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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Have been following everyone as we all go from doctor to doctor.And it makes my day when reports are good, gloom descends when they are not. Sandy, I went to orthopedic surgeon for my one year hip replacement checkup. He said( if my other hip holds up which is very questionable that it will),"See you in 5 years." I replied, " I'll be 94." He answered, Happy Birthday and at 89 do not fall." He would have said that to you ,too, at 72. So happy that even with bruising and lumps and a shiner and pain, that you didn't more seriously hurt yourself. I can physically walk better than I actually do, because I have lost confidence and get wobbly at curbs and uneven surface- my difficulty and slowness is physical and psychological,ugh.

    But, on to more medical mishaps. When I returned home from September 11 mammoth, which was normal, though sharply painful,I thought maybe the technician had long fingernails or that the machine was Strange, but I put it out of my mind because I was so happy with the result. When I got home and took off my shirt, it had spots of blood on it. So I investigated. Here is the letter I wrote to the mammography and radiation department and copied on the survey they send asking( wanting praise) about your experience. "  I suffered skin ripped away, about 4 inches  underneath both breasts with large spots of blood. I discovered this after returning home following a normal mammogram and ABUS. This has been very disturbing to me as I’ve had a hip replacement and have been extremely concerned about infection. The redness and scabbing seems to be lessening, but I believe I will be left with long thin scars.
    Please resolve whatever is wrong with the machine and spare others this pain and worry."

    It's 12 days later. I have not gotten an infection, but am still very red underneath breasts and, of course, have heard nothing from Evanston Hospital.

    I googled "Skin tears from mammogram" and apparently this is not a rare happening.

    Got Covid shot at Walgreens, Sept.18, was exhausted and achy the next day. Doctors office said to hold off on RSV until they know more about side effects.

    Healthy and Happy for everyone here, don't we all wish!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I am also trying to work up the courage to stop attending N.Shore's wgt. mgmt. clinic and tell my NP I want to make peace with my body. My glucose is just over the line (104) and my a1c 5.6, so GLP-1 agonists are off the table for me even if I were willing to go out of pocket, since my BMI teeters on either side of 30. (And I'm not sure whether GI discomfort is the price I want to pay to turn off the "food noise" in my head). Bariatric surgery? No way. Three people I know had it. Two failed; and one died of arrhythmia due to electrolyte depletion because he was afraid that if he stopped losing weight he'd gain it back. They were all miserable, their lives focused on what they could & couldn't eat, when to eat it, and the side effects ("dumping syndrome" and constant hunger). Not just that, but any form of exercise is impossible due to my L toe too sore to wear a shoe & sock and now my most recent injuries.

    (My current banged-up appearance may be an excuse to cancel this Tues.' appointment). But I'm wondering what's so terrible about having to wear size 12 or even 14 (or Chico's size 2 or stretched-out 1/M), when I started out at 20 (Chico's 4/XXL).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Not a damn thing, Sandy. And as I used to tell my students love the body you occupy now because in 10 years you will want it back. Me, I just would like to be alive in 10 years in whatever body I currently am occupying. So I will let others obsess over my weight and my BMI, which BTW was not meant to be used to define our bodies, but has unfortunately become the standard.

    Glad that your battle wounds are resolving even if slowly and I do not agree with Bob as far as attending this "shindig". Hated those events I attended with DH where I knew no one (or the ones I knew I did not want to spend time with even briefly) and sometimes felt abandoned as he made the rounds. So I politely told him I was no longer going to them even if the meal was free. No such thing as a free meal in my book unless it is a friend buying.

    Perhaps you need to be wrapped in cotton wool to protect you from the environment? I am being facetious because I rolled down the hill several weeks ago when I overreached to pull out a weed on the hill. Sometimes we need protection from ourselves.

    Keywestfan, I am sorry to read about your experience with your mammo and seriously doubt if you will get a response to your letter. I have written several letters to my local hospital and have decided I will never willingly go there for treatment due to their mistreatment on several occasions. I would opt for just US in the future.

    MM: Glad you decided to seek info even if from Youtube about gastric bypass. It's a highly risky surgery and means your diet will either be for life or if not, a failure for sure. Just a word of caution about surgeons, they want to cut (except for that idiot Ortho surgeon who patronized me) so they will try to steer you towards it.

    I also had the delay in my GI surgery for a year due to the reluctance of the GI doc and the general surgeon who felt my pre-cancerous polyp would not return and did not feel my concerns about it were real. Well, return it did and it cost me more bowel than originally anticipated. So I will be an advocate for myself from here on out. I do find it difficult to make medical decisions since BC but am letting my body tell me what it needs. Right now it is a new knee and most likely the other one in the future since both are bone on bone.

    Decided to try the anti-inflammatory ordered for my knee since my DGS is pining for me to take him sneaker shopping. One pair he got for his birthday he will no longer wear because he was mocked by his peers at school. He wore them once. So now we have to find something that will be "safe" from mocking. He's only 13 and this is the way kids are today. We were supposed to go today but could not handle it in the rain or with my right knee pain. So hopefully it will ease it a tad since I know it is supposed to take several days to kick in.

    Meant to mention that our walnut tree is busy dropping nuts which is an annual fall event. In the middle of the night when they hit the roof, it sounds like a bowling ball being dropped. The squirrels are not interested so I pick them up and toss them in the woods because they are definitely a fall hazard. Right now they are hard green balls but the green will rot and the shells are equally as slippery.

    Have a good evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    When I remember that the primary purpose of life is to feel and appreciate the presence of God, to live from a state of love and compassion, and to be of service to others, then instantly, like magic, I begin to feel at peace.

    Richard Carlson

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Here's something guaranteed to make you smile. Look what I got in my Chewy box.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    On again late today. Saying that I also want to say bless all of you and the cognitions that none of us are likely to benefit for long from weight loss — regardless. I would not have ANY kind of surgery for wt. loss not only because of my age, but as mentioned — you have a whole different lifestyle afterwards. And if it is anything like my having to avoid salt (and it is) then I don't have the time, energy or desire to have to pursue such a regimen now.

    I'm also in agreement with the fact that our age and wt. loss is no longer compatible. I (most of you will recall my mention of it) stayed at around 146#'s after my mitral valve surgery. At first, I wasn't too happy about it since my pre-surgical wt. was about 170 and I thought I looked sickly to an extent. Little by little, my wt. has returned to the 170's. Also, today I stopped in at an estate sale and ran into an acquaintance. Actually, we have always been friendly, but don't move in the same circles. I hadn't seen Elizabeth in a few yrs. If her husband Rick hadn't been nearby, I would have likely not "guessed" who she was as she has lost so much weight. She looked gaunt. Just medical maladies like so many of us seem destined to work with. She otherwise seemed healthy enough and happy. So ladies, we can't really win and likely more so if we have had a bit of wt. that we have carried well before age set in. Losing wt. could end up making us look less than well. At least to others.

    I do think making peace with and enjoying and making the most of the life we have is better all around. I'm fairly careful although I could be a bit more so. The only thing I don't like is I feel like I'm carrying more wt. in the tummy area. Clothes can be a tricky fit.

    Keywest, I am sorry for your mammogram incident. The people at Skin Care (who prescribed the meds for under my breasts) talked about how thin our skin gets when we are older. I knew my skin was thinner in many places but never thought of under the breast and mid to lower chest area. I hope if you do have any scarring it is VERY minimal. I hope someone will take note of your note. I fear though that it may be a standard to have feedback and not much else.

    I had a nice day but really blew it up by going early to the estate sale. Bargains galore though. I got two huge boxes of stationery and cards (some of the boxes of cards had a price of $20.00 on them) We got a silver butter dish (didn't really need it, but price was right), and a set of old nickels in a holder. I also had 21 cookbooks and the total for all of this was $14.00. I am going to have to stop going to second day estate sales. That is usually half price day here.

    Hope you all have a really good Saturday. Remember, you are beautiful just the way you are.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Betrayal — Chewy Jackpot.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Judy, I'm surprised the mammography dept. didn't get back to you. Maybe you can portal-message your surgeon Dr. W or your MO Dr. M and ask? I know that if I let "the girls" dangle free for a couple of days, or conversely wear too tight a bra band I get redness. And sometimes what looks like blisters develop (also in the crease below the panniculus—when getting out of the shower one morning in Amsterdam as I was preparing to check out for the ride to Schipol and next leg of the trip, I nearly fainted when I saw blood on the bath towel. Looked in the full-length mirror and that's exactly where the lesions were. Intertrigo. Anyway, my derm prescribed a generic betamethasone/nystatin cream (the nystatin to kill the fungi that "live" in skin folds, the steroid to calm the skin down). I like it much better than the ointment, which smells "petrol-y."

    I notice my feet blister far more easily than they used to (and even then the skin was sensitive). I always carry Band-Aids, a couple of those hydrogel blister bandages, and a couple pieces of KT Tape. If I know I'll be wearing shoes or sandals with sharp edges, I'll cut some pieces of molefoam to pad them.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2023

    Keywestfan, that happened to me several times and I got a fungal infection from it. That was when I had my mammograms in the summer and my breasts would sweat underneath. After I was cut twice, I decided to wait a year and a few months to get them when the weather wasn't so hot. I am glad you didn't get an infection! I agree, you won't hear back from them, but my sister worked on the business end of a large hospital system in Philly and she said those surveys matter and can affect the doctors/practice salaries. I always feel that if you have a bad experience and voice your opinion you are really speaking for many more who don't let the facility know what happened to them.

    Betrayal, I thought the same when my PS referred me to a surgeon, even though I told him I wasn't interested in surgery. Yes, they do offer other options, but I don't like medications and I can see a great nutritionist if I need one, close to home. Your DGS's sneaker story made me want to cry! Kids can be so mean and now it is worse because they post things online. I also know that schools, while insisting they don't tolerate bullying, don't go far enough because they are all afraid of the parents!

    As for youtube medical videos, don't knock them! I watched an entire reverse shoulder replacement surgery on youtube prior to my TRSR surgery and found it extremely interesting. The surgeon I was just referred to had a youtube video as did another surgeon in the bariatric dept. They were listed on the hospital website and full of useful information. One simply needs to know how to do a reputable search.

    Illinois, I actually feel better the less I see of doctors. I have been tested out the wazoo and now I don't want to see any doctor I don't have to see. I have one appointment this week, but I am ok with that because I will be in and out in 15 mins and will be able to get a refill on my medication if my interstitial cystitis acts up. Next doctor appointment is next year, woohoo! Hello fall fun, followed by my favorite holiday, Christmas!

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Thank you all for comments on my mammogram experience. Betrayal, I think it's a brilliant idea to just get US in the future.Will discuss it with MO at November appointment. Sandy, Dr. W left North Shore and is in Gurnee at Cancer Treatment America. I did use betamethasone, and all sorts of other creams and antibiotic ointments. Terrified of infection anywhere because of replacement.

    Gil- DH- got sideswiped today by a landscape truck-hit and run. But caught on camera, police said. I felt sad for our car with its bumper ripped off. $2500 estimate. Feel scared to drive Nissan SUV rental, bigger, wider than our BMW 3. Freud was correct- analysis will never be able to shield us from the ordinary miseries of daily life.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Judy, so sorry to hear about the hit & run. At least it was caught on camera—and since it was a landscape truck it shouldn't be too hard to locate the driver (or at least the owner of the truck). I hope the Evanston police dept. is more conscientious than the CPD (which does nothing these days but lie in wait to issue tickets because that's like picking low-hanging fruit, with little to no physical risk).

    Also sorry to learn Dr. W. left NorthShore for CTCA/City of Hope. My surgeon Dr. Y, is still at NorthShore (for now). My MO, when she discharged me this week, said to contact my breast surgeon if there's anything amiss on the "upfront front." Next mammo is Dec.

    Bob just got home—he blew off the dinner to work late. He called me in "sick" so I wouldn't be listed as a "no-show;" doctors got to attend free but spouses were $60. Hope that's not why he wanted me to go. But had I known about the charge, that wouldn't have changed anything. Meanwhile, my shiner and leg bruises will get darker before they start to heal. Gonna have to wear sunglasses (or go through an elaborate corrector/concealer routine) every day I want to leave the house. Not looking forward to Vegas (we'll be staying in a timeshare, which means I'll have to bring coffee beans & filters and shop for breakfast stuff to cook, because the "hotel" doesn't have a restaurant, only a rudimentary convenience store). This is why I hate timeshare stays—the hassle of plane travel with all the work of being at home.

    Have a meaningful Yom Kippur and an easy fast for all who observe. Once again, I'll have to "attend" online, for obvious reasons.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Keywestfan - I hope you receive a response to your letter. If not, I’d follow up with a phone call. The risk of infection could have serious consequences so they should implement additional training for the techs.

    It pains me to hear the stories regarding weight and hits close to home. A little over 2 years ago my BMI was around 33. Oddly enough my PCP never mentioned my weight. I have since changed PCP and my BMI is now between 26-27. I only see the PCP once a year and without fail I am told I’m overweight. I’m focused on maintaining the weight loss and enjoying life. The new doc does not seem interested in whether I exercise, what type of exercise nor does she seem concerned with my overall stability, flexibility, cognition, mental health and general health. Perhaps some of that will change now that I’m on Medicare. I hate that the focus is solely on weight.

    I visited an optometrist last fall for a new pair of reading glasses and they wanted to know my weight. I declined and they were furious. I don’t see why it was necessary to provide my weight for an updated script for reading glasses.

    Does a lack of weight measurement affect a doctor’s insurance reimbursement? Or how the hospital grades their performance metrics? I’m not wanting to affect their pay or performance reviews but I’ve had it with the focus on weight. Other than the annual PCP visit, I have started declining a weight check for any other doctor visits. Have any of you done this?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Keywest — hope your Dh is okay. No bumps, bruises or anything sore that shouldn't be and no irritation to places that may be sore these days just from age. Glad it was caught on camera and no question. I guess that is a pretty good reason to have some cameras around.

    Hope that all goes smoothly. It always something it seems.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    I too have put my foot down about weight checks for anything other than my breast MO, weight mgmt. NP and annual PCP visits. I've never heard of an optometrist checking weight—my ophthalmologists (MDs) didn't. Back in 2009 when I had a stress fracture atop my L foot, I asked the orthopedist whether obesity might have been a contributing factor. He replied "we generally don't like to bring that up on the first date."

    Sad to see Dr. W having moved all the way up to Gurnee for CTCA/City of Hope. (Come to think of it, it's not much further north than my derm, who's in Lake Bluff, nor my PCP who's out northwest in Mt. Prospect with the route being mostly surface streets). He was the doc who sutured my exploding axillary seroma when his & Dr. Y's NP insisted I just pack it several times a day and let it heal from inside. (Ugh). That seroma took me on a Google search that brought me here to BCO. (The title of that thread was "M-m-m--My-Seroma." When I stopped laughing I realized this was the place for me).

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Keywestfan, so sorry to hear about your DH! I hope he is ok! Sometimes people ache the day after an event like that.

    illinois, great photo! Your cat is so cute. I love it when people post pictures! There is more to life than medical issues!

    Harley & Sandy, I too hate having weight checks! I decided to lose weight my way. I don't plan to see a doctor again for three months and honestly, I don't care about my weight or what "could be" wrong with me.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    Yes, Sandy, I have never been able to master touch typing. I watch my fingers. There are times that I go too fast to really be watching my fingers, though. And at times the error rate gets frustratingly high. But I was referring to staying inside until the injuries heal.

    I now have KT all over the right side of my right leg, and I can walk Tippy around the block. Tippy is definitely an aid to weight loss. My BMI is 25.8, but since getting my bra insert, I feel comfortable with losing 5 to 10 more pounds. I am eager to get back to taking Tippy on longer walks. With EGT, he gets plenty of time running. Yesterday he saw a dog pulling a young man on a skateboard, and, at 17 pounds, he nearly caused me to fall!! I usually spot trigger situations before he does, and can do the calming routine, but he totally lost it. I have an appointment to get my eyes checked and new glasses.

    MM, I feel the same about PT. I am going to manage my ankle problem on my own, at least for a while.

    I don't get mammos in town anymore. I have them done at my breast surgeon's office. I think they have more skill in managing fragile skin, and reading mammos of breasts that have been disturbed by BC and treatment. However, I am confident that lefty will never fall victim to BC. Never troubled me or my babies.

    MM, I watched knee replacement videos, and was thankful I did. I understood that the pain afterwards would be real. And was more comfortable with taking pain meds.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Gradually, the repeated triggering of negative thoughts and moods
    can begin wearing grooves in the mind; over time, these become
    deeper and deeper, making it easier to set off negative, self-critical
    thoughts and low or panicky moods—and more difficult to shake
    them off.  After a while, prolonged periods of fragility can be
    triggered by the most innocuous of things, such as a momentary
    dip in mood or the slightest flux in energy levels.  These triggers
    can be so small that you might not even be aware of them.

    Mark Williams

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    That beauty of a little grey cat wasn't actually mine; it was Betrayal's Misty. But all cats seem highly fond of boxes and generally ANY size box. I've had some of my biggest cats trying to squeeze themselves in smaller shoe boxes etc. Then even my smaller cats will venture into the large boxes and wait for one of their companions to attempt to get in as well.

    Most times they would as soon "play" with the box the toy came in rather than the toy. Then, watch out for the loose errant spider or mouse that might find its way inside our house. We had a late bumble bee a couple of days ago. I had to have Dh come get it. I was trying to cook breakfast and the bee (disabled and could no longer fly) plus four cats were headed my way. Figured I'd end up tripped and likely landing on the bee or something.

    I wish I could post some of my great pictures (like the baby owl on our deck) but I've never learned the art of transferring pictures taken with my phone to the computer. It would likely be a real surprise for some. Baby owls are actually quite big before they learn to successfully fly. The one on our deck was close to a foot tall. His or her parents were somewhere close by, although we couldn't see them, and encouraging the baby all the way. It would get itself hopping sort of next to a tree, then sort of walk/climb up to a limb high enough to be able to "take" off and would practice. It would glide slowly to the ground and then have to repeat the process until it learned how to get wind to help lift itself in successful flight. I think it takes a day or so, but more practice is needed for a bit more time.

    This was the owl who seemed to have inadvertently. developed a small amt. of affinity for us. He came back to see us several times but normally the parents are able to transmit to its baby that humans are not to be trusted or favored.

    I really enjoyed my day yesterday, but sort of wore myself out I think talking so long to visit with Elizabeth and Rick, our friends. We actually saw a lot more of Rick as he was a Capt. in the police department here. Dh worked with him since he was a salesman at Sears for so long. So, I didn't do a lot — mainly a little bit of necessary cleaning an a small amt. of cooking. Otherwise, I pretty much wasted the day. Someday today, I likely will try to collate my buys from yesterday. Two big boxes of greeting cards and general note cards. I have a few friends that I get cards for all the time and now I will have some already here to choose from at times.

    Don't know if we will make our visit to Goodwill or not this morning. That has been a Sunday morning treat for me. I'm notorious for finding things I don't really need, but then if they seem nicer, or heavier-duty or something then what I have I will sometimes take them and find someone who would like to have the one I now can give up. It has been working out but sometimes is a little tedious.

    Hoping we all do well and I'm sure we will with leaving our wt. issues as something not to get un-duly concerned over. I do think BMI is over-rated and is mainly used as an anti-messaging for medical people.

    Had the same thing going on with smoking. Having said that and having quit 25 yrs. ago, I do believe there is actually something to be said for encouraging people to look for ways to quit — if they can. It is a really difficult thing to do and I absolutely do believe that additives have been added to tobacco through the years to make it even more addictive. That as well as more adulteration in the other parts — like the filters and even the paper. Since it took me at least five different attempts to get the job done I don't knock anyone who hasn't done it. I do try to avoid being too close to smokers though. It smells bad to me and I'd rather not get too much second-hand either. I do know a couple of people who never smoked in their life, and one of the women actually died from COPD a couple of yrs. ago because her husband was a smoker. Non-smokers (and I never thought of this till it was pointed out to me) take in second-hand smoke and do NOT blow it out because they are NOT smoking.

    Now after my horrid cautionary tale (and I don't mean to step on anyone's toes) I do hope you have a great Sunday. We are all fighting battles, and some are a lot more difficult than others. I think we all will develop (if we don't' already have it) the attitude of love and understanding towards ourselves, imperfections and all. Working on it with a smile and a caring attitude.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Warning rant: Feel free to skip.

    I'm gearing up for a fight with my medical team. They decided to change my BP meds because I had a reading of 142/55. In the process they added a dose of amlodipine and I've gained 1/2 pound every day since I started that dose. It's close to 5lb total now. Most of it seems to be in my abdomen and ankles, which reveal my elephant ancestry. I'm 83 next month and have stage IV BC so why is my BP so important. I'm not willing to wear uncomfortable compression socks as long as there are other meds to try. I tried on my winter shoes last night and they hurt once they were zipped.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Wren, so, they based your new medication, a calcium channel blocker, on one LOW reading? Seriously? You have every right to fight them! What were you on before? Swelling IS a side effect of the drug, not good! I would livid too!

    I assume this was a cardiologist who issued this? Hope it wasn't a PCP!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Wren, make a call tomorrow to see if they can make a switch with some other medication. I can’t think they’d want you putting on weight, even if it’s water weight. Good luck.

    The big weight debate. I was always on the thinner side but I’m a stress eater and it shows on the scale. I do tell them when they weigh me at a dr appt to remember to compensate for my lead sneakers. Always said I had a lead foot.

    Multiple times in my life I have seen those with some extra weight have it payoff during illness. A coworker had a short apple shaped body; she had cancer and had to undergo a lot of chemo. She put up a good fight over years, and had she not had the weight to spare, I don’t think she’d have lived as long as she did.

    Sandy, thankfully you didn’t break anything.

    Keywest, that’s unacceptable what happened to you. I’d be reporting them to everyone who would listen. Glad your dh wasn’t hurt and had it all on camera too.

    MM, Trinity Health bought out almost every hospital in my area. Once highly rated hospitals, are not so highly rated now. It’s all about profits. The thoracic surgeon I’m seeing is at St. Peter’s hospital, which is now Trinity Health.

    Betrayal, spot on that surgeons like to cut. Once while I was getting my knee drained, the surgeon was in the room next door and I could overhear him. His enthusiasm, talking with great exuberance about fixing someone’s shoulder - he’d cut here & cut there and fix it! I was glad I only had a needle in my knee.

    Jackie as an ex smoker, I’m worse than a non smoker. I think I can smell a cigarette at 30 paces, blind folded. It was hell quitting and kudos to all who have tried.

    Overcast with sporadic bursts of rain, only 62. I’m in a sweatshirt with fleece bottoms on. No plan to be seen by anyone. LOL Hoping you all stay comfortable today too!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    At my last eye exam they wanted me to list my meds - when I didn't the doctor said you didn't put down any meds. I replied that what I take has nothing to do with vision. I also don't share with my dentist except bisphosphonates.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, yes, the hospital I go to was a great hospital years ago, since Trinity Health took over, not so much. A lot of doctors are leaving for other hospitals. We have Jefferson Health and Capital Health in NJ close by, also Princeton's Penn Medical Center isn't far, which is where my grand kids were born.

    As for surgeons liking to cut, they should! I want my surgeons to be passionate about their work, I think the issue is that I don't want to be referred to a surgeon, when I clearly stated I don't want surgery! I honestly don't know what came over me to make me say that I would go to "outer Gy pip" to see a weight loss surgeon! Slapping my forehead, saying "what was I thinking?" I guess because I really like my PS and he kept saying they offer all kinds of weight loss programs. I knew better, that referring to a surgeon= surgery. I think the reason I was so stressed over it was because the red flags were going off in my head and I was ignoring them.

    Karen, I don't mind telling my doctors what medications I am on. I have closed angle glaucoma so my eye doctors (regular and glaucoma specialist) definitely stay on top of what my meds are. I don't remember my dentist asking, although they know I have to pre-medicate before each visit and always have me sign that I did medicate an hour before my appointment.

    I got a letter in the mail yesterday that Temple Health uses a company that got hacked and my personal information was compromised. I try to stay on top of all my accounts because these days it's bound to happen. What made me mad is that this happened months ago and I am only now getting a notice about it! Same hospital (FCCC) where the breast surgeon lied to me and refused to remove both of my breasts!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Went to the outlets with DGS in search of new sneakers and came up with zip after walking around for what seemed like forever. My knee was protesting but after canceling yesterday for rain I lived to regret that because the rain was heavier and steady today. I wore my hooded rain coat so it was warm enough and kept me relatively dry. We did have bonding time which he wanted and had lunch at the food court: sushi for him and bourbon chicken with steamed vegetables and fried rice for me. My leftovers (I forked my food onto the lid so the rest was untouched) are his lunch tomorrow. Ended up ordering a pair on Amazon. I was damp to say the least but spending time with him is worth it.

    DGD showed me her Halloween costume. She is going as some horror movie figure that I am unfamiliar with and was assured she had never seen the movie, just ads. It's a cute dress with black Mary Jane shoes.

    Wrenn reach out to your MD about the SE of the med. Don't need the edema in your abdomen on ankles. One low BP is questionable for this change in meds.

    I am a former smoker having quit over 25 years ago and never wanting to start again. I used the nicotine patches but never made it to the lowest dose. I just extended the other 2 until I felt comfortable to lower the dose and that was it.

    Never learned to touch type in HS because any one in the college prep course was not permitted to take it. You had to be in one of the business tracks. So I go to college and they want every paper typed, go figure. I use my finger tips and my nails (which I keep short) have worn off lettering from frequently used keys such as: a, s, d ,e, r, t, i, o, h, and n. This hunt and peck typing system leads to misspellings due to hitting wrong keys.

    Jackie, I send photos from my phone to my email account as an attachment and then download it onto my desktop. Then I am able to load it into posts on here.

    PT asked me for list of meds and I did not provide. MLHS uses epic but has physicians who opted not to use it due to cost so they have their own system which doesn't access any other system's portals. Pain to use and I tell them they need to update their system.

    I have not been weighed in a doctor's office in probably the last 7-8 years. I refuse to have the weight of my clothing and shoes added into my BMI calculation. Never had a pair of sneakers that were not made of lead. There is the commercial where the woman is asked her age and she says hers is unlisted. Same goes for my weight, unlisted and I will tell them what my scale says in my birthday suit if they insist. I weigh less than I did 10 years ago but seem to have plateaued and vary from present in each direction. Meanwhile I have shrunk about an inch or more which doesn't help with BMI. PCP stopped asking after she was unable to lose her postpartum weight and she is much younger than me so she knows the struggle.

    As far as boxes, the best to date was the one from Mission BBQ that featured hand openings in the bottom (for transport) and a shoe box type lid. Smudge got inside and Tawny was on the top and they were playing through the hand holds. We kept that box for about a month until the top lid started to fail. Misty and Tawny have a peace covenant but really aren't interested in being "besties". There is an occasional dust up and then they go their separate ways. Both love boxes of any shape or size and both are known to occasionally nap on top of their cardboard scratching boxes. Smudge did this as well and we used to call it her bed of nails.

    Arm a little tender from shot yesterday but otherwise no issues with SE's.

    DD just bought a new toy for them it is a coiled tunnel and they seem to want to play in it. I had one for several years and after it being abandoned for several, tossed it. Let's see how long it takes for the novelty to wear off this one.

    Stay warm, dry and safe.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Hugs Wren and you so deserved that rant. Gaining a lb. a day sounds highly un-acceptable other than as a short-term means of saving you from something really negative. Blood pressure meds are not short term. Also, blood pressure readings (especially if only one) isn't in my view a good reason to drastically change medications. So many things can influence blood pressure. I was told if I wanted mine to be a bit higher gulp some water.

    I hope you are able to get this issue settled quicky.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Betrayal, your DGD's costume must be "M3GAN," the android kid in the title of the movie of the same name.

    I, too, premedicate (amoxicillin) before my dental cleanings. Gums are highly vascularized, and mouths are full of bacteria. My orthopedic surgeons insist I premedicate because metal ortho hardware (especially knee implants) can form a "biofilm" that acts like a bacteria magnet—with the very real danger of MRSA causing prosthetic failure requiring "revision" surgery, sometimes even joint fusion. Another danger is if you have any kind of heart condition, even a murmur—bacterial endocarditis leads to heart failure or worse. (That was how "Bobby Simone"—Jimmy Smits' character—in NYPD Blue made his final exit. It made people so aware of the danger that it led to hundreds of cases of endocarditis being prevented at dentists' offices nationwide).

    I have so much metal (dual knee replacements, tibial and ulnar repair hardware) that I am tons of fun at the TSA. When I get to the scanners I just point to my knees and say "wand me." Once, after the pat-down, I asked "Was it as good for you…?" and another time I said "Now I want a cigarette and I don't even smoke." Not even a smile. TSA agents seem to be chosen for their lack of a sense of humor, at least in the US. At Heathrow, however, when I mentioned I had two knee replacements, the female security screener quipped "What—was there a sale on them?"

    Eye doctors need to know your meds because some can increase intra-oculat pressure (glaucoma danger) and others can cause bleeding (retinal hemorrhage). And any drug allergies need to be disclosed, because you never know what might go blooey during a procedure or even an exam.

    As for boxes, there was a LOLCATS meme awhile back with a photo of two kittens with one holding a $20 bill in its mouth. The caption was "Here's twenty bucks. Go buy yourself something…as long as it comes in a box." My dear departed Happy adored an old Third Love bra box (the kind with the lid that flips up). We'd put it on the storage bench with the top propped up against the back of the sofa, and he used it for "biting practice:" the edges all looked like they'd been cut with pinking shears. We lined the bottom with a soft towel, and he liked to sleep in it. It was where he lay when the visiting Lap of Love vet guided him to the Rainbow Bridge.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited September 2023

    Fitbit updated, and I just discovered that I lost 30 pounds in four years. With COVID, I started walking for exercise. I lost another five with knee replacement, and haven't gained it back. This is one of the reasons why I am so desperate to overcome this tendonitis.

    Betrayal, that exclusion of college-track kids from typing is totally wrong-headed. My mother forced me to take typing, although a friend of hers was the teacher and probably told her why it was so important, even for kids with motor problems. I followed through with that as a school psych.

    If they exclude kids on college track from vocational ed classes, who will be the next generation's voc ed teachers?????

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2023

    Getting Covid booster today. Also scheduling appointments for ophthalmologist and dermatologist, both of which I am way over-due seeing. I'm past due for colonoscopy, but that one is still on hold, maybe permanently.

    I am back to eating well. Somewhere I heard it called "mindful eating," and I like that, permanent changes for a healthier "me," Scale this morning showed a loss, but I take that with a grain of salt because I retain so much fluid. I am doing a weekly weigh-in because it is more realistic. I want to focus on how I feel, not the scale.

    Yesterday I made vegetable soup, no recipe, just the way my mother made it. I want to freeze some for those cold days when I want something hot for lunch. Store soups have way too much sodium, although I have them on occasion.

    illinois, I loved your story of the baby owl! I only ever saw an owl in the wild once, and I didn't even know what I was looking at until my DH told me it was an owl! I saw it from a distance in our yard and it looked like a bird with no head! When it flew, the wingspan was huge. I could kick myself for not realizing what I was looking at, but it was facing the other way, so I couldn't see its face.

    I really want a fur baby, but our "normal needs savings account" is low right now due to roof, dishwasher and DH's adjustable bed. I need to build that back up before I can adopt a fur baby.

    Chris, I like that law about walking a dog twice a day! My dogs wouldn't leave me alone until I took them on a walk, and that is exactly what I need now!

    Rain and dreary today, I will need to create my own sunshine! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    edited to add: I had to take typing in Jr High School. Everyone did, boys and girls. I can't imagine not being able to type. I sometimes watch TV and type at the same time. Typing for me is as natural as walking!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Right now I am taking him on his morning poop-walk using EGT. My present goal is walking with him around the block three times a day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    "Life is not all sadness," Old Hawk continued.  "Yet, without sadness we would not yearn for joy, and strive to find it, and treasure it when it comes.  It is also a fact that neither sadness nor joy is with us constantly.  And how often one of the other is part of our journey is not always within our control.  We all want joy more than sadness and rare is the person who wants sadness at all."

    Joseph M. Marshall III