Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
Can we recognize our oneness, though? And what will happen if we not only start to see that we are connected to the other human beings in our lives, but also start to live as if that were true? Would we become more compassionate if we were to recognize the same hopes and dreams that we have, there in someone else? Would we be able to help someone else feel more hope in their lives? Would we feel more at home and at peace in our own places in this world if we were to keep in mind that we are an important part of the human race, and that we have many chances every day to improve the lot of humanity by improving the life of a fellow human being, even in tiny ways?
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Sunny, right and only 35 degree today. Need to do some last minute housekeeping prior to trip so will space it over over several days. The snow is gone.
Tragic medivac plane crash in Philly last night with loss of life including on the ground. Area heavily populated so some homes and cars sustained damage. Sadly child and the mother were aboard the flight post-discharge from Shriner's Hospital. Family on their way home to Mexico. Details still emerging.
Will take some genealogy work with me on trip because we have several sea days and how many wine tastings/on board shopping/ afternoon teas can you attend? I will limit how much time I spend writing because both hands have moderate carpal tunnel, including left hand that had repeat surgery in December 2023, which was unsuccessful. This makes handwriting difficult since holding a pen is hard and penmanship declines as I write to point of being just awful. So may only manage 45-60 minutes before I can't write anymore. Think I will write story starting with my paternal gf and gm. I have info on both lines but will work on his surname since it was also mine. I can work on hers later when I work my way through that large folder. The house they bought after 2 boys were born, still remains in the family almost 100 years later. It is a rental property now. It was a block and a half from the church and my uncle was always late to church which always made the family laugh. So I'll print out the pages I need from Ancestry to write those up and then add info from folders on my return. I know what I have so it will be easier than dragging those files with me.
Ran vacuum in my bedroom so I can put luggage out and start to pack. I have a check list of items I need to add. Placed a Walmart order for some missing items which will be delivered today. Have 2 stores locally but neither are ideal for access. One seems to attract the crazies and I have been verbally accosted there several times. The other is better clientele wise but I have free delivery and the tip is less than I would spend on gas and the time to get there. Forgot to order suet cakes and I am down to one now. The one in the suet holder is just about gone because the squirrels have been at it and I think I refilled it just 2 days ago.
petite1, results yet? I still don't have all my blood work results and hope I get them before we leave.
Hope everyone has a good day.
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I got my exercise in today with a trip to Winn Dixie and then to Sam's Club, where I had to park farther from the entrance than usual. To my surprise, the price of groceries hasn't gone down despite more than a week of the new administration. (sarcasm) DH is able to get up and go to the bathroom without my assistance now so I am able to leave the house. Yesterday was a week since his surgery. He seems to be having more pain with this second surgery, but it's hard to tell since we didn't keep a written journal with the first surgery. The incision looks much better this time with no leakage.
I have a good bit of fatigue because of interrupted sleep. Last night I was up twice. I do go back to sleep but it isn't the most restful. I'm not complaining, just sharing. DH starts out going to bed and then gets up and goes to the recliner in the living room where he manages to get some sleep.
Our weather has become more normal for this time of year when we can range from the 70's to the 40's and 50's. Today is sunny and very pleasant out. I wore a light nylon jacket over my short-sleeved shirt and got too warm and had to remove the jacket.
We had a plumbing issue early in the week. An underground pipe between the well and the house had separated at a joint and was leaking so badly that I had to turn off the water into the house. My BIL Michael and our next door neighbor Rodney dug into the lawn to expose the joint and reglued it. We were very appreciative since the plumbers are all busy. Goodness knows when we would have gotten someone here to solve the problem.
Happy Saturday to everyone.
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Finally warm enough to sit in the screen porch with a sweater but not sure how long this will last.
Betrayal I hope you get your results before your trip. I am so looking forward to ours in April and am going with you virtually!
Yes so sad about these crashes. Actually a lot of sadness out there right now, including the LA fires.
Carol glad DH is improving and you are able to move around now with less worry.
Petite I've also been thinking of you.
Saw The Rheumatologist on Thursday which was good but he wanted to do a guided shot to my shoulder for more accuracy. So I had to schedule that for Tuesday. Can't come soon enough.
Chili tonight for dinner then Netfix. Have a good weekend all and those reading. ❤️
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I had a terrible reaction to the contrast. I barely made it home. I slept for 2 hours, had diarrhea, then broke out in a burning rash. That never happened before, but I guess my old age self is more sensitive. I am on prednisone and a cream of some sort. It is better, but I am still not totally 100%. The good news is, still cancer free. There are 2 medical clips in my arm pit and that might be what is causing the lump.
Cindy, your Bird of Paradise looks great. I think mine is going to make it.
Thanks to all of you for the kind word and caring. It means alot.
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Petite - happy to hear you are still cancer free. But, oh my, what a reaction to the contrast! I hope it is noted in your records so that any future imaging uses a different type of contrast.
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Still reeling from you-know-who's remarks on the Potomac air collision—one would think a POTUS should be the consoler-in-chief instead of making it all about himself vs his predecessor, much less speculating about cause without a shred of evidence. He seems to have taken the hint from the press & public, as his reaction to the Phila. medevac crash was far more subdued & terse.
Thursday after my mani I went to Nordstrom to try on some burgundy suede kitten-heel slingbacks I saw earlier. Well, they didn't have them in my size. But they did have a pretty pair of Veronica Beard aubergine velvet Mary Janes with just a hint of a 1" heel, about the same height as the Hokas I wore while the tailor was pinning up the hem of my dress. The price was eye-watering, even reduced by $100 (almost as much as a pair of Mephistos or Finn Comforts), but they were perfect. But just for spits & giggles I tried a pair of glitzy tricolor (silver/gold/bronze) strappy crystal-studded sandals, albeit with a 2-1/2" heel. (I do have that fancy pearl-handled crystal-trimmed black cane, after all). Heck, for $70—and refundable to boot—I couldn't go wrong. So I had plenty of options including the 2" block-heel black slingback pumps & sandals I got last week at Macy's (also refundable).
Little did I know that while I was shoe-shopping, halfway down the same mall there was a police chase involving a carjacking. The thieves abandoned the car, but they were armed and I didn't hear anything about any arrests.
Prepping for the Crystal Heart Ball went well—especially the cut & touchup, then the at-home "glow-up"—until it was time to get dressed. First, to avoid having to ask Bob to come zip me up, I slipped the dress overhead rather than unzipping & stepping into it. To my shock, it dropped onto my shoulders right away…still too loose despite being altered (expensively) from a 12 to a 10P. (At least I didn't have to wrestle my way into Spanx). Then I put on my thigh-high stockings…which were so loose at the top that they failed to grip my thighs and began wiggling their way south. (I think the elastic rubber grips may have been defective). This despite my being smack dab in the middle of the height and weight range for that size stocking. Of course, I lacked either pantyhose or knee-highs. So, sigh, I had to go barelegged…in winter.
Slipped on the Mary Janes…and the hem of the dress nearly hit the floor. Oops. Tried both pairs of black block-heeled shoes…still not tall enough. So I crammed my poor buniony feet into the gorgeous glittery sandals, and was devoutly thankful for that cane! Even so, I was teetering and in pain…and it was 32F and windy. Donned the faux-sable coat…and couldn't work the hook closures. Thank heaven the Lyft was prompt. Got to the Field Museum…and the entrance was up THREE sets of marble stairs, with no banisters at the landings. The floors were marble, too. Our table was right at the entrance, drafty, and I was in a cap-sleeve gown.
But where were the passed hors d'oevres and photographer? Yup—up on the second floor. Painfully hobbled my way to the elevator, and found the photographer was around the OTHER side of the gallery from the elevator. I would have consoled myself over "getting my steps," except I'd left my Apple Watch home in favor of my aunt's antique gold-and-diamond wind-up watch (with very tiny numerals & hands on the dial). And the pass-arounds left much to be desired—we managed to get only two in before the dinner bell rang.
After all was said & done (and we didn't win the raffle—one of the board members did) we decided not to hit the dance floor (duh), so retrieved our photo & coats to head home. Only the handicap-accessible entrance was on the other side of the building…accessible only to museum-goers but not rideshare/taxi drivers. Took me 5 minutes to get even one hook on my coat to snap shut. Then it was down those 3 treacherous flights to street level. Had to wait 10 min. for the Lyft, but at least we got it before frostbite could set in. Uneventful ride home, and was glad to shed the torture-sandals & beaded gown for my ol' comfy UGG slippers & scrubs. Kitties were even happier…because they'd been left nothing but kibble & water and we were their wet-food meal-tickets.
Turns out very few men who weren't on the board or the dinner committee bothered to wear tuxes, so Bob was even a bit on the dressier side of average among the doctors in attendance. I still wonder how the women managed to navigate the dance floor in stilettos.
Here's the official photo:
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Glad you made it through the gala evening without incident. I sympathized with your difficulties with the stockings and shoes. Good to see your picture with Bob.
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Nice photo, Sandy. I enjoyed your post about the gala challenge/ordeal. Glad you escaped any mishap with all that stair climbing in heels.
It's a pretty Sunday here, sunny outside and 49 degrees. DH and I got through another night, also without mishap.
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Our imagination is the most important faculty we possess. It can be our greatest resource or our most formidable adversary. It is throughout imagination that we discern possibilities and options. Yet imagination is no mere blank slate on which we simply inscribe our will. Rather, imagination is the deepest voice of the soul and can be heard clearly only through cultivation and careful attention. A relationship with our imagination is a relationship with our deepest self.
Pat B. Allen
Art Is a Way of Knowing
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Count me in on being glad that you had a good evening out Sandy. You seem always able to take your issues in stride and make things come out. I'd have been demoralized way too quickly, but you just keep pushing forward. Glad things did work out. That is such a nice picture of you and Dh too.
It is 45 right now and I'm hoping for sun. Weather says we will hit 70 today. I'll wait and see on that but it is indicative of how our weather patterns can go. February has always had the 'odd' days out but they usually come a lot later in the month. I will most certainly want to go outside today if we are going to get that warm. If we go anywhere, we will likely see people in their Bermudas if it does get up to 70. It always amazes me since a week after temps like that we could easily have snow again. I don't wear anything short until well after Spring. I guess some people keep at least one pr. of shorts handy all year.
Carole, glad you can roam out and about a little now and that you are having good nights. Hoping improvements come easier soon so that both of you can slip into easy behaviors together again.
My calendar says its Groundhog Day today. Hope the sun comes out soon in that case.
Hope you all have a really nice day.
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Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, no surprise. So 6 more weeks of winter as expected. I am glad I will be escaping some of those 6 weeks.
Cold here, overcast and temp is only 28 with flurries predicted for this afternoon. Not a nice day by any means.
Sandy, loved the photo of your DH and you. Glad that in spite of all the pratfalls you were able to attend the gala. Also glad you had the foresight to take a cane with all that walking and the stairs challenges.
Found squirrel was able to physically move the suet holder to where he could raid it easier. I was down to the last cake and I need to put a new one in today. I put an order in to Walmart and they will come today plus other items I ordered for DH some he needs for trip. Nothing like waiting to the last moment to tell me he needs vital things.
Will run out to TJMaxx today to see if there is anything I might use on trip but also as a chance to get out of the house. Skipped DGS and DGD's basketball games this weekend because the games were early in the morning and they live over 30 minutes away. DH has been helping DGS with his algebra homework by tutoring but not problem solving. Hoping DD will be able to help him while we are away since she was also a math whiz.
Carole, can you plead your case and ask DH to sleep in recliner since that is where he is most comfortable. At this point in his recovery, he needs to keep that knee straight. So sleeping in recliner is best way to achieve this since it doesn't allow leg to stray, knee to bend or be jarred when you move.
petite1, sorry to hear about your reaction to whatever they used for your PET scan. Make sure this ends up in your medical record. Hope the reaction subsides soon. Once your bird of paradise recovers, post photos.
Not much else planned for today. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Love the groundhog pic.
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It's 45 outside here too. Will wait till tomorrow after PT (the clinic is 1/4 mi. from Old Orchard mall) to return the expensive too-flat shoes to Nordstrom. While Nordy's is famous for accepting returns no questions asked, I think asking for a refund on an opened package of hosiery is a bridge too far. Learned my lesson, and will stock up on pantyhose & knee-his at Walgreen's or (despite their abandonment of DEI) Tar-zhay. I will draw the line at Wally-World (I currently live midway between two of them), not just for how they hollow out small-store retail wherever they locate but because it's often impossible to park within decent walking distance (too many spaces reserved for order pickups, to the detriment of HC spaces); they're crowded with (mostly) ill-mannered clientele and staffed mainly by people who need translation apps when asked questions in English. I often have to ask three different employees to learn where to find stuff. I shop there not for the prices but as a last resort for things nobody else carries, at least no stores where I prefer to shop.
Wondering whatever happened to the irrepressible nonagenarian duckyb1 (who lives, IIRC in a Phila. Main Line suburb). Her last activity was listed as 2023, but her last post was in late 2021. By now, if she's still with us she's likely a centenarian or close to it.
So saddened to learn that we've lost Spookiesmom, Puffin, and the DivineMrsM. Still scrolling through the In Memoriam threads and dreading who else we know is listed there.
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Forgot to mention that the honoree for this year's Crystal Heart Ball is an organization called Christmas Without Cancer. It was founded in 2018, after a young woman who'd recovered from DCIS, with the help of the hospital's oncology nurses, decided to pay it forward. Since then, it's benefited over 500 South Side/south suburban families.
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When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present--love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature, and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure--the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience heaven on earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
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DH has taken a sudden turn for the better in his mobility. His grumpiness hasn't improved as much as I would like. He doesn't realize how gruff he can sound. The pleasant and attractive home health therapist, Jennifer, was just here. He's very pleasant around other people. His dad was the same way.
Last night dh slept in bed until 2 am and then moved to the living room recliner where he said he slept well. Thursday we will go to his surgeon's office where the staples will be removed. Next week dh will probably drive himself to outpatient pt sessions. I know he will be glad to be on his own. And glad to resume making his own breakfast. I cooked bacon and made pancakes today. I even shared his breakfast instead of making my own whole grain toast with peanut butter and blackberry jelly along with a juice glass of Premium Protein.
I made a couple of trips outside today and it is very nice weather. Cool and comfortable. I will probably take a walk later.
Happy Monday to all.
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Busy today but with some friends and family. Brother-in-law in South Carolina (former Diplomat for many yrs.) at age 93 is going downhill with his dementia. Has been in a Veteran's home for a bit under a yr. His very small wife kept him home as long as she could until his nursing needs became more than she could handle. He has lost a lot of wt. recently and can no longer speak. She feels he won't be with us long
He has had a really good life full of adventure (along of course with a lot of hard work. He was a foreign relations officer) and while sad the family really sees that he is not have much of a life now as the dementia slowly stole most of it away.
I'll see you all tomorrow.
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Illinois I'm sorry about your BIL but glad he has lived a full life. Also enjoyed your quote today from Sarah Ban Breathnach. There was a time in my life that her exhortations and encouragement in her book really helped me to gain balance and not feel bad about taking care of myself. ❤️👍
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Carole I am glad DH is improving. Getting back to your own schedules should be helpful. My DH gets grumpy at times. Once in a while I'll look at him and say "Will you just stop?!" Sometimes it helps, Ha.
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Jackie, my prayers for your BIL and all his family.
Carole, glad that your husband is over the worst. It takes a week or so, and getting off the heavy-duty meds is so important. OTOH, getting off them too quick discourages physical activity, and an absolute minimum of scar tissue is essential.
Going to be busy writing with a visit to the grocery store and Mass tonight. Tippy now has twelve words.
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Brotherhood is not just a Bible word. Out of comradeship can come and will come the happy life for all.
Heywood Broun
What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?
George Eliot
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Good morning. Some sun is peeking out. Sure hope it stays. From my window I do see a lot of clouds outside, but its early and they could drift away. Fingers crossed. After 70 yesterday it will only be about 45 today. Sigh — pretty typical of Feb. weather and that would be really un-predictable, including snow and cold. Usually though — some warmth to generate that deep,I deep longing for Spring. The trees need their clothes back.
Nothing special today though I do need to deposit some more money in the bank as I've a couple more bills. I've got two credit cards now so I could use one to pay all bills and the other for items I need but don't quite have enough cash for at the moment.
I really don't like having two but one of them after a few yrs. when my time limit came insisted I prove who I was. We 'fought' about this for a long time and each time I told them how I felt about having to prove who I was. After all they had been sending me bills for years that I paid. I thought that pretty much covered it all. So I finally told them, keep your da## card — I'm going to apply somewhere else — which I did and got a card with no interest for a year. You do what you have to do.
About a month after my new 'card' arrived, what do I find in the mail, but a new card from my 'old' company. Had I known that I might have waited. I did activate it but haven't used it yet. I have yet to PROVE who I am, but apparently, they don't now need to know and if I keep paying any bills I make that will be enough 'proof' once again for them. Grrrr.
Chris, you and Tippy seem to be getting it down pat. He is one smart little dog. How fortunate you have each other.
Carole, sounds like you will soon be able for both you and Dh to come and go with the things you like or need to do without upsetting either schedule you have producing lots of satisfaction for both of you. Thats a good thing. Dh almost always insists on going with me — despite my liking to be alone at times. Then again he has that cabin fever and just seems there is something triggered in him when I say I need to go somewhere. Can you tell, I'm a bit envious. It's okay though — I'm use to it.
Hope you all have a great day.
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Sunny day with temp at 44 but not sure what the high will be. Have been avoiding news because it is not factual nor entertaining.
Spent yesterday trying to decide what will be packed and looking for a new RFID protected wallet I had purchased in the fall. Thought it would be in the RFID protected travel purse I have that has multiple pockets but didn't find it where I expected it to be. Moral of story is to check all pockets because that is where it was. Wasted time searching for it. So now all is well. Have dressier tops and long skirt packed and will add one pair of dressier slacks to wear when we go to premium restaurants. We have accrued enough cruise points to get deep discounts on these.
Casual clothes are chosen but will match up with slacks so I can minimize multiples since we also have free laundry so I can pack more tops that way.
I had bought a top at TJMaxx on Sunday only to discover it still had a sensor on it yesterday. Yes, we did alarm when leaving but I felt top but didn't feel it. Security waved us through because it had been alarming multiple other times. Yesterday sent DH with receipt back to store to get sensor removed. I had removed price tag not realizing that there was another price tag attached to sensor with another code on it. He was accused by store worker of stealing it and they confiscated it. He was very upset when he came home telling me of his experience but I could not understand that they had kept top. When I finally realized what had happened and made sense of what he was saying, I took the tag I had cut off with the receipt reflecting this code and went back to the store to get the top I had paid for.
I talked to the manager who was unaware of this mishap, explaining what had happened. He compared the price tag I had with the price tag on the sensor and found the same blouse description on both. So the store had double sales tagged this top, one at the designer label sales tag which is the one I removed and was on the receipt and one sales tag with the sensor which was a different code. The associate who gave DH a hard time was no longer there. I did get my top back but I will carefully check my purchases in the future since the clerk missed it. I was pissed by this because I had spent nearly $200 and was being accused of stealing a discounted $20 top? I have never stolen anything in my life and if I ever decided to do so would not pick a $20 top. If I have to go to jail for theft, I'm going to steal something like a Bentley.
I do know they have problems with retail theft at the store and was made aware of this when I overheard their workers discussing this. Plus I have found empty boxes on the shelves. Need I tell you this is in a well to do area on the mainline of Philadelphia? They have increased security and there presence is visible now. These stores, in other areas, have had people fill carts and leave the stores without paying. Their co-conspirators have their cars running so they can make clean getaways. However, they do have problems with false alarms as well and we got waved through in error. It was a very upsetting experience for DH and I was not pleased that I had to justify why the top was mine.
So I hope to finish packing today. I have a check list which is for those items most frequently forgotten and have packed most of them. The others are last minute add-ons for the day of departure.
carole, glad DH is making such good progress.
cindyny, where are you?
reader425, loved Sarah Ban Breathnach's book from years ago. It was helpful for stress and finding balance.
Illinoislady, sorry to hear about DBIL's decline and think there are times that dementia is actually kind because they are unaware of suffering. It is not kind to the family who has to watch their decline though. He had an amazing life that most would have loved to have and has lived to an admirable age.
Hope everyone else has a great day.
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Petite - good news about the scan results but awful about your reaction to the dye.
Sandy - you're tougher than I would be. Just reading about the Gala made me hurt.
Carole, glad your caretaking is getting easier.
Have great trips, Betrayal and Harley. Not quite certain how quickly they are coming up.
Over 80 today when I played golf. Too hot, too early. I shudder to think what July will be like. And storms are coming for many of you.
Be safe everyone.
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I’ve got guests of my 2 gf from 50 years ago. I’m so far behind, but read from where this open up.
Sandy, great news on the stress test. The photo of the Ball - you both look great! And your descriptive story of the Ball was a hoot.
Jackie, glad you like your cut & curl, and Lil Reds too! Sorry to hear about your BIL.
Harley, I somehow missed the sledding. But Norway sledding sounds wild!
Betrayal, fingers crossed all bloodwork is good. Unbelievable what they put your DH through with the top! When you “go for a Bentley” give me a call.
Reader, I missed your post too. I enjoy reading and I’ve got two books on order. I’ve got about 1/3 of a book left to read but with guests that book hasn’t been touched.
Wren, that was a cute cat story.
Chris, the “bath” button story made me laugh. I’ve never owned a dog that like a bath. Tippy is a joy.Carole, glad your DH is improving. Soon this will be behind you both.
Petite, super news on you being cancer free, but DANG - what a reaction to the contrast. I’m glad your bird of paradise will bounce back.
Taco, it’s hot here too 83-87 daily, from last week with a high of 65 - what a change! We’re approximately 10 degrees warmer than usual. I have not been able to get out for my walks - between guests and a low temp of 66 at 5 AM, not going to happen.
Guests, what can I say. I love them dearly but it’s a lot. We’re 65 & 66, and all set in our ways. We’re having some good times, and I ask god to grant me serenity. My one gf has her chemo date set for 2/13, and can only hope she’s enjoying herself here for a time. Easy in most ways but stressful as a whole. We’ll get through!
If you don’t hear from me again until Saturday or Sunday, no fear- I’m just entertaining guests! (and sweating in the heat)
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Glad to see you checking in here, cindyny. Jackie, so sorry to hear about your BIL's decline. Betrayal, the discount chains around here (Nordstrom Rack, Ross Dress for Less, Marshall's, & TJ Maxx) all have carts with wheels that lock at the exit doors; and the security guards won't let you leave your cart in the vestibule while you go get your car. Those bags can get very heavy when you have to schlep them across a parking lot. Another thing that drives me nuts about those stores is that customers "hide" stuff they like in the wrong size racks until they have enough money (or credit) to come back and pay for it. Back in the days of layaway that never happened. Few things infuriate me more than going through the size M/10 racks, finding something I love and discovering it's an XS, size 0 or 2X. (Or size 6 shoes stashed among the 7-1/2s, or 38C bras in the 34G rack). Even at Nordstrom Rack these days you have to wade through a helluva lotta dross to find the gold; 20 years ago I was able to score a St. John cardigan for $150, but those days are gone. There's more and more inferior fast-fashion dreck showing up there these days.
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All beliefs are temporary and ultimately evolve to something different. There will come a time when everything you now believe will not be true for you. As much as you are sure you know how it is, one day you will change your mind about how it is. Never argue that your way is the only way or the right way. One day you will be proven wrong, even to yourself. That day will be joyful because you will leave a smaller room to enter a greater one.
Alan Cohen The Tao Made Easy
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What a difference a day makes sometimes. It is overcast for sure this morning. Also it seems snow is coming to St. Louis, Missouri. Who knows what may be in store for us. We are roughly about 75 miles or so east of St. Louis. If people are really serious about shopping that is where they go.
I'm not a serious shopper. If I do choose to branch out we go this side of the state line in Fairview Hts. which is maybe 5 miles from the border. Close enough for me. If they don't have it in Fairview Hts. then I don't need it. Sam's Club is also there although we need to renew which I'm still thinking over.
Cindy, good to hear from you. It is something (even though you love them) of a chore to entertain house guests when you are a bit older. I know I'm a little jealous of my space and it feels constricting if others are in it too long. Too long can be any time I'm a little tired. Yet, I'd likely (at least right now) decline not taking the opportunity to see people. Glad to be this age, aren't you??? We bounce back fairly well and hope it will happen just so for you.
Sandy, apparently people to some extent may do some of those 'hide' it maneuvers even here in the one-horse town. Or maybe not enough help to check the racks often enough. I've never quite figured it out. But, anytime I'm in our stores here I'm constantly checking because it seems very little is in the right place.
Nothing special for today. Need to stock up on a bit more meat and the ever-present need for cat box litter. New collar for Lil Red. he needs the harness type, and he unfortunately chews them when we are not looking. Guess we will have to remove it while he is in the house and only use it for when he will be outside.
He is not like Tippy, but I am hoping that he will soon be over hormone highs, and we can get earnest in helping him learn some good behavior. He's very much in need.
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It is overcast yet again and we are to get a beast of a storm starting later today with horrible results for tomorrow: rain, sleet, freezing rain and very icy conditions as a result. I am hoping it all melts by midday Friday so we can escape to sunnier climes. Right now it is at freezing so not pleasant temp wise.
I finished packing except for those last minute items such as make-up and curling iron that are last minutes used. Need to weigh suitcase to see if I need to pull out some clothing items. I have a new luggage scale and am trying to see if it works. I set the weight for 40 lb and it seems to weigh less but I'm not sure. DH has a luggage scale I will try.
DH and I decided that our future trips will be more likely cruises. Although we loved the land tours we took in the fall, they require frequent moves between hotels so living out of a suitcase for the most part, some of the fellow travelers are much younger and move faster meaning we are always bringing up the rear, and in Europe walk-in showers are a rarity because they seem to favor high sided big bathtub/ shower combos. I am short so access is daunting and dangerous when you are wet.
We had to pay extra at one hotel to get a room with a shower, this cost was in addition to what the tour had already paid for our room and it was pricey, but safer. It turned out to be a roomy suite but it was really more room than we needed just to get a shower. One hotel gave us a handicapped room since that was the only room with a walk-in shower. We have tub/shower combos at home but the tub sides are manageable.
Sandy, this TJMaxx also had clientele who hide clothing in the wrong sizes until they can return. You can place items on hold if you so desire so I don't know why they do this. I found this top on clearance after sorting through all these other racks without success. So I thought I lucked out until this debacle. Haven't shopped there in months and for future trips will check clothes on my own for sensors since the clerk missed it. They are in a "no bags provided" unless you purchase one zone, so we bring our own. Carts still can be taken from the store supposedly though signs say otherwise. Wasn't willing to try it though.
cindyny, if and when I decide I want to spend my waning years in jail for retail theft and grab that Bentley, I'll give you a call for a joyride. Enjoy your company but then what is that advice about guests and fish? Hope your friend does well on chemo. I was amazed with how you caught up with just about all of us in one entry. Thanks for the "GO BIRDS" shout out. We hope we will be able to see some of the game on the ship but not sure.
Illinoislady, hope you can convince Lil' Red that his harness isn't to be chewed. Behavior training is a challenge with pups and why we always sought a class for socialization as well as teaching.
Doing laundry and finishing up some last minute housework. Try to leave it clean for DD and DSIL while they are here. Just noticed suet holder I filled yesterday is not on the shepherd's hook. That squirrel must have knocked it to the ground and it is empty. Will have to get it and refill it.
Noticed that tete a tete daffodils are pushing up. Seems early but this goofy weather with temps in 50's and then subzero, etc is confusing the trees as well since some are already in bud. I am looking forward to spring and the end of this nasty weather.
Hope everyone has a good day.