Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
Carole, sorry to hear DH had a rocky night. It is to be expected this early post-op and he may be more comfortable sleeping in the recliner because he needs to keep that knee straight which is difficult to do in a bed since he can't put a pillow under the knee only the calf. Recliner forces you to remain on your back, so pillow under the calf in the recliner. An ice pack on the knee helps as well. I have one that can be velcroed around the knee which works well. Kept pain meds within reach as well and took them as directed.
Chris, I love hearing about how you communicate with Tippy. He is one smart dog. I hope the Miralax helps him as well.
Illinoislady, I can identify with the hair issue. My hair ahs always been fine but thick until AI's took their toll. It is now thinner so I do not attempt to return to the shoulder length bob I had for so many years. It is just too much work and damage to what hair I have. So I have my Covid era pony tail and just go to a local chain for a trim every 3 months or so. I can put it into a bun to dress it up but we really don't have much occasion for that either. I know you like perms so I hope you get one that you really love. Hair care may seem expensive but I always told myself I was worth it because it was far cheaper than seeking out the ministrations of a plastic surgeon, plus I always felt better afterwards and if I didn't like the look it wasn't a permanent change. So go get your beautiful on and forget the cost. You are worth it.
We are heading towards the 40's today and it currently is 38 degrees, so a relative heat wave after the teens we have been having. DH needs to dig out a block of snow right by the garage door. I drove to DGD's basketball game yesterday and getting back in the garage was a challenge. I don't want to lose either of my sideview mirrors and the snow caused me to go in really tight on the passenger side. I will have to be careful when I back out tomorrow for a doctor's appointment. Tomorrow is pain management and I need her to renew my prescription for meloxicam which has been keeping my knees relatively pain free.
DS did phone transfer for me as I watched. It was relatively easy and he eliminated some items that get added during updates like games I have no desire to play. I had to update some passwords, mainly because I had forgotten them, for other icons. So I am now able to call people and they can hear me. I'm happy but I really can't speak for them, LOL.
Need to water plants, sweep up and just straighten up today. Will work on wardrobe again ince I did not get much done yesterday. We went to DGD's basketball game and it was a rout, they lost by a very large margin but they do try. They are 9 and 10 year olds, so varying levels of skill but working on team development. Were going to grab a quick taco at Moe's only to discover it was shuttered. Loved their tacos. Had dinner at DS's house with his family, my DD and DSIL joined us and we ordered takeout from a local Italian place. I will be able to get at least 2 more meals from the one I ordered. It was huge order of penne with meat sauce. I've never had a serving this size in a restaurant let alone a takeout one. It was a pleasant if not chaotic day with 4 dogs chasing each other and playing with a ball. DS has 2 French bulldogs and DD has adopted DS's beagle/dachshund mix and they adopted a Heinz 57 pup when their old dog died. She has lots of energy and is the complete antithesis of their old dog who was large and weighed 90 pounds. The pup is a terrier mix and weighs about 25 lb.
Well off to get started on my next task now that the bird cages are cleaned and their feathers and seed swept up. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Betrayal - The Arizona Republic had an article about out transcribing things for the archives and I play to check it out. Is there a particular type of record you suggest I start with?
Uneventful week for us. Debbie finally got her heater fixed after 9 days. Guy is coming to measure for new carpeting for our bedroom and my den tomorrow. It's 20 years old so has done pretty well but it is definitely time to go. I would do Ken's office too but he's convinced it's fine and it's not worth the battle. I still want new window treatments too.
Have a good week, everyone. Carole, hope partner's recovery goes well. It's a process but he should do as much as he can.
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Taco, I was working on transcribing the work records from nurses and hospital personnel from the Civil War. They were relatively easy to do since they were typed. They need transcription because the paper is starting to degrade. I'll try to write down how I found them so I can offer you a way to find these and other documents. It's interesting to learn about these people.
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Petite - I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping for good PET results
Carole - sending good thoughts your way for a more restful night and a smooth week of recovery for DH.
Cindy - your weather sounds wonderful. Enjoy! At least we have had sun the last few days and it lifts my spirits.
Sandy - a belated Happy Birthday 🎂
Betrayal - good luck with ‘shopping your closet’ for the cruise. I’ll be packing hiking pants, warm shirts and pullovers with a pair of black dress pants and a couple nice tops for dinner. Are you a Philly Eagles fan? If so, congratulations on a blowout win.
Watching football today and don’t really care who wins. I’m making it to the gym only 2x/week because I’m too lazy to go more often. I do walk outside or ride the exercise bike most of the other days but need to figure out a way to get more motivated to really work out more often and to be more productive around the house. I think it would help if I would stop surfing the internet at night and go to bed at a reasonable time.
Food pantry was super busy on Friday and we didn’t get the full delivery from the county food bank. We provided food for everyone that came but did have to ration meat and produce to make sure everyone received some.Waving hello to Jackie, Chris, Taco and anyone else I missed. Have a wonderful week.
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Yesterday was a better day for dh and for me. The nurse and the physical therapist came. I liked him much better than the young woman who was assigned to dh the last surgery. He was all business and she was big on charm. During the rest of the day, dh slept quite a bit in his recliner. He didn't see much of the two football games. Then he slept well in bed during the night. We got up at 4 am for bathroom and meds. Then he went back to sleep and didn't get up until after 8 am. I got some good sleep as well, much needed. I don't do well on too little sleep.
He didn't eat much yesterday and I'm hoping we can improve on that today. I'll start with a hearty breakfast with protein. His favorite meal is breakfast.
It's definitely a plus that the weather has warmed up. I need to make a quick trip to buy eggs today.
Apologies for not making replies to everyone. I read the posts and thought replies. Hoping for a good test result for Petite.
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If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old. -James A. Garfield