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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Karen, thanks for the clarification about harvest timing--so the "induction chemo" wouldn't harm the healthy stem cells? Surprised that you can transplant them the day after the heavy-duty chemo (I'd assume they'd do another biopsy first to confirm the cancerous marrow cells are dead). For Passover, my fave guilty-pleasure snacks are Swiss or provolone (not kosher, I know) cheese melted over Yehuda bran matzo (my fave--it actually tastes baked); but ultra-guilty pleasures are those chocolate-covered egg matzos, sugar-coated egg kichel, Joyva dark chocolate jelly rings, maple marshmallow puffs and cherry marshmallow twists. Now that my NP ordered me to resume food-logging, I have to clean up my act. I can take or leave macaroons (not a fan of the too-sweet sugar-free ones). I can make matzo meal latkes for everyone else, but almond/coconut flour lemon-ricotta ones for me (pseudo-leavened with whipped egg whites).

    My mom was an amazing Passover baker: orange sponge & nut cakes, awesome dark chocolate flourless torte, even sandwich "buns." I have been put on notice by both Bob & my HK that I'd better make matzo brei (Bob likes sugar on his, HK likes real maple syrup, I use Lakanto maple-oid monkfruit syrup...but again, I shouldn't eat it this year). I will say my matzo balls are lighter & fluffier than my mom's were--but not as good as my late Aunt Pearl's. No matzo balls for me, alas. (It's definitely a sin to lie on my diet diary). When it comes to gefilte fish, my maternal "Litvak" side (actually, Belarus) prevails over my paternal "Gallitzianer" (Polish) side--I can't stand sweet gefilte fish.

    I've been nearsighted since I was 8, when after I kept misreading numbers on the blackboard, the 3rd grade teacher sent me home with a note to my parents to get my vision tested (even though the school nurse had a Snellen eye chart on her office wall). I got my first pair of glasses right after that. My dad had a friend who ran an optical factory, so we took my ophthalmologist's prescription there. I found it fascinating--all those frames and blank lenses arrayed on racks & shelves. In my memory's senses I can still hear the sound of the grinders and smell the scent of the place. My first frames were late-1950s glitter "cat-eye," of course. Unspeakably kitschy by today's standards.

    As I grew, my distance vision improved to where the "corrective lenses" restriction was removed from my D/L. The summer before I got pregnant, I tried soft contacts (I had no undereye bags or circles yet that needed to be concealed by frames, and glasses were not a good look for the rock band in which I played bass). All was well till ragweed season, and I began tearing like crazy--even once on stage! And then occasionally, the lens would try to migrate toward the back of my eyeball! Finally, when I got pregnant, the shape of my corneas changed, so it was as good a time as any to ditch the contacts. I could still see well enough to go without glasses even while driving, but my eyes were so light-sensitive I had to wear shades outdoors in daylight. I didn't start to have presbyopia till age 39, when I got my first progressives.

    I'm beginning to regret getting my new shades as single-vision, because even though I can see the dashboard gauges and they do correct for astigmatism and give me fabulously sharp distance vision, the street names on my nav screen are not as clear as they are to my "naked eyes" (and I can't read my phone well--which I shouldn't try to do while driving anyway). I have a pair of non-prescription Wayfarers from LensCrafters (for indoor wear) I had fitted with gradient lenses to hide my swollen red eyes after 2016 cataract surgery--and I found the original dark-gray lenses so I can pop them back in--my distance vision is good enough w/o correction. But the Warby "tidepool tortoise" frames are cool beyond words.

    Mary, IMHO you should color-coordinate your helmet, knee & elbow guards, & gloves. Candy-apple red sparkle perhaps, with flames?

    Vet says to monitor the size of Heidi's forehead nodule. She says she's never seen anything like it--but can't tell for sure by just the photos. If it doesn't grow much, bleed or ooze, we can wait till Heidi's appointment 4/13.

    Bob just informed me he's working all day (and past dinner) on Easter Sunday, which happens to be Gordy & Leslie's anniversary. So no brunch. The kids are going to their favorite sushi bar in Evanston, but maybe we can take them out for dinner before I leave for Ireland. (I did not tell my weight-mgmt NP that the trip's first official event will be a Guinness tour, followed by a pint-drawing practice session. What she doesn't know....).

    Not only was today's Nashville school shooting horrific, the ultra-right wing media and GQP caucus will say that it was caused by the shooter's being trans. Not by her being able to legally purchase 7 firearms (including assault rifles) despite being under psychiatric care ("emotional problems" was the term the police commissioner used). And of course, it's not a gun problem, but a mental health problem. BTW, a survivor of last July's Highland Park parade massacre was visiting Nashville yesterday. Talk about PTSD (was gonna say "being triggered," but too soon.....).

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited March 2023

    (((((Karen)))) Wow, I know you see yourself as not being able to do much as you were used to doing, but I am actually amazed and inspired that you could vacuum two bedrooms and go on a walk with your DH! The walk made me smile because it was something you could share together all while getting fresh air and watching the world doing its thing! I am not sure what a walk helps more, one's physical state, or mental state. I believe both!

    Sandy, wow. I have no idea what most of the foods you mentioned are, but enjoyed your comments on them. I also laughed, because I could relate, to your "what she doesn't know..." line! You are too funny!

    I wish we had a strong third party in our country, one for moderates who take each issue separately and can apply common sense and knowledge to issues. I would join that party in a heartbeat! The only choice I have in PA is the two or "non-affiliated. "As for the school shooting, I heard the best words from someone on the news this morning. She said, "WHY DO VERY YOUNG CHILDREN NEED TO HAVE MORE COURAGE THAN THE POLITICIANS WHO REFUSE TO PASS LEGISLATION THAT COULD STOP THIS KIND OF VIOLENCE?"

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319
    edited March 2023

    It is cloudy and overcast. Today is the 3rd month since DH died. I wanted to share a photo of a memory cat. It is made from DH's shirt.


  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,859
    edited March 2023

    Prayers for you, Karen.

    I am going to go on my first post-concussion bike ride in a few hours. Busy cleaning bedding and dog to get rid of allergic sources of headache. My sinuses are having a field-day. Going to get that steam-bath atomizer out to work on them, too.

    I need to get new regular glasses, but at this time my sunglasses are my go-to.

    Also setting up my new (handed down from daughter) iPhone. Short fuse requires short sessions.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited March 2023

    Karen - I'm impressive by your post treatment energy. Sending healing vibes and hoping you continue to feel good enough for daily walks with DH. Will your family be handling most of the meal preparation for Passover?

    Love the stuffed cat Petite. What a nice memento.

    Sandy - we use to joke about my Moms matzo balls. How they'd sink into the bowl of soup. The soup always had good flavor, but the matzo balls were quite dense.

    Mary - hope you do well on the bike today. Glad you're better.

    I've worn glasses since 2nd grade when I started getting dizzy from not being able to see the black board or read. Pink frames with glitter. Always had a bad astigmatism and was told I couldn't wear contacts. I'm almost a week out since left cataract surgery and 3 week for right eye. Getting use to using readers for closeup reading (like now on my iPad), but able to see the TV and read signs when driving. I'll be glad to be done with the RX steroid drops. They're drying my eyes out. My regular eye doctor carries and assortments of glasses. I've worn transition lenses the last several years, so I didn't have to switch back and forth between glasses and RX sunglasses.

    So far this year, there has been 130 school shootings. There was a school shooting threat in our little town yesterday, but it was stopped thankfully. A 16 year old. I support those who want to own guns, but want to see AR15 regulated, if not banned permanently. And more mental health support for those who need it.

    Enjoy the 5 planet lineup in the western sky tonight

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited March 2023

    Petite, I saw a stuffed bear with similar saying as your “cat,” on Esty,but no where near as cute! Not because it was a bear vs cat but because your husband had such great taste in clothes! His shirt was beautiful not boring!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Matzo brei (Yiddish for "fried matzo") is exactly what it sounds like--a kind of Passover French toast. Matzos are softened in warm water, dipped in seasoned beaten egg (sometimes with a little milk & vanilla) and pan-fried in either butter or oil. Traditional toppings are sugar, maple syrup or honey.

    A "latke" (pronounced "lot-ka" or--in the Midwest--"lot-key") is a little pancake. A staple at Hanukkah, they're usually made with potatoes with flour & egg as binders--but during Passover, potato starch substitutes for the flour. A variation, usually for breakfast, is made with matzo meal and uses beaten egg whites to make them fluffy. Sugar is the usual topping, as any liquids like honey or syrup would cause them to deflate. You can make a low-carb gluten-free version with almond meal & coconut flour instead of the matzo meal.

    Macaroons are not those delicate multicolor puffy meringue French sandwich cookies, but rather baked from a paste made with coconut flakes, fat, sugar, matzo meal (ultra-fine), and various flavorings (almond, vanilla, chocolate, chocolate chip, etc.) and shaped like giant Hershey kisses. They're sold in cardboard canisters and don't have a shelf-life, but rather a half-life, as do....

    Jarred gefilte ("ga-Fill-ta") fish, which are quenelles made from ground fish (carp, whitefish, pike), eggs, matzo meal, sometimes onion, and seasonings, poached in seasoned water--which sets into a gel when chilled. The jarred version is flash-pasteurized and is still safe to eat for as long as 5 years (some sites say 10!) until the jar is opened. Usually served with grated horseradish mixed with vinegar (white) and a little beet juice (red). I've even had it with wasabi once! Both condiments will clear your sinuses faster than nasal spray.

    Chocolate covered egg matzo is exactly what it sounds like. Egg matzo is regular matzo, with egg yolk and sometimes a little soft cider mixed in. Ashkenazi Orthodox tradition allows it during Passover only for children, the "aged" or "infirm." (A rule honored more in the breach, at least in the Brooklyn community in which I grew up). All the chocolate-covered things are desserts or sweet snacks. Other Passover candies are marshmallows coated in toasted coconut, and "jelly slices," which are fruit jellies coated in sugar. (Sugar upon sugar). Then there are kosher-for-Passover boxed assorted chocolate bonbons, the most famous brands being Barton's and Barricini.

    The nut and sponge cakes are baked angel-food style in tube pans--the batter is made with superfinely-ground matzo flour or matzo "cake" flour, and lightened with seltzer and beaten egg whites. Flourless chocolate torte is a terrine baked in a pan--lightened, but only slightly, with egg whites, or as ganache that isn't even baked but chilled till it sets.

    (Matzo meal and its finely-ground "flours" are immune to ambient yeasts, as they're made from matzos which have already been baked and therefore can't be "eaten" by the ambient yeasts).

    After reading this, I would advise waiting 24 hours before checking your blood sugar.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2023

    Sandy- it is truly amazing all you know. I may be a strict vegetarian, but I can’t resist matzoh balls even in chicken broth. My BFF,Rita, now gone, used to make them for me with vegetable broth. And, unlike those who are wise, I like heavy, dense, like lead, matzoh balls. Love matzoh Brei and Yehuda matzoh with sweet butter. Don’t like the crumbs all over the floor. Basically I live on carbs, so miss bread on Passover. Have to bring a dish to DS’s in-laws, so it will be- in no way am I a cook- a crust less spinach quiche. Not deprived though. Leaving Key West for home today, filled with 9 days of eating Key Lime pie French Toast, bruschetta .strawberry short cake, Brandied banana bread pudding. Going to Brasserie C&C night before my birthday on Easter. Could not get into Galit.I so admire the breath of knowledge on these boards and that they are indeed a community

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited March 2023

    Sandy,wow, awesome explanation of the different types of food you mentioned earlier! Thank you! I actually think I gained 5lbs reading that! Seriously, you are so funny which makes what you write so much fun to read!

    Sunny again today. I really need to sit down with my day planner book and start trying to get into a retirement routine! I feel lost without a routine. I would be almost finished first period in a social studies class if I was still working. By 2:45, I would have been in 8 classes, with only a half hour lunch break, so I went from being super busy, to super lazy! I know the surgery and health issues are the reason but it is time for me to get myself moving! April 12th can't come soon enough. That is when my restrictions will be lifted! Woohoo!

    April 12th is also the day I will have my cardiology blood tests done. I am hopeful that the person taking my blood will listen to me and use a butterfly catheter rather than go in with a vacutainer. I have to use LabCorp and this location is new to me as they closed the one that used to be across from my PCP's office. I found in the past that technician's who don't know me, don't like to be told what to do. I get it, but if they stick me more than once and don't get blood, I am out of there! I am not saying that to them, but if it happens I will walk out!

    I am anxious about the blood work because I haven't been eating well and I am back on Letrozole. I guess if the blood tests look bad, there will be nowhere to go but up (get better).

    Also dreading the whole colonoscopy fiasco that I know will happen early this summer. The problem is twofold. One, no one in the endoscopy labs can access my veins, so those days are gone, and two, Medicare will not pay for a virtual colonoscopy, which is what my doctor wants for me. I don't want a virtual colonoscopy because I had one 5 years ago and the only good thing was that I could drive myself there and back. I want a regular colonoscopy because I would feel better knowing some actually viewed my colon, especially since bleeding is normal for me, has been since I was in college. Also, I don't want more radiation that comes with a Virtual Colonoscopy, or the issue of needing a regular colonoscopy anyway, if they find anything.

    My sister volunteers at a different local hospital and got me some names of gastroenterologists that still do colonoscopies in the hospital, so that will be my back up plan. I need to have it done in a hospital because they have people who can get IV's in.

    I really need to put all the medical stuff way back in my mind and think only about spring and being home!

    I do love the flowers all in bloom, and I do not think any of our trees will be harmed from budding early as I am sure the worst of the cold weather is behind us. I hope to meet up with my sister for coffee or go on a long walk. Have a great day everyone!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited March 2023

    MM - My vein of my left arm is shot - too much scar tissue so I now have blood draws on right side (BC side with node removal). So far, Quest Dx and my cancer center have competent phlebotomist. Even at the PET/CT scan, the gal only needed on stick to get the IV in. Thankfully, my GI doc does my colonoscopy in a dedicated GI clinic with anesthesiologists. Hope you get all your tests done how is best for you. The first couple months my husband was retired, he struggled with what to do with his time. Now he has settled into a routine.

    i want to be able to some things, but not over do it. I've been taking it easy this week. Yesterday, DH and I went to the bank, another errand and I went for a short walk. DS came for dinner and I cooked salmon, quinoa and spinach salad. This is really an easy dinner with about 10 minutes prep. That was in the course of 12 hours. So I"m really not doing very much.

    As far as cleaning person - no need. Since my DH retired he has taken over most of the cleaning - he always helped. Before this MM, I was only cleaning the kitchen sinks and counters after cooking Shabbat dinner and vacuuming the floor. He will take over whatever I can't do. I said to him yesterday, that occasionally, might want someone to cook Shabbat dinner for us since chemo injections are moving to Fridays, DH said he could do the cooking. He really is a great cook. I've learned over the years to give up control and doing it all years ago. DD#2 was born 3 weeks before Passover and I was doing chemo 17 years ago.

    Being on spring break, I had originally planned to clean my kitchen - ovens, fridge, basement fridge, kitchen cabinet doors etc and begin cooking for Passover which begins next Wednesday night. Other than bringing up a few boxes (small) of Passover stuff I haven't done anything. If I feel good enough today, I will do the downstairs fridge. If I feel good on Sunday, I will do the upstairs fridge. I will rely on DH to do the rest. DD#2 gets in late Monday night so she can help cook on Tuesday and Wednesday and DH will also cook. I am keeping the menu simple.

    I need something besides the Zofran as it doesn't last 8 hours. I'm not nauseas per se - but stomach just isn't right. Makes it hard to eat. The protein powder I ordered arrived yesterday - it is flavorless so hopefully the powder will be palatable in water, oj, or a smoothies. I ordered a small bullet blender that is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I've got to do something to stop the weight loss. I'm eating, but I just can't eat that much at a meal and I have no desire to snack. My son took some of the candy I bought since I'm not eating it. I lost weight 17 years ago after Dx and during chemo, but I started out with about 25+ more pounds. I really can't afford to loose any weight. I don't remember when I was this low - I've only lost 3 or 4 pounds but that is till too much.

    Still waiting for insurance to pre-approve the CT of my neck and the Zometa. Endocrinologist submitted the referral for the CT scan on the 20th. Hematologist only submitted or Zometa on Monday. Waiting for the transplant oncologist office to call. I left a message yesterday, so hopefully I'll hear today.

    Never thought in my late 60s medical would be the most prominent thing in my life! MM - I get you.

    Foggy this morning but supposed to get near 60 but cooler tomorrow. Weather is supposed to be nice till Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Wonder, the flowers are beautiful. Ruth, I always like seeing the WWW.

    Have a good Thursday everyone.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited March 2023

    Sandy - your description of Passover brought back memories. My Dad use to eat matzo brei every morning during Passover.

    Mavericksmom - wish there were easier ways to get IVs and get blood draws. I usually suggest a butterfly needle when getting blood draws and make sure to be well hydrated. Usually the phlebotomist will listen. I don’t have arm restrictions though. And I suggest using vein finder when I’m having a procedure that requires a larger needle and where I’ve been NPO. Makes it much easier on me.

    Karen - so nice that your DH does cooking and cleaning. Is there something else your doctor can press for your stomach issues? Sorry your insurance company is delaying approvals of your testing. I hope the protein powder helps to maintain your weight. Sending you a virtual hug.

    Illinois - I haven’t noticed any changes to the site. Still takes me multiple clicks to get to topics. Typing and editing is a bit clunky sometimes. I’m also looking forward to the new, improved site.

    Having lunch with friends today. They’re coming out here, which is a bit of a drive. One friend is moving out of the area. She is moving closer to family. Sad to see her go and I’ll miss her. We had a freeze last night, but it’s nice and sunny with a slow warmup.

    It’s opening day! Have a healthy stress free day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2023

    Well, I read all of Sandy's entry and I felt like I needed to go on a diet, right away. It made me hungry. There is something good about that. My speed is more making my own noodles and grandma dumplings. Those are things I learned from my mother. Everything she made tasted like love. My dad never cooked and he was always wary of eating anyone else's cooking. It is a wonder my sister and I learned as we were not to be allowed in the kitchen with Mom. She disliked that but Dad insisted. Good thing there was a Home Ec. class at school.

    One of my funny stories about that is even though we weren't to cook with Mom, when we made corn bread in class we brought the recipe home. Mom let us use the recipe and mix it up before Dad got home from work. She later put it in the oven as usual. Dad complimented her saying whatever she had done to it she should keep on because it was really good that night. He never knew -- guess he thought Mom just got a little better at baking cornbread.

    (((((((Karen)))))). I too hope your protein powder helps you get a couple of extra pounds. Off-putting to feel you can't do quite enough.

    It is really pretty here today. Some breeziness but not as much as we had before. I know the week-end is likely to bring the rain, so I'm going to enjoy the sun magnificently Hope you all have a wonderful day..

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,859
    edited March 2023

    Sandi, Cardplayer, and Karen, I am enjoying your descriptions of Passover foods. All I can report on is all the classes the past few weeks at church, and the fact that I deposited my palms for the past two years in a basket last Sunday. i think that the sharing of the timing of our most important feasts is a sign that we need to live in harmony better.

    Praying for you still, Karen.

    Still having a headache, but I am writing better. I decided to get busy with a revision on my writing project. I think I am doing well.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349
    edited March 2023

    Petite, I love that cat! Such a nice comforting thing to have.

    Sandy, super informative on the description of Passover foods. I have to report that my dentist put the Maryland bridge in today. Love it vs the retainer/Invisalign with a tooth. Without your wealth of knowledge I never would have heard of it to request it. Thank you

    Karen, you’re pushing yourself, and I sat as a slug yesterday after I took my bike ride. More power to you, and also the wisdom to know when to let others do for you. ((HUGS))

    Jackie, I loved your descriptive narrative on the blooming bushes.

    Mary, I had a note from earlier to say “let the force be with you” on your bike ride. But your most recent post didn’t mention if you took a ride. Hoping your headache goes away.

    Cardplayer, I’m with you. If you want a gun, get a gun, but there is no need in real life for an AR15.

    I ran to my dentist as mentioned, for the Maryland bridge. It was painless to get put in and I’m quite pleased. But once I was home looking at my receipt, I think I was over charged. I’m calling tomorrow morning to see if I’m due a $425 refund. My dental tally for this one tooth - 3 dentists, 1 endodontist, 1 oral surgeon, comes to $3,200. So I’ll take a credit if I can get it. I’m keeping all receipts for next years taxes, I could possibly hit the % needed to itemize medical/dental expenses.

    Weather here has been hot. Tomorrow I have a hair appointment at noon. If weather is as hot & humid as they say, I’ll be looking like a frizzy Q-tip. But it needs cutting no matter the weather, I’ll have him pile on the hair products!

    I wanted another bike ride tonight but it’s still 80. Have great evening ladies!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,859
    edited March 2023

    Yes, we went to the store where I got some cash. He pooped twice. He has gotten used to his new dog walker, so she will walk him only once a week until surgery time.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited March 2023

    Just lost a long post - so just going to say night. Not up to writing it again. Usually I copy before I submit, but got distracted and didn't copy so it's gong.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited March 2023

    Aw Karen! If you were on your phone you might have done what I’ve done before, hit the UP arrow instead of submit! Ugh.

    Just know we are all thinking of you and at least writing down your thoughts can still be cathartic even if accidentally deleted!

    I’m headed to the grocery store. I don’t like shopping on Friday morning but they are predicting rain and high winds tomorrow so I’m going today.

    Mary, so glad Tippy has a walker he likes! Peace of mind for you is priceless

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,859
    edited March 2023

    She is in her 80's and has had dogs all her life. She had two dog-related tragedies in the past year and has decided to not replace them. She is eager for canine companionship. Tippy had a previous dog-walker, but she kept wheedling me for money.

    Karen, take care of yourself. You can send messages to those with whom you have off-board links, and we can relay, If you are too tired to compose something coherent. We understand.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited March 2023

    This is the recreated post from last night.

    Mary - your surgery is next week correct?

    Oncologist called in compazine for I'm alternating it and Zofran every 4 hours. I feel better when they are working. I tried the protein powder yesterday. A serving is 12 oz with 2 scoops, but I only drank 6 oz with one scoop. When I opened the jar and saw the powder I was just about, "nope, not trying this" - it is beige and smooth texture not grainy, but there is no taste so it's just getting over drinking something beige. I won't add it to smoothies as I don't want the color of my strawberry or other fruit smoothies to turn brown. For me it's all about look, texture before I can even get it in my mouth to taste. Unfortunately, the scale continues to go in the wrong direction.

    Still waiting on the pre-approval for the nuclear medicine CT scan of my neck and the pre-approval of the Zometa. Insurance paid for the Prolia the last time (only been on this insurance since Aug) so I'm sure this won't be an issue. I think the Zometa is going to be monthly. I called my insurance company yesterday. I don't have a "donut hole' so co-pay till I hit the catastrophic phase and then it is 5% of the Rx cost. My Rx cost will increase significantly - big time increase!!!

    Told one of my gf last night - it is hard to tell the "story" over and over again. He husband had leukemia twice and a stem cell transplant almost 17 years ago. I am writing a couple other girlfriends, but I dread if they call. I also want to tell my one cousin. It's getting overwhelming again and very scary.

    Spring break is over. I was going to do some reading for my work class that I haven't done. I still have time today and Sunday. I'm going to miss the next two classes due to Passover so hopefully the instructor will be okay with it. I think she will. I also need to start working on my two objectives that are part of my evaluation. That is not too much work. But I worry a little about having energy to do anything after work and it will be what it will be.

    I doubt I will get any Passover cooking done so I will have the menu and DH and DD#2 will do the cooking. Menu will be simple. Only need so much food for 3 or 4 people. The kitchen needs to get changed over and DH will help with the ovens and I will try to do the kitchen fridge. The counters and sink will get done by DH or DD.

    Have a great Friday.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,859
    edited March 2023

    No, mine isn't until late May, probably. I think it is Jackie who has surgery next week.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited March 2023

    Cindy - I'm sure you're glad to have your dental surgery behind you. Will you have more work to be done? Oral surgery when you return to NY? Opening day was as expected for the NATS. A loss. Hope your team did well.

    Hope your headache has improved Mary and glad you've got a dog walker setup.

    Karen - so glad your family is able to help you prepare for Passover. My Mom always had me polish the silver, which I saw as a punishment. We didn't keep kosher, but she did have separate plates she used for Passover when we hosted at our home. I'm glad you're getting medication squared away for your nausea. I'm sorry you have no appetite for the protein powder and are loosing weight. Is there nutritional support available for you to speak to that could recommend something?

    Jackie - is your surgery coming up soon? Any more pre-op testing or is that all completed? How is DH doing?

    Carole - will you be rooting for LSU tonight? Looking forward to the women's final 4. Should be some exciting games.

    Hope is doing well. I'll have a quiet day to myself, as DH is meeting friends for lunch. Enjoy your Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2023

    Join the great company of those who make the barren places

    of life fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your
    hearts, and you shall make your name, your college, the world,
    correspond to that vision. Your success and happiness lie
    within you. External conditions are the accidents of life, its
    outer wrappings. The great, enduring realities are love and
    service. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and
    our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy
    and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty.

    Helen Keller

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited March 2023

    ((((Karen)))). Wish the protein powder was more to your liking. Maybe you could find some smoothie recipes on the computer that would be way less bothered by color changes. I do understand though about needing things to look right and very much so about texture. A small amt. of my cooking is done almost exclusively because we desire the texture it gives. I hope you find your way on it and can benefit with the powder.

    Also glad along with the others that you will have help and not have to feel overwhelm about food prep during your Passover. One day at a time and as much help as you need sounds lik a good mantra to me.

    My procedure (overnight) is on the 13th. of Apr. The ICD will be implanted then. Sure be glad to get that done. One of the main things is that I will have to be quiet (not reach too high or too far ) with my left arm for about a month until the three interior wires 'root' well inside. Will be difficult since I'll have to be on guard right away to retrain myself to avoid movement. That was such a pain when I had the broken arm on that side. Right now, it is small potatoes as to what others are going through so mind you, I'm not complaining.

    We have sun today but a quick storm last night. My kids told me (I had hearing aids out and apparently fast asleep) that a sudden big wind came, after a minute or two stopped, then a huge rain squall took place. Their description put me in mind of a straight-line wind. Sounds though like it was fast enough that it wasn't long enough to do much of anything but be scary. Our only other encounter was the one several yrs. ago which left us here w/o power for over a week. Juist as I was getting in true despair over it the power trucks showed up. They had to call though for special help, as they needed tree climbers to go into the ravines where trees had pulled lines down there. Hoping that no one around here had issues. Likely not since we didn't lose power even monetarily -- no clocks to reset here.

    Hoping all are well and continue to be well.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited March 2023

    illinois, even though you think your procedure is small potatoes to what others are going through, it is still a big deal to you and those who love you! I think "you" and "complain" in the same sentence is an oxymoron! You are never one to complain!

    ((((Karen)))), all of us who went through chemo (I had ACT), can relate to your loss of appetite. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers but the obvious.

    At one point, I remember my sister, when she was going through chemo, could only stand to eat baked potatoes, no butter or salt, just plain baked potatoes. They kept her alive. Chemo was the only time in my life I lost my appetite and had to force myself to eat! At least I had weight to lose. I found the only thing to do was to eat whatever I felt I could eat, whenever I felt I could eat. Whatever high calorie Passover foods you have, I hope they appeal to you and you can eat them and keep them down!

    By the way, I really love hearing about all of the Passover traditions and foods!

    Cardplayer, apparently whether Christian, or Jewish, (probably other religions as well) there are holiday memories that are the same, even if they weren't the "good" memories. Your description of polishing the silver and the separate plates could have been written by me! Yep, I was right there with you, polishing silver, feeling punished!

    Phillies lost yesterday 7-11 to the Texas Rangers. We stopped watching after the 6th inning.

    My theory on baseball: Scores don't matter prior to All Star Game. After that, it matters! I have seen teams start out perfectly, then fall apart. It is a long season, and rankings can change radically as they enter into the final months. I was lucky enough to attend the World Series home games when we had season tickets and even though the Phillies did not win that year, (against Toronto), I will never forget how much fun the experience was!

    Cindy, so happy you could get the dental work you needed and that you are happy with the result! How's your hair? LOL at your "frizzy Q-tip" comment. You could apply that to me all summer and into the fall! I have yet to find a product that can control my "frizz!"

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Zometa/Reclast is cheaper than Prolia. At first Medicare (and my supplement) refused to cover Prolia, so Zometa it was. Ugh--hard to find a vein, burned w/every pulse of the pump going in, had "faux-flu" for 3 days with a 103F (not 100.3) fever the next day. But then the FDA recommended Prolia for osteopenic postmenopausal patients on AIs, so next treatment was Prolia, for 3 yrs. Just restarted it semiannually for at least 10 yrs due to osteoporosis.

    Compazine is a bit sedating, so it may take the edge off more than just nausea. You should get good sleep on those days.

    My offer to be a body-fat donor still stands.

    Warby Parker finally got my new glasses in the cool frames right, so I picked them up today ahead of all meteorological Hell breaking loose in a few hours. Found a parking space right by the early-voting site, so I took care of that (mayoral & aldermanic runoffs). Speaking of the weather, all of Chicago is under an "enhanced" (3 out of 5) severe weather risk--with areas south & west "moderate" (level 4). We (entire Chi. area) are currently under tornado watch till 10 pm--we on the N. lakefront have a 5% risk of twisters spawned by the squall line moving through by 7pm. We're also under severe thunderstorm warning till 5:30. Very worried about the arborvitae cedar on our front lawn, they sycamore directly across the street, and the huge honey locust in the backyard (the magnolia is far enough from the house that it won't hit it should it be uprooted). Our roof is 13 yrs old, so if it's damaged we'd need to replace it sooner or later anyway.

    Gathered up all our flashlights and put fresh batteries in them, have 2 folding chairs in the basement and will bring another water & kibble bowl down there for Heidi. Charged up the iPads--including the one with cellular in case a power failure--and the battery backup--knocks out our modem & router. (We watch the weather maps & reports on our iPads when we're taking refuge in the basement). All phones charged to 100%, 2 power banks as well. Have lighters for our stash of yahrtzeit candles (24-hr votives in little juice glasses). Will take the salad greens out of the fridge--we'll open sardine cans and use the oil in them and lemon juice for dressing. This will be the most severe weather the city itself has had since the 2020 derecho that spawned the Rogers Park tornado a mile north of us.

    Little Rock, AR already got hit by an EF-3 about an hour ago.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited March 2023

    I'm drinking the protein powder with water, but just 6oz as if I drink more, then I won't have room to eat anything. I lost weight with BC chemo (TAC) but I had weight I could loose - I've always say be careful what you ask for as I had wanted to loose 10# and get through menopause and I did, but now how I planned.

    DD#2 told DH that she would get me to eat. She said I needed to eat peanut butter during Passover - I did the last time during chemo. I will eat what I need to eat. During my BC chemo I ate whatever tasted good. I'm eating, just not a lot and I"m not snacking. The not snacking is probably the culprit for the weight loss.

    UHC approved the Zometa - I think it might be weekly - They approved it for a year. My vein on my left side is shot so I'm using my right arm - BC/axillary dissection. Oncologist said my risk of LE is 30% over my lifetime. BS said she only took out first layer to minimize risk of LE.

    Insurance pre-authorized the CT scan of neck and it's scheduled for this Monday. I also got an appointment with the transplant oncologist - but not till May 10th. That was her first opening. It took a lot of perseverance on my part, dialed the number 10 times till I got someone instead of voice mail.

    Strong winds here - up to 50mph. The wind is loud in the house. There is a wild fire in Morrison which is just SW of Denver, near Red Rocks. Red Rocks is a great concert venue.

    DH and I don't follow sports. So we only know what is going on from the news.

    Have a great Friday night and Saturday.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349
    edited April 2023

    Karen, I know forcing yourself to eat doesn’t always work. ((HUGS))

    All of you in the path of the storms, prayers you stay safe.

    Teeth, for now I’m good until (or when) the next tooth causes a problem. I’ll try to keep them as long as I can. Knowing the bone isn’t thick enough for an implant I have to pray for the best.

    Hair, no fuzzy Q-tip today. He added a product of some sort. It actually looks shiny and smooth. It won’t look like that after I wash it, but that’s normal for me. I have no tricks of the trade up my sleeve.

    Tomorrow we’re headed to a casino for a Blue Grass festival. Partner is into it, I just go with the flow. I can always go in the casino and lose some money if I get my fill of music. We’re taking another couple with us. We should have fun.

    Have good night and stay safe

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,696
    edited April 2023

    High winds and rain going on here. Tornado watch till about 10 p.m., 1/2 hour from now. I should be more concerned than I am but figure I have one place to go in the house and until or unless I need to go there, it is out of my hands. No point in worry -- just extra wrinkles.

    We have about 80 trees or so surrounding us, and we feel for the many yrs. we have been out here that the beauty and wildlife that we get to enjoy are worth it. There are trees in town too, so if it is to be, then we could be anywhere.

    I do hope you are all safe if storms are a problem where you are.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2023

    Wow - the weather merry-go-round doesn't stop. Stay safe everyone. I sure don't remember tornadoes when we lived in the Chicago area.

    Karen and Jackie - will be thinking of you next week. Karen, I hope you can find something that tastes good.

    I too appreciate the Passover food education. Our UU church has a celebration but we have never gone. I should.

    Happy weekend everyone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2023

    When we first moved here in 1978, the conventional wisdom was that despite the plethora of tornado "watches" (i.e., conditions are right for tornadoes to form), tornadoes never touched down in the city, at least not w/in 5 miles of the lakefront. The west & sw suburbs & exurbs were viewed as Tornado Alley, but not Chicago. (I did see one touch down outside of Beloit, WI a month after we arrived as we were driving northwest to see my sis). But a friend of mine who was born & raised in the N.Shore suburb Wilmette pointed out that in 1923, one went down the main street and devastated the town, not petering out till it went over the lake.

    But in 1992, I was caught in one near my office--the "watch" became a warning, the sky turned green and I saw brown dirt & dust swirl up from the sidewalk. I was in my car, and cowered till the "eye" (just like in a hurricane) came. Ran into my office building, took the elevator to my office and saw garbage flying past my 4th floor window. My HK was taking Gordy to his OT appt. in Wilmette, saw a wall of dirt heading out across Green Bay Rd., and she did a 180 and floored it back to the city. And in Aug. 2020, there was a "derecho" similar to the one that blew through tonight. We cowered in the basement and when we emerged we learned that a twister had hit Rogers Park--one neighborhood to the north of us. Friends couldn't get down their street or alley due to huge downed trees.

    So when the watches & warnings were predicted for tonight (when the temp reached 70 at O'Hare and 62 here), I charged up all my devices (especially those with cellular, because power failures would knock out modems & wi-fi routers), three power banks, and put fresh batteries in our flashlights (one per room). I'd taken the salad greens out of the fridge just in case we couldn't cook. And when the warning was issued for the neighborhoods to our west, we put Heidi in her carrier so that we could take her down to the basement with us if need be (instead of her instinctively running upstairs to curl up in the bedroom). Fortunately, the derecho moved so fast that when it reached us, there was one huge wind gust from the west, and it then raced safely past us to the lake 1/4 mi. away. The rain even stopped, the power stayed on (knock wood) and our flood control system worked. But 60 mi. east in Belvidere, a 100mph wind gust ripped the roof a theater during a heavy metal concert, killing one and injuring 40 (hospitalizing 28).

    And tonight may have been a dress rehearsal: there's another system predicted for Wed. that may be just as bad. And it's only April. Gonna be a long spring & summer. Meanwhile, the temps are dropping and it'll snow tomorrow morning. Welcome to climate change.

    Bob wasn't taking this very seriously--he was out on the porch with a cigar & a glass of brandy. He said I was panicking (so I guess the local NBC & ABC meteorologists must have been overreacting when they urged everyone to get to their homes' "safe place"). When I asked why he was smoking, drinking and scarfing down Oreos, he said "because we could be dead in an hour."