Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,916

    No longer hungry. Let's say that diverticulosis and a twisty-turny colon makes me a two-jug person.

    Got a phone call from a cousin yesterday. With the progressive disassembly of the US government, she and her younger brother who have been taking care of their disabled youngest for years, are telling the two oldest remaining sibs that it is their turn, giving the imminent reduction (or cancellation?) of benefits. No wanna do. They claim that they have no responsibility for their brother. How is this going to end??

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,368

    Yankees lost to the Twins at Tuesdays game.
    I’m wiped out from indecisive guest plans. We plan to do X, next day he doesn’t feel like that, change in plans. And helpless - I digress!

    I got out for a walk on Wednesday morning, to save my sanity. Only these 2 birds were hanging out.

    Tonight we had a realtor customer appreciation event in downtown Fort Myers. We were on the roof bar with beautiful weather, and great food. We’d stop back on our own to check it out in the future.

    Tomorrow I think we’re driving by the beach, and I mean that literally. He only wants to see it and then we can leave. I can’t make this stuff up. He’s truly not bad, I’m just “guested” out.

    A funny not funny story - a couple that stayed with us last year, extended their stay… they’re coming back! A neighbor was telling me they called her to get picked up at the airport and will stay with them. I offered her daughter - who is getting booted out of her room, to stay with us. She’s 13 and will be up & gone to school more than she’d be here. I feel bad but know I’d SNAP if I had to accommodate more guests. I just can’t do it. Between now and when my niece will be back a week before Easter, I don’t want anymore guests. The inn is closed. Hahahah! I’m ready for a vacation. CALGON

    I think I’ll try to squeeze a walk in before anyone is up tomorrow. I’ll post if I get some good bird shots. (LOL you don’t want to know what my typo was!!)

    I hope everyone has a great Friday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks and praise--then you will discover the fullness of your life.

    David Steindl-Rast

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,489

    Cindy, you're ready for a vacation from guests. Totally understandable. Maybe you're too good a hostess for your own good.

    A plumber spent much of the day here yesterday working on the gas leak. He was joined by another plumber in the company late in the afternoon. When they left, the gas and water were back on. The bill was a little less than $900. They cautioned us that the rest of the gas pipe from the house out to the gas meter is just as old as the replaced pipe and a much bigger, more expensive job would be replacing all of it in the future.

    It's mid 40's outside and sunny. Will be warming to the 70's.

    Happy Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Gorgeous morning here. I think if report is right — up to 71 today, wheeeee.

    Cindy, I am giggling a little about having company that wants to do nothing, sort of. Like you though, sometimes company can be an awful chore. I hope you can cool it immensely because you go through so much work to close up one home and get to the other and then practically before your un-packed it seems your having 'visitors'. Well, you know, people have to go somewhere on vacation and to get away from winter.

    I love the pics of the ibis by the pond. We have them here at our lake and I use to love seeing them. My friend called them Big Birds. When startled they sound like a dog barking my friend said.

    Wow — Chris. You are brave beyond measure if you can drink more than one gallon of "prep". Likely a lot of us (for sure me and Dh) could use a bit more of the 'going' stuff. I have always counted myself fortunate to get one jug down. By the time I got to the bottom of the jug I was feeling quite repulsed by it. I guess it was just too much liquid period without anything solid to wash it down. I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore, but once in a while I feel some concern that I don't. Well, I'll try to relax and enjoy being off the hook.

    I do feel/think my ability to not 'worry' overmuch about health has helped me stay healthier maybe. I do believe in the mind over matter viewpoint and feel my worries should be what I know rather than possibilities that could happen but haven't.

    I think my PCP is sometimes amazed. But I am honest when I see her. I rarely have pain and what I do have is generally pretty transitory and will pretty much vanish if I sit for a short spell. I also rarely have (in fact I can't tell you how long ago) colds although I did have a bout of bronchitis that nearly got me a hospital stay some yrs. back. Then there was my recent Covid after all this time escaping it. Fingers crossed that my current status doesn't change much.

    I hope you all have a great Friday. If it's to be 71 today, we sure will. Due to have gusty winds which are already present.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,368

    We went to Edison Ford Winter Estates today. The guys went for a talk given on 100 years of baseball in Fort Myers. I chose to sit by the river with a book. It’s such a beautiful place I wanted to be outdoors.

    My only complaint was a bunch of crows cawing away for quite some time. That’s what I get for sitting outside; so I tuned them out, not ruining my peace.

    We had dinner downtown and had a beautiful walk by the river near sunset.

    I hope you’re all doing well. Enjoy the weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: "Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time." When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one I feed the most."


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Good morning. Wow !! Talk about what a difference a day makes — 70 yesterday, not over 39 today and we won't even get there until 2 p.m. Sigh !! Have to say that we do seem to be getting our typical weather for this month. As I have been waiting patiently, and sometimes not so much, for Spring I will just have to bite the bullet and be happy.

    I think I would love to be where Cindy is — enjoying the water. Sorry about the crows squawking. They can be pretty raucous. I hope you did manage to X them out pretty good. I was looking at the water's edge in the picture and could almost hear myself the gentle lapping sound the water would make as it hit the edge of the river. That is something I find so soothing and it goes all the way through me — has the power to take me to far-away places.

    Nothing special today. I did manage to stay home yesterday — was it the boycott of Walmart. Well, I guess you could say I boycotted everyone because I didn't go anywhere or buy anything. I do have to go out today sometime and replenish my creamer. It has been in somewhat short supply lately. That means I'll likely get extra if I can find some. It has been pretty much an okay week so far. Hard to believe March is here already. So far, my calendar is pretty clear.

    Hope you all have a really good day and good temps. as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Adversity, if for no other reason, is of benefit, since it is sure to bring a season of sober reflection.  People see clearer at such times.  Storms purify the atmosphere.

    Henry Ward Beecher

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Beautiful and sunny this morning. Not going to be really warm today either, but at least a bit more than yesterday. Hope the wind is a lot quieter that will certainly help make it feel a bit more inviting. Nothing special on for today. Monday will be a couple more bills, with a trip to the bank first. We will go to Walmart for what we need today. So far, the list is small and I hope it stays that way.

    I worry about prices going on as we were sort of pretty close to the edge already — but we will find things we can do to minimize the effect as much as possible. It's doable.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday.

  • canarycat
    canarycat Posts: 55

    hi everyone

    It was super warm here on Friday. Yay. I even wore regular jeans! No flannel lined. For two days. Today I’m back in my flannel lined. Lol.

    Cindy I hear you about guests. It can be very draining. One thing I did for myself after surgery and relatively healed is I got rid of the spare bed. Other than my mom I don’t want guests staying. With all my food allergies no one eats what I eat anyway so it’s a big chore I no longer will do. My choice. My home is my sanctuary - it’s not a hotel. Plenty of those in town.

    A friend put my name forward to receive a quilt from a group who make quilts/blankets for those living with cancer. They are coming by later this morning to drop it off. I’ll post a photo once I have it. I also got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from two dear friends.

    After today’s 1-9 shift I’m off work for four. Yay.

    this next photo is the neighbour’s daffs blooming.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Canary: Love all the pictures of the flowers — especially the daffodils which is one of our NOW it's REALLY Spring flowers that come up in the yard. I'll be watching for ours. It is also a gorgeous bouquet and you have some lovely friends. I think as much as the flowers themselves is the idea that you are loved and appreciated by those around you who want to take the opportunity to let you know that out of the blue so to speak.

    And that very, very pretty quilt that Dusty heartily approves us and can't wait I bet to snuggle on it with you. My son got a multi-colored heavily crocheted blanket. It is very pretty, and I keep it on the foot of my bed. I commend those who do such things for others at critical times in their lives — they are earth's angels.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,368

    Canary the quilt is beautiful. As are the flowers.

    For you Jackie, spring is around the corner. We took our guest to Lovers Key state park yesterday. My partner and his brother hiked, while I sat in a chair with a book. We went out to dinner after the beach. So it was a lovely day.

    Our last guest left today. I sent a text to my neighborhood ladies group telling them the inn is closed until 4/11 when my niece returns with her daughter for Easter. I did 8 loads of laundry today- all bedding including the mattress pad on both beds. Plus towels and regular clothes

    I have a dental cleaning appointment tomorrow at 10:30. So sleeping in on Tuesday is the next best thing I’m looking forward to.

    I hope you’re all doing ok. Our traveling ladies should return soon I think. Can’t wait to see their pictures!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,368

    My azalea is blooming.

    Another sign that spring is on its way!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Compassion is the basis of all truthful relationship:  it means being present with love--for ourselves and for all life, including animals, fish, birds, and trees.  Compassion is bringing our deepest truth into our actions, no matter how much the world seems to resist, because that is ultimately what we have to give this world and one another.

    Ram Dass

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Thanks to you Cindy for the great pictures. I do dearly love the water. I found the pictures of the sky in the first one intriguing as well. Almost looks like it is following the water to the shores edge. Anyway, I always feel deeply inside when and where there is water. The flowers are speaking as well. Messengers to Spring — loud and clear.

    And hey, wow — 8 loads of laundry. I think I do hear sighs of relief that it is all done, but that is remarkable stamina and focus. Not sure which of the two I have more trouble with, maybe both, but you are incredible. Hats off to you.

    More catch up today but likely not too hard. I got the kitchen caught up so I can spend more time with other projects around the house. It is always a work in progress (there's that stamina thing) but lately it has gone better. Now if I can just keep it up.

    I too am looking forward to the return of the travelers and hope all has gone well for them. I worry a bit about anyone having to use airplanes, but I know most are coming and going w/o incident and so it should be fine.

    Hope you all have a great day and enjoy the extra sleep, Cindy. You sure earned it.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,489

    Our weather has been very Mardi Gras friendly up until tomorrow, the big day. By noon, time for the big famous parades to roll, the winds are supposed to be blowing and storms rolling in. It's always a gamble for the krewes, Mardi Gras clubs, to plan for their parades in advance, spending a lot of money on elaborate floats and throws and costumes.

    Today is Lundi Gras. Once no parades rolled on the Monday before Fat Tuesday but that has changed. Parades will be rolling on this beautiful sunny day.

    I will be driving to the Toyota dealer for an 11 am appointment to have my car serviced. A little Needs Maintenance light has been on for weeks.

    Happy Lundi Gras to everyone.

  • canarycat
    canarycat Posts: 55

    touch up paint time on the set. lol. Start of my four days off. Tomorrow is a big day for all. I have my call too from radiation doc. Here’s how I started my day. Gotta get some coconut or almond milk for my coffee.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 416

    Hello to all! I’ve been skimming this thread but am way behind.

    Got home last night.  Unfortunately we arrived home to a water leak from our refrigerator.  We turned off the water before we left and bled out the faucets but something went wrong with the refrigerator water line.  Have spent the day dealing with the insurance company and remediation company.  

    Work will start Wednesday.  Will need to remove all the wood flooring in the kitchen, dry out and sanitize the su flooring and joists. Then replace the floors and sand and stain all the wood flooring on the first floor of our house so the new flooring blends in. Some drywall and cabinets are also wet.  Also it soaked through to the basement which is finished as a second living space so that flooring and ceiling needs to be replaced.  We will need to move out for a week or so.  Then we will need to buy a new refrigerator. Fun times.

    We enjoyed our vacation but it was not great. I don’t want to complain too much as I realize our ability to travel is a privilege. The 5 nights in Norway pre-cruise and the 3 nights in London post cruise were wonderful. We had made those arrangements on our own and everything went smoothly. I realize I need to slow down a bit on future vacations. We were walking 5-6 miles/day and my right hip and knee were very unhappy. We were both fighting a cold at the end of the trip. The disappointment was that this was to be a cruise above the Arctic Circle but 3 hours after we sailed we were informed we would be going nowhere near the Arctic Circle and would be cruising in southern Norway. Southern Norway is a summer destination and there was little to do in winter plus the winter weather was rainy and foggy and we had visited several of the ports previously. Nonetheless we made the best of it. It turned out to be more of a museum type trip than an outdoor activity type trip. However, we did see the northern lights three times - twice from the ship and once from land.

    Hope everyone is doing as well as possible,

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,916

    Looks beautiful with my untraveled eyes.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,349

    Canarycat, Love the quilt and your fur baby.

    harley, Wow. great pictures

    Cindy, Such pleasant days. It has been nice up here, as well. I haven't ventured to the beach. It was destroyed in Helene.

    Chris, I hate the prep.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    It seems, oddly enough, that it's people with a strong faith who are be stable to live in the present moment.  Enjoyment of the present, care for the quality of life:  these are a kind of reverence, a kind of faith in life itself.  The present is valuable, this faith tells us:  it is all we have.

    Karen Casey

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,489

    Harley, what a disaster to discover upon coming home! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. As for travel disappointments, we have to be honest. Glad you got to see northern lights. I would love to see them but probably won't.

    Today is starting out gray and breezy. Mardi Gras parade schedules have been changed in an effort to get the parades in before the weather becomes stormy. Our one precaution is to wheel the garbage container in from the street. LOL.

    Happy Mardi Gras to everyone. I have nothing on my schedule except house chores. I will probably make a loaf of whole grain bread.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Good morning. Very windy out today abut will be 56 degrees. Looks like rain at intervals today if the report is correct and the sun is not out and though cloudy — it is fairly light right now. It really was bound to happen with all the warmth of the last few days. It actually is what helps/makes spring help open and wake up the fresh buds and springing up of flowers awaiting winter's leaving.

    Not a lot planned. Another catch as catch can.

    Harley, I am so glad you are back and now to get Betrayal back. Your pictures are stunning, and I can't imagine getting to see that 'in person' so to speak. I think it would leave me a bit breathless, and I only got that way over Ricky Nelson before.

    Hope everyone has a good day, lots of success whatever you do and any 'cares' small.

  • canarycat
    canarycat Posts: 55

    had a fabulous chat with radiation doc. I’ll be having 15 whole breast treatments and 4 targeted. Likely get CT scan tattoos in a few weeks then a month of forced vacay. Though I’m using my sick time. lol. I’m good with this. I’ll have lots of down time to have fun in the theatre and at home.
    The photo is the scrim we made for the film noir look at the end of the play looks great!!!

  • reader425
    reader425 Posts: 988

    Harley sorry you came home to such a mess. And you even did the typical right things beforehand. Ugh.

    DH spent a lot of time in the northern parts and wants to take me and show me that area sometime. I can imagine your disappointment at the cruise line switching the itinerary like that. Did they explain why? Your pictures are magnificent however.

    Also like the theatre's set pictures!

    Hello to all 🐒

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    The person is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of a life.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,567

    Our rain started in the late afternoon yesterday (an hour after I ran my car through the car wash) and will go through today it sounds like. I don't go much (and likely not at all today hopefully) so my car should stay somewhat clean. I did have some leftover salt that needed to come off the car so I don't really mind that it is now raining on it.

    Hope all will have a good day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,916

    Biggest snow of the year predicted for today. I'm not going to get my ashes this year.


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