR tested neg. for flu. Parkinson's was ruled out--definitely just tardive dyskinesia from meds. But x-ray showed some bronchial stuff consistent with a secondary bacterial infection; abx and neb treatment are making him more comfy.

    I was able to keep my endocrinologist & PT appts. The former (and the bloodwork) was sobering: my FRAX score over the next 10 years is 26% risk of a "fragility" fracture (i.e., one not caused by sufficient physical trauma) and 6% risk of hip fx. Ruled out thyroid, celiac and parathyroid as contributing factors to high blood calcium but low bone density. My a1c, despite my glucose being lower than the last two times, is creeping up (5.8) and since I shrank 1/4" and gained 5 lbs., my BMI is now >30, so there might be metformin in my future (or the "induction" phase of Atkins, aka "dead animals & leaves"). The shocker is that in the interim between finishing my 3-yr course of Prolia (2018) & now, the protocol for Prolia for both osteoporosis & even moderate osteopenia is now 10 years, due to rebound effect when stopping, Stopping 4 yrs ago, more than anything else, she said, was responsible from my slide from mild/moderate osteopenia to osteoporosis. There is a new class of drugs that are bone-builders (e.g. Evenity) but she says they're saving it for severe ostoporosis. So as soon as my dentist faxes back the dental consent form I can re-start Prolia.

    Showing mild improvements in PT strength & flex, despite not having done any exercises while in active COVID. Working more on balance now, added upper body hand-weight work today. She has me considering a "Buff Bones" Pilates class--but an in-person one is 40 miles away (and online wouldn't allow close enough supervision of my technique).

    Bob is interpreting "isolation" loosely--using both bathrooms, eating in the dining room, sometimes forgetting to mask up (I have to wear mine in case he comes into the room). At least he's sleeping in the guest room. He has begun to weary about reading echoes & EKGs; and he never set up Doximity so his telehealth visits with patients are still audio-only

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,860
    edited January 2023

    I'm not going to go deep (as in cut and paste) into responses. Sandy, your HK has her hands full. Glad he is in the hospital. Hope he learns that slow suicide is not the way to go. Sorry you are osteoporotic now. Hopefully you can get it turned around to some degree. Cindy, I know what it is like at low-cost dental offices. I went a month ago to an office which accepts my insurance. She was vague as to what needed to be done. The office was not shabby, but they are associated with a fairly prosperous medical corporation, and tribal money may have helped also. A week ago I went to a specialist's office. They did take pictures of my jaws with some sophisticated tools, and she told me exactly what needs to be done. I paid for that. Taco, my brother and daughter are out there. I need to contact them to find out what they are experiencing. My family is discovering SAD, and bro was getting down with the grey days and got a light-- pleased that it works. We are having days with temperatures hovering around 32deg. Certainly unusual. Tomorrow is going to be the usual though. Jackie-- I gave a 40 year old friend a box full of cords for all sorts of stuff. He can do with it all as he pleases. I am somewhat competent with electronics, but it helps him feel better about himself if I ask him for help.

    So, anyway, doctor finally phoned in a prescription for my nose sprays, but the one I really need had to be ordered, arrives today. I got fed up with trying to manage my sleep problem on my own. Yesternight was awful, so last night was better but not good. I sent a message about that, so hopefully there will be a pleasant surprise in the bag today when I pick up the other. Still have a sore neck and an almost constant headache. I don't know what my BP is doing-- she gave me instructions to not check it for a week, then do it daily and message in the results after a week of that. I am having a bunch of problems all at once. Hopefully things will settle down once the book is finished, anxiety may be related to the whole thing. I stopped in at Ancestry, and whole bunches of things are happening at once. I am seeing whole bunches of Malone, Maloney, and other variants in my matches now!! The Irish generally procreate with joy. Once I get done with this revision, I think I will pay and dive in.

    ((Petite)) I have difficulty praying for my ex. When he passes, I will probably still have difficulty.

    Getting upright and having some coffee helped. Tippy does need a walk.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327
    edited January 2023

    Sandy, glad that Bob doesn't seem to be extremely ill with Covid. Boredom is a good indication that things could be much worse. Your HK definitely needs help with her dh. I don't understand enough of your analysis about yourself to respond.

    I received two packages yesterday. One a small box of Penzey's dried herbs to update my supply. Some of the old ones I tossed into the trash definitely didn't pass the sniff test.

    The other box was a moderate-priced carpet cleaner that was recommended. It's a Hoover with the automatic function. Meaning you don't have to manually eject the cleaning fluid. The machine does it for you. I want to use it on small soiled areas of carpet like the places in front of our chairs. The advertising of this type of cleaner is targeted to pet owners. We don't have pets but do have humans who occasionally spill a glass of wine. LOL.

    If the cleaner works well, I will take it with us to MN to clean the carpet in the 5th wheel camper during the summer. If it doesn't work well, it won't be a lot of wasted money since it cost about $200.

    I had a professional cleaning service come and clean the carpet in the living room and our bedroom last year and I wasn't satisfied with the results. Their main goal seemed to be finished as soon as possible. And the rental machines are bulky and heavy and too much trouble. DH has to be involved and I would just as soon do the job myself at my own speed.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are--always!

    Richard Carlson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment. Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are--always!

    Richard Carlson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    Hmmm, woke up during the night to rain which I was hearing with only one hearing aid in. Must have been a pretty good rain for that. Sorry for the deletion. Have a cat who wants out (already came in drenched) and won't be quiet about it. He is quite loud. Maybe we shouldn't have spoiled him so gooooood.

    I too, feel for your HK, Sandy and hope all gets under control. Hard on others when help at home is needed, but the person needing it is not receptive I hope that can get resolved for sure.

    Good to hear from you Mary. It does seem like negative events like to gang up together. Easy to get discouraged, but hopefully getting a couple handled will take down the pressure.

    Carole, I had a friend who had (at least I think it works the same) one of those 'spot' shampooers. In fact, a couple of friends have had them and based on what I saw, they seemed to have worked quite well. Just set it down and let it do all the work. I do think it seems perfect if you KNOW where the problems in your carpet as older people don't seem to get the all-over issues when there are multiple kids and pets in the house going in and out. I hope it works out good for you. Yrs. ago when I had carpet I generally used Chen-Dri carpet cleaners. Not because they were so much better although I generally was happy, but more to the fact that they were better at extracting the left-over moisture in the carpet from the cleaning. Since we lived in a very dusty area, I didn't like that a lot of that dust would be attracted right back on a very damp carpet.

    Nothing special today, but while it may give us more rain, I do think it will stop for periods. Did know it was coming through and that afterwards we will get a lot chillier than the 60- degree temps we had for a couple of days.

    Hope you all have good days.


  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited January 2023

    Sorry you're still not feeling well Mcbaker. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon. Cindy - hope you get the appointment with the oral surgeon quickly. Sandy - hope Bob is feeling better. Sounds like HK has her hands full with her DH. Glad you were able to keep your appointments. How did you do on the prolia when you were on it before? Hope all goes well with your DH cardiologist appointment taco. Carole - carpet cleaner sounds nice. Use to have one before we moved but decided to get rid of it. Now I just spot clean. A small cleaner would be nice. Illinois - I think we're a day or two behind you in weather. So I expect we should see some rain tomorrow with warmer temperatures.

    We went to see DD and GD today. GD is 4 months old - smiling and babbling a lot. Her little legs never quit moving. DH put together the high chair. We had a nice visit.

    Thinking of you petite.Have a nice evening.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2023

    Cardplayer, so nice to read good news! Your GD updates always put a smile on my face! I am so thankful for my grandchildren! My oldest GD will turn 10 soon! Not sure where the time goes! They are the joy of my life! It is impossible for me to be anything but happy whenever I'm around them or FaceTime with them! I know you feel the same! It is awe inspiring to watch them grow, especially during the first year!

    I am so sorry so many here are dealing with such pain. Sandy, I too have no idea of what your issues are so I can't comment other than to say I hope you feel better fast! Also, that your DH continues to do well with his Covid recovery.

    Cindy, glad you had a good experience with the endodontist and hope you get your appointment with the oral surgeon soon!

    Taco, I hope things go well with your husband! No news is usually good news, but I always call for results unless I can view them on my patient portal. My GS had aortic aneurysms when he was a baby. He had Kawasaki Disease when he was 6 months old. He was rushed to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia a number of times, but thankfully is thriving now 9 years later. He still has yearly pediatric cardiology visits, will for life.

    I am counting down the days at work! Really can't wait to retire!

    Rain today. I am thankful for any weather we have that isn't extreme, as so many people are suffering across the country.

    I hope today is a better day for everyone here! I am so glad it's Friday, even if it is the 13th!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327
    edited January 2023

    MM, I hadn't realized today is Friday the 13th!!!

    I went to Target yesterday looking for the Hoover cleaning solution for my new little carpet cleaner. The newer version of the same cleaner was on display for about $50 more. But the shelf with the cleaning solution was empty. So back home where I ordered from Amazon. So much for trying to do business with local stores.

    Your description of your adorable granddaughter make me remember my enjoyment of great-niece Hannah at Christmas. She's the same age. Her mom puts photos on Facebook. She's a friendly happy baby. Her brother, now four, was so different. I knew/suspected early on that he had some autism. He still doesn't speak. My sister, his grandmother, arranged to have him see a speech therapist. I believe he is very bright, just not "normal" in the way he relates to people. His parents are hermits so his home environment doesn't encourage contact with other children or adults.

    Petite, please post whenever you feel like it.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319
    edited January 2023

    Hi, Everyone. Yesterday was a pretty rough day. I went on my old lady walk and suddenly wasn't sure where I was. That passed quickly. I lost the will, but did find it. Today is going better. We are having the celebration of life on Thursday the 19th. 22 rsvp so far.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,351
    edited January 2023

    petite I think you’ve probably got so much on your mind you just didn’t pay attention to your surroundings. Carry your phone with you, it can always get you back home if you really do go in an area you don’t know. ((HUGS))

    Oral surgeon appointment is on 1/26. I contacted the dentist who confirmed the other surgeon they use is 2-3 months out now with snowbirds in town. Receptionist was going to call me regarding a temporary to cover the loss of front four bottom teeth until I’m healed and permanent solution is put in. I placed a call to my endocrinologist to see how long I need to be off Fosamax before teeth extraction isn’t an issue. Awaiting a call back. Last 70 mg pill was on 10/11/22.

    Weather has been nice, but I’ve been so engrossed with teeth the weather didn’t matter. I grabbed the newspaper this morning ahead of the rain. It poured for a bit, but has moved on. Temps dropping tonight and wind picking up. Full timers will be freezing, we’ll need a sweatshirt if we’re out. And we do plan to head up to Punta Gorda for a seafood & blues festival starting at 4. Probably only stay for the first act, but it should be enjoyable.

    Roofers are going to town. The shingle bundles dropped all over the roof sounded like they’d fall through it! I’m fortunate they didn’t start at 7 AM. Nail guns going on front and back, knocking away. Sounds like 3-4 separate ones going. Glad I don’t have a headache and my tooth isn’t aching today!

    Enjoy Friday the 13th! No walking under ladders and accept no wooden nickels.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,957
    edited January 2023

    After I moved in with DD I got turned around. I had Hagen Das melting in the back. I learned my lesson and put a spork in the glove dept. If it happens again I'll sit and eat the ice cream.

    I agree that you can feel lost if you've not focused on what you're doing. Like getting to a freeway exit and not remembering the one before.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327
    edited January 2023

    I can be absent minded when I'm driving somewhere. Occasionally I'll go past a turn and suddenly realize where I'm heading.

    We had patches of frost when I looked out this morning at 7:30 am. It's sunny and the laptop tells me it's 34 degrees. Inside it's warm and cozy.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited January 2023

    Too bad have a bit of a wait Cindy. Hopefully you’re in less pain from the infection and cracked tooth. Hope DH is better Sandy.

    Trying to change my eating habits so that I’m not experiencing afternoon fatigue. My PCP suggested eating protein for breakfast rather than cereal and fruit, which is contributing to my afternoon fatigue. So I’m switching things around. Drinking my protein shake in the morning and try eating cereal and banana for my afternoon snack. The statin (Lipitor) my PCP put me on 3 weeks ago for my carotid artery partial blockage seems to have slowed my motility even more. So I’ve had to start taking Linzess every other day. I was on Linzess before, but stopped it when I discontinued Lipitor earlier in the year since my cholesterol numbers are good.

    Thinking of you Petite.

    Cold and breezy here today. A good day for watching basketball and football on TV. Enjoy your day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327
    edited January 2023

    Cardplayer, I like dry cereal, especially Wheaties, but stopped eating it for breakfast because it makes me so hungry about an hour afterwards. I looked at Wheaties in the supermarket recently and nearly fainted at the price. $8!!!! I'm borderline diabetic with a very efficient digestive system so I try to eat a small breakfast and lunch that will stick with me at least 3 hours. Protein and some fat are necessary components. I guess we all learn through trial and error what works for us.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2023

    Petite, I agree with Cindy, you do have so much on your mind right now. Give yourself some slack, you have been through a lot, I bet most of us would have done the same! I do love that you are having a celebration of life for your DH! Much love to you!

    Cindy, I too am sorry you have to wait so long for your appointment. Worth the wait as long as you aren't in pain while waiting!

    Sandy, I hope you continue to be doing well! I also hope your HK's Dh is doing better.

    Wherever Betrayal is now, I hope she and her DH are having a wonderful time!

    Cardplayer, I too am trying to change up my eating habits to how it was pre-October surgery! I ate too much junk food over the holidays and paid the price in many ways. I truly feel better when I eat a healthy diet. I hear you about the protein and switching up your routine. I hope you find it gives you better results! I think it's great when a doctor suggests things like diet changes. To me, that is a sign of a great PCP! Too many are eager to prescribe medications or increase doses, instead of looking at changes in diet/nutrition.

    I was referred to a neurologist in early November by my PCP. I had all kinds of issues, I really feared brain mets. I was getting increasing amounts of ice pick headaches, had balance issues, memory issues, among other things. By mid-December, those issues, got much better, especially the headaches which I rarely get now, and the memory/balance issues. I canceled the appointment I had a few days before my retirement date. I will eventually see someone, but I am pretty sure severe brain issues don't get better with time. I think the severity of my symptoms were definitely stress related.

    I am looking forward to retirement, to having my surgery, to a less stressful recovery and moving on with my life!

    I hope everyone here has a wonderful weekend!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,957
    edited January 2023

    DD found a keto cereal at Costco that is mostly nuts. Delicious and really sticks with you.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,860
    edited January 2023

    Maverick, when I discovered four years ago that I was being reassigned to a DO rather than a MD, I was happy because they look at nutrition and exercise and aren't as quick to recommend pharmaceuticals. Only had one that was bad news, but that is a different story.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    We are all flowers in the Great Spirit's garden. We share a
    common root, and the root is Mother Earth. The garden is
    beautiful because it has different colors in it, and those colors
    represent different traditions and cultural backgrounds.

    Grandfather David Monongye (Hopi)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,714
    edited January 2023

    Well, I missed yesterday from comedy of errors. Dh has been having trouble with his computer, in that it runs slow. I think he may have something else as yet un-discovered. Never-the-less just as I started to work I lost my internet wi-fi. I started to check, when I realized the t.v. wi-fi was out too. Dh has called in to Spectrum and the gal he was talking to chose to re-boot from her end which meant ALL service went everywhere in the house. Upshot -- I lost not my wi-fi, but still couldn't use it. We had to make a rush trip into town and pick up a new router. The one we have was not that old, but the lady at Spectrum said it wasn't working. Okay -- so then we had to call in and re-set all our tv's to the new router. Dh's computer was working, but mine would no long allow me to type. We traded out keyboards and nothing. First appt. is the coming Tues. night. WHAT ??? No way. This morning early dh and I went to Walmart's where I picked up a new keyboard that plugs directly into the compute by-passing the wi-fi I actually do have, but which would no longer operate wireless keyboard. Dh still cannot get into his mail. He says Microsoft is sending him something via my computer address, but it hasn't shown up.

    So that is my tale of woe. I sometimes worry about Dh. He asked me after all the excitement was over what he had done with the old router. Well, in order to get the new one, he had to give them the old one. In less than an hr. he had forgotten that you can't get anything from Spectrum if you don't turn in what isn't working. That a couple other items like that just make me wonder. So, I'm not upset, (how could I be) but concerned about what Dh might be doing with his computer to have so many issues. He seems to forever have issues with his phone and computer. He was once pretty proficient with the electronics around here, but while I'm not at all literate with these things -- I almost never have things get too squirrelly, I really don't think I can do much with him but only hope his antics don't interfere so directly with my usage,

    petite and others -- I too, have suddenly discovered that I'm not sure where I'm going now and then, or even that I've driven past a turn. I mention here not only for you petite, but for all of us because I was feeling a bit alone in having had it happen. You, though petite, are dealing with such deep emotion and we think we are doing ok, but obviously only feel that because we are doing the things we have always done. Then suddenly we come out of the fog long enough to discover we have been doing them on a rote level and we aren't really that much in charge yet?? It is likely a built-in part of how we save ourselves. It would be so hard to go on if we couldn't mock up the reality of doing things as well as always. In this, time is such a friend.

    Sun today and warmer. We just had cold and snow, and not it will warm to the point of rain. The snow is all gone or will be. At least the wind has by-passed us for a couple of days now. Sure, glad about that. It made the cold a whole lot colder.

    Hope you are all going to have a good Saturday.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,351
    edited January 2023

    I got up this morning and headed to the ballpark to grab tickets for partners birthday. I bought tickets for 8 games! We’re set for spring training at Hammond stadium. It’s Minnesota Twins territory. It was 53, sunny but very windy. I’d tell the truth and say I was cold, but one of you could slap me with - define cold? It was the wind, not the temp

    We booked a trip to Ireland today. Traveling with a friend who has been there many times, exploring ancient Ireland. Air fare was a shocker so I’m guessing stays at B&B’s will startle me too. We’re going in June for 20 days, so lingering at places for 3-4 days instead of zooming to the next place. Should be interesting. We leave the day after I see my breast surgeon, and return a day ahead of grand jury duty! We haven’t been there in 27 years.

    IllinoisLady my partner seems to think I can fix everything with the computer, or any site he’s on and can’t find what he wants. At times I just walk away, I was in finance never IT. Need me to crunch budget numbers? I can hen peck my way through knowing I won’t break anything. But some sites are just crap, and other times it’s operator error. I often tell him with his phone to turn it off for 5 minutes. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.

    We’re driving to see the grands on Monday. I may have already told you, but I don’t remember. I’d like to meet up at the Palm Beach zoo. We’ve never seen it and being outside seems better for them than being stuck inside a museum. They’re in Fort Lauderdale celebrating my step son’s birthday. We should enjoy ourselves and get them all out to dinner too before we head back to the west coast.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and hoping all our weather holds outgood.