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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Was hoping that I would be able to take Regan on long walks when we got her since we have many trails we can access within easy driving distance. Cannot walk on our road anymore since it became the Indy 500 as a cut through for drivers who do not heed 25 mph signs. So yes, we have to drive to be able to walk safely. Knees decided that was not to be and right now I am pissed that PT caused a setback to where I feel like I did when I sought them out. Know she had good intentions but we all know the adage about that. Walking was one way I could keep weight in check.

    Sandy, loved your TSA stories especially the Brit counterpart's wit. Also glad you mentioned that you are on prophylactic AB for any dental work. I had questions about that and so glad you mentioned it. I get cleanings every 3-4 months. I was groped in Frankford by one of their "inspectors" and made a snarky remark to him as well. He understood English and I made sure I was overheard. He became intimate which was unjustified.

    Today with students being introduced to keyboards and computers they are learning keyboard skills I sadly lack. But at that time, that's the way it was. I also had an algebra teacher who felt "girls" didn't need to learn this skill and sat the girls in the back of the room. We were then arranged by our test score results meaning we never left the back of the room. I requested extra help and he told me "no". TG for a neighbor who helped me pass that course. After that experience, I only took Plane Geometry (which I loved) and no more HS math. I was really traumatized by my experience with him and know that in this day and age he would never get away with his actions. Up to that point I had gotten decent grades in math but algebra was a complete turnoff. Funny, because for over 25 years I taught dosage math to nursing, paramedic and other science students and I was always available for those who struggled.

    It was M3GAN that is the costume. Just not in my knowledge base and most likely not to be. Love a good horror movie but most today are horror only because of the plot and content. DSIK mentioned one his DB recommended and I watched it but it was downright awful. Won't take recommendations from his DB again.

    Work on garage is ongoing. DH moved stuff from one storage shelf unit but it really needs to be sorted through and that should be now, not when we put it back. I'd like to go through both and minimize what we currently have stored on them. I have other items I would like to make available on these shelves including items currently stored on the top that I cannot access.

    Today is the third day of dreary, overcast weather with intermittent showers today instead of the downpours of the past 2. It is low 60's with a slight breeze so I will be wearing my raincoat. Haven't seen hummingbird in days so I imagine she/he is migrating to winter ground so I will bring in feeder, clean it and store for winter.

    When we were in Jackson Hole, the Elk Nature Preserve had a live display of different kinds of owls and raptors the one day. They were birds that had been injured, no longer able to be free and were now used for teaching purposes. There was one owl that full-grown was only about the size of your fist and just so cute. There was another whose head was able to swivel unbelievably. I think that one was a barn owl. When we were in Argentina, there were ground owls at the one estancia we visited. They were very small as well. Cute and intriguing. We have some in this area because we hear them at night, just never had the privilege of seeing them. Lucky being able to see on that close.

    Hope wherever you are that weather is better and you have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Nice sunny day here but not a leaf moving. Not sure I like that. It was fairly humid the last couple of days, and we were only partially saved by a good breeze. I have plenty of inside work, but likely will have to go to the store sometime today.

    Chris, congrats on the 30 #'s. Walking is one of the best exercises and good for any age too. Really great for Seniors. Also, I do think it helps to broaden our horizon. Life seems smaller and less adventurous when you are inside four walls too long. Getting outside gives you and your soul room to get as large as you can. It can be spiritually invigorating.

    Ah typing. Well, back in my day which was quite a while ago now, shorthand and typing were pretty standard. If you felt you might want to do more than just work in a factory — or if you did work in the factory, you'd work in the office. I turned out to be fairly good with shorthand — it was like learning a foreign language in English. I wasn't great at typing so much in class but developed much better and faster over time. Mainly due to having a typewriter of my own and writing lots of letters to people. So much faster to type them. As well, for some reason I was a great speller. Ask me about nouns and verbs, and parts to sentences and I fell totally apart, but somehow, I got spelling and knew what a paragraph SAID w/o having much clue where the nouns, pronouns, and adverbs were hiding. I didn't know what every word in sentences meant, but I did know what the paragraph said. Sort of blew my communications course teacher away who was sure you wouldn't know what was being conveyed in a paragraph if you didn't know the definition of all the words there. So tested after high school I could type 103 words per minute. As most of you noticed, I likely don't do that now or spell like I once could. Time and medical maladies have taken their toll.

    It's okay though — I'm with friends and it is doubtful we spend much time critiquing each other. Too busy wanting to offer perspective when we have issues that are troublesome to us.

    MM you made me really hungry for vegetable soup. I'm sure I could make some (although I'd rather have my mom's) and w/o all the salt. While it is excellent in cold weather, I can eat it and chili any time it finds its way to my table. For some reason I have avoided making soups. Haven't eaten much of it since my need of low salt eating. I have found no salt added tomatoes in cans, and low or no salt tomato paste and other things so I could in fact make my own soup fairly easy with frozen veggies. So thanks for mentioning that. I can have soup o my heart's content.

    Thanks to Heart Healthy which has a lot of sugar free/salt free healthy foods and things I have found in regular groceries; I have a lot more varied diet. Knock on wood — I have avoided having water and swelling issues for a long time.

    Hope you all have a really good day.

    Sure, liked your stories about your kitties and the boxes Sandy, although I felt a bit of sadness about Happy again. Sort of perfect though that he got to take his journey from a special place to him. Hugs to you and him and thanks. Even some sadness has special joy attached.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    My mom made me take a typing class during summer school after high school freshman year. I wasn’t happy at the time as the class started at 8am however, I have very much appreciated it ever since - thanks Mom!

    MM - vegetable soup is perfect for fall and sounds delicious. I made a crockpot chicken and wild rice soup a few weeks ago. Very easy and enough to feed an army. We froze it in two person serving batches. I love having something quick to pull out of the freezer. DH also made a large batch of chili that we froze.

    Illinoislady - your owl story reminded me of the occasional owl that sits on top of our chimney during the winter. I suspect they are using the perch to hunt for dinner. I can’t see it unless I walk fairly far out in the yard but the hooting echos down into our fireplace. I hope they return this winter.

    Yesterday was my birthday and a perfect day. We had tickets to a matinee performance of Hamilton at the Nederlander Theatre in Chicago. Given that the Kennedy Expressway is under construction for the next 3 years we left extra early which provided time to stroll along the Riverwalk for the Chicago River. The weather was perfect - sunny, low humidity and 70. The performance was fabulous and afterward we returned to an outdoor cafe along the Riverwalk for an early dinner of sandwiches and fries. Traffic wasn’t bad in either direction. We had recorded the Packer game so we watched the 4Q of the game last night and watched them pull off a win late in the game.

    Today I got in a visit to the gym and weeded some the landscape beds. My volunteer drive was cancelled for tomorrow as the guest is ill so I have an unplanned day. Forecast is calling for rain so I may curl up on the couch with a book.

    Enjoy the week!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Happy Birthday Harley. Sounds like you had a really nice birthday with treats around the River Walk. My birthday is in September too — already passed. The Chicken Soup sounds yummy to. Guess all soup does since I haven't allowed myself any for so long.

    Good to hear you have a possible day off and maybe you should curl up on that couch with a book whether it rains or not.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Illinoislady, you can include a raw potato in soup to remove excess salt. You don't need to eat the potato and can toss it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Well that is interesting and something I will certainly try — using a raw potato to get rid of salt. Thanks for that betrayal. If I ever heard that it must have been a long, long time ago and I certainly and obviously never remembered it if I did.

    A BY-THE-WAY for everyone. I have to go to Marion in the morning for my feet. It will be a in and out turn around trip since we have nothing else to do there. Still, good chance it will be late afternoon before I'm on here tomorrow. I sort of hate going but the Podiatrist that was closer and I just didn't click. I may have mentioned I saw this Dr. many yrs. ago when we still had my hubby's work insurance. He had an office attached to the hospital then and was as I recall a sort of bright bubbly guy who seemed to love his profession. He fitted me with orthotics at the time.

    When I saw him a couple of yrs. ago he was in another office a short distance from the hospital. The office was okay but when I got in to see him it was like a whole other person. He was somewhat dour and appeared rather un-enthused about his work. He did (it seemed to me) just enough for me not to complain about his care as he was signed up to the list of outside Dr.'s the V.A. uses. Seemed like both of our fortunes had somehow changed — and I know I can't do anything about mine. I'm not sure if that is how he felt too, but I just felt we were not even near the same wavelength, and I knew if I had to come back to him that I would likely dread every visit. I chose to go to Marion and for the most part I've been more than satisfied despite wishing it wasn't such a long trip. As long as I can get myself there, I will continue to go. At some point in the future, I may have to consider going back to the Podiatrist I don't like, but I think that is far enough in the future that it is not worth even thinking about now.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Harley - sounds like a great birthday. I know you live in a Chicago burb but am wondering which. The Fox River comment made me more curious. Several of my cousins are in Elgin and my ancestors were in Hampshire/Elgin (Mom) and DeKalb (Dad). I grew up in Forest Park and Ken in Hinsdale. I taught at New Trier before I went to graduate school. Really dates me if I say I was in the first graduate class at the Circle.

    Seems like we've had a busy week. I took Ken to an upscale steak house for his 80th birthday and we hosted our returned friends for dinner. Ken's cardiologist think he's stable although I think he's having some memory problems which I hope his PCP picks up this week.

    Chris, sounds like you are making great progress. Wishing that for all of us.

    Since this is National Daughters' Day I will attempt to post. a pic of my special "girl."

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    @1946taco - I am in Crystal Lake which is north of Elgin by about 10 miles. Small world - isn’t it? Sounds like a great birthday dinner for Ken. Lovely picture of you and your daughter.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Lovely photo, 1946Taco. Happy birthday to Ken. Hopefully PCP can pick up on Ken's memory issue.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Happy birthday Harley! A night out in Chicago sounds fun. I haven’t been there in over 30 years.

    Great picture Taco! I didn’t realize it was National Daughters day.

    Tomorrow my toe gets a follow up from the tendon release. It’s doing ok, I wouldn’t say great but I don’t want it done again. If the podiatrist indicates I should have it done again I’ll ask for next May after we return. Too much other medical stuff on my plate right now.

    Weather looks like it will turn around by the weekend and we’ll get some sun with warmer temperatures. Fingers crossed!

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    I had several pages to get through after several days away. I hope those who had procedures, tests, vaccines, falls (yikes!) and mammograms are all recovered. Love the photos of Misty and Taco and your DD.

    Happy belated birthday Harley.

    We were in Clemson SC for BIL 70th birthday celebration over the weekend. For his birthday, they had about 35 friends and family in attendance and a live band played. Weather was warm and sunny. Too bad Clemson lost to FSU. It’s an 8 hour drive and we stopped every 2 hours or so, so it took us a little longer. Really tired today.

    Thanks for the discussion about antibiotics before dental appointments. I see the dentist tomorrow for my 6 month checkup and need to take my antibiotics an hour before. Put a reminder in my phone.

    There was 2 1/2 inches of rain over the weekend in our area. And it’s drizzled all day today. We’re officially off our water restrictions. Our grass is finally green again. Ophelia has moved away.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Happy Birthday to all.

    I second that great picture of you and daughter, Taco.

    Cardplayer, happy birthday to your BIL. Sounded like you all had a great time. Even if travel was wearying. Hope the dental appt. goes well for you.

    Did have a long day of it here, but not too bad really. We usually stop on the way home at a Dairy Quenn and get lg. fries (no salt, only lots of pepper) to nibble until we get home to take the edge off. Generally, a really sm. breakfast to save time in the morning and my appt. takes us past lunch time so we need something to keep the stomach growls at a minimal level.

    Glad most appts. are done save for next month when I have a few and at least one back in Marion. All others will be close to home, so it won't be too bad.

    Hope you all had a really nice day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2023

    Happy Birthday Harley, and belated birthday to illinoislady!

    Happy Birthday to Ken, taco! Love the picture of you and your DD! I had to do a double take as your DD looks like a former co-worker!

    Cardplayer, happy birthday to your BIL. Sounds like your time in SC was full of fun and family!

    I had my Covid vaccine yesterday and now I am running a fever. It happened the day after each Covid booster I got, except my first one, which was J&J.

    Good news, my PCP gave me a referral to see a medical nutritionist! My appointment is on Oct 6th! I want to lose weight the old fashion way, healthy food, portion control and exercise! I guess in life we sometimes make "wrong turns" before making the "right" turn!

    I also was inspired by others here to make a dermatology appointment, that is on Oct 10th. I am way over due for that, but not expecting anything bad to be found, so zero stress about that.

    I still need to make an appointment with the glaucoma specialist, but I can't handle any more appointments now and will put that one off for a few more months.

    My BIL in Spring TX sent my sister and I some family photos that belonged to my deceased sister. As I looked through them I came upon one that almost made me cry. It is a photo of my mom and sisters and my mom's BFF and her son Billy. Billy and I were the same age, height and build in the picture, about 3-4 years old with our arms around each other. He was my first BFF. Billy died of leukemia when he was 5. Heartbreaking. He was their only child. Billy's dad was an actor, who played Hannah the dog and the crocodile in the black and white movie of Peter Pan with Mary Martin! He also played on Broadway in Promises. Promises. I named our DS after Billy, thankfully my DH liked the name and said he always wanted a son named Bill!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    New freezer arrived on schedule. They called at 6:45 am to give me a 45 minute warning. So it is set-up, the took the old one and in 5 hours I can start to load it. I wiped the inside down. It is about the same size as the commercial one I had and fits in the same space. I will start to reload it when I return from PT. I have those organizer bins I purchased and can now use them. I just have to figure out how to label them with removable labels. Bins are clear plastic and some have dividers so food can be arranged upright.

    After many days of rain, today is supposed to be sunny and in the mid-60's which I am looking forward to. Needed the rain but not day after day.

    Realized that PT was not the only reason I had a flare up in right knee. I think the cortisone shots also failed. Yesterday I had to use my cane to walk and of course, had an eye doctor appointment which required a lot of walking to and from. I have an anti-inflammatory prescribed by pain management so I am taking that to see if it will help. So far it has helped but I think I will need to take it daily rather than as needed. It is ordered for daily use but she recommended using it as needed.

    DGS was bugging me yesterday to order the sneakers he wanted. So I did as a surprise. I think being a teen today is tougher than when I was one. Yes, we had bullies then but not the group bullying like I see today. I had one guy that bullied me in high school who at one of our reunions sought me out and apologized. I was surprised and told him how much that had hurt then. I told him I would forgive him but forgetting was going to be harder. He was a jock in high school playing both football and basketball. He has since passed away. So I can identify with my DGS when he talks about what he is experiencing.

    MM, sorry to hear you had a fever after your shot. I had some deltoid discomfort and that was it.

    Illinoislady, if I stop at a DQ it is not for French fries but a chocolate cone or peanut buster sundae. We used to have a DQ that made BBQ sandwiches which were to die for but they no longer make them. My DS used to work as a cook at the local DQ which has since become a bank. His former boss worked at the local Starbucks so when we went there once, they had a reunion. He loved the job and she loved him even though he gave her a few gray hairs.

    Cardplayer glad you had a few nice days away.

    Harley belated happy birthday.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Happy birthday, Harley (and happy "extended" birthday, Jackie).

    Harley, my ex-law partner/lead guitarist was from Crystal Lake. He used to live three doors down from me but moved back to the family homestead in CL. His family were prominent there for several generations. (As for his house near me, it was purchased for awhile by the lead guitarist from Smashing Pumpkins).

    MM, I Googled "actor who played Nana the dog and the croc in the first TV production of Peter Pan." It was Norman Shelley. I loved that show, and I think I even bought a colorized laser disc version. I got to play Peter in my 6th grade production because I could not only sing well & on key but also crow (as in "I Gotta..,") . For years, my mom would make me crow for her friends until I hit my teens. IMHO, Mary Martin had the definitive Broadway voice.

    Well, I just won the inaugural "D'OH! of the Week" award. Was up late playing online catchup and tending to Heidi (she gets her med at noon & midnight). Realized I have a cosmetologist appt. at 11 am today, and needed to shower & dry my hair; but I didn't want to get sleepy in the shower nor come back downstairs to take the night meds. So I took all my night meds except the ones for sleep, medicated Heidi, grabbed a paper bathroom cup and poured the contents of the shot glass of pills, which I took (plus the bedtime CBN I keep in the upstairs medicine cabinet to take just before "lights out") after toweling off and drying my hair. Felt smug & efficient, was in bed by 2:15. Heidi came in several times to "tuck me in," but I simply couldn't fall asleep no matter how I changed positions (even came downstairs after a sleepless hour but didn't nod off in my chair so I went back up at 6am). Still no sleep—and seeing as how I needed to be up at 9:30 it would have been dangerous to take anything that'd make me sleepy. So came downstairs again at 8:15, figuring I could at least take my morning meds.

    D'OH! The morning pills shot glass was empty and there in the nighttime one were the sleep meds! I should have known by now that if I don't fall asleep after an hour I need to go down and check whether I'd taken the CBD and Xanax. Lesson learned. Will have to muddle through the day (2:30 Prolia shot, and Bob will insist on early dinner out) as best I can, and begin to pack late tonight. Tomorrow I have a mani-pedi and we have a wine dinner at 7. Our flight Fri. is at 1pm, so we need to leave for Midway by 10:30am. And somewhere in there I need to practice a few songs for Fri. 10/6's Madison gig—our flight gets us home 10/5 around midnight.

    My face looks worse now. The cheekbone is no longer visibly swollen but it's still sore to the touch. Despite arnica, the shiner below my eye (halfway between the eye and the tip of my nose) has gotten darker—and starting yesterday that side of my face has turned a sickly greenish-tannish yellow, which looks like a cross between jaundice, dirt. 5:00 shadow and mis-applied self-tanner. (Like the color of an old bruise, but it didn't get blue first). My cosmetologist has her work cut out for her. I'm considering canceling, as it's gonna hurt for her to apply anything and I'm too stiff & sore to get up onto the treatment table.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Compassion makes no distinction between friends and
    enemies, neighbors and outsiders, compatriots and foreigners.
    Compassion is the gate to human community.

    Joan Chittister
    Seeing with Our Souls

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Sandy, I have had a number of mistakes with meds that could have been dangerous if I had not had my system set up. Close calls. I am back down to 50 mg trazodone now that pain isn't such a problem.

    Congratulations, MM!! The old fashioned way is often the best way. The less cutting and chemicals is the best. I am going to start cutting mullein for use during the winter.

    Getting ready to leave, so brevity is helpful.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Dental appointment was uneventful…sort of. They have a camera that they use to take pictures of the tops of my teeth and showed me one tooth that has an old filling and two cracks. They recommend doing a crown. I’m waiting till next year, when my dental insurance money resets and once I see what the Orofacial pain specialist says next week. I have two other teeth that have similar issues. Just hope nothing breaks.

    Illinois - I hope your appointment went well. Nice to have no more for awhile.

    Mavericksmom - I’ve been to nutritionists before to help me sort out my diet when I was first diagnosed with GI issues. My first experience was at Johns Hopkins and then I saw someone closer to my home. I found them very helpful, sending me off in the right direction.

    Sandy - I have two different pill cases that help me manage my medications, which seem to have expanded since I’ve had BC. I also use the reminder feature on my phone to help me manage when to take some of my meds. When I’ve missed a dose of my gabapentin, my body usually lets me know about it within a couple of hours. Sorry to hear you’re still dealing with bruising.

    Betrayal - glad you got your new freezer. I hope you’re able to put it to good use. So nice of you to buy DGS sneakers. I’m sure he’ll be delighted.

    The sun finally came out today. It’s still cooler out, but at least it’s sunny. Hopefully we’ll be in this nice weather pattern for the rest of the week. I hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful afternoon.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sandy, yes, it was Norman Shelly. He had his name changed to Shelly because he was Jewish and in those days apparently there was a lot of prejudice in the acting/theatre business. He and his wife Elenore were like an uncle and aunt to me. He gave me great advice growing up. One regret I have is that I never told them that I named my son Bill after their son. I had opportunity to do so but didn't and it bothers me to this day. Both are long gone, as are my parents.

    I went to my urologist today, one of my appointments that was on hold due to the cancer. Wow, what a great feeling to go in and out and not have to go back for a year, unless of course I have issues!

    Tomorrow I hope to go to Peddler's Village, a kind of touristy place that I love because it has quaint shops that I love shopping in because of the unique merchandise. I want to look for a present for my DGD's 5th birthday. It also makes me feel recharged. They have a scarecrow exhibit there through October. I used to go many times a year, but haven't been there since Covid. I asked my DH if he wanted to come with me but he doesn't know. I am good either way.

    I think he should go just because it will feel good to get out and have lunch out. He can people watch while sitting on the many benches while I run in and out of the stores. I get it if he doesn't want to go with me, it isn't the easiest place to walk, especially with a cane.

    Chris, I agree, I prefer dietary changes because I don't want or need yet another surgery and I only take medications that are absolutely necessary! I want to focus on increasing my exercise too! I can do it, even though it will take longer, it will happen in a safer way.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I guess I will be joining those of you who refuse to be weighed at the doctor's office. I was so happy to get an appointment with a nutritionist at my local hospital only to be told by my insurance company that they might not pay for any of that care because I am not diabetic or have kidney disease. I am pre-diabetic, so do they want me to eat tons of sugar so I become diabetic in order to get the help I need? Ridiculous! I need medical advice on diet, not WW's or other weight loss plans.

    I messaged the hospital to find out the cost of a visit so I can know if it is affordable for me. If I have to pay for this, I will NEVER allow any doctor to take or ask my weight again! They can make a guess or not treat me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Put the quote in earlier but didn't stay longer as I needed to make us some breakfast and I was already feeling rocky — just one of those sorts of off days. I knew I'd be done for after breakfast. I had one of those nights but not super bad. It was storming outside, lighting and lots of thunder. I woke up (normal for me) three times to go to the bathroom and took a while each time to go back to sleep from the booming that would come just about as I was ready to drift. Finally, the third time I could not get comfy enough. Due to all the damage to my lt. arm and having the ICD placed so near I cannot sleep well on my left side anymore. It used to be my preferred side. So realizing I would likely stay awake (not at 3;30 a.m. please) if I stayed in bed on my sore right side, I got up and went to my recliner. Then I must have let my head droop to much and I woke up a few hrs. later with a sore neck.

    All that together and I was in for my rocky start. The weather was making my arm really ache as well so had a couple of aspirins at breakfast and afterward sat in my recliner and oops, fell asleep again. Felt pretty good once I woke up. Hat to start chores, go to the store and then come home and cook.

    So know that I enjoyed all your entries but hopefully, I'll catch up and be a bit more on the ball tomorrow.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353
    edited September 2023

    illinoislady - sorry you had such a rough night. I’ve had more than a few of those as well. Glad you could take a nap and wake up feeling better.

    MM - that is totally ridiculous that insurance will not cover the cost of the nutritionist. That makes no sense. Working on staying healthy is not only smart but is less costly than treating diseases once they develop. I question the common sense and intelligence of the folks running the insurance racket. Hope your fever has disappeared by now.

    Betrayal - glad the new freezer was delivered . So sweet of you to surprise DGS with new sneakers. I agree that’s it tough being a kid nowadays. Social media can be tough on kids and I’m very grateful that it wasn’t in existence when I was raising my son. It’s tough enough growing up without having all your mistakes broadcast on social media.

    Cardplayer - fingers crossed that your tooth holds up until the new year.

    Chisandy - hope the appearance of the greenish yellow color means that you are on the road to healing. Sometimes bruising will look worse before it gets better.

    Not much new in my neck of the woods. We’ve had rain on and off for the last few days, however, tomorrow looks to be 70 and cloudy which suits me just fine.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    The weather here has been in the 80s - unseasonably warm. At least it cools off in the night.

    I schedule my Covid/Flu shot for next Thursday the 5th and my RSV for Tuesday the 10th. the Covid is Moderna. I'm going to go to CVS at the Target close to me. They don't have appointments every day so it took a few days to get it figured out.

    My husband forwarded me an email from his Dermatology practice with headline that if you've had BC you are at risk for Melanoma. I haven't been for year and recently been thinking maybe I should make an appointment. Now I will definitely make one. I was telling DD#2 and she goes, I don't think this is a case of 3 times is a charm and gives me a big hug. I'm not really worried, but snickering having had BC, how many other things it puts me at risk. One more doctor to add to the never ending list!

    It's late so i best get off the computer. Sweet dreams.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Karen, hope you had an easy fast and will have a fun Sukkot. My ocular onc also told me that having had BC (especially ER+) raises the future risk of an unrelated secondary cancer by 25%. That explains the ocular melanoma, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna add the cutaneous version as well. (I go through a lot of sunscreen, get "mole-mapped" at least annually, and I've learned to rock a floppy hat). I have two friends (neither of whom had prior cancers) who got melanoma where literally "the sun don't shine:" one has fully-recovered from a grueling bout of anal mucosal, but the other succumbed to the even rarer vaginal kind. (Both are—the latter one was—extremely talented storytellers & folk musicians).

    Almost couldn't get the Prolia shot today, after rousing myself from the most delicious <4-hr nap I've ever had (felt like taking an ice-cold drink from the garden hose on a sweltering day) and braving construction traffic for 3/4 hr. out to the infusion center in Niles, the nurse had to ask the onc on duty whether 8 days was a long enough interval after having a COVID shot. Luckily, it was—otherwise I'd have been pissed beyond belief! And for once, I was happy to be wearing a mask—and not just because most of the other patients were there for chemo, but mainly for camouflage!

    Harley, the weird thing about the yellowing appearing was that it didn't start out bruised—went straight from normal to nearly-jaundiced, and didn't appear until Monday! The bruise (too far down from the bottom of my eye to be a true "shiner") also took >24 hrs. to show up. It has yet to start fading, I cancelled my cosmetologist appt., and watched a bunch of YouTube videos. Somehow, after 20 min. of multicolor patchwork (pink, peach & lavender for the jaundice, yellow for the shiner, green for the red spots), blending, setting, concealer, foundation & more setting, I looked nearly-normal (as long as I was able to wear my hair covering the sides of my face). Sent her a pic, and she said I did a good job. Will have to see if Sephora near our timeshare hotel has a professional corrector & concealer palette—was using various blushers and yellow creams plus the remains of an old L'Oreal palette (the shades were not very well-pigmented). If you can't find good stage-quality makeup in Las Vegas, where can you? (Maybe I should ask a showgirl)?

    Apprehensive abt. Vegas trip. Our timeshare hotel (Elara) is dead-center-Strip—they built the "paddock" for next month's Formula One race in the parking lot right behind the hotel. Bad enough that this is the most disabled I've ever been while traveling (save for the time in 1994 flying home from Disney World in an immobilizer & on crutches after tearing my ACL & meniscus) and I will have to swallow my pride and use a cane (my NP insists I exercise and suggests I use one for balance) and request wheelchairs at the airports; and maybe even rent a scooter from the concession at Planet Hollywood adjacent to the hotel. Reviews mentioned that due to construction, elevators are iffy.

    Our fine-dining plans may well suddenly go "poof:" the culinary workers have voted 95% to authorize a strike—with no definite date set, they could spring it with no notice. All the good restaurants are part of the three groups (MGM, Wynn, Caesar's—which owns Planet Hollywood & its mall) with expired contracts. HGV (the group where we own our timeshare) does have an as-of-yet-unexpired contract…but HGV properties don't have restaurants (no casinos, either, but I don't gamble and I rather like not being around smoke). We might end up having to Uber it to a grocery and cook everything ourselves except mall fast-food junk. Some "vacation," huh? Oh, and if the Fed. gov't shuts down, TSA will be a nightmare: their agents are deemed "essential" but won't be paid, so they'll be extra-slow and surly. Don't even wanna think how delayed flights will be (air traffic controllers will work unpaid as well). During the last shutdown, TSA & controllers called in sick by the droves. And natch—the day after we return and I drive up to Madison for a gig, the forecast calls for rain…and so probably low attendance. (Hoping to sell some CDs to make up for that).

    I'd suggest postponing the trip and instead going somewhere closer to home, via car (the Midwest is in for magnificent Indian summer weather and leaf-peeping), such as Mt. View, AR (Ozark Folk Center is terrific), the U.P., Mackinac, Toronto or French Lick—but Bob has his heart set on Vegas. If we take a "staycation," he'll have wasted the three-month notice he had to give for this much time off. Meanwhile, time is drawing close for me to start making arrangements for Spain during the December Bar Show-rehearsal recess. Speaking of which, about to watch the first episode of CNN's Jose Andres & Family in Spain (Barcelona tonight). Maybe we can get a res. this week at Jaleo Las Vegas if the workers don't walk out yet.

    Looking ahead, CLE trip with Bar Assn. to Mexico City & San Miguel de Allende in late March! This time, Bob wants to come along.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Sandy - hope you can enjoy the Las Vegas trip and there isn’t a strike. It would be a shame to miss the many opportunities for excellent food. The Spain and Mexico trips sound amazing. I’ve been to Barcelona but would love to go to southern Spain to see Seville, Cordoba and Granada. That will have to wait however. Our planned three week trip to South America early next year is a budget buster. Have fun!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Karen, good to know about breast cancer and melanoma. My dermatology appointment is on Oct 10th. Haven't seen a dermatologist before my first BC diagnosis in 2003. I guess after having new breast cancers three times, I automatically expect to get another cancer at some point. Not worried, just know it will happen.

    Harley, yep, totally ridiculous. I think because with all the diet companies, WW's, Nutrisystem, Gollo, etc insurance companies don't want patients seeking help from nutritionists? At least my insurance doesn't, as my former co-worker who is much younger than me said she went to a nutritionist because her insurance pays for six visits! She is neither diabetic nor has kidney disease.

    I went online and found out my insurance company wants my PCP to call a number and submit diagnosis notes to support the medical necessity of coverage. I will message her about that. I messaged my hospital, which has a system that will let patients find out estimated costs of procedure/appointments, to find out what the cost will be if I am unable to get insurance coverage. If it is too much, I will cancel the appointment.

    That said, it is upsetting to feel that every stinking doctor visit has obesity listed first on my "patient notes", yet my insurance clearly doesn't want me to change that. Thus, my decision that if the insurance won't pick up any of the cost of the nutritionist, I will just refuse to get on a scale or tell anyone my weight again. If they ask why not, I will tell them it is because my insurance company clearly doesn't think my weight is an issue.

    Except for surgery, there is no reason any doctor needs to know one's weight! They can tell by looking what body type a person has. When I worked in the veterinary office, I needed to know the weight of animals because much of the medications we gave were based on weight. Chihuahua's didn't get the same dose as Great Danes. Most human meds are for child/adult, one size fits all. I get the same dose Letrozole as a 100lb. woman, etc. None of my meds are based on my weight so no need for doctors to know what my weight is.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi. I haven't been on for a while. I had over a hundred posts to read. LOL Anyway I am still alive. I am leaving for my trip and will post some pictures when I get back.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    There is a huge difference between "entertaining" and offering hospitality.  Entertaining puts the emphasis on you and how you can impress others.  Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others and strives to meet their physical and spiritual needs so that they feel refreshed, not impressed, when they leave your home.

    Karen Ehman

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,885

    Petite it is great to see you. Our entries do build up rather quickly I think. Hope your trip is pure joy for you. We will all happily await some pics. Stay well and enjoy.

    MM, I think you are so right. Ins. companies need people to be sick sadly. I really don't see why they can't do well enough to just apply that idea in reverse. Most people desire good health, and would I think welcome opportunities to keep their good health and expand on it — but I guess months and months of treatments for dire medical conditions produce a lot more funds. Grrrr.

    Sandy you are hard to keep up with. I do hope Las Vegas turns out to work out well. Just to be careful.

    Karen — yes. My address book has far too many Dr.'s numbers in it. But doing dermatology is good. At least I think.

    I have to go back early as I thin one of my biopsy sites might be a little infected. Going to have it checked. My legs are both hurting a little but I'm somewhat impervious most of the time. The cat rubbed against my leg this morning causing me to jump back so I decided it was time to have it looked at. Likely past time. Sigh !! I do hope though they might have some of the results back of the biopsies and can let me know,

    Time to pay bills again. Well, it's all right. I've managed somehow to get a bit extra in my checking account, so it is not a huge strain for now. Some of my costs have gone down for utilities. Can't remember how long since our a/c has come on. The nights are cool enough to keep the house cool and plenty of shade if the sun is out. Only partial sun today. I have slightly warmer pj's on at night and extra cover for my feet that are always cold.

    Hope you all have a great day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited September 2023

    Dermatologist, I see at least once a year for a full body check. Odd ball things are explained away easily. Some skin things I pick at, knowing I shouldn’t. So I’ll have them freeze/burn them off. Skin tags too.

    Thyroid: I saw the endocrinologist PA on Wednesday, after they did another ultrasound. I pulled up my MyChart and let her read the first US. The nodule on the left needs a biopsy. I said ok, I want an interventional radiologist to do it. She said they don’t have one there; the surgeons do it. I wasn’t buying that, I want an IR to do it. She had my regular endo come in; he could feel the nodule. He went to look at the US; came back to me and showed me the US. He assured me he’s done 3,000+ of them, he can feel it, he can see it - the tech would be working the US. So I said fine.

    Booking the appointment: First available was 11/8. I couldn’t take it because, of course, it’s the day I get the nerve root block in my neck- and I won’t know what time that is because I have to call on 11/7 to get the time I need to report. SO I’m pushed out to 11/21 at 10 AM.

    I was going to call their affiliate hospital to see if I got the order sent, how soon they could get me in. But I slept in until 10! A full 8 hours. Then had to run out in my night clothes w a coat covering me to help my sister get a locked door open - long story. Anyway, my days been way off and I’ll have to call tomorrow, if I want an earlier appointment with a IR.

    Our 3rd attempt at the covid shot was another fail. I’ve given up on our closest CVS. I booked us both for tonight. Fingers crossed that this is it.

    I read all the lists, but remember not a lot. Betrayal, glad your freezer is all you’ve planned for. Jackie I hope you get your leg looked at. Petite, glad you checked in and hope you enjoy your trip. Sandy, travel on! If you rent a car you could get to outskirts and maybe check out some local restaurants. MM, I hope you get into a nutritionist w/o costing more than a copay. Harley, it’s cool you’ve already got a 3 week South America trip planned.

    70 high today. The house was cold, outride didn’t feel much nicer. Cold nights, semi warm days. You have to get out & move around or it’s on the cold side. Enjoy the day!