Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • hello everyone

    It’s a balmy +10 Celsius here today. Westcoast of Canada doesn’t get much snow. In fact on South end of Vancouver Island we get maybe one dump near Christmas that lasts a day or two and another wee dump in February. We didn’t get any snow in December it was quite warm for that time of year but we didn’t get get a few days of constant snowing. Lasted maybe a week.

    met the medical oncologist and pharmacist today. Going the route of Letrozole. It will start in a few weeks. I hear more about radiation on March 4.

    Great fun trying to get bloodwork done. Two hr wait at hospital lab and Lifelabs is on rotating strikes so can’t book appointments until March. Ack. Oh well. Tomorrow I’ll go early to see if my Lifelabs is open if so I’ll get it done in the morning if not I’ll go for brunch then hang out at Vic Gen for a few hours. Also need to get a prescription for RSV shot. Not covered here and our pharmacist can’t prescribe it. Annoying.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474

    Canarycat, when I lived in Seattle we'd go to Victoria or Vancouver for a long weekend, or sometimes drive up to Vancouver for dim sum brunch (Seattle had an Int'l District but not a Chinatown, so no dim sum parlors). One time (pre-Starbuck's) we went first to Robson St. to get coffee beans from Murchie's and Viennese pastries. I bought some chow fun noodles and a wok—both made in the PRC—and Bob bought a Cuban cigar. We headed home, but when we reached Surrey Bob still had a good amount of that stogie remaining, so we drove around in circles till he smoked enough of it that he felt okay about discarding it before getting to the border. Nonetheless, I was sweating about the possibility of my wok & noodles being confiscated because it was still illegal to import anything from "red" China. (Interesting how "red" now has the opposite political connotation). Quite a relief at Blaine to hear the Customs officer say "welcome home" and wave us on our way.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,349

    Good morning. It is 34 degrees and I forced myself to do my morning walk. Today is laundry day and I am working on my taxes, as well.

    One of my BC friends was working for USAID and is now unemployed. She just needed to do a little more time until retirement. Excuse my language, but that sucks.

    My church does soup Wednesdays during Lint. I am making gumbo with chicken and turkey sausage.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity--love.  And the story of a love is not important--what is important is that one is capable of love.  It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity.

    Helen Hayes

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Good morning on this cold but very sunny morning. It won't be great — 26 maybe, but almost 55 by Tuesday says the long-range forecast. Still with the sun, anything left will, even if slow dissipate and hopefully the much warmer temps. coming will dissolve the snow that continues in the cold to hang on.

    Petite, doing taxes always sounds like such a chore to me, but then we haven't had to any now for several years. We always had them done anyway. We reached a point where we didn't really trust ourselves, not only to do them but to be highly aware of any changes from yr. to yr. of filings.

    I am so sorry that your friend is now un-employed. The language is fine because as something that should NOT have happened — it does suck. Hopefully, she can quickly find something else to tide her over to retirement. That said, even when you can age-wise, many people take their time retiring. It actually increases your SS a bit more if you do. I only retired when health stepped in and forced it. I worry about all those many, many people who may suddenly be out of a job that should not be. We all lose something when things like that happen.

    Your gumbo sounds a lot like Carol's with the sausage. I think I was never a fan of gumbo, but it wasn't that it was gumbo — I was not in general a fan of soup. Not sure why except I never found soup filling. I have known a number of people who could only eat a half a sandwich before becoming too full to go on. I think those kinds of people can fill up on soup. For some reason I never could. We did often have a soup meal at home. My mom made really good vegetable soup — but I couldn't ENJOY enough to get full. So almost all soup became something I mainly avoided. Now, most soups are too salty so it's a moot point. I will say, back in those days I had to stand twice to make a shadow so not getting full was odd for me.

    I was 5'' 8' and maybe 80 or 85 pounds — actually, while I didn't mind it then, I'm sure I didn't look too healthy at all. I recall my Home-Mec teacher encouraging me to seek to work in the cafeteria — after lunch so I could eat extra desserts and any fattening leftovers. Shame on my teacher. I did gain some weight but not all that much and it was empty calories — and didn't stay well most of the time.

    Well, anyway back to the subject. Thinking about our vacationers and sure hoping things are going well for them. Sort of worrisome with the state of things. Maybe good though that it is still sort of early. Hope you are all well and can come and go as you need. Hoping for all good results if you have tests.

  • I also posted “We are the Champions” by Freddie Mercury on fb yesterday. 😊

    Raining in Victoria today. But lower mainland is expecting another atmospheric river this week. I’ll take our rain. Much lighter.

    Just had brunch with my support friend, colleague and also RN who is working for me this afternoon. I told her to take a look at my April shifts as I’ll likely use up my sick time and she can pick most of them up.

  • work and retirement. My grand plan is to use up my sick time then go on LTD through the summer and maybe retire then maybe work till March 31/26. Or not. We shall see. These daffs are at my neighbours should open any day now.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    What is important is to realize that whether we understand fully who we are or what will happen when we die, it's our purpose to grow as human beings, to look within ourselves, to find and build upon that source of peace and understanding and strength that is our individual self. And then to reach out to others with love and acceptance and patient guidance in the hope of what we may become together.

    Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,916
    edited February 22

    The problem with USAID is that pirates steal the food and supplies as soon as they reach port and sell them very profitably. I have several African friends with my medical transportation service, and they say that people profit off of others' misfortunes all the time. They are Catholic, and Cardinal Robert Sarah also is concerned about this.

    That said, to completely defund the organization instead of taking measures to stop the problem is reprehensible. Of ourse, the people at the top of our present government have the same addiction.

    Instead of sending US military over, maybe turning the supplies over to legitimate religious providers would resolve the problems. One of my conservative friends and I were talking about this.

    Sandy, red for Republicans speaks to me that the extreme right and the extreme left are both authoritarian ways of thinking. Squelch dissent and bring misfortune to those dissenting.

    I will be having a colonoscopy on Tuesday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Chris, I hope your Thursday test turns out satisfactory. I think I had two negative tests in a row and was told I no longer need to do colonoscopies. I will be 80 on my birthday and I think when you reach a certain age (apparently, I'm there) and have 'clean' testing you are allowed to forego any more. I have to admit I didn't argue the point.

    Haven't usually tried too hard to skip any testing much but I turned into a real 'weanie' on the colonoscopy. The first test I ever did one I went all the way to Marion VA. 77 miles from home. Surprisingly all went well until we were on the way home — oh, I suddenly needed a restroom really bad and there were none where we were. Thank goodness I had a seat pad on my car seat — so the car seat stayed quite clean, but I can't say the same for myself and my clothing. It wasn't a pleasant ride (thankfully not too long.) home. I threw the undies away and washed everything else — by hand first. I had a colonoscopy complex from then on though. And I totally avoided them for another four years.

    It warmed a bit today and though we can't be sure the temps the next couple of days could get to 60. Here we are still with snow on the ground and maybe 60 tomorrow. This is good ole' February here but I will say I think its the first I recall a possible 60 degree day with snow on the ground. I hope we do get a good temp. though with plenty of sun — it will make mincemeat for sure of the leftover snow.

    Hope you all had a good Sunday.✌️

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    The survival of the fittest is the ageless law of nature, but the fittest are rarely the strong.  The fittest are those endowed with the qualifications for adaptation, the ability to accept the inevitable and conform to the unavoidable, to harmonize with existing or changing conditions.

    Dave. E Smalley

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,489

    We've been so quiet on this thread that the travelers won't have a lot to catch up on. I hope they both are enjoying themselves.

    It's 46 degrees and cloudy outside. We're supposed to get rain all day.

    I'm dreading tomorrow because we're assuming that our gas will be turned off after dh calls the gas company and reports an outside leak that his newly purchased gas detector detects just outside the carport. I'm mentally preparing myself to live without heat, hot water, cook stove, and clothes dryer. It will be our responsibility to hire a plumber to fix the problem so there will be financial pain a well as inconvenience. We've lived in this house over 30 years and the original owners who built the house in the 1970's had the gas piped to the house.

    So far this winter we've had a water pipe leak out in the yard and an indoor water leak under the sink. I'm wondering what else will go wrong.

    Grumble. Grumble.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,916

    This time I am already wearing a pad. I had two, maybe five years ago. The first one I wasn't clean enough. Lots of stuff hides in those diverticula. The found several polyps. then I went in two weeks later, and they found several others. I am hoping this one will be clean.

    Carole, your utility issues are a real headache. Can you be grateful the ground isn't frozen solid?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    It is 40 degrees out with a great sun. Much warmer tomorrow. This is definitely helping to make mush of some of the snow that is left. Every time we had a bright sun there was some melting although it was hard to detect. We already have good (some fairly large) patches of missing snow. I have even seen a few squirrels scampering around in the yard looking for a bite to eat — with the snow gone.

    Going to Aldi's soon to look for a few groceries and check what may be available for salt restricted menu's. I know they won't have what Walmart and Schnucks has. I can get cans of salt free chili beans, tomatoes (several varieties) and low salt so I will be hitting some of the other stores. Schnucks has no salt jars of pickles, and ketchup.

    I likely will make some more chili today — it isn't quite that warm yet that I want to give up my chili.

    I hear ya about the house repairs Carole. We were going to have to have a plumber for my toilet. I did all I could to make it work and just couldn't do much of anything. Dh went in to clear everything out knowing we would try a snake here before calling for help. He also took the plunger I had been using and gave it a good plunging — whereupon it took off working perfectly. Grrrr — but otherwise thrilled. I think there is an art form to plunging — I did it enough to wear out our plunger. Still, I understand. It's daunting and after living in a home for years — we have been here in ours since 2003 and we feel great concern for the roof especially. We have had some other plumbing issues at times and could use an all over re-do of all the painting, some flooring, and other up-dating — and all this in addition to the possible roof replacement. We will though use go ahead and re-do the roof with tin again. It has held up so well. It was here when we got here and still seems to be doing just fine.

    Hoping for you Chris. Neither Dh nor myself ever seemed to have been able to get as clean as the Dr's wanted. I thought this unusual but then I waiting for a long time before I ever even agreed to do the first one. Then had the incident and waiting a few more yrs…….and apparently, I looked just like I always did which meant nothing was noted. If you make it to a certain age with nothing it is assumed that you aren't going to become heir to the issue — so there's something good about old age for sure. You get to quit colonoscopies.

    On my way to the stores. See you all later.

  • hello our complex will need a roof repair I about 5 yrs. Yuck. We are close to the ocean so hard to decide what’s best. Tom has a great reputation but not here so depends where you are. I have two sun lights and I Locke hearing the rain on it very soothing at night. We’ve been gettting lots of rain as we are too warm here for anymore snow. Yay daffodils May been bloom g soon. I’m going out to check the neighbours First fun time with laundry! Day two of Letrozole and so far no symptoms. Yay. Off to vacuuming g and finishing off wee bits of the set in this afternoon.

    Worked my last shift in the stressful clinic. Tuesday I’m at the wee clinic I like.

    a friend d is giving me this wee ottoman. Yay me!! It will match well in the living room.

  • oh Lordy. Gotta love autoadjust. TIN not Tom and LOVE not Locke. Lol

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    As I experience it, appreciation of beauty is access to the soul.  With beauty in our lives, we walk and carry ourselves more lightly and with a different look in our eyes.  To look into the eyes of someone beholding beauty is to look through the windows of the soul.  Any time we catch a glimpse of soul, beauty is there; any time we catch our breath and feel "How beautiful!," the soul is present.

    Jean Shinoda Bolen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    The highest reward for people's toil is not what they get for it but what they become by it.

    John Ruskin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Good morning. Busy day yesterday — for the fact that we did not get labs before our Dr.'s visit. We each had lots of extra time with the Dr., and we did the blood draws after we were done there. So home much later than we expected. I didn't mind that much but it did sort of toss the whole day into the waste bin so to speak. It was productive though. That's the main thing. I'll do catch-up today.

    I use a spell checker now, but it highlights in red the moment I misspell something, and I tap on it and it gives me the correct spelling and allows me to fix it right then and there. It has SAVED me completely pretty much.

    I type fast and sometimes don't strike the keys hard enough or regular spelling errors or no punctuation when there should be some or vice-versa. Seems like most everything gets caught. It makes a lazy person of me though. I used to be an almost ace speller but often struggle with a word or two now and I think it is because that little person inside my computer takes care of so much. Hope my spelling engineer never malfunctions — don't know what I'd do.

    Hope our vacationers are doing well. I do worry with how some things have gone as I quietly cross my fingers about things done at the FAA and other issues with different depts. etc. In the meantime, I do hope all are having a decent time and enjoying the sights and sounds and that all goes quite well for them.

    Hope you all have a good day. We are warming well today I think. Already up to 44 degrees. Our yard is clear of snow and the gullies on either side look pretty clear as well.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,349

    Good morning. It should get to 65 this afternoon and clear up. It has been wet and gloomy. Thursday I have the cancer center appointment and labs. I don't think there is any problems. I am feeling well. My niece got tickets to see Foreigner in concert for my birthday. I am looking forward to this adventure, but I can't get "I want to know what love is" out of my head. She was worried the it wouldn't be my kind of music, until I told her Foreigner formed in 1976, when she was a tot. LOL

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,368

    I’m here. I’ve read everything but again, no notes.

    Guests left on Saturday morning 5:15 AM. Garage sale started at 8 AM and I closed up at 11 or so, to get ready fur the baseball game that we were heaving at noon for. Garage sale - I made maybe $30, gave away a few items, and things I thought I wouldn’t sell, sold.

    Next guest, partners brother, arrived this morning. He was going to be here yesterday but stayed with family another day. It was a great 2 days of chilling out. Besides cleaning everything in site. We leave at noon to head to another baseball game. Todays game is the Yankees.

    Everyone sounds like they’re doing ok. Carole I hope you’re not without heat!
    We had pouring rains yesterday late afternoon and late into the night- it’s been drought so needed.

    I’ve got up go spray myself down with sunscreen. Later!!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,916

    They sent me home with another jug. Other than that and the big h____r, I am doing well.

    Warm today. 37deg.

    A neighbor just returned from ten days in the hospital. She says bird flu.

    Reading and drinking.

  • quite the windstorm last night! Today is gloomy out there amd spitting. This time last year we had snow so not complaining! It’s too warm for snow. Yay. Off to work this afternoon. I’m going to try a nightcap of camomile tea and my magnesium g powder while I wind down befor taking my mirtazapine and Letrozole. See if that helps me fall asleep any faster.

    I love watching baseball! Though lately just on TV. I played competitive ball until I was in my mid 50s.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,489

    Cindy, good to know your life hasn't slowed down and become boring! LOL.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige.

    It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character.

    William Ward

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Good morning. Already 46 degrees here and should get at least into the high 50's. I can't find a crevice anywhere around here with any leftover snow in it. I hope we have actually seen the last of the snow, but hard to tell. I am enjoying the rather quick reprieve from the snow and cold. So hard to imagine — a week ago we chose not to even try to go out — although we had appts. at the Dr.'s office for blood draws. Now a weeks later — no snow at all and its warm.

    We did the blood draws the day of our PCP appt. We already have the results back. Mine are virtually un-changed from last time. A1C up but it is minor, and Dr. Neely says it is mainly due to some of the heart medication I take. So, she is not concerned too much about it. Nice to know I "seem" normal and can go about my regular business.

    I was able to accomplish some things yesterday although not as much as I hoped. I pay bills today and need a couple of items at the store. In other words — a sort of typical day. Happy we have all appts. pretty much done for now.

    Hope you all have a gorgeous day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,489

    A plumber came yesterday and dug down about a foot in the spot where the gas leak was detected and thinks he has found the place where the gas is leaking. We received an estimate from the company on a repair and accepted it. So the work should be done this week, we're hoping. A water pipe will have to be temporarily removed and replaced.

    We're having spring like weather with high pollen counts. DH's congestion has gotten worse probably because he was outside a good part of the time yesterday. My congestion is about the same.

    Sorry to hear one person with measles in Texas has died. So silly, in my opinion, to let diseases that had died down come back.

    I'll be off to the gym soon for an exercise class.

    Happy Wednesday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold;
    and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price.

    Khalil Gibran

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Good morning. it is a bit cloudy, but sun is still out there. So beautiful yesterday and it was indeed a 70 degree day. I am not giving up my 'warm' clothing any time soon but we will have a bit more of this yet. It always amazes me to see a few hardy souls (not necessarily yesterday) walking into Walmart or wherever and nothing at all on or only a super light jacket. I actually think there were a couple who kept showing up in shorts all winter long.

    I do admit that I generally do not zip my coat most of the time as I wear heavy sweatshirts and would get too hot but it is hard to believe that people can be apparently comfortable with clothing generally considered only suitable for 'summer' weather.

    Carol, glad your plumber found your leak. Sounds like a bit of a chore to get it repaired, since a water line as to undergo work on it as well. Hopefully, all this will set you to rights and no other 'leaks' turning up. I'm sure after years some things (especially in ground that freezes, thaws, moves randomly, or whatever gets stressed. Sorry for the mention but I always worry that fixing one area (making it new) causes stress on another spot. Here's hoping you will be fine from here on in.

    Saying a big hi to all and hoping everyone is having decent weather and will have a really good day.


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