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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Sorry you didn’t sleep well Illinois. I hope you have better sleep this evening.

    I agree Mavericksmom. Nutritionist should be covered by healthcare. Hopefully your PCP can get it approved for you. Of course why our eyes and teeth need separate insurance policies doesn’t make sense to me.

    Sandy - there’s a Whole Foods just off the strip in Vegas. I always Uber there when we go to get food. I hope the strike is short lived and the government shutdown averted. Enjoy your trip.

    Karen - I never thought about being at risk for melanoma after having BC. I see my dermatologist yearly for skin checks, so good information to share with her. Hope you’re feeling well.

    Enjoy you trip too Petite!

    I had foot reflexology this morning. This was my 4th session. My feet felt great after the session - almost like I didn’t have neuropathy. DH and I took a 2.2 mile walk after lunch and my feet still feel good. I’m still taking my gabapentin, but usually my feel start to feel tingly in the late afternoon.

    Nice weather here today. Upper 60s and sunny. I love fall weather. We start off cool in the morning and then have a nice warmup.

    Have a wonderful afternoon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Cindy, no way am I renting a car in Vegas. Traffic is a nightmare (was bad enough before all the Formula One construction), and waits at valet stands are excruciatingly long. Uber, Lyft and taxis make more sense. Outskirts are also likely to be impacted by the strike, which is statewide. It's not worth flying all the way to Vegas to eat at "local" restaurants on the outskirts. We can do that at home. That's not why you visit at a vacation destination renowned for its restaurants & attractions (the latter will be struck too). Certainly not worth the cost & hassle of car rental, either. Biggest car rental headache (especially at airports) now is getting stuck with an EV that is impossible to keep charged—especially if the chargers where you're staying are all in use or broken.

    I wish I could just tell Bob, "you go gamble without me, I'll stay home and heal."

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Harley - I know where Chrystal Lake is. One of my cousins lived there. Of course we haven't been back there in ages so I assume the whole area is really built up from what I remember.

    Sounds like a potential travel nightmare, Sandy. If Congress can't even pass a CR, there certainly will be a shutdown. I hope they all get stuck in DC until they can figure it out!

    I personally am happy to carry a cane when I'm walking any distance and always get a wheelchair in airports.

    Insurance companies certainly have moved away from any concept of preventative health care. I can't get my Acpuncture paid for either although I know it has saved me from both knee and wrist surgery.

    I loved Barcelona and would have liked to see more of Spain and gone to Portugal but travel really is getting harder for us. I think big trips (other than the one planned at Christmas) really are a thing of the past. I have a huge fear of needing medical care and not being able to communicate with a provider because I am an English only speaker.

    Tip shared by a friend following the death of her DH. Make certain all utilities, credit cards, etc are in both of your names. Even with a death certificate she is having trouble even having someone talk to her about utilities accounts and her credit card company cut her spending limit by about 85% even though they have both been retired for years. My MIL had that problem 60 years ago but I never imagined what an issue it still is. We're OK on the credit cards and have worked hard to make certain that I had adequate credit in my name alone but I would have never thought about the utlitiies. Needless to say, we are checking each bill that is coming in so we won't have my friend's problem.

    Hard to believe it's Thurs. already.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    My DH is in memory care and I've had a hard time dealing with credit cards, etc. We had a Costco account he set up when he had his own business. It has a Citi card connected to it. I finally cancelled the Costco account by proving I'm his POA. Citi cards were unwilling to deal with me and he had no clue what his hobby that began with a B. Finally got rid of that account when we didn't renew the Costco account. I opened a Costco in my name and have my own Citi card. It makes sense to have the account since we're only a few blocks away from their warehouse.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, as you can imagine, I’m not a foodie. Good food is good food to me. I’ve always said my mom should have named me Jane, as in plain Jane. The fancier the food, the less likely I’ll eat it.

    We were successful tonight in getting the covid vaccine at the Rite Aid not too far from us. The pharmacist let us get it together and not have to wait for the hour difference in appointments.

    I grilled some beer brat's tonight and discovered I’ve lost the grill brush. I usually leave it on the side shelf of the grill. I looked everywhere out there, nothing. Unless a squirrel took it, I can’t image what happened to it. I’ve ordered another on Amazon, it will be here Saturday. If I find the old one, I’ll save the new one for next season.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    Yes, Harley. My great grandmother was born in Crystal Lake. She and my great grandfather lived in McHenry County before moving to South Dakota in the 1880's. My mother told me years ago that it was becoming a suburb of Chicago.

    You would be amazed at how many people in the European countries speak English. And you can carry an AI interpreter on your phone.

    With the tendonitis, I have started carrying a hiking pole with me. It is getting much better already, but I am still wearing the KT tape. I also quit following the knee replacement groups. All those complaints about pain makes me focus on my own.

    Sandy, I would pass on the Vegas vacation (If I liked Vegas). Wouldn't go there unless paid to, seems to be a fast and loud and crazy place to go to, when I would rather relax.

    Gave blood yesterday. Reminded me to get vaccinated soon, since giving again in two months requires no vac in past two months. Update: They don't have them yet.

    I thought that I was sleeping badly last night, but my Fitbit told me that it is normal to dream 18% of the time. I think I will drop all the half-pills of gabapentin and see what happens. Dream-sleep helps us resolve problems during the daytime.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Wren, I am so sorry about your DH. My mother had Alzheimer's Disease and one of my greatest fears is having that too. I have moments of forgetfulness and most of the time remember in a minute or so, but the other day I was silently freaking out because I couldn't remember the name of my oldest granddaughter! For goodness sake, she was my first grandchild! She is 10, so not born a really long time ago! It gets me upset just confessing to that! Although, I remember my mom, even in her younger days, would on multiple occasions would call us girls by the wrong name.

    I agree Cindy, I am a plain Jane too when it comes to eating! Would you believe I have never tried hummus or avocado, or guacamole, which everyone seems to love but makes me ill just looking at it! LOL

    Chris, I am also the same as far as Vegas is concerned, no desire to go there, never have. If I want to see a show, I will go to Philly, or Princeton, NJ. We have a wonderful playhouse near me, in New Hope, PA, called the Bucks County Playhouse. I prefer plays and music events like hearing the orchestra or concert. I like going to museums, botanical gardens and zoos. Give me a cabin on a lake or a quaint little town over the night-life and gambling of Vegas, any day! Now that I am older, I can barely stay awake most nights past 9:30! LOL

    Good news, my insurance should cover my nutrition counseling, and even if it doesn't the cost is not high.

    illinoislady, I hope you had a better night sleep last night!

    I went to the grocery store this morning. I found I can go later in the morning, 8:30-9:00 on a Friday, as opposed to 7:00AM on Saturday, with about the same amount of shoppers. Next week I will go on Saturday because my nutritionist appointment is on Friday and I expect her to recommend some foods I might not have on hand.

    I will say there is a lot to be said for reading labels! My DS got me hooked on flavored coffee "creamer' years ago. Until then, we always got flavored coffees for variety. I was happy getting the "sugar free" variety, but today, after all that time I bought this brand, I looked at the label. Yep, sugar free BUT first ingredient was high fructose corn syrup! Good grief! Needless to say, none of that will ever go into my shopping cart again!

    Another cloudy day here. Hope everyone has a great day. To all who are traveling, hope you have fun and safe travels!

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    taco - years ago, my MIL had her electricity shut down after my FIL passed away, even though she was continuing to pay the pills on time. The electric company in her county was notified that he had passed away and disconnected her electricity. No notice or anything. I’ll check our utilities, but think I set them up in both our names.

    Chris - you’re right about Las Vegas not being a restful vacation. DH and I like to see the shows and gamble though. And Park MGM casino has gone non-smoking, which is nice.

    I’m not a foodie either Cindy, but mostly because I can’t eat most things. But I do try to make food that DH can enjoy, but nothing too exotic.

    Glad your insurance will cover the nutrition counseling Mavericksmom.

    Lots of little errand this morning and cleaning today. DH and I are participating in the Alzheimer’s Walk tomorrow morning. My SIL has early onset Alzheimer’s and my MIL had dementia. It’s a 2.1 mile walk at the Museum of Shenandoah Valley. They have trails around the museum. DD and DGD are coming over for lunch and then tomorrow evening we’re going to a local venue that has a Tom Petty tribute band playing. We’ve heard them before and really enjoyed their show, so are looking forward to seeing them again.

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a nice evening.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    My arm is sore from the vaccine. Painful to lift it, but assume by tomorrow I’ll be ok. I slept less than 4 hours last night, and tried to nap but couldn’t. I’ll blame the shot, but who knows.

    I called my endocrinologist office this morning to see if I could move the thyroid biopsy date up sooner. I spoke to 3 different people who transferred me around, last transfer was to an answering machine. I left a message, even though my dr nor my PA was named on it. I was thinking of just going over there with my paperwork and getting in the checkout line where they book everything. Then my phone rang, they could get me in on Oct 24 at 11:30 with the head surgeon. Very happy to get in nearly a month sooner than originally booked. Check that off my “to do” list.

    Rainy and cold all day, high was 60. They say summer weather will be back on Sunday. I’ll be glad to warm up.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.    -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Chris, not going was not an option. We booked the suite using our timeshare points six months ago, and Bob complained that we only go where I want to go (his choice is always Vegas). Not true—if I don’t want to go here, we pick something mutually agreeable, not where I want to go but he doesn’t. I did this to humor him and it is NOT going well. Due to the deluge in NYC, we left Midway 2 hrs late (SW had to scramble to find a crew). Got to the Elara, they brought our bags up…wrong room’s bags. Had to wait another 1/2 hr, Then Bob threw a hissy because the place doesn’t have premium secure internet: his hospitals have firewalls that won’t allow connection to unsecured networks. (Yes, you heard right: he brought his computer so he could WORK, even though he doesn’t get vacation pay. And he tried to put it in his checked bag—which, along with the bottle of scotch he insisted on bringing so he wouldn’t have to pay Vegas prices, made the bag weigh a ton. He was amazed to learn you NEVER put a computer in checked baggage—it could either get broken or the battery could start a fire in the cargo hold).

    Then the makeup covering my bruises was flaking off—and I can’t redo it right. I look horrible, after half an hour fiddling to try to do it. Then I heard a crash from the kitchenette: the ice maker bin was on the floor, along with whatever ice was in there. It wasn’t dispensing ice, so he decided to reach into the bin to get some—it was all frozen stuck. So he yanked on the bin (heaven forbid he should read the printed directions on the sticker) and it fell to the floor…and now it’s warped. He won’t let me call housekeeping to get a bucket of ice, much less try to get it working again. He has the football game on LOUD in the living room on the projection screen (no use closing the bedroom door). Now he decided to go out and “have a smoke” (he will have a tough time finding his way out to the street, which is a 15 minute walk from the hotel). And we have an 8:45 dinner reservation at Mon Ami Gabi (the only decent non-schlocky restaurant we could get on short notice).

    I am SO tired of having to deal with his being disorganized, impractical. and unfamiliar with anything that isn’t part of medicine or on TV or the internet. He has been waited on by women all his life: his mom, then me, then his nurses & secretaries, then our HK. (She packs for him, BTW, and will pack whatever he tells her to whether or not it’s practical). He doesn’t know how things work and doesn’t want to bother to learn—and then complains when they don’t work the way he thinks they should. (And if something falls or breaks, it’s never his fault). And meanwhile, I am still injured…but he is getting arthritic and can’t help me.

    The lovely outdoor pool is closed—gale-force winds.

    We have five more days of this—and then the nightmare of trying to get home during an air traffic & TSA slowdown.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Sandy, Sounds like a real cluster f. Hang in there

    I'm not a plain Jane eater at all. I like most things but can't handle hot peppers. SIL is from Asia and cooks great food. DD is a foodie - as much as she can be with diabetes II. She cooks like her father who was known for gourmet meals. I heat things in the microwave.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    MM - good news that insurance will cover the nutrition counseling. Good to know there is still some common sense in the insurance industry.

    Cardplayer - what a lovely setting for the Alzheimer’s Walk. I hope you enjoy it while contributing to a good cause. Listening to the Tom Petty tribute band sounds pretty awesome.

    Cindy - Good news that the thyroid biopsy date was moved up to 10/24. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    Chris - hope tonight’s sleep is more restful and that the tape helps with the tendinitis issue.

    ChiSandy - what a mess! Hope you enjoyed the dinner at Mon Ami Gabi and that tomorrow will be more relaxing. Hopefully you can focus on enjoying good food and not worry too much about the return flight. Other than packing your patience, the govt shutdown and resulting impact on air travel is out of your control. What other restaurants are you hoping to visit this week? I used to travel to Vegas annually for the Consumer Electronics Show in January - what a madhouse! I was there to meet with and entertain customers. Getting around the city with 150,000 convention attendees was a challenge and restaurants were packed. Haven’t been there in 7 years and likely won’t return.

    Taco & Wren - thanks for the PSA on keeping all accounts in both names. Most of our credit cards are joint accounts although we each have a card in our own name as well. I’m not sure about our utilities so I’ll have to check that as well. I had gone to AT&T earlier this week to see about upgrading our phones and most of their responses were that they couldn’t tell me because the account is in DH’s name only. My name has now been added to the AT&T account.

    Had a very enjoyable bike ride yesterday. With the cooler weather I am able to ride a little further. Suppose to be in the 80’s over the weekend and into early next week - the last of summer before the cooler weather returns. Today was another busy day at the food pantry but I really enjoy it. The 5+ hours of standing resulted in pain shooting down my right leg again although it seems to be better tonight.

    I’ll see what, if anything, the spine pain medicine specialist can recommend during my appointment on Monday. I’m not holding out much hope as all I’m really interested in is PT or exercises I can do at home. The pain is still waking me up at night however, I still can walk a few miles and I rode my bike 16 miles yesterday (with pain at times) so I’m thinking they may just dismiss my concerns. We’ll see.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I backed off too quick. Had to put some diclofenac on my leg in the middle of the night, and at the end of the night I had some bad dreams (I am reading "City of Joy" by Dominique Lapierre). I will take the half-pill of gabapentin at bedtime, and use the other half-pills as needed. But I did get six hours in. Will try to get up and get active when I find myself getting sleepy instead of napping.

    Sandy, at least you will have a comfortable nest while staying in Vegas. Did you bring any books with you?

    From my point of view, Harley, your health problems are not limiting you in what you do.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited October 2023

    taco, good to know about the utility companies. Definitely will make sure both our names are on those accounts. As for Credit cards, we have our own. If one of us passes, the other is not responsible for any balance on the card.

    Sandy, I hope you arrived in Vegas safely and can enjoy your vacation!

    I hope everyone who is traveling has safe and uneventful flights!

    Another dreary day here, will watch football games this afternoon and hopefully spend a few hours upstairs de-cluttering! Oh goodie, LOL I just keep imagining the way I want the upstairs to look and tell myself to "keep my eye on the prize!" I just realized that the first step in getting rid of junk, is to acknowledge that "things I kept" are indeed "junk" for me, but some things could be useful to someone else, therefor it is selfish as well as foolish, to keep.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are.
    Sane or insane.  Saints or sex addicts.  Heroes or victims.
    Letting history tell us how good or bad we are.  Letting our
    past decide our future.  Or we can decide for ourselves.  And
    maybe it's our job to invent something better.

    Chuck Palahniuk

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Chris - actually the back/hip/leg pain is limiting. I’m tired of not being able to sleep most nights because the pain is shooting down my leg and my hip is so sore I can’t find a comfortable sleep position. I find if I don’t keep moving during the day the pain is worse and my joints stiffen up. I came home from the food pantry last night and laid on the couch for over an hour due to the pain. I’ve had back pain for over 40 years, but this flare up which has lasted for almost 3 months feels a bit different. There is more pain in my hip and it’s not just the back and side of the hip but also the front of the hip into my groin.

    I’m grumpy just thinking about the appointment on Monday because the first focus is typically on weight and I’ll likely have 10 minutes or less to express my concerns. I’m doing my best to just roll with whatever happens.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    So tired of rain and for those in drought areas, I wish we could send it to you. It has been over a week that we have had a sunny day. Yes, we did need some but not this much.

    We have been working in the garage shifting contents from the side that will have foam insulation installed and then be sheet rocked. So I have been organizing the shelves that we use for storage by placing like items in organization bins from the former Dollar store and then labeling them. One shelving unit is done except for the top shelf. Most of what was up there was tossed into the recycle bin. I did unearth my turkey platter and would like to find a place in the house for it. So I have been washing items off, sorting and tossing, and boxing.

    Today I am focusing on the inside of the house which has been somewhat neglected and needs just a wipe down, dusting and sweeping. I tossed some dog coats in the washer, straightened the laundry room, cleaned the powder room and now after cleaning the kitchen area will focus on the eat-in area. Plants have been watered in these rooms. I don't think I mentioned that I also have a large assortment of plants indoors in addition to my outdoors garden. I have jade plants I started from tiny branches and have now stopped doing this because they seem to do well and I have too many. Same goes for African violets and Christmas cactus. Since Misty sort of took over my garden windows I have had to relocate some of them to wherever I could find a spot. I had to take the shelves out because I did not want her to dump them.

    I have several boxes and one large leaf bag of items to go to Purple Heart. DH took 2 of the bicycles we had to a local charity center that raises money by renting the bikes and sometimes selling them. They do repair all donated bikes. The last bike needs a good wash and we need to pry off the plaque bearing DD's name.

    PT has backed off on using weights and the resistance bands and my knees have calmed down. They take turns waking me at night; one night it's the right and the next it's the left. So not totally pain free but the anti-inflammatory has been helping. She has introduced new exercises seeking to strengthen hamstrings, glutes, quads and calf muscles. I will try to keep up with these on vacation and should be able to do them at least once a day even if they are spaced out.

    Harley, kudos to you for lasting 5 plus hours standing while volunteering. Not something I could do now.

    MM: Good luck with unearthing "treasures" for others in your decluttering. It is true that there will possibly be someone who wants or needs your donation.

    Chris, I had considered weaning off Gabapentin but realize that my back pain/spasms will return with a vengeance. It is intermittent at present but no where near being totally gone. It is debilitating when it does flare. So if the Gabapentin causes me to occasionally have to search for a word, they do eventually pop out if I wait. I can live with this side effect and the strange dreams are sometimes entertaining if I even remember them. The one about not being able to locate post-it notes was actually funny. Don't remember specifics such as why I needed one but just the inability to find one.

    Sandy, sorry Vegas is turning out to be not the vacation you wanted. I also married someone whose mother never allowed him to be independent. It has been a learning curve for him because I told him I was not his servant, but a wife and my role would be to raise children with his assistance plus continue my profession. He learned to do laundry, make beds, run the vacuum, etc. but still can't cook or dust worth a darn. He also cannot make small talk unless it is about Ham radios, electrical engineering or something he has an interest in. So my sympathies.

    Taco and Wrenn thanks for the info about utilities, etc. I asked DH to make sure my name is on the account. I do not need any hassles with them. We each have our names on all credit card, and bank accounts.

    Sun is attempting to come out and it has stopped raining for the present. I'll take it. Have a good day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    Yes, Harley, you need to get some kind of interventions going to maintain your current lifestyle.

    Last night's experience did teach me a lesson in weaning down on the stuff. I have been taking 2700 mg a day for the past two years at least. I am lucky I can string three words together. When I start talking about something I know well, I have few problems.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Well, wonder of wonders, the ice maker is functioning again. Bob’s problem is assuming every appliance or contraption works exactly the same way, with often disastrous results. He is also impatient and wants stuff NOW, not stopping to break tasks down into logical safe steps (like taking tall bottles out of the fridge rather than reaching over them, or pulling plates out of the middle of a stack in a cupboard rather than removing or at least moving the upper ones to pull out the one he wants—that fiasco once made him lose his balance, fall against the center island-cart, breaking everything that was on it and then some). And was able to make myself a press-pot(let) of coffee with the stuff I bought. The commissary is closed for lobby construction, so nuking dinner leftovers or eating the keto bars I bought is my only breakfast option. (That or a pastry from Starbucks, which is mostly dietary disaster if they even still have them).

    Mon Ami Gabi was nice—it’s much bigger than the original in Chicago. But the walk up & back was hellish: my sandal was rubbing on my bunion, my right back & left side (waist, glute, down to top of gastric) very sore—hurts like hell to put on my pants, much less shoe, and then straighten up. Not just that, but the 3-block walk along the Strip reminded me why I so detest this town: full of (no other way to put this) crowds of tacky trashy people, clouds of weed smoke, hawkers, hookers, and noise galore (mostly music I can’t stand). Even the soundtrack in Mon Ami was relentless thumping bass & drums EDM. (Gotta play to the crowd, I guess).

    I have given up on trying to conceal my bruising, one week post-fall. The black-and-blue one fades to only a light turquoise no matter what colors the experts say to use, and it’s now only partly covered by my glasses frames. The yellow along that side of my face (eye down to chin) is fading expect for the sickly gray-brown-yellow part below my cheek that looks like five-o’clock shadow—pokes through no matter how much pink I put over it. Sephora in the adjacent mall has no color-corrector palette; MAC carries one but it lacks the lilac shade I need to cover the yellow. Hoping Walgreen’s has something. Closest place that stocks a pro-quality palette is the MGM hotel’s spa—normally a 15-minute walk but construction for the stupid auto race makes it much longer and convoluted. Resigning myself to looking like a freak and being disabled.

    We’re going to the Pampas churrascarria (in mall adjacent to hotel) tonight for a property-owners-only (no regular guests) party. At least I can enjoy the “meat storm,” but I won’t be out on the dance floor or sugar-shocking on caipharhinias. Hoping to get a res this week to Emeril’s seafood restaurant, maybe Julian Serrano or Jose Andres’ tapas places or (Bob’s choice, because it’s a Lettuce place where we get points) the new RPM Italian inside Caesars. We have one in Chicago, but parking there is impossible. We’ve been to both of Robuchon’s places twice, and Gordon Ramsey doesn’t appeal—I’m not into burgers. The places at which we get a resort discount are resoundingly “meh.”

    Waiting for Bob to come back from his mid morning/early afternoon gambling, smoking (and likely drinking) jaunt. I might try to venture slowly into the mall & Walgreen’s myself (definitely need more personal-care, pain and allergy stuff—the wind here is making both of our noses & eyes miserable). At least the temps are bearable—yesterday was the last scorcher.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Oh, and Harley—have you considered “piriformis syndrome” or an iliopsoas strain? They are muscles that extend from the SI joint down around the hip & groin and into the thigh. (The latter is the longest muscle in the body). There are stretches you can do to lessen the pain if you can’t find a PT, chiro or massage therapist.

    Jackie, heard about the Effingham County ammonia-truck spill (evacuations, even fatalities). You & yours okay?

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Chris, when I told some practitioner I was taking 1800 mg of Gabapentin/day they reacted like it was a massive dose. It is the max according to the pain management doc I saw. When I get an unbreakable cycle of spasms, I was ordered Tizanidine and it does work. I only take it at bedtime because it does make me dizzy. I can take it once a day but use it only when I have the spasms. So your dosage is high but if you needed it to relieve pain it was worth it. As far as stringing 3 words together, I hear you but so far have only had a few occasions where I was word searching and not being successful. Have what I call pregnant pauses and hope I can find the word.

    Harley, I would see PT to see what relief you can get from them. As far as your activity, it is remarkable that you can do so much.

    Sandy, does the Starbucks have oatmeal? It is quite good and filling. Sounds like the Vegas trip is a chance to get out of town but not offering much in the way of entertainment, just a change of scenery. Was Vegas your only option for the time share or the only one Bob would consider? What about the makeup they use to cover birthmarks?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    This Starbucks doesn’t have oatmeal, only baked goods. Will try the ABC market in the mall for some whole wheat bread, eggs and butter or oil (the unit’s skillet is not nonstick). Bob insisted on Vegas (he complains that I never want to go here—I don’t gamble) AND that it be an HGV resort to use our timeshare points. He owes me—hoping we can do Spain in December, at actual hotels.

    Nobody along the Strip carries Covermark, Dermablend or Ben Nye—would have to cab it out to a plastic surgeon’s office or professional costume shop. Spent >an hour at the MAC store with two artists working to try to cover up the shiner AND what’s turning yellow, chartreuse, and gray-brown surrounding it on the L side. They said it was the toughest bruising they’d ever had to deal with. And to even things out, foundation so thick that it eventually turned flaky & cakey. Looked fine (for a corpse) as long as you didn’t get too close. I think I’m just going to use a lighter touch and hope nobody stares at me. I have a folk music gig in less than a week, and I doubt it’ll fade much more by then.

    My naked face, in low-light, 8 days post-fall (the other side looks normal):

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Yikes Sandy - that bruising is far worse than I had pictured. Hopefully you can relax, read a book, drink wine and take it easy this week.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited October 2023

    Sandy, stay out of the public eye if it makes you (and/or Bob) uncomfortable. Obviously makeup will not cover up, unless you want to go early Halloween. In the atmosphere of Vegas, that would not be terribly outlandish. Please engage sense of humor.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Sandy, it pains me to see you looking unhappy, but it does please me to see you. I'd think, well it's Las Vegas, people will just suspect you had your eye done and smile in envy and sympathy.You give such an accurate picture of marriage with its annoyances and compromises. And of the experience of feeling, being disabled. I was in Glencoe for a haircut, came to the corner and could not step down and cross the street- felt wobbly and scared. I'm capable of doing it, but just froze. A very nice young woman about 30 asked if she could help me and did. But I used to be known throughout the Village as the "Glencoe Walker," so these adjustments, which we have to make to changing circumstances,are very hard. As for points at Lettuce restaurants, collected last week at Joes, Wildfire, Di Pescara. I know this will sicken many but I had one of the best dinners ever at Joes- cauliflower steak with apple and fennel strips on top.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I drove 3 hours each way yesterday to visit my 2 week old great granddaughter, Luna. Got to hold her most of the afternoon, fed her a bottle and watched her get her first real bath now that her cord has healed. She's adorable and a very contented baby.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Puffin to make a play on words, it looks like you are over the moon for Luna! So sweet and such a great feeling to have a great granddaughter. I always tell my GD that I love her to the moon and back and her version of that is "moon and a back". Congratulations! Well worth the ride in my book.

    Sandy you really did get a bruise and I have to say I am not one who is hung up on how others perceive my looks. When I had my rhinoplasty to repair the damage from a broken nose (which I was told because it did not bleed, it couldn't be broken until I couldn't breathe from one nostril), after 2 weeks of being captive in my home with double shiners, and a metal shaper I had to wear over my nose (the packing had been removed), I braved a trip to Staples to get some pages for my photo album. People did look askance but one young child came up to talk to me, never asked what was wrong with my nose, and asked me a question. Was not startled or frightened by my appearance (yes, I still looked like a discolored raccoon eye). Could not hide eyes because I was forbidden to place any weight on the bridge of my nose. So I would brave being in public and ignore the gawkers, that is on them for being rude. Liked keywestfan's comment about causation, too. As the adage goes, this too will pass.

    Plan is to finish cleaning family room and do living room next. I had rearranged etageres for new Hummels so I had to do a shelf by shelf list of which one was where. So I moved them and noticed they need a good dusting so that is goal for day; dusting and vacuuming the room. DSIL mopped foyer yesterday and learned how to clean the granite flooring without leaving streaks from soap or rinse. Dining room was decorated for fall with pumpkin runner and glass pumpkins I have. DD and DSIL have been keeping their room and the upper hallway clean. They also do the hall bath. I just need to vacuum primary bedroom since it has been dusted. So I am almost caught up on indoor cleaning.

    Garage is still a work in progress because DH has his shelving unit to reorganize. He is a packrat and an impulse buyer so we currently have 10 bottles of a cleaner called Awesome because he had them stored in 2 areas and never takes inventory before he buys. Won't need any for at least 2 years. Same goes for car cleaning products. To give him a dark bin is a mistake because he can't see what he has so he needs clear bins or ones with lower sides. We won't get all the organization done before we leave but the area where the foam installers need to work is clear.

    Lovely day today so I plan on trying to get outside for an hour or two. Sunny and supposed to be in the 70's which is a definite welcome after the rain, damp and dreary days that were downright cold.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, I too would just go out and enjoy. Any comments and I’d use my dads old phrase- you should see the other guy.

    It’s finally beautiful out. 74 and full sun, so that’s where I’m headed.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Glad you got an earlier biopsy date Cindy. Persistence pays off.

    Sandy - sounds like your vacation is off to a horrible start. I hope it improves and that dinner was enjoyable. Wow! That’s some shiner and bruise. I hope Bob takes you to a much deserved Spain vacation in December.

    Harley - the Alzheimer’s Walk was well attended. We ran into someone that DH and I use to work with. She was walking with some friends, so we all walked together. The weather was lovely, so it was a nice way to spend the morning. Your pain sounds like it could be sciatica, but your appointment tomorrow will probably give you answers. I hope you’re able to get some pain relief.

    Betrayal / Chris - I never thought that gabapentin could be the cause of my searching for words (I find them though). I have my “Medicare” appointment with my PCP in 2 weeks. I’ll have to remind her that I’m taking gabapentin, in case I don’t pass.

    Congratulations Puffin on you great granddaughter. She’s precious. Wonderful photo.

    Yesterday after the walk, DD and DGD came over. DGD is a bundle of energy. She enjoyed crawling all over the upstairs, including behind the couch to chase the cat. We had lunch together and really had a good visit. After dinner, DH and I went to the hear the Tom Petty tribute band. This is our 4th time hearing them play and we’ve enjoyed them each time. They also played some Traveling Wilbury’s music, which was a great addition.

    Have a wonderful Sunday evening.