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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited September 2023

    Betrayal, you’re not butting in at all. I posted for input.

    I had a call early this morning to set up the selective nerve root block appointment for my neck. It’s with a physiatrist whose name I can’t pronounce. I’ve had a physiatrist do injections on my back without success. I’m so hoping this works. First available is 11/8. She said they’re mailing me a packet - need to call on 11/7 for the time to be there; no Advil/NASID 24 hours before. I’ve marked the calendar, not much more to do. By the time he sees me it will have caused me pain for over 10 months.

    No calls on the repeat chest CT. I went apple picking this morning, came back hungry and tired. It’s beautiful out, 72 full sun. I’ll call tomorrow afternoon if I don’t get called before then.

    Tonight (6pm) I’m headed to a 5th grade football game. I don’t think I’ll stay for it all, but we’ll see. If the temp doesn’t plummet I’ll be good.

    Claire you’ve got an unexpected appointment coming up, I hope will go well. MM your scheduled for US testing too. Fingers crossed for us all.

    Carole have a great trip!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Coming in late today and will share my news/test results but first wanted to chat with you claireinaz. I am sorry you keep getting test results that require more tests. I understand what a bummer. I have been trying to cut down my list of doctors and tests for some time. It is not always easy at this age. I worry that something will get out of hand that didn't need to if I avoid some of the tests, but it is wearisome to think you're seeing less medical in your future that all of a sudden turn into more.

    Hope is a wonderful thing and I'm glad you are going to take your share for a change MM. Good for you. Sometimes we I think get stuck in a rut because nothing much appears as a good answer. At those times it does become difficult to see that there is another side to things. Hope this is the door you have been looking for.

    Chris, lots of money but if it assists you in healing and getting on with things it will have revealed its worth. Hope (there's that word again) it turns out to be the case.

    Now as to my tests. Yesterday's mammogram turned out fine. Nothing found. Yeah. I always tell the tech to go down as far as she can with her machine. I want a great picture the first time out in hopes that once is all it takes. It did hurt a bit on the left which is where the ICD went in, but not enough to make me ask for less squishing. I think something I take has a tendency to increase the bust — something I did not at all need, but I already had dense in my boob history, and I think now a little more. Sigh !! At any rate it turned out fine and I'm grateful for that.

    At Skin Care today (my first appt.) I had pretty much a full body look-over. I had two biopsies on my face (one on bridge of nose and one on cheek by my nose) and 1 biopsy on my left leg below knee, and three more areas frozen. Two of the areas were on the same left leg and the biopsy and one on the right leg.

    They ask me if the spot on my nose ever bled and it didn't which answer seemed to make them happy. I know nothing of these things, but already felt that anything that bled could likely up your possible category if it were a cancerous spot. Anyway, it will be a couple of weeks before test results are back but she did say she wasn't sure if the Dr. (whom I'm told is really good at what he does) may not actually want to operate on my nose. You don't have much up there to work with — so we will see what solution comes up. I will admit that freezing the area up there hurt like the dickens until the numbing fluid took hold. I didn't grumble (one little grunt) too much because I have felt concern over that spot.

    They also gave me two creams to mix together for the spots under the breast. She says we older women especially can have this issue due to just aging and super thin skin that becomes easy to irritate. I can use it in any area she says where clothing may be running a lot — like along my panty line as she noticed some mind redness there. So here I am — learning how to be a little older with the issues that come along with it.

    Hope you all had a great day. I had a nice nap and that helped catch me up a bit and feel mor in charge of things.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Cindy - I’m sorry to hear about the lung nodules but am seriously impressed with the level of detail and explanation provided by your doctor. I wish all doctors would explain things so clearly. Best of luck with the follow up scan.

    Claire - so sorry to hear about the need for another scan. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    MM - delighted to hear you feel hopeful after the doctor’s referral and that your PS visit went well. You certainly deserve to have a medical appointment go in a positive direction after all you’ve been through.

    Chris - I love the ASICS shoes. They are a bit pricey but I’ve found they offer good support and are very comfortable. Hope you have the same experience.

    Illinoislady - glad to hear the mammogram went well. Hope there is no need for further skin biopsies. A nap sounds awesome.

    We had quite a bit of rain this morning but I’m not complaining as it is badly needed. Today was my day to volunteer drive a senior to an appointment. Easy peasy and I enjoy meeting new people. The weather had cleared up by the time I returned home mid afternoon so I did get in a bike ride which felt great.

    Have a good rest of your week.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Claire - so sorry to have something else to add to your anxiety. But am truly impressed with your hike!

    Thinking of all of you who are struggling with health issues. They do seem to multiply.

    Have an appointment Oct 31st about my knee. At this point I really don't know if I need an orthopedist or a pain clinic.

    Ken saw his cardiologist yesterday. Doc thinks things are stable but I see him failing right before my eyes. Mental acuity is also failing. That and his hearing loss are making conversations more difficult and frustrating for us both.

    Book club tomorrow. Always a stimulating discussion and this month we will be selecting our next 6 months of choices.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Jackie, so glad your mammo went well. But here’s a thought on dermatologists working on our faces. Before you allow them to remove/dig out/or do anything more than freeze off something, consider a plastic surgeon. I’ve heard stories of a derm digging out something from the face/nose area, creating a hole, to then send the person to a plastic surgeon.

    I had a spot on my nose that I asked my PCP about - should I see the dermatologist? No, not for you face - they set up an appointment with a plastic surgeon. It wasn’t cancer and nothing needed to be done, thankfully. That’s only my 2 cents, take it with a grain of salt.

    Taco, a Halloween appointment for your knee, seems far away but will get here quickly. My gf husband is going in on 11/20 for a partial knee replacement. I’m unsure exactly how extensive it is, I think TNR has a harder recovery.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Cardplayer - thank you for the suggestion about swimming. I haven’t tried it but probably should. In our backyard pool (which is too small for swimming laps) I mostly float around. Even that helps a bit as it takes the weight off of my joints. Our pool will be closed for the winter by mid October. I do have access to a pool at the gym but absolutely hate appearing in public in a swimsuit. I may need to rethink that.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Goodness is the only investment that never fails.    -Henry David Thoreau

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    We seem to be starting out the morning with some muted sun. Got up to a surprise as it rained sometime during the night. There is some breezes out there, but I sure hope we don't turn humid from the rain. I didn't go out in the early evening, or I might have seen clouds. Seemed a lot darker around 6 p.m.. than I thought it would be. Well Fall is pretty much here so it is time to start seeing nightfall changes.

    Cindy, I will definitely keep what you said in mind. I may be constrained though due to the fact that I have no other "insurance" but the V.A. I don't always get the choices I might wish I could have. The tech who took the biopsies really wasn't sure and from how she sounded felt a lot depended on what was found or not. I should have the answer on the biopsies in a couple weeks. Then I can try to figure out from that point and find out if I have choices.

    Paying some bills today and working on my 'list' which is ever present. Working on cleaning projects while decluttering. Just sometimes difficult around here.

    Hope you all have a good day. Happy Thursday.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    66 and cool here, fall feels like it’s already arrived. High today 70 around 4 pm. But it is sunny!

    Todays plan is to get the pool filter cleaned out and put away. It’s the last step to complete the pool closure. I’m guessing we’ll be fine moving around in the sun.

    Hope we all have a good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Do PT exercises early in morning so I can get them out of the way. Focus today is on dumping freezer contents and seeing what can be temporarily reassigned to other freezers attached to refrigerators. One in garage refrigerator is full and used organizer bins I had purchased which should help with moving into new freezer. I may make some changes in contents then, but for now it's good. Moved good ice creams (essentials, lol) into house freezer and reorganized it. It is at maximum for storage as well for now. It, too, will be decompressed when new freezer is ready for contents. I have a large lasagna I will give to DS for his family, a huge turkey that DD thinks will fit in her freezer but one that also could be kept temporarily in a cooler surrounded by ice, and a few other small packages of meat that could also be kept in the cooler with the turkey. I have a Foodsaver machine that I use for preparing meal size distribution of bulk bought meats, etc. so these are sealed well and will be okay stored in ice. Found some fossils in there that were tossed due to outdating or frost buildup. So freezer is 95% empty and I can work on defrosting it at the beginning of next week. Hoping use of bins for organizing will lead to less "fossils" and will allow me to rotate stock of meats, etc.

    For everyone with medical/health challenges, I am hoping for a good outcome or lessening of pain or discomfort.

    PT yesterday was rigorous with using light weights on ankles and today I have a right shin splint. It's uncomfortable when I walk so I will ice it later.

    Working on rearranging garage content and talked to DH about overstocking. We do not need 4 large packages of bottled water or 6 boxes of cereal. He has a tendency to "sale" shop when these items are frequently offered on sale or fails to check to see what we already have. Then he stocks it in front of the shelving we have in the garage for overflow and then I can't get to the shelves. Right now there are 4 adults here but this is temporary until DD and DSIL's home is fixed but even then we do not need all these supplies.

    Plan on trashing quite a bit of what is out there. He has 2 multi-drawer storage units of which neither are full so he has marching orders to consolidate and toss one. Same goes for his auto cleaning/care supplies. He has them in deep bins, can't see contents, so he buys more. Impulse buyer as well.

    He took down the bikes we had stored on the walls and we will clean them up and donate to a bike rehab which then gives them to needy kids. There are 3 altogether and one is still out of reach but all are going since we have not used them in forever. Biking in this area is not easy since road has become a cut through with lots of speeders. Taking them to an area where we could ride would be difficult. Not sure my knees would cooperate as well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. It is sunny and in the high 60's here.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Chris - I might have to check out the tape. Not sure about the ASICS though. I’m doing well with my HOKAS which seem to help my neuropathy. May try them on when I go to the shoe store to checkout the new HOKAS in a few weeks.

    Hope you hear some news soon Cindy. I got a couple of UTIs during chemo, which wasn’t fun. Have had one since. I have microscopic hematuria, so I drink lots of water just to be safe.

    Claire - sorry to hear that you need to have another scan. Hope it’s just your doctor being cautious based on your past history. 

    Mavericksmom - glad you have a referral from your PS. Hope you’re able to find some good options for you.

    Illinois - sounds like your appointments put you through the wringer. Hope all is well though and that you don’t have any discomfort from the skin biopsies.

    Taco - sorry to hear about your and Ken’s Heath issues. Hope you get your knee issues resolved. Does Ken wear hearing aids? Enjoy book club.

    Betrayal - I’m always impressed on how much you get done, despite having sore knees. Which I had some of your energy.

    To anyone I’ve missed, hope you’re enjoying the first day of fall.

    Yesterday, I had a facial in the morning (not foot reflexology - that’s next week) and then a hair cut. The facial was delightful and very relaxing. I ended up getting my hair cut short. Gone is the thick hair with lots of body that I use to have before BC. I think gabapentin and anastrozole have taken a toll on my hair growth. 

    Today I’ve been packing for our trip to Clemson SC. We won’t be going to the game. It’s my BIL 70th birthday. My SIL is throwing him a party.

    Beautiful weather here again today. Woke up to upper 40s, but it’s sunny and 73 now. Hope everyone is have a wonderful day.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,299

    Jackie - if the biopsy shows something, see if you can get to a derm surgeon who specializes in MOHS surgery. The process is much less invasive since they excise a bit, you sit with the site open while the lab tests, then they can take more if necessary before closing. That way they are sure they got it all w/o having to dig unnecessarily deep. I have had five MOHS surgeries - the last for deep basal cells on each side of my nose. They did a marvelous job.

    Taco - love to see your book list.

    I do read regularly & hope you don't mind if I jump in occasionally.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Jackie, great news on the mammo. As to my initial derm appt. in 2016, she did biopsy one colorless spot on my temple that turned out to be just a "sebaceous hyperplasia," which is benign and unrelated to sun exposure. She also scrape-biopsied a mole on my back that was suspicious for melanoma, but couldn't get clear margins so she did an excisional "punch" biopsy. Came back "atypical compound nevus." Every other blob & spot on my body is normal. I agree that perhaps for biopsies or removal of facial growths a plastic surgeon should be consulted. If the spots are basal or squamous cell carcinomas, there is also an alternative to Mohs surgery—stereotactic radiation, which is much less painful and except for some temporary redness leaves less visible evidence than excision. But not all insurance covers it, and the practitioners tend to be in bigger cities. I, too, get those creams (actually a combo of a steroid and an antifungal) for skinfold issues (intertrigo, usually under the bust if I go braless a few days, and sometimes along the c-section scar under the panniculus—the "apron" of belly fat that we tend to get if the lower abs are cut during such surgeries). I only need to use it if I start seeing redness, to prevent blistering.

    One of my "army" of oncologists has "mustered out," more accurately, discharged me today after our annual visit: my breast MO (Dr. Law). She says it's been 8 years, mammos have been "perfect," and that (knock wood) my recurrence risk is about 5%. Fear not, I still have my melanoma MO, ocular onc, and heme-onc. My bloodwork is essentially unchanged since Jan., with my glucose only slightly high and my hgb 12 (not quite anemic). Low iron stores, though—so I bought some chopped liver. Also gained only 3 lbs. since May, so won't incur too much of the wrath of the wgt. mgmt. NP next Tues.

    The UTI was not especially painful—and the bleeding stopped late the same day. I took my final (I hope) cefpodoxime pill today. One thing I learned is that holding in your poop may be a contributing cause—it if causes flatulence while still clothed "down below:" you're actually aerosolizing the pathogens in your stool, and they can find their way to the urethra without improper wiping. Better to go to the loo if possible and "(there you) sit, brokenhearted, came to s—t but only farted" and let 'er rip into the bowl instead of your panties.

    Big news is that after I got a call Tuesday from the CVS-inside-Target canceling my Wed. COVID shot (they got only 20 doses that were snapped up over the weekend before I even rescheduled), I was able to snag an appt. late for Tues. aft. at the Walgreens up in Rogers Park where I got all my boosters. Long wait in line to check in (same line as for people picking up Rxs), but I finally got it! I was "not throwing away my shot" (apologies to Lin-Manuel Miranda). Except for a little elevated late aft. temp (99F) today, no real reaction. So I am up to date on all shots someone my age should have.

    Carole, have a blast in Ireland! Hoist a Guinness or a "Tully" for me. (Watch out for those hotel Irish breakfasts, though—they are big enough to choke a horse).

    Chris, I may switch to Asics. Hokas seem to be getting narrower & shallower in the toe box with every new release (as reviews are mentioning). The Asics you're getting have a modified rocker sole, which is good for big toe arthritis. Wish they came in all-white, though: that is fashionable these days. I have an all-white pair of NBs, but they are too clunky to be the "new little black dress" of the footwear world. I have amassed a collection of gym/walking/running shoes over the past decade that would peg me in most people's eyes as a "sneakerhead" (though none of them are basketball, much less ltd. edition, shoes—I do have a pair of pink glitter "design-it-yourself" Chuck Taylors that I occasionally wear onstage with orthotics). In fact, I have so many shoes, period, that the name Imelda Marcos comes to mind…if Imelda had bunions, hammertoes, bone spurs, calluses, stress fractures, flat feet and 15 years' worth of triennial new orthotics. My shoe collection comes down to a never-ending quest for comfort—a challenge for dress shoes. Perhaps I'm looking for a "unicorn?" (let's not mention "corns"); as well as deep-rooted pack-rat tendencies that run in my family. I do need to weed out the gym shoes with collapsing midsoles & worn heels, as well as the cushioned comfort flats that are starting to flake around the edges and the pretty kitten-heels that scrunch my toes.

    I found KT Tape to be a godsend for blister prevention and ankle support, as well as taping my kneecaps for "patellar drift." It comes in colors and even precut patches now.

    Biggest news? Bob re-tested…negative. So that nagging paroxysmal cough may be due to another bug (RSV? Strep?) or an irritant other than smoke (molds, pollens, cat dander).

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    The shoes and tape came yesterday. The toe box is like Lake Michigan. Thy have a very wide heel, which will help with ankle roll. I put on the tape and shoes and walked around for a bit. Definitely more tolerance, but confirmed that I need to go to the gym daily in order to get good sleep during the night. If the KT tape is not sufficient, I will go back to the paper medical tape. Much cheaper, especially in light of how much I shelled out for the shoes. Also got a new light system for my bike.

    Too early in the morning to scroll back for details on other people's goings-on. Hopefully we will all, including Karen, have many more good years.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Chris, it sounds like you are making real progress, which is such a good thing!

    Sandy, I love reading your posts, you make me laugh when you tell us about your adventures. If I was around you for any length of time, I know I would leave with my cheeks and jaw aching from all the laughter! I really needed that today!

    As for shoes, I too am a "sneakerhead." I live in Easy Spirit "twist slip on" which are flats with a sneaker bottom. I too am all about comfort. I have a wide foot and a high instep so shoes are hard to find, always were. When I find a style and brand that works, I buy it in as many colors as possible. I don't have a lot of shoes compared to most women as I hate buying them!

    I hope my DH and I can get our Covid vaccines Monday as scheduled. I do like that we are going to Walgreens vs CVS as CVS has been a hassle at times.

    I had my abdominal US this morning. Unlike other US's I had, no food or H2O for at least 8 hrs. I forgot how much it hurts when they press on or near my sternum. It also hurt when she pressed other areas, but she really knew what she was doing. I expect the results to be normal. Kind of story of my life. Most times when I have symptoms, all tests are normal. When I go for routine tests, I get shocked by things I was not expecting. I have already decided that as long as my US is normal, I am not making an appointment with my gastroenterologist. My focus will be on losing weight and getting in shape.

    I also need to play catch up with some appointments that were on hold due to my breast cancer diagnosis last year. I need to see my glaucoma specialist, and after hearing everyone here, I am WAY overdue for a dermatologist appointment. I have an appointment with my urologist on the 27th. I know if I call the dermatologist I wouldn't get an appointment for 6 months, so that one might stay "on hold," as least until I hear what the surgeon has to say to me on the 9th.

    Beautiful, sunny and cool here today. Only for today according to the weatherman. I guess our roof will really get tested this weekend as we are expecting rain and high winds. Definitely crossing my fingers!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Our 2nd attempt at a covid shot has been cancelled. CVS text us “vaccine not yet available” please reschedule. I did reschedule us both for next Thursday, with hopes it’s there. If not, I think I may move to a different site too. Sandy, I’m glad you got yours

    It’s a beautiful day, sun on & off, 74. I put my 3 summer pots into my backyard and replaced them with 3 mums with scarecrows in them. We put those exercise machines out at the curb for “free” and they were snapped up within 2 hours. We’re grilling tonight, my niece and her daughter will be here.

    I bit the bullet on my new sized foot, and ordered my Asics in a 9. They should be here tomorrow. The appointment to pick up the new orthotics isn’t until 10/19, but it’s one more thing off my “to do” list.

    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend. Ours looks rainy later on Saturday and all morning Sunday. ☔️

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    We can never untangle all the woes in other people's lives.  We can't produce miracles overnight.  But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart.

    Barbara Johnson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Hmm, yes Sandy. I too giggled and giggled and giggled over some of your descriptive phrasing. I have wide feet, not real long. 8 &1/2 wide usually work for me pretty well. Still, sometimes when the shoes starts to wear I feel like I should have had a nine.

    Glad to hear I've the right creams. I will say I'm seeing results which in fact started the first time I used them. I was surprised. One is 2% and the other 2& 1/2%. So, seems that was the issue. Over the counter which I was trying to use just wasn't cutting it this time. Holding it at bay but not clearing it. I think it is Ketoconazole and Hydrocortisone. I'm a much happier camper now. Was getting distressing.

    Good to hear about poss. options for my face once we get results. I'm not as concerned about my legs. Those only had two places to 'worry' on, and only one on each leg. The other spots about three were frozen. The spot that is on my face right next to my nose has been there a long time. I'm thinking it is nothing much (hoping really) but the other on my nose is really recent. About three to three and a half months ago. Really pretty much at beginning of summer. For a month or so it was pretty much clear — just looked like an odd blister. Then it turned red and that is when I got concerned. It is or was rather stout, so washing didn't bother it or cause any eruption/bleeding. That bugged me too. I'll be glad to find out the results of my 'specimens'.

    We will likely go to the pharmacy done the way from us to get our Covid booster. I am seeing my PCP in October, and we will likely both get our flu shots then. I like to hold off on the flu for trying to extend coverage time on the other end.

    Chris, it sounds like you are on your way to solutions. Seems like once we get to a certain point in life, we spend a lot of time trying to find the best solutions that will allow us to have a decent time of our retirement yrs. Well, I'll be the first to say I was thinking retirement years were actually for something else. At this rate, we will always have something to do.

    Cindy, sure hope your next attempt you are able to get your shots. I don't know about you, but at this time I still feel fairly safe, but you are a traveler — even if only between homes most of the time. Don't know why, but I guess since they always ask the question if you have been out of state in the last few weeks so makes me think anyone who changes states for a while (Carole does too) needs the vaccine even more. I'm sure no one here would put if off too long since we are considered much higher risk due to age and medical. Hope we all can get those shots in timely fashion.

    Pretty day here and much warmer. I need to make my run to Walmart. Sigh. I could find my way around that store blindfolded I think.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, I too hope you get your Covid vaccines. I don't know why, but I was never able to get a Covid vaccine at CVS. My DH was able to have one there once, but the last two boosters we got at Walgreens. Our appointments on Monday are at Walgreens.

    I got my results of my US. Really nothing, just fatty liver, but PCP said she will follow periodically with blood work and repeat US. I don't understand why my US report said I had an enlarged liver at 13cm diameter. I was told in 2018 after I had a "virtual colonoscopy" (3D CT scan colonoscopy) that my liver was enlarged and was 18cm. Did it shrink?

    I ended up taking two Advil tonight. Hopefully it will bring me some relief. It is frustrating to hurt and have all the tests come back normal. I laughed when I took the Advil, wondering to myself, who takes pain meds for fantom pain? I guess I do! Good grief!

    I don't hold out much hope that the bariatric surgeon my PS referred me to will be able to help me. Part of me is hopeful he can, part of me is scared to death at the drive. I don't know the area and I don't know how safe it is. Even if I just go there for counseling, it is so far! The reason I had all my records transferred to my local hospital was so I wouldn't have to drive far. I think I just need to step back and try to focus on other things and not stress over medical issues.

    Betrayal, not sure if you would know anything about the area around Darby or Mercy Fitgerald Hospital. I hate driving on I-95, but as long as it isn't at rush hour and the weather isn't bad I could do it. I guess I am putting the cart before the horse. I should just relax about it and hear what the doctor says to me when I have my phone appointment.

    Tomorrow, since it will be raining and my DH will be glued to the TV watching sports, I will tackle the upstairs rooms and bag up more things to donate and get rid of!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    When it rains, it pours (even if it's dry out). I got Heidi out of the car for her mani-pedi & Solensia shot and started to walk toward the vet's office, I tripped on a hole in the sidewalk (or maybe the metal base of a long-since-gone pole—didn't see which one because I was concentrating on getting from the car to the vet). Landed on my L cheekbone (looks like I wanted to get implants but quit halfway through) and L hand. Huge lump & bruise on L shin. Vet tech could only give me gauze for me to clean up my own wounds and a couple of band-aids—not even ice packs. Looks (and feels) a lot worse than it is—no fractures, just badly swollen, bruised & scraped. I got Heidi home, let her out of her carrier and drove straight to urgent care. (Apple Watch asked me if I wanted to call 911, but who'd take care of Heidi? And my car would likely have been towed away). The receptionist kept asking me for ID & insurance but I couldn't remove them from my wallet—I told her I'm in the system, with a patient portal account, so she reluctantly looked me up by name and DOB (paperwork, protocol, no common sense). Still, they didn't triage me—took the other patients who were in there first for colds or picking up Rx'es, made me wait 20 min. for the appt. they created for me. At least I got them to bring me a couple of ice packs and I could prop up my leg while I waited.

    So x-rays all negative, and got a Steri-strip instead of a suture. Took Tylenol, a couple of Aleve…and a scant ounce of a bottled Aviation cocktail over ice. I'm on my own tonight: HK didn't come in because her SILs arrived a day early from S. Bend and insisted on being picked up instead of taking a cab—and they're going back tomorrow instead of Sunday; and Bob is staying overnight in Oak Lawn because he has an early and long workday down there tomorrow. We were going to the hospital banquet at Adler Planetarium—me by cab, he by car—but both late. But the way I look I'm not going anywhere, probably not even to temple Sunday night.

    Been a rough month. Channeling Green Day, "wake me up when September ends."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Sandy, I wish I lived closer, and I would come carry the cat crate for you. Ouch. Glad it wasn't worse and that ultimately a few aspirins and some ice will fix it.

    Seems to me I recall a time when I could recover from tripping without a full-blown spill. Guess that really means we truly don't have the flexibility and agility of yesteryear. Hope it all settles fast for you. Hugs.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Sandy, Sorry for the fall. I'm starting to think my head is the heaviest part of my body because I keep falling on it. Perhaps I'm returning to toddlerhood.

    They are predicting "a months worth of rain next week". I hope it doesn't cause flooding. Kind of ironic because Seattle just asked people to stop watering lawns and to take short showers. I'm switching to winter garb for at least the next week. All the highs are 64 or below.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Sandy, sorry to read about your fall. Remember to use arnica for any bruising. It does help with healing and was recommended to me by my oral surgeon after she caused a very large bruise on my right cheek. Seems I am unable to open my mouth as large as they would like and I pay for it. Hope you recover from the scrapes quickly. It was funny because on my next visit several days later, she asked what happened to my face and I told her "you".

    Balance is an issue as we age and uneven surfaces are our enemy. This week was Balance week at PT and they had a setup where you had to balance 2 small cups of candy corn or gummy bears on a wooden bar over a rubber dowel. I tried once and failed (had to conjure up physics) but on the second try won a cup of candy corn for my SIL who is a huge fan. Today they were giving cups away so I took one of gummy bears for him to share with DD. He has been helping DH rearrange the garage for both freezer delivery/removal of old one and for foam insulation installation. We need to move one pantry shelving unit but the plan is to organize both units. So we need to look at contents and decide what stays and what goes. I washed 2 of the 3 bikes we are donating and will try to get to the last one over the weekend. Once they are done, DH will contact the charity that fixes them up to give away.

    I am hobbling again because I think using 1 lb weights and a higher level resistance band in PT on multiple exercises caused a flare up of OA in right knee. I will have to use a cane if it persists because I am really in a lot of pain when walking. Today was of course an evaluation of progress day and I did not fare well due to the flare up. My self-assessment of progress (their questions) showed a backward slide as well. Just when I was doing so well with walking like a normal person. I did not hurt after PT on Wednesday and was really proud of being able to do the exercises she initiated, but yesterday and today have been challenging. I have the anti-inflammatory prescribed by pain management which I was told to use on "bad" days so tomorrow may be the day to try it. Vacation is looming and this does not bode well if I can't get it under control.

    MM, yes, I do know the area around Fitzgerald Mercy but have not been there in many years. It is not the easiest place to find and depends upon where you exit I-95. Which hospital system do you use because it seems odd that they would send you there given it is a Catholic hospital. It used to be Mercy Catholic system but I have lost track of its affiliation now.

    Chris glad new sneakers and tape are helping. I have a collection of sneakers mostly New Balance at the urging of my podiatrist, and my shoes I buy on sale from a UK company named Hotter. The tops are leather and the shoes are well-made. They are mostly flats with a 1-1/4 or 1-1/2 inch heel. I can get my OTC orthotics in them though some of the shoes have really wonderful insoles that I don't need to remove. I have several pairs of their version of sneakers which are less informal and pass as casual shoes. 2 pairs resemble deck shoes and I love them. Again, I only buy on sale because they are in the price range of the Asics or more normally.

    Today was definitely on the cooler side, especially in the shade. Supposedly high 60's but the breeze was gusty and made it feel cooler. Sunny so I appreciated that.

    Hoping everyone has a delightful Saturday. The weeks seem to be flying by and I have a long "to-do" list.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    MM - glad the U.S. results were OK. Interesting that your liver appears to have shrunk. Do you think the Doctor noted that? The reason I ask is that I’ve noticed my doctors always seem rushed so I doubt they fully read results. What is considered a normal size for the liver? I’m sorry the consult with the bariatric surgeon is causing angst although I can understand why. Hopefully you can just focus on the next step which is the phone consult and take small steps from there.

    Oh Sandy, I’m so sorry you fell. Glad nothing is broken but you’ve certainly had a rough week. I agree with Betrayal that as we age, falling is an increasing risk. I find myself paying greater attention to my surroundings when I am out and about lest I overlook an uneven sidewalk or obstacle. I hope you heal quickly.

    Betrayal - that’s disappointing that PT caused a flare up in your right knee. When I had PT for my knee arthroscopies I felt that sometimes the therapists pushed me to do too much which resulted in more pain and regression. Hope you get back on track soon.

    Put in 5.5 hours at the Food Pantry today for the 3rd week in a row. I had been volunteering for 4 hours each time however they need help restocking and cleaning up at the end of the day. For the last 2 weeks the extra 1.5 hour pushed me over the limit of what my back and hip can tolerate as I’m on my feet for most of the time. I was unable to sleep due to the pain shooting down my right leg. Today I took 2 Aleve before I went and 2 Aleve tonight as well as soaking in a hot bath when I got home. So far it seems to be helping. If I can’t get it under control I’ll need to reduce my time back to 4 hours.

    We enjoyed apple picking yesterday. We had lunch at a local place along the Fox River. The beer battered shrimp and fries tasted great but combined with the 3 apple cider donuts I had later in the afternoon it was a very unhealthy eating day. But I enjoyed every bite. The day was cool and overcast but fortunately the rain held off until we were back home. Only picked 1/2 peck of apples since with only two of us we can only eat so many apples. Also picked up fresh corn and cherry tomatoes to make a shrimp sheet pan dinner tomorrow night.

    Hope tropical storm Ophelia does not cause damage or flooding to those of you in its path.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Been slathering on the arnica ever since I got home. Icing, too. Bob still thinks we should go tomorrow night, but I'm starting to develop a shiner, can't get a stocking over my leg (and not gonna let the bruises show on a bare leg), no idea how I can wash & style my hair; and the idea of cabbing it down there, hanging out with people I don't know (and hearing "what happened to you?") while waiting for Bob to get there late? Nope—not gonna happen. He should go alone if he wants a free steak and open bar. I don't need either. Oh, and I still have a backache—amazed it didn't get worse.

    Not really a matter of balance—it happened SO fast that I was down before I even knew how it happened.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    We got an inch of rain, and it is still raining!!!! 🤩

    Sandy, just take a vacation from going out and about.

    I took Tippy for a walk around the block yesterday, with my own two feet, and minimal pain. Going to continue using the diclofenac, maybe even some might pass through the tape.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2023

    Betrayal, Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital is part of Trinity Health Care System. I am not sure I will keep the appointment, and if I do, because it is a phone appointment, doubt that they can offer me anything I am comfortable with. It isn't just about me, I am my DH's caregiver. I don't have time or money to invest in something I can do on my own. US and tons of blood work show nothing wrong, so I'm not worrying about it.

    I edited because I said too much. I need to not share so much.

    Harley, the radiologist didn't compare to my virtual colonoscopy done in 2018, because it wasn't done at the same hospital. Very few hospitals offer virtual colonoscopies and mine was done at Abington Hospital, about an hour from my house. I think I was wrong about it being smaller as I think maybe they were measuring differently. I know US said diameter, but CT measured it differently.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Okay, so now I am UTD on name of system that owns what used to be Fitzgerald Mercy and now is reversed. Weight loss drugs are frightfully expensive (> 1,000/month for some and that price increases as dosage increases) and not covered by Medicare according to my PCP. Once you stop the drug, the weight returns and as it is being abused by celebrities and others who want to use if for weight reduction, it is in short supply for those who absolutely need it for diabetes treatment.

    Those having bariatric surgery are limited to 2 oz portions and have to watch fluid intake to prevent "dumping syndrome". I have known 3 people who under went bariatric surgery and one was successful for several years but resumed pre-surgery diet and is now a bariatric failure. Another was also successful for several years until she met a SO and resumed eating like him. She gained back her initial loss and then some. Sad because they both tried so hard. The latter asked me if I thought she was a failure (former student of mine) and told her "nope", I don't judge others when it comes to weight or other personal attributes. Another student had it done and the last I knew was doing okay. I lost contact so I can't say if she was still successful. Not a surgery to take lightly since the side effects can be significant including electrolyte imbalances, etc.

    I read this in a blog and copied it because I think it speaks volumes about struggles with weight:

    "My body is amazing. It’s been through a lot, and it needs my love and gratitude and to be invested in, not punished in pursuit of a physical ideal that someone else has defined for an entire population.

    I’m done shoulding all over myself when it comes to my weight and how I look. I’m writing this for my future self to revisit when I inevitably need to be reminded of this". Hitha Palepu

    It's my new mantra and having spent the first half of my life trying to gain weight, I do not intend to spend the second half in constant pursuit of losing it. I have several tried times and each time the weight crept back with a few extra pounds, so it's an uphill battle. I am what I am and that's the gist of it. I opt not to be judged by my weight and if others choose to do so, that's on them. I am active, do not lie around consuming bonbons (and don't condemn those that can) and do watch what I eat. I do not deprive myself of certain foods but plan ahead so I eat a lighter breakfast and lunch if we are having a larger calorie dinner.

    We are of an age where our bodies are showing evidence of wear and tear and while we don't like what is happening, there's not much we can do except to try to slow the process. So seeking medical assistance as needed it one way we can slow the slide but we cannot halt it entirely. So while I hate all the doctors appointments I have on the books, I am addressing those issues that interfere with how I choose to live my life.

    I am annoyed with PT this week because I was making good progress and now am facing a deficit. I think she (with good intentions) pushed me a little too hard. Instead of a gradual introduction, she went full force and I had had a small setback once before when she introduced too many new exercises at once. I spent that weekend in pain, too. I related this to her and she did back off a bit. So on Monday I think we need to talk, regroup and do a slower introduction of new exercises. 1 lb weights are light but not when you do 3-4 different exercises with them on and an increased number of reps to boot. The resistance band was also a culprit with increased reps. I think she wants the best for me, just not realizing that at my age, you can't overdue without consequences.

    Today is damp, rainy and in the high 50's. Not a nice day at all. We ran to the CVS in another town to get the new Covid vaccine so we can cross that off our list. We will go back for the flu shot in 2 weeks. I am going to allow my immune system to address this one before adding a second one. As we age our immune system actually veers more towards that of an infant than a teenager. Saw loads of people wearing masks today so we will not be the only ones adopting this practice when we go to Europe.

    Hope everyone has a good day, stay dry and warm.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, THANK YOU!!!!! I never wanted bariatric surgery, but at one point thought maybe I should. My neighbor just had it done in her home country in South America. She wishes she did it years ago. She looks fantastic and she offered to "help make my soup for the six weeks post surgery." What???? It was via text to me, she is such a sweet person, young mom and she and her husband are amazing neighbors. She didn't hear my response I blurted out when I read her words! That made me look into this further and OMG, I am not going to WW's again because I don't want to count points again, there is absolutely NO WAY I am doing the crazy mixing and eating 5-6 times a day only 4-6 oz at a time, needing to be sure there is X amount of protein and X amount of carbs etc. My very difficult DIEP recovery was bad, but bariatric surgery sounds so much worse! No thank you!

    Then I looked into the weight loss drugs. Even if they were cheap, which I assumed they were not, I don't want that! I have enough trouble keeping my gut to stay calm, I don't need to mess with drugs.

    I decided to cancel the appointment with that doctor and message my PCP for a referral to a regular nutritionist. Maybe I am fooling myself, but I did really well just making life changes, being mindful of what I was eating and increasing exercise. I am going to do the "my way" plan which includes eating small portions of nutritious food and exercising. I think getting a "furry friend" would also help my mental state.

    I would rather be fat and happy, enjoying life including eating special holiday foods without guilt than torture myself with unnatural weight loss programs. Do I really need another surgery? H*** No!

    Betrayal, I do not know what I would do without your input! I feel like you validated my thoughts on the subject and a huge weight (no pun intended) has been lifted off of my shoulders!

    I have to say, ALL of you here have enriched my life more than any of you could ever know! I love each and every one of you and all of your comments and pictures mean the world to me. Thank you!

    Sandy, I hope you are feeling better from you fall! I agree with you, sorry Bob, but she will be happier at home!

    Illinois, when do you expect biopsy results?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Beautiful day today but not going anywhere (except maybe drive to Costco in search of cheaper gas, because I can wear sunglasses and nothing will look amiss). The cheekbone is still tender & painful (and there's a little bit of stippling from abrasion) but the goose egg has gone way down. Can't tell if you don't know what to look for. But still, not going to try to shower (thank heaven for adult washcloth wipes), arrange my hair (dry shampoo & curling iron), spend an hour trying to cover up the shiner (which is only just at the bottom of my eye bag), put together a pants-based cocktail outfit, arrange a ride and then hang out with strangers.

    It hit me why I seem to trip & stumble—it goes back to childhood when every photo of me seemed to show a skinned knee; leading up to the playground fall at age 10 that nearly knocked my front teeth out and made them flare out like a horse's (necessitating years of failed orthodontia and reluctance to smile until I finally got geriatric Invisaligns). I am dyspraxic, more specifically, have poor proprieception (inability to tell where I am or my body parts are in space without visual or tactile cues to assist me). Affects my balance to the point where I never could learn to ride a bike (even after I grew up & could affors one), ice or roller-skate (I nearly broke both wrists when I fell forward during my first ice-skating lesson at age 12), or downhill ski. Tennis, golf, dance & bowling lessons were futile—I thought I was doing everything the instructors said to do but in reality I wasn't. I've never been able to play keyboards because I couldn't coordinate both hands, and I have to look at the fretboards of my stringed instruments so as not to make mistakes.

    I developed a lifelong fear of slipping, sliding and speed (created by gravity, not any deliberate movement). Chris, I know you're being sarcastic advising me never to go out, but there is a grain of truth there. I'm tired of having to look ahead and down at the same time; and as I get older, I resent having to slow down when walking, and having to throw efficiency & economy of motion out the window. For most seniors, slowing down comes from loss of flexibility due to arthritis. For me, it's bass-ackwards: my body is failing me due to injuries caused by a motion disorder. Pediatric PTs & OTs now recognize and treat dyspraxia (35 years ago, we recognized the signs in Gordy and he had 10 years of weekly OT), but there was no such thing when I was a kid: people like me were simply dismissed as klutzes, even mocked for it. Gordy's OT says it's definitely hereditary.

    And now falling has become not just a concern but a threat to my way of life…and perhaps even survival. I am still haunted by my friend who had severe osteoporosis (she was Asian and a lifelong smoker, both major risk factors), broke a hip at 69, was not a candidate for surgery, and died of DVTs & sepsis just short of her 71st birthday. Until she fell—on her icy stoop—she was an avid exerciser: had a home gym, a visiting personal trainer and even learned to kick-box. (I think of her a lot now, as her 78-yr-old husband—my retinologist, now engaged to Bob's ex-medical partner—just had his third heart valve replacement).

    Now that Bob doesn't have COVID, he will schedule his RSV & COVID shots for when we return from Vegas. He just got his flu shot at his clinic.